Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, January 13, 1925, Page 2, Image 2

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Tutsduj, January 13, lifciA
A SH LA N D D A IL Y TID IN G -S many an American fortune.
¡him. They were equipped by the people and hurriedly ing relations with Germany. a ! "Spain will continue to have
of revenge from Germany is trouble in Morocco and will fin­
(E stab lish ed in 1 8 7 « )
Do we not need a liberal supply of-sturdy immigrants j started forth on their double errand, to protect the ap- war
not to be feared; on tha contrary,) ally cede a part of her North
— each year who will do the rough work which must pre-1 proaching immigrant trains and to punish the bloody France and Germany will be! African zone to France. This ar­
P u blished Every E ven in g E xcept Sunday by
¡cede the finished product if this nation maintains its su- fiends that lay in wait for them. The savages having drawn closer and closer together,! rangem ent will be approved by
j premacy as an agricultural and manufacturing natiorr?
succeeded so easily with the pack train company, planned im portant steps in this direction ! the League of Nations. England
being taken in 1934.
will exact certain commercial con­
I’e rt R. Greer ....... .................................. ...... ........................................Editor
--------------------------- to massacre the approaching trains and do their bloody
george Madden Green ..................................................... Business Manager
“ The interallied debts will be cessions in exchange for her ap­
W.°rk beZ °n the avengers sl,ouM ai‘ri}e’ or w»nin^ .
settled on a commercial basis proval.
OFFICIAL CITY PA PER ........................................... ......... Telephone 39
t -» /. •
*■ ntered a t th e A shland, Oregon P o sto ffic e as Second C lass M ail M atter
, him
• had
. i continued
x- j on, meeting two trains near Black which will wipe them offc the
A Prefacing
’ jL a l hook,
,, ’ / published T this
, tall on
,, “ Seasonal
state, ’w ithout their being felt in Y.M.C.A. OFFICIAL IN
O peration in the C onstruction In d u stries,” S ecretary o i c
• ,
-i i *i
r i
Subscription P rice, D elivered In City
,, , , TT
. .
, ....
.. ’ .
• Rock, for whose guidance he detailed three men, John any way as a burden, so far as
I'M Month ______ ________________ _______ ____________________
$ .65 Herbert
out that “ „ the ebb , and
f ow in
the Ousley,
<y. .
„ H. Coats and , James
. the
.. France is concerned.
J o rn m u l for
t a r construction,
e n n s tr iip tin n seasonally
s p n s m in llv and
n w l between
h o tw o o n differ-
d itto r .i. , * .
, ,
U i «Months
“ The Franco - German treaties,
A. E. Yount, boy’s work secre­
last ot August the trains camped at Clear lake, only a which
v w Year .........................................................................
will bring harm ony on the tary for the Y. M. C. A. for Ore­
_ „ „ „ _ , „
7-*°ient vears, to a large degree affect our economic stability.” few miles east of Bloody Point and the next day the three
rae Month ............................................................................................ $ .65
« hen, summarizing the findings of a committee of guides rode on in advance to select a good nooning place. Rhine, will be approved and guar­ gon and Idaho was in Ashland
by the United States.
yesterday confering with the lo­
'i Ir e e Months
the President’s conference on unemployment, he states: One of the trains had been delayed to make some repairs anteed
Six Months
“ There is no fear of a restora­ cal officials. He stated th a t the
6’ bo
“ Bad weather is not the principal cause of seasonal while the others proceeded on their journey. The leading tion of the Hohenzollern mon­ older boys’ conference will be held
i as Year ..
---- idleness. Customs which become fixed when builders had part of the train contained thirty men, one woman and a archy, although B avaria soon will In Roseburg January 16-18 in­
:.n g le Insertion, pe? Inch ............................................................ $ .30
not yet learned how to cope with adverse weather condi- bov. As tliev came over the divide thev saw the Indians become an autonom ous kingdom, clusive. This conference is spon­
Y early C ontracts
27% i lions have not been changed to meet improvements in about Bloody Point, while the guided, not being notified, ruled by the W ittelsbach dynasty. sored by the Y. M. C. A.
Doe Insertion a week ...................................................................
C. V. Howell, local Y. M. C. A.
Bavaria will act as a m oderating
‘J wo insertions a week ...................................................................
i building materials, the development of new equipment, were riding into danger. As they disappeared around the influence
has reported that he
bally Insertion ........................................................... :....................
and innovations in management methods. For most types point they were butchered without notice by the Indians in Prussia.
expects a large delegation from
R ates for L egal and M iscellaneous A dvertising
F irst Insertion, per 8 point line ................................................. $ .10
of construction1 it now is possible to build the year round hidden in the rye-grass and tides. The men with the
‘ Russia will enter tlie League Ashland to attend the meeting.
l e c h subsequent Insertion, 8 point line .................................
in 1926, after the So­
in all parts of the United States.”
i '»rd of Thanks ....................................................................... ........
train having discovered the Indians and divined their pur­ viet Nations
chiefs have concluded favor­
vo ltu atles, per line ........................................... - ................. „ .....
Secretary Hoover and the committee charge mater­ pose divided themselves into a front and rear guard and
able commercial treaties with
ials manufacturers and dealers, as well as architects, en­ kept the savages at hay until they reached the flat. France, Germany, Italy and Eng­
“ All fu tu re events, where an admission charge is made or a gineers and contractors, with the responsibility of “ ob­
C. T. C.
Here they made a barricade of their wagons and retired land. The extrem ist party in Rus­
u lie c tio n taken is A dvertising,
taining the co-operation of building owners and the puh- into the shelter and managed to keep the savages off until sia will become ,come reasonable
No discount will be allowed Religious or Benevolent orders.
— i lie” in evening up the flow of construction activity.
and will accept the bourgeoisie
noon the next day, when the Modocs drew off to attack the and allow private ownership of
No donations to charities or otherw ise will be made In advertie
other train which was coming up. The party with this property.
or Job printing— our contributions will be in cash.
last train being more judicious drove over the hill and
Hammered Piston Rings
Travelers from abroad are in accord in their state­ thus avoided the ambush and succeeded in joining the CUT THIS OUT — IT
A dollar spent in building up a local industry—a fac­ ments to the effect that in no country is telephone service others within their barricade of wagons.
Fan Belts
That afternoon Ben Wright and his company arrived
Send this ad and ten cents to
tory, a specialized crop, a big utility—pays more than a found which can be compared with the United States
New York City calls over 6,000,000 times a day— on the scene taking the Indians completely by surprise Foley & Co., 2835 ShegLeld Ave.,
dollar invested in a tax-dodging‘security. The industrial
Gears •
and, without stopping to confer with the beleaguered im­
investment pays its interest, it builds up local payrolls more calls than are placed in all of Great Britain.
and address clearly. You will re ­
Boston has twice as many telephones as Paris. And migrants, lie charged the terrified Modocs furiously, driv­ ceive a sample bottle of FOLEY’S
and general prosperity, and it makes your dollar express )
ing them into the swamp among the tules and into the HONEY AND TAR COMPOUND
your community confidence and pride. Too many com- so on through the list of cities in the United States.
There are eight states in our forty-eight states which lake, and plunging in after them attempted to cut them for coughs, colds and hoarseness,
ufunities register only as “ I t ” because the people do not
build personality and faith into their own outstanding- have more telephones than the entire Republic of France. off from their boats. The savages were panic stricken also sample packages of FOLEY
PILLS, a diuretic stim ulant for j
This has all ben brought about by private initiative and scarcely made any effort to defend themselves and the
kidney’s and FOLEY CAT- j
and enterprise which is just the reverse of government were mingled among W right’s men in confusion and were HARTIC TABLETS for constipa­
ownership as in vogue in Europe, when it comes to giv­ killed almost without resistance. The flight and fight tion and billiousness. These de­ REPLACEMENT PARTS
raged along the lake-shore in the greatest confusion. The pendable remedies are free from
ing service to the public.
Across from the new
That salvaging old roads is rapidly gaining in public
volunteers shot and cut with as great a ferosity as the de­ opiates and have helped millions.
t,--- -------------- - - ■ ■
» - ■ 1. ■ -,1 ■
» .» ■
9-.story Hotel
favor is evidenced by the number of engineering and
Try them ! Sold everywhere.
Second Story almost finished
Pioneering in Southern Oregon
technical articles that are being written on the subject
train of victims themselves. Whatever might be said i **
showing the advantage of using well packed gravel and
against such ferocity was not applicable in this case, for
macadam highways as the base for an asphaltic concrete
the victims massacred in the pack train such a short time
The people of Jacksonville and Yreka became great­ ago were scattered about where the savages had left them Insure Your Car
wearing surface.
Your Pet
At the recent meeting of highway engineers and pav­ ly exercised in the summer of 1852 in regard to the dan­ mutilated beyond recognition, and here they were caught
The man who buys an ex­
ing experts at Louisville, Kentucky, this subject was dis­ gers menacing the immigrants who were on their way red-handed in the business of massacre of the trains they pensive car insures it as a m at­ DESERVES THE BEST
cussed extensively and resolutions were adopted urging over the Southern route by the way of Clear and Tule had just attacked. The Indians sought to reach their te r of course.
Bring or send it to
But the car thief finds it
those units of government which have charge of highway lakes, in considerable numbers, from Fort Halt The Mo- boats and gain the island from which they were prepared easier
to cover his tracks in
The Medford Veterinarian
construction to conserve the salvage value of the country’s docs and Piutes, over whose country they had to pass, to make a foray upon every unprotected train that came the less expensive makes th at
are easier to disguise.
large mileage of gravel and macadam roads by proper had always been hostile and the advance caravans of im­ in sight. Only a few succeeded in reaching the island and theft,
damage suits or repair
migrants that year were reporting them as very annoying it is reported that from fwenty to forty were killed out­ bills usually mean more to the
Dr. E. 0. MeCULLOCH,
The conference also urged as remedies for relieving and threatening. During the previous year the settlers right and it is thought that many were lost in the tule man who drives a medium-
Graduate Veterinarian
the serious traffic conditions that are beginning to mani­ had lost many horses by the thefts of the Indians, some swamp, where, perhaps they died of their wounds. priced
YOur car, at whatever price,
Corner Fifth & Grape Sts.
fest themselves on trunk line highways, widening of pave­ of which had been recovered by Ben Wright with a small AVright’s men suffered no casualties. The timely arrival represents an investment that
deserves protection. You, as
ments, elimination of grade crossings wherever possible, company of miners who had pursued them. Wright, who of Captain Wright saved this caravan from massacre and owner
Phone 369
and driver, need protec­
widening and super-elevating at curves, extension of the came to he known as Captain Wriglit was a very notable mutilation, which was inevitable, otherwise.
tion. And We can give it to
dependable automobile
range of vision at road intersections, rigid licensing and figure and took a very large part in the Indian troubles
The ne\fs of the massacre of the pack train soon reach­ you—
insurance of whatever kind
control of motor vehicle traffic and a thorough system of in Northern California and Southern Oregon. As an In­ ed Jacksonville and with the information that a large yo«i
I will be at The East
dian fighter lie divided honors with Kit Carson and immigrant train was on its way over the same route great
highway policing.
Side Pharmacy in Ash­
Two most important matters were left out of these other celebrated men in that line. Very much lias been excitement prevailed. A company 'under Captain Ross
land every Wednesday,
resolutions: First, that grading of highways should ex­ said and written about him, much of praise and much of was fitted out with the greatest expedition and started
Bstab. 1883
12:30 to 7 p. in. Call there
tend from fence to fence wherever possible, thus elimin- criticism have been bestowed upon him because of his for Lost river. Wright got in ahead of them with the re­ Real E state & Real Insurance
or phone 51.
Phone 211
atitng deep side ditches along the roads which are a pro­ success and his methods, as a great Indian fighter. It is sult above set forth. The consternation of the bloodthirsty 41 E. Main St.
lific source of accidents and, second, that strict examin­ said that he was the son of Quaker parents; but the Modocs and Piutes may well be imagined. On Ross’ ar­
ation should be required before a driver’s license is peaceful tenets of that sect were wholly disregarded by rival, he and Wright conferred and in the assumption
him. He possessed a superabundance of the spirit of ad­ that other outrages had liee.n committed and not reported,
venture, and as reckless and foolhardy disposition as ever they began their search with the result that, within a few
endowed any man. After having lived with, and fought days they found the bodies of thirty-six; Wright found
Tlnfe is an old gag in a popular song: “ For every­ Indians for many years we see him returning from his and hurried twenty-two and Ross found and lniried four­
thing wrong beneath the sun, I ’ll make a law to stop it.” Indian campaigns with horses that had been stolen from teen. They were all horribly mutilated and disfigured
This is the season of the year whqn would-be poli­ the miners, while his person and saddle were decorated beyond recognition. Among them were several women
tical reformers advocate a multiplicity of state and na­ with Indian scalps in true savage fashion. In fact he and children The evidence was that a whole train had
tional laws to remedy imperfections in trade and industry. looked and lived the part of a savage; had a squaw for a been exterminated. Portions of wagons were found. Camp
There is still a large number of people who believe wife; wore his hair long, black and glossy falling to his utensils, fire-arms, clothing, money and other articles.
that the remedy for defects and afnises and dishonesty in belt, dressed in buck-skin and ornamented to look the The vicinity was properly designated “ Bloody Point” and
the business world is the enactment of more and still more part of an Indian as closely as possible. He assumed the is so called to this day.
Indian manners and methods of war-fare; practicing
(To be Continued)
and strategy , and scalped and mutilated his vic­
Thus it comes about that Congress and the 48 state
increased during 1925, but in the
legislatures and thousands of city governments design tims in true Indian style. With his own people, white peo­
following year it will be reduced
measures to control and regulate railways, public utilities ple, he was always true and honorable, though he sought
as a result of new arrangem ents
The little typew riter w ith th e fu ll key-board
and associated with the lowest to he found around the
and big industries.
with Germany.
A m uehine for everyon e
The wonder is that with all these onslaughts in the mining camps. The Indians feared him and those of them
“ H erriot soon will be forced
Free Demonstration
past, it has been possible for large industrial and public who came into blood contact with him rated him the great­
to resign and will be succeeded
by a Caillaux-Brland Government,
service organizations to exist, to say nothing about their est warrior living. Considering the occasions, and the
Toilet Goods—
Books and
will establish closer work-
Drug Sundries
ability to make profits and enlist new capital for exten­ character of the savage, bloodthirsty tribes surrounding
these new settlements, he seems to have been just the mail
PARIS, Jan. 13. — B etter times
As usual, many novelties and experiments are pro­ for the emergency. He never feared anything and always are in store for the world in gen­ A COUGH RHMEDY
posed this month of the year that the Romans dignified held that the only way to fight Indians was to adopt their eral, and for the United States in
own warfare and make them fear you. His* motto was, particular, during 1925, prophes­ Many cough preparations con­
with the God Januaris, a figure facing both ways.
tain one or mow harm ful drugs
ies Professor Raymond, France’s
About five new cabinet positions with prospective “ No Indian is good while he is alive.”
Now is the time to buy those all wool shirts, lace
are added to take the place
Early in the summer of 1852 a letter was received leading clairvoyant, in L ’In tra n ­ of opiates. None of these narco­
employment for 100,000 officials and hundreds of new
boots, leather coats Rnd raincoats. We are allowing
sigeante. This good fortune will
state boards and commissions, also employing taxeaters from immigrants then on the way by the Southern route not continue indefinitely, how­ tic substitutes have ever been
a big discount on these items which were already
galore, are proposed with the magic formula “ Be it enact­ asking the people of Yreka to send supplies to meet them, ever, according to the professor, used in FOLEY’S HONEY AND
low priced.
ed, etc.”
or great suffering would ensue. Responding to this ap­ who forsees an A m erican-Japan­ TAR COMPOUND. The name of
every ingredient is plainly p rin t­
The people can only pray that msot of these propo­ peal a company was organized with Captain Charles Mc­ ese w ar between the years of ed on every carton. You know
sitions will be defeated and that steady principles of self Dermott in charge with supplies bountifully supplied by 1942 and 1950.
w hat you are taking when you
“ Commerce between America
Biggest Little Store in Town
reliance and common sense may prevail in their stead. We the people of Yreka with which they promptly set out and Europe will continue to im­ take Foley’s. It clings to the
< an never improve on the maxim of Thomas Jefferson for Lost river, which they crossed and after passing Tule prove until it reaches an especial­
have a cough, why not try
that an intelligent commonwealth is governed the best lake they met a party traveling with a pack train crossing ly high m ark in 1927,” declares You
it. Refuse substitutes.
when it is governed the least.
the plains. McDermott continued eastwardly while the Professor Raymond. “ In a short
e President Coolidge will take
pack train party continued their journey toward Yreka. tim
the initiative of proposing to
When this pack-train party reached “ Bloody Point” near American bankers th a t they call
A recent report of’ the Department of Agriculture the east shore of Tule lake they were attacked by a party an international conference for
of savages that were lying in wait among the rye-grass the purpose of restoring the fin­ Philco Diamond
“ Shortage in the farm labor supply has compelled and tule that grew rankly along the marshy margin of ances of countries suffering from
southern planters to rely more than ever on the tenant the lake. The attack was at short range and all of the depreciated currencies.
“ The French franc will not be
system of plantation operation.
party except one man was killed. This man whose name stabilized before 1927, and d u r­
The knowledge that all funeral ar­
“ In ninety-three typical plantation counties specially is given as Coffin, cut a pack from a horse and mount­ ing the coming year it will go as
rangements may be entrusted to us—
studied hv the Department, about half of the improved ing, it escaped and reaching Yreka gave the alarm. low as tw enty two francs to the
and that they will be performed with
farm land in 1920 was worked by tenants while the other Bloody Point is at the end of a basaltic ridge that des­
efficient and conscientious attention
half was about evenly divided between wage hands and cends from the high rocky plain toward the lake near its
to every detail—is a noteworthy con­
eastern shore, over which the immigrants had'to come.
and up
Whenever the common labor supply or immigration Lost river enters Tule lake several miles further west,
is mentioned, the subject is immediately clouded by po­ coming from the northwest. Tlie road toward Yreka con­
Experience, up-to-date equipment and
your radio.
litical argument. It is deserving of consideration, how­ tinues westerly around the southern shore of the Lower
Paints, Varnishes and
modern facilities enable us to render
ever from other angles.
Klamath lake, thence westerly across Butte valley that
superlative service.
The sons and daughters and grandsons and grand- is separated from Shasta valley by a mountain range, applied by good workmen
batteries, you buy battery
daughters of immigrants to this country in most instances which having crossed the road continues westerly about
guarantee beauty and
will not do the rough work done by their parents and fifteen miles more to Yreka.
grandparents. They want to hire somebody. It is the
When Coffin arrived with his information of the
The Ashland
Funeral Directors
same on the farm or in the factory. The younger genera­ massacre of his party, the excitement about Yreka was
212— Night Phones 265-R and 222-J
tion does not wish to handle the plow, milk the cows, tan intense. Ben Wright was sent for and with a company
Mrs. Louis Dodge, Lady A ssistant
240 E ast Main S t
the leather or dig the ore which laid the foundations for of twenty-seven men hurriedly enlisted to serve under
fl floteuuorthy
J. P. Dodge & Sons