V «£ . — k ASHLAND CLIMATE M ithout the use of medicine cures nine cases out of ten of asthma. This is a proven fact. A shland D aily T idings The Tidings Has Been Ashland’s Leading Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years ______________________________ VOL. X L V IH ASHLAND, OREGON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 13, 1925 Succegaor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Volume 43. MAYOR FAVORS PURCH ASE OF HISTORIC BLDG. Johnson, at Forum Lunch­ eon, States Building Is Need of City COUNCIL FEELS SAME ‘I W ould H ate to S ee the B u ild­ in g Get) Into Private H ands,” Johnson Conceds OLD ROYAL TON SORI A L ARTIST SAVES LOCKS n LONDON, Jan. 13. — At the age of eighty-four Charles Howlett still con- tinues to be official royal barber to Dowager Queen A lexandra’s household at Sandringham . He Was the first barber to trim King George’s beard, and since then has shaved or cut the hair of alm ost every im portant English royalist. It Is his proud boast th a t his hand is still as steady as when he first took up barbering. He has carefully . kept a collection of the locks of every royal person th a t he has attended. n 8 8 8 8 j 8 ! r 8 I (International News W ire Service) DIRECTORS ARE RE-ELECTED BY STOCKHOLDERS PRINCE HENRY’S ENGAGEMENT REPORTED 8 8 8 8 8 8 HARMONY DROUTH CAUSE OF FALLING IN SALES RECORDS DUKE OF YORK TO VISIT AMERICA COMING SUMMER ----------- 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 LONDON, Jan. 13. - Prince Henry may be the next member of the Royal Fam ily of Great Britain to visit the United States. Prince Henry is said to be anxious to make the trip across the A tlantic next Summer, after thd Prince of Wales has re­ turned from the Argen­ tine. The Prince will probab­ ly have been given the title of Duke of Edinburgh before he makes the trip. a ' 8 8 8 8 8 “ i X C O N FID E N C E MAN PULLS ONE NEAT SCHEME 8, 8 8 Claimed to be Agent for 8 Utah Construction Com­ 8 pany for Road Work ---------- 1» 8 8 DIRECTORS ELECTED n MANY MEN ARE DUPED ----------- 8 8 S ales for 1924 F all B elow F iv e 8 8 Money O btained to Insure Ap­ Year A verage. L ow ering of 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 pearance o f W orkm en, Then Sales ( aused by Low Supply Forem an M oves on ■ . —___ In < Fruit Association Meeting n ’ Held. Report of J. H. n Robbins Is Made n ~ Ashland Preserving Com- « 8 pany Stockholders Hold Annual Meeting 8 8 8 8 MALARIA GERMS Cannot survive three months in the rich ozone at Ashland. Pure domestic water helps. P R E VAILS Growers A re E xpected to R aise M ore B erries in F u tu re. Good . P rices S igh ted for 1925 “ I would hate to see the Chau­ The annual meeting of the tauqua building pass into private Probab'.y the most striking re­ stockholder’s of the Ashland P re­ With traveling expenses obtain­ hands at the price for which it sult of the drouth of last summer serving Company was held last ed from contributions of two dol­ is reported it could be purchased. is shown in the report of the year’s night at the Chamber of Com­ lars each made by several work­ I would even hate to see the land, activities of tbt> Ashland F ruit merce rooms with a large number ing men of Ashland, a Mr. H arris, w ithout the building, go into p ri­ and Produce Association, made I of the stockholders present. Elec­ confidence man, slipped anchor vate hands at th at price, w ithout at the anual meeting of the stock­ tion of officers was held with the sometime during the past few days the city making some effort to holders of the organization. result th a t the same board of d i­ and set sail for another field, save it” declared Mayor O. H. With a five year sales a v e ra g e '., a M . where he will probably attem pt rectors was elected for another Johnson, one of the speakers at w Director; Miss The engagement of Prince Henry, the military member of the of »144,521.72 as the mark set year and S. D. Taylor was reap­ to work his little game again. Aiina.be! D avis Made A ssist­ the Forum luncheon of the Cham­ between 1919 and 1923, inclus­ British royal family, to Lady Mary Scott, second daughter of the Duke H arris drifted into town four pointed manager. The outlook for and Duchess of Buccleuch, is daily expected by Loudon society l.ady ber of Commerce, held at the ant, Cashier; Good Report ive, the sales during 1924 fell far the fu tu re is bright as all of the or five days ago, and nonchanant- Mary, though only twenty, la said to possess as aristocratic dtguity Plaza Confectionery today. The below this m ark, registering only! worth v of a royal match. 1924 pack was sold at a satisfac­ ly announced he was roatj fore­ Mayor and members of the city W all ('hung, Aged C hinese, Acts I his is the season of the year »116,162.77. It is estim ated by i tory figure. man for the Utah Construction as Labor A gen t for Railroad council were guests of the Cham­ J. H. Robbins, m anager of the wfien the banks, in common with Company and that he ueeded sev­ Although the financial retu rn s ber a t the luncheon. . M aintenance o f W ay Dept. association th at the revenue was all other lines of business, ‘take eral m en. to form a road gang to for the past two seasons were not Johnson in his speech, traced correspondingly reduced about stock” , as it were; draw con- assist in the widening of the Pa­ the history of the Rogue River Wah Chung, well known Ash­ entirely satisfactory, they were past experience, $2835. .I t is conclusively shown elusions from Valley, from a period 4 0 years land character, is one of the most caused partly by experience and and plan for the future. The cific Highway in N orthern Cali­ that thé drouth was responsible fornia. H arris announced he had ago, tracing the coming of the valued employes of the Southern unavoidable conditions such as s ta te Bank of Ashland has found for this falling off in sales since several months w’ork for the railroad, told of the conditions of Pacific system, having charge of the dry w eather experienced last It was impossible to obtain f r u it! th ’S experience a gratifying one, summer. men, a t good wages. the country before the coming of the Chinese m aintenance of way and other produce with which toi and a t its annual Stockholders It was an easy m atter to sign This is never likely to be re­ the railroad and after its advent, gangs. Wah has been in the em­ fill many orders which were re- meeting held January 8 the “ in- up eighteen or twenty men to re ­ peated as the utm ost harm ony and related problems which con­ ploy of the company for 42 years, If it j voice” of lts business for the port for woik on Monday morn­ Serious Sid«, of L ife to be Put Saturday, January 17, A nnivers­ ceived by the association. fronted the settlers in th a t time and upon him re3ts the responsi­ now exists in all of the d ep art­ had been possible to fill the or- pa8t year sbowed a substantial ing, and from each, H arris pain­ A side by M embers o f P lay ary o f F ran k lin ’s Birthday, com paring them to the problems bility of recruiting members for m ents and the twç co-managers ders the association was forced to increase along all lines with lessly extracted two dollars, to Order o f M asonic Body of the Ashland Preserving Com­ to Start W eek which must be faced now. “ In the Chinese labor gangs. cancel, there is no question th at which the institution 1 b identi­ make, what he called, “ sign of The Jan u ary issue of the pany and the Bagley Canning those early days, opportunity the gross sales record would have fied. good fa ith ” on the part of the company are w orking with the full Friday of this week is expect- Saturday, January 17 js the could present itself, and we could Southern Pacific Bulletin has The following Board of Direc­ amounted to much more than the employes. All went home satisfied confidence of the stockholders and ed to witness the gathering of first day of TH RIFT WEEK five year average. think about it for_some time, go the following to say of Wah. tors were elected; W. J. Moore, O llxSw rkM rw n_ _ » 1 .M - . . . H arris was a noble good fellow, Shriners from all over Southern which will be celebrated through­ back and find the oportunity still “ Since the days of early railroad board of directors. Of the gross sales total, almost C. W. Banta, J. H. Fuller, W. E. thanking their stars for their good Those most fam iliar with the Oregon, in Ashland on the occas­ out America by business in gen­ fifty per cent was sales of fruits Blake, F. J. Swenning, Q. S. But­ there. This is not the case now, construction work in the West, luck in obtaining employment to and I think the acquisition of the when Chinese laborers played canning industry say the experi­ ion of the m idw inter roundup and eral fm tj vario'us organizations and vegetables, with a total of ler, and G. O. Eubanks. This be­ tide them over the lean w inter ence of the past two years is not ceremonial of Hillah Temple of of civic character. C hautauqua building should be such an im portant part in accom­ ing the same board, with the ex­ »51,791.94. Fresh eggs made up months. All this happened Sat­ The first day of this T hrift the next largest total, with a sum ception of G. S. Butler who suc­ considered, but considered rapid­ plishing the herculean task of lay­ unusual with all of the canneries the red fezzed playground order The Week. Saturday January 17, i s 'o f $22,761.66, while flour and ceeds Irving Finley. Mr. Butler urday afternoon and evening. ly,’’ Johnson stated. ing the first steel rails across or. the Pacific coast and th a t as of the Masonic fraternity. Early Monday morniug the men soon as the problems are solved faithful can usually be depended called PAY YOUR BILLS DAY. I feed sales amounted to $19,- is a Nestor in commercial and The counciknen, in their the Sierra Nevada m ountains, gathered at the appointed meet­ and the business is well started upon to lay aside for tire time Sunday, Jan u ary 18 is devoted 710.87. Shook sales total $13,- financial circles, not only locally speeches, confirmed Johnson’s a t­ Chinese employes have always ing place, ready to go out on the and under good m anagem ent the being the less im portant hum drum to the churches and Is called titude in regard to the building. contributed a large share toward but throughout the county, and 7 <8.22, spray $3,017, ^storage job, anxious to assist the sover­ The w ater problem, the differ­ m aintaining the high efficiency success is assured. 'This appears affairs of every day life to a t­ SHARE WITH OTHERS DAY. eggs $2,542.20 and miscellan­ his wide experience and sound eign state of California in making to be the situation in Ashland. tend the all im portant functions Monday, January 19, is TH RIFT eous sales $2,560.74. ent solutions for which have been standards of Southern Pacific. judgm ent are factors which add driving safer by widening the offered, the bringing of a normal There are two section gangs Only a few years ago the one of these occasional ceremonials or BANK day and will be the A summary of the fruit and strength and confidence to any highway. They waited for Mr. school to Ashland and other prob on the Pacific System 'composed I Salem ca° nery packed 1688 than where it is said th a t the serious inspiration for th e startin g of vegetable sales follows. 14,913 enterprise, w hether it be agri­ H arris, and then they waited a lems which are before the coun entirely of Chinese, one on the 50,000 cases during one year. So side of life’s changing phases re­ bank accounts. cultural, financial or industrial. boxes peaches, $12,626.87; 111,- while longer for the same man. Tuesday, Jan u ary 20 is INSUR­ 262 pounds cherries, »11,081.62; cil were viewed and explained by Portland Divislou and one on great has been the increase of ceives only absolutely necessary At the meeting of the newly attention. the pack of all of the canneries ANCE DAY, and will be a re ­ 1,037 boxes assorted fruits, $1,- selected Board of directors, held Finally, by the time noon had Lake Divisions. For Councilrnen Burd.ic, W right, the Salt in Salem during 1924 th a t 1,- P reparations are m aking for m inder of a m an’s duty to his fam ­ 080.40; 282 boxes pears, »531.37; immediately after the stockholders rolled around, the men had given Peters, Wiley and Detrick in their more than 42 years the respon­ 900,000 cases were packed rep­ the seating of three hundred and ily and to himself to protect him ­ 91,750 pounds cannery pears, $2,- gathering, the bank officers for up all hope of their good Sam ar­ talks. They explained th at they sibility of keeping these section had. been in office ’ but a short crews recruited to full strength resenting a value of millions of fifty of the Shriners and their self with life, »ire and accident 948.10; 4,568 crates berries, $6,- the year were elected as follows: itan ever showing up, and said The cannery situation ladies at the dining room of the insurance. good bye to their money. All time, and had not been able to has been in the hands of Wah dollars. 609.15; 431 boxes grapes, W. J. Moore, President; C. W. but a few said good bye to the has advanced in a sim ilar way in Elks Temple at the tradition Wednesday, Jan u ary 21 is $493.78; 3,025 dozen bunches, Banta. Vice President; G. G. Eu­ form definite opinions on many Chung, a resident and business of the problems, but all were un­ man*of Ashland, Oregon, who acts Vancouver and Puyallup, W ash­ banquet to take place a t 6 o’clock. OWN YOUR HOME DAY, and 9,412 pounds, 18 gallons, 2,996 banks, Cashier and Annabel M. money. This will be preceded by a session should m ark the commencement These few, however, are liable anim ous in their ideas on the as Chinese Labor Agent for South­ ington. Davis. A ssistant Cashier. boxps of green vegetables, »3,- Ralph Kozer and S. D. Taylor, for the instruction of the candi­ of plans for the change from renti­ to cause the downfall of Mr. H ar­ w ater proposition; Ashland m ust ern Pacific. 473.58, and five carloads apples the co-managers are somewhat dates a t the Armory in the after­ ris. One of the duped men gave ers to home owners. Wah Chung is now 82 years have a better supply of pure w ater and all L. C. L. spring sales of JONES BILL PASSED disappointed because the growers noon while following the ban­ a very accurate description Of Thursday, Jan u ary 22 is BUD­ apples from 1923 crop, plus 1924 before the city can be expected to old, yet judging from his hale and BY SENATE MEMBERS quet, will take place at the Arm­ in and about Ashland are not as H arris to Chief of Police McNabb, hearty appearance he will prob­ GET^, DAY, and is the day that apple sales and sundry miscellan­ grow as it should. anh today swore out a complaint yet taking the proper interest in ory, the famous second section wise spenders will take account It was announced a t the lunch­ ably continue for many more eous fruits aind vegetables for WASHINGTON. Jan. 13.— The Officials of eon th a t J. H. Fuller, secretary years to be of helpful service to the development of a large supply of the S hriner’s code, which all of th eir various expenditures for which individual credits were Senate today substituted the Jones against H arris. of berries, particularly black ber­ novitiates are required to become Oregon and California have been the year. of the body had had several the Company’s M aintenance of giveh and price averages are not bill for the Underwood Muscle warned to hold H arris if he is ries, raspberries and loganberries proficient in. In the early even­ Friday, Jantfary 23 is SAFE easily obtainable, $12,947.07. meetings with leading educators Way D epartm ent. He has a m ar­ Shoals plan. The Jones bill would taken. ing the ladies will hold a social for canning. The cannery stands ried daughter living in Boston, INVESTMENT DAY, and should of the state, and th a t he sent At the meeting, two members ' appoint a special commission of The be a w arning to those who are A number of the men started word th at prospects for the es­ while his oldest son is an assist­ ready to make long term con­ session a t Masonic Hall. of the old board of directors were ihree to make a thorough study on the trail of Harris, and it is program of the day is to conclude tracts for all of the berries th at in the habit of investing tlieir re-elected. tablishm ent of a normal here an t foi eman in one of the Chin­ These men were S. of Muscle Shoals, to report back ese section gangs. The youngest can be grown about Ashland at with dancing at the Armory from savings w ithout investigation or A. Peters and S. J. Evans. The to Congress next December with certain, if they find him, he will were bright. be in need of medical attenton advice. son, Samuel, attends school in profitable prices or m erety to ten o’clock-until midnight. three new members of the board definite recommendations for dis-! rather than police attention. take the surplus of the Ashland Portland. T hrift Week is inspired and are L. II. Gallatin, M. C. Lininger posing of the hundred and fifty Since he worked his game in Al­ F ru it and Produce Association. ANTIA DMINISTR A TION “ Our Chinese gangs,” says Sup­ dedicated to Benjamin Franklin and D. H. Jackson. million dollar n itrate plant. The bany, Medford and then in this This is considered to be the FORCES ARE LINED UP and the first day maYks the 219 erintendent E. L. King, of the vote today was 46 to 33. city, it is believed he is some- Portland Division, “ have long only weak fru it spot at the pres­ birthday of this greatest of i where near and it is the belief SALEM, Jan. 13. — W ith bills American been noted for their loyalty and ent time. Much is expected from statem en, one of of the police he is somewhere in length of service. Through many the Belleview district in the line introduced to elim inate the of- J A m erica’s greatest benefactors, STORM WARNINGS GO N orthern California, maybe get­ fices of State M arket M aster and ! Benjamin of crowing in the fu tu re as the years of railroad experience they F ranklin, the first UJ> ALONG THE COAST ting ready to widen the Ashland- State Prohibition officer, the anti-! American Apostle of Thrift, land is now undergoing great have become very proficient in ! He started his career as print- track work and,' in fact, very de-I development with the irrigation adm inistration forces today com-! PORTLAND, Jan. 13. — Storm! K!amath Fa!,s highway. menced lining up support for a ! er>s devil and bv the practice of pendable in w hatever work is as-1 project (completed, w arnings were today ordered, ________________ A fter several weeks practice, new deal on the State Fish Com-' th rift and the exercise of com­ from Cape Mendocino north as a ' following their first game here signed to them. Wah Chung keeps! mission. The fish interests a p - ! mon gense rose t0 be one of result of the disturbance which' with the Portland Municipal Bas­ these gangs up to maximum re­ quirem ent, looks a fte r the w el-' pear determ ined to take the ap- Am erjca’s foremost figures, WASHINGTON, Jan. 13.— Sev made its appearance off the North j ketball Club five, the Ashland pointive power from the governor 1 ,0ne pf Benjam in F ran k in ’s fare of the men, takes care o f , eral changes will be made in th e ' C’oasL the w eather bureau here. E lks quintet will aga'n take the legislature. They want Commis- maxims was: “ Save young m ani personel of the m inistrial force today announced. Gales on the their commissary, and has b e en ! floor this evening for th eir sec­ and place it in the hands of the and become respectable and re­ a very valuable asset to the com- of the United States in the v e v north coast and ^general rains ond tussle of the season. Their • sioner Dick I^ice removed and pany. He enjoys a wide acquaint­ spected. It is the surest way.” near future, it was learned au­ over Oregon and W ashington all opponents will be the Rogue River would like to see Dr. Tom Price ance, and is always a welcome of California within the next 36 He knew th a t the man who is thoritatively here today. five. In a prelim inary game, the restored and w ant Commissioner climbing the ladder of success visitor, either in the office or on hours are predicted. Snow will Alanson H oughton, at present Ashland High Faculty five will Kendall retained. Ex-State Treas­ ibe R ever so siow lv). has a feel­ the line. Although well along am bassador to Germany, will be fall in W ashington, Oregon, Idaho tangle with the Central Point in years he is still quite an ac- KLAMATH FALLS, Jan. 13.— KIRKFORD, Jan. 13. Causing u rer Jefferson Myers is mentioned ing of self-resnect th at begets the transferred to London as su c c e s-,a nd Nevada, Faculty five. Poachers have been firing upon tive man and personally h a n d le s ,1 ’oss ° f more (ban »30,000 by as the third man wanted for the • nf o th ers. sor to am bassador Kellogg, who commission. The Ashland Elks have been all the details of his w ork.” the baud of elk ranging in the ! bre at 7 o’clock Saturday night VOT LOW t h e THRTET MOVE­ will return to the United States practicing on an average of three Fort Klamath country, it is be­ ------------------------- - , destroyed the Sheehan hotel, a PROBE IS STARTED MENT. end follow’ the lesson each to become Secretary of State in tim es a week since their first CHILD LABOR BILL OF SEABORG DEATH lieved, recent examination of i stock of general m erchandise and day teaches. President Coolidge’s cabinet, re­ tracks indicating th at at least tu ssle here, and are in far better ATTEMPT IS MADE placing Secretary of State Charles I PASSAGE UNLIKELY adjoining buildings’ SEATTLE, Jan. 13. one of the 20 or more anim als in l . |— Despite condition than they showed in For a time the entire town was TO DESTROYS. L. Evans Hughes, who will resign o n ; SALEM, Jan. 13. — The Ore­ threatened, a n exceedingly high every indication of a th at section having been injured li* accidental th e ir game with the Portland out­ COP HEADQUARTERS DEMOCRATS WATCH March 4. It is probable th at in the leg. gon Legis.ature is not likely to death, the corner’s deputies and wind battling the efforts of vol­ fit, wheh a lack of practice and H oughton will be succeeded at . ALL APPOINTMENTS ratify the Child Labor Amend­ Joe Hessig, who keeps a kind­ members of the city detective unteer fire-fighters to check the SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 12 __ ______ condition slowed them up. and Berlin by Senator McCormick, re­ ment to the federal constitution, force today started an investiga­ ly eye on these royal forest deniz­ Every police agency in San F ra n -| WASHINGTON, Jan. 13.— The flames. gave the northerners the tussle. publican of Illinois. it was indicated today. Friends tion at the scene of the drown­ ens, has made three trips into C. M. Sheehan, proprietor, cisco is today engaged in a hunt Dem ocratie Coach W alt Hughes of the high It is believed in official circles membership in the for a tall man, dressed in black, uem ocrauc of the amendm ent took a pole of ing, in order to probe their the­ their rendezvous this w inter and stated th a t he is unable to ac­ pchool ha3 been giving the boys Senate today served notice on here th a t if am bassador Herrick, the house this afternoon and ories th a t Ernest Seaborg, sup­ has Just returned from a survey, who is believed to have planted count for the origin of the fire. a w orking over, and" since most of President Coolidge th a t it will I now m inister to France, returns found 33 emphatic negative votes, ervisor of state fisheries, whose made to ascertain snow depth and a picric acid bomb which Explod­ The postoffice, located in th e them have played together for two more than enough to defeat general store which was conduct­ ed in the hallway of police head­ “closely scrutinize all future re-; from Paris before March 4, Mc- body was found in the Duwamish feeding conditions. He states th a t th ree or four years, and simply ports to the tariff commission, as, Cormick may go to Paris, and it the ratification. In the Senate, ed in conjunction with the hotel, q u arters early this morning. waterway late yesterday, was about two feet of snow was found needed someone to get them lined the result of charges th at the will then become necessary to Tooze and Zimmerman were the also was destroyed. Mile Creek area murdered by fish law violators in the Seven Only the fact th a t the detec­ up, they are now going at top only two openly for the amend­ sugar interests are raising funds select another man to succeed or rum runners. Mrs. Seaborg, where about five head were es­ tives on the force arrived on time with which to influence his selec­ Houghton a t Berlin. form. ment. Those openly opposed are however, believes th a t her hus­ pied. Ten or twelve head are on and the higher officials were late tions.” The issue was raised by So far no reason has been given The Rogue River outfit is a Senators Brown, Dennis, Dunn, RESCUE OF MEN IS band met with an accidental Crane Creek south of the egg ALMOST ASSURED for work prevented loss of life, as Senator Simmons, Democrat of by Secretary of State Hughës for death. real quintet this season, and ex­ Eddy, Fisk, Garland, Hare, John­ taking station. A big bull is feed­ the hallway w’as clear at the time N orth Carolina, who denounced his resignation, although it has pect to knock over the Ashland son, Kinney, Miller, Maglardy, ing at the Siemens’ ranch, Hessig of the explosion, which wrecked .CHATHAM, Mass., Jan. 13. — outfit easily. R itner, Staples and Taylor. The The rescue of 34 officers and a telephone booth, tore a hole the letter w ritten by Jesse Mc­ been intim ated th a t he was op­ reports. Donald, president of the National posed to the policy of the adm in­ SERVICE STATION The faculty game shou.’d be a rest of the Senate is doubtful, in­ The state game commission has crew’ of the U. S. subm arine, through the wall of the build­ Tariff Council at Denver, solicit­ istration on the collection of war real tussle. The local pedagogues cluding Strayer of Baker. BEING REMODELED been advised th a t unless the snow S-19 seemed assured today with ing, and shattered every window ing a »10,000 fund to defeat the loans. It is stated an official an­ have lined up a basketball five gets deeper it is probable th a t the arrival here of the revenue in the structure. re-appointm ent of David Lewis, nouncem ent of the resignation Dr. Oeser and Son, proprietors feeding will not be required. The capable of giving anything in their RESIGNATION W ITHDRAW N cu tter Tampa and Acushnet. The Democrat of Maryland to the ta r­ will be received w ithin a few of The Ashland Service Station oik w e e turned loose in the Klam- WASHINGTON, Jan. 13. — class a real battle, while the Cen­ P ortland— N orthw est canners two cutters were standing by the iff commission. In the letter Mc­ days. Jam es Davis has w ithdraw n his are having „the parking in and ath district some years ago and tra l Pointers are reported as hav­ association shows th a t 1924 wah Donald said he would use the subm arine which went aground tentative resignation as Secretary about tlieir station improved. have been carefully watched by ing a fast five. * best year in history of industry, fund to “ secure the selection of a W alford Here — of Labor and will remain in the on a shoal five miles of N auset Concrete is being laid, but the residents with the hope of a ma­ The first game tonight will get cabinet, it was announced at the beach light. It will likely be with products of »30,000,000 protectionist D em ocrat.’’ Fred M. W alford of E tna Mills work is arranged so th a t ser­ terial increase. Tracks of only under way at 8.00 o'clock. drawn into deeper w ater before practically all sold. 1925 promises W hite House late today. T California, visited friends in Ash­ vice is continued the same as even better. two calveB were noted by Hes- it is badly damaged. Classified Ads Bring Results land yesterday. usual. Big. • STATE BANK HOLDS ELECTS OFFICERS IS Ï SHRINERS W TO THRIFT WEEK WILL LEAD NOVITIATES 8E OBSERVED BV 'V ELKS FIVE TO MEET ROGUE RIVER OUTFIT T! T T IN FORCES OF U S LI KIRKFORD HOTEL IS ESTI i POACHERS FIRING UPON BAND OF EEK BELIEF OF WARDENS