Átonday, Jauiuü-y 12, ifitto ASHLAND DAILY ttDÍÑQS t’Aôfi k ò u a inappropriate a t this time th a t Word has been received here! some steps should be taken to­ Miss Melinda Jam es of 633 Senator George Dunn left S a t-! urday for Salem to attend the Iowa street is reported to be ser­ of the m arriage of Dewey Reid! ward providing the necessary iously ill. Fabrick, son of Mr. and Mrs. J quarters for housing adequately legislature. Glenn FaTmck, to Miss Norma state activities. “ W ith this end in view, it ap­ Save $10.00, walk upstairs to A beautiful comedy dram a, * Ruelle of Seattle, Saturday night. peals to me th at the situation* Orres tailor shop. 17— tf Ì "The Cinderella Man,” by the Jan u ary 10. Fabrick was prom­ can be taken care of by d istrib u t­ Vivian players at the Armory, | inent in the high school last year! ing the cost of constructing an H unting — Jan u ary 15th. Adm. only 60c. and was a member of th e basket; appropriate office building on the N O T IC E Fred Taylor and E arnest Biden ball team th a t went to Ch'chgo. I l l — It vacant lot adjoining the supreme are spending a few days in the to M aceabee Ladle« He graduated from the Medford court stru ctu re by providing for Klam ath district hunting. Special m eetings called for At Applegate— high last year. the inclusion of a stated sum in W ednesday, Jan. 14th, at 2 p. m. Carol Van Dyke, E sther Klein- the annual tax levy for a period Dry slab wood by car load from end 8 p. m., a t I.O.O.F. Hall, all ham m er and Clyde Young spent of two years. H ave New Oars— n um bers urged to attend. By or­ yesterday on the Kleinham m er car, $6.00 per cord. Carson-Fow­ W illiam Briggs and O. H. ler Lum ber Co. .. 106— 6 ranch in Applegate. d er of Johnson have recently purchased Frances P ra tt, Lieut Com. Pierce Gives Legis­ Stockholder’s M eeting— Bu'cji automobiles from A. C. 110— 2t 111 A t Home— lature Year Message The stockholders of the Ash­ W illhite, local Buick agent. Mr. Miss Florence Van Dyke who finished training at the Sacred land Preserving Company will W illhite has announced th a t he - (Cointlnued from page 1.) E n tertainm ent and D auce have their anrtual m eeting at the now has the direct agency here At I.O.O.F Hall Friday evening, H eart hospital in Medford is con­ rooms this I for the Buick automobile instead prohibition departm ent was the • Jan u ary 16, 1925. Admission, fined to her home with illness. Chamber of Commerce “ terro r of the law breakers”— evening. of a subagency. f'fty cents per person. Proceeds that' it had created more conster­ Admission to “ The Cinderella for Grand Lodge E ntertainm ent New Car— nation among those who frag ra n t­ Fund, Grand Lodge is to be held Man” , famous charm play and Bend Brooks-Scanlon and Charles Crouch of Bray, Cali­ comedy dram a at the Armory in Ashland next May. Thursday, January 15th, reduced fornia, has purchased a new Ford Shevlin-Hixon mills gave $11,750 Odd Fellows Committee. R oadster through H a rriso n , for Christm as wage bonus. 110— 2t to 60c. At this price you can not B rothers Ford Agency of this afford to miss this. 111-lt city. Alpha O. E. S. Social— Meets! Office Building- Is Held Tuesday P. M. 2:30, Jan. 13. | Regular meeting of the Ameri­ TODAY R eturned Sunday— can Legion, Ashland Post No. 14, State Need by S. Kozer Members and new officer of Alpha Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Pierce a r­ Chapter especially urged to be; at the Armory, 7:45 P. M. Tues­ rived home Sunday from Cali­ , (Continued from page One) present. Reports of Secy. & T rea s.' day, Jan u ary "13th. Installation fornia where they have been I l l — it will be read— also election of of­ of officers. spending the past two ' months. states where additional housing ficers for 1925. Mrs. W. H. Day' Mr. Pierce states th e agricultural facilities are required from time and Mrs. Gladys Peterson, hos- Durliarii Buys P roperty — to time' they are met by the con­ TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY L. R. H. Durham of this city conditions for the year of 1925 1 1 1 -itl tesses. struction of modern office build­ has purchased the house and lots seem much b etter in Oregon than and THURSDAY It seems I|'orefore. not in C alifornia in regard to the ings. - on Elizabeth street belonging to Moving— weather. California still seems Louis Dodge and family have Miss Alice E. Shaw. Deal was very dry and at Summ it where TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY moved from 542 Alison street to* reported by the Billings Agency. there is usually from ten to TAc M ad Rapture FOR R E N T : — Six room bun­ their new home at 724 Boulevard I twenty feet of snow at this time To E rect Signs—- o f Desert Love! galow, 151 W imer. lll-3 t The Medford Realty Board of year there are only two feet Kodak finishing. Studio A sh-1 FOR KALE: — Two Dark B ar­ have plans under way for the at the present time. He says th a t land. On the Plaza. „ Oregon looks very good to him red cockerels, $5.00 each. Mrs. erection of two large sign boards, after the dryness of the southern C. A. Patton, 396 Helman. - Jad Salts. 85c— McNair Bros. one to be placed at the north state. Mrs. Pierce’s health is 111-115 entrance to the valley and one at greatly improved. the south entrance. The purpose Im proving— CON V A LESCENT HOME:— Our Mrs. Agnes Herndon who has of these are to a ttra c t the atten ­ price is from fifteen dollars to keen confined to her home for tion of the many passing through W H ITE SLAVER UNDER) twenty-five, depending upon the past two weeks w ith Illness is to the Rogue River Valley,— Med­ BOND. FAILS TO MAKE am ount of care, night attention, APPEARANCE IN COURT j etc. No extras. . reported to be rapidly improving. ford Mail Tribune. 1 1 1 -lt L eft Saturday— IU At H om e— M edford B oy M arried— " It cannot be don« If the tim e $37,060,750 in highway bonds are outstanding. Of this am ount received from licensee Is am ount, he said, $797,000 would m aterially reduced, although I fall due this yeiar and $1,297,000 believe It only fair th a t license in 1926. He stated th at he felt fees on the old and used cars be these bonds should be paid and reduced. “ The gasoline tax,” he said, “ is “ In a series of addressed over cancelled as they fall due but th a t he was opposed to the re­ fair, yields a .large revenue, and the state I have done my best to issuance of the bonds, because he the cost of collection is small. It arouse a higher spirit of Amer­ is said by those who use the roads icanism, a deeper sense of moral considers it unnecessary. and a considerable percentage Governor Pierce stated he™was duty, iiii the citizens of Oregon. comes from m otorists in the sum­ I have insisted and still m ain­ nothin sym pathy with the general tain, th at honesty is the principal al movement to lower the amount mer tim e.” Step by step the governor re­ qualifications for all officials. I i of revenue derived from license*; have used every possble oppor- on automobiles. He pointed out viewed the various state depart­ tunty afforded by school or th a t a solemn compact was en­ m ents and activities dealing at church to create a sentim ent for tered into by prom oters of the some length with the state peni­ enforcem ent of every law, and present road bonding plan with tentiary, irrigation and drainage for love and respect for our sacred th e people of Oregon, by which bonds, hydro-electric power, law the bonds were to be paid as they I enforcem ent, state highways and institutions of governm ent.” Touching on istate highways, com,e due out of the .license ! many other state boards and 1 groups. the governor advised th a t a t this revenues. ly disobey the prohibition laws and among officials lax in en­ forcement methods, than has been created “ anywhere, at any time, with the same am ount of funds for personnel and operations.” L IN IN G JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE! This is a great Opportunity for you “Lily of the Dust” j In R ogu e R iver— M oving to A shland— Millard Grubb of this city was G. A. Truax and family of Bo­ a business visitor in Rogue River nanza are moving to this city and yesterday. •fc’ill locate on a farm near here. Paulserud’s ' We have a num ber of Crypts in 107__ U j the Mountain View Mausoleum ; that we are holdipg at a reason- I able price for our friends and pa- Cliff Payne makes tables. . irons. H. C. Stock, Mortician. 111-tf A ccepts P osition — Miss Pauline Clift, form erly tax collector in the sheriff's of­ Im proving— Jam es fluincy Adams, who has fice at K lam ath Falls liab accept­ been confned to his home for the ed a position with the Wilson pdst week due to illness is re A bstract Company of th a t city. ported to be improving. You are welcome to com pare' r-y Automobile rates with any ^*et your ticket and reserva c ’her rates in Jackson or Jo se -; tion NOW at 1 he Rose for The CQlne Counties; you can be the! Clnderel,a Man’” famous charm ndge. Phone 21. Yeo, of course.! p,ay- at th e Armory Thursday January ----- 15th. “ 60c. * 111— It Save $15. See Basement Bargains. V isitin g H ere— In A shland— Mrs. B. B. Helfrich of Eugene i Major Charles Gedjsted and has been in Ashland for the past Major C. A. W aller of Salem are week vsiiting with her sister, in Ashland ’and will inspect the Mrs. R. L. B urns of Elizabeth St. election of captain at drill this evening. Gedjsted is commanding Free pants glvbn away at officer of the Oregon Coast Ar­ Paulserud’s. » 107-tf tillery and W aller is inspector of the Coast Artillery. H ere S a t u r d a y - • PORTLAND, Jan. 12— Unlesl; | FOR RENT: — Pleasant Front Glenn Craig Tobias, one time Room, close in. Furnished or un­ wealthy oil stock operator, who furnished. Call 192J or inquire ■was convicted last sum m er of vio­ Good Eats Cafe. East Main. 111-3* lating the w hite slave act, pre­ sents himself in the court of Fed­ FOR SALE for 2 year/storage. eral Judge W olverton before two Federal one ton chain drive truck, o’clock this afternoon, his $7,000 assembled engine, Ore. licenses, bond wil’, be declared forfeited I 81136-1921, 30 days from date ais a resu lt of action in federal Jan. 10, 1925. L. C. Jaqifette, Pro­ court several days ago by Assist­ prietor Hornbrook Garage. ant United States A ttorney 1 1 1 -lt i ------ -- -- -- T Stearns. LOST: — Light colored Collie Tobias, since he was sentenced pup four or five months old. Any­ to three years, hfi|s been at liberty one seeing him, please phone i under bond pending the outcome 111-2» of appeals. He recently lost his 444J. appeal to the circuit court of ap­ FOR SALE: — 4 young turkey peal. \ Imm ediately after th a t he hens and one dozen laying W hite appealed to the United States Leghorn pullets. Mrs. W alter supreme court promised Stearns Herndon. 111-3 he would obtain an order staying TO EXCHANGE:— 20 acre Or­ execution on his sentence. This land, California Ranch highly im­ order ha|s not been received. Tobias, said to be in Los An­ proved, under Ü. S. Irrigation g e la , is under bonds .posted by System. Seven room house, plas­ Frank Berry, Ted Long and Mrs. tered. Electric lights'. Good well, wind mill, Barn, Milk House, Pearl Neil. Chicken House and other build­ ings. 8 acres Alfalfa, 8 acres State will survey and estim ate Grapes, 4 Acres Almonds, Apri­ cost of macadam road, Albany to cots and Oranges. E ntire ranch fenced. See \C has. Drew. 111-6 Lebanon, on 50-50 basis. Gordon Stearns, one of the Uni­ We put the chicken In our versity High basketball men vis­ tamales. The Plaza. 82— tf ited a t the R. L. B urns home in Ashland last Saturday. Win From A pplegate— The Talent high school won Special Auto Accident P olicy, from the Applegate high by a for $5.00 a year. Phone 21. Yeo score of 6-4 in a fast basketball of course. 24-tf game played in Jacksonville Sat­ urday evening. The Talent girls V isitin g H ere— who are building up an excellent E. A. Schwerlng, mortician of team won . from the Applegate Eugene, with his wife is visiting! girls by a score of 60-5. The Tal­ at the »home of his. sdster, Mrs. ent girls have prospects of becom­ Marion H ager and family at 472 ing the Rogue River champions this year as th eir team is very Scenic Drive. strong. Clyde G. Young of this Genuine Therm us Bottles, $1.25 city refered the game. -M cNair Bros. Silk and Wool and Wool , U N IO N W ITS RUY DOMESTICS NOW for less READY TO WEAR Bargains “Wearwell” Sheets §1.48 • 81x90—full size and extra value. Sold regularly at, e a c h ......... $1.98 are here Bed Spreads $5.00 Women’s and Children’s Coats at Heavy weight Satin Spreads, fine quality in size 82x94. Values to $6.48 ONE-HALF I Comfort Batting $1.00 the Regular Price Stitched Cotton Bats in this sale; 3,1b. size 72x90. Sold Regularly, each .................................... : $1.35 PRODUCTION OF THE ARAB Featuring Ramon Novarro «rf Alice Terry Pullaway Sheets $1.39 An extra value in a good sheet for family use; size 81x90. An escape from the work­ aday world into realms of sheer enchantment. Lace Voile, yd. 39c EXTRA SPECIAL VALUES in New Spring Presses. Botli Silk nnd Wool in new stvles and colors. Priced now: This material so popular for Lin­ gerie, i'ii thé wanted colors. Sold Regularly, yard ....................... 48c 75 $1495 $16 95 $2195 $2650 E. R. ISAAC & CO. “The Q uality Store” m WHAT Do You Need In Printing? B u ilding B ungalow — L eft Saturday— Mrs. E. B. H unt of 220 Moun­ tain avenue left Saturday after­ noon for Chicago where ishe will visit for three months. She will be with her parents who will celebrate their golden wedding anniversary on Jan u ary 14. Picture Fram ing. Studio Ash­ land. On the Plaza. W ork was s ta rt^ l on a new bungalow on the Carroll P ra tt property today. The debris of the old house w-hich was burned down about a month ago was cleared away. Mr. Mailby who was forem an on the high school building a t G rants Pass is the builder. He hires only Ashland, men. The Ashland Lum ber com­ pany is furnishing the lum ber and Mr. Hicks of this city is doing the plumbing work on th e building. Ankle length, sleeveless, broken lots of fine underwear to clean out at $l-»8 « CHECK UP TODAY: ¿/// ¿ . . I Know From C lear Sky— From the blue sky this morn-! A rrived H om e Saturday— ing came a snow th at lasted for! Mr. and Mrs. Hal McNair a r­ upwards of an hour. The snow rived home Saturday morning originated from a cloud th a t w>s after spending several days in broken up before the snow had Portland attending a meeting of reached the earth. L ater In the the state board of pharmacy of m orning the *aky clouded up b u t! which Mr. McNair is president. the snow ceased.— K lam ath Falls Herald. Classified Ads Bring Result« A merchant rushed into our office a few days ago and announced that he had to have some printed forms that day. At was impossible to get them printed that day—and hg was inconvenienced. He could have placed this order a week or two earlier, except that he neglected to check up on his printing needs. See what you need in the printing line, or what you will need within the next few weeks—and place your order with us at once. This plan enables you to plan your forms better and also enables us to give your order better attention- Frazier & Son KLAMATH FALLS STAGE I just want to remind you that when our supply of feed and flour that we have on hand is gone, and we are compelled to pay the present price that we must pay today, you will have to pay at least 10 to 15 per cent more. Now is a good time to lay in a good supply. Medford-Klamath Freight and Stage Line Call 3 9 Tw o d aily trips each way Our Aim Safety Service Courtesy : Present Schedule Iieave A shland ......................................... 8 : 1 5 A.M. Arrive K lam ath F a lls ........................1 1 :0 0 A.M. 1 :8 0 P.M. 5 : 1 5 P.M. Freight and Baggage Truck in Connection F razier & Son Phone 214 353 E. Main St. FOR ANYTHING IN THE PRINTING LINE Ashland Office: Tavern Cafe . The Ashland Tidings