D aily T idings ASHLAND CLIMATE Without the use of medicine cures nine cases out of teu of asthma. This is a proveu fact. The Tidings Has Been Ashland's Leading Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years ______________________________ VOL. XL V III Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Volume 45. NEW OFFICERS GETTING INTO SWING OF WORK MALARIA GERMS Cannot survive three months in the rich ozone at Ashland. Pure domestic water helps. (In tern atio n al News W ire Service) ASHLAND, OREGON, MONDAY, JANUARY 12, 1925 NO. I ll BARS ARK VP FO R ALL R A B B IS FROM POLAND GOV. IS ARRESTED ON ¡(BRIBE CHARGE SPOTLIGHT CENTERS ON THESE MEN. must : BULGARIA FIR E S 2 0 ,0 0 0 O FFICIALS TO CUT COSTS PIERCE GIVES LEGISLATURE ÜYEAR MESSAGE WARSAW. Jan. 127— ------------ O Exodus of rabbis from XX SOFIA, Jan. 12. — For XX Poland to America has XX purposes of economy and XX been stopped by the re­ XX in order to balance the XX fusal of United States XX budget, 20,000 officials XX consulates in Poland to XX are to be dismissed from grant more visas in addi- XX the Bulgarian Govern- ■ XX tion to several hundred XX m ent offices and institu- XX obtained by the rabbis XX tions. Arrest Takes Place Just Be- Tax Levies for County Are1« during the last two years. XX Women will be dismis­ Being Prepared by As­ Thus, 2,000 rabbis who *5 fore Inauguration of Suc- Member of Park Commission « sed first, although un­ cessor in Office Joint Meeting of Senate and applied for visas in 1924 sessor Coleman Gives Views of City Ac- « m arried /women will be House Hears Pierce Ad • ~--------- XX have little chance of be- Kfo'ijS X quiring Chautauqua u X given preference. * BOND IS FURNISHED 1 1 vocatc Policies -------- I x X x X ASHLAND RATE IS $6.02 i** ing ever adm itted to the The Governm ent’s de- XX United States. According COST SHOULD BE HAD XX cision is meeting with crl- No .Mention Is Made of O ccunuw e T otal Tax This Y ear W ill be WANTS IN C O M E TAX to the new Im m igration XX ticism from the press, In Speeches o f G overnor or $ 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 More Tlian in 1023. E stim ates on Repair of Structure XX which claims th a t enor- law the rabbis, like other Successor Says G eorge Cleaver, Prohibition L ist to be Ready Soon clergymen, are to be ad­ Should be Found and Included XX mous am ounts of money Offic«*r Is "Terror to l a w ­ m itted without any restric­ in Rond Issue. XX are being wasted on re- TOPEKA, Kansas, Jan 12 — - breakers” Throughout State tions, beyond the usual JACKSONVILLE, Jan. 12. — XX fuges who should be look- Governor Davis, ex-governor ' of quotas for em igrants from The county court, spent the past That with very little expense, XX ed after by the Iuterna- Kansas and his son, Russell, were each country, but their ex­ week allowing bills, draw ing the the Chautauqua building could JX tional Red Cross. If offi- form ally placed under a rrest here traordinary great num ber 1925 ju ry list and attending to be put into perfect repair, the XX cials m ust be dismissed) this morning when w arrants r *5 SALEM, Jan. 12— W ith the induced the United States the endless am ount of routine acoustic qualities of the building XX the press contends th at 1 V- charging ^bribery in connectioh m ajority o f m em bers in their Consulates to restrictive «. . business th a t comes before them X X - foreigners in State ser- corrected, and in short, the build­ with the alleged sale of pardons m easures, although all the seats, organization of the daily. The new county judge, ing made a splendid place in XX vice should be let out were served on the pair. They rabbis had all necessary W. J. H artzell, is becoming thor­ thirty-third leg isla tiv e assem ­ H undreds of for- which to hold community .g a th ­ XX first. »j gave bond to insure their appear- docum ents and certifi­ oughly acquainted with the work bly of the state o f Oregon was erings of every sort is the o p in -’ XX eigners. chiefly Russians, . a ance in court, and then proceeded, cates. of the office, having made a study ion of Frank Jordan, member of XX hold Government posl- com pleted here at noon today. it? of it for several weeks before xxtxxxxtxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxn under technical custody, to the XX tions. the Llthia Park board. Gus Moser, veteran senator inaugural ceremonies for Gover­ taking office. UXXXXXXXXXXXXXXttXXXXXX If the building is to’„be saved from M ultnomah county, was ■ nor Davis’ successor. County Assessor Coleman's of­ for the city, some concerted ac­ elected p n dilent of the senate, The sensational incidents of the fice force are busy with tax ex­ tion m ust be taken immediately, w h ile Denton Burdick, repre­ m orning but little on the surface tensions and segregation of val­ in order th at plans may have been sen tative from Redm ond, Ore., at the inaugural ceremony. Gov­ ues. They will have the tax rolls completed for regaining possess­ w as chosen speaker of the ernor Davis rode in the parade, ready to turn over to the sheriff’s ion of the structure at the time house. alongside his successor. The office about Feb. 20 to 25 and the the foreclosure proceedings, now F ollow in g the invocation, crowds lining the streets through sheriff’s office expects to be ready pending, are completed. Some speeches by th e new president which the parade passed was sil­ for tax collections about March organization, th e ’ Chamber of o f th e sen ate and speaker of ent. Governor Davis’ family was 10. Commerce or some group of or­ S&Xf* C K A ie p E S * O H E A i a i T & O E O R a S E i T L U V th e house and callin g o f the The total valuation of the coun­ P acific H ighw ay in Shasta Coun­ not present at his final appear­ ganizations m ust take action in G IO V A N K T I M A R T l N E W t 4 KTTW roll, < aeh house adjourned and ance at the Capitol as governor. ty to he W idened. According ty for 1924 as made up by the order that a movement may bo M arske Stars lu Rougit and m et in joint session to hear During his farewell address, to V’ote at Road M eeting T um ble Game. Locals Show assessor is >29,491,082.27? The gotten under way. Otherwise, the G overnor Pierce's m essage. delivered from the steps of the tour. Is believed to have b e p n d r w J J i h . valuation for 1923 was >28,734,- Superior Team W ork on “ American forclosure proceedings will be Capitol building, Governor Davis’ 878.34, a gain of >756,203.93 this SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 12.__ N ew York on a s empty car^H u ,and ,8hiPPed of - completed, the building sold, and searching to r him P G e S E ? • lreftdy spent >50,000« SALEM, Jan. 12— His term as Meeting here, the California voice broke once, but he quickly Giants. year. ¿ ¿ ^ p S h m ^ fT a S S « t o ° t * ew York in private fiands will probably be By TUT JACKSON The tax for this year was lev­ Highway Commission awarded the recovered himself and continued which Jimmy O'Connell, banished nL«» governor of Oregon half over, torn down, removing one of the « baeket bt U t8am on In one of the roughest games ied by the county court on the first contracts of its 1925 re­ with his speech which was e O’Connell wks d rop p S W alter M. Pierce today delivered * memb€r’ though city’s landm arks and best adver­ 8lne,e gam e- Giovanni basis of whaf two members of the construction program . The work masterpiece of rhetorical deliver­ M artinelli of the M e t r - m o M a . i tising assets, for in private hands been here this season, the Ashland h)s massage to the members of High basketbalT quintet hung a both houses of the state legisla­ leading dne Nr board of equalization m aintained. authorized includes widening and ance. a u tenors. r Is seriouslr a : Si : ¿ V ? ? rk world’s C1!y- the building is practically useless. In his speech, Davis mentioned They reduced the valuation to relocating a section of the Pacific Concerning the subject, Mr. J o r­ 38-21 defeat on the University ture who gathered in the assem­ been ope 1 a ted on for ap p en iloitb . ** ** Harvard athletics, has nothing about the investigation Highway in Shasta county; con­ >27,707,564.93. dan lias the following to say. H ’gh five, in the second game of bly hall of the house of represen­ It is impossible to tell ju st w hat struction of two bridges in Glenn and arrest, nor did his successor ‘ There may have been mistakes their two game bill Saturday tatives in the formal opening of the total tax will be this year but county; and the building of a in office. Governor Pullen. “Guess made in the.C hautauqua m anage­ night, and made a clean sweep of the thirty-third legislative as­ walk for pedestrians on the R io' they are try in e to hum iliate me’ it is estim ated by Assessor Cole­ ment in the past, hut as a m uni­ thez series. The Eugene boys ap sembly. Honda bridge, Los Angeles coun-l Davis said when arrested as Gov man to be about >100,000 more cipal proposition we should be peared to be out for blood, fol­ In a long document reviewing' than last year, 50 per cent of ty. It will be financed from the e rn o r> before his final address careful and not make one in the lowing the trouncing handed them the accomplishments of hi» fjrst The investigation started when which he says will be for irriga­ gasoline revenue. future. The people of Ashland Friday night, and as a result the two years in office, Governor a Topeka paper, in a copyrighted Two small bridges will be tion. cannot afford to let th a t ground game developed into a rough and Pierce called upon the legisla­ th a t Russell The total tax levied for 1923 built on the state highway in article, declared get into private h a n d s,-to say tumble affair, with a total of 35 ture to safeguard state finances, Glenn county, replacing inadA?-* Davis, son of the governor had was >1,377,501.57. notiiing of the building. But be- personal fouls being chalked up protect Oregon’s natural resources The levies for the cities in the q u aje.stru ctu res, by Otto P arlier met R. Bollman, convicted of vio­ 1 fore calling for a bond issue to against the two outfit)}. The Uni­ of Tulare at a cost of >15,285. lating the blue sky laws, and was R epresented H im self as Jack ‘ F irst o f New 4 -1 0 -2 ” Type to re tire the present mortgage, a versity High five were credited further the big state program of county for three years follow: highway c o n s t r u c t s and see ta H oxie, M ovie Star, in O btain­ 1922 1923 1924 The estim ate for the job was >18-, given a sum t>f money. This meet be Augm ented by Fifteen careful estim ate should be made with 19 of th es^ fouls, while 16 it that laws are enforced among ing Money in D unsm uir ing, according to the article, oc- More J u st O rdeted Medford ............. 6.10 5.95 6.06 840. of the condition of the buildings were m arked against the locals. ail classes and obeyed by all peo­ cured in the lobby of a fashion­ The safety traffic lane on the Ashland ............. 6.29 5.88 6.02 and what it would cost to put B utterfield of the Ashland five ple. DUNSMUIR, Jan. 12. The B utte Falls .........5.73 5.69 6.05 Los Angeles county bridge will able Topeka hotel. Imm ediately The most powerful and econ­ them in good repair, including the and. Hayes of the visitors were The governor came out flatly C entral Point ....7.32 6.91 6.52 be constructed by the K. O. W et­ after the sum of money changed young man who represented him­ omical non-articulated, or single acoustic possibilities and in­ removed from the game because for enactm ent of a state Incom« Eagle Point ...... 5.26 4.95 5.13 zel company of Los Angeles at a hands, the article avers a pardon self in Redding a few weeks ago engine unit, locomotive yet de­ clude this in the bond issue. of four personal foul!}, while at The engin­ was issued for Bollman by Gov­ as being ’Jack Hoxie, the moving signed by mechanical experts now Gold Hill ...........5.36 5.02 4.65 cost of >3,308.50. Both the park commission and the final gun every man on the tax law and advised th a t the best ernor Davis, the governor’s last picture star, and later ’.’Stung” is being built for the Southern the city council have carefully measure would be one sim ilar to Jacksonville ...... 6.92 6.41 6.56 eer’s estim ate w as >5,612. Eugene outfit was charged with th at of South Carolina, under W ing Sing, local Chinese laundry- Pacific company to handle heavy Edwards brothers of Los An­ official act while in office. Phoenix ............. 7.22 7.55 6.18 estim ated the budget of 1925, so Charges were filed with the tnan for >55, then placed" under trains over the mountain sections there could be no financial aid three personals, while Wilson, which the income taxpayer con­ Rogue. River ....5.83 6.37 7.21 geles received the contract for who went in for B utterfield, Talent .............. ...6.79 7.27 7.27 the grading on the Pacific high­ d istrict attorney, and an investi­ a rre st by City Marshall John H. of the West. from th a t source. And the Chau­ Marske and Ramsey were each tribute} to the state one-third the The telephone num bers at the way on a bid of >400,905. The gation was started Saturday. The Young and taken to Yreka, turns „ This was announced in a report tauqua building needs immediate amount he pays to the national government. sheriff's office in Jacksonville are: engineer’s estim ate was >372,6^0. district attorney, and those who out to be a "bad egg.” acco rd in g ; received this week by* J. W. Fitz- attention. W Jthout being repair­ charged with an equal number. Eighteen of the locals’ m arkers j Gerald, superintendent for the Legal departm ent 502, tax depart­ The work to be done consists of j investigated the action 'dfeclare to Sheriff A. S. Calkin«., He called upon the legislature ed, the building will be a liabil­ Sheriff Calkins received a w ire , company. •ame as the result of these free to safeguard m ent 592. Those having much, eleven miles of widening and j th a t enough evidence was uncov- the irreducible ity instead of an asset. The business with this office will save straightening between Halfway! ered to prove to them the correct- from the Los Angeles police d e -( The first of these locomotives, acoustics of the b ui 1 d i n g throws, while the visitors were school fund and to “ prevent in time and annoyance by entering creek and Dog crook, in the Sac­ ness of th eir actions. A grand p artm en t saying th at a man w a s! known as the "4-10-2” or South­ should cause no great alarm . So ) unable to count up but seven future thè woeful waste of the ! e r a Pacific t^pe, is under con- points by th'^s means. Marske in past.’^ these num bers in the telephone ram ento canyon. Construction jury indictm ent was returned ear­ being sen t for Hoxie. far there has been no practical T h ey re coming for you, J struction by the American Loco- addition to being high point qian will begin shortly and should be ly today, and the a rrest followed. book. facin g a legislature which is way in the construction of a J lo x ie .” the sheriff told him, of the game with 13 points, drop­ predominately Republican and completed by the end of the year. motive company and is scheduled The new sheriff, Ralph Jen ­ building to tell ju st w hat the "All rig h t,” was the ’ laconic to be delivered to the Southern The contracts will be financed nings, Is giving the jail a thorough acousties will be, but they have ped nine out of fourteen free adm ittedly hostile to some little reply. KANSAS CITY BANK IS Pacific early this year. The com­ cleaning and on Friday dispen­ from gasoline tax revenues, but hundreds of ways to throw s through the ring. Ridings degree to the state adm inistra­ ROBBED OF $25,000 Hoxie’s crim inal record reads pany has ju st placed an order discovered for the visitors, was high point sed with a lot of "booze,” dump­ Glenn county has agreed to re­ like a book of diversified crime. for 15 more of these locomotives. overcome bad conditions, (most man for his team with nine tion, the governor advised that he fund later in the year the cost of ing it in the sewer. ways not very expensive. No two was "exceedingly anxious to KANSAS CITY, Mo., Jan. 12. He first ^appeared on the records- An outstanding feature of the buildings take exactly the same points, scored on three field Delilah Stevens, the new coun­ the bridges In th a t county. work In harmony with this legis­ j -—Between 35 and 50 Customers as wanted at Salt Lake for im­ 4-10-2" ia a third cylinder, plac­ goals and three free throws. ty clerk, has re-arranged her of­ lature." i and employes of the Community personating a federal officer, De­ ed inside the main fram es slight­ treatm ent but the same princi­ fices and a new steel vault has KLAMATH MURDERER During the earlier periods of “ I do not want to infringe in State Bank, a suburban in stitu ­ cember 15, 1921, under the name ly above and between the two pals apply to all. L et’s go!” been Installed for the protection the game, the visitors showed a TAKEN IN CUSTODY tion near this city were today of George Reynold«. any way upon any of the preroga­ outside cylinders. of the records. defense for the fast, smashing IN J A C K S ONVILLE held up by four masked bandits As Earl Reynolds, he* is w ant­ tives of the legislative branch of Hauling capacity of the new lo­ A much needed new B urroughs style of play Couch Hughes’ ed a t Akron, Ohio, for a mall comotive, due to greater tra c tiv e ' who escaped with >25,000. our state governm ent,” the gov­ KLAMATH FALLS, Jan. 12.— m achine has been ordered for charge)} used, and as a result the robbery there in December, 1922 power .and more uniform pulling ( ernor sa'd. "I guarantee to you The persistency of W illiam Per­ T reasurer W alker’s office. score worked back and forth, that every departm ent of state is it is alleged. As E. R. Reynolds, torque because of the third cy­ County Superintendent Susanne kins, news editor, and Tom Ma- with first one team in the leaJ he was held as a suspected bur­ linder, is one-fourth more at a ( open to your inspection. Homes C arter and assistants are lark^y, reporter on the Klam ath and then the other. Finally the glar a t Los Angeles, Jan u ary 3, speed of 25 miles an hour on a; “ It Is your function to prepare busy closing up the year’s work Falls Herald today resulted in the superior speed and floor work of 1923, and released from his dif­ 2.2 per cent grade than that of and pass bills. I wish to help you and preparing for the New Year. arre st of John Taylor, who con­ the locals put them out in the ficulty." He was again arrested the most powerful locomotive now in every possible way. I tender The Jackson county school con­ fessed to his participation and lead, and although their wn»-v In the same city February 16, in use by the Southern Pacific. you my cooperation at all tim es.” vention recently conducted by the implicated four others in the hold was not as good as on Friday 1923, for burglary and later re­ Mayor O. H. Johnson and As an interesting comparison, The state prohibition d epart­ up of a local card room on Jan. county superintendent was a won- 03591797 leased on probation, according this newest “ leviathan of the members of the new city council, night, when they literally ran the 4, when John Erickson was kill ment, under George L. Cleaver, derfhl success. to record. rails,” with its three cylinders and forming the new installed city visitors off their feet,they push­ which has been under fire over ed. It was a fade out for Hoxie, to ten driving wheels, can handle adm inistration will be guests of ed up a commanding lead. The Perkins, M alarkey and Fr?d speak in^ movie parlance, until more tonnage than the non-arti­ the Chamber of Commerce Forum score at half t'm e waa 17-7 in the state on many occasions, camp DUNSMUIR, Jan. 12. — Duns­ Morley, 75, constable, being re­ in for laudatory rem arks from the October 2, 1924, for larceny of culated Mallet locomotive having luncheon to be held at the Plaza favor of the locals. fused deputy sheriff’s commis­ m uir’s city hall is another step state ’s executive. an automobile from J. H. Cox, four cylinders and sixteen driv­ Confectionary tomorrow. It has In a prelim inary game, the sions by Sheriff Elect Hawkins, nearer realization since W ednes­ Governor Pierce said the state which name he calmly assumed ing wheels. When first placed on been announced th a t the Plaza Ashland High girls’ team and an to work on clues, secured special day night's meeting of the board as he moved northw ard. service by Southern Pacific in will be the future meeting place alumni team played to a 27-27 tie. (Continued on page four) • i state agent w arrants from Gov- of city trustees. John W. Wool- The high school girls came from let of the firm of W oollett & for the Chamber Forpm lunch­ 1909 the Mallet type held honors I ernor Pierce and traced Taylor behind in the closing moments of as the most powerful locomotive eons. to his m ountain, 97 miles away Lamb of Sacramento was preseht Play and overcame a ten point FOUL PLAY FEARED and explained the plans of the The entire program at the in the world. in Jacksonville. A fter twelve lead to knot up the score. luncheon will be furnished by the OF SEATTLE OFFICER hours cross examination, Taylor building thdt is to be construct­ SALEM, Jan. 12. — Need for The score of the main game members of the adm inistration, confessed to participation in the ed during the coming spring. the erection of a new office build­ follows: ' AMERICA TO SHARE SEATTLE, Jan. 12. Following " oolett drew the plans and made each of whom will speak. The holdup, implicating with him Pete ing on the suprem e court grounds the IN REPARATIONS I attitu de of the various members University HI (2 1 ) A shland (8 » ) and Charley Smith, alleged boot­ »P the specifications. The plans a three day investigation, to take care of the increasing police today fear E arnest Sea- ! of the adm inistration on the num­ Hempy (6) were approved by the board and leggers, Pete Sullivan- sheep- F (7) B utterfield num ber of state departm ents has PARIS, Jan. 12. — It was erous problems of city manage­ Stearns (1) borg, state supervisor of fisheries G >© trustees expect to advertise herder and John O'Shea. Taylor (13) Marske been called to the attention of the contends Sullivan killed Erick- • f° r blds on the construction work, was either killed by fish p ira te s learned from British sources to­ ment will be explained by these Ridings (9) (9) Bryant legislature which convenes here Hall ( l ) next week. The bids will be open- or rum ru n n ers> or X©H to his day th a t the United States Is to members in their speeches. Friday of last week a Mr. H ar­ son. (5) Ramsey today, in a report prepared by It is expected th a t a large tu rn ­ Hayes (3) ed, according to present plans, at death in the ship yard in the be awarded two and one q uarter ris, who claimed he represented (0 ) K atzer Sam A. Kozer, secretary of state. waterway. Seabord per cent of the Dawes plan re­ out of members will be present at the first meeting of the board in Duwamish Substitutions: M arlatte (1) for The Utah Construction company D uring the two-year period em­ Many A ttend Program — disappeared last Friday, while ceipts received from Germany, in the luncheon to w’elcome the mem­ Hayes, Wilson (4) for B utter- and th at he needed many men in February. x A H rge num ber of Ashland and braced between October 1, 1922 The new structure, on which enroute from his home here to payment of America’s war claims bers of the council and the mayor. fie d. the widening of the Pacific High­ and September '30, 1924, the state Medford people attended the pro­ >40,000 will be spent, the am ount Olympia. His car was found Sun­ of >350,000,000. France, on the Many other interesting pro­ way someplace between here and Methodist of bonds voted by the voters at day. A rew ard of $500 has been other hand, is still hopeful thfct grams have been arranged for o f Oregon paid >40,073 for office gram at the F irst Weed, California, arranged for a re n t for departm ents' and activ­ church in Medford last evening the special election held last year, offered for the recovery of his the United States will m aterially the coming year, according to the crew of workmen to meet him KELLOGG’S SUCCESSOR ities occupying q uarters away when the choir of the local Meth­ will be one of the most beautiful body. reduce the France-American debt, members of the program com­ IS NOT YET SELECTED Monday m orning to go to the according to the paper, "D ’Infor­ m ittee. from the capitol building. Many odist church repeated their C hrist­ in the entire county. The outside Included in these pro­ job. m ation” , official mouth piece of grams will be one a t which Ban o f these quarters are for the ac­ mas cantata. will be covered with an ornam en­ Down South— WASHINGTON, Jan. 12.__The 11118 m orning some 40 men Finance Minister elem ental. Lindsey, famous Denver juvenile commodation of activities m ain­ tal plaster th a t is calculated • to successor to Frank Kellogg as met at the R inehart pool room, A. W. Moon of the Moon Lum- America's percentage of the rç- court judge will be the main taining branch offices in P o rt­ R eturned Saturday— im part a striking appearance to am bassador to G reat B ritain will but Mr. H arris did not show up land. A. Richardson of Bly who has the building. The specifications ber Company of H ilt is spending ceipts will continue as long as the speaker. he either Alanson Houghton, now and the men soon dispersed, "So far as I am able to de­ been spending a few days in for the in terio r also show th a t the week in San Francisco. Dawes plan is in operatoin, it is am bassador to Germany, or Sena­ ome of them reported they had stated. Ashland retu rn ed home Saturday. te rm in e ” , reads the report of the In San F r a n c i s c o - the building wlil be one of the H ere Y esterday— tor McCormick of Illinois, it was Passed up other jobs of shorter secretary of state, “in those Mr. and Mrs. Charles Logan most modern and convenient learned today Jrom a reliable au­ duration in order to take th e Reverend Belknap of Medford Prineville— 20,000 lambs were structures of its kind in the Pendleton —- Annual county and wife of Yreka, are spending thority. (C ontloned on page four) was a visitor In Ashland yester­ I sold here for 11 cents a pound. state. and state tax levy 14.40 mills, a week In San Francisco. They j 7 ° rk They 8aid Mr- day. H arris had promised >4.50 a day half mill lower than in 1924. are frequent Ashland visitors. Tidings W ant Ada are ge-getteca with board at $1.00 a day. BE TAKEN OVER SAYS JORDAN K » ASHLAND HIGH FIVE » ARE ORDERED BY S P TAKEN IN CALIF. FOB USE IN HILLS TD BE HELD Al THE NEW DID HALL AS OFFICE BUILDING IS . HELD STATE NEED : B ÏS E C J . VORKMENFOOLED 8¥ MAN WHO MAKES A SHORT SEAY IN CITY I