ktöfi HfrO BArLf tidings Saturday, January l a , ASHLAND D A IL Y T I D I N G S bv the business men of New York to Owen D. Young, the was returned with vigor, and the settlers not vet having' when lauA * Portland is the greatest wheat exporting port in the U. S. Duluth and Superior shipped 10,122,000 bushels, Chicago, 7,327000 and Portland 25.724,000, in 1924. (E stab lish ed In 1 8 7 6 ) Published Every E ven in g Except Sunday by THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. ' „ n r Ii-lLfG^ er "A".......................................................... .......................... Editor M'.Enag°irP1“ i whlcl? 1«vo'ved 8 P,au 80 fair ‘® 11,1 »ations that it ¡greatly outnumbered the Indians and were well armed! New Haven road, while they are Salem — New business census _ _ J v 391 . - a s impossible lor any country to reject it. ¡and cocked and primed (or a a fight. A council war was was ask,ng the state to improve high credits pruned £or fight. A council of of war < . FICIAL CITY PAPER .................................... /....... ....... Telephone Salem with 24,761 peo­ i.r.tered at th e A shland, Oregon P o sto ffice as Second C lass Mail M atter i the successful adoption of the Dawes plan was due ¡held and it was decided that in view of the fact that the ways so their trucks may move I ple, 7,000 more than in 1920. «««orge Madden Green ..................................................... Business • Month ... • t.ree Months i i Months ... i n s Year ___ Subscription P rice, D elivered in City B y Mail and R ural R ou tes r.e Month ................................. .......................... hree Months ............:........................................................................ x Months ............................................................................................ :ia Year $ .65 , 1.95 3 50 6.50 faster. The railroad has notl- i t ' fled the Public Utilities Commis-i exter-1 Sion it intends to stop all service; ' on a dozen branch lines th at lead b ill’- t0 busy nianufactu ring Tillages,' dinner wil probably be the shortest and most concise state­ ied and the volunteers returned home.’ Steele and his contending the motor truck has ment regarding the Dawes plan that will be recorded in party did not reach the place of conference until the talk made the rail lines a burden. 1 There has been no stated con-| historv. settlement a •. p 1 I was ended and the --------- - reached. The Yrekans LIVRU4IO then lUUll IIC LllUU between UCIWCCU the lilt action h nection action O of I u the \s its snccesstul operation means so much to world turned their faces homeward, not wishing to meet with railroad and th a t the m anufactur tigle insertion. pe? inch ................................................ $ 30 Yearly C ontracts 1 ' e insertion a week ......................................... .2754 i >'O insertions a week .25 I *ily insertion ............... ................................................................ .20 R ates for Legal and Miscellaneous Advertising f ir s t insertion, per 8 point line ...... _ S 10 » Heh subsequent insertion, 8 point line ................................... «> 05 - V ■ird of Thanks ................................................ ................................ j ' qq c titu a rie s , per line .02% o-vxzl to future prosperity w.z-w «.Z J- of 1? this ’ nation, (no / 1 busi­ • peace and ness being too small to profit hv it) it is a pity that every man and woman cannot secure a copy to read so that all may understand and appreciate history in the making. 94% AIR rrs* nv . ... - Pipsu Tyee on the ¡Siskiyous they made a long detour overf ers>but botb are waitibg for the Beats Electric or Gas session of the Legislature, at. zery -rough country and suffered hardships from the which the m atter will be threshed lengthened trip and the scarcity of provisions. They had out. A new pil lamp th at gives an amazingly brilliant, soft, whit© not succeeded in securing the murderers of Woodman, and Makers of m otor vehicles as jin addition tailed to find anybody ready to hear the ex­ well as rail line executives out- light, even better than gas or electricity, has been tested by penses oi their campaign, which was reported at $2000.00 i sIde New England will watch the the U. S. Government and 35 lead­ INDUSTRIAL GROWTH BRINGS PROSPERITY legislative battle, Both believe which Steele complained that he had to pay. ing universities and found to be the *outcome in Connecticut will The growth of Los Angeles as an industrial city dur­ About the time of Steele’s departure for Rogue river have superior to 10 ordinary oil lamps. , W HAT CONSTITUTES ADVERTISING an im portant bearing on the All future events, where an admission charge is made or a ing the past year is strikingly illustrated by figures com­ as just narrated, Ben Wright, an Indian fighter of re­ It burns w ithout odor, smoke or cituation elsewhere. u section taken is A dvertising. piled by the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce which noise— no pumping up; is sinmle. nown, all through the country, and greatly feared by the No discount will be allowed Religious or Benevolent orders. show that the annual payroll has increased from $266,261,- Indians, set out from Yreka in search for the murderers Clatsop county will spfend clean, safe. Burns 94 per cent DONATIONS air and 6 per cent common kero­ No donations to charities or otherwise will be made in advertis 600 in , . 1922 to $303,754,850 x , , in , 1923 , and that when the. • of Woodman; he was accompanied by several Indians, $100,000 to complete her part sene (coal oil). ’•’< or job printing— our contributions will be in cash. figures are tabulated, the annual payroll for ¡among whom was one known as Scar-face, himself an In- of Roosevelt Highway in 1925. The inventor, V. M. Johnson, Umatilla county shipped 161 North Union Ave., Portland, “ * had ‘ repute and greatly suspected by many of th e' Eastern BRETHREN, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are 1924 will be shown to he approximately $364,000',(X)0. |dian Of ¡7 Voo” nate^o1 sp. ritual, rebtore such a one in the spirit of meekness; considering During 1924 there was added to the industrial life of miners about Yreka. Proceeding toward the Klamath netted n ^ eac asparagus that Ore., is offering to send a lamp thyself lest thou also be tempted.— G alatians 6:1. each. on 10 days’ FR EE trial, or even (the city approximately 1,000 additional industrial firms raver, the party divided and Scar-face approaching the to one FR EE to the first user that are engaged in the manufacture of various lines of vicinity of V rcka w a s seen and at once pursued. He was Astoria — sham rock butter, in .give > SANDBAGGING THE MOTORIST each locality who will help putting the total number of firms in the city up oil foot and his pursuers on horseback, notwithstanding made by Lower Columbia C o ° p - him introduce it. W rite him to- Oregon started with a 2-cent gas tax, raised it to products to 6,000. which he t , ie led them a desperate race for about eighteen erative ?cairy’ won second p,ace < day for *•» particulars. Also ask ihree, and now is proposing to increase it to six cents a Ampng the more important industries are petroleum, miles before they captured him. He was at once hanged * D airy X w t T to exp,ain how you can *et gallon, in the coming session of the legislature, 011 the the- mea^ in n in g the agency, and w ithout experi­ lumber, confectionery, ice cream, bakeries, i without ceremony in a gulch*known as Indian creek or < ry that by so doing, automobile licenses can be reduced) ‘ 1 ence or money make $250 to $500 per month. and the heaviest tax load lie placed on those who use the ood products, wearing apparel car shops, auto parts, iron “ Scar-face Gulch.’’ Wright was more fortunate than and steel machinery, furniture, brick and tile, fixtures Steele and brought in two Indians to Seotts valley, who ±<>ad the most. were at once tried by a citizen’s court in the presence of} California adopted a two-cent gasoline tax two years and cabinets, building materials and chemicals. rrhe Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce lias for years a large concourse of armed miners. One of the prisoners ago and reduced the license fee to a flat price of $3. Now oeen working on a well defined campaign to encourage in­ was promptly convicted and at once hanged, the other i it is proposed to increase the gas tax to three or four cents dustrial growth and development which would bring per­ prisoner was discharged and spent no time visiting with i; gallon and the license tax to $5 on all motor ears. manent industries and payrolls to the city. It can point his'captors. The miners wanted a victim and Captain Gasoline and motor car taxes have spread like wild with a feeling oi pride to the record which it has achieved, Wright satisfied them. The Woodman tragedy was closed, i fire over the nation. Tax gatherers have found it easier to not only in Los Angeles hut to a|l of Southern Califor­ (To be Continued) * raise money from this source than from any other. nia which has received assistance from its activitv. The claim is that the motorist derives all the benefit C harter No. C7 Reserve D istrict No 12 » f good roads; therefore, he should pay the bill. This is ' R EPO RT O F CONDITION OF New York’s dry spell longest on record, says a head- unsound reasoning. Nobody derives greater benefit from good highways than do the towns along the highways, ine. For fear this might be misinterpreted it is necessary TH E CITIZENS BANK OF ASHLAND I YOU CAN AT ASHLAND IN TH E STATE O F OREGON the farms adjacent to them and country tributary to such ' o say that this refers to absence of rainfall. RELY ON TH E THE CLOSE OF BU SINESS DECEM BER 3 1 st, 1924 paved roads. THIS Land, 10 to 30 miles from a trading center, which was •, , , , voonuge opposes no.aing an inaugural hall I 1. Loans and discounts, RESOURCES including redis­ almost worthless before hard surfaced lnghwavs .e * ll8 must attend and try to dance. Never, having learned counts shown in items 29 and 30, if any 382,500.74 ! » The advice and counsel built, is today more accessible^ markets and town than '.u ? re X “ 8 N» against 2. O verdrafts secured and unsecured.......... 634.72 ¡ you secure fro m this Pola, Nejrri I 4. O ther bonds, w arrants and securities, in agency mean that you eluding foreign government, state, m uni­ in theLKira.mount Picture ■re farms live and 10 miles away on the old dirt roads. cipal, corporation etc., including those 9 L ily o f th e D u s t' know just how your in­ \\ hat has enabled local land lords in everv town shown in item s 30 and 35, if any............... 156,620.18 ! surance stands. You will Stocks, securities, claims, liens ju d g ­ I At The VINING ailing a main trunk highway to.double and treble their Two Swedish authors are going to engage in a pub- ments, etc......................................................... 2,490.04 filid out the protection SUNDAY and MONDAY rents in the past few years—paved roads principally,- De debate to determine which of them is a liar. The chap 6 Banking house, $15,000; fu rn itu re and fixtures, $5,000.00 you have, the possible in­ 20,000.00 which have brought ten people to town where one came who lies the most convincingly will probably prove the 7. Real estate owned other than bank­ creases you need. You get i efore. other fellow ought to have the title. ing house .......... ....... «...................... 14,500.79 S A F E FO R CHILDREN a reliable picture of your 9. (ab) Cash on hand in vault and due from The gas tax is nothing but an expediency tax adopt­ banks, bankers and tru s t companies........ jiroperty and your insur­ ed because it is the easiest way to raise money and be­ Mothers everywhere demand a designated and approved reserve agents of Pioneering in Southern Oregon ance. this bank ............................................................ 88,726.84 1 reliable cough remedy free from cause superficial arguments in its favor seem plausible 21. Net am ounts due to other hanks, bank­ by C. B. Watson injurious narcotics. Supplying this to public. Jt is not equal taxation and no argument can Incidentally you can secure ers and tru st companies .............................. 442.24 demand for fifty years made FO­ from us policies in the H art­ 10. Exchanges for clearing house and items make it so. LEY’S HONEY AND TAR COM­ ford Fire Insurance Company on other .hanks in the same city or town So long as it was kept within reason, it was tolerated Certain grievances had arisen between the whites and as reporting bank ............................................. 3,183.09 POUND one of the Largest Sell­ that will safeguard* you from every possible loss. on banks outside city or town of :st as was the tea tax prior to the revolution. Nut sat­ Indians that was causing excitemuet among the settlers. 11. Checks ing Cough Medicines in the ! reporting hank and other cash item s...... 125.37 World. Children like it. “ My i isfied with moderation, however, Oregon is facing- a tax So near as can be determined it was over some trivial 15. O ther assets, if any ............1...................... 24.20 ------- i little boy had a very bad cough, ( f six cents a gallon on gas. Why not make it 10 cents a matter, hut being complicated with other reports stirred Total ............................................................ 669,248.21 and a fte r he used FOLEY’S i Billings Agency gallon or 15 cents a gallon and remove all annual autoino- up by bad spirits on both sides and promised to develop HONEY AND TAR COMPOUND Bstab. 1883 I ile license taxes? seriously. So much had blood was being agitated by 16 Capital stock paid in LIABILITIES ............. ....... ............. 50,000.00 he got relief at once,” writes Mrs. Real E state & Real Iasurance The theory that the gas tax will make the tourist pay trouble makers on both sides every day, in isolated spots 17. Surplus fund ................................................... 10,000.00 Van Belle. Penroy, Mont. Refuse 41 E. Main St. P hase 211 Undivided profits 5,527.69 substitutes. ‘Sold everywhere. more money in the state will act as a boomerang. The it looked as though war would soon break out. The set­ 18. • (a) (b) Less cu rren t expenses, tourists who now spend millions in each of the coast tlers in the neighborhood'of Table Rock appealed to the in terest and taxes pai^ ............... 5,527.69 16. Reserved for taxes, interest and deprecia­ states will rebel at exorbitant gas taxes and as Florida people of Jacksonville for protection. A company of about tion ..................................................................... 3,500.00 has repealed its inheritance tax to attract capital to that §0 young men was organized in response to this appeal 20. Dividends unpaid ............................ ....... . 1,762.50 due to other banks, bankers AMERICAN state, so will other states repeal’their gas taxes in order and under the command of J. K. Lamerick, who subse­ 21. Net and amount? tru st companies ............................ Your Pet 2,721.04 Hammered Piston Rings to attract tourists away from states which sandbag them quently became celebrated, proceeded at once to their DEMAND DEPOSITS, other than • banks, subject to reserve: DESERVES THE BEST PERFECTION the minute they cross the state line. assistance, reachiifg Big Bend, opposite the Rancheria, 23. Individual deposits subject to check, in­ Silent Timing Gears Bring or send it to The public wants tax reduction and it wants equal just before the arrival of Steele with his detail of Yrekans’ cluding deposits due the State of Oregon, county, cities or Qther public funds ____ 293,100.62 FARR AN-OH) Taxation. Shifting taxes from one shoulder to the other in search of the murderers of Woodman.6, Besides the 24. Demand certificates of deposit outstanding The Medford Veterinarian 1,918.11 Fan Belts or from one class of citizens to another class, while con- lories of Lamerick and Steele a large number of settlers 25. Cashier’s checks of this bank outstanding Hospital payable on demand .......... ........................ DETROIT. 2,184.83 stantly collecting a larger aggregate amount per capita, had gathered and these being armed were attached to 26. Certified checks outstanding ............... ............. 76.25 Springs is simply Dr. E. C. McCULLOCH, Total of demand deposits, other than TT piling up trouble . for the future. , Camerick’s comapny to assist in the expected engagement. bank deposits, subject to reserve McQUAY-NORRIS Graduate Veterinarian I nder the proposal in Oregon a Ford would pay a The whole of Sam’s and Joe’s Indians were at the ranch­ items 23. 24,* 25, 26 $297,279.81 I iston Pins and Bearings 6>0-cent state tax every time 10 gallons of gas was put eria and considerable effort was required to bring them Comer Fifth & Grape Sts. TIME AND SAY7INGS DEPOSITS, sub­ ject to reserve and payable on demand in its tank. WHITNEY to talk with the whites. Some crossed over «and the others or subject to notice: Phone 369 Silent Drive Chains 73,640.66 to the number of about a hundred, relying on the prom­ 27. Time certificates of deposit outstanding. .. MEDFORD, Oregon 28. Savings deposits, payable subject to For Every Car READ AND THINK ises ot «Judge Skinner finally came over. The «Judge was notice. ........ -.................................................... 224,816.51 (commenting on sugar and the tariff, the Spokane| always in favor of peace and treated the Indians with con- Total of tim e and savings deposits payable an demand or subject to I will he at The East spokesman-he vmw says: . i sidération and had their confidence and tried to bring notice, items 27 and 28, $298,457.17 LEEDOM’S TIRE and Side Pharmacy in Ash­ . / rî,S.I, n1t Co° 1(lgi‘ told the Public that the protec-¡about a reconciliation, and for this purpose proposed that REPLACEMENT PARTS Total ........................ .................................... $669,248.21 uve ta in t had hut a slight bearing on past high sugar i both parties parties should move to a log cabin situated at a little land every Wednesday, juices and that world conditions of production and con* distance away. Suspecting treachery the Indians refused . SERVICE 12:30 to 7 p. m. Call there s,niItb> cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly knowledge sumption accounted for them. That the President was to gó although «loe, their Peace Chief, tried to prevail and bel?ef thC &b° Ve statenient is tru e to the best of Across from (ho new or phone 51. 9-iStory Hotel right is shown in news dispatches from Denver which re­ with them to do so. Sam, the War Chief, had returned to , V. O. N. SMITH, Cashier (SEAL) port that beet sugar prices there have dropped to the low­ the ranchería for safety. At this moment, John Galvin, Subscribed and sworn to before me this 8th day of January, 1925 est mark recorded in local markets in many years. Man­ one of Steele’s Yrekans, pushed the muzzle of his rifle L. A. ROBERTS, Notary Public My commission expires April 25, 1925 ufacturers were quoting beet sugar at $7.05 cwt., and cane against an Indian’s naked back in an effort to force him CORRECT— A ttest: Migar, wholesale, $7.25. Here is seen the play of the law to move toward the cabin. The savage made a movement W. M. POLEY, W. F. LOOMIS of supply and demand. ’ of resentment, when Galvin instantly shot and killed him J. P. DODGE, Directors. “ The immediate effect of an increase in the tariff is and the fighting promptly began. The dismayed and over­ a slight increase in prices, but if the increased tariff leads matched Indians got behind trees and some plunged into called jitney buses from the to increased home production, the ultimate effect is to the river to escape. Those savages on the north bank of State. A final show-down as between pull down the price and, in the end, both the producer the river began firing but to no effect against the whites. railroads and autom obiles has and consumer are benefitted. v Old «Joe, the Peace Chief, clasped his arms about Martin be6n expected in Connecticut for “ Protection tor American labor and industry has Angel and clung in desperation to him for protection, lie two years. M anufacturers are transformed this country from its old time status of agri­ was saved by Angel and others from the enraged white HARTFORD, Conn., Jan. 10.— seeking a combination of both cultural exporter and industrial importer into the great­ men who seemed determined to take his life. Fightihg C onnecticut’s State LegislatuA?, means of transportation. The its session for the first State Highway D epartm ent at-t est manufacturing country on the globe.” now ceased and preparations were begun for the next entering time in two years tomorrow, tem pted to build a truck highway A lair and reasonable tariff is for two purposes: To day’s operations. Steele with his Yrekans agreed to move probably will be told to chose be- from the New York s ta te line to raise revenue, thus relieving taxpayers by that much, and up the river to a certain point and cross over at Hailey’s tween . railroads and m otor cars New Hav/en, but was h\eld up io protect Uibor and industry from improper foreign com­ ferry and come down the north bank to the vicinity of the for the S tate’s freight and pas­ One of the hardest and hottest petition, thus giving the home product and the home rancheria. A detachment of Lamerick’s company consist­ senger transportation service. A A COUGH RHMEDY coals that come to Ashland jlar project as to choice be­ worker an equal chance with the foreigner. WITHOUT OPIATES ing of the settlers who had proffered their services to sim tween trolleys and m otor cars him, was directed to go down the river, cross over and was put up to the 1921 Legisla­ Many .cough preparations con­ w tain one or more harm ful drugs HISTORY IN THE MAKING SPLENDID VALUE gain the top of Upper Table Rock, where they tfould tu re, and the trolleys won. which are added to take the place Ninet ty-four will go down as an epoch-mak- command the vicinity. The main body -under Lamerick, Threats of abandoned service on opiates. None of these narco­ ing year in World history because during that year lendezvoused at the Ambrose ranch and at night returned branch rail lines in Connecticut of Try a Ton You will not Regret it. tic substitutes have ever been the Dawes Tor the settlement of the World War rep­ to the scene of the fighting and crossed over in the dark­ have been made here by C. L. used in FOLEY’S HONDY AND Bardo, general m anager of the arations was prepared an dadopted. ness at a very dangerous and difficult ford near the New York, New Haven & H art­ TAR COMPOUND. The name of every ingredient is plainly p rin t­ Inasmuch as three unofficial American citizens have rancheria. When across they halted until it became light ford Railroad. A sim ilar declar­ ed on every carton. You know been given credit for seeing the Dawés plan through to and then moved toward (he Indian strong-hold which was ation by L. S. Storrs, president of hat you are taking when you a successful conclusion, it was a fitting tribute to the surrounded by thick shrubbery so interlaced with brush the State-wide trolley system, pro- w Carson-Fowler Lbr. Co. take Foley’s. It clings to the work of the Dawes committee that a testimonial dinner and vine^ as to be almost impenetratable. When within ceded convening of the 1921 Leg­ throat. Good for old and young. “In the H eart o f Tow n’’ was given on December 11 at the Waldorf Astoria hotel shooting distance the Indians opened fire on them which islature, and was followed TJy You have a cough, why not try complete elim ination of the so- it. Refuse substitutes. ■ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦• ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ «-» ♦ ♦ M < I I > I M > > « DISPLAY ADVERTISING RATES 1 * ~) KINO FIGHT FACES SOLONS COAL A UTAH COAL