R G B TWO ASHLAND DAILY TIDING« Friday, January 0, 1025 A SH LA N D D A IL Y T ID IN G S ! plan is put into practice the value of broadcasting will (Established in 1876) greatly increased and one more link of friendship and This is Ashlands understanding will be forged between the old world and Place To Find Published Every Evening Except Sunday by the new. What It Wants THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. Radio sets now are bought readymade, just as one To Eat Sunday H t R. Greer . .................................................... ......... ;................. Editor buys an automobile, a camera or a bicycle. One reason WASHINGTON, Jan. 9.— For ______ _ t^-orge Madden Green ................................... ................. Business Manager for this is the fact that radio is now universal in its ap­ eign investm ents in Germany, U -FIC IA L CITY PA PER ........................................... ^ .....T ele p h o n e 39 while fairly extensive,-are alm ost! ‘ : ;ered at the Ashland, Oregon Postoffice as Second Class Mail Matter peal. Outwardly, at least, the modern radio receiver is no longer a complicated device requiring the existence entirely confined to short time NEWS HAPPENINGS Spends $1,500 to Move Subscription Price, Delivered in City loans, according to cables to the I OF OREGON SHOWS 80-Foot Tree 2 Miles « r e Month .....................„............................................... $ .65 of an.expert operator. It is, instead, an instrument with D epartm ent of Commerce. MUCH OF INTEREST 'J uree VI Months ................. _ .......... ....................... 1.95 1 control so simple that the veriest novice can operate it at Commercial A ttache H erring, j t M LOS ANGELES, Jan. 9. — One t a t BerlW, attrib u tes this situation ! PORTLAND, Ore., Jan. 8. — .............. ' ■ .................................................... 3 75 first sight. Year of the four oldest palm trees in 7.50 By Mall and. R ural R outes We are developing radio in the direct service to be to uncertainties affecting longer A m other has filed suit in circuit California, standing more than ^b™«^SS^th«7Z7™™77777*Z7777717777™"7Z7i“ “......... ^-«5¡rendered, messages to he carried, voices to be heard, in investm ents, which are princi­ court here to prevent her son eighty feet high and weighing pally problems of valorization of from using his own name in busi­ more than 60,000 pounds, has fc-.x Months ............................................. 3.50 ways not now posible by existing means—in short, to make «>Qj Year ................................. taxation, and above all of the ness. been moved two miles and re- ----------------------------------.......... ........................... 6.50 the lot of mankind easier and more simple.” transfer aboard of interest pay­ The suit, brought by Mrs. M arket Basket IS VASTLY BETTER DISPLAY ADVERTISING RATES fc.i gle insertion,’ pe.- Inch .................. Yearly Contracts Vne Insertion a week ................................. ............ *i * o insertions a week .............................. jja d y insertion .......................... 77777777777777^7 7 7........ Rates for Legal and Miscellaneous Advertising n r s t insertion, per 8 point line .................................... I n c h subsequent insertion, 8 point line -7.77777777........ » »rd of Thanks ......................... ,....... ;...................77777777...... V situarles, per line A Feature Page For Telling the Cooks About the Good Eatables planted in a garden. The work cost more than $1,500. The tree was brought to Cali­ fornia from Sinaloa, Mexico, by the old mission padres, according to E. Clement Wilson, the pur­ chaser. ments in view of restrictions un­ Mabel Holman Osborn of the Hol­ der the Dawes plan. man U ndertaking company, seeks SAVING OLD ROADS BY RESURFACING “ The improvement in German to enjoin Holman & Lutz, recent­ .27% In connection with the salvaging of old macadam business since August continues” ly incorporated undertaking firm, .25 .20 roads, Boston, in the year 1914, considered two proposi­ H erring notified the departm ent, from using the name “ H olm an” $ .10 tions for hard surfacing one of its leading thoroughfares: but increased production is due i in connection with its business 05 First, utilizing the old macadam as a foundation for the largely to a b etter domestic de- and from using “ Holman Chapel 1.00 mapd ra th e r than to increased building” in referring to its place .02% new surface; second, tearing out the old macadam and re­ export orders. of business. placing it with a new foundation. This improvement is reflected W alter E. Holman, grandson of i WHAT CONSTITUTES ADVERTISING “All fu tu re events, where an admission charge is made or a It was found that by utilizing the old macadam in easier money rates and larger the late Edward Holman, pioneer and all other good meats «.• i lection taken is A dvertising. road as the base for an asphaltic concrete wearing surface, totals in car loadings and s a v -! undertaker, defendant in the s u i t ' No discount will be allowed Religious or Benevolent orders. for a saving of $1.25 per square yard was secured compared’ ’?gS depos,ts- In accordance With ! brought by his mother, evers that DONATIONS this tendency, the stock m arket has in his advance advertising No donations to charities or otherwise will be made in advertig- with tearing up the old base and laying a new foundation. is rising and the bond m arket Pointed out th a t the firm of Hoi • cs or job printing— our contributions will be In cash. While the saving on the first street so reconstructed slightly falling.” ■ man & Lutz has *no connection was only $20,000, the same ratio of saving applied to some Price reduction efforts thus far ; with th e Holman U ndertaking THE CHAUTAUQUA BUILDING have been ineffective, and the company but insists anyone in 400 miles of macadam roads in thé city of Boston, repre­ Awakening to the possibilities of losing the magnifi­ rise in steel prices, with the con­ has a right to- use his own cent Chautauqua building here, through its passing into sented a saving of about $11,000,000 based on costs at that tinued over - organization of busi­ business name. Phone us private hands, leading citizens of this city have come time. This first asphaltic concrete surface, laid over old ness, prevents the lowering of forth with recommendations and suggestions as to how macadam base, has been subjected to unrestricted Boston production costs. As a result, ac­ ALBANY, Ore., Jan. 8. — De the building may be preserved for the use of public insti­ traffic for 10 yaers and has not cost $1 for repairs. Need­ cording to H errin g ’s view, ex­ lays in securing women to serve i port * dumping has been continu­ on jury would be elim inated in a tutions here. Almost unanimously these suggestions have less to sav, Boston continued the policy of saving its ed.” bill which Judge L. L. Swan, leg-1 indicated a desire for a small bond issue, in order that macadam streets. “ The revival of p u rc h a sin g : islator of Linn county, will in- Counties and states can profit to the extent of hun­ power assures the indebtedness on the building may be met, and thus a high domestic i troduce a t the coming session o f ’ the structure saved from foreclosure proceedings now be­ dreds of millions of dollars by learning a lesson from this ^ i Cl ? ! Vel a,n d indicates an ex’ ! th e state legislature. His m easure type of pavement. It is a crime against the taxpayer to panding m arket for American.' would require the county clerk ing formulated. The holder of the mortgage on the building, who is tear up well packed rock roads instead of utilizing this goods, particularly petroleum pro­ to notify each woman drawn on phosphates, co p p er’ and the venire within five days after now forced to foreclose in order to protect his own inter­ old base for a waterproof wearing surface of asphaltic ducts, high grade leather and rubber the drawing. The woman so no­ ests, has been very lenient in the matter, and it is with concrete. Apply business methods to road building and shoes,” H erring said. tified would have 15 days in regret that he has been forced to take court action. He more miles of road can be built for less monev. The commercial attache de­ which to refuse service. At the clared th a t no m aterial progress expiration of this time service has given Ashland plenty of time in which to take up the has been made in the organiza­ would be compulsory, according to indebtedness, hut not until now, at the last minute, has the ABOUT tion of an international steel provisions of Judge Swan’s meas­ POSTAL VETO EFFECTIVE community been aroused to the danger of losing the land­ and th a t no basis for ure. It is regrettable that the determination of Congress to a syndicate mark. Franco-Germ an agreem ent has The Chautauqua building has long been identified as give to the postal employes what the members of Congress been reached concerning the ex­ SCIO, Ore„k Jan. 8. — Twenty- on i ¿‘presenting the true spirit of Ashland. The second larg­ consider to be a just scale of wages has not been accom­ change of Lorraine pig iron for two years of service in an offic­ German coke and coal. plished. We regret the fact. We regret still more the est building of its kind in the United States, it is well ial capacity with the town of Mild w eather for the early W in­ Scio was brought to a close here method. known by the thousands of tourists who have passed has been favorable to the gen­ when Dr. A. G. Brill retired as But since the right or wrong of these wages is not de­ ter through this city, and as an. asset in advertising Ashland, eral food situation, particularly mayor. He had served 13 years termined either by one Vote or by one veto, we can assume the potato and W inter vegetable it is worth the amount of the indebtedness hgainst it. as councilman and 9 as mayor. harvests. A m arked increase in As a private building, owned by one man, the struc­ that the matter is not ended.* Then try a loaf As to the incidental questions that have been brought slaughtering was noted, particu­ Tidings W ant Ads bring results ture is about as useless a hit of property as we can im­ of hogs, of which nearly agine. 1 he purposes it could be made to serve are few, up, regarding charges for postal service, we trust that the larly 2,500,000 were killed in the last and Ashland needs none of them. But as a publicly owned President and Congress will cooperate to bring about qu arter of the year, against 1,- structure, it becomes almost invaluable: Many of the more accurte knowledge regarding costs, so that the in­ 000000 for the same period last reasons it should’be kept in the hands of the community terests of employes of the Government will not be tied year. All this was taken to indi­ F razier & S on were published in a news story in The Tidings yester­ up, in the future, with the interests of either newspapers, cate th a t the German people are or farmers, or merchants, or any other patrons of tile ! living much more satisfactorily day. Many more could have been mentioned. as 1925 opens than they did in The time has arrived when something drastic must postal service. 1 just want to remind the early weeks of the old year, he done to save the building, to preserve it for the use when they were faced with a con­ you that when our supply Self preservation is the first law of nature, hut most dition of alm ost hopeless econom­ of feed and flour that we or the city. In public hands it has served its purpose ic chaos. well. In private hands, with little need for the purposes pedestrians Are habitual law breakers. have on hand is gone, and ’ Unemployment on December 1, Good Sweet Oranges only 75c for a 10-quart pail it can adequately serve, it is liable to fall into a state of had decreased to 426,000 recipi­ we are compelled to pay For most of us the eclipse will occur January 24. For This will he our last lot of cheap oranges, min. Something must be done, and done immediately. the present price that we ent of doles, as against 588,000 certain candidates it occurred November 4. so buy now ’ in A ugust and 1,439,000 last J a n ­ must pay today, you will ALWAYS PIONEERS uary. By th e end of January, have to pay at least 10 to We are selling Crown, White Loaf and Co­ Oregon industrial and agricultural advantages are be- C harter No. 67 Reserve D istrict No 12 1925, it is anticipated, unemploy­ 15 per cent more. Now is lumbia Hard Wheat Hour below the present REPORT OF CONDITION OF m ent will have been reduced still mg heralded by the Southern Pacific Company in a new wholesale price, and you will save money to buy farther. All indications point to a good time to lay in booklet entitled “ Oregon for the Settler.” It*contains a good supply. a six-months’ supply now. a rapidly recovering German in­ wealth ol authentic and up-to-date information on the AT ASHLAND IN THE STATE OF OREGON dustry during the new year. AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS DECEMBER 21st, 1»24 Good Nippy Cheese 30c a lb. opportunities offered in this state and is expected to “ The revived purchasing pow­ stimulate growth in Oregon. Other railroads are doing- er assures a stable currency, a RESOURCES SUGAR PER SACK $8.00 1. Loans and discounts, including redis­ high domestic price level, and ’ similar work for other sections of the country. counts shown in items 29 and 30, if any 382,500.74 prospects of an early abolition of; F razier & S on Railroads have always been pioneers. They have 2. O verdrafts secured and unsecured.......... 634.72 many im port prohibitions, w ith­ P h on e 2 1 4 — 3 5 3 E . M ain St. 4. Other bonds, w arran ts and securities, in built into the wilderness and made it possible for settlers eluding foreign governm ent, state, m uni­ H. A Stearns out sim ultaneous prohibitive ta r­ iollow. They have opened up farm lands and they have cipal, corporation etc., including those iff increases,” Commercial At­ in item s 30 and 35, if aay ............... 156,620.18 opened up manufacturing opportunities. When this is 5. shown tache H erring said. Stocks, securities, claims, liens ju d g ­ “ An expanded m arket for ments, etc......................................................... done they do not stop in their effort to interest people in 2,490.04 Banking house. $15,000; fu rn itu re and American goods thereby is indi­ the territory served by their lines. They continue, as the fixtures, $5,000.00 20,000.00 cated.” Southern Pacific is doing today, to show the diversity of 7. Real estate owned other than bank­ ing house .......................................... 14,500.79 opportunities that still remain for people in all parts of (ab) Cash on hand in vault and due from Queer Things Offered the country. banks, bankers and tru s t com panies........ in “ Dead L etter” Sale ♦ ♦ » ♦ ♦ « « » !« « > > > » » designated and approved reserve agents of Primarily the railroads must be called pioneers. A this, bank ............................................................ 88,726.84 H O W TO B E h a p p y CHICAGO, Jan. 9. — A radio strong and progressive railroad system remains a pioneer. 21 Net am ounts due to other banks, bank­ ers and tru s t companies .............................. set, with carburetor attached; or 442.24 It never rests on its oars. It is constantly seeking to open 10. Exchanges for clearing house and items M y aside a little caeli month. A 20th Century Store is certainly a ticnefit to (who know s?) a fresh girls eye; up new avenues of commerce. In this way the railroad is on other hanks in the same city or town any community when you consider that 40% of the average family’s in....ne is a set of second-hand teeth, a nice as reporting, bank ............................................. 3,183.09 different from almost any other line of business. It must 11. Checks spent for ood stuffs. The 20th Century sells the best kinds of merchandise, always mahogany leg, a can of pork and on banks outside city or town of blaze its original trail and must constantly prepare the reporting bank and other cash item s...... beans; or a m usket, made in 1837, showing the consumer consistent savings. 125.37 15. O ther assets, if-an y ................................... 24.20 th a t won’t shoot — these are a way for the other fellow in order to have business for its OFFERINGS SATURDAY AND MONDAY, JANUARY 10TH AND 12TH 1925 ___ « f few of the priceless bargains own lines. Total 669,248.21 available at the post office sdle in Carnation or Bolden Bulk Shortening LIABILITIES Chicago this week. Campbell’s Tomato •> 16 Capital stock paid in ................................... milk, tails 50,000.00 ........9c o lbs. 63c The m usket has four notches on OUR NATIONAL HOME BUILDING MATERIAL soup 9c, other kinds 10c 17. Surplus fund ................................................... 10,000.00 it, for which, however, there will 18. (a) Undivided profits 5,527.69 The Division of Building and Housing of the United Matches- -Bestx ot 5c brands—Noiseless—6 boxes............................... 25c be no extra charge. (b ) Less current expenses, States Department of Commerce has compiled index interest and taxes paid ............... 5,527.69 Macaroni, curve. Old Dutch Cleanser -for taxes, interest and deprecia­ Toilet Paper, very fine, numbers which show the comparative cost of building IS. Reserved Girder Cuts Dirigible tion .................+.................................................. cut, 4 lbs. 3,500.00 ...2 5 c 2 cans 15c 1000 sheet rolls, 3 22c with different materials in Philadelphia, Cleveland, Chi­ 20. Dividends unpaid ............................................ Frees $17,000 of Helium 1,762.50 21. Net amount? due to other banks, bankers cago and Denver. Fisher* Blend Flour—Best at the price—49 lb s a c k .......................................... $2.75 and tru st companies*.......................... 2,721.04 SCOTT FIELD, 111., Jan. 8.— These figures show that lumber offers by far the most DEMAND DEPOSITS, other than 7 Helium gas valued a t $17,000 es­ Raisins, bulk banks, subject to reserve: Pop Cora, best grown, Crystal White Soap economical form of home construction. Next comes ce­ 23. Individual caped, with an explosion-like re­ deposits subject to check, i n - » 3 lbs. 30c 3 lbs......................... 25c 10 bars ................. 43c ment stucco finish with wood lath on frame construction, eluding deposits due the State* of Oregon, port here, from the United States county, cities o r'o th e r public funds ........ 293,100.62 Army dirigible TC-5 when the then brick veneer over wooden frame, eight-inch hollow 24. Demand certificates of deposit outstanding 20th Century Brooms—5 sew, ined. weight—Finest quality, each ................ $1.00 1,918.11 huge bag was pierced by a steel 25. tile and solid brick. Cashier’s checks of this bank outstanding Comb Honey, large Italian Prunes, large girder on the outside of the hang­ payable on demand ................................... Strained Honey, pure, 2,184.83 Figuring an eight-inch wall for brick and hollow tile, 26. Certified checks outstanding .......................... er from which the ship had be?rt white, sec., each ..25c 3 lbs. 76.25 ....................25c ________ ____________________quart jars ______ 60c ' these various types of construction run from 8 to 196 per Total of demand deposits, other than removed preparatory to a flight to bank deposits, subject to reserve cent higher than wood frame construction, except in two Springfield, 111. Royal Garden Tea, the cream of the crop. Ceylon and India Black or Japan Green, items 23. 24, 25, 26 $297,279.81 No one was injured seriously, instances where cement stucco on wood or metal lath is TIME AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS, sub­ ____________________ 1-2 pound package 38c ject to reserve and payable on demand several of the ground crew re­ 11 to IS per cent,, respectively, less than straight frame or subject to notice: ceiving scratches, it was report­ Olympic Pancake flour Peets wash machine Fancy evaporated 27. Time certificates of deposit o u tsta n d in g ... contsruetion. 73,640.66 ed. 28. large pack............... 25c Savings deposits, payable subject to soap, large pkge. . .33c peaches, 2 lbs......... 35c AV itli modern lire resisting methods of flame con­ . notice -».................................................. 224,816.51 struction, wood has no close competitor for favor with Total of tim e and savings deposits F lirts with Amazon; -Oth Centuix Coffee The flavor you’ll like—Everybody does. Roasted in our own payable on demand or subject to the American home builder. Knocked Out, Jailed plant the day before you get it. Pound 45c—3 lbs. $1.32 notice, items 27 and 28, $298,457.17 ? .30 Rabbits i Chickens Lamb Roasts The choice of those who have tried all kinds of bread— Your Sunday FRANKLIN’S SUPERIOR BREAD Dinner The Eagle Market Franklin Bakery Phone 199 Fourth Street Market Ask your neighbor Special Sale Sally Ann and Golden Sheaf LARD Bread Saturday Bring your pail and get it filled Lithia Bakery O R A NGE S THE CITIZENS BANK OF ASHLAND PLAZA MARKET to 44 Stores RENDERING GREATER PUBLIC SERVICE Summarizing the progress that has been made in radio development, General James G. Harbord, president ol the Radio Corporation of America, in a recent state­ ment said: “ Transoceanic broadcasting— in short, the realization of international broadcasting—for purposes of entertain­ ment is not yet in regular operation, but proposals for in­ creasing the power of sending stations so that programs Horn London, Paris and Berlin may be easier heard in America are being carefully considered. When such a BERKELEY, Cal., Jan. 8. — Total .......................... .................. -............ ...................... 1669,248.21 Edw ard Lewis, th irty , was sen­ SJn ith * casbier of the above named bank, do solemnly tenced to six months in jail* be-I and beUef b° VG statem ent is tru e to the best of my knowledge cause he attem pted to flirt with ' the athletic wife of a Berkeley (gEAL) V: O. N. SMITH, Cashier policeman. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 8th day of January, 1925 Mrs. Bernice W ilson, form er L. A. ROBERTS, N otary Public U niversity of California co-ed and My commission expires April 25, 1925 now assistant swimming instruc­ CORRECT— A ttest: tor, Eaid she was accosted by W. M. POLEY, W. F. LOOMIS Lewis, who invited her to “ take a J. P. DODGE, Directors. w alk.” Mrs. Wilson countered with a stiff rig h t to the chin, and while Lewis was still groggy from Tidings classified do the business the blow, she summoned her hus­ band, Patrolm an O. W. Wilson. 20n,Ccn(uryGroccry 44 Stores Burnett’s Vani la, 2 oz. bottle .................... 35c Queen Olives, large Fresh Cream Oats fruit, pint jars ...'.33c 4 lbs................... ' . .25c Florida Grape Fruit, large size Bananas, Fancy fruit, each .................................; ........... 10c 2 lbs. ..............................................25c Canned Goods Specials—Our Invoice Saletis nov on. Ask the salespeople for our canned goods catalogue. The savings will interest you, surely. YOUR NEAREST STORES ARE LOCATED AT ASHLAND MEDFORD GRANTS PASS 374 E. Main St. 31 N. Central Ave 509 G. St.