Htm «tòtem AtttttAyfi tu n y ihiursdajj January ft. 1025 PROFESSIONAL Mrs. W eren many happy retu rn s sentative of the Grand Lodge of of the day. Pythian S isters a t. the In tern a­ Those present were Messrs and tional m eeting held in th a t city. PHYSICIANS C la r ifie d Colum n R ates Mesdames Eric W eren. E. O. H er story dealt with the visits Ona cent the word each Smith, Misses Hazel B runer, Isa­ in various cities and places en­ OR. HAW LEY— Above Tidings tim e. belle W attenbarger, Jean Ander- route, the country, the scenery, office. Phone 91. To run every Issue for one Phone item s to her aT:W <^ tw e e n ' C herry’ J °* R‘gg’ ° Hver Ander-i and the beautiful lake trip and month or mote, H e the word DR. C. W . HANSON each time. « _ _ „, _ ’ 8On and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald I last but not least, the reception D en tist 5 p- “ • ! G unter. ’ accorded the delegate, a . Toronto Special attention given to pyor. CHICAGO, Jan. 7. Steady ♦ ♦ # FOR RENT and at the many places visited. Ralph Obenchain, “ the man in a rhoea. Office upstalrB In Beaver D inner P arty — Mrs. Roberts goes in her official m illion,” refuses to believe that CALENDAR OF ÉVENTS 283-tf. a New Scientific Discov­ FOR RENT: — Two light Block. Phone 178-J. I A very delightful dinner p a rty ' capacity to the next assembly, lightning strikes twice in the Through ery the Vital Glands May Be As­ housekeeping rooms, DR. G. C. PHETTEPLACE furnished. Friday, January 9. College C lu b : was given at the home of Mr. which is held in Chicago. sisted in Their W ork of' Supply­ same place — he has proved it D entistry 424 Helman St. will meet at the home of Mrs. I and Mrs. H. E. W iltse on Fifth 107-3* ing the Eneigizing G landular Mrs. B. C. Forsythe, Mrs. Henry by m arrying pretty Mabel Schmitz; Gas or local anesthesia for ex­ R. W. Stearns. t street W ednesday evening in hon- Enders and Mrs. John Enders daughter of a Secretions Which Are So Nec­ m inor surgery. wealthy stock FOR RENT: — 5-room furnish­ traction # and essary to Vigorous Health. Friday, Jan u ary 9. C hristian ' or of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Ru- were hostesses for the social h o u r1 broker, ed house. Inquire 121 Laurel St. Special attention given to straig h t­ and care of children’s Missionary society will meet a t ger, whose m arriage was one of during which Mrs. Forsythe and ¡ His bride was the belle of n 107— 6* ening church parlors. teeth. the outstanding social events of Mrs. Enders presided at a tea N orthw estern University campus Tbousiu‘ds of Men and Women Above Citizens Bank Now Take Glandogen to Help Friday, Jan u ary 9. Acorn Cir­ the week. " FOR R EN T:— Three, two-room Phone. Office, 151— Res., 201-J table made beautiful in its — the same spot, where a fe w ! Regain Normal Health, cle, No. 54 meet in the evening. A delicious dinner was served dainty pink and white candles years ago, Obenchain, then a ' apartm ents (light housekeeping) Vigor and Strength and a large wedding cake, beau­ and its wealth of pink and white young lawyer, wooed and w o n 1,, W oadera hav« been worked in 349 East Main. 105-6* DR. ERNEST A. WOODS— P rac­ Installation and initiation. Saturday, Jan u ary 10. Daugh­ tifully decorated with bride and carnations. tice limited to eye, ear, nose ano Madalvnne P n n n « . the reJuvenation of youth and vig- Z u T ; r Of co1" ° r by Kland«lar treatm ent in one HOUSE FOR RENT: — Com­ th ro at— X-ray including teeth. ters of the Nile will meet in Med­ groom was one of the features Mrs. Grace E. Andrews, pub­ giate hearts. or C alifornia’s State Institutions. pletely furnished, including piano. of the meal. Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 tc ford. Election of officers. licity chairm an. L ater they were divorced. Tbis “ Scientific Magic” has been ♦ » * W ith or w ithout garage. Inquire 6. Swedenburg Bldg., Ashland, Many beautiful presents were A fter a rom antic affair with Ar- performed by the head physician E ntertains Class— a t No. 173 Oak street. 104— tf Ore. given and the guests departed th u r C Burch a n r n fA « .« , ♦! 1 anplans engage, a few other artists and MISCELLANEOUS W hlteShield Home, 565 May- great deal of m errim ent. train speeded on. It was not until the unconscious form on the cow­ made for it. A ttention was also turns, but eith er they would not INDIANOPOLIS, Jan. 8.— De­ fair Ave., Portland, Oregon. Sandwiches, birthday cake and called to the next m eeting; the AGENTS W ANTED: — Experi­ cóme to London or else their claring 'th at she felt as if she had they had been overtaken by a catcher was discovered. coffee were served at a late hour ence not necessary. W’rite for returned from the “ Great Be­ fast switch engine, twelve miles dram atic afternoon, in charge of term s were prohibitive. PLANING MILL and the group adjourned wishing Mrs. W. M. Poley and Mrs. F. D. Tidings W ant Acts are gorgetterg appointm ent Box A. Ashland “An American comedian asked yond,” Mrs. Kenneth Clark, eigh­ ■ ___________ W agner. For this meeting, a for $2,500 a week. I offered an teen,who clung for more than Dally Tidings. 107-2* fORDON’S SASH AND CABINET _ WORKS, Cor. H eim aa and _ -------- --------------------------/----- charge of 25 cents will be made English a rtist $3,750 a week if twelve miles to the cowcatcher of LOST: — Brown coat rwith Van Ness. 194ti SimPle Mixture Best for non-members, the proceeds she would come out of her re­ a locomdtlve speeding through lig h t'fu r collar, between Medford — „,.L X —----------------- -— ! For Constipation to go to the Scholarship Loan tirem ent, but the engagement darkness at the rate of sixty T R A N SF E R AND E X P R E SS and Talent. Finder please leave Fund. miles an hour, told of her awful did not materialize. a t Tidings office and receive re­ W hittle T ransfer & Stn-ng* Co, ( Simple buckthorn bark magnes- experience. At this point, Mrs. A. C.; Joy, “There are some a rtists in for SERVICE. i iuib sulph. c. p., glycerine, etc.. w ard. lb®— 2 Mrs. Clark was one of an auto head of the Americanization de­ America who are the sort of out­ Experienced movers and pack- as ni,xed in A dlerika, isexceilent We have at the present partm ent emphasized the im port­ standing turns needed a t a theatre party wrecked by the K nicker­ LOAN WANTED:— On 5 acres era ef household goods. Beal-1 for c° » 8Upation. It often works bocker Special of the Big Four ance of the work, iq view ..of the like the Em pire, but very few time a very good stock of w ith house and barn close to ers in coal and wood. Phdne in one hour or less and never fact th a t under the recently pas­ in thia country — two or three] Railroad, speeding eastward. Her tow n, $900 for 4 or 5 years. H. used can» to select from. grips. The pleasant and vUICK 117. We have just received a husband, her father-in-law, Clyde sed law there are 9000 in. Ore­ at the most. C. Galey, Agent, 65 E. Main. action of this efficient intestinal Office 89 Oak St. near Several Coupes, Tourings, Run­ large assortment of elec­ 105— 3* “ We do not breed music hall Clark, suffered from shock more evacuant will surprise you. Ad gon who will need help before abouts and Light Deliveriéìa. Hotel Ashland than because of physical injury. a rtists in this country as we used next election, and mentioned, in tric lighting fixtures—the lerika helps any case gas on the These cars are in good ru n ­ The m other in-Jaw, Mrs. Clyde passing, the work th a t is being to breed them . The vogue of ning condition and are priced proper fixture for every T. L. POW ELL— General Trans­ stomach, unless due to deep-seat­ Clark, who was also in the auto­ right. revue brought young a rtists un­ done in our own town so quietly fer— Good team and motor ed causes. Often removes m at­ part of the house. It will pay the used car buyer trucks. G >od service a t a rea- te r you never thought was in your th a t few know th a t 13 are enrol­ der the producer and so killed in­ mobile, died from her injuries. See— to investigate a t this time. Neat Desiims The twenty-months-old baby led in the Sunday afternoon dividual Initiative. And many of system. J. K. Bolton. eouab.’e price. Phone 83. BEAYER REALTY CO. Harmonizing Colors classes at the library, in charge our best artists have been lured of the younger Clarks, though How about the new Thir­ for Bargains in Real-bis­ hurled many feet by the impact away, quite naturally, by the gi­ of Mr. F. G. Swennlng and th at FEHIGE-ROACH teen plate Ford-Built Bat­ we will he glad to show tate. We also handle In­ about 30 received help last year. gantic salaries offered in the of the collision, escaped injury T ransfer — Express — Storage them to you tery a t .................... $16.50 entirely. Mrs. Joy then asked the # ish of United States. surance and Loans. 82-tf Hanling — Dray Work of all “One well e known English From a hospital cot young Mrs. ‘he membership as to m anner of kinds. Quick motor service. Dry presentation as she plans to give comedian is being paid $2,500 a Clark told of her thrilling ex­ wood of all kinds. Phone 410-R H A R R IS O N some time each m eeting to this week in New Y ork; another is to perience. She said: 375 B. St. 112-tf ro there next year a t a salary of “ When the locomotive hit our branch of the Club work. Brothers, Garage For 65 years, millions have $5,600 ft week. We simply can­ bortl, Lincoln, Fordson Dealers “ B etter Film s’’, as presented car I was throw n into the air. 240 East Maia St. WOOD SAWING 00759385 rubbed soothing, penetrating St by Mrs. Gordon MacCracken was not compete with th at sort of As I sailed through space in the Jacobs Oil right on the tendel WANTED— Wood sawing. Tel darkness I clutched at. something. spot, and by th, a comprehensive resum e of the thing. 470-J. 63— Imo* B utt declared he had lost an I held on for dear life and soon I subject. Facts were m arshalled time they say Jack Robinson — o u t enormous am ount of money in realized th a t I was clinging to and given so interestingly th at Drink Lots of Good Water THE FLORAL DRESSMAKING comes the rheu­ the listeners could not help hav­ his five m onths’ venture at the the front of the engine and rid- j matic pain and dis­ ing a b etter understanding of the Empire. Several other music halls ing fast. I stuck until the cold All Day, Also Take Salts SHOP tress. St. Jacobs Over Ashland Tidings Occasionally Winchester Shot Gun, 20-guage, fool-proof barrel; Oil is a harmless place the film industry occupies are still in operation in the W est air seemed to bite right into my 104-1 nip.* End. but it is understood th e y , bones. Consciousness began leav- rheum atism a n d today in American life. full choke; in perfect condition; pump action pain l i n i m e n t “ The moving picture became a are having hard sledding. ing me and there came the A SNAP AT $35.00 which never dis factor about 20 years ago and W hen your kidneys h u rt and thought th at my* end had come. 1 L etterheads, statem en ts, t o and a p p oi n t s See it at the your back feels sore, don’t get vour order at the Tidings Office. I m ust have fainted, for I re- doesn’t burn the since th a t time the ‘movies’ have scared and proceed to load your skin. It t a k e s moved indeed,” said the speaker. Arrives Home— stom ach with a lot of drugs th at pain, soreness and Mrs. MacCracken told the story ’ J. C. Fergu|son who has been stiffness from ach­ from the "inside” and the "o u t­ in Sai$ FranciBco for the past i excite the kidneys and irritate the For a sm ooth shave ing joints, muscles side” viewpoint. The fact th a t en tire urinary tract. Keep your twp weeks returned home M on-; and quick service go Biggest Little Store in Town and bones; stops AMERICAN kidneys clean like you keep your to th e Shell B arber sciatica, lumbago the United States leads in pro­ day. Mrs. J. C. Ferguson who un­ bowels clean, by flushing them Shop. Ladies and backache and neuralgia. 35 cent duction and in distribution; th at derw ent an operation at the U. C. Hammered Piston Rings w ith a mild, harm less salts which PERFECTION children get your hair bottle guaranteed by all druggists England, Scandinavia and Japan hospital is reported to be steadily , helps to remove th e body’s urin ­ censor American film s; th a t but bobbed and m arcel­ improving. Silent Timing Gears ous waste and stim ulate them to five states censor filma and few led. ’ FARRAN-OID th e ir norm al activity. cities, com paratively (P ortland The function of the kidneys is Fan Belts is on e); th a t the public demand W. A. SHELL, Prop. 1 Leaves a bad cough; so does to filter the blood. In 24 hours 532 A. St. Ashland, Or« DETROIT “ flu.” But you can stop salacious films seems disproved they strain from it 500 grains of these lingering, weakening, by subm itted facts; these were Springs Medford-Klamath Freight and Stage Line acid and waste, so we can readily sleep-disturbing coughs witc some of the points noted. Two daily trips each way McQlJAY-NORRIS understand the vital im portance of Paints, Varnishes and The speaker presented the C H A M B E R L A IN ’S standard set by the board of keeping the kidneys active. Piston Pins and Bearings Our Aim Kalsomines C O U G H R E M ED Y censorship of Portland and read Drink lots of good w ater— you WHITNEY applied by good workmen c a n ’t drink too much; also get Used and recommended since 1872, it leading features of the new bill Silent Drive Chains guarantee beauty and from any pharm acist about four hsis relieved the coughs and Golds of to be presented in Congress. For Every Car both children and grown persons -ounces of J ad SaltB. Take a table­ durability “ Since children form two Present Schedule everywhere. spoonful in a glass of w ater be­ Leave Ashland ..................................... H:15 A.M. thirds or more of every audience,” 1:30 P..M. Keep a bottle in your home all the time fo re breakfast each morning for Arrive Klam ath Falls ..................... 11:00 A.M. W hen you are suffering with! 5 :1 5 P.M. Mrs. MacCracken suggested it be­ ■a few days and your kidneys may rheum atism so you can hardly No Narcotics. Sold everywhere. LEEDOM’S TIRE and hooved thinking folk to bestir Freight and Baggage Truck in Connection th e n act fine. This famous salts get around ju st try Red Pepper J themselves and note w hat is REPLACEMENT PARTS ♦ Is made from the acid of grapes Rub and you will have the placed before our youth. It is a ♦ SERVICE and lemon Juice, combined with quickest relief known. ♦ Weakening Night Ashland Office: Tavern (Yifc pity the full text of the address * lithia. and has been used for 4 Across from the new Nothing has such concentrated,1 not be given. I À 9-,story Hôtel years to help clean and stim ulate Coughing Banished could penetrating heat as red peppers. “ Next Door |Neighbors” was 1 clogged kidneys: also to n eu tral­ In stan t relief. J u st as soon as Very Simple W ay pleasingly presented by Mrs. L ize the acids in the system so A, Roberts. This was a happy you apply Red Pepper Rub you they are no longer a source of ir­ account of her trip to Toronto, ■feel the tingling heat. In three ritatio n , thus often relieving blad­ It is really astonishing how a per- m inutes it warms the sore spot sistent, exasperating rough that ha.« Canada in her capacity as repre- A shower makes bath­ d e r weakness,. through and through Frees the kept y°u awake night after night, and Jad Salts is inexpensive; can blood circulation, breaks up th e S ^ T ^ J S 5 * S á S T % S ® S ing easier and quicker. not in jure; m akes a delightful ef­ Old and young enjoy its congestion— and the old rheutna- 5 S h , t e í ¿ lS Ü S M ‘o t o 5 ¿ & r S fervescent lithia-w ater drink convenience. | “ f f i t S h o d Ub»ed on . «nw . which everyone should take now .ism to trtn re is gone. R o w le s R e d P e p p e r R u b , m a d e ecription known aa Dr. King’s New Discovery The healthy habit of a and then to help keep their kid­ neys clean and active. Try this; (rom red peppers, costs little nt bath-a-day is more enjoy­ ■li Get a ja r a t { ¡ S S f f i S i ^ K S r S S ' S S S j S ; also keep up th e w ater drinking, any drug store. able when the bathroom is and no doubt you will wonder once. Use it to r lumbago, nen- b o . equipped with a built-in loosen* and removes the phlegm and w hat became of your kidney ¡ ritis. backache, stiff neck, sore Loa for the Life of your Oar which are the direct ea u e of “ shower. They are inex­ IE only oats that cook Into granular oatmeai. trouble and backache. By all muscles, colds in chest. Almost Getting at the cause like this, in a _____ is proper greasing and oils at Nothing else like it. Meaty granules stimulate m eans have your physician exam- instant relief aw aits you. Be sure y ^ g ^ y o u r * ^ ^ ^ ^ pensive and easily install­ the proper time. digestion. Never cook sticky or pasty. Wonderful Ine your kidneys at least twice a to get the genuine, with the cough condition is gone. whole ed. lavor. More than a new oatmeal—a n e w cereal, year. We will be glad to suggest This simple treatment is splendid not only name Rowles on each package. Write, phone or call for tor coughs and chest colds, but also for bron­ the proper m aterials. chitis, bronchial asthma, hoarseness and al­ Classified Column bcißty PHYSICIAN'S GLAND EXPERIMENTS ASTOUND COLLEGE KIDMAN SCIENTIFIC WORLD HIT BÏ HIGH COST SURVIVOR IELLS OF E U SED CARS Proper LIGHTING Fixtures RUB PAIN OUT OF The Ashland Electric Shop FOR QUICK SALE ARMY GOODS STORE B RONCHITIS KLAMATH FALLS STAGE FULLER Safety Service Courtesy WITH RED PEPPERS JO . RIGG Inexpensive improvement one needs it The Best PROTECTION New Style H‘0 T The P ort of P o rtlan d ' dredged i out 10,000.000 cubic yards of • riv er bed during 1924. Eugene — Lane county paid $745.56 for two boys in isolated p a rt of county to attend G ardiner blgfr school last year. Hall's Catarrh Medicine T is r a e Combfr.eJ a tm e n t, i both local and internal, and has beer J successful tn the treatment of Catarrr for over 40 years. Sold by all druggists p .J . CHENEY w. CO.. Toledo. O h u ' information about built-in showers. most every kind of throat irritation, including children s spasmodic croup. Very economical too, aa the dose is only one teaspoonful. Oo sale at all good druggists. Askfor DfysjNGg C O ó c HS IV. & N. Service Station BOULEVARD and SHERMAN Jerry O’Neal Phone 1 8 8 2 0 7 E. Main Plumbing and Heating ¿nergy-building corbohydrates, tissue-building pro­ teins, a wealth of vital minerals. And New Style H-O takes only 2 to 3 short minutes to cook —the quickest cooking cereal—quick a s a fla sh ! ‘?wo ' ILds I N ew Cook in n-O Oat« Style H-° OATS (Quick) Standard fu ll size and w eight pkg.—w eight, * Mr. < ■ 2to3mhmtes