A SH LA N D D A IL Y T ID IN G S ! take into consideration the mental for American citizenship. (E stab lish ed In 1 8 7 6 ) MORE AIR MAIL LINES attitude of applicants HOTEL CONTRACTOR TO START ON WORK WILL BE PC I IN SOON STANDBYS OF CIVILIZATION THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. During the first 10 months of 1924, public service I»« t R. Greer ....... ..................................................................................Editor companies of the United States received for new financ­ (•«•urge Madden Green ..................................................... Business Manager ing $1,132,802,292, almost double the receipts for 1923. ("•*’ FICIAL CITY PA PER .................................... ............ . Telephone 39 (las an electric companies took the lion’s share of Kj.-ered a t th e A shland, Oregon P o sto ffice as Second C lass Mall M atter 'this vast new capitalization. There never was a time Month 8ub*criPtlo n Price, D elivered in c it y $ whene these standbys of civilization were so safe, so much I !»>•» 1.95 in demand, so certain bases of community growth. ‘Ii.ree Months .................................. - ................................................ - P ublished E very E ven in g E xcept Sunday by t i Montha ................ - ............................- ........................................... h u e Year .........................................................„ ................ _.................. 3.75 7.50 B y Mail and R ural R ou tes t..' a Month ............................................................................................ 'im e e Months ............................................ .......................................... b.x Montha* ......................................... l................................................. u u j Year ................................................................................................ DISPLAY ADVERTISING RATES C.j.gle insertion, pe? inch ............................................................ * $ .65 1.95 3.50 6.50 5 .30 Y early Contracts (*•»« insertion a week ................................................. ................. *i*o insertions a week ................................................................... bully insertion .................................................................. - ............ • 'hiurtKlay, January 8, 192Ä ASfiLAlW) ö A t t t TÍDÍÑGÉI H G Ê tW ö .27% .25 *20 R ates for L egal and M iscellaneous A dvertising r ir a t insertion, per 8 point line -r-........................................................................ Lech subsequent Insertion, 8 point line ......,......................... « j » "d of Thanks .................................................... ................ - ........ U’jitu afles, per line ....................................................................... ? *1° *®5 1-9® .02% WHAT CONSTITUTES ADVERTISING “ All future events, where an admission charge is made or a ci section taken is A dvertising. No discount will be allowed Religious or Benevolent orders. W. S. Femipg, contractor for plumbing and heating on the Lithian Hotel has arrived in Ash­ land with all of his m aterial and started work yesterday. The con- ciete pouring has been complet­ ed on the first and mezzanine floors and work is progressing rapidly. According to the con­ tractors, Hoover and McNeil, the building will be completed by June firsts barring unforseen ac­ cidents. THE KING IS TALKING—BUNK! When the king telephones, let all other instruments be dumb! That’s the ruie in Mecca, where King Hussein ARMY NEEDS MORE of Hedjaz has had a telephone system installed, says a PLANES SAYS WILBUR recent article in the New Zealand Herald. As long as King Hussein’s telephone is in use, no WASHINGTON, Jan. 8. — of W ar W eeks today in­ other telephone can be used in Mecca, save only the one Secretary formed Congress th a t the army with which the King is talking. was sadly deficient in both a ir­ It’s a good thing for King Hussein that he does not craft and in aviators, and th a t ’ live in the United States for neither our government nor more m ust be obtained in telephone system would stand for such official interfer­ some way immediately. He said the navy was in mudb better ence with the private rights of other citizens. shape, for national defense by A hick town is a place where Central can tell you which member of the familv the doctor was called to see. means of air forces than was the army, due to more liberal ap­ propriations given the navy. J. K. McWilliams returned J. J. Cambers who underw ent an operation at the Community to Ashland yesterday from P ort­ SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 8. — land where he has been spending Two additional air mail lines to the past week on business. run to the Pacific Coast, one to Los Angeles and the other to Seattle are being considered by the Federal Post Office D epart­ ment in view of the success a t­ tending the San Francisco route, it was announced here today by Colonel Henderson, in charge of the a ir mail service. Seattle and Tacoma will be linked by a direct route from E I|o , Nevada and Los Angeles tied in with the system b y \a cut off from Salt Lake City. “ Youth will be served,” is a good saying. But to cheek criminal youth we need another: “ Time will he served. ’ ’ WET WEATHER Special Sale OVERLAND and return next night if you choose. Take advantage o f this convenient, comfort­ able service to Portland; have the whole day 1 between for business or pleasure. on Leave LARD A REAL FIRE CHIEF In spite of rumors, circulated as facts, that Clinton Shoes and Boots Baughman, incumbent chief of the fire department was French girls there are several Weyenbergs, of Course to he removed from office by the recently installed coun­ who are now earning 30,000 or 35,000 francs a year— a hand­ cil, Mr. Baughman, Tuesday night, was returned to office some salary for them although it by that same body, getting an unanimous vote from the is a bare fifteen hundred dollars. five eouncilmen present after Mayor Johnson had named him as his appointee to the position. Shoe Shop PARIS, Jan. 8. — “The Ameri­ The council and Mayor Johnson showed much wisdom can girl is a Diana, her French Tidings W ant Ads bring results in this appointment, for Mr. Baughman is in every respect sister a Venus,’’ declared Jean ¿1 real fire chief, and the appointment of a new man would Patou, the Prince of Paris dress­ m akers, upon his retu rn from the have weakened the fire protection forces of the city. United States. Under Mr. Baughman the department has become one of Certain old Parisians were out the best in the state. Working with inadequate facilities, of sorts when they learned he Sind we must admit the fire fighting equipment in Ashland had brought with him six beauti­ jis inadequate, Mr. Baughman and his men have estab­ ful m annequins from the la n d 1 lished a record which we are sure will stand a long while of “ dollars. P arb leu !” — which is a very 5n cutting down the per capita fire loss. With a state polite swearing term in French— jper capita fire loss of approximately $12, Ashland has a “ Why im port American beauties to the salons of the rue de la J-er capita loss of but slightly over one dollar.. they exclaimed. “ Does this In this connection a letter received here from Jay W. Paix?’’ mean th a t our lovely little P aris­ Stevens, chief of the fire prevention bureau of the Na­ ians no longer know how to wear tional Board of Fire Underwriters is interesting. Mr. the chic creations of our fash­ Stevens is recognized as one of the foremost authorities ionable designers?’’ on the activities of fire departments on the Pacific Coast, “ No, not a t all,” answered “ I went to America for my «ind it is largely upon his recommendation that insurance Patou. mannequins for many technical rates in a city are reduced or increased. reasons. In the first place, there Mr. Stevens in his letter says, “ It is my understand­ is a great difference between the ing there is some talk of changing the Fire Chief in your French and the American silhou­ Sport has made a great city, and, while I have not been asked to do so, I am writ­ ette. plastic* difference. The French ing to advise that it is my opinion this would be a serious girl is a Venus and the Ameri­ mistake. 1 have been watching the work of your present can a Diana, with muscles well I ’hief with great interest and feel confident that anyone developed, short bust and long, who is in position to know must agree his work has been fine legs. I am persuaded th a t lookjorthig sign in Green on Olympus Venus was dressed most satisfactory. and White a t independent like Diana, for Diana is the typi­ Dealers'.. .Fill up and le t The position of Fire Chief is one which should not he cal young demoiselle and Venus your engine decide tampered with, as only an experienced person can qualify. the typical woman. The day has passed in most American cities where polities “ Besides, there is a fact which “ General" Scrip liooit Jor sale by our inde­ more im portant— namely, th at are permitted to interfere with the fire service. Past ex­ is a large pendent dealers j" ; »'»•«. part of my clientele is perience has taught this to be a dangerous practice. If made up of American women who the change is made for a less experienced man, which na­ come especially to Paris to buy turally means a Chief less competent, I can assure you sm art cloths. People who are not the city is liable to pay dearly for such an experiment.” in the business do not realize the portance of the role of m an­ However, this advice, no matter how sound or how im nequins, not only in the presen­ l>leasing it may be, is not necessary, for Mr. Baughman tation of the models, but in their has been placed in the position, but it is simply used to creation as well. We work on to show in what esteem authorities hold our fire chief. the m annequin herself, some­ U S GIRL IS A DIANA Over-night to Portland Fourth Street Market DONATIONS No donations to charities or otherwise will be made in ad v ertis­ ing or Job printing— our contributions will be in cash. R eturned Yesterday-*** Im proving —• Arrive 5:30 p.m. Oregonian. Portland 7 :¡5 a m. R e tu rn in g Portland 9:00 p.m. Saturday J 11:10 a m. (San Francisco Express,) Three other trains daily. For low round-crib fares, reservations and Bring your pail and get it filled full information, ask Southern Pacific These Independent Dealers will serve you “General Gas” times during hours at a time She is our collaborator and in­ NOT REALLY NATURALIZED spiration. She is the one who sug­ From a number of different angles attention has gests w hat is likely to please la ­ been called recently to the inconsistencies in our relations te r among the buyers. “ Thus, naturally enough with immigrants to our shores in our naturalization laws among American women, Ameri­ and in the relations of aliens and naturalized citizens to can Imannequins will have the foreign countries whence they came. All these problems greatest success. The American of the melting pot are serious, if not taken too seriously. girl knows how to wear her to the best advantage. She They are not emergency, and we merely make ourselves clothes has a fresh, clear complexion as ridiculous and ineffective if we get too excited about them. a rule and it is nearly always But we should he sufficiently interested to urge upon and ‘n atu ral.’ Her h air is beautiful even demand that Congress “ in its wisdom” shall pro and well kept, and her form par ticularly agreeable to look upon.’ gress toward a more definite national policy. Paris usually suffers from a A writer in one current magazine of high standing “crise”— the lack of something discusses the fact that Italy, Greece and many -other or other. At present there is the countries do not recognize naturalization in the Unitec dearth of m annequins. There are States, and that a former Italian subject, for instance few of them to be found, ant fewr soon turn into selling naturalized in the United States is amenable to “ military these clerks, or “ prem ieres,” whose call,” and if he does not respond is liable to arrest for de­ position is fa r more im portant as sertion should he ever return to Italy. well as lucrative. Patou intends This writer gets very excited about the fact that an to raise the standard of the man American citizen is likely to be arrested on returning to nequin and make it a profitable well as honorable profession his native land, because we have not treaty with these as A m ong-his twenty-five .or th irty countries freeing their former subjects from pre-natural­ ization responsibilities. We confess to no such excitement. The situation is il­ logical, but it has no practical importance. If the former Italian is loyal to this country and has adequate reason for returning to his own country for a time, he can make, through the state department at Washington, such ar­ rangements as will free him from arrest.' What we should be excited about it that men of Ital­ ian or Greek or other nationalities become residents in this country and are naturalized, and still regard themselves as morally bound to a degree of loyalty to. their native Stationer ASHLAND Oeser’s Ashland Service Station Dr. Oeser A Son, Props. MAIN STREET W & N Service Station BOULEVARD and SHERMAN PHOENIX Phoenix Garage ROGUE RIVER J. E. Corey W. E. ALLEN, Prop. Pacific Highway Opposite* Rost Office CENTRAL POINT Central Point Service Station GRANTS PASS BEEBE & KINDLE Pacific Highway and F ront St. Ole’s Tire Shop and Service Sta. C. A. HANSEN. Prop. Diagonaly Opposite Court House MEDFORD Jones & Kirkpatrick, Inc. PACIFIC HIGHWAY A REAL SERVICE STATION Sixth and Riverside Ave. Crater Lake Service Station DEVORE A WILMOT, Props. «02 E. Main St. Brown’s Cabin and Auto Camp TWO MILES SOUTH of GRANTS PASS (General Gasoline will be «old here on installation of new pump, January 15) BETTER GASOLINE Tom orrow, For The F irst Tim e, General Gasoline W ill Be On Sale in Jackson and Josephine Counties From tomorrow on you can secure this gasoline at conveniently located independent dealers’ stations in various towns in these counties. Newly-constructed storage tanks and an ade­ quate fleet of trucks in Southern Oregon assure a constant and dependable supply to all DEALERS. G ET TH ESE T W O PO INTS ABOUT “ GENERAL” GENERAL GASOLINE will be sold through carefully selected independent dealers, who are pledged to give you square, courteous service. In this advertisement appear the names and locations of the independent dealers already se­ lected. These men are out to please their customers with the best fuel and lubricants the market affords. They have chosen GENERAL GASOLINE on its merits. They stand hack of its performance. ( ( Wherever GENERAL GASOLINE has been sold it has broke« all existing sales records. It is high quality fuel and the quality is the same (lay 111 and day out. , < We ask you for your own benefit to give GENERAL a fair trial. Just try one tank full. Wait until the ordinary gas is out of your tank; fill up with rich, high-quality GENERAL and then—“ let your engine decide.” Fill up your tank and let your engine decide” land. The real test of the matter is in the moral intentions of the naturalized citizen. If he has become naturalized as a convenience to get a job or for some other reason, then he is really not an American. If he, either through ignorance or through intention, feels that he must still pay allegiance to his former coun­ try he is not fully an American. The matter of language is by no means so important. It is advisable that all citizens should speak one lang­ uage, and read it. But this is not imperative. But a consciousness of intention to be a good citizen is vital Judges in granting naturalization should carefully GENERAL McNair Brothers Drug M o n G A S O L IN E and Lubricants niiiiiiiimi.iiiNiiiuiiuiniHitituiHiHnMHiaiUiiiiHiiniiiHiiumbiHiauiiwiiniiinniiiiHftBWUuiininnhiiiiiüHKiuyntíiffi'UMi’iwiCíiiir.Hii’iiiíiiniiiiiiiiiHiiiiíiiwítiifiHfWfnMiniiiifitHíiHriitwi *