ASHLAND CLIMATE ithout the use of medicine cures nine cases out of ten of asthma. This is a proven fact. VOL. XLVIII A shland D aily T idings The Tidings Has Been Ashland’s Leading Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years I International News Wire Service! Successor to the» Semi-W eek)y Tidings, Volume 43. ASHLAND, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 8, 1925 NO. IOS City Should Take Chautauqua Building WEATHER CHEATED COP « n n n MALAKIA GERMS • I Cannot survive three months in I the rich ozone at Ashland. Pure domestic water helps. OF H IS SNOW EVIDENCE —s n LEGISLATOR SEEKS TO DIVORCE W lt’E. SYRACUSE, N. Y„ Jan. 8. — If prognostications of w eather observers had R run tru e to form and a R heralded cold wave had R come on schedule, P atro l­ R man W ren, of E ast Syra­ R cuse, might be acclaimed R a great detective, but the R vagaries of the w eather suggestions Received by The Tidings Unanimously Are R have snatched away the That City Official? Should Take Over Building R w reath of laurel. When the snow was Through Small Bond Issue. Other Ideas to be Pub R R young and fresh and im­ . lished Here Later. R pressionable someone rob­ R bed the W. C. Jones g ar­ R A\ ith the foreclosure proceeding instituted against age of four batteries. Pa­ the Southern Oregon Chautauqua Association, to obtain R trolm an Wren investigat­ possession of the Chautauqua building in payment of a R R ing the case, found it an open book. There were Joan made the association several years ago, rapidlv tak­ R plenty of freshly made ing torm, the leading citizens of Ashland are awakening R tracks in the snow, and to the possibility ot the famous building, a landmark in R one of these he scooped up R and preserved carefully. tlie city, passing into private hands. R Then he went out and For many years the big building has stood as a cen­ R found a young man with tra meeting point in the city. Whenever a photographer R a foot which, he alleges, " ished to really represent a view of the city, the Chautau- R fitted the print perfectly. qua building was the center of his picture Thus as sky R He locked the young man scrapers represent New York City, as the Ferry 'building R R ' up, took the evidence to the office of Justice of the represents San Francisco, did the Chautauqua building R Peace Glen H. Reis, and represent Ashland. R deposited it on a window­ R Erected in the hey dey of the Chautauqua, when the sill outside, w here it would R keep intact. Then the meal association had a vast surrounding country from R w eather went and chang­ •JL..1.. to draw Patrons to the circuits made famous by R ed. Tem peratures m ount­ M ilham Jennings Bryan, the building was a paying prop­ R ed and the footprint went osition lor a tune. Later, when the cities in this vicinitv R the way of the 'holes in began forming Chautauqua associations of their own R doughnuts. “ I had him cold,” Wren Ashland lost many patrons, and as a result the associa- R R commented sadly, as he lion s popularity waned, and the building became a liabil­ R viewed the wet spot where ity. 1 he holder of the mortgage on tfie structure was verv R the evidence had reposed. EN G IN EER IH K ILLED BY PROTRUDING HALF BREED IS R R R R R R R R I » R Secretary Declares Fleets of R Japan and Great Brit- R ain Better i R. ---------- R Jackson Ga., Jan. 8. — Alleging carlesaneas caus­ ed the death of her hus­ band when a protruding rock in a cut knocked him from his seat in the engine cab, Mrs. Marie P. Hancock, widow of Guy N. Hancock, Southern Railway engineer, has fil­ ed suit against the rail­ ~ Alleged Slayer of 0. Erick son at Klamath Falls Is road for >50,000, and asks R Seen on Street an additional >10,000 R ADVISES NEW PROGRAM « from the railroad and A. ~ STOLE AN AUTOMOBILI; «1 J. Burke, who was con­ R M oilin g of H ouse Naval A ffairs 8 ductor of the train H an­ R V i.tim s of Holdup Declare Man C om m ittee Is Scene o f Report 8 cock was driving. R H as Been in Stores at Klam­ by S ecreta ry o f N avy 8 The plaintiff alleges the R ath. Clues Unearthed 8 train proceeded more than R WASHINGTON, Jan. S— The tt a mile from the scene of R KLAM ATH FA L L S, J a n . 8.— modernization of the entire tt Hancock’s death before R American navy, including"m aking tt he was missed and the R A half-breed Indian with a crim ­ the shjps oil burners, an 1 the con­ tt train sent back for his R inal record is being sought by struction of at least four new cap­ R body. She fu rth er asserts R authorities to be questioned con- th a t the body was placed w ital battleshipb of the first class R cerning his whereabout early on the pilot, with the tt Sanday morning when three mask- will tu rn the American fldet into hot 8 „ l° “ th w » sh«t and killed Oscar a real, high class fighting o rg a n -! ** face against the boiler and then taken to tt ' r ‘‘kson ^ n the robbery of a ization, b u t not above the a u th o r­ hot R <*rd gain,? in tbe basement of the McDonough. The ized treaty strength of 5-5-3 in steam , the widow de­ tt Scandinavian hall shortly after comparison with the fleets of j tt midnight Sunday morniug. Great Britain and Japan, Secre-I „ clares, caused decay to set From an official source came in. She asks th a t the R tary of the Navy W ilbur today road and the conductor of R a report that one of the hold-up declared before the House Naval jj its train be punished for R victims feels confident that he M artlln? allegations, which nave thrown Washington society into A ffairs committee. be able to identify the half- R this. The first suit is filed R a furore have been made against Mrs. Edna James Scott, wife of Rep­ He, however, adm itted that tt breed as the leader of the bandit under the Federal Liabil­ R resentative Frank D. Scott in the latter’s action for divorce in Dm even this building of ships would R ity act. gang who shot their way into the tons18 S h i denU h “ ® aC140,- in the morning, afternoon and e(llupment- they could be made ! . credit the Ashland Hi the W inters building. A uthor­ popular subscription, and has of­ fast table this morning. Presi­ was requested in a le tte r receiv­ 000 and accrued interest on war­ evening I e(iual to any vessels in the world i a' ketball team is ready for its ities believe it was used by the fered to start the campaign roll­ dent Coolidge was urged to im­ ed a t the executive offices hero ran ts issued prior to the adop­ For Tuesday, Jan u ary 20 ! The cal,in^ of Secretary W ilbur i T 1 B&Ine ° f the year’ to b e ! ° f, ° UtlaWS ‘n n' aking t,,eir ing with a contribution of J 100. press vigorously upon all Federal today from I. N. Day of Portland, tion of the six per cent lim ita­ there will also be a morning! before the Naval Affairs com m it-' 2 , ? U e Arm° ry heFe P rl’ ' b l r / l n / 1“ a °£ f ° b' Some of the opinions expressed officials, both those having charge ex-member of the state legislature tion law. These w arrants were meeting and in the afternoon the tee tcday was a direct slap at H ig h ^ n ^ t Unlverslty i Mr Vox^Yh1/ ' in answer to the Tidings call fol­ of the enforcem ent of the law, and for many years closely iden issued years previous, some of officers and delegates will be i President Coolidge. — T he p “ • High Hish d bere the man of late has been these boys outscored about 150 officers and delegates mendation In the calling of a d is -1 * and the city.” at the conference this morning on governm ent owned land, 100,- the la tte r’s departure for Salem. arm am ent conference ^ ¡ v i s ito r s . Medford high, using • an almO8t constant frequenter of for a two days stay n Medford, V. O. N. Smith, Cashier Citizens and commended President Coo­ 101,577,000 board feet of tim ber It is believed that « m i . 8ecoad aad third string men hand-1 the Kanibl‘«g houses about the and it is hoped the general pub­ B ank— "Some public spirited man lidge for his personal c o n t e n ­ much of it overm atured and tu rn ­ V,8it° rS & 25’9 defeat Mon- | °f Bam® Wh,Ch lia will be ready to assist' in ta k ­ thorlz ng the r e c o m m e nd w! / There also are should take over the m anagement tious obedience to the prohibition ing to decay. ell-1 n e tt in ♦, » » m e n d ed day night, ending a rath er dis- was in Pr °Sies8 in the basement ing care of the visitors. 96,820,000,000 board feet in pri­ of the thing in order to make it law. .. e navy he drawn asterous road trip for the New- of tbe Scandinavian hall up immediately, and presented io berg outfit, a paying proposition. He should The conference this morning vate ownership and in the same- A uthorities say th at he is at the House of Representatives by Although little is known of the least six feet tall and weighs manage it for the association, in was prim arily called in order th at condition. It cannot now be mar TALENT STORE IS ‘ order to clear up the indebted­ the committee representing the keted because of transportation SCENE OF ROBBERY those members present at the ” University High quintet. Coach | about 175 P°und»- He also is meeting today. difficulties. ness, and thus keep the building most powerful and influential W alt Hughes, local m entor has sa,d to have been w carl»»g high- “The six coast counties, with f » Some time during Saturday under the control of the public.” citizens of the country, m ight be enough dope to know the game! topPed boots and logger’s gar- night J. C. Spitzer grocery store in O ther opinions and suggestions able to personally meet President Jackson and Josephine excluded MRS. TED COY IS ' Wil1 nOt b® anotber affair sim ilar m ents- This is the description _____ _ | Talent was broken into and can- will be gladly received by the Coolidge, in a conference in have a combined area of 9,467,520 GRANTED nTVnPOP tO tbe tWO Newberg games. The! whlch vIct,ms of th <> bandit trio Of this 4,650,964 acres At 2:30 o’clock th ik ’afternoon ned gooda and groceries to the which they might express their acres. Tidings. v L fK G i. visitors will have had the ad- Bay fits the leade»- of the out- Several of the leading citizens ideas on law enforcem ent, and are within the boundaries of na­ an assembly was held at the Ash­ am ount of about >15 was stolen. PARIS, Jan. 8. — Mrs. “ Ted” V3ntage of as com petent coaching laws who raided the poker game of the city, including E. D. might impress upon the President tional forests, Oregon & Califor­ land Senior High School for the E ntrance was gained by boring Coy, wife of the form er Yale foot- ° f hfgh 8Ch° o1 five ,n their and shot Erickson to death. Briggs, attorney representing the their regard for the prohibition nia and Coos bay land grants. On purpose of aw arding prizes to the four big auger-holes in the back one of the i SGCtl° n - with hav,ng tbe added ball star, considered interests foreclosing on the prop­ law, and urge him to use ev ery , these government-owned acres Ashland Boys and Girls who were door and knocking out a block. ■r». advantage of being near the Uni i , stand 87.800,930,000 board feet prize w inners in the B etter H om e1 m aking an opening large enough greatest of all time, was granted • v erty, G. H. Billings, form er m an­ means to enforce it. a divorce here today by t h e ' - 8" 7 ° f Oregon’ and thua be- ! of timber. Lighting Campaign conducted by to adm ^ a hand and arm, by French court. ager of the C hautauqua Associa­ Mrs. Coy waj ? g abl® t0 8Cr,mmage with the! “ The six counties have in ad­ the Jackson County Lighting Com- mean8 tion and F. C. Homes, well known which the bolt was awarded the custody of the Cov’s ; .niversity Frosh and varsity out- i dition a combined area of 4,816,- mittee. ‘ shot, letting the door. open. The two minor children. resident of this section are pre­ The d is-' - - th “ S p,cking up a lot o f' 556 feet of standing tim ber. paring statem ents which will be B ardnary Joy of the Ashland auger was lo u n d where it had Patch stated Mrs. Coy obtained basketball knowledge. “ Jackson and Josephine coun­ High School, was the w inner of been left. It ig, one which would published later. Hughes will probably start the the divorce upon the grounds of ties have 1,479,616 acres of gov­ the first prize among the Boys be easy to identify, having an old desertion. | same ou tfit against Eugene as V. I). M ILLER, A shland m an ernment-owned and 1,456,066 in the Jackson County D istrict, I wagon spoke for a handle. Noth he pushed into the opening game ager. Standard Oil Com pany — acres of privately-owned land. On which consisted of a cash prize ebie was f ° und th a t might with newberg. with Marske and •'The city should take over the J CAMPAIGN STARTED MEDFORD Jan. 8, — About the government lands are 12,- of >50.00 and an engraved med­ aid in furnishing a clue. Butterfield forwards Captain C hautauqua property and retain 55 delegates representing the TO KILL AMENDMENT al. M argaret Elizabeth’ ¿reason, 300,647,000 board feet and in the Bryant center and Ramsey and th e ownership because it is essen­ private holdings are 6,820,000,- school districts of Jackson conn- 526 East Main Street, Ashland. ENGLAND ONLY ONE K atzer guards. This outfit is fast, t BEND, Jan. 8— W ith the head tial In connection with the park. WASHINGTON, Jan. 8. — a 000 board feet of tiinber. Oregon, of the H awthorne School. developing into a great q u in te t.1 mGt 8t tbe P rosbyterian Ashland needs a cool building hacked almost beyond recogni­ TO PROTEST GUNS well organized and liberally fin­ and received second prize among the fans are hoping for a c l e a n / , urcb yester