n cÉ (« o IMtüAílti ÍJAíLi TÍMAOS Uedneaday, January A SH LA N D D A IL Y T ID IN G S of wealth, of royalty, of international finance, of the spec-1 (Established in 1876) j ulators in African raw materials, of the investors in Afri- — can .plantations. P ublished E very E ven in g E xcept Sunday by He was reduced to poverty, his name held up to I THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. ¡public execration, he himself denounced as a fanatic and I’-»: t R. Greer .....................„...........................................................Editor i fool. Even many of his friends deserted him. Yet he u«ur»e Madden Green .......................................„........Business Manager persisted for fifteen years, gathering documents which: ( -'FICIAL CITY PAPER .................................................Telephone 39 4..,, , „ _ .. , , n. „ A , L; .65 1.95, FEATURED IN NEWS OF THE DAY 3Í ij;8, 10. ACTRESS IS TIRED OF MANY AIRS PUT / « A WOLF CRY THAT IS NO LONGER REGARDED OWE NO MAN ANY THING, but to love one another: tor he ^ le ? r Y Of “ Wolf! that loveth another hath fulfilled the law. Love worketh no ill to I alar application. Ins neighbor: therefore love is the fulfilling of the law.— Romans' ta 1 1 j W '-: Wolf!’ with this Special and partlc- ± , ,, against jazz. The City Council has followed the recommendation of ths teach­ ers, and now all dancing* will be studied in Vienna to the soft­ er strains of the violin, the mel­ low ’cello and the Iamguorous PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 5. thrum of the inimitable gypsy i Cross-word puzzle solvers soon orchestras. i may try this new “indoor sport” ! in a dead language. According to R. J. Scott, in- | structor in Latin at the Unlver- I sity of Pennsylvania, he has col- i laborated with R. G. Kent, of the Latin department, In completing a Latin cross-word puzzle book. 17164032 A copy of the new book has been sent for printing to the Service Bureau for Classical Teachers at NEW YORK, Jan. 7. — Raissa Columbia University. Suits, actress, declares that the ‘‘Cross-word puzzles in Latin,” saying, “Vanity, thy name is declared Scott, “like those of the woman!” ¡s all wrong. In her English language, have as their suit for separation from Guy primary object the increasing of Suits employed by the Collegiate the vocabulary of the solver, who School, she claims he spent so proceeds to fill in the words that much money for beauty treat­ he knows and also acquires new ments that there was none left for ones from crqss combinations. her support. She says he paid: “Cross-word puzzles' may be >225 for facial treatments. composed in any language. I per­ $100 for violet-ray hair treat­ sonally have composed them in ments. five languages and could do so In >50 for an electric vibrator. more. They are of immense value >125 for a suit and overcoat. In teaching languages, especially Her specific charges of in­ in high-school work.” human and cruel treatment in­ Ten puzzles of different designs clude: are included in the new volume. One blow in the eye — a bruise It will be the first Latin Cross­ remaining for several days. word puzzle book to be publish­ . One pinch on the arm, leav­ ed, so far as it known. ing a black-and-blue mark. Profane language on the Florence — West Coast Power slightest provocation. Company takes over Florence Mrs. Suits, who had a part in electric plant. ‘ The Miracle,” and played in motion pictures, said her hus­ band had over >15,000, >6,000 of which belonged to her, and yet he nevey gave her more than WHERE AND WHAT >100. IS HELL? She claims that when she went out to buy household necessities, she always had to give him the Evangelist T. L. Thuemler change. She contends he made will tell you exactly how many her cook meals for as many as persons are in hell at present. where hell is located, if twenty-five of his friends. Mrs. Just the devil is in charge and if Suits had received >20 tempor­ the fire burns the meanness out ary alimony. of people, or if they must go on burning forever, and how you can escape going there. MEXICAN STAFF RAND IS Some evangelists would almost DISBANDED BY CALLES like to have u!s believe that hell is so jammed full that there is hardly standing room MEXICO CITY, Jan. 7 _ T h e left. Hear the lecture at the Mexican Staff Band, which had Adventist church, corner 4th made a name for itself in the and C streets, Thursday, Jan­ United States as well as in'’Mexi­ uary 8, (:30 p. m. Intensely interesting and not a dull mo­ co, has been disbanded as a part ment in it. of the campaign of economy in­ stituted by President Calles. STOP PUZZLE FANS 'Pile expected* has happened. The recent murder of 3.50 6.50 Sir Lee Stack, governor general of the Sudan, was not ---- the work after all of overzealous Egyptian patriots, men DISPLAY ADVERTISING RATES cj.gle Insertion, pe.- inch ............................................ 30 1 who had been moved to an insane deed by their hatred of week Y ear,y Contracts 27%' e n,^ ^ ary rulers of their country,9representing a gov-j l ie insertion a 1 « o Insertions a week j eminent which bestowed upon it an independence tVat Daily Insertion ........................... :............................................. was a denial of every fair and honest meaning of the word. R ates for L egal and M iscellaneous A dvertising r irst Insertion, per 8 point line ....................... ..................... I Although they looked like Egyptians and acted like Lech subsequent insertion, 8 point line .................- ........... , Egyptians, this crime is said to have been the work*6f the ♦ ->rd of Thanks ....................... ........................................„........ 3 uottuarles, per line ................................................................. .02%'Soviet government in Moscow. This theory is given credence, according to the New WHAT CONSTITUTES ADV ERTISING “All future events, where an admission charge is made or a York Times, by high officials of the British government it 1 lection taken is Advertising. and is doubtless echoed in the American State Department No discount will be allowed Religiôus or Benevolent orders. which is also afflicted with the Bolshevik nightmare in DONATIONS No donations to charities or otherwise will be made in advertis- the most advanced foril). .. . .r job prutlnt— wr « » triftto». will be In c h , __ i But ,he genera| citizenry ¡g „„ ,onger great]y excite(j 'iniee Months .................................. _ ..................... .................... fc.x Months .................................................................................... v u j Year ......................................................................................... .. It has been used too frequently by the reactionary elements in every nation to camouflage their own pur- 1 G. W. McNABB, CHIEF OF POLICE poses to distract public attention froim their own designs Almost everyone present at the meeting of the new I and cliicancery. city council last night was given a distinct shock when 1 In America it reached the stage of absurdity when three members of the ¿council flatly refused to ratify ! during the last campaign it was charged that so great Mayor Johnson’s appointee to the office of Chief of Po- an American as Senator La Follette was also a creature lice, Mr. J. W. Hatcher. The shock came, not "because j of the Moscow regime. Ralph Greenleaf, pocket billiard champion of the world, has been those present wished to see the incumbent/Mr. M c N a b b ---------------------- . »ranted a divorce In Philadelphia rrom his wife, Beatrice E. Green­ leaf. twenty-five, one year his senior, on grounds of cruelty, Indlgnitiea removed from office, hut because it was believed that all SMALL STORE ADVERTISING and barbarous treatment. Previously she had filed a separation action that remained to give Mr. Hatcher the position was the : Consistency is held to he the soul of advertising for In New York, in which she said Greenleafs earnings were 1300 a week. Later they became reconciled. The divorce action came as a lormality of having the council vote, and it was thought the small dealer in a pamphlet on “ Small Store Adver- surprise. Miss Ethelind Terry, American prima donna, has denied a that the council would easily accept Mr. Johnson’s nom- jtising” issued by the Domestic Distribution Department report of her engagement to Martin B. Jones, Jr., of New York, son of the president of the Hecker-Jone&JeweU Milling Company Mrs. ¡nation of Mr. Hatcher. ¡of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States. Louise W. Lewis, heiress to the >60,000,000 fortune of the Ute Henrv Although we believe Mr. Hatcher to he a very cap- The Department lays down the general rule that M. Flagler, has appealed to legal counsel and has engaged detectives to run to earth persons behind an alleged scheme to blackmail her able man, able to carry out the duties of the office very “ every merchant must make himself known in order to and her young husband. Lawrence Lewis, from whom she had been competently, The Tidings at this time wishes to commend ¡conduct a profitable business.” It then goes on to ex- estranged until their unnamed foes threatened froth. , Mr. McNabb for the efficient police work he has done j plain the methods best adapted to the use of the small store zie is that the human mind is while in the local office. owner by which this may be accomplished. eager for mental combat. The It is doubtful if another city the size of Ashland, in By way of parable the Department points to the dis- cross-woid puzzle, they say, .is a the state of Oregon has as competent police protection pised onion. “ The onion,’ ’it says, “ is a plebeian vege- form of challenge, and since it is cs has been given this city during the term in office in ¡table; tear-compelling, self-assertive and slightly vindi-J simple, millions of minds have which Mr. McNabb has directed the activities of thekative; a fermenter of domestic strife and a bane upon 1 accepted the challenge, police force. Working under Conditions which were, at ¡polite conversation. It is to be tolerated, perhaps; not' BERLIN, Jan. 7. — Vienna, the queen city of women, wine Times, far from agreeable, Mr. McNabb has continued to sought. But turn the magic light of advertising upon the! and song and dance, has declared give his best at all times, and his best has been well near onion and what happens? It becomes an appetizing,! open war on jazz music and jazz perfect. ¡health-giving and blood-enriching gift of benign Nature,! bands. The Vienna City Council Working in a city, peculiarly difficult to properly ¡more delicious than the ambrosia of Olympus and as sal-j has adopted an ordinance forbid­ ding jazz bawds at all dancing police, difficult because of its situation so near the hor- uhrious as the breezes from a forest of-pines.” schools. tier of another state, and because of its being a railroad With this is coupled the advice: “ Although every re- Since the days of Johann division point, Mr. McNabb has set a record which is pitition of an advertisement or a letter costs money, oc- Strauss, the great composer far in advance of any other police office record in the casional, hit-or-miss advertising is usually a loss, where- NEW YORK, Jan. 7. —If the knowrt as the “waltz king,” the fabulous wealth In gold of the In­ t-tate. Ninety-one per cent of the crimes above petty laE as steady advertising of the right kind is sure to be pro­ cas is recovered, a woman will Austrian capital had been the city eeny reported to the local office have been accounted for. ductive. The retailer whose business justifies advertising be one of the chief factors in re­ of the dreamy waltz, and later i.nd the culprits brought to justice. In addition, Mr. Mc­ in newspapers will do better to run a small advertise­ trieving the treasure. She is j the city of beautiful operettas Mrs. Fanny Bandelier and she is motivated largely in waltz strains,! Nabb has given the county authorities invaluable aid in ment every day than to run a large one once a week. of the organizers of an ex­ whose king is Franz Lehart, of solving Jli'o problems which came before their office. “ This principle applies to all forms of publicity. If one “Merry Widow” fame. pedition now being made ready in -Did better still, because he believes in preventative au­ form letters are sent our, it is best to send them regular­ New The modern fox-trot, tango and York for the search. thority rather than curative authority, Mr. McNabb, it is ly; if handbills are broadcasted, it is best to broadcast Mrs. Bandelier is an authority one-step have almost driven out waltz. Vienna has more danc­ certain, has prevented many crimes, which, in a city them regularly; if window advertising is used, the dis­ on the culture and traditions of the ing schools than any city of its policed by a man less efficient, would certainly have been plays should he constant and changed frequently. Never the Incas. Senator-elect Hiram size in the w’orld, and more than Bingham, of Connecticut, also is committed. let the public forget you. Never give even your old estah- active in the search. A. V. Rosell, any of the other continental cities. Altliough he is still in office because of the refusal 'ishedl customers a chance to forget you, your store, your a direct descendent of one of the Jazz bands imported from of the council il to 1 ratify the appointment . of Mr. Hatcher, goods.” emperors of the Incas, and G. America, with their “tom tom •x • __«11 -B < -B«- XT 11 B Casanave, brother of the Secre­ music,” have gotton on the nerves it is possible that Mr. McNabb may not be removed. of the Viennese. The dancing The times are not rotten just because the children tary of the Navy of Peru, are teachers held a conference and the chief agents in the project. DUTY TO REGISTER know the things you knew at their age. Rosell computes that there are asked the City Council to forbid Perhaps we have been too zealous in our demands more than fifty tons of gold or­ Jazz music in dancing schools, as that everyone vote. We have, according to the story As a general thing you find the softest hearts where naments stored in and around an opening of their offensive Cuzco, the ancient câpital of the that comes from Mexico City, where the new President, the hardest hands are. Incas. The jewels were hidden by < 'alles, was debarred from voting because he was not prop­ the Incas when they engaged in gerated, and told of “cross-word erly registered. warfare with the invading Span­ tournaments in all the large Wouldn’t it look as though such a person as the iards. cities.” Fourth Street President of the Republic would be well enough known, so Mrs. Brandelier, who represent­ It ¡7 a different story today. sufficiently vouched for that his ballot could be cast Flory said. The stolid English­ ed thé Museum of Natural His­ Market man may be seen grimly absorb­ tory at Cuzco, is well known here. without suspicion of being irregular? ed in cudgeling his brain for “a Senator - elect Bingham spent If the theory of the vote is that every person should word of four letters representing years at Cuzco representing Yale he expected to vote—if it is in fact a duty rather than a a bird’s mouth,” as he rides on University and the National Geo­ Mr. Bingham privilege would not this theory also call for a system NEW YORK, Jan. 7. — A tiny the bus. In the House of Par­ graphic Society. ! discovered the lost city of Machu dictionary, a little volume hardly that would give the benefit of the doubt, to the voter, as liament a member surreptitiously Oil larger than a wrist watch, is be­ draws a paper from his pocket Picchu, high up in the moun­ against any red tape of registering? tains, the last city built by the sold on the streets of New during a desultory debate and But the tact is that the duty of the voter is not only ing York like the proverbial hot begins thoughtfully to print let­ Incas for defense against the Spaniards. to vote; it is also to prepare to vote. He must prepare to cakes. Your first guess is cor­ ters In white squares. vote so as to cooperate with his fellow citizens iu reason­ rect—it is being bought by the Coming back to America, J. C. The expedition has the approv­ cross-word puzzle fans. able assurance that the vote is clean, and just. Boyd, who complies cross-word al of President Augusto B. Le- This is not the only dictionary puzzles for the biggest newspaper guia, of Peru, and his cabinet. So, if the citizens of the republic are to cooperate for placed on the market especially syndicate in this coun­ Through his good will and that a uniform, a regular and a just 1mllot, they must also feel for eross-jword puzzle workers. feature try, says the cross-word puzzle of Secretary of the Navy Casanave the duty of seeing that proper regulations are enforced Hardly a publishing house that in reality was originated thirteen all the resources of the Peruvian for registry. deals in dictionaries has over­ years ago by a New York artist. Government will be behind it. Bring your pail and President Leguia has made it Doubtless President Calles of Mexico feels this, and looked the field. One firm alone He hit upon the Idea of combin­ known that he welcomes not only get it filled has sold 250,000 volumes. takes the lesson to heart—that he did not oversee proper­ A most remarkable phase of ing an acrostic, a puzzle-poem, the expedition, but all Americans with a checkerboard. ly his registration. the cross-word puzzle craze, and Boyd is not so sure that the who desire to exploit the natur­ If we remember aright, not many years ago, another, one which is baffling psycholo­ fad is aiding to the vocabulary al resources of Peru. a President of the United States, was found not to be a gists, is that the cross-word puz­ of the American people, as he Rosell said there are more ' ♦ ♦ « ■ than 3,000,000 native Incas in zle made its appearance in New has been contended. The average voter of his home state, although 'undoubtedly he was the York thirteen years ago and fail­ vocabulary comprises 600 words, Peru who maintain their tribal most noted citizen of his republic. traditions, customs and manner- ed to interest the public. The V. < :■ BN AMERICAN JAZZ WELCOME Tidings Want Ads are go-getters BRING YOUR SASH to us. We do the glazing Free The new wall paper patterns for spring are here and you should see them before you purchase. SWENSON-PEEBtER Furniture Company ♦ ♦ ♦♦ ♦ » ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ M according to Boyd, and creators of cross-word puzzles aim to keep all words within such a vocabu­ lary. The cross word has, however, brought an enormous demand for dictionaries, Boyd said. These new dictionaries, though, contain more three-letter words than any­ thing else, and, while they help the puzzle-worker, they are not, in his opinion, conducive to a greater vocabulary. Archaeologists are declaring that the cross-word puzzle idea is to be found in cuneiform or cylinder writing. It was they argue, created by the Phoenicians some 10,000 years ago. The psychologists are about evenly divided on the psychology of the subject. The majority is inclined to the belief that the psychology of the cross-word puz- ismp. Music played on ancient instruments of the tribe, he stat­ ed, has the same compass as Am­ erican jazz. .A t the celebration of - the centennial of the battle of Ayacurdo, in Peru, recently General John Pershing represent­ ed the United States, and Police Commissioner Enright, of New York City, was also an interest­ ed participant. PONCO IN D IA N S CARRY ON FIGHT IN CONGRESS PONCA CITY, Okla., Jan. 7— The Ponca tribe of Indians will resume its forty-seven-year fight for indemnity from the govern­ ment and the Sioux Indian tribe in Congress this winter. They will ask permission to file suit for >11,000,000 against the Sioux tribe and the government. M KING COAL A UTAH COAL Special Sale One of the hardest and hottest coals that come to Ashland LARD SPLENDID VALUE Try a Ton You will not Regret it. Saturday syndicate which created cross­ AN OUTRAGED SPIRIT CAN ACCOMPLISH MUCH word puzzles kt that time, short­ One man c>n accomplish great, things against en­ ly afterward discontinued them because of the public’s lack of in­ trenched wrong and cruelty when his weapon may be terest. t.uly a burning spirit of hatred against injustice and in- What a different story is to be 11 umanity. told today! There is the case of E. D. Morel, a Labor member of No form of public amusement the British Parliament, who died a few days ago in Lon­ has taken hold the way the cross­ word puzzle has. It is almost don. impossible to pick up a newspap­ To Morel, more than to any other man, was due the er anywhere in the country with­ revelations in Belgian Congo, which so shocked the world out finding a cross-word puzzle. a few years ago, and enforced reforms in the treatment Henry Flory, an American newspaper correspondent station­ of the natives. ed in London, who arrived on the Morel was a clerk in a shipping concern in Liverpool liner Olympic this week, said when he first became convinced there was something rot­ that the cross-word puzzle only now has begun to interest the ten in the administration of the Congo Free State. But what he soon learned took such a hold on him British. At first It was looked upon as “another American fad.” that he quit his job and gave himself up to the exposure Newspapers printed long articles of that rottenness. Against him were arrayed the forces some of which were highly exag­ f. Carson-Fowler Lbr. Co. “In th e H eart o f T ow n” You Will Always j Find a Fine Assortment of •< -i1 tlla tc h e s, Diamonds, deuuelpy, S ilv em iare an d flovelties ON DISPLAY AT Charles A. White, Enders Block - Formerly W. H. Hodkinson Store