it if 1*1 Beal ASHLAND CLIMATE W ithout the use of medicine cures' nine cases out of ten of asthma. This is a proven fact. A shland D aily T idings The Tidings Has Been Ashland's Leading Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years HMa^kaacMi MALARIA GERMS Cannot survive three months in the rich ozone at Ashland. Pure domestic water helps. (International News Wire Service) VOL. XLVIII Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Volume 43. ASHLAND, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1925 Council Mayor ART SCHOOL “CORRALS” BOSS « ft ft R R R R ,R R R Opposition Voiced by Councilmen in Mayor Johnson’s R R Appointments for Street Commissioner and Chief of R Police. Merrill and McNabb Still in Office. Little R R Business Is Transacted. R R (■lashes between Mayor O. II. Johnson and members R of the city council at their first meeting last night ended R in a deadlock over the appointment of a street commis­ R sioner and chief of police. As a result, Chief of Police G. ft R W. McNabb, and Street Commissioner Frank Merrill are R still in office, and will remain there until some name, ac-i R ceptable to the cofttotilmen, is suggested by Johnson. I t' R may be that these two ifteu will be appointed to the office.; R hi the case of Merrill, the council appeared detenu-; ft R ined to keep him in office, in spite of Mayor Johnson’s R statement that he was supporting C. W. Fraley, former R street connnissioner. Thornton Wiley, new councilman, ft was the only member of Ihe board to vote in favor of the' R acceptance of Mayor Johnson’s recommendation. In the! ft ft case of McNabb, three of the five members of the council present refused to accept J. W. Hatcher, Mayor Johnson’s nominee for the office. Councilmen Burdic and Wiley voted in favor of accepting the recommendation, while Councilmen Peters, Detrick and W right voted no on the recommendation. R ft COWBOY — ----- PA IN TE R 8 PHILADELPHIA, Jan . R 7 . — “C orralled” for the R W inter — th a t is w hat R has happened to “ Pete” ft Martinez, boss cowboy and R student a rtist of “ Bar Y” R ranch, Arizona. ft A few days ago M art- ft inez, sunburned, flung ft off a train at North Phil-t ft adelphia, tilted his som- R brero back from his face ft and asked to be directed. ft to Callowhill Art Colony. R At the railroad station R in Arizona he had bidden R “ the boys” and his roan R pinto good bye and head- R ed east to spend the R W inter “ a rtin g ,” as he ft calls it. R Pete paints the life and R and Coifitry which he ft knows best and loves ft most — horses, cow boys. ft the rolling prairie and ft cow country. ft The artist-cowboy had R never been East before. ft He usually goes to the a rt ft schools in California, but R this year through Fred- R erick Robbins, of the ft Graphic Sketch Club, he ft has come to Philadelphia ft to take up his residence R at the ,’studio of Tante ft Goldie Heisler, the aunt R of half Bohemia on Cal- ft lowhill street, and study ft at the Academy of Fine ft arts. R Since 1917 M artinez has ft “ ridden the range" in R Summer and worked with ft the easel, brush and can- ft vas in W inter. ft R R R R R R R R R R R R The rem ainder of the officers appointed last night were accept-: ed unanimously by the council. 1 They were. Fire Chief, Clinton I « Baughman; City Electrician, C. ¡ft A. Malone; Night Policeman, C. R W. Clause; W ater Superintend­ R ent, Earl Hosier; Superintendent Cemeteries, M. B. Pinion. The offices'of city judge and city at-! torney, Mayor Johnson had not 1 d e m e n ta i am i Churchill Confer to ! A gree on Various M atters nominees for last night, announc­ of Finance ing he would make his appoint­ m ents later. The new mayor i also failed to make any com m it-! PARIS, Jan. 7— France and tee apointm ents, with the excep­ England are In complete accord; tion of the finance committee, "011 in m atters which will come before which Councilmen Hardy. Detrick the allied financial conference, Largo C lass o f N ovitiates to b e which is to be held in the near and Burdic were appointed. Led A cross Hot Sands o f Des­ Opening the meeting, the coun­ future, it was indicated here to­ ert. O fficers E lected cil wag sworn in by Mayor John­ day, following a conference be­ son. Councilman Hardy, who is tween Finance M inister elem en­ The M idwinter Roundup and in California was absent^ but the tal of France, and Chancellor of Ceremonial of H illah Temple of rem aining five city fathers were the Exchequer Churchill of Eng­ the Mystic Shrine is announced on hand when the m eeting open­ land. to be held in Ashland on F ri­ ed. The conference w'as held here day, Jan u ary 16, and local Following the ceremony o f , ¡n order to decide definitely be- Shriners i r e busily engaged in swearing in^his co-workers. May-1 fore t jje opening of the conference! preparation for the event. A or Johnson made his speech of the exact stand to be taken by! good sized class of novitiates is acceptance, in which he urged the both countries on the Dawes plan 1 already assured for the journey co-operation of the council in put- , for the payment of reparations by: across the hot sands of the des­ Ung through the work 10 w hich; Gcrmany ,n the payment ert to the Mecca of Shrinedom. they were elected. The ceremonial proper will be the debt owed the United States! Little business was transacted ! held at the Armory which will be by France and England. at the meeting, the appointm ent Both nation«, through' th eir Fi- shrine headquarters for the oc­ of new officers and the ratifi­ casion. A rrangem ents are being cation of appointm ents occupy­ nance m inisters, expressed the made for the banquet in the din­ ing most of the time of the meet­ view' that the United States was ing room of the Elks Temple not entitled to receive payment ing. where the S hriners’ wives will Two bids for the leasing of the through the Dawes plan, since I join them at the festal board, fol­ community hospital were opened that plan calls for the p ay m en t, lowed by a social session for the by the council last night. They of cash for m aterial dam ages! ladies at Masonic Temple, the were, a bid for 3300 per year, done the Allies. France and E n g -! program concluding with a dance made by Mrs. Nellie Loomis, now land claim the United States wa's! a t the Armory from 10 to 12. in charge of the hospital, and not damaged in a m aterial w ay,' The new chosen officers of Hil­ a bid for $26 per month made in the sense th a t no actual con-! lah Temple for 1925, installed by Mrs. Ethyl Chappel. These flicts were held oh American soil,! ’last Friday evening, will have bids were laid on the table un- and' therefore, since France, Eng-; change of the program as fol­ til the next meeting, in order to, land and Belgium were the great­ lows: give the council an opportunity est sufferers, those nations are Emil B ritt, Jacksonville, 111. to inspect the hospital. entitled to the first consideration. P otentate; F. D. W agner, Ash­ At the suggestion of Council­ land, Chief R abban; Sam Baker, man Burdic. the city gave J. H. G rants Pass, Asst. Rabban; Fuller, secretary of the Chamber Philip K. Hammond, Ashland, of Commerce the authority to of­ High P riest and P rophet; E. C. fer the tract of land ju st beyond Jerom e. Medford; O riental Guide; th e hospital as a site for a nor­ C. H. Vaupel, Ashland, T reasurer; mal school should the legislature W. H. Day, Ashland Recorder; decide to build here. The land H. G. Enders, Jr., Ashland, F irst is now' under option to E. T. Ceremonial M aster; R ufus E. De- Staples, blit Staples has signified trick. Ashland. Second Ceremon­ his willingness to relinquish the Lucky Strike Cigarettes in ial Master; D. H. Jackson, Ash­ options should it be possible to tins of one hundred are being! land, M arshall; Carl Y. Teng- obtain a norm al school for Ash­ sold here this week at thirty i whld. Medford, Captain of the land. cents below the normal price, a c -! A few odds and ends of busi­ cording to an announcem ent by Guard: H. C. Stock, Ashland, Di­ ness were cleared up following the American Tobacco Company, rector; C. C. W eisenberger, Ash­ land, Outer Guard; G. W. Dunn, the above action, before the meet­ m anufacturers of this brand. Ashland, O rator; George R. Chap­ ing was adjourned. The company pays the United man, Jacksonville, Captain of Pa­ States tax on this package, the! trol; Trustee, P. B. . Herm ann, customers pay only the actual G rants Pass; Emil B ritt, Jack ­ NURMI EASY WINNER IN DISTANCE RACES price of the cigarettes themselves. sonville. Philip K. Hammond, Thus they are being sold for Ashland, representatives to Im ­ NEW YORK. Jan. 7— Paavo forty-Gve cents instead of seventy- perial Council. N urm i, sensation of the Olympic five cents, the regular price. The special sale will last as Games, and the greatest distance COOLIDGE FORCES Tunner of modern timéis, last long as the present stocks of this BIG CUT IN BILL n ight broke th e ,m ile , 1500 and package rem ain. As soon as the 5000 metre w orld’s records in the local tobacco m erchants exhaust WASHINGTON, Jan. 7. — most brilliant exhibition of ru n ­ their stocks of Lucky Strike 100s, President Coolidge today win his the norm al price will again be fight with the House w ater ways ning ever seen here. resum ed. The great Finn easily defeated advocates over the appropriation Jo ie Ray in the mile and W illie for the new rivers and harbors In Medford— projects, and forced a out of Jtitola in the 5000 metres. Louis Schwein of Ashland who $13,214.000 to be made in the has been ill for several monthis, proposed budget of $52,565000. P ortland making six aw ards for is recuperating at the local Com­ The cuts made were on the Los sew er contracts to be executed in m unity Hospital.— Medford Mail Angeles and Long Bd&ch- harbors 1925. . Tribune. improvements and In the New Orelans Corpus Christie canal. ARE IN ACCORD ON ML OF HILLAH TEMPLE - TO OEjjELO JAN. .16 SPECIAL SALE IS STARTED ON FAL. BÏ LOCAL STORES NO. 107 COWCATCHER SAVES WOMAN IN WRECK. Office OWHYEE BASE AMENDMENT IS IN COMMITTEE W IFE HAS FIRST CLAIM TO H E R LITTLE HUBBY ft ----------- jj TEACHER SHOT BY HAN T O IS THEN A SUICIDE ft NEW YORK, Jan. 7.— ft ft To protect her husband ft ft from form er sw eethearts a ft ft wife may annoy any of ft ft those persons, M agistrate ft ft Simpson ruled here in the ft ft West Side Court. ft ft He told Mrs. Betty ft ft Gluck, tw enty-four, of ft ft University of Wisconsin Is Appropriation of Money ft Brooklyn: « 4 A woman is entitled With Which to Contine Scene of Fatal ft to tell the whole world to Work Is Passed in Sen. Shooting ft leave her husband alone, AMMENDMENT PASSED ft and such action does not MOTIVE IS UNKNOWN ft constitute any ^violation. • O verlooked in O riginal Budget o f ‘ ** The m arital relatitVi js Mias l^auiu Palm er Hhot and F a­ not to be injured for any- Interior Dept. E xpenses, Bill tally W ounded by F. Bernard, ft one for any reason. You Is Now Taken I'p Form er A ssistant Instructor ft were right in what you WASHINGTON, Jan. 7.— The! ft did.” MADISON, Wisconsin, Jan. 7. Mrs. Gluck, the wife of Owyhee irrigation district, the j ft — F. Bernard, about 35 years of neglected sister among réclama-! ft Irving Gluck, vaudeville age, today shot and probably tion projects of Oregon got a toe-| ft actor, had been charged In mortally wounded Miss Laura hold on the In terio r D epartm ent I ft a summons with annoying Palm er of this city, age 28, a Menken, appropriation bill today when the; ftM Miss Frances French instructor at the Univer­ Senate accepted an amendm ent, I ft tw enty-three, of Brooklyn, sity of Wisconsin, and then tu rn ­ She said ih court that introduced by Senator McNary, ; ft ing the revolver on himself, com­ Republican of Oregjon, m aking I ft Miss Menken was a form- m itted suicide. The shooting af­ available for next year the sum s' ft er sw eetheart of Gluck, fray took place in the French C 3 /A 1 5 K W Y ! of $315,000 to be appropriated; ft and even after his m arri- house, in the center of the uni­ ft age she continued to by the hangover deficiency bill i versity district, where Mias Pal­ M r*. M arr Clark, of Indianapolis, v u earned along, eeml-eoniclona ft meet him. which passed December, 1924. mer was a chaperon for a group Cor twelve miles on the cowcatcher of an express train after the loco Mrs. Gluck adm itted motive had rammed an automobile to which she was riding. Hei The Owyhee irrigation district ft of twelve co-eds. presence of mind to seizing, the Iron reds saved her Ufa. She suffered was not mentioned in the bill in­ ft calling Miss Menken on Bernard was form eily a substi­ only from exposure as a result of her horror-ride. One woman wan ft the telephone and asking troduced into the House of Repre- ' tute instructor of French at the S S f lg l?ewllr S s S .hUft »soaped sentatives and unless the amend-i ft her to cease meeting Hibbing Junior College, ut Hib­ ment passed in the Senate is u p -, It Gluck. Miss Menken then bing, Minnesota, where he re­ held in the conference committee, ‘ ft had her summoned. But sides. Miss Palm er formerly composed of members of ft the Judge sided with the taught French in the same in­ the two houses, the project will ft wife, and warned the girl stitution, and according to a re- have no money with which to ft to leave Gluck alone. p o rt’from th at city, the two were continue operations after Ju n e f t f t f t f t f t f t f t f t f t f t f t B engaged to be m arried when Miss 30 of this year. Palm er suddenly resigned her po­ If the project should be clos- ! sition, and left. A few mouths ed for lack of money thousands j lat^r she came to the University of acres ot' land included in the, of Wisconsin, and became a mem­ district will be forced to go back ber of the faculty, first serving Jackson, Josephiin. County Dairy Mayor, Councilm en Are Given to practically a desert stale. There as a substitute instructor in the Men O rganize to Raise Oath of O ffice at First M eet­ is a strong probability th a t the French language, and later ta k ­ Standards in g of New O rganization am endm ent will be passed in the I ing a position as a regular In­ House, since it is stated that the i structor in that subject. Josephine and Jackson county; KLAMATH FALLS, Jail. 7. - - Owyhee project was simply over­ The police, so far, have been dairy farm ers started Jan u ary 1 Fred E. Goddard and a new coun­ Third Number o f Ashland Celeb­ looked by the Interior Depart unable to unearth any clue which on one of the most forw ard and cil took over the municipal af­ rity Course Considered Fine m ent in making up their appro­ might give them an idea for the progressive steps yet taken to in­ fairs of Klam ath Falls Monday P laylet priation bill for the year. motive of the crime. Little has crease the profits from the dairy! night and were duly sworn into A nother am endm ent was made been learned of Bernard, and business, when the Rogue River office. “The Cinderella Man” , Edward for $375,000, to be available foi while something of the personal Valley Cow Testing Association M ajor Goddard appointed Z. another year’s work on the K it­ Chiids C arpenter’s famous actions of Miss Palm er are known started its year’s work. Thirty J. Powell chief of police, re-ap­ titas project in W ashington. _ It “Charm Play” , i3 to be produced here she has resided in this city farm ers with appoximately 450 pointed Keith Ambrose chief of is claimed th a t this is a n o th e r, bere on the evening of January for such a short while that little cows will join together in the the fire departm ent and J. H. project which was overlooked by at the Armory, by the Perci- or nothing of her past life is form ation of this cow testing as­ Carnahan, city attorney, Eugeen the Interior D epartm ent w h e n , va* Vivian Players of New York known. sociation, and will hire th eir own B. Henry, city engineer, H arry the budget for the coming year City, brought here by the Ash- The theory baa. been advanced man to test their cows. This M. Locks street commissioner and was made up. , ’and Celebrity course committee. by the police th a t Miss Palmer, man will spend one day on each Robert Sloane electrical inspec­ It is predicted by those in close It is a comedy of youth and while an instructor at Hibbiug farm,- arriving in the afternoon tor. touch with affairs th a t a hot fight • love, life and laughter, fragrant, became engaged to m arry Bern­ and staying over night, and d u r­ The council immediately con­ is expected in the conference over fresh, clean and wholesome. The ard, and later, learning something ing th at time will weigh and firmed the appointm ents and the adoption of these am endm ents story is an interesting one. which made her break off her en­ sample the milk of each cow for Mayor Goddard pinned on the in the House. Now th a t Presi-j M arjorie Caner, daughter of a gagement, left th at city in an ef­ two milkings and will then test coat lapel of Chief Powell his dent Coolidge’s policy of strict wealthy man, returns to his man- fort to escape his attentions. it and figure individual profit badge of authority. Patrolm en asI economy has been upheld, as was sion upon the death of her moth- Bernard then followed her to or loss on each cow, balancing selected by the chief were a l l ; shown in the vote on the pas- er ln France. The Caners had Madison, where he endeavored her production against the cost new men. All are. exservice men sage of the postal increase bill been separated. Her father thinks to affect a reconciliation, but fail­ of her feeds. three have seen trench duty and yesterday, th at the representatives th at the way in which to assure ing in his purpose, shot Miss Pal­ County Agent Fowler, qf Jack- J. H. Lewis, is a veteran of the will endeavor to cut the appro- ber happiness is to give her mer and then shot and killed son county, is organizing'the work Spanish - American war. priate bill down, ra th e r than in- everything th at money can buy himself. here and County Agent Howell Dr. G. S. Newsom was named crease it over the original am ount His associates, however, tell him Miss Palm er, now in a local Is caring for the Josephine coun­ city physician and Dr. E. D. Lamb w hat the girl needs most is love. hospital, is in such a serious con­ estitnated. ty organization. The tim e will was re-appointed city dairy in­ Among these friends of Mr. dition th a t her physicians have be appointed to give 18 days spector. C aner is Albert Sewell, a com­ refused to allow the police to The council session began with I in Jackson county and 12 days poser, who is willing to pay $1000 question her. She has made no in Josephine county for the pres­ Merle W est, as president of the for the book and lyrics of an statem ent as to the cause of the , ent. It is hoped th a t after one retirin g council, in the m ayor’s opera. Into the house comes shooting, or of any event which Wilson, retiring year of work the association will chair, A rth u r \\ alter Nicholls, a young rake, might have led up to it. grow sufficiently to allow one as­ mayor now absent from the city. who has known M arjorie abroad. A fter routine business was dis­ sociation in each county. He proposes to her, but she sees posed of City Recorder Lem Gag- through him and discovers that hagen was sworn in by Mr. West he is after her fortune. Sewell and in turn gave the oath of office WEED, Jan. 7— The three in­ shows M arjorie the attic of the to the mayor and councilmen as jured survivors of the fatal auto­ house across the street, and tells well as other appointees. Quintard, mobile accident north of here her th a t Anthony Saturday were recovering today! known to his friends as ‘ The Cin- NEW ENGLAND ROCKED •ln a local hospital. They are V .: derella Man” lives there. He is BY SLIGHT TREMORS E. Skinner, Aberdeen, Wash., who' tr ying to land as a w riter, has The Vining theatre was packed has two broken ribs; J. O. Houk,! been cast 0«t by his wealthy par- BOSTON, Jan . 7— Windows and Redmond, Ore., who sustained* en ts- and ta nearly starving. Mar- to the doors last night when the KLAMATH FALLS, Jah. 7. — china dishes in (several New Eng­ minor cuts, and Houk'» 14 year! 1° , 'e n‘“ kes her » * i <»« K ing's 1925 Revue opened their Determined to leave no stone un­ land towns were broken today by old daughter, who i» su ft.rtu g ! two night return engagement and “ “V ‘ Anth,°"!''» turned in their plan to obtain a three earth trem ors, the f'rs t of . x , only to be discovered. It is love were welcomed by an enthuldastic sugar beet factory to serve this which was felt a t 8:09 this m orn­ from cuts and shock. ! at first sight, but M arjorie finds and appreciative audience. This Skinner’s 8 year old son was county, residents of Langell, ing. The disturbance was most it necessary to im personate her company played here a couple of killed outright in the crash and French maid, as Anthony has his months ago and last night’s a u ­ Yonna and Poe valley have call­ noticed in the vicinity of Lynn Mrs. Houk was suffocated by the ¡ow n ideas about m airying in ■ ed a meeting of farm ers at Bon­ and Lawrence, M assachusetts. dience was proof of their pop­ fumes of gasoline after the car wea]th anza for Jan u ary 11 a t 12:30 overturned. ! She visits hjm a t Christmas ularity. p. m. for the purpose of discuss­ CIVILIANS KILLED Last n ’ght's show was one of Houk was driving the machine tjm e and perorates the room, and the best ever seen in this city ing probable acreage. IN AIRPLANE CRASH north when the wheels struck ice on anothe*r visit is discovered bv The movement is hacked by J . at the price charged and the com- W. Trn'ner and H. J. Ticknor of DAYTON, Ohio, Jan. 7.— Leon and swung the car into the grav- “ The Great She - Bear,” ’ the edy “ A Gay Deceiver” kept the Langell valley and George Spare- H arris and Paul Long, civilian el at the edge of the road. T h e ‘ cranky landlady, who raisunder- large audience in a road of laugh­ torn of Yonna valley with others employes a t the McCook Field big car overturned, spilling its oc-j stands the .situation, and forces ter from start to finksh. The proonuncedly interested. airdom e were today alm ost de­ cupants. A nother * car. headed ' Anthony to get out. Under Mar- opening, with special lighting ef­ It is believed th a t the three capitated when the plane piloted soutliward, also overturned in jo rie ’s inspiratkia. Anthony has fects, was worthy of a higher valleys can easily fill a 5000-acre by Lieutenant Baoksdale, accom­ rnak ng a quick stop to avoid run-{"Completed a book for an opera priced show, while the special­ sugar beet contract demand and panied by observer Althoff, nlng into the Houk machine, but! Anthony comes to the Caner ties and numbers introduced by th a t if this figure is assured a crashed into th eir motor truck. its occupants were not injured. ' nia,lSi°n and asks for the maid. .factory can be induced to locate i When be learns th a t the “ maid” the California Poppy Girls Chor­ The plane was tearing along in the Bonanza section. and M arjorie are one ar.d the us, in new and elaborate cos­ at a high rate of speed, near the CHARLIE CHAPLIN tumes, were well received.. Alto­ “ We are unable to take advan­ ground, when the landing gear TO BBCOME FATHER' gether the show wats all the ad­ tage of the offer recently made caught the top of the truck. The vance notices claimed. Tonight in K lam ath Falls by the Sacra­ aviators escaped injury. LOS ANGELES, Jan. 7— Lita romance, but in the end m atters will be the last perform ance to be mento Valley Sugar company,“. Grey Chaplin, sixteen year old are adjusted happily. And An­ Ticknor explained, “ because all thony wins the operatic prize, toe. given here by this company and wife of Charles Chaplin, movie our lands are located too far from Improving— a capacity house is anticipated. Alan Prescott who was injured screen comedian, wha^e* m arriage transportation. I believe a five- Now City E d ito r— mile lim it is conceded to be about recently when hunting for a pole' to Chaplin was accompanied by O. H. Barnhill, form erly con­ M oving— the maximum for growers to haul. to put up an aerial and has been the announcem ent of her youth nected with the Ashland Tidings, Mr. and Mrs. P rior and family confined to the Community Hos­ several weeks ago, is to become is now city editor of the Mon­ are moving from 494 Holly stre et P ortland Y. M. C. A. has brok­ pital Is reported to be rapidly a m other, “ sometime this sum ­ rovia Messenger at Monrovia, Cal­ to 504 Iowa street. Mr. Prior i» en ground for new $160,000 build­ improving and will be able to m er” , she told friends in Holly­ ifornia, according to reports re­ an employee of the Southern Pa-» leave the hospital in a few days. wood today. ing. ceived here. e’Jie. g NEW CITY OFFICERS IS ORGANIZED IN OF KLAMATH FALLS P LA C E O J OFFICE 2 OTHERS KILLED TO GET A SUGAR FACTORY X S REVUE IS WELL RECEIVED BY