frÀôfc THBKÉ M H dl PROFESSIONAL pcteii/- Classified C olum n Cla-odfted Column Rates One cent the word each time. To run every issue for one month or more. Vfrc the word each time. PHYSICIANS 1 OR. HAWLEY— Above Tidings office. Phone 91. • Miss Edith Dodge, E ditor DR. C. W. HANSON Phone item s to h er a t 39, between D entist H a. m. and 5 p. m. Special attention given to pyor­ rhoea. Office upstairs in Beaver CALENDAR OF EVENTS Block. Phone 178-J. 233-tf. Friday, Jan u ary 9. College Club DR. G. C. PHETTEPLACE will meet at the home of Mrs. R. D entistry W. Stearns in Medford. Gas or local anesthesia for ex­ Saturday, Jan u ary 10. Daugh­ traction and minor surgery. Special attention given to straig h t­ ters of the Nile will meet in Med­ ening and care of children’s ford. Election of officers. * * * teeth. Above Citizens Bank Shower— z Phone. Office, 151— Res., 201-J Mrs. Leonard Lund, one of the DR. ERNEST A. WOODS— P rac­ season's brides, was very pleas­ tice lim ited to eye, ear, nose ano antly surprised a t her home on th ro at— X-ray Including teeth. Vista street Saturday afternoon Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 tc when the members of the Polly­ 5. Swedenburg Bldg., Ashland, anna Class of the Presbyterian Sunday School met and gave her Ore. a shower. DR. E. B. ANGELL— Chiropractic A m erry afternoon was spent and Electro-Therapy. Office playing games and conversing. phone 48; residence 142. First The honored guest received many N ational Bank building. beautiful gifts and was delight­ ed with the attention of the girls. THE SOUTHERN OREGON At six o’clock a delicious thre- CLINIC course dinner which was prepar­ 1st National Bank Bldg. Medical Surgical Obstetrical ed by the girls was served. Diagnostic X-ray The honored guest was the R. W. Stearns. M. D. form er teacher of the Pollyanna R. E. Green, M. D. class vmd is greatly loved by R. W. Sleeter, M. D. them. Office hours 2-5 p. m. Phone 238-R Those present to enjoy the af­ fair were Misses Doris Hitchcock, CONVALESCENT HOME W here the sick get well. Cot­ Elsie Allen, V irginia Frost, Lor­ tage plan. We board and care for aine B rookm iller, Edith Brook- invalids and old people. M atern­ m iller and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard ity dept. Call 153. Lund. * * * MONUMENTS Rose-Ruger— ASHLAND GRANITE A very p retty wedding was MONUMENTS solemnized last evening at six- B lair G ranite Co, th irty o’clock when Miss Maxine S. PENNISTON, Manager Rose became the bride of Mr. Office 173 E. Main Raymond R uger a t the Presby­ Res. Phone 444-Y " FOR RENT FOR RENT:— Three, two-room apartm ents (light housekeeping) 349 East Main. 105-6* __ _____ »— - " 1 ■■ ■' ■ ■ • — FOR REN T:— Three-room fur­ nished apartm ent close in. >18.00 Including w ater. Phone Robison’s Garage or 432Y. 105—tf FOR R EN T:— 2 or 3 furnish­ ed house-keeping rooms. Terms reasonable. Call 242J. . 105-2 HOUSE FOR RENT: — Com­ pletely furnished, including piano. W ith or w ithout garage. 'Inquire a t No. 173 Oak street. 104— tf RENT: — Completely furnish­ ed apartm ent, 75 Bush st. 104-tf FOR RENT: — Bedroom with heat. Good location. Phone 29TL. 104— 3* FOR RENT— Furnished house. 478 Boulevard. 96— 1 mo. FOR SAG« FOR SALE OR TRADE: — 6 acres in Belleview D istrict High State Cultivation. R. H. Coffin, Phone 2F2, Route one, box 118, Ashland. 105-3 FOR SALE: — Barn in good condition, 16x24 ft., reasonable, purchaser to remove same from the premises. Inquire 244 Har- gadine. 105—tf FOR SALE:— A1 Fresh Jersey milch cow, >75.00. W hite Leg­ horn pullets, >1.50 each. G. D F aris, 1145 N. Main. 105—tf K O f f i BAUT HMS08 I ■ ■ ■ A A .i.i .rijyTf? W ■ I. I ■ .1 I 11 .1 I | «• terian parsonage, Reverend J. W. Call of America determined to claim < ” • America I ------------ Wallowa — P ò i farm w ith Albany — Linn countv will re- Merglef, officiating. The ring Bnngs Girl Back birthright even though it Hock imported from Prince c.u- . ceive >47,1 38 75 from state on ceremony was used. Miss Alice ---------- ¡m ean t separation from my par-1 ward Island. m arket road apportionm ent. Ruger, sister of the groom, made NEW YORK, Jan. 5.— The call ents, who are excluded by your a charm ing bridesmaid while Mr. of America, her birthplace, has technicalities. There ara other Leslie Heer acted as best man. brought Miss Teresina Di Primio thousands of American-born ehii-- Mrs. H erbert Hu^kong, sister of back to this country alone from dren in Italy who will ’come Dack the bride was also one qf the Italy, leaving her parents in that to the’r native land when they j country. They had taken her to ’ are old enough to travel alone.w bridal party. Following the ceremony a de­ Italy when she was a baby; but licious wedding dinner was serv­ she returned to America as soon SAFE FOR CHILDREN ed at the home of Mrs. Elton as she was old enough. A BOLT „No im m igration official could Mothers everywhere demand a Ramsey, a sister of the groom. The young couple will make challenge her right to admission. reliable codgh remedy free iron, Miss Di Primio had her birth injurious narcotics. Supplying thit their home in Ashland. Mrs. Ruger certificate. There was no danger demand for fifty years mhde FO­ was a member of last year’s grad­ th at she would become a public LEY’S HONEY AND TAR COM­ uating class and is a very popu­ charge, To. she is i ver t i e chi’ POUND -one of the Largest Sell­ lar member of the younger set ing Cough Medicines in the She has lived in Ashland about (irons’ age lim it of sixteen. four years, coming here from she went on her wry to join her World. Children like it. “ My Talent, and in both places has cousin, Mrs. Luisa Di Micco, in little boy had a very bad cough been prom inent in athletic circles. Syracuse. She ¿xplained „her re­ and after he used FOLEY’S HONEY AND TAR COMPOUND Mr. Ruger is an employee of the turn by saying: “When I grew old enough tc he got relief at once,” w rites Mrs. Then try a Iqaf Southern Pacific and has a large realize w hat it m eant to be bom Van Belle. Penroy, Mont. Refuse num ber of friends here. * * • substitutes. Sold everywhere. E n tertain Soldiers^— T h e ¡g*o£t Drag S/oro t The W. R. C. Club entertained the members of the G. A. R., w ith a delicious luncheon -at the Odd Fellows Hall Saturday. The luncheon was prepared by the ladies. Officers were installed into the G. A. R. at this time I Bring or send it to and speeches and conversation occupied the afternoon. Over a The Medford Veterinarian We have just received a hundred people were present and Hospital ~ % large assortment of elec­ reported a very pleasant time. Prescription Druggists Ask y o u r neighbor Sally Ann and G olden Sheaf Bread McNair Brothers Li thia Bakery Y our P e t DESERVES THE BEST P ro p er LIGHTING F ix tu res W O O D S T O C K ♦ * * Basket D inner— The members of the Christian Church enjoyed a basket dinnerj Sunday noon, given in honor of those who joined the church d u r­ ing 1924. About one hundred and tw enty-four were present and a very enjoyable time was had. Fol­ lowing the dinner the regular business m eeting was held and plans made for the remodeling of the church. Tidings W ant Ads are go-getter» Dr. E. C. McCULLOCH, Graduate Veterinarian Comer Fifth & Grape Sts. tric lighting fixtures—the proper fixture for every part, of the house. Phone 369 MEDFORD, Oregon Neat Designs Harmonizing Colors we will he glau io show I will be at The East Side Pharmacy in Ash­ land every Wednesday, 12:30 to 7 p. m. Call there or phone 51. TYPEWRITERS Southern Agents for this Leader Among all Typewriters SUPERIOR CONSTRUCTION THROUGHOUT. Let us dem onstrate to you them to you H eadquarters for typew riter paper, carbons, ribbons and all supplies. When your typew riter needs cleaning or repairing call us— Our num ber 209 T he A shland E lectric Shop Toilet Goods— Drug Sundries 249 East Mala S t ANY GIRL iN TROUBLE— May communicate with Ensign Lee of th e Salvation Army at the LOAN WANTED:— On 5 acres W hiteShleld 'H em e, 565 May- with house and barn close to fair Ave., Portland. Oregon. town, >900 for 4 or 5 years. H. C. Galey, Agent, 65 E. Main. PLANING MILL 105— 3* » CLERKS, IS UP. Excellent sal­ JORDON’S SASH AND CABINfel’ WORKS, Cor. Helman and ary. Exam. Feb. 21. For govern­ Van Ness. • 194tf ment positions in your state. Ex­ perience unnecessary. For free TRANSFER AND EXPRESS particulars, w rite R. Terry (fo r­ W hittle T ransfer & Storage Co. m er Civil Service Exam iner) 1866 for SERVICE. B arrister Bldg. W ashington, D. C. Experienced movers and pack­ 104-3t* ers of household goods. Deal­ ers in coal and wood. Phdne 117. Office 89 Oak St. near See— Hotel Ashland BEAVER REALTY CO. ELHART’S Books and Stationery BUSCBLLANEOUS for Bargains in Real-Ks- tate. We also handle In­ surance and Loans. 82-tf on Cigarettes O the general public, we believe it will be surprising to learn ‘that T nearly fox// of what they pay for ciga­ T. L. POWELL— General T rans­ fer— Good team and motor trucks. G lod service a t a re a ­ sonable price. Phone 83. FEHIGE-ROACH T ransfer — Express — Storage Hauling — Dray work of all kinds. Quick m otor service. Dry W hen Will Ashland People Learn wood of all kinds. Phone 410-R The Im portance of It? 375 B. St. 112-tf Backache is only a simple thing a t first; WQOD SAWING But if you find ’tis from the kidneys; WANTED— Wood -sawing. Tel T hat serious kidney troubles 470-J. • 63— lmo* m ay follow; That dropsy or B right’s dis THE FLORAL DRESSMAKING SHOP ease may be the fatal end, Over A shland Tidings You will be glad to know the 104-1 mo.* following experience. 'Tis the statem ent of an Ash land citizen. Mrs. L. W ortz, 129-5th St., ^ says; “ Doan’s Pills helped me when my kidneys were out of order. I had dull pains across the sm all of my back th a t made it hard for me to do my work and my kidneys acted irregularly too. Doan’s Pills soon freed me from If Your Back Aches or Blad­ der Bothers, Take a the backache and put my kidneys In good order.” Little Salts Price 60c, at all dealers. Don’t simply ask for a kidney remedy— The American men and women get Doan’s Pills— the same as Mrs. m ust guard constantly against W artz had. Foster-M ilburn Co., Mfrs.. Buffalo. N. Y. »38 kidney trouble because we often eat too much rich food. Our blood is filled with acids which the kidneys strive to filter out; they weaken from overwork, be­ come sluggish, the eliminative tissues clog and the result is kid­ ney trouble, bladder weakens and Red Pepper Rub takes the a general decline in health. W hen your kidneys feel like “ ouch” from sore, stiff, aching joints. It cannot h u rt you, and lumps of lead; your back hurts or It certainly stops th at old rheu­ the urine is cloudy, full of sedi­ ment, or you arç obliged to seek m atism at once. W hen your are suffering so you relief two or three times during can hardly get around, ju st try the night; if you suffer with sick Red Pepper Rub and you will .headache, or dizzy, nervous spells, have the quickest relief known. acid stomach, or if you have rheu­ N othing has such concentrated, matism when the w eather is bad, penetrating heat as- red peppers. begin drinking lot of good soft J u s t as soon as you apply Red w ater, and get from your pharm ­ Pepper Rub you will feel the acist about four ounces of Jad tingling heat. In three m inutes Salts. J a k e a tablespoonful in it w arm s the sore spot through a glass of w ater before breakfast and through. Pain and soreness for a few days and your kidneys may then act fine. a re gone. This famous salts is made from Ask any good druggist for a the acid of grapes and lemon ja r of Rowles Red Pepper Rub. Juice, combined with lithia, and Be sure to get the genuine, with th e name Rowles on each pack­ has been used for years to help flush and stim ulate clogged kid­ age. neys, fo neutralize the acids in Albany — LIhn county will the system so' th a t they no long­ have more than >100,000 for m ar­ er are a source of irritation, thus often relieving bladder disorders. ket road work In 1925. Jad Salts is inexpensive; can not injure, makes a d e lig h tfu l1 effervescent lith ia - w ater drink and belongs In every home, be­ va^ - J t l a a f t’ T r e a tm e n t, cause nobody can make a m istake both local and internal, and has beer by having a good kidney flush­ ruccessful in the treatment of Catarrh ing any time. By all means have •for ov r 40 years. Sold by all druggist: your physician examine your kid­ K J. CH ENEY CO .. T oledo. O hk neys at least twice a year. rettes goes to the government for taxes. The internal revenue stamp on a package of twenty Lucky Strike ciga­ rettes costs you six cents. On a 75c tin of one hundred the revenue stamp costs you thirty cents. So nearly one-half of what you pay for cigarettes is spent by you for taxes. This is certainly the heaviest tax on an article of daily and universal con­ sumption. m PROVE FATAL RED PEPPER HEAT Hall’s Catarrh M 6 Q lC I n C The Tobacco Industry and Taxes More Friends 1OO Lucky Strikes TAX FREE W e invite every smoker in this city to take advantage of this startling offer. W e’ve told you about Lucky Strike superiority. Your friends have told you. Now know for yourself the value of the toasting process! W e make this proposition to win more friends: The regular price of a tin of 100 Lucky Strikes is 75c You pay the dealer only 45c W e pay the Government Tax of 30c A tb e dealer’s allotm ent /xct quickly, at this price is limited> Get one tin ^a^per^on °J for bome or for office. be in effect when the dealer’s regular price wil1 supply on this offer is sold Smoke these 100 Lucky Strikes. Then you’ll know how the 45- minute toasting process adds to the flavor and improves the taste. n «/zuz G u a r a n te e d b y Our reasons for this tax free offer We know this offer induces men to try Lucky Strikes—it “ Wins More Friends.” We know that a large percentage of those who get acquainted with Lucky Strikes adopt them. This isn’t philanthropy nor propa­ ganda—just good business, as you’ll agree. The offer is limited. We cannot af­ ford to keep it up. We make it generous, to attract at­ tention. T h p rp d iik i’ a ne The aggregate tax paid by the to­ bacco business is with one exception, income taxes, the largest item of inter­ nal revenue the federal government re­ ceives. Last (fiscal) year it amounted to $309,014,050.84. Of this enormous amount of money the cigarette industry paid >182,715,- 735.93, or nearly two-thirds of the total tax paid by the entire tobacco business. We believe you will appreciate that when nearly fifty cents of every dollar paid by you for cigarettes goes to the government, you must receive in ciga­ rettes a value in return for your money that is rarely given in any commodity. That the public appreciates this great value is shown by the enormous increase in the consumption of ciga­ rettes. Super-quality » 4NCORFOAATCD LUCKY STRIKE Only by immense volume can we produce such an aristocratic cigarette as Lucky Strike at such a democratic price. Its quality is supreme because it has that costly extra process, toasting, which improves the flavor and adds to the taste of even the finest tobaccos that are used in Lucky Strikes. Cleanliness and Care in Manufacture Every Lucky Strike factory is a model of sanitation. Read how Al­ fred W. McCann, th e noted food ex­ pert, describes one of our factories: W hite walls and ceilings, floors as clean as freshly chiseled marble, cu ttin g m achines and wrapping m achines th a t take away from the hum an hand all detail and leave nothing to th e hum an supervision h u t the w atchfulness of trained •yes.” • • • • We know a trial will make you a permanent customer of ours. Ousrsnteed by M I M H iu r t »