ASHLAND CLIMATE M ithout the use of medicine curés nine caseâ out of ten of asthma. This is a proven fact. A shland D aily T idings The Tidings Has Been Ashland's Leading Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years MALARIA GERMS Cannot survive three luhnths in the rich ozone at Ashland. Pure domestic water helps. (International News W ire Service) ■ , " ■ VOL. XLVHI MORE COPIES OF BOOKLET TO BE DISTRIBUTED Ashland Chamber of Com­ merce Purchases 2,500 of Booklets MAKE TOTAL OF 20,000 County C om m issioners P lace Or­ der o f 7,5 0 0 W hich M akes 10 OOO in Latest Issu e An additional ten thousand coplea of the county booklet, “ W here N ature Lavished Her Bounty," which has been univer­ sally proclaimed the most beau­ tiful and most effective piece of advertising literatu re which has ever been issued in this county, will be distributed to tourists and to visitors from all parts of the country who will be asking for inform ation of Jackson county during the coming year. Monday evening the board of directors of the Ashland Cham­ ber of Commerce voted unani­ mously to purchase 2500 of these booklets from The Ashland Tid­ ings. The board o f county com­ missioners of Jackson county has previously ordered 7500 more, in addition to the earlier order of 10,000 which the various cham­ bers of commerce and other boosting agencies of the county are now distributing. This makes a total of 20,000 of these booklets which are cer­ tain to be distributed during the coming year, with the possibility th at another cham ber of com­ merce may later determ ine to have a large num ber of these booklets printed. This booklet, the text of which was w ritten by Bert Moses and with a cover design drawn by Johnny Gruelle of this city, is of the highest grade of typography, press work and paper stock; anc has been praised by everybody who has seen a copy. The distri­ bution of the. 20,000 copies of this booklet is certain to bring the most favorable attention to all p arts of Jackson county, as each locality in the county is represented in the booklet, and is sure to .result in the coming of many who read it, to Jackson county. DISPATCHES STATE ITALY IN NEAR WAR LONDON, Jan. 6. '— Appeals are being made to King Victor Em manuel, ruler of Italy, as guardian of th e nations consti­ tutional rights to take whatever steps are necessary to restore civil liberty throughout Italy, ac­ cording to inform ation in private advices received here this m orn­ ing. The impending trouble is be­ lieved to be clearing up, the dis­ patches stated, although a heavy police guard, and a large part of the m ilitary forces of the nation have been ordered out to protect railroads of the country from threatened sabotage. „.. The advices-state th at all the members of the Italian cabinet have resigned, leaving Mussolini free to make any new appoint­ m ents he chooses. The a u th o rit­ ies are still continuing to seize copies of the opposition newspap­ er. and to place the editors, of these papers in prison whenever the papers contain anything which m ight be construed to be inimical to the Mussolini regime. It is understood in Rome th at the king is fearful of making any move to remove Mussolini since it may be followed by serious conflicts between the citizens and M ussolini’s Fascist followers. The king is unwilling to make any step which might bring on a civil war. ’ The present condition is the result of the protest of the ex- service men against Mussolini’s treatm en t accorded them. Much of the feeling was aroused in the sm aller cities of the nation, hut soon spread to the larger cities, and is now thoroughly Instilled at fever pitch throughout the coun­ try. Presents Apple»— D. M. Lowe brought in a box of fancy apples for the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph girls today. They appreciate very much th e courtesies extended them this season. NEW YORK, Jan. 6.— When Harold W ebster, an actor, befriended John Mc­ Gregor Christm as Eve, took the Scotch lad to his home and fed and housed him, he did not intend th a t his hospitality should include a Scotch Norfolk tweed suit. . W ebster was angry Christm as morning when he found McGregor and the suit were missing. The police said th e suit was one bf the “ loudest" th a t ever walked along Broad­ way. In tracing it the police came across the pawn­ broker who had refused to take it because of its pro­ nounced pattern. L ater the suit was found in a paw nbroker’s shop at Twelfth street and Third avenue, where it had been pledged for 35. A fter the actor had re­ ceived his property he ex­ pressed a strong 'desire to m eet McGregor for at least five m inutes. :iANOTHER TAX I on incomes is : PROPOSED HERE «. »; ---------- «¡New Proposal to be Submit- «, ted to Legislature at • Coming Session « HAS A « . 1 ....... ; . 1 " — ASHLAND,’OREGON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 6, 1925 Successor to the S6ml-Weekly Tidings, Volume 43. SUIT SO LOIT) IT AIDS OW NER IN FINDING . !J HIGHER RATE Proposed Tax W ould R eplace Tax \ oted Down by P eop le at E lection L ast N ovem ber SALEM, JAN. 6. — A new state income tax proposal, pro­ viding a higher standard of levies than those contained in the law which was defeated by popular lo te last November, will be sub­ m itted to the Oregon legislature during the coming season. The proposed m easure has been drawn up by Lewis W. E liiott of Salem, who for the last year has been an assistant to the state tax com­ mission. Under the plan the rate of taxa­ » « » « x x x x x x x x a x ::: tion would have a 10 per cent minimum, which initial exemp­ tions of 3750 in' the case of single persons and 31500 for those m ar­ ried, with 3200 additional exemp­ tion for each dependent. In other words, a single person with an income yearly of 31750 would be required to pay 3100 tax, and a sim ilar am ount would be paid by a m arried man w ithout fam­ T ells o f P ossib ilities of Tourist ily who had an income up to Trade During C om ing Year 32500. The 10 per cent rate of 1035 would apply to all taxable In­ comes up to 35000. GRANTS PASS, Jan. 6. — Irv­ Under the proposal, which ing E. Vining, president of the would be known as the property state chamber of commerce yes­ tax lim itation act, all property terday furnished members of the taxes w ithin the state would ’be cham ber of commerce with an in­ spirational talk on the vision and offset against the income tax levy. On taxable incomes of $6000 prospects of Oregon during the to 310,000 the rate would be 15 coming year. In his talk, Mr. Vining took up the great pos­ per cent; on taxable incomes of the rate sibilities which are here aw ait­ 311,000 to 315,000 would be 20 per cent; 316.000 to ing development. Previous to the 320,000, 25 per cent; on taxable talk by Mr. Vining, H. W. Gard, special representative of the Ore­ incomes of 321,000 or more the gon Irrigation congress, gave a rate would be 30 per cent. "The tax would be imposed on talk on the needs of the con­ gress. The largest tu rn o u t of the all resident and non-resident in­ present season was on hand to dividuals, including tru sts to persons unknown, with respect head the talks. Mr. Vining stated he hoped to the entire net income accru­ there would be a good represen­ ing to them from every source tation from G rants Pass at the within the state, including all in­ meeting of the state cham ber in comes from the earnings of cor­ Portland this week. He told of porations, p a r t n e r s h i p s and thfc? work undertaken and the trusts, w hether such earnings program which will be presented. were distributed or not," accord­ One of the main features at the ing to a prospectus ot the plan. • meeting, he said, will be the re ­ . “ The act w’ould embody safe­ port on the audit of state finances guards to cover the liability of by Tom Kay, newly elected treas­ trusts, witlr proper exemption for urer. This audit will show where banks, now taxed in the full the state stands in the m atter legal way. The act would not tax of finances. corporations, as th a t method re­ The speaker dealt to some ex­ sults jn double taxation, but tent with his trip to the east, would tax the real earnings ef the where he told of the west. He corporation to the individual and declared th a t the western states require the corporation to file a are far ahead of the eastprn retu rn , as It does with th? federal states in the line of state public­ government, and to show ts earn­ ity and advertising, due to the ings in Oregon and ite stock- fact th a t there is a closer co-op­ 1 olders, with all inform ation at eration among all of the various the source. interests, while in the east in­ “ The act, would allow all the terest is divided among the v ar­ usual deductions, except property ious business organizations. taxes paid in Oiegon. w h’ch would The great w ater power re­ he deductable by neither p artn er­ sources of the west were, em phas­ ship, fiduciary, corporation nor ized by Mr. Vining as one of the individual, but the individual tax­ greatest assets of the west. He payer would be entitled to apply contrasted Portland, using elec- all the Oregon property tax paid t-tz> nower for industrv, with by him, and his pro rata of any Pittsburg, where the thousands Oregon property lax paid by any of smoke stacks cast a black nail partnership, corporation or tru st over the entire country. Fiftv from which he derived income, ner ePnt of the Water newer of as a credit against the income ♦be United States is found in the tax assessed. It also would allow five northw est states, he declar­ a reciprocal offset to a non-resi­ ed. dent taxpayer taxed on income in the state in •which he resides SF-NATF SUSTAINS providing his state allowed resi­ PRESIDENT’S VETO dents of this state a sim ila- ON POSTAL BILL amount. AT MEET OF GRANTS WASHINGTON, Jan. 6. — President Coolidge's policy of drastic governm ent economy was today endorsed by the S e n a te ! when it sustained his veto of the sixty eight million dollar p o s ta l! bill. The m easure was vetoed by | the President last Spring because! it failed to provide for the rev-! enu? for increasing the salaries of the postal employes. Since The Presbyterian church on then he has announced th a t he West Main street, Medford, has would approve a wage increase . becri secured as the m eeting place if revenues were provided in the for the School Board Convention same bill. The vote today was tomorrow. Miss Mhbel Carney’s 55-29, one more vote being neces­ address on “ Basic Essentials of sary to pass the hill over the veto a Good School’’ will be given at of the President. The adm inistra- 10:30, and will be followed by tion le a d e n announced they would! Round Table d iscussions.' amend the Moses compromise K R ural and town school offic­ bill and hasten its enactm ent to ers will meet in separate sections provide the sixty-eight millions at 1:30. At three o’clock Miss re v e rse through higher postal Carney wj^l discuss “The Oppor­ rates. tu n ity and Responsibility of a Public School Officer,’’' The ses­ Pendleton and Herm iston to sions of the entire day are free double asparagus and new potato and are open to any and all who acreage. are interested. BE HELD IN CHURCH AI MEDFORD O. NO. 106 NOSE DIVE FA ILS TO H ELP RECRUIT :: ----------- HEADLINED IN THE NEWS OK THE DAY. HEAR o NEW OFFICERS FOR JACKSON ARE SWORN IN « NEW. YORK, Jan. 6.— XX ft N either sharp nose diving XX À « nor side-slipping in an air- XX « plane Improved the hear- XX « « ing of Joseph Kling, twen- XX s. <• • • « ty-gight, at whose request XX o « an attem pt to cure him by XX àWsài XX this means was tried at XX XX Mitchell Field, Mineola. XX Kling, who was ‘never XX Judge, Sheriff, District A t­ Movement Started by Cham­ XX ber of Commerce to Bring XX in the a ir before, rode In XX torney Take Places at 'O « a De Haviland plane for XX Institution Here Jacksonville XX half an hour. Several XX BILL IS NOW PREPARED XX side slips were made be- XX PLANS ARE ANNOUNCED . . < XX fore 'the big dive was XX jj No Cerem ony O ther Than Sw ear­ C om m ittee on E stab lish m en t of XX taken. XX When he was examined XX ing In of O fficers by Ineum - G olf C ourse in Ashland Gives « by army surgeons after XX Report at M eeting bents -Marks Procedure « the trip his organic deaf- XX Should a movement, started at XX ness was pronounced un- XX MEDFORD. Jan. 6 ._ Ja c k so u XX county began a new adm inistra­ the meeting of the directors of XX changed. He said: “ My cond-ition Is Just XX tive year yesterday morning with the Chamber of Commerce last « « the sam e.” XJ the induction into office of a new night prove successful, Ashland The man has been deaf XX sheriff, county judge, and coun­ m ae again be the site for a state XX XX ten years and has been XX ty clerk elected at the last elec­ normal school. At the session. President Bris­ XX rejected for the arm y fre- XX tion. There was no form ality XX connected with the change aside coe made an extended report on X* quently because of It. John Gill, of Spring- XX from the swearing in of the new, the action of the committee on xx » m h L the normal school plan, and it XX field, Mass., went to Min- XX by the retiring officers and the was unanimously voted that a j n XX eola to take the same XX turning over of books and cash. com m ittee,, consisting of Briggs ~ treatm ent, but abandoned XX The personnel of the various of­ • 0 .- / the idea when he learned XX fices rem ains practically the same. and Briggs, G. H. Billings and J. th a t K ling’s hearing had XX H. Fuller prepare a bill to be W. J. Hartzell assumed the not improved. XX robes of the county judgeship, presented at the coming session xxxxxtxxxxxxxxxtxtxxxxxx George A. G ardner retiring. The of the legislature, advocating the selection of Ashland for a normal first regular meeting of the school. county, court will be held Wed­ It was unanimously voted th at nesday. One of the campaign the secretary of the chamber be pledges of County Judge Hatzell constituted the active agent of the a— was to dispense with the services Chamber of Commerce, and Ash­ KT A of Sam B. Sandefer, county p ro ­ G U F T A V FTX2EX EJ-CAKST £ K .A R S ÌI/U / ITOCHL /V«. land in such action as was deem­ hibition officer. In this connec­ ed necessary for the passage of tion it was reported th at Mr. Mrs. Sara T. Ryan has divorcee Allan A. Ryan, spectacular young favorable legislation. The board Sandefer was now in Seattle, New York financier, naming a “Mrs. Jana Doe,** correct name unknown. Wash. News that the decree had become Anal recalled Ryan’s testimony be­ also went on record as pledging fore the New York County Grand Jury la 1923 that he had Identified the city to furnish such addition­ Tidings Welcomes Suggestions as Ralph Jennings took charge of •a his wife's some wearing apparel found In the apartxpent of George al ground as may be necessary to Whateve r Aid ('an be Given the sheriff s office, and Charley W. Maxwell, president of the Society of American Composers. in Pre'.serving Building for the use of norm al school, and Terrill will return to his farm Maxwell subsequently was Indicted by the Grand Jury for an alleged "poison pen" plot In which the Ryans rigured, but the Indict advocating the suitable designa­ on Lake Creek, after serving two xnent later was dismissed for lack of evidence. The Ryans have five tion of such other use of the Ash­ BYi G. M. GREEN terms. Though the stormy petrel children. . . . Germany has "honestly disarmed.** and the Intention of the land school system as will h a r­ of Jackson county politics, Ter­ In a very short time legal ac- Allies to maintain their troops of occupation In Cologne “has stirred the German soul to its innermost depth," Foreign Minister Gustav monize w|th the norm al institu ­ •tion will have changed the title rill wus one of the most popular Stresemann declared, adding: "The action of the Allies means a dis­ tion. of the Chautauqua buildings and sheriffs the county ever hud. Dur­ avowal of those who fought the battle of trust against distrust and O. F. C arsftn, c h a irm a n of a , . lots from the ownership of the ing his tenure of office Terrill put through the Dawes plan, despite warnings that, even after Germany special c o m m itte e in v e stig a tin g u„ . r -u . * . had accepted, Cologne would not be evacuated." Meanwhile, word .. ..... . So. Oregon C hautauqua Assocla- has the target both of organized the possibilities for a golf course has come to Marshal Foch, who oommanded Allied forces during the tion to the highest bidder at a gossip, several grand jury in­ World War, that Germany has organised, secretly, an army -of 800,00« in this city, gave some interest­ vestigations and a recall elec­ volunteers and has sufficient arms and munitions hidden with which to ing statem ents on the subject, sheriff’s public auction sale. tion, and survived th >m all. L. C. This will be the result of a equip them. That, under the surface, la said to be the reason for the and it was voted th at the com­ decision of the Allies not to withdraw troops of occupation from foreclosure of a m ortage held by Forncrook, a recognized finger­ m ittee arrange a program tor fu r­ Cologne. Richard Boswick against the lo­ print authority has been retain­ nishing further inform ation on cal Chautauqua association, which ed by Sheriff Jennings. the requirem ents for a course, and Miss Delilah Stevens was sworn failed to make proper payments. to ascertain how much interest in, to succeed retiring County Mr. Boswick does not want the there is in A shland'in the subject building, according to report, but Clerk Florrey as county clerk, at the present time. of course has a right to protect and is one of the few women to The State Chamber of Com­ his interests, which nobody else hold office in this county. ’ merce meeting at Portland on A. C. W alker, county treasurer, is protecting for him. January 8, was considered as be­ J. B. Coleman, county assessor, The Chautauqua building was ing of sufficient im portance as to built in the heyday of the Chau­ and Mrs. Susanne Homes Carter, require the attendance of several tauqua and the lyceum; but these were sworn in for their second Loss in M erchantable Tim ber Less Southern O regon L egislators to delegates from -Ashland, and the two forms of entertainm ent to­ term s. ' following were appointed as rep­ Than in Som e O ther Years G ive A ll H elp P ossib le to day are not what they were in . Ex-Sheriff Charles Terrell who resentatives of the Ashlaqd D espite Long Dry Spell Obtain Scliool Her«. previous years. At least the peo­ went out of office yesterday morn- Chamber of Commerce O. F. ple are not as interested in them when succeeded by the new sher­ SALEM, Jan. 6. — For the Prom ising their whole hearted Carson, V. V. Mills, William as formerly, and this makes it iff. Ralph Jennings, was met on first time in the history of Ore­ support, but refusing to predict Briggs and E. T. Staples, in ad­ necessary to provide other uses the Main street here a few hours gon, the 1924 expenditures for anything definite, rath er sounding dition to Irving E. Vining, Presi­ in addition to the Chautauqua and later with a happy look on his patrol and fit^e suppression on a slightly pessimistic note, mem­ dent of the State Chamber and lyceum for the ctfautauqua build­ face. lands outside the national forests bers of the legislature from Jose­ Secretary J. H. Fuller of the Ash­ ing to make it profitable or use­ “ I am glad it is all over and exceeded the half-million m ark, phine and Jackson counties today land Chamber. have a feeling of freedom today ful. according to the annual report of addressed the Forum luncheon of that I have not felt during my six The chamber of commerce di­ E. A. E lliott, state forester, com­ the Chamber of Commerce on the FORD TO BE SUED rectors at a meeting Monday years in the sheriff’s office,” he pleted. here Monday. These ex­ proposition of the re-establish­ FOR $1,000,600,000 evening appointed a committee said. “ I feel much as though I penditures aggregated 3556,- ment. of the normal school in this to investigate the question of had ju st been released froth serv­ WASHINGTON,- Jan. 6. — 632.77, tb? report indicated. The city. keeping the Chautauqua build­ ing a six years’ term in a peni­ loss due to fires was fixed a t | It was explained by the dele­ Aaron Shapiro, a resident of Chi­ ings and grounds for civic use and tentiary. We will not leave for 3970,201.02: gates to the legislature, th a t much cago. attending the meeting of The Tidings is glad to open its my farm in the Lake Creek sec­ The increased expenditures work m ust be done, many mem­ the National Council Cooperative columns for suggestions as to how tion for a week or two— in fact, were attrib u ted to the extremely bers of the le g isa tu re won over M arketing Association said today this can be done. we couldn’t vo right now if we hazardous fire season. While the before the affair can take on an th a t he intended to file a liable The Tidings does not feel that wanted to, as it Is too wet up cost, of patrol was somewhat in optimistic appearance. Every suit for one million dollars the C hautauqua building and there.” excess of th a t of the previous member of the legislature is striv­ against Henry Ford, basing his grounds should be acquired by the year, fire fighting expenidtures ing to obtain the most for tue action on articles apearing in city or *any other agency merely leaped to 3275,313.85. Sixty per constituency which put him in Ford's paper, the Dearborn Inde- on the grounds of sentim ent The articles alleged cent of this am ount was spent by office, and thus obtaining their pendent. alone; but The Tidings feels cer operators in suppressing fires in consent to aid J in s d istrict is d « - | 'h a t Shapiro said th at his activ-I ™ I R’-cs in the cooperative movement . or near th eir holdings, the re­ ficult ing can be put to some very u se -: The members of the ftate le g -!were Pa rt of an »“ em pt by a ful civic purpose by Ashland in-j ' m aining 40 per cent representing the activities of fire associatfons islature present were Senator M il-' group of Jew ish financiers to , terests and th a t the location i s ; 15483988 and the state in state patrolled ler of G rants YPass, Senator Dunn control American agriculture. i very advantageous as a part of of Ashland, Representative counties. ¡th e park and city planning.« During the year fires combat- Khamer of Grants Pass. Represen- The w riter only yesterday ro- ed by the state organization ag -| Native Carkin of Medford and ! ceived a letter from C. E. Adams, The annouucem eui was made gregated 1888. Lightning caused i R epresentative Cowgill of Med- i newspaper owner of Montrose, here Saturday th a t King’s Revue 311 fires, or 16 per cent. The f° r d- j Colorado, with whom the writer, of 1925 has been billed for a re­ George Briscoe, President of rem aining 1577 fires were the was associated for five years pre­ turn engagement at the Vining the Chamber of Commerce, and j result of some hum an agefcey. vious to coming to Ashland, In Theatre, opening tonight. The ■ | which the Chautauqua building show will play at tho Vining two The causes of the fires as tabu-1 city superintendent of schools gave an outline of the normal was mentioned. Mr. Adams said nights, tonight and Wednesday, lat?d in the report follow: situation in this state. He point- A local m erchant was telling j in part “ in commenting on a con-1 presenting a new program each Incendiary 377, lightning 311, ed out th a t at least 1500 new a Tidings representative a story tem plated trip during the corn- evening. smokers 29«, campers 166. slash­ teachers are needed in O regon, thls morning about the result ' ing summer to Yellowstone Na- The King’s Revue is one of the ings 131, land clearing 106, hun­ ters 94 and logging 53, Other every year, while the Monmouth Of an effo rf Of one m erchant to! tional Park, Oregon and Califor- most popular shows to appear at normal is able to supply 250. con ect a statem ent frgm the first in ia ; “ I was; there (A shland) i the local theatre in several fires 'were attrib u ted to stockmen, W ith other states on the coast ■ m erchant. , i when the National E ditorial A s-' months. Featuring M arjorie King, sawmills arid other plants. paying more money than Oregon, . Merchant No. one went into tb ? ' sociation editors were there and These fires burned over 252,- it is becoming more and more dif-i establishm ent run by m erchant j was out to Lithia Park and to the dancipg star, and with a cast of capable perform ers, their first en­ 251 acres of land of which 26,- ficult to obtain teachers here. ! No. two; presented a statem ent of 1 auditorium . I think th a t audi- gagement here several weeks ago 804 acres was m erchantable tim ­ It was announced at the lunch- account, and getting wfiat mer torium is a wonder, the novelty ber. The rem aining 195,099 acres con th a t Secretary J. H. Fuller ; chant No. two adduced was an un-i of the m anner in which it was was a great success. New shows and new players was second growth, and burned, of the local chamber, has been ‘ sa tisfact Ory response .le f t and ..•»?-1 constructed. The town impress- have been added to the cast of cut-over, brush and grass land Instructed to take up his resi­ cording to m erchant No. two, No. ed me veiy much.” King’s Revue, making it a still Despite the dry season the fire dence’ in Salem during the com­ one slammed the front door so jf this auditorium and our park better show than when it appear­ loss in m erchantable tim ber Was ing session of the legislature, in haul th at it broke the gla«3 in j impressed this editor, who incl- ed at the Vining in a previous les3 than in some form er years. order to lobby for a proposed the door and one of the f r o n t' dentally has traybled widely, It perform ance. A num ber of the Timber damaged and destroyed bill to be introduced, and to aid plate glass windows. ia certain to have interested many members of the original cast -are was placed a t 194,910,000 feet. the Southern Oregon . nhf„tn representa­ o nl N°- tW° tOld the TidingS reprG‘ : thousands of other tourists and still with the show, while those Of this tim ber 122,489,000 was tiv# tives s m in their effort to obt; obtain w n tative th a t W hile No. one had visltora Ao Ashland. If he con- who have left have been replaced subject to salvage, leaving a loss norm al school for n n r w a l «ehnnl fo r Ashland. A sh la n d . an account against him when he , sjderpd WQnderfui Btr UCtUre. with perform ers equal to, if not of only 72.421,000 feet valued entered his store, when No. one superior than those who appear­ at 3 ^ 8 ,4 6 5 .5 0 . The greatest loss Enjoying Trip— , uYt. counting the cost of the i have thought the same Po8Bibly ed here. was suffered by logging operators Postal cards have been receiv- L giass which No. two said No. o n e 1 Since showing in Ashland it would be well for us who live and millmen through fires orig­ ed in the city from Honolulu ! had broken and m ust pay for. in Ashland to consider carefully King’s Revue has been playing to inating in or near their holdings. from Mr. and Mrs. Charles P a lm , No. one owed No. two instead capacity houses throughout N orth­ M onetary loss bfcougiht by the of this city, who w rites th a t thej) Of No. two owing No. one. as the value of this building from ern California, and with an en­ destruction of logs, equipm ent are greatly enjoying the first stage ' wag the case when the incident a civic standpoint before it is perm itted to pass entirely into tirely revamped and remodeled and Improvements was estim ated of th eir long trip around the j started. Figure it out for your- show, is now starting on their a t 3701,735.52. world. — Madford Mail Tribune, self. (Continued on page 4) second to u r of the Northwest. MAY AGAIN BE PUT UP IN CITY SIATE FIRE PATROL IS COSTLY, SHOWN L PROMISE AIO FOR iL IE TO SHOW AT BILL COLLECTION IS THE STARTER OF A