Àloiidâ), Junuary I, iwîâ r >5.00 a year. Phone 21. Yeo land Saturday morning to visit Her childhood was spent with her c^a *ms against said E state to pre man St., a lavaliere pennant. Con­ ot course. 24-tf friends in Ashland and Medford grand father. She came to Idaho sent them with proper vouchers, tains six pearls and one ruby. for some time. She is taking a in 1885, crossing the plains with within six m onths from date of Finder leave at Tidings office. From Medford— course in a rt and. designing at the team , and came to Oregon in first publication hereof, to the Reward. 105-1* C. E. Cass and family of Med- University of California, while 1889. She was m arried to Jam es undersigned, at the Talent State FO R R E N T :— Three-room fu r­ f, rd were visitors in Ashland yes­ her son, Bobby Coffman, is a t­ O. Elder, July 4th, 1890. To Bank, in Talent, Jackson County, nished apartm ent close in. >18.00 terday. tending the Belmont Military! this union 7 children were born, Oregon, Date of first publication be­ including w ater. Phone Robison’s of whom 6 are living. Perry Oran, School. Garage or 432Y. 105—tf ing Jan u ary 5, 1925. having passed away Nov. 15th, Shanghai Chop Suey, Hongkon 1922. Mrs. Elder and family re ­ E. B. Adamson, A dm inistrator. Noodles. Chinese style, 248 2nd FOR R EN T:— 2 or 3 furnish­ Visiting Here— sided a t Lebanon, Oregon 12 L. A. ROBERTS, street between B and A streets, ed house-keeping rooms. Terms Theodore Scliw’ein of Chico, years, at which place Mr. Elder A ttorney for said Estate. Saturday and Sunday open 8 to reasonable. Call 242J. 105-2 105-5t Mon. 9. Other days, 8 to 8. 97-1 mo. Calif., has been spending the passed away Sept. 16, J.916. FOR SALE:— A1 Fresh Jersey week at the home of his b lath er, Mrs. E lder came to Ashland NOTICE TO CREDITORS milch cow, >75.00. W hite Leg­ Louis Schwein of this city. to reside in Oct. 1918. She was A ialting H ere-^ IN THE COUNTY COURT OF ; horn pullets, >1.50 each. G. D converted, baptised and joined the Leon Bold: of Oakland has been THE STATE OF OREGON, FOR Faris, 1145 N. Main. 105—tf B aptist church when 13 years of spending the past week in Ash­ Moved— JACKSON COUNTY. Mrs. Mow and daughter have age, of which church she has been land visiting relatives and friends. LOAN W ANTED:— On 5 acres In the M atter of the E state of moved from the Dr. Shaw ap art­ a faithful member, until she war, with house and barn close to called home to he with her Lord. F. Sowash, Deceased. ments to 143 H argadine street. in our We put the chicken Notice is’ hereby given by the town, >900 for 4 or 5 years. H. Her life has been one of love, la­ 82— tf C. Galey, A*gent, 65 E. Main.* tsm ales. The Plaza. bor and-sacrifice for others. She undersigned to all persons hav­ 105— 3* tue In Seattle— I l s ■ - i s |!S I s ’ ing claims against said E state to bore her last sickness and suf­ H ere Over W eek-end— J. W. K istler, business man of present them with proper vouch­ fering, with a sweet, submissive FOR R EN T:— Two 2-roorh of­ Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Cleveland i Ashland, is in Seattle where he Christian spirit, commiting her­ ers, w ithin six m onths from date fice suites. Call 61 N. Main St. of Moon’s Lum ber camp spent j was called by the illness of his 105— I t self and her children to the care of the first publication hereof, the week-end1 in Ashland visiting mother. to the undersigned, at the Talent and keeping of h er God, whom at the home of J. E. Fifield. she loved and served. The chil­ State Bank, in T alent, Jackson In Medford— dren left to m ourn the loss of a County, Oregon. Date of tirst publication, Ja n u ­ Paulserud’s clean clothes thq Rev. S. J. Chaney of this city faithful m other are Lester E. odorless way. Phone 119, 98— tf was a business visitor in Medford Elder of Summer Lake, Oregon; ary 5, 1925. Mrs. Inez Stevens of Medford, E. B. Adamson, A dm inistrator. today. At W ork — Oregon: Mrs. Ida Cook, Jam es L.-A. ROBERTS, A ttorney for said Estate. Mrs. Louise Bold has resumed At Grants P ass— E„ Birdena, and W ayne Elder — 105-5t Mon. her position at th e Plaza after R. J. Kimball of this city was all of Ashland, Oregon, and a I ’ enjoying a week’s vacation. in G rants Pass Saturday on bus­ COATS ON SALE $5.00 to I $39.75 JANUARY CLEARANCE ON ALL LINES Winter Garments and Wool Dress Goods Free pants w ith overcoats, >17.50 a t Paulseruds. 101— tf iness. January Clearance Very III— . W. H. Mowatt is seriously ill From Montague— at his home on Beach avenue. Mrs. F. H. Murphy and son, Charles Francis, who have been visiting in Montague for the past Move to C orvallis— Mrs. Sophie K elts and children, week returned home yesterday. Constance, Elizabeth and David fo u are welcome to compare W illard, moved to Corvallis re­ roy Automobile rates with any cently where Mrs. K elts will do other rates in Jackson or Jose- secretarial work at the college. palne Counties; you can be the „ udge. Phone 21. Yeo, of course. R eturned Sunday— Misses Caroline Tilton, Lucille Perozzi and Bernice Yeo returned R eturns Saturday— > Mrs. Pernie Johnson who has to the University of Oregon yes­ been visiting friends in Portland terday morning. D, Perozzi took and vicinity for the past week re­ the group in his car. turned home Saturday evening. H ere F riday— Mr. and Mrs. H arry Keeny of Free pants with suits and over­ Salem was in Ashland for a short coats >17.50 and >18.75 a t P aul­ serud’s. 101— tf time Friday visiting with friends. They have been visiting a t Rose­ Gone to Corvallis— ville, Chlif., and stopped here on Verner E. Carson who spent th eir return. \ the vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Carson, re­ R eturns Home— turned last evening to Corvallis Mrfe. R. C. Goodman returned w here he is attending school. home Saturday evening from Long Beach and Los Angeles Sava >10.00, walk upstairs to where she has been on a combined C rres tailor shop. 17— tf business and pleasure trip. SA LE! Buy Y our Winter Coat Now at ONE-HALF The Regular Price Clearance of Dresses Both Silk a n d Wool Dresses in this lot. Values to $22.50 MISSES’ and CHILDREN’S COATS in this Clearance Sale at ONE-HALF The Regular Price WOOL GOODS AND SILKS REDUCED A t H om e— R eturned Saturday— . M. F. L oosley w ho has been v is­ Paul W agner, who has been iting in Ashland for the holidays visiting at the home of his p ar­ has returned to his home in Oak ents, Mr. and Mrs. F. D. W agner, land. returned »to Eugene Saturday where he i|s attending the Uni­ At Paulserud’s you see what versity of Oregon. you get. We invite comparisons 101— tf To Eugene— Joe Neil who is attending the In Ashland— University of Oregon returned to E. G. Anderson of Dairy, Ore., Eugene Saturday a fte r spending is in Ashland visiting his sister, the Christm as vacation at the Miti. George Loosley. He was home of his parents. called to Ashland to attend the funeral of George N. Anderson. R eturned Friday— Miss Pauline Plum m er re tu rn ­ Remember Linlnger Dairy still ed Friday night to Los Angeles sells th a t good milk at 10c qt. where she is attending the Bible Phone 396R. 100— tt In stitu te. She fis sp ecializin g In pipe organ. From K lam ath Falls— Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Loosley of R eturns to C ollege— K lam ath Falls are in Ashland Carl Dyrqd who is attending visiting a t the home of Mr. Loos- the Oregon A gricultural College ley’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. has returned to Corvallis to re­ Loosley of Oak street, sume his studies a fte r spending the vacation in this city. Picture Fram ing. Studio Ash­ land On the Plaza. To M ove H ere— P urchases P roperty— T. C. Newby of Central Point has purchased the J. A. Gear property on Terrace street. Mr. Newby has also purchased the C entral Point Hotel. Both deals were negotiated, through the W W. Robison Realty company. O. A. Stew art' of Medford has purchased the Kinney apartm ents on Oak Knoll from Bert C. Bost­ wick, Mr. Bostwick will move to Ashland where he took in part payment on a sixteen acre dairy farm , w,ith large residence and barn.— G rants Pass Courier. Wool Crepe, yard $1.69 42 inches wide—good assortment of colois. S o ld Regularly at ............................................... . .$1.98 All Wool French Challies, yd. 98c Local Printers First For Colds, Gríp, Influ enza No matter what kind of printing you need, try the local printer first. This is sound advice; sound for the purchaser, for by ordering your printing from the local printer you can always get more personal at­ tention and just as low prices; sound for the printer, for then he gets the profit which in turn is spent with you. and asa Preventive Take*; Laxative ÍBromb \ Quinine, tableta The First and Original Cold and Grip Tablet Proven Safe for more than a Quarter of a Century. \shland Tidings The box bears this signature Price 30c. has a printing department, which (*an handle your needs, whether for letterheads, pamphlets, state­ ments, loose leaf sheets or any otlir form of printing. To Speak-i- Irving E. Vining; president of! the state Chamber of Commerce | will be the speaker on Monday at* the regular weekly forum lunch- j eon of the local chamber. Mr. | Vining has ju st completed a trip , through th e east in the interest : ] of the state and will tell the local i business men of the things he * learned while on the trip and the ■ tsuccess th a t he enjoyed. A full; tu rn o u t of members is expected as! Mr. Vining is known to be an elo-' quent talk er.— G rants Pass Cour- Phone 39 27 inches wide ,in Printed Patterns—Both light and dark colors. Sold Regularly a t ---- --- ,$1.2o yard TUESDAY W EDNESDAY Crepe de Chine, yard $1.48 * K ING ’ S REVUE OF 1925 40 inches wide in n good range of colors. Sold Reg­ ularly a t ......... : ............................ ........ **-75 >ar,i • « J A N . 6-7 AT 8:15 SHARP — Clever Singing and Dancing, Comedians, Petite Ingenues, Juvenile Tenor Silk and Wool Canton, yard $1.69 36 inches wide in several good shades for dresses. Sold Regularly a t ................ '........................... TUESDAY ALL STAR CAST THE GAY DECEIVER Charnxeuse Satin, yard $1.98 All New Scenery 40 inches wide in black only—Heavy weight—High satin finish. Sold Regularly a t .............$2.48 yard Finishing Today Betty Compson in < < THF. ENEMY SEX ” E. R. ISAAC & CO. ‘The Quality Store’ < (I i —PRESENTING— New Costumes New Plavs Complété New Show Daily WEDNESDAY A MERRY MIXCP and New Girls ADMISSION ADULTS 50c CHILDREN 25c