PAO® «BR8B Classified Colum n PROFESSIONAL SU M M O NS SUIT IN EQUITY TO QUIET TITLE Society licer closed the evening. .Monday, January 5, 1O2Í5 pleasant1 lish. They believe the American IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF to be A good spended, and they THE STATE OF OREGON FOR One cent the word each JACKSON COUNTY. OR. H AW LEY— Above time. Tidings Irving ’F. Finley, T he Best office. Phone 91. To run every issue for one Plaintiff. vs. month or more, He the word to not DR. C. W . HANSON E d ith D odge, E d itor . that the _ duty, . will amount — — PR O T E C T IO N Edith M. Chapman, an un­ P h o n M e iss Item Articles of timely Interest) , PAT>TR. 5. _ The sign less each time. than 70 per cent. s to her a t 80, betw een D entist married woman, Elsie Low and are welcomed under this head. •English spoken,” is no longer As for the big hotels, no one for the Life of «your Car 8 «. ni. and 5 p. m. O. D. Lowe, her husband, Vir­ Special attention given to pyor­ Communclatlons must bear the necessary, or even advisable, on FOR RENT need ever speak French. In the gil H. Chapman and Blanche rhoea. Office upstairs in Beaver signature of the author. a store window in Paris. Ameri- music halls and even many of is proper greasing and oils at Chapman, his wife, Thomas D. the proper time. 233-tf. HOUSE FOR RENT: — Com­ Block. Phone 178-J. . can and English customers have the legitimate theatres the pro­ Chapman and Zella H. Chap­ CALENDAR OF EVENTS man, his wife, Cora A. Mitchell pletely furnished, including piano. ‘j become so plentiful that every grammes are printed in both V\ e w 11 be glad to suggest DR. G. C. PHETTEPLACE Tuesday, January 6. Civic Club the proper materials and H. V. Mitchell, her hus­ Editor Tidings: — j first-class establishment pretends With or without garage. Inquire D entistry will meet in clubhouse. Mesdames French and English. band, Homer R. Chapman, an I understand that our City ; to have someone\ about who at No. 173 Oak street. 104__tf Gas or local anesthesia for ex­ unmarried man, A. B. Chap­ Gordon MacCracken and L. A. traction and minor surgery. Council has received a communi­ speaks a more or less vague ver­ man and Clara E. Chapman, Roberts will speak. FOR RENT:—Splendid fur­ Special attention given to straight­ his wife; Hyptia K. McKend­ Friday, January . College Club cation from the city of Gold Hil: sion of the language. and care of children’s nished apartment, 2 rooms, ening ree, an unmarried woman, suggesting cooperation between Americans in particular run teeth. then apply over throat— Blaine Klum and Florence will meet at the home of Mrs. R. I the two cities in enforcing the ; into their mother tongue so oftei kitchen and bath. Adults.only. Above Citizens Bank W. Stearns. Klum, his wife; Otto Klum 357 Vista street. Phone 122. Phone. Office, 151—Res., 201-J tiaffic laws. i happened to be that they try, now and then, tr and Mildred Klum, his 104—tf in the car driven by a member find one of those ifsentia’lj wife; Charles W. Klum, and R eception— DR. ERNEST A. WOODS— Prac­ BOULEVARD and SHERMAN Jane Klum, his wife; Olive B of our council last summer while French places, especially in the Mrs. Abbie Lennart and daugh­ RENT: — Completely furnish­ tice limited to eye, ear, nose ano Parson and J. S. Parson, her ed apartment, 75 Bush st. 104-tf throat—X-ray Including teeth., husband, Ella Calhoun and ter, Miss Mildred Lennart were Passing through Gold Hill, in a restaurant line, where there are George S. Calhoun, her hus­ honor guests at a charming In­ Pai t of the city that was no more no foreigners. They seldom suc­ Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 u FOR R E N T : — Bedroom with' band, Fred M. Drake and formal reception given by Mes thickly settled than the average ceed. 6. Swedenburg Bldg., Ashland, Blanche Drake, his wife, Sarah dames Kinney, Eubanks and Win­ country road and where the high­ heat. Good location. Phone 297L. I Ore. When a new maitre d-hotel is May Norris and John C. Nor­ engaged today in a restaurant way was perfectly straight and 104—3* ris, her husband; The Trustees, ter at the home of Mrs. Kinney the first question is: “Can you DR. E. B. ANGELL—Chiropractic if any, of the Church of Christ on Granite street Friday evening unobstructed and no car or other successors in ' office of Isaac Mrs. Lennart and daughter are vehicle in sight, he exceeded the speak English.” If he can he has and Electro-Therapy. Office FOR RENT: — Modern furn­ B ut we have Crown, W hite Loaf and Millqfr, Wesley Mitchell and visiting Mrs. Eubanks from Sc speed limit by perhaps four or a chance at the job, otherwise ished apartment. Call 185 Pion­ phone 48; residence 142. First five miie8 per hour He wag H. B. Valpy; Also, all other not. W’hen the person who thinks eer Ave. 98—tf National Bank building. persons or parties unknown attle, andeare former Ashland endangering anyone and in fact C olum bia hard w heat Hour at a bar- he has found a nice little French claiming any right, title, es­ residents. TH E SOUTHERN OREGON d not realize he was still in­ place enters, he rarely fails to be FOR RENT——Furnished house. tate, Hen or other interests In About .thirty-five ladies were gain. ’ . CLINIC the real estate described in present to renew their acquaint­ side the city limits, there was knotted and addressed in Eng­ 478 Boulevard. 96— 1 mo. 1st National Bank Bldg the complaint; and the un­ so little resembling a city before lish, and he hears as much Eng­ Medical Beal Surgical O bstetrical FOR SALE known heirs of any of the ance with the honor guests. The us, and yet he was picked up by lish as French in atfy place where P ure M aple Syrup, per can 4 5 c D iagnostic X-ray house Was prettily decorated and above named Defendants, their special officer and fined for it costs as much as a dollar to R. W. Stearns, M. D. FOR SALE: — 100 laying pul­ Defendants, dainty refreshments were .served R. E. Green, M. D. To; Each and all of the above at a late hour by the hostesses. exceeding the speed limit J eat. Fancy Petite P ru n e s ,---- 4 lbs. 25c 17 lets, 81.00.each. Mrs. W. D. Booth lbs. $1.00 named Defendants. R. W. Sleeter, M. D. would suggest that our council1 Dressmakers specialize in Ena Phone 257Y. 104.2 * * ’♦ IN THE NAME OF THE STATE Office hours 2-5 p. m. Toilet Paper, large rolls . . . . inform the Hon. Mayor and Coun­ OF OREGON, you and each of C ivic M eeting T u e s d a y - Phone 238-R 4 for 25c FOR SALE: — 2 Jersey cows Mrs. Gordon MacCracken and cil of Gold Hill that if their idea ---------------you are hereby summoned and soon to freshen, 4 and 5 years CONVALESCENT HOME j required to appear and answer Mrs. L. A. Roberts are on the of enforcing the traffic laws con old. T. B. tested. 2 heifers all Where the sick get well. Cot- ithe comPlaint in said cause, a copy program for the Civic Club meet­ sists in catching any one they can from heavy milking strain. 2 in­ tag® plan. We board and care for ; of whlch complaint Is on file with ing Tuesday and a delightful in a technical violation of the H- A Stearas 61 N. Main and old people. Matern­ the Clerk of said Court, at Jack­ cubators. House for rent. 196 invalids ity dept. Call 153. _______ sonville, Oregon, within ten days afternoon is assured. The club­ law without regard to whether JU ST A BOUQUET OR Nutley street or phone 294R. from the date of the service of ■ house is now in good condition anyone Is being endangered and A NICE POTTED this summons upon you, if served and the radiator has been* repair­ with a "rule of reason,” we are MONUMENTS 104-2 within Jackson County, State of not In sympathy with them. Oregon, but if served within any ed. Some important business will ASHLAND GRANITB miscellaneous PLANT W. W. HEVENER. other county of the State of Ore­ come up for discussion and all MONUMENTS gon. then within twenty days are asked to be present. CLERKS, is UP. Excellent sal­ B lair G ranite Co. from the date of the service of B reaks W o rld ’s Record • • • Flowers have a message ary. Exam. Feb. 21. For govern­ S. PENNISTON, M anager this summons upon you. If served D inner P arty— fo r Rolling Cigars ment positions In your state. Ex­ by publication, then within SIX Office 175 E. Main M edford-K lam ath F re ig h t and Stage Line all their own. Send a Mr. and Mrs. Hal McNair en­ perience unnecessary. For free WEEKS from the date or the R es. P h on e 4 4 4 -Y Two dally trips each way MANCHESTER. N. H. Jan. 5. first publication of this summons, tertained at a very delightful particulars, write R. Terry (for­ flowery message today. What is believed to be a new If you fail .to answer m said dinner party at their home on mer Civil Service Examiner) 1866 ANY GIRL IN TROUBLE— May Our Aim com m unicate w ith B n slgn Lee cause within the time as above Oak street Friday evenihg. A world’s cigarmaking record has Barrister Bldg. Washington, D. C. Safety specified, the Plaintiff will apply Service been established at the R. g . • f th e Salvation A rm y at the 104-3t* ( Courtesy ‘Quality Without Overcharge’ to the Court for the relief de­ delicious dinner was served on a Sullivan factory by Oscar Van 1 I 1 — - . W hlteShleld H om e, 565 May- manded in said complaint, to-wit: table beautifully decorated with a Wymersch, who rolled some 4,500 LOST:— Bunch of keys in case. That the title to a parcel of land centerpiece of flowers. fair A ye., Portland, Oregon. P resent Schedule situated in the City of Ashland, Finder please bring to So. Ore. The evening was spent in pleas­ cigars in a week. As yet no other Leave A shland ........... -8 :1 5 A.M. Jackson County, State of Oregon, ant conversation and.stories. PLANING MTT.T Gas Co. Reward. 103-3t 1 :8 0 P.M. cigarmaker can be found who Arrive K lam ath F alls HATCHER being all that part of Lot 3, Block 11:00 A.M. 5 : 1 5 P.M. ever rolled that numbqr In forty- Guests were Mr. and Mrs. J. JORDON’S SASH AND CABTTpffr 4, of the present plat of the City NOTICE “ The F lorist” F re ig h t and B aggage T ruck in Connection of Ashland, lying south of High J. A^cNair, of Oakland, Mr. and eight hours, the average cigar- WORKS, Cor. Helman an¿ Street 1070 Boulevard I will not be responsible for and more particularly des­ Mrs. E. D. Briggs, and Mrs. maker rolling about 2,000. Open on Sunday—We Deliver Van Ness. 194tf cribed as follows, to-wit: any debts contracted by my son, In setting the ifew record, Van Charles Angle of Central Point. Ashland Office: Tavern Cafe Beginning at the intersection Max Hawks, after Jan. 1, 1925. * * * Wymersch bettered the factory’s T R A N SFE R AND E X PR E SS of the south line of High Street MRS. B. J. HAWKS. 104-2t day-production record when he W hittle T ransfer & Storage Co. with the westerly sideline of E n tertain at D inner 4— » ............» ». Granite Street in the City of rolled 784 cigars. The previous for SERVICE. Mr. and Mrs. Sam McNair en­ Ashland, Jackson County, Ore­ tertained Mr. Waldo Gill at a record of 764 was held by Rober- Experienced movers and pack­ See— gon; Thence extending north­ westerly along the southerly delightful ljttle dinner at their Wi'.ls, another speedy cigarmaker ers of household goods. Deal­ B S A Y E R R E A L T Y CO. sideline of High Street 2061 home Friday evening. Following at the factory. ers In coal and wood. Phone feet, more or less, to the east the dinner a pleasant evening g »», for Bargains in Real-Ks- 117. erly -sideline of alley; Thence spent in conversation. F renchm an Collects tate. We also handle In ­ Office 89 Oak St. near southwesterly along the east­ M useum of R idicule erly sideline of said alley 105 Hotel Ashland surance and Loans. 82-tf feet, more or less, to an in­ Tamale Feed— tersection with the northerly T. L. PO W ELL— G en ita l Trans- PARIS, Jan. 5. — An old Mrs. Theodore Lockhart en­ sideline of Lot number 1, of tertained a number of her Frenchman has just-died and left ter—Good team and motor Block number 39, per the re­ trucks. G x>d service at a rea- corded plat thereof adopted by friends at a delightful tamale the queerest collection ever im­ of T h i M ? ? years from 1913 to 1923, net earnings eeuable price. Phone 83. the Common Council of said feed at her home on Alida street agined. He had spent his life £ O regonP ow er “ City of Ashland, November 5, Tuesday evening. Songs, games going about the world searching 1888; Thence south 68 de­ fbhigr - roach grees east along the norther­ and conversation filled a merry for things ridiculous. He ended Transfer — Express — Storage ly sideline of said lot one, 264 evening. The tamale feed was by creating a museum filled with This constantly growing use of electricity in Hauling — Dray work of all feet, more or less, to the west­ greatly enjoyed by all and the the funniest fads men antffwomeu homes industries and farm s is but one of m any rea- kinds. Quick motor service. Dry erly sideline of Granite Street; evening was voted a most delight­ have ever been guilty of* His thence north 21 deg. east along sons w h y n e a rly tw o million A m erican m v e st- wood of all kinds. Phone 416-R examples of human .craziness in­ the said westerly line of Gran­ ful one. The table was prettily clude 1 12-tf P h ysician s w arn against n eglect­ 175 B. St. clothing, paintings* fdrnl- ors h a v e a lre a d y chosen electric lig h t an d p o w er ite Street, 16 feet, more or decorated with flowers. in g cou gh s and colds and tell of less, to the place of beginning, Those who enjoyed the affair ture and works of so-called art securities fo r th e safeg u ard in g o f th eir funds and th e seriou s lu n g ‘com plications be quieted in the Plaintiff, Irving were Misses Ruth Purdy, Mildred which appeared to hjm to exceed WOOD SAWING m o n th ly savings. F. Finley, and that you «hat m ay resu lt. L ead in g physi­ , and . each , Stevens, Marie Prescott, Dimple the limits of ordinary ridicule. of you, and **, W ANTED- the unknown heirs ¡slack wuupie -Wood sawing. Tel cia n s now prescribe BALSAMEA The collector often paid big Mildred Beeson and the of either and any of the above 7 470-J. 63— Imo* fo r a ll bronchial affections. BAL­ hostess, Mrs. Theodore Lockhart. sums for his treasures, and one Defendants be barred of any right, * « * SAM EA is a pure vegetab le prep­ title, claim or interest in the said of his greatest surprises came THE FLORAL DRESSMAKING real property and for such other aration m ade from a n ew ly d is­ New Year’s Dinner— when a connoisseur offered him SHOP j relief as the Court may deem covered p lan t... Dr. B enj. F. Mr. and Mrs. J. g, Evans were >4000 for a picture which he had jproper. Over A shland Tidings Crabtree, A nderson, Mo., w rites: hosts at a very enjoyable New bought thirty years before on ac­ ■ - This summons is served upon 104-1 mo.* T he California Oregon P ow er Company’s 7% “ I use it exclu sively for my prac­ the non-resident Defendants, un­ Year’s dinner at their home count of its utter grotesqueness. known heirs and unknown claim­ Thursday. The time was pleas­ tic e and m y fam ily. It ig quick, t i n n e d StOC^ a dividend return of 7.14% on ants to said real property by pub­ su re and sa fe in its action like antly spent listening to stories . $ 100.00 p ar value shares, obtainable by direct pur­ lication, by order of the Hon. C. n oth in g e lse .” , For a smooth shave M. Thomas, Judge of said Court, and conversation. chase from the Company a t $98. H add quick service go dated December 15th, 1924, and Toward the end of the influ­ Guests for the day were Cap­ Inexpensive enza epidemic a government phy­ to the Shell Barber by said order, such non-resident tain and Mrs. Moore of Berkeley; Defendants, unknown heirs and For full information about our special Monthly sician noticed that a tribe of In­ Shop. Ladies and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert McCarthy claimants are required to appear im provem ent dians in Nevada, by the use of oils Payment Plan for investments of 05.00 a month or children get your hair in said cause within six weeks and Herbert Jr., Mrs. A. J. Mc­ from a native plant were immune bobbed and marcel­ from the date of the first publi­ Carthy and Mr. and Mrs. J. s. A shower makes bath­ more, telephone any member of our organization— from the ravages of Influenza. i CALIFORNIA OREGON J cation of this summons, which is Evans. led. or simply dip and mail the coupon below. ing easier and quicker the 22nd day of December 1924, He used these oils among his PO W E R C O M PA N Y , Old and young enjoy its W, A. SHELL, Prop. and time for answer expires on W atch Party— white patients and then in a hos­ day of February. 1925. THE CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER COMPANY >32 A. St. Ashland, Ore the 3rd BRIGGS pital everflowing with ‘death” convenience. & BRIGGS The B. Y, P. U. Society gave cases. News of the results swept By E. D. BRIGGS, The healthy habit of a a New Year's Watch party at the Offices : Attorneys for Plaintiff. the world and for some time It bath-a-day is more enjoy­ home of H. O. Butterfield on Iowa Postoffice Address: was not possible to supply the OREGON Pioneer Block, street Thursday evening. Twenty- able when the bathroom is Roseburg M ed ford G rants P a«« demand. K lam ath Falls Ashland, Oregon. five members of the society were equipped with a built-in BAIJSAMEA has now been The Sheriff is directed to serve present and a very good time CALIFO RN IA but one copy of the complaint in standardized and gives uniformly shower. They are inex­ Vreka Dunsmuir was enjoyed by all. this cause, and to serve such copy miraculous results in four ways: pensive and easily install­ upon Virgil H. Chapman Games of a various nature 1. It soothes the inflamed mem­ I t ’s G ran d m o th er’s Recipe E. D. BRIGGS. suited to the occasion and New ed. branes and .relieves irritation, 2. One of Plaintiff’s Attorneys. Year’s revolutions made the to R estore Color, Gloss Write, phone or call for It increases secretion of mucous 6—Mon. THE CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER COMPANY evening merry. When the old TOUR PARTNERS and permits easy expectoration, and A ttractiveness. information about built-in MEDFORD, OREGON IN PROGRESS McMinnville — Portland Elec­ year had only one hour more to 3. It stimulates pores of the skin showers. live refreshments) of cake, ice In throwing off body poisons and 4 Almost everyone knows that tric Power Company establishes fuB a b o u t y o u r 7% P referred A sk any m em ber cream and chocolate were served. Stock and sp ecia l partial p a y m e n t plan. ^ erred It strikes at the cause, checking Sage Tea and Sulphur, properly district office here. At the midnight hour a devo­ germ action Immediately. o f o u r organization compounded, brings back the na­ During 1924, the 36 counties of De not confuse it with ordin­ tural color and lustre to the hair Oregon received >1,139,936.18 for tional service was held under the N am e, direction of the devotional com­ P h on e 188 ary balsam cough syrups that are when faded, streaked or gray. motor licenses. 2 0 7 E . Main —or ¿Mail this coupon mittee. Very attractive calendars only soothing syrups and do not Years ago the only way to get Plumbing and Heating were presented to each of the go to the base of the trouble. this mixture was to make it at -—today! cA ddress new committee chairmen of the Unlike other cough remedies home, which is mussy and troub­ BALSAMEA is free from coal tar lesome. Nowadays, by asking at ;: HEAD STUFFED FROM ’ i Society for the coming year by the president. and other harmful narcotics. any drug store for “Wyeth’3 Sage I : CATARRH OR A COLD J; The initiation of each new of Pleasant to take and absolutely and Sulphur Compound,” you w ill! safe to give to children. get a large bottle of this famous! H S a p Cream Applied in Vostrila Be sure you get BAL-SA-ME-A old recipe, improved by the addi­ i . Opens Air Passages R ight Up. < ► NOTICE OF H EARING ON with the picture of the Indian on tion of other jngredients, at a FIN A L ACCOUNT ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ » it ♦»»»<■ |. |n|, »■»»»>>»< ’ the package. Guaranteed te re­ small cost. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF Instant relief — no waiting. I THE STATE OF OREGON FOR We have at the present lief any cough, no matter from Don’t stay gray! Try it! No time a very good stock of what cause, or your money back one can possibly tell that you Your clogged nostrils open right 1 JACKSON COUNTY. In the Matter of the Estate of up; the air passages of your head All druggists sell BALSAMEA. In darkened your hair, as it does it used cars to select from. Ashland buy It from Eastside so naturally and evenly. You clear and you can breathe free­ SEREPTA ELNORA MILLER, Several Coupes, Tourings, Run­ Pharmacy. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, abouts dampen a sponge or soft brush ly. No more hawking, snuffling, and Light Deliveries. that the undersigned administra­ These cars are in good run­ with it and draw this through blowing, headache dryness. No tor of the above estate, has filed your hair, taking one small strand struggling for breath at night; his Final Account with the Clerk ning condition and are priced °,n?y 0 3 ts t h a t c o o k in t o g r a n u la r o a tm e a l at a time; by morning the gray your cold or cattarrh disappears. of said Court, and the Honorable right. It will pay the used car buyer Get a small bottle of Ely’s Q. A. Gardner, Judge of said i fliS d 'o ti e ^8e M e a ty g r a n u le s s t im u la t e hair disappears, and after another for to investigate at this time. t O vV N eLer co o k 8tick y or Pa s ty- W o n d erfu l has designated January Cream Balm from your druggist! - __. application or two, your hair be­ now. Apply a little of this fra-1 1?t\ CHRONIC .i flavor. M ore th a n a n e w .o a tm e a l— a new cereal. atu ten ° ’clock A - M How about the new Thir­ comes beautifully dark, glossy at the Courthouse in Jackson E h e r g y -b u ild in g c o r b o h y d r a te s. tis s u e -b u ild in g pro- COUGHS grant, antiseptic, healing cream ville, Jackson County, Oregon, as and attractive. in your nostrils. It penetrates the time and place for a hearing teen plate Ford-Built B at­ ! S * 5 8» ^ w ea,tl1 v ita l m in e r a ls . A n d N e w S ty le tery at ..................... $16.50 through every air passage of the thereon. >CS °? J y 2 t o 3 s h o r t m in u t e s t o c o o k — th e Portland Service gives permit Anyone having an objection to ÛDKXGOODIÊ Golden State Theatre Co. to for >30,000 recreational hotel at head, soothes the inflamed or said quickest cooking cereal— quick as a flash! Final Account is required to iS?5 5 swollen mucous membrane and re­ present build chain of movies in Oregon Odel Lake. —* the same to the said Court OATS H A R R IS O N lief comes instantly. costing >125,000 each and seat­ on or before the date of said Madras — Endicott concrete ! S '* “ 1 " H-O Oat. Brothers, Garage It s jpst fine. Don’t stay staf­ hearing. Cookin/ ing 700 people. Locations In Ore­ building completed and ice plant i kinds I N*w St>le H-O Oat» (Quick) JUDD V. MILLER, , Ford, L incoln, Fordson D ealers fed up with a cold or nasty cat­ 2 to 3 minutes gon and California. . \ 1 installed. arrh. Administrator. Standard full size and weight pkg.—walght. 1 lb. 4 os. C lassified Colum n R ates PHYSICIANS THE FORUM ---------------------- - »INlAPAHJa— HJS VJCKS IV. & N. Service Station flour is advancing RIGHT ALONG THE PLAZA MARKET KLAMATH FALLS STAGE PROFIT FROM SAVINGS Two million investors have found it’ P N E U M O N IA USUALLY SIARIS FROM COLDS 7.14% and a monthly payment plan Jerry O’Neal U SED CARS More than flavor -health from New Style BAL S A - lf r - A ► k z{ ss 4— Mon. I H*0