M onday, January S, _AaW TjMTP DAtLT HMM» PAGE TWO T ” ASH LAND A _ tt _______________ _ ..... T T1 V TT n T N C S 11 happens that the fortunes of te n Small, in Illinois, D A IL Y 1 lu lP I V 3 j iave been involved in many incidental political issues, ‘‘MAGNOLIA LADY” BRIDE OE ACTOR t T a (Established in 187«) ________ __ __ ■ n | | ia^ s|ate. It happens that his political enemies are as side-purposed as his political supporters. The issue has P ub lished E very E ven in g E xcept Sunday by i never been made clear. THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. ............... ......... ......................... .............^Editor' And it happens also that the crime itself, that ot ■ Madden G re ^ n 'Z ^ Z Z Z ^ ^ 3ZZ ^B u8ineas Manager: inaking u8e of public funds for private benefit^ has not. fi-nciAL c it y F A risK .................................. .Telephone 89 up to very recently, been so strictly defined as to tit in to i . u t e i S ^ i ¿ e I r f ia u d . O r ^ u P o sto ffic e - Second Claaa M ail M atter . g e n e r a l m o r a l c o n s c i o u s n e s s of vast numbers of peo- “ Subscription Price, Delivered in City ggiple. *8 dishonesty. Undoubtedly it was 110t Only a vio- Month ...................................................................................... 1.95 lation of tlio technical law of Illinois, but Small himself 'i nree Months ? ¡0 at the time had a “ conviction of sin.” But this conviction , i i Months Year ............................................ ........ ’ ’was not a fact in the hearts of a majority of the votersj By Mail and R ural R outes , r,e M onth ........................................................... r.... ..................... 1.95'°1 the state ’J aree Months ...........................................................................3.50; Someday it will be, everywhere. 6:x Months ....................................................................................... 6.59' Or we cannot have a clean working democracy. t a a Year ........................... -------------------- display advertising rates $ .30 Use Portable Drill to Dig . b? The EnglIsh re,fttlve6- children came in Holes for Grapevines: 1028 the third cabin. : LOS ANGELES, Jan. 5. — One i of the most ingenious uses for j Many Nationalities on Mining Payroll the portable electric drill was dem onstrated recently in the PITTSBUNQH, Pa., Jan. 6.— fruit-grow ing territory of Califor­ According to statistics recently nia, where a pair of autom atic compiled by the Miners’ Benefit augers, operating from one mo­ tor mounted on a small truck, bor­ Society of 'th e C harleroi district, ed holes for 60,000 grapevines in Belgium, the 6,284 miners on th® ten days. This resulted in a sav­ rolls were divided among forty- ing of $400 a day over hand la­ six nationalities. They included Belgians, Ita l­ bor. ians, Algerians, Moroccans, Hol­ Six thousand holes, three inches in diam eter and eighteen inches landers, Poles, Frenchmen, three Americans, and one representa­ deep, were dug each day. tive each of Abyssinia, Guinea, Persia, the Sudan, Canada. Fin­ Girl, 16, Guards land, Mexico, Senegal, Turkey and Nine Over Ocean Utuguay. NEW YORK, Jan. 5. — Ten Tidings W ant Ads ar« go-getter« youngsters, unaccompanied by elders arrived here on the W hite Star liner Cedric from Liverpool. The old est’ of the children is! Rose Farley, sixteen, who is j F razier & S on m othering a ' brood of seven younger brothers and sisters. Not satisfied th a t she had GROCERIES and FEED enough work on her hands, the That Satisfy am bitious young Rose, radio mes­ sages say, is also taking care of j Delivered on your kitchen W illiam Brown, four, and Amy table and to the barn. W ilson, six, sent to this country Is service worth anything to you? If not, we have nothing more to offer’ than any other store. Despite many denials, Ruth Chatterton, stage star, has married Why shop in bad weather? Ralph Forbes, of England, her leading man In "The Magnolia Lady." Let us have your order. We according to New York marriage license records. He is twenty-four, N ow is th e tim e to buy spray deliver. Conveniently located four years her Junior, the records assert. pum ps, plow s aud barrow s, and a store th at will fill every d rills aad a ll k inds of farm need. Flour, all grades. Chick­ im p lem en ts. F en cin g in every en feed and oyster shell. gram a t a local broadcasting sta sty le. H arness, collars, snaps, Mystery in Finding of Bodies at Seaside tion and Miss Dorothy Hess, of and pads. New and used Sew ­ Chicago, an actress, “ listened in in g M achines. A u to R obes, etc. PARIS, Jan. 5.— The discovery in her New York apartm ent, was F razier & S on of two bodies of two men on th e revealed here when announce­ P hon e 214— 858 E. Main St. seashore at Carras, near Nice, to ­ m ent was made of their m arriage. gether with the broken rem ains “ The radio courtship” began of a small boat, is mystifying the three m onths ago, when Mass Hesfe local police. sent Mr. Mallie a note of congrat­ One man had apparently died of ulation a fte r hearing a concert. burns, and as there are no signs of burning on his clothes it is obvious th a t his body m ust have been clothed after death and then throw n into the (sea. The other WE HAVE THE man was naked. THE LESSON OF JULIA GROO Julia S. Groo, 18-tear-old Oregon girl who won a C a insertion a week ............................................................. ’25 •j « o insertions a week .................................. -............................... 20 ¡national essay contest from a field of 1,000,000 entrants, bully ln8eT]^ > t^ s for Legal antj Miscellaneous Advertising $ ’may not have known it, but she told the secret of her suc­ cess in an interview which She gave just after she had r'lrst Insertion, per 8 point line ——- ............;.......................... 05 le c h subsequent Insertion, 8 point line .................. • I.OO been notified of her victory. Persistence sums it up in « ard of Thanks ......- .............................................................. .02% v uituaries, per line .................................. ............ ..................... one word. WHAT CONSTITUTES ADVERTISING “ I.wrote it eight times,” said Miss Groo, “ and had X iTXdwrtM«’ “ admlS’i0° C.haree mad‘- ” ’ ¡about 1600 words in it; thei'i I lmd to cut it down to 600 t ” 'e No° discount will be allowed Religious or Benevolent orders. w n r r | s a l t h o u g h it seemed to me there wasn’t a thing I ------ -- ------ ------------------ ----- ---------------------------- ------------ ° . ~ ¿1 -__ . — ,.i,i could eliminate.” It seemed there was nothing she could ------------ DONATIONS 4 No donations to charities or otherwise will be made in advertk- eliminate, but she did eliminate nearly two-thirds. She irg or job printing— our contributions will be in cash._______ ____ couldn’t hut she did—by persistence and repeated efforts. DR. ELLWOOD’S ERROR Reading her essay, one admires its conciseness and Dr. Charles A. Ellwood, president of the American direct simplicity of statement. Those are results of the sociological society, told an audience at Chicago t e re-writing process which Miss Groo found so haid. other night that intolerance is one of the most strikingly Miss Groo has exemplified again the maxim that dangerous manifestations of the day, or words to that ef- genius consists in an infinite capacity for taking pains. icct. We found the information very interesting indeed, and were just getting settled down to mull it over when THE STRONG STILL WILL NOT RESPECT along came the Salem Statesman with an article in Editor THE WEAK Brady’s unmistakably matchless style, in which the Zamboanga is an important trading point on the world was informed without qualification that 1 r. E l- Mindanoa one of the Philippine group. Re- PEIL’S CORNER -nod was wrong. “ If anything,” announced the absolute # ))