ASHLAND CLIMATE W ithout the use of medicine cures nine cases out of ten of asthma. J nis is a proven fact. The Tidings Has Been Ashland VOL. X LVIH malaria germs Cannot survive three months in the rich ozone at Ashland. Pure domestic water helps. s Leading Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Year, ^International News W1 re Service) Successor MAN IS KILLED IN HOLDUP AT KLAMALH FALLS D aily ENGLISH BOY MAY BECOME VIRTUOSO CUN ELEVATION VIOLIN PRODIGY HELD AT ELLIS ISLAND. FRENCH DEBT WILL BE AIRED FUNDING NOTE IN C O N G R ESS CLAMED HOAX tt tt LONDON, Jan. 5. — tt George John Malcolm, a tt seven - year - old London tt tt tt elem entary school boy, is tt tt destined to become one tt tt of England’s, and possibly tt tt the w orld’s greatest musi­ tt tt cians, in the opinion of tt Bandits Get More Than $400! a tt Mr. Hugh Allen, famous t t English musical authority, tt in Robbery of Card and other prom inent au ­ tt Protests Received by State Room Habitues Department Will be thorities. tt The ,boy’s exceptional t t Made Public make good escape musical talents have led tt the London County Coun­ tt c enna quits post T h ugs E a ter Room Firing. Bullet cil’s musical committee to tt H its Chair, and G lances Off give him a grant and a tt V * h t Session s for S en ate In au -i to Kill O. EH ckson gurated by P resident to Clean special scholarship in or­ tt I p Interior Fuud B ill der th at he may study K LA M A TH“ f a LLS, Jan. 5 . - tt under the best tutors. tt Descending into the basement of He plays the violin, tt the Scandinavian Hall shortly be­ WASHINGTON, Jan. in e Piano and organ with tt fore m idnight. Saturday night made to the. United astonishing ease and ac­ tt Protests J*® m^ ked hold-up men sent a complishment. He learned tt States by several nations against fusillade of shots about the heads to play the piano when he tt the elevation of the big guns on of a num ber of card players, kill­ could scarcely touch the tt a num ber of American b attle­ ed a man believed to be O. Erick­ keys, and at six composed tt ships will be publicly aired be­ son. a box factory worker, lined a school communion. tt fore Congress within a few days, up their victims with faces to the « » tt t t t t tt tt Senator Hale, Republican, of wall and after roughly going LONG RACCOON HUNT a « tt tt it !« i a 'tt IS FINA LLY ENDED r NEW TAX RULE ON O N E S TO HIT CITY MEN HOOPESTON Hl., Jan. « 5- — “ Old R ingtail,’ a tt giant raccoon which has 8 t defied hunters and dogs 8 of Vermilion County for 8 six .years, has met its 8 W aterloo. i ts hlde is tt being tanned by Ernest 8 8 tt Deck, hunter and trap ­ 8 Personal Memorandum ’ tt per. 8 by French Finance Min­ tt The glory of the cap­ 8 E ™Ployes of Municipal Wa- tt ture of “Old R ingtail” ister Is Received K w I ht Departments M K tt belongs to .“ Old T railer,” 8 Must Pay on Incomes » a hound borrowed by Deck 8 from Carl Owens, of Ross­ 8 RETROACTIVE TO 1918 B elieved E n glish Stand on Matter ville, 111. The hound over­ Ö N< and street railway France to this country, was offic­ last six years, but always ially revealed here today as only had managed to fight Its 8 win h , Maine, chairm an of the Senate '»■nPansation • They T ! thC P° Ckets of each, T neL Pay '* XM »” « l - 'i way free. an empty gesture on the part of naval affairs com m ittee announc­ 8 jacked out of the place with more the Euiopean nation, which for « tt 8 8 8 8 8 neome, a , far back as » tt tt tt 8 8 ed to newspapermen here today. than |4 0 0 in cash. A third rob­ the present does not afford a suit­ the bureau of Internal rereuue Hale declared th a t Secretary of ber stood guard at the entrance. able basis upon which serious to m ."? ' ' "f State Hughes, in response to re­ Erickson was shot while seat- funding negotiations can be be­ toms to compel the filing of re­ peated requests, both by members od a t a card tab ,e the bujjet gun at this time. turns over those years. of the naval affairs committee and which apparently caused his end The communication was orig­ The ruling, far-reaching in its other members of the Senate, will splintering the back of a chair inally received by Ambassador application,.is based on court de­ file a complete rep o rt on the al­ opposite, glancing on the table Herrick in Paris. H errick for­ cisions in several sections of the leged protests which he has re­ cover and striking him in the Work H ere by Oil Com pany Aids warded it to the state departm ent country, which have held, in ef­ ceived, w ithin 24 hours. It is rU h t breast. When he failed to and after several days of examin­ in B u ilding Up City. Many fect. that such institutions as stated by naval officials th at the rise quickly and turn his face ation by officials of th a t depart­ were named were competing with Men on Payroll elevation of the guns was done to -a nearby wall, he was rughtly ment it was announced that the Locals Score A lm ost at W ill | n private enterprise and should oc­ only in compliance with the con­ ordered to -g et a move on.” Scnue in h er present position. of Eddie Rush. George Jacobs Portland was announced by the L eft Today__ Representatives from the In­ association plans to install mod­ sM; ’ ^ ony » h o u v e V r ^ t i i X X 1 o " ,he w",e° 'ng an,i re* FlUn 'i'™ i > , nCW steam table and several and Mrs. Nettie Grace. The trin United Railways, with headquar­ Mrs. te rio r D epartm ent and the Fed­ an 11-mile section o f if Or San Franei„„ * ” ? today s other up-to-date appliances have lodged in jail, charged with ters in Portland. ern b u tter m aking plant. Springs and whose husband unt«l’ the Pacific highway in Shasta j underg0 an o n e r a t ^ ^ * the hoteI I T 8“ 67’ Jacobs confessed, the eral Power Commission are pres­ The Southern Pacific company ’’®cenGy has been employed by ent at the meeting to look out for an operation. She was! kitchen, in preparation for the police say, to a plan whereby they with the W estern Transportation county was let by the state high win ^ .am ath. Irri^ o n district, th e ir interests. Any treaty drawn V isitin g H ere— way commission here Saturday to accompanied by her daughter, tourist trade which is bound to were to hold up the employes of company, has filed in the offices Mrs. Neva Berysch of Corval­ 80 e in this departm ent. up m ust be ratified by the legis­ Edw ards Bros., LoS Angeles for Mrs. Mabel Moore. Mrs. Tromly come during the spring, summer the bank, scoop up the money ° the public service commission lis Is in Ashland visiting at the te the m other of Mrs. J. M. Ross and fall. latures of the four states, and ap­ $400,905. The decision is be­ ,n. and speed awaX In a machine a new tariff on print paper ship- Klamath F a lls -C o u n ty assesc- home of Mrs. A. C. K eller of Al­ and Mrs. H. B. Plum mer. proved by Congress. The wrecking of the old range They w*re to meet a second ma- e tween Dog Creek ^nd Half-W ay rom West Linn, Clackamas ™ Dt ° f >24,66!,016 ,8 $2,oo£ lison street. m arks the d isap p earan ce of t h e ' cbine- with the woman driving county, to Ashland and interm e­ creek and is an im portant link in ooo more than 1928. There’s a message in The' th ird landmark in the hotel sin ce ! and to drive to a point several diate points. the highway from Oregon. Tidings Want Ads. I CConttnued The new rate from W est Linn page O n e , 1 ' h‘ .1 • I (Continued on page 4) ¡EBE FIVE 52-13IN JO SE GAME ED STATE U H “ REPRESENTATIVES10 APPEAR AT LUNCHEON STA1ES AL WORK ON TREATY FOR USE OF DEPUTIES SE1ECTED F HOTEL IS REPLACED 6 Ï NEW APPLIANCE ASHLAND AFFECTED 61 NEW RAILROAD