TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY In Jacksonville— * From Hornbrook— W. C. Counter of this city was! Miss Gladys Squires of Horn- a business visitor in Jack so n v ille, brook was in Ashland today visit- yesterday. ; h'-S friends. . HOUSE FOR RENT: — Com-; pletoly furnished, including piano, i W ith or w ithout garage. In q u ire ! j at No. 173 Oak street. 104— tf Remember the chicken dinner i Purchased Property— Mrs. Alvina Bullen has changed at The Plaza Sunday. January 4. her purchase of the Rathbun Bring your family down for a house on Fairview street to t h e 1 treat. 104-lt property belonging to Mr. and ALPHA CHAPTER At Home— Mrs. W alter Tucker on Avery street. The tran sfer was made Miss Grace Luman of E lh a rt’s' through the Ashland Realty com-; Book Store is confined to her; pany. The members of Alpha C h a p te r, home by illness. No. 1. O. E. S., are requested to j Lx aving Tonight— Free pants with suits and over-t m eet at the Masonic Hall Sunday Mrs. C. M. Thayer who has afternoon at 1:45 to attend the ■ coats $17.50 and $18.75 a t P a u l-’ been visiting for about two 101— tf ! funeral services of the l a t e ! serud’s. months with her daughter, Mrs. George N. Anderson. E. M. Berg of this city i3 leavirg By order of the W orthy Ma- i At W eed— this evening for her home at Jam es L. Jarrell of this city trou. Owosso, Michigan. She will make LEAH M. CALDWELL. Secy. has gone to Weed w here he will the trip via New Orleans. 104— 1 fepend several days with friends. Fine Stationery. McNair Bros. H:i B u siness— J. M. Mi,ller of this city is in K lam ath Falls for a few days transacting business. FR E E — All wool suits $18.75— E xtra pants FR EE , at Paulserud’s.' 101— tf In K lam ath F a lls— C. W. Woodcock of th'.s city is spending a few days in Klamath Falls attending to business inter­ ests. The Plaza will have their regu­ lar delicious chicken dinner Sun­ day, January 4th, 75c. 104-lt Born— Gone Pishing— Save $10.00, walk upstairs to « Jack M attern and N. H. H a rri­ Orres tailor shop. 17— tf ' son journeyed to the Rogue River) fishing today. Basketball, Biggest p relim in ary , of the season. Ashland Elks vs. A. H. S. Faculty tonight at the! HOST AT PARTY IS DEAD FROM POISON armory. 8 p. m. We expect New- : berg to stage a strong comeback ’ SEATTLE, Jan. 3. — Oscar against Ashland Hi in game fol- ; Oser, 38, host a t a party a t his lowing the prelim inary. 104-lt home here last night, is dead today from drinking poison, while Cliff Payne makes Bug bodies. his sister, Frances Fuerst, 40, and five friends are being held in jail R eturns to School— here for questioning by the cor­ Cleon Caldwell who has been oner. The police state they are spending the Christm as holidays uncertain w hether Oser drank the a t the home of his m other, Mrs. poison by m istake while mixing Evelyn Ca,Ldwell of this city re­ drinks for his guests o t took it turned last night to Corvallis to with intent to commit suicide. resume his studies. The five friends who are being held are Isaac Anderson, Jack At P aulserud’s you see w h a t! Hanson, Eric Larson, Robert you get. We invite comparisons ' Nevers and Mrsf. Varna V entura. 101— t f ! Addison D. Helms, Jr., who has been spending his Christmas vacation with his parents of this city, left Tuesday for Palo Alto, California, to resume his school work. Supplies for the ofTice. — Mc­ N air Bros. Miss Thelma Beeson of Medford Leaves Ashland— was in Ashland this m orning vis­ Arvld Norby, who has spent iting friends. the past year in Ashland with his brother. J. P. Norby, left for Ta­ coma, W ashington, W ednesday, Visit« at H om e— Miss Blanche McLean journey­ v.’here he will attend school. ed to her home at Cove ranch Paulserud’s clean clothes the Thursday to spend New Y ear’s odorless way. Phone 119. 98— tf Day wiith her mother. V isitin g H e r e - Mr. and Mrs. Philip Hammond of Oregon City are in Ashland visiting at the home of his par­ ents, the Rev. and Mrs. P. K. Hammond, for several days. Free pants with overcoats, $17.50 at Paulseruds. 101— tf Retun»« to Berkeley— Captain and Mrs. F. M. Moore left th is morning by car for Ber­ keley, Calif., w here Mr. Moore is an instructor in m ilitary sci­ ence a t the University of Cali­ fornia. They have been visiting friends and relatives in Ashland for the past three weeks. CHANGES TO BE MADE IN STATE O FFICES SOON (Continued from page 1J heads, friends of the ned adm in­ istration say it is certain th a t at least two officials are slated to go. One of these is L. M. Gil­ bert, superintendent of the state training school for boys. Mr. R eturned Y esterday— Miss M argaret Thomas and j Gilbert form erly served as sup­ Miss C arrie Englund re tu rn e d ; erintendent of the school but was yesterday from P ortland and Ore-! removed during the Olcott ad­ gon City w here they have been! m inistration. He was reinstated spending the vacation with rela by Governor Pierce and State T reasurer Myers over the pro­ tlves and friends. test of the secretary of state. It also is likely th a t W. M. W in from A lum ni— H endershott, com m andant of the The Medford high basketball Old Soldiers’ Home at Roseburg, squad won from the Medford will be relieved of his duties soon alumni team last night by a score a fte r Jan u ary 5. This position of 33-27. Clyde Young of this probably will go to George W. city refereed th e game. The Riddle of Roseburg, who was re­ Medford high girls also won from moved as com m andant of the the alum ni girls by a good score. home a few m onths ago by Gov­ The games were reported to be ernor Pierce and State T reasurer ■fast with good team s on either Myers. side. You are welcome to compare ray Automobile rates with any Im proving— Mrs. H. P. Holmes who in ju r­ other rates in Jackson or Jose- pnlne Counties; you can be the ed) hex ankle when she slipped on ► udge. Phone 21. Yeo, of course. the pqiveq|ent several weeks ago is reported to be slowly improv­ ing. Return * Tomorrow— Mrs. J. H. Sugg and daughter. Jane, will retu rn home tomorrow Leaves Today — from San Francisco, whqre they Miss Mary Orr, sister of Mrs. hav© been spending the Christ­ Riley Pittenger is leaving today m as holidays visiting w ith friends for Berkeley, California, where and ré la tives. she will make an indefinite stay. THE THEATER BEAUTIFUL Viola Dana in “In Search of a Thrill” SUNDAY and MONDAY — 35* i! RENT: — Completely furnish­ ed apartm ent, 75 Bush st. 104-tf M arjorie King, the Star from New York, presenting her sensa­ tional dances with K ing’s Revue of 1925, at the Vining Jan. 0 and 7. Telegrapher on Trial as Girl’s Slayer. MOFFETT FOR SA LE:— Ford touring car chcjp. A l shape. New top, good rubber, ju st overhauled. See P. L. Of the 310 planes of all types in Lindgren, 39 4th street, Ashland. possession of the United States 104— 1* Navy, only 244 can be used effeo- '— I Uvtdy in the event of war. Itear- FOR R E N T : — Bedroojn with Afbniral W. A. Moffett. Chief of , heat. Good location. Phone 297L. tbe Bureau of Aeronautics, told the Aircraft Investigating 104— 3* 'Special ComtniUee of the House. CLERKS, IS UP, Excellent sal­ ary. Exam. Feb. 21. For govern­ Every ad has a message. ment positions in your state. Ex­ perience unnecessary. For free particulars, w rite R. Terry (fo r­ mer Civil Service Exam iner) 1866 B arrister Bldg. W ashington, D. C. 104-3t* THE FLORAL DRESSMAKING SHOP P H IL C O Diamond Grid LONG BEACH, Jan. 3. — Mi^s Helen Merrill who has Lohman Hogue, shell shocked vet­ been spending the holidays at the eran shot and killed his wife home of her parents, Mr. and and their two and a half year old Mrs. F ran k Merrill will retu rn j son, Glenn, and himself in the tomorow to Berkeley where she; hills near here, according to re­ is taking nu rse’s training in the ports at the sheriff’s office here today. Hogue is said to have told Fabiola hospital. friends yesterday th a t he intend­ ed to do the shooting. In A shland— S. Planes Useless, Moffett Declares. FOR SALE: — 100 laying pul­ lets, $1.00 each. Mrs. W. D. Booth Phone 257Y. • 104-2 1 ----------------------- --- -------------------- | FOR SALE: — 2 Jersey cows soon to^freshen, 4 and 5 years old. T. B. tested. 2 heifers all from heavy m ilking strain. 2 in­ cubators. House for rent. 19 6 Nutley street or phone 294R. v 104-2 c, R eturns Tom orrow— U. FOR R EN T:— Splendid fu r­ nished apartm ent, 2 rooms, kitchen and bath. Adults only. 357 Vista street. Phone 122. 104— tf To Mr. and Mrs. F. E. K ruggle : t the Community Hospital last night, a boy. Mother and son are Sneeze Gas in Ship Hold In Medford— • doing nicely. Drives Out Stowaways Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mars are * * Special Auto Accident Policy spending a few days a t the home MANILA, Jan. 2 — M anila’« of Mils. Mars’ parents, Mr. and for $5.00 a year. Phone 21. Yeo fame along the Chinese coast as <>t course. . 24-tf Mrs. Schaeffer of K ing’s High­ a good port for beachcombers, way near Medford. w here stowing away on Army Im proving— Remember Lininger Dairy still transports has been easy, is pass­ E. L. McNeil who is confined to ing away. the Community Hospital is report­ sells th a t good milk at 10c qt. Sneeze gas, supplied by the Phone 396R. 100— tt ed to be improving rapidly. Chemical D epartm ent of the £ United States Army, is forced in­ You will enjoy eating a chick­ R eturned Y eetertlay— N. H. H arrison and wife who to the hold of every transport for en dinner at The Plaza tom or­ row, 75c. 104-lt have been visiting in San F ran ­ a period of tw enty-four hours just cisco for the past m onth re tu rn ­ before departure, thus m aking the ed to their home last evening ac­ hold uninhabitable. Not a single R ecovering Slow ly— J. J. Cambers who underwent companied by Meade Hoover who stowaway was found on the tran s­ Mr. H arrison port Thomas when it touched at nn operation at the Community drove th eir car. also underw ent an operation for China on its last trip. On pre­ Hospital recently is reported to be doing as well as could be ex­ appendicitis while south and is vious trips the discovery of fif­ pected. reported to he conbiderably im­ teen or tw enty wajs not uncom­ mon. proved. Shanghai Chop Suey, Hongkon Noodles, Chinese style, 24 8 2nd Basketball, Biggest prelim inary street between B and A streets, of the season. Ashland Elks vs. MONEY STOLEN FROM BANK IS RECOVERED Saturday and Sunday open 8 t o ! A. H. S. Faculty tonight a t the 9. O ther days, 8 to 8. 97-1 mo. arm ory. 8 p. m. We expect New­ SALT LAKE CITY, Jan. 3. — berg to stage a strong comeback Basketball, Biggest prelim inary against Ashland Hi in game fol­ A fter a seven months search a * of the season. Ashland Elks vs. lowing the prelim inary. 1 0 4 -lt which extended into South Amer­ ica, Canada, Mexico, S. McCub- A. H. S. Faculty tonight a t the bin, a bond company representa­ C. A. Roark, Detroit telegrapher, armory. 8 p. m. We expect New­ C onfined to H om e— is on trial for his life as the al­ tive today unearthed the greater ; berg to stage a strong comeback Miss M arguerite Hammond of leged slayer of pretty Miss Vena against Ashland Hi in game fol­ this city who is teaching in the. part çf the $50,000 bank funds Moore, who was employed in the lowing the prelim inary. Medford schools is confined to embezzled by Dale Rowan, form ­ same office. Roark has maintained er cashier of thé Bank of Italty complete silence concerning the her home with th e flu. in San Francisco. McCubbin found tragedy. His young wife is pros­ We put the chicken in our several thousand dollars in a ja r trated, but hopes he will be ab­ txtnales. The Plaza. 82-—tf Vicks Salve, 35c. McNair Bros. in the cellar of the home in the solved. little town of Bountiful near To Yreka— A rrive Today— here, where Rowan had lived. A Mrs. H attie Abbott returned Mrfe. Lizzie K. M erritt and son, buried gunny sack revealed more this morning to Yreka after vis­ Jack, returned to Ashland today of the loot, as did the garage iting for some time with her after spending the Christm as va­ garage where the money was daughter, Mrs. Jerry O’Neil. cation with relatives and friends found in a bucket. in San Francisco. Mrs. M erritt Files and Blankbooks.— McNair is a teacher in the schools of San WAR VETERAN KILLS Pros. Francisco. W IFE, CHILD, SELF T o P a lo A lto— i utofday, January g, lttUo ASäUitö o l i t i « S 3 h io i ¿xjtft BATTERIES for Radio or Car $12.50 and up Pliileo B Batteries for your Radio When you buy a Pliileo, you buy battery reliabil­ ity. The Ashland Electric Shop 240 East Main SL Over Ashland. Tidings 104-1 mo.* FINED $28 GLASGOW, Jan. 3. — Alexan­ der Munro was fined $25 for stealing a woman’s shoes while she Was asleep in a railroad sta­ tion. ' Business and . Bathing The business man needs lots of “ pep.” A daily shower bath helps him to have it. A bath-a-day is a “ ton- re’•* th at can’t be beaten. Everyone who tries it finds that “ A bath-a-day keeps you fit in every way. ” We install bathroom equipment t h a t ’ makes daily bathing a greater pleasure. Beautiful women or pursuing men—which is “ The Enemy Sex?” See them clash in this story of a “ baby vam p” and her string of wealthy admirers. With Betty as the girl who laughed at the flames— and escaped untouched? Tidings classified do the business JOHNSON’S JEWELRY STORE wi«lies all a very Prosperous and Happy New Year A DOUBLE SERVICE YOU CAN GET You avail yourself of two kinds of valuable ser­ vice when you insure Avith this agency. The first is the obvious service — full indemnity from the H artford Eire insurance Company in ease you suffer loss. < The second is equally im­ p ortant— helping you to avoid losn and the consequent incon­ venience for which insurance cannot pay. Call on* us for this double service of protection. . Billings Agency We appreciate the patronage that has made it possible tor us to build up a good business. We shall do our best, to merit your patronage in the future We are offering some bargains in watches, silverware, clocks and jewelry for the month of .January. We have a number of 17 jeweled watches in 12 size in many patterns in green and white gold at $14.75, a regular $22.50 value for this month only. Have you seen the new bracelet for white gold wrist watches? A new one just out. It is far ahead of any bracelet yet, even cost­ ing $4.00 or $5.00 or higher. This bracelet we are selling at $1.95. It beats them all. Estab. 1883 Real E state & Real Insurance 41 E . Main St. Phone 211 0. H. Johnson, Jeweler Jerry O’Neal P hon e 1 3 8 2 0 7 E. Main Plumbing and Heating B A T T E R IE S BUILT FOR Fords, Chevrolets AND Smaller Cars $13.00 Murphy Elec. Co. KING’S REVUE 1925 TUESDAY WEDNESDAY JAN. 6—7 Clever Singing and Dancing Our Phone 82 Comedians, Petite Ingenues and Soubrettes, Sweet Juvenile Tenor Start The New Year Right ALL STAR CAST BY TRADING AT —PRESENTING— ARMY GOODS STORE TUESDAY Where you get the Most for the Least Money “The Gay Deceiver” WEDNESDAY RESOLVE 46 A Merry Mixup” to treat your automobile better in 1925 The Largest Stqck That you will give it better Alemite service—and oftener J. O. RIGG New Costumes and New Girls New Plays Complete New Show Daily of Window Glass IN ASHLAND All New Scenery The ASHLAND SERVICE STATION Dr. Oeser and Son ADMISSION ADULTS 50c . CHILDREN 25c JUST ONE SHOW DAILY—STARTING 8:15 SHARP «