PÀÒÌJ TliltàÊ IflffiK» Classified Column PROFESSIONAL PHYSICIANS C la r ifie d Colum n R ates One cent the word each time To run every issue tor one month or more. %c the word each time. DR. H AW LEY— Above office. Tidings Phone SI. DR. C. W . HANSON D entist ¡Saturday, January 8, 1928 _ music aud talking. Quests for the day were Mr. and Mrs, Howard Rose, Mr. and Mrs. Fry of Roseburg and Miss Ethel Stanton, small daughter of the host and hostess. This same group enjoyed a de­ M iss E dith D odge. E ditor licious turkey dinner at the How­ P hon e item s to her a t 8 9 , betw een ard Rose home on Hillcrest 8 a. m . and 5 p. m. i Christmas day. * * * -1 1 New Year’s Dinner— CALENDAR O F EV EN TS luesday, January «. Civic Club Dr. and Mrs. F. G. Swedenbur^ with a delightful will meet in clubhouse for regu­ entertained lar session. Mesdames Mac- New Year’a dinner Thursday noon Cracken and Roberts on the pro- with Mr. and Mrs. W. S. East­ man as guests. A delicious din­ gram ner was served on a table beau­ Friday, January 9. College Club w ill meet at the home of Mrs. tifully decorated with Christ­ mas colors. K. W. Stearns, Medford. ♦ * * • * * Requires of a Man.” Bible school, Grandnaronta -s. bcíeít/ lii ui t¡r pecially the teachers. B. Y. P. U. junior, intermediate and senior in evening before preaching ser- vic^s. There will be baptism at the evening service. The decora­ tions with the cross lighted while baptizing is a beautiful scene. Other announcements from the pulpit. You are cordially invited and will be heartilly welcomed at these services. We want to earn the name of “The Church with the Friendly Hand.” B. C. Miller. Pastor Methodist Episcopal Church S. J. Chaney, Minister Special attention given to pyor­ FOR RENT The Sunday School will meet rhoea. Office upstairs in BSaver at 9:45. Classes are provided for Block. Phone 178-J. 233-tf. FO R R ENT: — Three-room ( all agei and all are welcome. furnished apartment, on ground , DR. G. C. PHETTEPLACE Theie were 254 present at the D entist ry floor, paved street, three blocks Sunday School hour last- Sunday Gas or local anesthesia for ex- from post office. Phone 4 32Y or) Evangelist D. Willia Caffray, of , traction and minor surgery. 40. 103 u , Special attention given to straight-] Chicago, will be the speaker at ' ' „„777 : 7777 - , ! ening and care of children’s both the morning and evening) Church of Clirist FOR RENT: — Modern ftfrn- church services. The Presbyter­ Second and B Streets Ished apartment. Call 185 Pion- Above Citizens Bank ians are joining with the Metho­ eer Ave. »8— tf Phone, Office, 151— Res., 201-J The Evangelistic meetings at dists in a Union Revival Meeting tl^e Church of Christ will begin W atch Party— FO R R E N T - ■Furnished house. DR. E R N E ST A. WOODS— Prac­ Civic Clnb— with Rev. D. W. Caffray and Miss January 11. Mr. O. P. Burris, a tice limited to eye, ear, nose ano The officers and degree team Clara Christensen as special work­ singing evangelist of wide exper­ 96— 1 mo. 478 Boulevard. ih e Civic Clubhouse has been throat— X-ray including teeth. repaireu and meetings will be of the Hope Rebekah Lodge en­ ers. Miss Craffray is a regular ience on the Pacific Coast will FOR SALK Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 tc nmu mere as usual trom now ou. tertained Miss Eunice Grubb wijh ordained minister in the Metho­ be in charge of the music. V. K. 5. Sweden burg Bldg., Ashland, i h e civic ciuo win hold their a delightful surprise party at Her dist church and has been a suc­ Al.ison, the minister of the church MISCELLANEOUS Ore. regular meeting next Tuesday and home ou B street New Year’s cessful evangelist for several will do the preaching. Watch for LOSTz— Bunch of keys in case. : Dn K B A N G ELL—C hiropractic uu excellent program has been night. The evening was spent en» years. Miss Christensen will have placecards and dodgers making joying a radio concert .played on charge of the music and the further announcements. Finder please bring to So. Ore. aQd Electro-Therapy. Office planned. 103-3t Gas Co. Reward. A review of Better Films will the Super-Hetrodyne set belong­ childrens’ meetings. All are cor­ Next Sunday is “New Member’’ phone 48; residence 142. First ing to Millard Grubb. dially invited to have a part in be given by Mrs. Gordon Mac day. An effort made to get every National Bank building. LOST: — Small purse between At a late hour after spending and get good out of these revival one who has taken membership Cracaen who has done a large Laurel street and Park. Finder TH E SOUTHERN OREGON amount of this work recently and an evening of merriment and joy meetings which will be held at with the church in 1924 to be leave at Tidings office. 103-2* CLINIC is therefore well qualified to refreshments were served, and the the Methodist church each even­ present. 1st National Bank O Bldg M edical öu rgical bstetrical P k ° Q .. the 8ubJe ct- Mrs. Mac group left for their homes/ wish­ ing beginning Sunday evening. The morning service featured See— Cracken is an excellent speaker ing Miss Grubb a very .Happy by special music. The sermon in D iagnostic X-ray First Congregational Church BEAVER REALTY GO. R. W. Stearns, M. B. and has a very interesting topic, New Year. keeping with the spirit of the Miss Grubb left last evening for R. E. Green, M. D. W. Judson Oldfield, Minister so with the address by Mrs. Rob­ New Year. “The Old and The for Bargains in Real-Es­ R. W. Sleeter, M. Chicago to attend the Institute Boulevard and Main street. New.” Basket dinner at noon. erts the program is being greatly Office hours 2-5 p. m. tate. We also handle In­ of Fine Arts there and the. party Sunday school at 9:45 a. m., with Business meeting at 2 p. m., “The looked forward to. Phone 238-R surance and Loans. 82-tf and Triumphs of tty? Mrs. L. A. Roberts will tell of was in the nature of a farewell classes for all grades and ages. Trials CONVALESCENT HOME 1 ring your Bible. Morning ser­ Church of Christ.” A kind invi­ her experiences on her trip this to the honored person. Where the sick get well. Cot- ] summer Those present were Mesdames vice at 11; subject “Utilizing to tation always. For a smooth shave 1 tag® having as her subject plan. We hoard and care for Perozzi. Myer, Songer,,. Nelson the Full That which ,We Possess.” and quick servifce go [ invalids and old people people. Matern­ “Next Door Neighbors.” She will Randal, Gordon, Eih, Crouch, Junior Christian Endeavor at 4 tell of the Canadian customs, NIGHT COUGH QUICKLY to the Shell Barber ity dept. Call 153. Phipps, Wyant, Caldwell. Long, p. m. Christian Endeavor at 6:30. cities and everything of interest , RELIEVED Shop. Ladies and MONUMENTS Walker, Love, Grubb, Misses Evening service at 7:30; subject j that she saw during her trip into This is the substance of a letter children get vour hair Souger, Leta Walker. Eunice “Higher I d e a ls for The New C anada recently. Refreshments received from H. W. Webb, bobbed and marcel­ ASHLAND GRANITE Grubb, and Miss Grubb’s brother Year.” Prayer meeting evbry will be served and the regular Quincy, 111., “I coughed a great led. MONUMENTS Millard. Wednesday evening at 7:30, The business meeting held. deal, especially at night. Tried B lair G ranite Co. * • * subject for next week is “Prayer W . A. SH ELL, Prop. Everyone who is interested is almost everything and have found PENNISTON, Manager $32 A. St. A shland, Ore and The Goodness of God.” The nothing to equal FOLEY’S HON­ cordially invited to attend tfie Dinner P a r t y - Office 175 E. Main One of the most pleasant of so­ pub’io is cordially invited to all EY AND TAR COMPOUND. One meeting. R es. P hon e 444-Y cial affairs given New Year’s Eve the services in the Congregational dose relieved my cough, and I was the dinner party given by church. IN Y GIRL ÍN TROUBLÉ— May Watch P a r t y - rested well all night.” One of the Dr. and Mrs. F. G. Swedenburg communicate wtyh Ensign Lee One of the pleasant social af­ largest selling cough medicines e f the Salvation Army at the fairs of New Year’s Eve was the at their spacious home on the F ir st Church o f Clirist Scientist in the World. Contains no opiates. WhiteShield Home, 565 May-] party given by Gordon and Elliott Boulevard. A very delicious din­ Pioneer Avenue, South Safe for children. Insist upon toir Ave., Portland. Oregon. MaeCracken at their home on ner was served and the table was Sunday services at 11 o’clock. Foley’s. Refuse substitutes. Sold Hargadine street to a group of beautifully decorated with a can­ Subject of lesson ‘ God”. Sunday everywhere. PLANING MILL their young friends, twenty-four delabra with red candles. A gen­ School at 10 o’clock. Wednesday Pain and congestion is gone. Quickly?— Yes. Almost instant re­ JORDON’S SASH AND CABINET in number- A happy evening was eral holiday spirit prevailed and evening meeting at 8 o’clock. There is wisdom la reading .ule lief from chest colds, sore throat, W ORKS, Cor. Helman and ! spent la Playing games, guessing the evening was spent with much Reading Room open daily from 2 backache, lumbago Van Ness. i contests and dancing. The prize merriment. until 5 p. m., excepting Sundays follows a g e ntle Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Fretl and holidays. ---------------------------------------------- ; winners were Marie Davies, Eve- rubbing with St. T R A N SFB R AND E X PR E SS lyn. Miller. Juanita Ross, Law- Engle, Mrs. Angie Engle and Miss Jacobs Oil. Gertrude Engle. Rub this sooth-1 W hittle T ransfer ft Storage Co. i rence Leedom, Jack Nims T rinity Episcopal Church and * * *. ing. penetrating oil j for SERVICE. Vicar the Rev. P. K. Hammond Odell Olson of Klamath Falls. right on your chest JU ST A BOUQUET OR Guild Dinner— Experienced movers and pack­ Holy Communion at 8 a. m. The New Year was welcomed in and like magic re­ About seventy-five were present Church School at 9:45. Morning ers of household goods. Deal­ a joyous manner and the resolu­ lief comes. St. Ja­ A NICE POTTED cobs Oil is a harm­ ers in coal and wood. PhBne tions of the guests for 1925 were at the New Year’s dinner given Service and Sermon at 11. Even­ less liniment which 117. read just before the whistles blew at the Trinity Episcopal Parish ing Service and Sermon at 7:30. PLANT quickly breaks House New Year’s Day at three Office 89 Oak St. near Everyone cordially invited. announcing its advent. chest colds, soothes A wonderfully well Hotel Ashland Those present were Marie o’clock. the inflammation of Flowers have a message Church o f th e N azarene sore throat a n d Davies, Evelyn Miller, Dorothy cooked dinner was served with T. L. PO W ELL— General T rans­ breaks up the con­ O. R. Reeder. Pastor Chappel, Juanita Ross, Margaret turkey and chicken as the piece de all their own. Send a gestion that causes fer— Good team and motor Churchman, Bertha Green, Dor­ resistance. A centerpiece of Sunday School, 9:45. Preach­ pain. It never dis­ trucks. G iod service nt a rea­ othy Nininger, Oma Ge Lauer, flowers at each table added much ing, 11:00. flowery message today. appoints and does not burn the sonable price. Phone 83. Evening: Young people meet­ Margery Crouch, Everett McGee, to the beauty of the surroundings. skin. Get a 35 cent bottle of St. Ja­ * * * ' , ing, 6:80. Preaching, 7:30. Adell Olsen, Jack Nims, Marion FMHIGB-ROACH E n tertained a t D inner__ ... cobs Oil at any drug store. It “Quality Without Overcharge” > We extend a cordial invita-i Transfer — Express — Storage Moore, Lawrence Leedom, Albert has been recommended for 65 Mrs. A. L. Harvey and Miss years. Hauling — Dray work of all Myers Johnny Ruger, Sanford Opal Harvey entertained Mr. and tlo n to all to attend any or all of kinds. Quick motor service. Dry Rose, Teddy Coldwell, Billy Hu- Mrs. H. H. Elhart at a New Year's our services. Come we will en­ of all kinds. Phone 410-R lan, Lee Boyd, Lester Beck, Kay turkey dinner at their home on deavor to be a blessing to all. HATCHER Lochinvar of Royalty Is wood 875 B. St. 112-tf Nell, Elliott and Gordon Mac- B street Thursday. Cracken. Seeking Bride B ap tist Church “ The Florist’’ RUB CREST COLDS M T : STOP PAINS _ WOOD SAW ING Birthday P arty— WANTED— Wood sawing. Tel ■ ^ r- an<^ ^Irs- Er*c Weren gave 470-J. 63__lm o * !a delightful birthday dinner at ___ j their home New Year’s night hon- k *" ‘ oring J. O. Rigg, who celebrated ■ NOTICE ' his birthday on Sunday. A de- I will not be responsible for I liciously cooked turkey was serV- any debts contracted by my son, cd as the first course accompan­ Max Hawks, after Jan. 1, 1925.' ied by many foods which go with MRS. B. J. HAWKS. 104-2t it. A large birthday cake was W' also served and greatly enjoyed THE SAN FRANCISCO SAV­ by all. INGS AND LOAN SOCIETY ‘ Dinner was served at seven o’­ (The San Francisco Lank) clock and followed by the presen­ 526 California St. (and Branches) tation of birthday gifts to the San Francisco. honored guest. Some very comical 7 For the qudrter year ending De- and useful ones were received. : cember 31st. 1924, a dividend The evening was spent playing I has been declared at the rate of games and enjoying music, talk­ four aiul one quarter (4 1-4) per ing and jokes. cent per annum on all deposits, Guests for the evening were payable on and after January 2nd,' Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Smith, Mr. and 1925. Dividends not called for are Mrs. Gerald Gunter, Mr. and Mrs. added to the deposit account and H. H. Elhart, Mrs, Ruth Mitchell, earn interest from January 1st, Misses Jean Anderson, Hazel 1925. Deposits made on or before1 Bruner, Isabella Wattenbarger, January lUth, 1925, will earn in­ J. O. Rigg, Oliver Anderson and zA/rac-, terest from January 1st, 1925 the host and hostess. A. II. MULLER. Secretary. King Boris, of Bulgaria, who ha.* Receive More Presents — been referred to as the “Lochinvai NOTICE OF SALE OF AN The Pacific Telephone and of Royalty,” plans a tour of the ESTRAY Telegraph girls are feeling very Eastern nations io seek a bride who Notice is hereby given on or joyous this year due to the many shall share his throne as ruler ol Bulgaria. He is a member of the abqnt the 10th of December, kindnesses extended to them by royal House of Coburg, which is 1924, I took up the following des-1 their subscribers They enjoyed related to virtually every othei reigning family In Europe. Rumoi cribed estray running at large a wonderful Christmas tree and has it that Boris, will seek the at my ranch, about 60 yards North additional presents have come to hand either of Princess Glovanna, of the Cemetery, in Jackson them. A box of apples grown on seventeen, of Italy, or of the Prln County, Oregon, to wit: a yearl­ the A. H. Davenhill farm at Val­ eess Beatrice, fifteen, of Spain. ing heifer weight about 500. ley View’ was presented to them Color red and white, croped un­ by Mr. and Mrs. Davenhill. A CUT TH IS OUT — IT der slope in the left ear, swal­ beautiful bouquet of chrysanthe­ IS WORTH MONEY low folk and upper bit on the mums given by the Ashland Send this ad and ten cents to right ear, That I have made the Greenhouses adds much to the Foley & Co., 2835 Shegield Ave., affidavit required t........... $16.50 F erd , L incoln, Fonftson D ealers PORT HURON, Mich., Jan. 2. — The future home of Earl Froh, four, is to he decided in court here. The child’s parents are dead, and the four grandparents are fighting for his custody. In 1922 the Court entered an order that the child should be in £ h , X 8t° dy ° f Mr- and Mrs-1 Bandits Trail Widow Schultz, parents of his mother, and Get $35,000 in Gems for six months, and in the care of CHICAGO, Jan. 2— Bandits, be­ Mr. and Mrs. John Froh, parents lieved to have trailed them from of the father, for the remainder of the time. The child is now at the Friar’s Inn, a Loop cabaret, the Froh home, and Mr. and Mrs. recently forced an automobile, oc­ Schultz claim the Frohs refuse to cupied by Mrs. Katherine Arm­ strong, wealthy widow, and Har­ give him up. ry Ziv, to the curb, robbed them of Jewelry valued at $35,000 and Bridesmaid Reveals escaped. Open on Sunday— We Deliver CARS H A R R IS O N Brothers, Garage *** hours a,,er her Liudenberg was bridesmaid at the wedding of Miss Hortense Prowler to Wil­ liam Morrison, head of Morrison & Company, produce merchants. Mrs. Liudenberg kept her own wedding a secret until after Miss Prowler became Mrs. Morrison. Then she released her surprise. 1070 B oulevard A COUGH REM EDY W ITHOUT O PIATES Many cough preparations con­ tain one or more harmful drugs which are added to take the place of opiates. None of these narco­ tic substitutes hate .ever been used in FOLEY’S HONETY AND TAR COMPOUND. The name of every ingredient is plainly print­ ed on every carton. You know what you are taking when you take Foley’s. It clings to the tyiroat. Good for old and young. You have a cough, why not try it. Refuse substitutes. tas Pio-hf t $ htof c h a d : x » , AMrr T n ,« «„.e o llme, esj GraaÄ Soloist and Choir Director Afternoon, 2:30; Evening, 7:30 Children’s Meeting, 3:30 P. M. RFV. D. WILLIA CAFFRAY A Welcome for All “ Come and See’’ MISS ( LARA M. CHRISTENSEN