bABft * q tt t A N D X o ilL A iW Saturday, Januar) 8, iiriä VAitít « t)« M ma D A T T Y Lf A I L 1 TT 11 TN f S ca9ily from one citv to another1—*all these things affect and outraged He escaped and the story created great ex- j I i D l i i vr ^ ; lhe qUality aud the price of homes for those who do not j citement This occurred in July. In consequence of this , OW11 them‘ There ig much eur9jllg of landlords by ten- and other outrages, General Hitchcock, commanding the i P ub lished E very E ven in g E xcept Sunday by ants, perhaps often with right. But the landlord himself Pacific Department, dispatched a small force of twenty! THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. ' ;s a victim of the same conditions of supply and demand ' regulars from Fort Vancouver and Astoria to Port Orford. ........................E d ito r ¡ t h a t affect his tenants. He must pay his taxes, and if lie'We have already learned something about Port Orford, I l'.ert R. Greer ______ Business Manager,does not get^intere&t, lie soon ceases to be a landlord, and the mistaken notion that it was but thirty-five miles! .>«orge Madden Green official city paper ...........................................................T e lep h o n e 89 Money conditions ,mav operate to increase the quality ot from Rogue River valley, which could be reached from > ritered a t th e A shland. Oregon P o sto ffice as Second C lass M ail M atter Qr t() decrease’them. The congested parts of cities that point, and remember the effort of W. (I. T ’Vault and: Subscription P rice, D elivered in City get worse and worse, whatever may be the harshness or others to penetrate the forest lying along Rogue river.: $ .65 *i nree^^nthä ....................... ’l.95, the benevolence of those who give their .attention to pro­ These troops might as well have been left at Astoria so, far as their availibility by this route was concerned. The v i Months 7 go riding apartnmts for others to rent t u e Year .. B y Mail an d R u ral¡ R o u te s..................... A ’ few years ago in the United States there was a gen- readers of the prior pages of this history will recall the one Month ^................................................................... oral state of 'under housing. It gave to the cities of this tragedy at “ Battle Rock,” June tenth, 1851, and later '1 aree____ _________„ » M o n th ............................................................................................ s ................................................................................................ — country an artificial appearance of great prosperity. along the Coquelle river. These troubles along the coast Six Months 3.50 i . ne Year ................................................................................................. People thought in terms of the new houses that were be­ were practically coincident with the campaign about Table DISPLAY ADVERTISING RATES ing constructed. They saw the carpenters busy, at high Rock and along Rogue river. The brutal acts of the sav­ $ .30 f .n g le In se rtio n , pe? in ch .................................................... prices. They saw the new tracts opened, the new houses ages about Port Orford and the Coquelle river were of Y early C ontracts .2 7 % with their fineness of architecture. They thought in such a character that they**could not be over-looked, P n e in se rtio n a w eek ................................................................. ........ .25 *t wo In se rtio n s a w eek .......................................................................... hence a detachment under Lieutenant Colonel Casey, was terms of more and more furniture sales. .20 b a lly in sertion ......................................................................................... R ates for L egal and M isceUaneous A dvertising All to the good. • sent to punish them. Dividing'his small force into two F irs t In se rtio n , p e r 8 p o in t lin e ...................................................... > .10 But what we did not think of was, in the fact of mr bodies, the commander proceeded to the forks of the Co­ .05 Betty Compson. and Huntley Gordon in the James Cruxe production Knch s u b s e q u e n t in s e rtio n , 8 p o in t lin e quelle, and near the locality now called Myrtle Point he » a rd of T h a n k s ............................-........................................................... L00 ! derhousing, the great number .of people who were living /The Enemy Sex * A Paramount Picture 02% voltuaries, per line in undesirable and unkempt houses aud apartments. There attacked a hand of natives, who, retreating from the one At the VINING—SUNDAY and MONDAY WHAT CONSTITUTES ADVERTISING was underhousing because all the older edifices were detachment, ran into the other and were severely punish­ “ A ll f u tu r e e v e n ts, w h e re a n a d m issio n c h a rg e is m ad e o r a in use. Men had to have places to live, and they took ed. This was in the fall of 1851. The very difficulties en­ collection ta k e n Is A d v e rtisin g . N o d isc o u n t w ill be allo w ed R e lig io u s o r B e n e v o len t o rd e rs. what they could get. Their choice was determined only countered at Port Orford Coquelle aud Coos Bay, resulted W e stfir — W e ste rn L um ber in a rapid acquisition of information in regard to the C om pany w ill begin sa w in g op­ DONATIONS by the relative size of their pocketbooks. A family was in No d o n a tio n s to c h a ritie s o r o th e rw ise w ill be m ad e in a d v e rtis ­ e ra tio n s d u rin g J a n u a r y . luck to get a place to live, if it had the money. At the country directly on the coast. The parties in escaping ing o r Job p r in tin g — o u r c o n trib u tio n s w ill be in cash . lower fringe of financial ability, people were living int*fom Port Orford passed up the const to the Umpqua O a k la n d — Oil sh o w in g s r e ­ river and informed the settlers of the character of coun­ p o rte d from L eep er dom e, w est tents or in the great open spaces. THE YEARS FLY BY try they had traversed and the important discovery of of O a k la n d . Now that is changed. It is one of life’s compensations that, as we grow old­ S p rin g fie ld — C itizen s give In the course of a year or two building caught up Coos Bay, which in their judgment offered the'very facil­ $1500 fo r c h ild re n ’s farm hom e Í er, we become more indifferent to time. The hours fly, because we have no longer the interest in them that we with demand, and of its own momentum, even went be­ ities that explorers along the coast desired. They told also a t C o rv allis. of the splendid forests and rich valleys, and within a short had in youth. Months pass as days did. Occasionally the yond. People wlio before had lived in tents found shacks. time explorations commenced from the Umpqua toward oldsters among 'us show a passing regret that things were SAFE FOR CHILDREN the south. The direct communication .between Port Or Those who had been in shacks found cottages.- Those who M o th e rs e v e ry w h e re d e m a n d a ; not with us as they used to be, but there is little depth and. ford and the outside world was by water to San Francisco re lia b le ebugh rem ed y fre e from less sincerity to this. Either we are beginning to grow before had a poor choice in cottages could become a little in ju rio u s n a rc o tic s. S u p p ly in g th is and Portland and most of thq earlier arrivals were from weary of this life, and look forward to another, with new more self satisfied in their results. Homes, being a matter d e m a n d fo r fifty y e a rs m ad e FO ­ those points. All efforts to establish direct communica­ adventures and new satisfactions in a world to come, or of choice, could be a matter of pride and of care. L E Y ’S H O N EY AND TA R COM­ And at the same time, in the social choice between tion between Port Orford and the interior failed until POUND one of th e L a rg e s t S ell­ we are just weary, and let it go at that. It is to the youth, who has much time, that time is renting and owning, the family acquired a chance to own many years afterward when the Coos Bay and Roseburg ing C ough M edicines in th e orld. C h ild re n lik e it. “ My very precious. It is in youth, when there are so many if it pleased on terms that it could more nearly make its road was built. This road did not reach Port Orford but W little boy h a d a v e ry bad cough, did reach Coos Bay, from which a road crossed the Isth­ days ahead, that each day thrusts out an arresting arm, own. an d a f te r he used F O L E Y 'S [t Can't The results may have been hard at times on owners mus to the Coquelle river, thence down that stream by H O NEY AND TA R COMPOUND because it will never return, and demands that we make use of it. The days drag, because they are full of oppor­ of real estate, on landlords, on material men, on builders. navigation to its mouth and wagon road thence along the he got re lie f a t on ce,” w rite s M rs. Leak tunity, of hope, of thrill, of passion, of. resentments, of But it was a healthy swing in the seesaw of social con­ beach for a number of miles, to the neighborhood of V an B elle. P e n ro y , M ont. R efu se Because Floras creek, where it leaves the beach, entering the s u b s titu te s . Sold ev e ry w h ere . struction. unfulfilled desire, of keenly felt wants. And when again we reach a condition where more forest and through it for a number of miles to Port Or­ Look! One Hundred per it’s Made So, if you are or think your are of those to whom the in One Piece world is ever young and you are “ just as young as I was quantity building is required, as well as quality, housing ford. *As yet there has beefl no direct road from Port Or­ Cent Profit. ford to the interior? Therefore the history of the coast­ 20 years ago” you can easily test yourself. Do not feel will have reached a new standard of convenience and of B uy one o r m o re F u r R a b b its. And one piece o f «olidly line and the interior will have to be pursued each in its P ric e $30.00. No “ Ponzie moulded rubber through­ vour muscles, to discover whether they can* knot as they financial adjustment. S ch em e.” L e g itim a te in d u stry . out. T hat’s why it’s sol­ own separate place. C a n ’t fail. W e b reed , ra ise , did once. Do not think young thoughts and be satisfied idly guaranteed not to sell and send p ro fit a n n u a lly (To be Continued) Nobody yet knows who will be chairman of the Sen­ leak—your money back that you are still young. These tilings can deceive—de­ g u a ra n te e in g 100 p er cen t. if it does. C o n tra c t s e n t on re c e ip t of ceive pitiably at 50 as well as at 20. The real test is ate commtitee on party loyalty. Air Bus for Commuters m oney. M oney hack if not Pupils Take Teacher’s to know whether tomorrow is to be as rich for you as each; ---------------------- a tis fie d . L im ite d o p p o rtu n ity . Now Proposed in Paris Car to Enjoy Thrills s Send m oney to d a y ; to m o rro w tomorrow was when you were 21. Will it have as many; A cynic is one who trades faith for doubt and fool m ay he too Hate. B uy from P A R IS . J a n . 3. — An “ a e ro - lingering minutes’ Will you he just as eaeger to get past' ishly calls it wisdom. W IC H IT A , K a n ., J a n . 3. — McNair Brothers th is a d v e rtis e m e n t. b u / ’ is b e in g p ro je c te d as th e T ire d of school life an d d e s irin g a TULSA F I R FARM tomorrow with its tasks, to the next day, with its rewards f T ulsa, Okia. b est so lu tio n of th e c o m m u tin g “ flin g a n d a th r i ll ,” tw o boys and Drug, M art c as when you were “ ever panting and ever young Pioneering in Southern Oregon pro b lem in P a ris . A lin e b etw een tw o g irls, a ll a b o u t fo u rte e n y e a rs th e city a n d S a in t D enis h a s b e e n ! old and m em b ers of a g ra d e by C. B. Watson NIL NISI VERUM DE MORTUIS p la n n e d , a n d if it w o rk s o u t su c ­ school ‘h e re , sto le a n a u to m o b ile c e ssfu lly te n m o re lin es, r a d ia tin g b elo n g in g to th e ir te a c h e r a n d There is an admonition, more honored in the breach (Continued front December 30) fro m th e p rin c ip a l g a te s o f P a ris s ta r te d o u t fo r K a n s a s C ity, a c ­ than in the observance, that one should “ live each day as However great a value the Governor placed on his to im p o rta n t su b u rb s , w ill be c o rd in g to a s to ry to ld police by though it were to be one’s last.” It is a fine sentiment, treaty accomplishments, those who had had large exper­ b u ilt. one of th e boys, w ho “ g ot s c a re d ” and may have helped to jog up someone to better conduct, ience with the Indians were agreed that the result would T h e s u p e rs tru c tu re to c a rry th e a n d ju m p e d o u t of th e c a r a fte r but taken literally it is arrant nonsense, as are most prov­ be only a temporary lull, and, at best, would only effect c a rs, w’hich w ill be d riv e n by a e ro ­ it h a d gone a few m iles. erbs if taken too literally. Such a plan of life would mean those who had actually signed the treaty. Soon after this p lan e p ro p e lle rs a n d w eigh a n y ­ W a rre n S p eer, w ho “ g o t s c a r­ fro m fo u r to tw elv e to n s, e d ” a n d ju m p e d , r e tu r n e d • to that there would be no plans in life, we would truly “ eat, affair the office of Goverabr and Superintendent of Indian a w c h c ere o rd in g to d iffe re n t r e p o rts , w ill school a n d to ld h is te a c h e r of th e drink and be sad, for tomorrow we die.” Affairs were separated and a Superintendent in the per­ be m ad e of ste e l, w ith th e s u sp e n ­ a ffa ir. H e sa id th e y h a d p lan n e d But there is a suggestion that might go along with son of Dr. Anson Dart was appointed. Judge A. A. Skin­ sion r a il fo u rte e n m e te rs above to d riv e to K a n sa s City. T h e o th e r this one, of more social value, and more nearly true to ner was appointed Indian Agent for the Southern part th e g ro u n d . T h e c a rs w ill c a rry c h ild re n a re D o ro th e a Ix io n h a rt, Satisfaction Guaranteed or Monev Back fro m six ty to 100 p a s se n g e rs a n d fo u rte e n ; H azel H u ll, fo u rte e n , a plan of life. That rule would be to of the Territory of Oregon, and at once entered upon the w ill m ak e n in e ty trip s a d ay, a t a n d L ew is H o m an , fifte e n , „ “ Do sim p ly th is : O rd e r a load of D iam ond B riq u e ts “ Think of every’ great man as though he were al­ discharge of his duties as such. Judge Skinner had occu­ th e r a te of one fra n k fo r th e from us o r one of th e d e a le rs listed below . T h is load w ill be ready dead.” d e liv e re d w ith th e d is tin c t u n d e rs ta n d in g th a t it m u st prove pied the position of Federal Judge and was a man of abil­ ro u n d trip . Theft of Diphtheria e n tire ly s a tis fa c to ry in y o u r ow n hom e aud a c co rd in g to y o u r Of course, this would be too great a strain on human ity and probity. He was lionest and conscientious and ow n ju d g m e n t— o th e rw ise th e re m a in in g D iam ond B riq u e ts Culture Puzzles Police nature. will be rem o v ed from y o u r bin a n d y o u r e n tire p u rc h a se price was successful in ingraciating himself in the confidence Husband Deserted Her c h e e rfu lly re fu n d e d . 16 Times, She Declares W ILM IN G TO N , J a n . 2. — But think of what it would mean, in giving justice to and friendship with the Indians. Soon after Skinner had “ W e a re th u s w illin g to m ee t you a g e n e ro u s h a lf way. the men who are conspicuous in the public service! C u sto m e rs a re n o t a sk ed to ex p erim en t.* W e ta k e th e risk entered on his duties and while the Governor’s treaty was W A SH IN G T O N , J a n . 3. — H e r P ro x im ity of th e police fa ile d to an d th e loss sh o u ld you feel th e y a re n o t up to y o u r expec­ Think of tlie honors that are heaped on Gompers, now in force, a number of white settlers entered upon the ter­ h u sb a n d a b a n d o n e d h e r a n d th e ir p r e v e n t 'th e th e f t of a n u m b e r of ta tio n s . Can you w rite a m o re s tr a ig h tf o rw a r d p lan by w hich c u ltu r e tu b e s u sed by ph y sician s that he is dead. Think of the kindly words of praise for ritory set apart for the Indians and located Donation c h ild re n on six te e n d is tin c t ac- D iam ond B riq u e ts, th e b ig g est se llin g lu m p coal in th e P a ­ in th e tr e a tm e n t o f d ip th e ria . T he cific N o rth w e st, can becom e kn o w n to th o se w ho do not use his zeal, for his unswerving perseverance in a cause, for Claim thereon. This, of course, was a violation of the casio n s, a lle g e s M rs. P e a rl E . tu b e s w ere sto le n fro m a la b o ra ­ th e m ? If you can, we a re an x io u s to le a rn of it an d p u t it his tolerance, for his breadth of judgment, for his wide treaty with the Indians, aud they were not slow to resent O’B rien , w ho filed s u it in th e D is­ to ry d ire c tly o v er th e h e a d q u a r­ in to o p e ra tio n .” tr ic t C o u rt a g a in s t E d m u n d J. te r s of t h e police in th e P u b lic vision, for his constructive ability. These things were all it. Judge Skinner interposed in behalf of the treaty rights O’B rien fo r a lim ite d div o rce a n d Above is what the Portland dealers—about 30 B u ild in g . true a year ago, a decade ago, but they were not said, of the Indians and did all he could to prevent these settle­ alim o n y . T h e only e n ra n c e to th e la b o ra ­ in number—offer to do, and we will do the same. even though they were known. A few years ago, those ments and tried to prevail on the settlers to abandon their P la in tif f a lso a lle g e s n o n -su p ­ to ry a f te r m id n ig h t is th ro u g h who praised him at all, praised in extravagant terms; claims and choose other locations, of which there were p o rt a n d c ru e lty a n d d e c la re s t h a t th e police ro llro o m , a n d how th e those who did not praise, blamed in vehement language. many valuable ones available. By this time the discovery on one occasion d e fe n d a n t “ b e a t th ie f g o t in a n d o u t is puzzling a n d c h o k e d h e r .” T h ey w e re m a r ­ For when a man lives, and Amounts to something, at Rich Gulcli had been made and the rush of settlers rie d a t A le x a n d ria , V a., J u ly 20, th e polize. Carson-Fowjer Lbr. Co. everything that is said of him takes on a propagandist and miners was on. Skinner was faithful to the Indians 1918, a n d h a v e th re e c h ild re n , “In th e H eart o f Tow n’’ in T he ’s a m essa g e note. Think today how few, for instance, who do not be­ but the whites disregarded all of his protestation^ and see­ w hose c u sto d y is re q u e s te d by th e T id T in h e g re s W a n t Ads. lieve with La Follette are able to give credit to him for ing that he could accomplish nothing to avoid the trouble p lain tiff. those qualities of mind and of character that have made which seemed inevitable, lie resigned and left. The In­ Names Twins him the political force he has been. Think of how few dians had formed a real affection for their Agent aud Legislature of One of Its Members One Hundred and Fourteenth Half Yearly Report of his followers can express, even though they can see, strongly lamented his going. The Governor’s treaty, as J E F F E R S O N CITY , Mo., J a n . the limitations that Would temper a judgment of him. But was prophesied by many proved an utter failure. 3. — T h e G re a t A ssem bly of let La Follette die and tomorrow the editorial columns of Those who had seen aud formed a great liking for M issouri, on le a rn in g t h a t R e p re ­ the daily papers and scores of weeklies and monthlies Rogue River valley and others who were told about it as s e n ta tiv e J o b h a d becom e thia I LATCkV THE SAN F R A N C IS C O SA V IN G S ANO LOAN S O C I E T Y ) would have obituaries that would be the sudden sober a most desirable place for settlement and home building, g r a n d f a th e r of tw in g irls on F e b ­ sense of years of contact with this man through the agency came in increasing numbers after the gold rush com­ r u a r y 22, p assed a r e s o lu tio n th a t SA V I N O S C O M M C A C tA U INCORPORATED FEBRUARY 10th, 1868. th e tw o m isses be n a m e d M a rth a of the news. menced. Of course many of these settlers were anxious One o f th e Oldest Banks in California, True, there is a certain biographical fervor in writ­ to observe the Governor’s treaty stipulations with the*In­ a n d G eo rg ia in h o n o r of G eorge tbs A m M s of which have i Tor been In e rt used by m ergers o r c m w o lld a tlu o i w ith o th e r H a n ks. M a rth a W a sh in g to n . ing of the dead. But it comes nearer to the truth than dians,, and to adopt a course that would avoid open rup­ a n d T hey M em ber Aaeodated Saviogs Banka of San Prandeco w e re so n am ed . would be any critique, sympathetic or caustic, made of ture, but a few reckless men who looked upon the Indian Z ■ 526 CALIFORNIA STREET, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA > him alive. as a creature having no rights they were bound to respect DECEMBER 31st, 1924 conducted themselves in such a manner as to provoke re­ Assets— z WHERE ADVERSITY HELPS HOUSING prisals by that element among the tribes that could not Faulty Brakes United States Bonds and Notes, State, Municipal and Other Bonds and S ecu rities (total value $26,500,851.63), standing on books at.............................. $24,248,711.53 We have before us, in one aspect of our current bus­ be controlled by the chiefs who councelled a course that cause a large, per cent of Loans o n R eal E state, secured by first mortgages.................................... — . . . . . -------- . 62373,112.37 iness, an illustration of the value of adversity. . f . 1,084,312.23 would promote peace Lawless acts were perpetrated by the accidents. You can he Loans on Bonds and Stocks and other Securities.................................. f** Bank B u ild in gs an d L ots, main and branch offices (value $1,700,000.00) One of the last of public social factors to be reached the reckless elements on both sides until soon a reign of assured of less accidents 1.00 standing on books at.........................„....................................................... out for by the communist instinct is municipal housing. terror prevailed. It was claimed that there were several because of the brakes if 100 O ther R eal E state (value $85,000.00), standing on books at ..............._— _____________________ __________________________________________ _____a 100 E m ployees’ P ension Fund (value $461,746.52) standing on books at„ For the most part, the opportunity of the houseless man white desperados who had joined the Indians and were you have Cash on hand and checks on Federal Reserve and other B a n k s . . — :........" 9,011,031.36 to get shelter, in exchange for his wages or salary or leading small parties on forays, and when it was sought to .. »$96,917,170.69 RAYBESTOS BRAKE other income, is at the mercy of the landlord. True, in a catch them they, went into the mountain fastnesses with L iabilities— • LINING lew of the most congested cities there are radical under­ which they were familiar aud the whites were not. When ... $92,917,170.69 Due Depositors.... ....... 1,000,000.00 Capital Stock actually paid up........ takings to provide municipal control over housing. Tt we look about us now and witness the acts of lawlessness We can give you instant 3,000,000.00 Reserve and Contingent Funds.... has been done to some extent in London and Glasgow and in the very midst of what we call civilization we need not service on this work. . ............. ........ ..... $96,917,170.69 Total.. a few other European cities. In New York alone, per- be surprised if the stories of white desperados leading A..H. MULLER, Secretary. GEO. TO UR NY , President Laps, in the United States, has there been any attempt on red desperados was true. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 31st day of December, 1934. the part of the public to regulate rent and the conditions Soon after the treaty was made complaints commenc­ Automotive Shop SEAL CHAS. F. DUISENBERG, Notary Public. of leased dwellings. We leave to private enterprise the ed to be circulated that the Cow Creek Indians were com­ A Dividend to Depositors of FOUR AND ONE-QUARTER ( 4 / 4 ) P®r cent per terms and the conditions of housing. The condition of the mitting depredations. These Indians had not signed the A 1925 Nash Roadster annum was declared, Interest COMPUTED MONTHLY and COMPOUNDED money market, the tax rate, the price of building mater­ treaty and miners and small parties along the California will be on display at our QUARTERLY, ials, the state of flie skilled labor market, the compara­ trail were in constant danger. Lieutenant Irvin of the showroom within a few AND WHICH MAY BE WITHDRAWN QUARTERLY tive demands for building in one part of the country or regular army was kidnapped by two Indians and a days. Deposits made on or before January 10th, 1925, will earn interest from.January 1st, 1925. another—seeing that skilled craftsmen can usually move Frenchman, taken into the forest, tied to a tree, tortured ________________________ (E stab lish ed in 1 8 7 6 ) ________________ __ __ ANILEE L Diamond Briquets THE SAN FRANCISCO BANK