ASHLAND CLIMATE W ithout the use of medicine cures nine cases out of ten of asthma. This is a proven fact. VOL. XLVIII MALARIA GERMS Cannot survive three months in the rich ozone at Ashland. Pure domestic water helps. The Tidings Has. Been Ashland’s Leading Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years iIn tern atio n al News W*jr« Service) Successor to. the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Volume 43 ASHLAND, OREGON, SATURDAY, J ANUARY 3 1925 WOMAN’S PLACE IS IN HOME DECLARES JUDGE TWELVE YEAR OLD RAIL 8 ■----------- a In STRIKE COMES TO END JERSEY CITY Jan. 3. 8 t: » — A wife cannot spend all --------- » n 8 8 her time with her m other xt BANGOR, Maine, Jan. 8 8 3. — A sympathetic strike, 8 8 back home” and refuse to 8 8 which for 12 years has » 8 rejoin her husband after 8 8 prevented the Bangor and « 8 he has pleaded with her to 8 . « Aroostook railroad from 8 « retu rn and expect to find 8 ! » operating its trains over 8 « anj^ sym pathy in a divorce 8 8 the tracks of the Maine « court, according to a ru l­ 8 8 B°*rd of Control Will be « ing made by Vice-Chan­ Central railroad, was de­ 8 i t 8 Publishers Are Victorious in Held in Hands of Demo­ 8 cellor Fielder. clared at an end Jan. 1. 8 8 ; Statements Concerning Wil- 8 Hard Fight to Prevent crats After Monday When 150 engines and 8 8 Mrs. Beula Wood is the 8 > son now Running in Mag- Î 8 trainm en of the Bangor 8 Equal Sums Must be Paid Postal Rate Raise » wife. The husband is 8 Britain if America Is to azine Hit CERTAIN OF REMOVALS « George L. Wood, a marine 8 I ! 8 and Aroostook went out 8 Receive Payment 8 on strike in 1912 the 8 « engineer, of Jersey City. 8 NEW BILL IS DRAFTED Sup erinten dent o f S tate Training TO ASK INVESTIGATION « Maine Central union men 8 « He told the Court his wife 8 Believed Increase to be Placed on School and Superintendent of -------- 8 refused to handle connect­ 8 AMERICA 7 s NOTIFIED » had returned to her folks 8 R epresentative Reid lid ia r e s Ar- Parcel P ast and R ural Free Old Soldiers H om e to Go 8 ing line trains. This ban 8 « in Newburgh, N. Y., and 8 tlcles W eakening C onfidence Delivery Mail Department« 8 has been enforced until 8 England to Force Paym ents from » th a t try as he did she re­ 8 France W hen liq u id a tin g of o f P eople in P resident 8 today when the Maine 8 SALEM, Jan. 3. — Three « fused to retu rn to Jersey 8 D ebts to Am erica Starts WASHINGTON. J an 3 __ 8 Central changes In the personnel of state » City. declared th e 8 8 WASHINGTON, Jan. 3. 8 sympatheic strike would 8 officials will take place here next » The Vice - Chancellor 8 President Coolidge today put his LONDON. Jan. 3— It was a n ­ Legislation which is designed to 8 not longer be recognized. official approval upon the com­ Monday In compliance with a de­ u granted Wood a decree 8 8 protect the memory of dead i 8 No opposition is anticipat­ 8 nounced at the office of Prime which tre e of the voters a t the general a and dismissed a cross pe­ 8 promise postal rate bill Minister Baldwin .here this after Presidents of the United States 8 ed from the union, offic­ election November 5. 8 8 tition for divorce filed by 8 was drafted by the postal com­ against any “ Malicious defam a­ 8 ials said. m ittee of Congress after a long Probably the most im portant « Mrs. Wood. 8 noon that Great Britain will re­ « tion’’ or “ slander” was today in­ 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 tain its firm stand on its policy or these changes will affect the 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 conference yesterday afternoon. 8 troduced into the House of Rep­ The P resid en t’s approval of the th at France, in liquidating its etate treasury departm ent. This lower rates was adopted a fte r the resentatives by Representative office will pass into the hands of war debts, shall pay to England, Reid, Republican of Illinois, in powerful newspaper publishers’ 1 homas B. Kay, republican, who sums equal to those France pays a bill which would make any de- associations of the country pro­ will succeed Jefferson Myers, to the United States. gratory rem arks, statem ents of tested against, the proposed in­ democrat. Mr. Myers was ap­ This viewpoint has been “in­ articles about dead Presidents if creases, was the sentim ent voiced pointed state treasu rer by Gov­ formally com m unicated’ to the untrue, punishable by severe jail by Senator Moses, Republican of ernor Pierce to fill the vacancy United States’ government. Bald- sentences and fines. New H am pshire, ch airm at of a caused by the death of O. P. Hoff win announced to newspaper men At the same time th at lie in­ special sub committee which held and has served less than a year. who interviewed him. He stated troduced the bill mentioned, Reid all hearings on the postal bill. The office of state treasu rer is that while Great Britain will not also introduced a resolution into Nort h om ers Handed The President told Moses th a t considered doubly im portant in A ppropriation of $50,000 Will be Short End demand that France consider Eng- the House calling for a thorough he believed the new bill would o f « 2 -» Score by F ighting I land a favored nation, it will not th a t this official is a member of Asked to be Used in Building ■ « K : ' ^ d T ' c K s ra„ fM.'S, ‘n,vs everyone in Ashland, of money belonging to him. situations, as the result of the officials here today charged th a t calllna CROTON, N. Y., Jan. 3. — Re_ wh£le as,eeP. and were burned th«» ♦ ------ biggest game of the year. As a Dr. G. W. Dwinnel, and other and we surely miss Ashland as recent session of the ju ry and attem pts were made Thursday ) hna i'*"“ ,g „ h 1 • tWO otber airplanes jn their bed's. warmup tussle, the Ashland Elks leading men of Montague have a whole, clim ate, etc., and are the retu rn by it of 19 indictm ents m orning to dynamite the police! separate accidents i ---------- “ seDarat* will take on the high school facul- secured more than the legally re­ GAS LINE IS CAUSE I counting on the time when we against alleged purveyors of al­ — where ---- - --------- '»«*««-. »a Jan. 3- Ray- ty team. We have hopes th a t the quired names to the petition, TOLEDO, O hio./ OF BOAT EXPLOSION coholic beverages a t Weed and station and the residence of th e io L r» Croton o a short way - from can beat it hack where the C reat­ city recorder. T raffic officer! lt_H T “ a ’" Uel H’ T u rn er- U n-!m ond, 4, and Bernice Solark, 7 Elks do something to perm anent­ which will be subm itted to the Shastina recently, according to Talent said th a t he surprised two o r has smiled upon the country. 68 A rm y> feH- 2000 feet were early th ’s morning burned ly disable L. C. Forsythe’s trig board of supervisors a t th a t body’s BELLINGHAM, Wash., Jan. 3. rum ors in Yreka. recently, Judge Anderson and to death in their home near here.j ger finger- And I believe, when we come, we — A leaky gas line today caused men near the station, and when first meeting in January, when E. R. P ritch ett of Tennant and he flashed a light on them they will drag along some of our an explosion which damaged the i t 8.1? 6™8 expresse<1 the op-¡They were apparently trapped by! The llneuP aDd 8COre ot last the regularity of the petition will friends, for we have them all private yacht, "Elkw ood” belong­ R. S. Green of Dunsm uir are the ran. A terrific explosion follow -/ Inion th a t Croton has an “air the flames and unable to make n ig h t’s game follows: be passed on. smoked up on the good qualities ing to Fred Wood, president of deputies who have been discharg­ ed near the station. He believes tra p .” N ew berg (Ö) their escape from the blazing Ash,and <02 > As soon as the petition is ap­ of the Rogue River Valley. the Wood Lum ber Company of ed. It was said th a t P ritch ett the charge of dynam ite was car- ' j Like Turner, the other aviators building. proved, It will be subm itted to “ I went into New York last this city to the extent of $25,000. was dismissed for alleged disloy­ ried away from th e building and escaped with only minor injuries. B utterfield (25) (2) Renne W. F. McClure, state engineer, and insubordination to dropped by the men in their week, and the wind cut like a Two workmen, doing repair work alty F for his approval, which is expect­ knife and wa,* most disagreeable. on the vessel narrow ly escaped Sheriff Calkins and for being a flight. About rue same time thè PARADE FEATURES boy is INJURED Marske (15) ed to be given within a short (2) Hanville This morning I walked to town with their lives by jum ping into member of the Kian, although Kellog family was awakened by time after the board has passed OF INAUGURATION Allen Prescott seriously cut his Calkins will neither confirm nor th eir dog. An investigation show­ and nearly froze, though the sun the bay, when their clothing (2) Everest on the regularity of the petition, knee when hunting in the hills Bryant (13) deny the report. Green is said to ed th a t four sticks of dynamite, was shining brightly and I did not caught fire after becoming sat­ WASHINGTON, Jan. 3. — and at the first m eeting of the O yesterday for a pole with which to have been discharged because his with the fuse burned alm ost to suspect it would be cold. When urated with gasoline. There will be an old fashioned supervisors in February the final Ramsey (7) (0) Switzer Put up an aerial for his radio. services a t a daned pavilion a t the cap before it went out, “had inauguration /parade on March 4 He was taken immediately to the hearing a a to perm anent bound­ I got down town I was so cold Dunsmuir were no longer requir­ been placed near the residence. in this city, with a march of dele­ ary lines will be held. I had to buy a m uffler, though I Here Yesterday— hospital where the wound was K atzer (0) ed. No new. apointm ents have Mayor Miller charges persons a t­ (2) Phillips Mr. Homewood and son, for­ have five or six at home. These routine details complet­ Substltutolns: Wilson (2 ) for been announced by the sheriff’s tem pting retaliation fo r the en­ gations from all the states, it was cared for. He is reported to be indicated today following the ap­ improving although he is still Marske: Baird. ed, the bounds will be prepared, “ Best wishes to everybody in m er Ashland residents now liv­ office. (1 ) for Renne; forcem ent of the speed laws. ing at Eugene were in Ashland pointm ent of W illiam Galligher, confined to the hospital. A shland.“ approved and placed on the m ar­ Best for Switzer; Renne for yesterday on business. local banker, as chairm an of the Classified Ads Bring Resalts Tidings Want Ads bring results Baird; Switzer for Best; Best for ket, and as soon as the money has inauguration committee. been deposited construction will Tidings Want Ads are go-getters Switzer; Baird for Best. begin. CHANGES TO BE MADE IN STATE O FFICES SOON COOLIDGE GIVES APPROVAL FOR NEW RATE BILL Cleared by Investigation IS INTRODUCED TO STOP ARTICLES FRENCH DEBTS ASHLAND FIVE EASY Of F B STATE TO BE ASKED S TA TE EIBSI PRIZE WITH OF GIRL IS FOUND IN OF 10 DEATH IN FIBES II GIG WATER PROJECT IÎH f CENTER GRUELLE WRITES BE GRIPPING EHE EAST TWO DEPUTIES ABE flBED BE SHERIFF CALKINS A Í YREKA DYNAMITE A W E MADE AT GOLD HILT