Vriâ«), jahùâiy Á s f i t m ô À itŸ t i m o « PAOÊ UÖfcft ièM — JAY UPTON BOOM FOR FORMER RESIDENT OF PORTLAND MAY GET Mfs. M. F. W ight of Seattle, ar-, c W y is dead in south Mrs. Bessie K. Hibbs of Oak-: G. M. Green of this city was, a VETERAN HOSPITAL GOVERNOR LAUNCHED this^ rived in Ashland last night to at- land who has been visiting for business visitor in Medford WASHINGTON, Jan . 2. —- BEND, Jan. 2. — H. D earm ond,, tend the funeral of her brother, three weeks w ith h er parents, Mr.! morning. W ord has been received here George ’ Anderson, whose death A fter a long discussion of the an attorney of this city, W ednes­ and Mrs. R. King of this city will hospital situation with General day unofficially launched a Jay of the death of Charles Bevier retu rn to her home tomorrow. Files and Blankbooks.— McNair occurred yesterday morning. Hines, chief of the veteran's bur- Upton boom for the Republican ! of San Diego formerly of this Bros. eau, Senator McNary today a n - 1 nomination for the governorship city, December 24. Mr. Bevier Remember Lininger Dairy still ASSISTANT ATTORNEY nounced th a t he fee^s assured th a t of Oregon in an open letter pub­ was a form er resident of G ranite sells th a t good milk at 10c qt. Duck H unting— Stated Session IS FIRED BY STONE Portland will be recommended as lished in this city. Upton is at street and was a prom inent mem­ Phone 396R. 100— tt Fred Taylor and E. M. Biden H iilah Tem ple ber of the G. A. R. He has a of Medford are upending a few M asonic Hull WASHINGTON, Jan . 2. — the site for a general hospital be­ present president of the s ta te ; number of friends in this city. i days in the K lam ath region duck W’a lte r Van Riper, assistant Un­ fore the house committee. Hines senate. Stated session, Friday evening At («rants P ass— .expressed the belief th a t P o rt­ Mrs. H. G. Enders journeyed hunting. ited States attorney for the state Jan. 2. Im portant business includ­ to G rants Pass Tuesday evening of New Jersey was today removed land is the proper site for the ing annual election of officers. hospital. Congressman Johnson of -Mc- from office by A ttorney General Masonic Hall, 7:30 o’clock. Re­ and is visiting at the home of Supplies for the office. South Dakota, chairm an of the Mrs. C. E. Roy. Stone. The .action was taken freshm ents afterw ards. NaiV Bros. W orld W ar V eteran Committee I after Van Riper refused to submit P. B. HERMAN, Potentate. of the House has the same opin- ‘ fo u are welcome to compare R eturns to W ork— , his resignation at the request of W. H. DAY, Recorder. 102-2t ion, and has promised C ongress-! nay Automobile rates with any Homer Billings who has been the A ttorney General, who charg­ other rates In Jackson or Jose­ confined to his home with mumps ed him with “ gross disregard for man W atkins of Oregon th a t his A shland Lodge No. 2 3 bill for this appropriating of half phine Counties; you can be the returned to work this morning. his governm ent duties.” A. F . & A . M. a million dollars Tor such a hos­ .udge. Phone 21. Yeo, of course. pital be taken up w ithin th irty Funeral services of th e late Fishing— NOTRE DAME WILL NOT days. George N. Anderson, who died In In A shland— M artin Real, Mr. Hughes, PLAY ANOTHER GAME Ibis city, Jan. 1, will be held at -Mr. and Mrs. Dan Davis and j Franklin and M attem journeyed Masonic Hall on Sunday a fte r­ little ‘daughter of Klam ath Falls LOS ANGELES, Jan. 2.— “ The COURT SAYS LIQUOR to Rogue river yesterday fishing. noon at 2 o’clock. Interm ent in are spending the holidays with football season is over,” declared SIEZED WITHOUT A They reported the usual luck. the Mausoleum. Members of the Mrs. Davis’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Coach Rockne today in refuting WARRANT NO GOOD Order and friends of the family C. E. H urst of th is city. to reports th a t a game is being Im proving— r.re invited to attend. SALEM, Jan. 2. — The state i Mrs. H. A. Stearns who has arranged hetween Notre Dame and * S. A. PETERS, Jr. W. M. Shanghai Chop Suey, Hongkon the University of California, to supreme court today handed down ! W. H. DAY, Secy. 103— I t Noodles, Chinese style, 248 2nd been confined to her home with be held on Jan u ary 10. “Notre the decision th a t liquor which is s tre e t“ between B and A streets, mumps for the past week is im­ Dame came to the Pacific Coast seized w ithout a search w arrant, N ew Car— Saturday and Sunday open 8 to proving rilowly. for one game only and I am ta k ­ over the protest of the owner George Ross of E nder’s Com­ 9. O ther days, 8 to 8. 97-1 mo. ing the boys back to th eir studies cannot be used as evidence against R esign s P osition — pany has purchased a Nash sedan and we’ll m eet no other western the owner. The decision reverses J. W. Powell has resigned his through the Automotive Shop. Office Supplies. McNair Bros. eleven,” Rockne said. the court in the case of the state position in the Plaza M arket and The N otre Dame players, al­ versus F. McCaniel of Benton is taking a short rest. Cliff Payne makes brackets. In A shland— though badly battered were today county. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mack of ju b ilan t over th eir 27-0 victory Born— Hilt have been spending the holi­ H ere Today— . over Stanford. Stuhldreher, star To Mr. and Mrs. Mdrtie E. days at the home of Mrs. Mack’s Mr. and Mrs. T C. Newby of q u arter back broke a sm an bone TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY Akeyson of 311 W imer street, parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. H. C entral Point were in Ashland to -1 in his ankle in the game, but * _ December 27, a girl. day on business.’ LOST:— Bunch of keys in case. W alker. continued to plgy throughout. Finder please bring to So. Ore. FR EE— All wool suits $18.75— 103-3t Bromo-Quinine for colds, 30c. G one to E u gene— LYNN SLACK B R E A K S ANKLE Gas Co. Reward. E xtra pants FREE, at Paulserud’s. — McNair Bros. * Miss Laura Prescott who has LOST: — Small purse between 101— tf been working at the local tele­ Lynn Slack, employee a t the L aurel stre et and P ark. Finder C hancellor H ere — phone office has resigned Jier po­ Southern Pacific yards broke his leave a t Tidings office. 103-2* V isitin g H ere— t . H. J. Hickerson, district deputy sition and left this m orning for right ankle yesterday when he Mrs. Jessie Sutton of Modoc grand chancellor of the K nights the University of Oregon to a t­ FOR RENT: — Three-room jumped off the car he was icing. p olnt is visiting friends and rela­ of Pythias, will meet with the tend school this w inter. The leg has been put In a cast furnished apartm ent, on ground tives in this city. local lodge this evening. Mr. and Slack is reported as doing floor, paved street, three blocks Hickerson will rem ain here and V isitin g H e r e - nicely. from post office. Phone 4 32Y or Special Auto Accident Policy in Medford for a week assisting in 40. 103— tf I UcxJ Ut=J UcsJ Uc Alvin W heeler and wife of Iri- $5.00 a year. Phone 21. Yeo a membership campaign. gon, Oregon, who have been in o f course. 24-tf OBITUARY Ashland visiting at the home of G. N. Anderson, son of the late P aulserud’s clean clothes the Mr. W heeler’s parents, Mr. and » In San Francisco— E. K. and Mrs. A nderson,’ died odorless way. Phone 119. 98— tf Mrp. M. W. W heeler returned to at the home of his sister. Mrs. Marcus Woods and George Gil­ th eir home yesterday. Mr, W heel­ Phillips on E. Main street T hurs­ lette, Jr., are spending the week H ere V isiting1— end in San Francisco. er is the principal of the school day, Jan. 1, a t 5:50 o’clock. He Jack Bosqui, grandson of Mrs was born a t Talent on the Ander­ and Mrs. W. H. Batges who has at Irigon. Cliff Payne makes running been spending the holidays at son donation land claim where boards. B uys Property— he spent his early childhood, a t­ Tillamook with his aunt, Mrs. C. Mrs. Alvina S. Bullen has p ur­ tending the public school at that A. Brown, arrived in Ashland A t H om e— chased the O. J. Rathbun prop­ place. L ater entering the Ashland W ednesday evening. • • Mrs>. D. P. Blue who has been erty a t 550 Fairview street and Academy. confined t o ’ her home w ith flu He followed farm ing for a num ­ Free pants with overcoats, is taking immediate possession. has returned to work at Enders. $17.50 at Paulseruds. ber of years, enjoying the out­ Sale was made through the Ash­ 101— tf door life. In 1S95 G. N. and his land R ealty Company. We put the chicken in our R esident Dies— father bought the Ashland Wool­ 82— tf tam ales. The Plaza. en Mills which they successfully Word has been received here P ost O ffice R ushed— operated, until it was destroyed The post office employees state of the death of Mrs. Jessie Chis­ R eturns H o r n e - ■ holm, wife of the form er Presby­ th at a large quantity of mail is by fire in 1900. W herit again he Mrs. Ross Harden who has been terian m inister of this city, now being handled, a t the present tim e turned his attention to his form ­ visiting relatives in Ashland re­ living near Rochester, New York. including a great many C hrist­ er persuits of farm ing and fru it turned to her home at Newport Mrs. Chisholm was well known mas parcels. The rush for th ij raising. On November 25, 1902, this morning. in Ashland and had a large circle tim e of the year is very unuisual. he was m arried a t Eugene, Ore­ of friends here. Bert Freem an, carrier, is ill at gon, to Miss Em ma Coleman, a Picture Fram ing. Studio Ash­ successful school and music his home and Charles, Rush is land. On the Plaza. Free pants with suits and over­ taking his place until his recov­ teacher, who passed away several years ago. coats $17.50 and $18.75 a t P aul­ ery. H ere F or M edical A t t e n t i o n - George, as he was fam iliarly serud’s. 101— tf Tom G arrett of Bly who has known was of a retiring, kind, L eaving T onight— been suffering for some time with N ew Sign— Christian, character, clean in ( Miss Eunice Grubb is leaving »•heumatlsm, is leaving today for word, thought and act, generous A new electric sign with the tonight for Chicago where she Ashland for medical attention name and tradem ark of The Rose to a fault-thinking of others be­ to be away indefinitely.— Klam ath Confectionery has been erected in will attend the Chicago In stitu te fore himself. He has not been in of Fine Arts during the. w inter. robust health for some time, yet Falls News. front of th a t building. The sign is> a large one and is sim ilar to She will probably retu rn to Ash­ never a word of com plaint pass­ land next July. ed his lips. His fratern al rela­ Photographs of Quality. Studio those a t the Hotel Ashland and tions are A. F. A. M., I. O. O. McGee's Dry Goods Store. It was Ashland on the Plaza. D rill Monday— F, and Woodmen of the W orld. put up Wednesday. 87— tf Drill will be held at the Armory G. N. Anderson is survived by Monday night. This will be the four sisters, L. V. Edw ards, L. Save $10.00, walk upstairs to last meeting while S e ^ e a n t Lam- A rrived W ednesday— A. Phillips, A. Belle Anderson, Orres tailor shop. 17— tf bert is in Ashland. Miss Frances Bosqui of P o rt­ D. E. W ight, who m ourn his de­ land arrived in Ashland New In Portland— parture. Y ear’s eve to visit with her p ar­ Mr. and Mrs. J. K. McWilliams Many at Dance— B rother— Thou a rt in heaven, ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bartges and son left W ednesday for P o rt­ About thirty-five couples jo u r­ where, a dw eller in the land of of W imer street for several weeks. land and Monmouth where they neyed to Medford .last evening to light, will spend the rem ainder of the attend the E lks dance. They re­ Thou livest ’mong the saints most week visiting friends and rela­ ported a large crowd and a good fair, In M edford— dance. And Christ thy God makes all tives. Mrs. A. H. Russell of Ashland things bright. and daughter, Mrs. H. L. W al­ SEE OUR WINDOW OF THESE DRESSES “ And the world passeth away, and We have a good Job printing de­ le r of Portland, are visiting w ith } At Paulserud’s you see what partm ent. tf the lust thereof: but he th a t do- the B. W. Paul family today. Mrs. you get. We invite comparisons eth the will of God ahideth for­ 101— tf Russell came to the Rogue River ever.” N O T IC E valley seventy-one years ago. — Funeral services will be held R etiring from the practice of R eturned Today— Medford Mall Tribune. Sunday afternoon a t 2 o’clock medicine, I wish to thank the Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Mason and from the Masonic Temple under Cora and George Mason returned patrons for their loyalty, and to To San F r a n c i s c o - to Corvallis today where Miss wish them a Happy New Year, the auspices of the Masonic or­ Mrs. J. Z. Wing and small Mason and George are attending also to request a settlem ent of all der. In term en t Mausoleum, Moun­ tain View cemetery. Friends in­ daughter. Eunice, left W ednesday the Oregon A gricultural College. accounts. MATTIE B. SHAW, M. D. C. M. evening for San Francisco and vited. Los Angeles where they will visit H ave W ater— with friends and relatives. By working all afternoon and To R eturn 'foniorrow —■ A rrived Last Xighb— In M tdford— iy ARGUMENTS FOR TRIAL IN McCOY CASE HELD , LOS ANGELES. Jan. 2. — Ar* gum ents on a new trial for Kid McCoy, convicted of m anslaughter in connection with the slaying of Mrs. Teresa Mors were continued a week by Judge Crail here today. At the same time, McCoy’s trial on seven other counts was con­ tinued ntil February 16. 50 COATS A On Sale Saturday 5-00 to 39-75 JANUARY CLEARANCE ON ALL LINES W inter Garments and Wool Dress Goods OUR ANNUAL JANUARY CLEARANCE This is the Time of Year We . Clean House Yon have been waiting for this Sale so come now and take advantage of the many bargains offered. Odds and ends and broken lines go at the lowest price we have ever offered. WOMENS COATS AT O N E -H U F THE REGULAR PRICE SEE OUR WINDOWS FOR PRICES EVERY DRESS ON OUR RACKS GOES AT ONE-THIRD LESS THE REGULÄR PRICE Both Silk and Wool included CHILDREN’S AND MISSES” COATS AT ONE-HALF THE REG­ ULAR PRICE— ALL SIZES TO CHOOSE FROM SEE OUR WINDOWS FOR PRICES A FINAL CLEARAWAY OF DRESSES at $9.75 each. Values to $22.50 ’ Both Wool and Silk in this let alio Check Flannels Vi onien’& Dress Skirts Reduced One-Third Brushed Wool Sweaters Reduced One-Third YOU CRN SAVE M ONEY IN EVERY DEPARTM ENT NOTICE IS H E R E B Y GIVEN: — That having sold the Fourth street Meat M arket to M. Sweet, T hereby thank the public for the liberal patronage given me and bespieak a continuation of the same for my successor.— All bills owing said m arket will be collect­ ed by Mr. Sweet. M. P. TRUE.103-1* BLANK evening, as soon as the waters of the Rogue started to recede, the Rogue River W ater company got their pumps operating last night at one o’clock and this morning had plenty of w ater on hand to care for the needs of the city. The reservoir held plenty of w a te r'to tide the city over the time when it was necessary to pump. — G rants Pass Courier. \ J TODAY—the mystery story “K-the Unknown” Evening 7:15 Matinee 1:30 SATURDAY BOOKS , Complete stock—I. P. Memos, Price Large Ring Book, Tost Binders, etc. Books, Tyjiewriter Papers .. ? s.................... $1.00 — $5.00 Carbon Papers . . . . . . . .................... $1.50 — $4.00 Type writers and all Supplies Office Supplies ELH ART’S ONLY Winsome Viola Dana OF ALL KINDS Toilet Goods— Drug Sundries T H E THEATER BEAUTIFUL Books and Stationery 44 -IN - In Search of a Thrill” The happy romance of a dainty miss who thought her life boresome—and wj^it a search­ ing for a thrill—A thrill she must have and a thrill you’ll have. * __ Wool Dress G.oods Reduced Silks all Reduced Wash Goods Reduced Silk and Cotton Goods Reduced Wool Hosiery Reduced Gloves and M ittens Reduced Silk Underwear Reduced EXTRA S P E C IA L HEAVY COTTON BLANKETS .. CO f iA W hite Goods Reduced Domestics Reduced Curtain Materials Reduced Colonial Cretonnes Reduced Silk Umbrellas Reduced K nit Underwear Reduced Muslin Underwear Reduced S P E C IA L CREPE DE CHINE $1.4) Yard ............................. ................ EXTRA ‘ Come in grey and tan; size 04x76; fine quality for family use. 40 inches wide; comes in a good line ol colors; sold regularly at $1.75 ydrd. “ WEARWELL” SHEETS Each ___'.................... ................... They do “ Wearwell”, that has been proven hv housewives who have used them; size 81x90; made with tape edge; sold regularly $1.98 each. CHARM EUSE SATIN Yard ............................................... 40 inches wide; extra fine quality for dresses in black only; sold regularly at $2.48 yard. $1.41 $1.98 Children's “ N ever M end” Pure S ilk H ose in W ool Stockings th e W anted Colors E. R. ISAAC & CO. Brow n H eather Pair $1.00 “ The Quality Store” Pair 69c in