Mfl# «Mut À fflM ìU tlt t i t e a F riday, January 2, PROFESSIONAL Pies of nearly every variety are home for th e holidays w e re ' conversations to be held between I party police arrested on« i . Were brought, the sizes ranging present and a num ber of parents London and Mti«« in in r ! d ° ariested one nian. There’s a message in i„ ' 07 H hlkle’ O1> * Charge of re' Tfdl^ s W ant Ads from onehalf inch to seventeen in­ were also there. Ail expenses were paid and a tIJ * \ l8 atated op- celvin< ^da. Hinl.le -.j ___ ________________ _ PHYSICIANS ClaMMlfted Column Rates ches in diam eter. The la tte r was One cent^ the word each m irh /h ° D a ” d j charged by tbe Police with having _____ __ an elaborate one in the form of surplus was left in ylie treasury, i Raneo DR. H AW LEY— Above Tidings time. Mrs. J. A. Ruger, president of h "-Thi 6 C° nneCte by| purcha£ed some beef and other a Maltese Cross in white and red, office. Phone 91. To run every Issue for one " ™ 8 6 M no Breat' | eatabl<* them. A ____ Hie League colors, with their the high school circle of P arent- Miss E d ith D odge, E d itor j er than th a t covered by the cir­ month or mofe, Vic the word DR. C. W . HANSON This was baked! Teachers deserved a large am ount — ----------------- Phone item s to h e r .a t 3 9 , betw een m otto on top. each time. cuit ¡nvolved involved in the Havana-Los-1 Havana-Los-; o by Miss Rosetta McGee. Many Of credit for the successful w ay !*Ult In i« « « , n v. D en tist 8 a. m . and 5 p. m. others showed a great deal of j in which the afTair was h an d led .1 Angeles w ire- 11 is from tbe Per- “ Animal Caught Special attention given to pyor­ FOR RENT work and skill in preparation. The untiring efforts of the c o m -'fectlng of the Instrum ent known m a tra p in ( rhoea. Office upftalrs In b ra v e r Each person chose his fa v o rite ! m ittee composed of Mr. B. C, For- as the rePen te r” th a t long dis- WOODSF ip i n CALENDAR O F EVENTS Block. Phone 178-J. 2 83-tf APARTM ENTS TO R ENT: — tance telephony for Europe is kind of pie for refreshm ents. T he| sythe, Mrs. Mitchell, " — ^ nce telephony for Enron» i« J • Ohio, Jan. 2. ABOUT Saturday, Jan u ary 3. W. R. C. - -----~----- ~ -------------- ----- -----------, ___ Mrs. Geo. F am ished or unfurnished at DR. G. C. PHETTEPLACE into a ! ~ anlDlal of ««determ ined will have covered dish lu n ch eo n ' evenIne was closed by singing ! Ross, Mrs. A. C. Joy ___and and M hoped to be developed into a D entistry Lfthia Apartments. East 35 Second ! species was caught in a trap, near favorite songs. Mrs. A. N. Humphrey also helped commercial success. Gas or local anesthesia for ex­ at Odd Fellow’s Hall. - ' 1 ere, by Henry Smith. k ja street. 101— 3t* * * * * *' * to make the evening such a sue- ~ --------- traction and minor surgery. , th iity -fcu r inches from tip of nose K ing-B arron— cess, if the students v^re for 18 Children Held as FOR RENT: — Large 3-room Special attention given to straight-; W atch Party to tip of tail, is of a brownish tee^h and ° £ children’e Mrs- L1°yd Cole of 217 North The m arriage of Miss Elizabeth more of these dances the com-' apartm ent and bath, private en­ Bandits for Robbery colo/andI V w ^ m T e ^ th V. King and George W. Barron, Above Citizens Bank . I ^ iU entertainad her Sunday m ittee is ready and willing to trance, also extra froint room, the fox and the m uskrat, Local HARRISBURG, Pa., Jan. 2— ’ fur dealers are puzzled. single bed, 178 A street, back of Phone, Office, 151— Res., 201-J Sct,0°l class of Loyal Maids of both of Ashland, was solemnized give another with th eir coopera­ the Christian Church with a de- at the C hristian parsonage W ed­ tion. Fifteen boys and three girls, rang-! sulphur baths. 101— 3* DR E R N E ST A. W O O D S -Prac-! Hghtfu, watch party at nesday afternoon. December 31st, ing in age from e ’g h t to thirteen There Is wisdom In reading id s tlce lim ited to eye, ear. nose ana ; W ednesday evening. The time Reverend V. K. Allison officiating’ FOR RENT: —* Modern fu rn ­ yearly, were arrested on charges! Twice She Is Informed th ro at— X-ray including te eth .' was spent piayIng ganH?g &Qd ta lk . The wedding was a very quiet ished apartm ent. Call 185 Pion­ Then trv a loaf by Paper of Her Death of robbing a. .grocery store after, i Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 tc ing and at m idnight they watched one with Mrs. Bessie K. Hibbs, eer Ave. 98— tf police said, they had indulged in: 6. Swedeuburg Bldg., Ashland, the old year out and the new sister of the bride, of Oakland CUMBERLAND, Md., Jan. 2. a drinking party. At the party, j FOR RENT— Furnished house. Cleanse th o r o u g h ly —then, Ore. year in. R efreshm ents were serv­ and George E. King, brother of — Mrs. Beulah D. K night, o f, the __ officers ______ declared, _______ one of the without rubbing, apply__ 478 Boulevard. 96— 1 mo. ■ DR. E . B. ANGELL—Chiropractic ed during the evening by the the bride as the only witnesses. W ashington, form erly of H arper’s i girls became JnfcoxiciUed. gracious hostess. * The ring ceremony was used. FDR SALE Ferry has read a newspaper a c -■ Articles taken consisted main- and Electro-Therapy. Office • * * George B arron is a well known V V A R O R ub count of her death twice in ten ! iy of near-beer, cheese and other phone 4 8 1 residence 142. F irst FOR SALE: — A rtem is play­ Over 17 MlH'on Jar» U i t i Yearly P ie Social— rancher of this d istrict and has years National Bank building. eatables. Also, as a result of the er piano, cheap. 1101 Boulevard. The “ Pie Social” which was many friends here. The bride Ten year«» ago, while she was Phone 273R. 102-2* held at the M. E. Church for has also a host of friends here seriously ill, a newspaper here TH E SOUTHERN OREGON CLINIC members of the Epw orth League who wish the couple every happi­ announced she had died. Ten 1st National Bank Bldg. and th eir friends Tuesday even­ ness. See— years later, in a “Ten-Years-Ago” M edical » Surgieal O bstetrical ing was attended by forty p eo p le, They will make th e ir home at column, the story was copied. The D iagnostic X-ray BEAVER REALTY CO. in spite of the o th er attractions 117 Almond street. same newspaper also prints a Stearns, M. B. for Bargains in Real-Ss- R. W. R. * * * of the evening. E. Green, M. D. “TwentyJYears-Ago” column, and We welcome this oppor­ tate. We also handle In­ R. W. Sleeter, M. D. The League rooms were decor­ Standard Bearer»— in this Mrs. K night hopes to read Office hours 2-5 p. m. tunity to extend to yo'u surance and Loans. 82-tf ated w ith num erous Christinas The Standard B earers, class of again th a t she had died. Phone 238-R trees, evergreens and poinsettas. girls of the Methodist Church met Like Mark Twain, "Mrs. K night our wishes that 1924 has CONVALESCENT HOME A very delighful evening was a t the home of Miss M arjorie Fi- says the report was an "exaggera­ For a smooth shave been a good year and that W here the sick get well. Cot- spenb playing games and telling field Tuesday evening and spent tion.” patterns are ready for your inspection, includ­ and quick service go A pie-eating a most delightful evening. Six­ ing the greatest variety of wall paper designs 1925 will bring prosper­ 1OkM and 8,or,e’ to the Shell Barber contest caused a great deal of teen members were present. The Itv dept. Call 153. we have ever carried. Women of Fashion Envy Shop. Ladies and m l ity. j i - j m , » ___ _ ■ i. . m am usem ent among the guests. regular business meeting was held British Silver Fox Farm children get yonr hair MONUMENTS followed by th e m issionary bobbed and marcel­ lesson. 'fhe rem ainder o r the OXFORD, Eng., Jan. 2. — Wo­ ASHLAND GRANITE led. evening was spent enjoying a men of fashion would go green MONUMENTS radio program and conversation. with envy if they could see forty W . A. SH ELL, Prop. Blair G ranite Co. >32 A. St. A sblaad, Ore R efreshm ents served a t a l&te little “silver” foxes — each one S. PENNISTON, Manager Bring y our Sash in—Glazing Free. hour added to the enjoym ent of a potential and exquisite fur — Office 1 7 5 E. Main the affair. which have ju st arrived in Eng­ BOULEVARD and SHERMAN R es. P hon e 444-Y land. I N I GIRL IN TROUBLE— May Ra inbow Class Party __ They have been brought over comm«nicate w ith Ensign Lee The Rainbow Class of th e P res­ by Captain A. S. Robertson, a ef the Salvation Army a t the Ju st the moment you apply byterian Church tau g h t by Mrs. Canadian, who intends to sta rt a W hiteShield Home, 565 May- M entho-Sulphur to an itching, George E. Andrews had a very silver fox farm at Baldon, near fair Ave., Portland. Oregon. burning or broken out skin, the enjoyable party a t the church Oxford. Silver fox skins fetch anything The corres­ itching stops and healing begins, Tuesday evening. PLANING MILL up to 3750 on the m arket; the ponding class of boys were honor says a noted skin specialist. T his demand far exceeds the supply, guests for the affair. The even­ JORDON’S SASH AND CABINÌET sulphur preparation, made into and Captain Robertson believes ing was spent playing progressive WORKS, Cor. Helman and a pleasant cold cream , gives such P h ysicians warn against n eglect­ th a t the English clim ate is ex­ in g coughs and colds and tell of Van Ness. 194tf a quick relief, even to fiery ecz­ games as crokinole, dominoes and th e serious ung ‘com plications ema, th a t nothing has ever been many o th er sim ilar games. Prizes trem ely suitable for breeding the T R A N SF E R AND E X P R E SS and favors added much to the anim als. that m ay resu lt. L eading physi­ found to take its place. 'T 'H A T is all this hank is—just W hittle T ransfer A Storage Co. enjoym ent and m errim ent of the cians now prescribe RALHAMEA Because of its germ -destroying 1 human. It is owned, managed for SERVICE. for alt bronchial affections. BAL- properties, It quickly subdues the occason. Britons Hope to Call and operated hv human beings for Experienced movers and pack­ itching, cools the irritatio n and At a late hour a delicious candel SAMEA is a pure vegetab le prep­ India on Phone Soon ers of household goods. Deal­ heals the eczema rig h t up, leav­ salad was served with dainty wa­ aration m ade from a n ew ly dis­ the benefit of human beings and LONDON, Jan. 2 — A few ers In coal and wood. Ph'dne ing a clear, smooth skin in place fers. During the luncheon hour covered p lan t... Dr. B en j. F. tor the purpose of increasing th e months ago It was considered an 117. Crabtree, A nderson, Mo., w rites: of ugly eruptions, rash, pimples the lights were turned out and sum of human happiness. undertaking when Office 89 Oak St. near “I u se it exclu sively for my prac­ candles lighted the room. Follow­ am bitious or roughness. tic e and m y fam ily. It is quick, Hotel Ashland You do not have to w ait for ing the freshm ents the group left plans were announced for a tele­ su re and sa fe in its action like Improvement. It quickly shows. for th eir homes declaring . the phone service between London T- L. POWELL— General Trans- and Berlin, a distance of 600 n oth in g e lse .” You can get a little ja r of Rowles evening a most pleasant one. f®r— Good team and motor M entho-Sulphur at any drug store Toward the end of the influ­ Mesdames Pittinger, Taylor, miles. Now, however, British trucks. G >od service at a rea­ enza epidemic a governm ent phy­ Grace E. Andrews and J. C. Merg- post office engineers are giving sonable price. Phone 83. sician noticed th a t a tribe ef In­ ler were also present, besides the Uerious consideration to the prac­ dians in Nevada, by the use of oils sixteen young people who enjoy­ ticability of constructing new FHHIGE- ROACH Ashland, Oregon from a native plant were Immune ed the affair. lines and linking up existing fac­ T ransfer — Express — Storage * * * from the ravages ef Influenza. ilities with a view to enabling H ailin g — Dray work of all He used these oils among his Dance G reat Sucees»— w hite patients and then in a hos­ kinds. Quick m otor service. Dry Over one hundred and twenty- pital overflowing with ‘d eath ’’ 4ood of all kinds. Phone 41G-R five young people enjoyed the 112-tf Take Glass of Salts if Your cases. News of the results swept 175 B. St. High school Parent-T eacher dance the world and for some tim e it Back Aches or Bladder held at the Odd Fellow’s Hall A NEW LINE OF WOOD SAW ING was not possible to supply the New Y ear’s night, an d ’ the affair Troubles You demand. was considered successful in W ANTED— Wood sawing. Tel * BALSAMEA has now been every way. The evening was 479-J. 63— Imo* When you wake up with back- standardized and gives uniformly greatly enjoyed, by all present and „ i ache and dull misery in the kid­ miraculous results in four ways: ney region it m aj^m ean you have successfully closed with the serv­ • 1. It soothes the inflamed mem­ AND been eating foods which create ing of ice cream and cake. A branes and relieves irritation. 2. acids, says a well-known a u th o r­ num ber of college students who It Increases secretion of mucous ity. An excess of such acids over­ and perm its easy expectoration, works the kidneys in th eir effort 3. It stim ulates pores of the skin to filter it from the blood and In throw ing off body poisons and 4 AT they become sort of paralyzed It strikes at the cause, checking Kidneys cause backache! No! W E HAVE THE and loggy. When your kidneys germ action immediately. backache is caused by lum ­ get sloggisli and clog you m ust De not confuse It with ordin­ Your bago, rheum atism or a strain and! ary balsam cough syrups th a t are th e quickest relief relieve them, like you relieve your for the storage of your only soothing syrups and do not is soothlmg, pene­ bowels, removing all the body’s tratin g St. Jacobs urinous waste, else y o u ' have go to the base of the trouble. Christmas presents. O il.' Rub it right I backache, sick headache, dizzy Unlike other cough remedies □n >our p ainful i speu 8; your-stom ach sours, ton- BALSAMEA Is free from coal ta r TH E ASH LAND FU R N IT U R E back, and instant- . ’ . . . ’ . and other harm ful narcotics. ly the soibhess, gue is coated and when the COMPANY P leasan t to take and absolutely i stiffness and lame­ w eather is bad you have rheum a­ 8 8 N. M ai« ness d i sappears. tic twinges. The urine Is cloudy, safe to give to children. Z Don't stay crip­ full of sedim ent, .channels often Be sure you get BAL-SA-ME-A j pled! ' Get a 35 ■with the picture of the Indian on cent Dottle of St. get sore, w ater scalds and you are th e package. G uaranteed to re­ Jacobs Oil from obliged to seek relief two or three lief any cough, no m atter from your druggist. A tim es during the n ig h t moment after it is w hat cause, or your money back. E ith er consult a good, reliable applied you’ill won­ physician a t once or get from All druggists sell BALSAMEA. In der w’hat became Ashland buy it from Eastside of the backache or lumbago pain. your pharm acist about four ounces 30x3 1-2 U. S. Cords was $S.5O now $7.25 Visors was $7.00 n o w ..................... $4.95 Pharm acy. In use for 65 years for lumba­ of Jad Salts; take a tablespoon go, backache, sciatica, neuralgia, ful in a glass of »w^or before 32x4 U. S. Cords, was $18.50 now $13.95 30x3 U S. Fabrics was $7.50 now $6.40 rheum atism or sprains. Absolute­ breakfast for a few days and your ly harm less. Doesn’t bum the! “ lcw Utt*8 auu *uur akin. | kidneys may then act fine. This 30x3 1-2 Tubes was $2.50 now . . . .$1.25 — — ----------------- — famous salts is made from the 30x3 1-2 U. S. Royal Cords for acid of grapes and lemon juice, 32x4 Tubes was $3.50 now ............. $2.50 was $12.50 now ......................$10.25 CHRONIC combined with iithia, and has COUGHS been used for years to help clean 30x3 1-2 weed chains was $5.00 now $3.95 32x4 I . S. Royal Cords and stim ulate sluggish kidneys, 5 gals. Tlavoline Oil was $5.00 now $3.75 also to neutralize acids in the was $22.50 n o w ........ a . . . . t $16.75 NOTICE system, so they no longer irri­ 10 gal JIavoline oil was $10.00 now $7.00 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN tate, thus often relieving bladder 33x4 U. S. Royal Cords th a t by order of the C ountr Court, weakness. 5 lbs. cup grease was $1.25 now .. 75c was $22.50 now ..................... $17.25 duly passed in open Court on ----------“ j Jad Salts is inexpensive, can Here’s gasoline that will tell you the 17th day of December, 1924, When you are suffering with i not injure and makes a delight- Canteens was $1.50 n o w ................ $1.05 all loads to be hauled over the rheum atism so you can hardly get) effervescent Iithia - w ater what all-’round winter performance 32x4 Usco Cords was $18.50 now $13.95 roads of Jackson County, Oregon, around ju st try Red Pepper Rub 1 d riQk- Drink lots of soft w ater, W ater Bags was $1.25 n o w .......... 95c i s - t h e new winter “Red Crown”! be and hereby are limited to 250 and you will have the quickest ' ®y all means have your physician Quick-starting and more. Extra pounds per inch tire width, and relief known. Moto Meter Bars was $6.00 now . .$3.95 33x4 Usco Cords was $18.75 now $14.25 i examine your kidneys a t least it is fu rth er ordered th a t no Nothing has such concentrated, j twic® a year mileage! 100 % power!—plenty o f win­ l)e Luxe Tire Pumps was $3.50 no $1.75 32x4 1-2 Royal Cords .chains are to be allowed on any penetrating heat as red peppers. ter “pep” but nothing sacrificed. •trucks used on said roads. Vio­ In stan t relief. Ju st as soon as you was $29.55 now ......................$21.45 Ford Jacks was $1.25 n o w .......... 75c Get a tankful of the new winter la to rs of this order will be prose­ apply Red Pepper Rub you feel t h e 1 c u te d . tingling heat. In three minutes it “Red Crown” today from any red, Noiolio Polish was 75c n o w .......... 50c 33x41-2 Cords was $.31.25 now ..$21.65 Chauncey Florey, County Clerk. warms the sore spot through and white and blue pump in town — at . 191— 2t through. Frees the blood: Luggage Carriers was $5.50 now $3.75 32x4 Ajax Qprds was $23.50 now $17.50 circulation, breaks up the! Standard Oil Sexyice Stations and at REASONABLE - HOMELIKE Bend — Deschutes county congestion — and the old rheu dealers—“in every w ay a better gas­ 1055 PINE 5TÏ, SM FRAMC1SC0 sheepm en contract 1925 leeces at matism to rtu re is gone oline.” 42 cents a pound. i Rowles Red Pepper Rub, made - — ■— j from red peppers, costs little at STANDARD OIL COMPANY Medford — O. V. Myers plans any drug store. Get a ja r at (Gdifornia) to build apartm ent house to cost once. Use it for lumbago, neuritis. X n i — n isa Combined 170.000 to 180,000. backache, stiff neck, sore muscles. M0CUC11B0 T reatm en t, colds in chest. Almost instant re- both local and internal, and has beer E. Main Gaston — Annex to Congrega- lief aw aits you. Be sure to get successful in the treatment of Catarrh tional church dedicated for pub-! the genuine, w ith the name R ow -! forov