■Miri . ... H . ASHLAND CLIMATE Without the use of medicine cures nine cases out of ten of asthma. This is a proven fact. A shland D aily T idings The Tidings Has Been Ashland's Leading Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years (International News W ire Service! VGL. XL VII I Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings. Volume 43/ ONLY ONE JA P EARNS MILLION KACrf YEAR HEAVY SNOWS': ARE REPORTED THROUGH EAST --------- - TOKYO, Jan. 2. - Japan has only one man a whose annual income ex­ » ceeds 31,000,000 accord­ n ing to income tax statis­ u tics ju st made public. r This man is Baron » Hicaya Iwasaki, president » of Mitsubishi Goshi Kai- r sha, probably the largest R im porting and exporting » firm in Japan. His annual R income is given as 2,- R 190,000 yen, which a t par R would am ount to $1,095,- R 000. He pays an income R tax of approxim ately R $275,000 annually. Next in line is Baron K. R R Iwasaki, a member of the R same family as Baron a Hjsaya Iw asaki. who has R an annual income of R $394,000 and pays a tax R of $88,000. Third place is R held by Baron H. Mitsui, R of th e famous Mitsui fam ­ R ily, whose annual income R is $391,000, with an an ­ R nual tax of about $87,000. 8 R R R R R R R R R R R r » Washington and New York Tied up by Heavy Fall on Atlantic Coast STREET CARS BLOCKED A ll T raffic in W ashington Tied Up by E ight Inches o f Snow . New York Has P len ty c 8( 8 R R R R R R R R R R R R R R 8 R R R R R R :: R R R R R R R ASHLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 2, 1925 P U B L IS H E R S WIN BATTLE ON POSTAL RAISES FEATURED IN THE NEWS OF THE DAY. Compromise Bill, Doing Away With Increase on Mail Is Proposed NO. 103 FRANCE CLAIMS IS TO PAY DEBTS Colorado. Cascade national forest patrols -cost $39,000 and 50 fires cost $1294 during 1924. Reedsport — Citizens pledge loading track if Umpqua Mills w ill build $50,000 addition. « R R R R R R R R Premier Declares Country,» to Start Payments in »» Near Future > . ---------- IS SLAP AT LEADERS ENGLAND C oolidge F orces F in d R ough Go­ in g W hen P ub lishers Sw ing F orces A gainst B ill R O B J E C T S :: ---------- R Suggestion M ade That W hen) « France Starts P aym en ts to This R 8 Country Sh« P ay Britain LONDON, Jan. 2.— The possibility of many Greeks Italians arid negroes being out of employment in the near future is seen in the announcem ent of the in- vention of an autom atic electric bootblack here. G uaranteed to clean and polish ninety pairs of shoes an hour, the ma­ chine is said to be infall- ible, except th at it will not clean black and brown shoes a t the same time. The shoes are placed in line on a kind of flat chute at one end of the machine; the operator presses a switch, and the shoes begin to move along the chute into an opening where each shoe in turn is cocked up on end, sent into the internal parts, and emerges in about forty-five seconds a t the other end spick and span. T W RESIDENTS OF GOLD HILL REFORTEDGONE R R R R R R R j R R! Rl « Irene Briggs, 10, Disappears a While on Way Home. R Mau Missing 2 Weeks R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R FOUL PLAY IS FEARED Entire Com m unity Mrarrtiing for Y oung GW . V m b n lla Is Found in Stream ASHLAND HI FIVE TÖ TANGLE WITH NEWBURG TONIGHT L WILL BE TOPIC AT STATE CHAMBER MEET Septem ber 1, no week has passed w ithout the Tuesday noon m eet­ ing. while two extra gatherings have been enjoyed. These m eet­ ings were held when the P ort­ land business men gathered here, and when the Reno boosters were entertained on the to u r through th e city. Tuesday, January 6, the first Forum of 1925 will include a pro­ gram consisting of speeches by the legislators of Southern Ore­ gon. Senators Miller of Josephine and Dunn, of Jackson counties and Representlves Carkin and Cowgill of Jackson and Cramer of Josephine counties will be guests. On January 13, the new city adm inistration will be in­ vited to attend the Forum and to furnish the program for th a t oc­ casion. L ater in the season speakers o f national repute will be guests of the cham ber, among these be­ ing Judge Ben B. Lindsey, fam ­ ous juvenile judge of Denver,' ELECTRIC BOOTBLACK MAY PUT MANY OUT OF JO BS' •---------- ! R WASHINGTON, Jan. 2— The WASHINGTON, Jan. 2. — ¡ a GOLD HILL, Jan. 2. — Irene, American pubjishers of newspa­ The French government, through ! the ten-year old daughter of Mrs. pers, magazines and periodicals Prem ier H erritt and Finance Min-| a George Briggs, a resident of Sar­ today won a sweeping victory ister Clementel, have subm itted i *J dine \ alley, is reported as lost when the senate postofflce com­ to the American Ambassador. R in the Sardine creek country. m ittee adopted a new postal rate Herrick in Paris, a definite p ro p -. R Irene Briggs was last seen alive schedule, sharply reducing the ad­ osition on funding F rance’s f o u r i tt last Monday afternoon at about m inistration’s proposed bill, rec­ billion dollar debt to the United 2:00 o'clock, when she left the ommended by Postm aster General States, it was officially announc­ Jim Smith farm home on lower New calling for increases in all ed at the State D epartm ent here Sardine creek where she had been today. second class mail. visiting, and started up the lone­ The new bill including the pro­ The term s of the proposed prop-! ly road through the forest and visions set forth for the $69,000,- osition are said to be so very! m ountains for her home about indelinite that no comment could 000 salary increase for all post- three miles distant. The little he made upon them at this, time, office employees will be reported girl was reported as in perfect according to the announcement. in the senate this afternoon. It health and high spirits and when A few days ago, France open­ was drafted as a compromise in last seen was hurrying along ly stated th at she considered order to meet the storm of oppo­ through the light rain falling at her debts to the United States, F ir st of Two Game Seri«*« to be the time, with her um brella to­ sition which was raised by the Staged at Arm ory This contracted during the World W ar publishers as soon as the coup­ ward her home. Her m other did E vening IC RHLHEIANPCR T3O6E32T P BEINTDE.X4^ as purely political debts which ling of the increase in. rates and not worry over the absence of the VC. O A ic v c r <3. k e ia w j le iD cenr. she did not propose to pay. It child until the next day for she the salary increase was accom­ t • • The Ashland High basketball plished. supposed Irene was still at the Mrs. Leonard Kip Rhinelander, whose marriage to a multi­ was immediately announced at quintet will be given their first Smith farm, and the Sm ith's did The powerful publishers’ asso­ millionaire New York social favorite created a sensation, has asked the State Departm ent th a t this $400 a month as alimony and $5,000 (or counsel fees from her husband country would stand for no such I real test of t,le year tonight at not bother to look for the child ciations of the country im m ediate­ whose annulment action has been filed at White Plains. N Y She iu action in the m atter, and although Armory when they tangle for they supposed she was at ly attacked the bill, basing their formed 8upreme Court Justice Tompkins that birth records for which with the Newburg High five in home. no official notification was sent, Twenty-four hours had attacks upon the statem ents th at she has sent to England and the West Indies will prove that she cornea it was understood th a t unless »he first of a two gam« bill. The elapsed before she was missed and of white folk, contrary to Rhinelander's assertion that she is colored . . . either the postal employees should Robert P Brindell, czar of the Building Trades Council, who served a France proposed a method for Newburg outfit, rated as one of a search was commenced. The be awarded ail increase or they prison term of almost four years because of the alleged extortion of paying on the debt, all personal the fastest iu the state have ta k ­ alarm spread rapidly over the should not, and th a t th e publish­ $1.009,000 from builders, has been released on parole from Great Meadow credit to th a t country would Im­ en on several good team s during countryside and all that has been ing houses should not be forced (N Y.) Prison, but faces a Federal charge of falsifying his Income tax mediately be cut off. Im m ediate­ return. , He was arrested as he stepped out of prison, but gave bail be­ their trip south, and hav« yet to found is the girl's um brella float­ to stand the bill of the increase. fore a Federal commissioner at Great Meadow and was permitted to go ly after this statem ent by Secre­ finish on the sh o rt end of the ing down the creek about a mile It was shown th a t several, dep art­ tc his home In New York. . , . Lieutenant Oakley O Kelly, first cross­ tary of State Hughes, the French score. They are confident of below where the child would have ments of the post office service country filer, who dropped from sight with Lieutenant H C Miller on am bassador declared th a t the a trip from Vancouver to San Ftencisco, has turned up safely at Crissy knocking over the local outfit, had to cross a foot log on her were operating a t a Joss, partic­ Field, California, with the explanation that he and his companion were statem ent's accredited to him on hut expect a real battle ¡n both way home. ularly the parcel post delivery forced to land at Marysville, Cal., by engine trouble. Fear had been the debt question were not tr u e .! Many and wild are the rum ors felt for the fliers’ safety . Pessimistic and hopeful by turns, Norman and th a t France had never in­ service. Coach W alt Hughes of the and conjectures as to the disap­ Selhy-—“Kid’’ McCoy In the heydey of bis amazing pugilistic career— Senator Edge, leading the pro­ awaited the decision of the Jury which had beard evidence in the case tended repudiating her debt to Ashland five has been putting pearance of the little girl. Some ponents of tha salary increase o’, the State of California against the ex-flgbter, charged with the rnurdet this country. h’s men through a stiff course of would have it th at dangerous bill was opposing the increase on of Mrs. Theresa A Mors training since the game with the I animals ,nfest th a t section of the LONDON, Jan. 2. — Great second class mail, declaring th at .. countrv. other« country. Others nioin. claim ««,„» th at _ a Britain has made an informal re­ Central Point five here two mysterious car sped down the the two item s were coupled into Although the boys port to United States th at when weeks ago. one bill^in order to kill th e salary are supposed to be vacationing, valley road late at night and that France begins making payments increase proposed. a rapid survey of all the cars on its debt to America, it ‘‘shall enjoying the holiday season, they known on the creek show th at This is the second defeat for make equal payments on the have reported for practice during none of them were out th at night. the adm inistration forces since debts owed England.” This Is the entire period, and with plenty Then again some fear th a t the the opening .of the present ses­ th e a ttitu d e the British have kept of time to work on his men. girl fell from the foot log in try­ sion of Congress, the first being throughout aU negotiations about Hughes has shoved basketball at ing to cross and was drowned, but when the President declared th at the debt payment, anti it is the them pretty rapJdly. As a result, others claim that there was no he would ask for the calling of K iw anians H ear Report by Stuart $ 2 3 0 ,8 2 2 Is Bet urinal to C leaning attitu d e which has put. a stop to a much faster, and more polished high w ater a t thut time. another disarm am ent conference M cK issick, E n gineer in E stablishm ents ami Fam nw s several opportunities for the pay­ quintet will take the floor to­ Irene Briggs was about ten among the leading nations of the Charge of W ork Under Law Provision ment of the money owed. night than th at which opposed years old but large for her age. w o rld . Almost co-incedently the Central Point aggregation. She was dark complected, bobbed with his message, the senate nav­ A short report on the Cow SALEM, Jan., 2.— To date the In their opening game, the dark hair, chunky build and about al com m ittee decided to investi­ Creek project for augm entihg tire motor vehicle fuels tax measures FORMER RESIDENT locals showed plenty of stuff. lour feet tall. Dark brown eyes gate the condition of the Amer­ w ater supply of Ashland, the in­ have brought the state treasury DEAD IN PORTLAND Although against a team very and a J etty face. ican navy, and to take all means stallation of a new president and the total sum of $7,551,408.06, Chas. Anderson, who was last Word was received here today much weaker than their own, to bring it up to the 5-5-3 stan ­ the appointm ent of committees according to Secretary of State seen alive two weeks past last their system was impressive Aft- dard set by the first conference for the coming year were the Kozer. Of the am ount collected of the death in Portland of Mrs. er a couple of minutes in which Sunday, and who walked out of between America. G reat Britain items of business taken up at the under the law of 1921 there has M argaret Newcombe, 78, a form ­ the affair was about even, the his residence In the fram e build­ and Japan. It was thought th at regular weekly luncheon of the been returned up to December er resident of this city. Mrs. New­ ing next the Comus Theatre here because of his overwhelming vic­ Ashland Kiwanis Club, held to­ 30, 1924, the sum of $230,822.60 combe was the m other of W alter local boys got their offensive w ithout hat or coat, has not been work under way, and from then tory, and the victory of the Re­ day at the Hotel Ashland. to operators of farm tracto rs, Newcombe, form er W estern Un­ seen or heard from since anil S tu art McKissick, engineer in motor boats, commercial cleaning ion telegraph operator In this on out scored almost at will. publican party at the November grave fears are now felt for his election th a t President Coolidge charge of the survey of the w ater establishm ents etc., pursuant to city, now of G rants Pass, and re­ 1 heir total of s :xty points even safety. against a weak team shows they would have clear sailing through possibilities up Ashland canyon the provision authorizing return sided here for a number of years. Mrs. Anderson fears th at her Besides her son, a form er resi­ have a w onderful scoring ma' | husband Intended himself bodily out his adm inistration, but it ap­ and throughout this section gave of taxes on such motor vehicle dent of Ashland, she is survived chine. The defensive work of the pears th a t he will encounter the an outline report of the report fue.s as are used for purposes harm and possibly he has become he made a t the meeting of the other than in the operation of by a daughter, Mrs. E. Everson outfit was equally a_s Impressive. a suicide. same difficulties which have ham­ city council Monday evening. He m otor vehicles upon the public of California. Time after time the Central pered past presidents. declared th a t several new indus­ highways. Point offense was checked, and tries which are .bound to grow plays started which resulted !n Total refunds am ount to ap­ in, this section are already u n ­ proxim ately three and one-half Ashland scoring. der way, and an adequate w ater per cent of the total collected. In all probability th e same supply m ust be provided to meet The total cost of adm inistering lineup as, opposed the Central the requirem ents of these indus­ the motor vehicle fuels license i ointers will tro t onto the floor tries. The new hotel, the H art- tax laws, which includes all ex­ tonight. B utterfield and MaiUke, man Syndicate (development of penses in connection with the i forwards; Bryant, center and the shale oil deposits near this collection of the tax such as.cler- Ramsey and Katzer, guards, form ­ city, and an Increased tourist ical work in the state depart- LOS ANGELES, Jan. 2. — An ed the lineup on the opening NOTED EDUCATOR WILL George N. Anderson, well travel ’ through Ashland were ment and the auditing of dealers’ LEWIS, Del., Jan. 2. — With night. B utterfield and Marske unidentified rum runner was in­ SPEAK IN THIS COUNTY known farm er of this d istrict died among the possibilities which will records, has been confined to less about two hundred passengers make a great scoring combina­ stantly killed W ednesday in a require w e w ater, cited by Mc­ than one-fifth of one per cent at the home of a sister, Mrs. Phil- Kissick. ™ as i battle with prohibition agents at aboard, the Clyde liner, Mohawk tion. Although B utterfield is — of the whole tax collected. The announcem ent was made l ps of East Main street at five- * was reported as being afire off long as tw °-bit« worth of mac Newport Beach, a few miles from J. W. MrCoy, newly elected Motor vehicle fuels taxes are today th a t Miss Mabel Carney, of th irty Thursday morning, Janu- here. Cecil Sherman, a prom inent president of the club was given credited to the state highway Brandywine Light, in Deleware aroni, his floor work is great, and Southern California yachtsman, the teacherSkcollege of Columbia j ary 1. charge of the m eeting by the re­ fund, being available for expen­ Bay, near here early this morn- together with Marske, is liable to and member of one of the leading University, T^w York City wi’.ll Mr. Anderson was born at Tal­ ing. The radio message recelv-I run any team off their feet. Bry- give th ree addresses in this coun­ ent on the Anderson donation tiring president, Henry Enders, diture in the construction and ed by shipping officials in this city a n t- Ramsey and K atzer are all families of Pasadena was a rre st­ Jr., and announced the members m aintenance of state highways. ed, and $35,000 worth of bond­ ty on January 7. land claim and lived there until stated th a t the fire was raging ag" res»ive men, aJl of whom have' ed liquor, two automobiles and of the committees which are to A total of 6,695,527 gallons Miss Carney is giving a num ­ 1895 when he and his fath er E. serve the club during the coming of gasoline and 82,822 gallons of in the after hold, and was spread the habit of dropping shots the schooner “Nigger Boy” seiz­ ber of educational addresses Jn K. Anderson bought the Ashland ,. .... . , „ u. , „ ing rapidly toward the after through the ring with fine reg- ed. year. distillate comprised the sales of SJjon Portland, Seattle, Olympia and Woolen Mills.. They operated ularity, and together they form The program was opened by a Oregon dealers during the month The rum runner was shot and San Francisco, during December these until 1900 when the mills Four boats, sent out by the a great quintet. selection on the saxaphone. by of November. 1924. These figures killed when he leaped off the and January, and County Super were destroyed by fire. At this George Francis Barron. shipping board to lend aid stood schooner and attem pted to swim were taken from the reports of intendient of Schools Susanne time he returned to farm ing and by, aw aiting an opportunity to j ashore. Sherman was placed un­ distributors, subm itted as req u ir Homes C arter has been able to fru it growing and rem ained in der arrest when he was found arrange for her to appear in th at occupation up to the time of STATE GIVES LITTL hiding near the liquor cache. cense tax laws. FOR SCHOOL SUPPORT COMPLETE FAILURE trol by members of the crew, and Jackson County. She will give his death. This capture and seizure is the Taxes rem itted on the Novem­ the vessel proceeded under her He was m arried to Miss Emma addresses in Medford at a coun­ PORTLAND, Jan. 2. — The ber sales aggregated $202,936.38. own power to the Deleware break­ CHICAGO. Jan. 2.— The Mc­ largest staged in Southern Cali­ ty wide schoQl board convention, Colman, a music and school teach­ It is Of this am ount, the sum of $67,- state of Oregon is offering but Clintock death probe went into fornia during the year. water. speaking nt both morning and er at Eugene, November 25, 1902. thought that the liquor had been 369,39 resulted from the opera­ small financial support to her Tremendous seas are running in offi ial collapse here today with afternoon sessions, and will give She died several years ago. brought ashore in lighters from announcem ent by Mr. Anderson was a member of i schools system, Mabel Carney, a tion of the original law of 1919 the bay, and a terrific gale is the formal an educational address, broad In the A. F. and A. M., I. O. O. F., faculty member of the* teachers' imposing a tax of one cent per blowing off the coast, making all Coroner Oscar Wolff th a t “noth- one of the rum runners which scope, in the evening of January college of Columbia University of gallon on gasoline and one-haif movements of vessels in this vi­ ing abnormal was found by an ex had been lying off the coast here and Woodmen of the W orld. 7, at the Presbyterian church. Surviving him are Mrs. L. V. New York pointed out to the Ore­ cent per gallon on distillate, cinity very dangerous. At the am ination of the vital organs o f 1 ior 9everal days, aw aiting an op- William McClintock.” I portunity to land the illicit car- while $135.560.99 was returned gon State Teacher’s Association Eduards, Mrs. L. A. Phillips, Mrs. time the fire was reported as The statem ent was made after I g0 in t!me to 8UPPly the New BUPERT HUGHES MARRIES D. E. W right and Belle Ander­ at the closing session of th e if under the additional tax law pro­ raging the seas were running so . . as to . „ make , the .. rescue of the ! , the report of the c co o r ro o n n e ers r ’« chief' ear’s Eve revelers. All annual conference here W ednes­ viding for a uniform rate of two . high son. w b enter v Y __ _____ _ . . the . . ships . have now disappeared, but It is day. cents per gallon on all kinds of passengers extremely dangerous c em’8t on the condition of the Funeral services will be held LOS ANGELES, Jan. 2. — Miss Cjrney said that 73 per m otor vehicle fuels. If not altogether impossible. Al- exbume(t body of the millionaire believed th a t many of them land­ R upert Hughes, noted author and Sunday afternoon at two o'clock ed their cargoes before they lift­ cept of the school support in Ore­ As compared with the month though no report of the damage orphan was received. playw right, aged 52, was m arried from the Masonic temple. ed anchor. gon comes from local commun­ of November, 1923, gasoline sales done the vessel was received here W ednesday to Elizabeth Dial, Salem — Estimated ' pack nf ities, 26 per cent froni counties, increased approxim ately two per a screen actress of this city, aged i Marión county canneries for 1924 here, it is probable th a t the ship Forest Grove — Parent-Teach- Silverton — Tribune office in- and four tenths of one per cent cent, distillate sales having de­ will immediately go to dry dock ' er association plans for week-day stalls 22, a t the home of the bride. is 900,000 cases. i siau s new linotype and other from the state. clined about 70 per cent. for inspection and overhauling.' church school. valuable equipment. WASHINGTON, Jan. 2. — heaviest snow recorded in this city since the Knickerbocker The­ a tre collapse, three years ago, In which a num ber of pertsons were killed and many more seriously injured, today blanketed the cap­ ital in a covering of white, and forced a partial suspension of street car service to all parts of the city. The city is generally tied up because of the heavy snow fall. The w eather bureau office here reports an official m easurem ent of eight inches for the fall. Thousands of persons were un­ able to get to their work this m orning because of the heavy snow which made autom obile tra f­ fic practically impossible, and which stopped all (street cars, up­ Professor Irving E. V ining of T his City W ill P reside a t A nnual on which most of the w orkers de­ G athering of Body pended as a means of traveling to th eir work. PORTLAND, Ore., Jan. 2. — Although no serious property dam age has been done by the fall, (Special) — Industrial develop­ damage to business of many thou­ m ent for Oregon will be the key­ sands of dollars will result from n o te of the Annual Meeting of the Oregon State Chamber of the tying up of th e 'tra ffic . Heavy snow falls have been re­ potnmerce, to be held in P o rt­ ported from many sections, of land-, January 8. Business leaders of the State th e country, but the heaviest fajl will present various' phases of has been reported throughout the New England and A tlantic sea­ an industrial program designed to exploit the resources of Ore­ board states. gon hand in hand with the pres­ ent ag ricultural development. NEW YORK, Jan. 2— The first C. D. R orer of Eugene, Presi­ real snow storm of this w inter, dent of the Oregon State B ank­ last night and today, swirled down ers' Association, will address the on New York from the southwest, convention on the topic, “ How delaying all traffic and spoiling to Finance a State P ro ject.” In the punctual resolutions made by this address the speaker, assist­ many for the new year. ed by the ideas of other prom­ Although the fa,U was quite inent bankers of the State, will heavy, about seven Inches being give the practical details w’here- reported, no dam age to property by a community, organization* or has been reported. Business individual can finance and de­ houses will suffer as a result of velop the n atu ral resources of the the tying up of traffic and the various communities. “A Financial Audit of Oregon” inability of w orkers to get to their work. The street car service by will be the theme of an address to Thomas B. Kay. which thousands journeyed to be given by State T reasurer, in which Ore­ itheif jobs haji been suspended, gon’s present financial status but the subway trains a re still •running on schedule, enabling will be analyzed m inutely, includ­ many concerns to continue with ing State taxation and expendi­ tu re in all branches, together th eir day’s work. with comparisons w ith o th er States. Other topics and speakers of the annual convention will be: “ The Oregon Development P ro­ gram ” by W. D. B. Dodson, Man­ ager, Portland Cham ber of Com­ merce; ‘ Forestry Budget for Ore­ gon” by C. M. G ranger, U. S. Dis­ trict F orester; “ In d u strial and Hydro-Electric Development of Plans for the 1925 series of Oregon” by Franklin T. Griffith, Cham ber of Commerce Forum President, Portland Electric luncheons are rapidly taking Power Company, and “ Traffic shape, with program s for several Regulations and Automobile Li­ o f the early meetings already a r­ censes” by Sam A. Kozer, Secre­ ranged, according to J. H. Fuller, tary of State. secretary of the organization. \ From one to five delegates According to the plans, the from each of the 76 member or­ m eetings will be continued on ganizations of the State Cham­ Tuesday noons, as usual, with ber are expected to be in attend­ th e possible change to an occas­ ional evening gathering. Since ance. E PLANNED F0R .19Z5 MALARIA GERMS Cannot survive three months in the rich ozone at Ashland. Pure domestic water helps. OUTLINE OF M R IS OF IS CALLED By DEATH GASOLINE 1 « NETS YEAR 1924 FIRE ON VESSEL IS . CALIF. “V™ deat ?. jjipbe now