i Hofe ttfòtife Wednesday, December 31, 1024 Classified Column PROFESSIONAL e z îïïâ * PHYSICIANS C lassified Colum n R ates One cen t th e word each tim e. DR. To run every Issue for one month or mofe, Vic the word each time. ____________ a ______________ DR. C. W . HANSON D en tist H AW LEY— Above office. Tidings Phone 91. M iss E d ith D odge, E d itor Phone item s to her at 8®, b e tw e e n 8 a. m . and 5 p. m. Special attention given to pyor- j rhoea. Office upstairs in Beaver A NEW YEAR’S PLEA I Block. Phone 178-J. 233-tf. APARTM ENTS TO R E N T : — -----! Oh! May the New Year bring to Furnished or unfurnished at DR. G. C. PH ET TEPL A C E j hearts th a t sorrow D entistry L ithia A partm ents. East 35 Second Forgetfulness of troubled by- Gas or local anesthesia for ex- i street. 101— 3t* __ ______ __________ __traction and minor su rg e ry .; • 6 °ne years. FOR RENT: __ Large 3-room Special attention given to straight- May eyes made joyous greet each . . .. . . I ening and care of children’s ' new to-morrow, apartm ent and bath, private en- j te etjj Brave eyes th a t held the m ists of trance, also extra frotnt room, j Above Citizens Bank unshed tears. single bed, 178 A street, back of Phone, O ffice,-151— Res., 201-J , 101— 3* DB. E B N E S ! A . W O O D S - f ï .c - A„„ may sulphur baths. New Year FOR RENT FOR RENT: — 3-room fu rn ­ ished apartm ent, close in. Phone Robinson’s Garage or 432Y. 100-tf ties lim ited to eye. ear. aose ano those who w ander throat— X-ray Including teeth W ith m uted lips down tw isted O ffice hours, 10 to 12 and 2 tc paths of pain, 5. Sw edenburg B ldg., A shland, Once more the Peace th a t to rtu re Ore. tore asunder, FO R R E N T : — Modern fu rn ­ ished apartm ent. Call 185 Pion-| And may th eir pale, wan, faces eer Ave. 98 tf DR. E. B. ANGELL— Chiropractic sm ile' again. and Electro-Therapy. Office FOR RENT— Furnished house phone 48; residence 142. F irst Oh! New Year touch w ith infinr 478 Boulevard. 96— 1 mo N ational Bank building. , ite compassion, FO R SALE He whose careless feet tread THE SOUTHERN OREGON CLINIC Life’s shifting sand. FO R SA LE: — Incubators in 1st N ational Bank Bldg. Imbue him with a courage fine first class condition. Mrs. W. D. M edical Surgical O bstetrical to fashion D iagnostic X-ray Booth, W eightman St. Phone His path upon th e higher, firm er, 257Y. 101— 2t R. W. Stearns, M. D. land. R. E. Green, M. D. R. W. Sleeter, M. D. MISCELLANEOUS Office hours 2-5 p. m. We who have known sorrow and Phone 238-R FOR SALE:. — 100 tons Alfalfa pain and weakness, hay near Gold Hill, will feed It CONVALESCENT HOME W ho’ve worn the som ber cloak of out on the place if desired. L. F. W here the sick get well. Cot- doubt, of fear, 97-6* i tage plan. We board and care for Pickett, C en tral Point. We thank Thee, God, in reverence ------- i invalids and old people. M atern­ and meekness, ity dept. Call 153. For strength th a t’s born anew See— MONUMENTS each glad New ’Year. BRAVER REALTY CO. — BLANCHE LOGAN O’NEAL ASHLAND GRANITE I for Bargains in Real-Es­ tate. We also handle In­ surance and Loans. 82-tf For a sm ooth MONUMENTS B lair G ranite Co. S. PENNISTON, M anager Office 1 7 5 E. Main Res. P h on e 444-Y shave and quick service go 1NY GIRL IN TROUBLE— May to the Shell B arber Shop. Ladles and children get your hair bobbed and marcel­ communicate w ith Ensign Lee of the Salvation Army a t the WhlteStfield 'Home, 565 May- fa ir Ave., Portland, Oregon. led. PLANING MILL W . A. SH ELL, Prop. S32 A. St. A shland, Ore JORDON’S SASH AND CABINET W ORKS, Cor. H elm an «nd Van N ess. 194tf DOCTORS SAY; ’T NEGLECT T R A N SFE R AND E X PR E SS W hittle T ransfer A Storage Co. for SERVICE. Experleaced movers and pack­ ers of household goods. Deal­ ers in coal and wood. Phone 117. Office 89 Oak St. near Hotel Ashland P h y sicia n s w arn against n eg lect­ in g coughs and colds and te ll of the seriou s lung ’com plications th a t nuty resu lt. le a d in g physi­ cian s now prescribo BALSAMEA for a ll bronchial affections. BAL­ SA ME A is a pure vegetab le prep­ aration m ade from a new ly d is­ covered p lan t... Dr. B enj. F. C rabtree, A nderson, Mo., w rites:' ‘‘I use it exclu sively for m y prac­ tic e and m y fam ily. It is quick, sure and sa fe in its action lik e n oth in g e lse .” T. L. PO W ELL—General Trans- f®r— Good team and motor trucks. G m d service a t a rea- eouab.’e price. P hon e 83. FEH IG E-ROACH T ransfer — Express — Storage Hauling — Dray work of all kinds. Quick m otor service. Dry wood of all kinds. Phone 410-R 875 B. St. 112-tf WOOD SAWING Toward the end of the influ­ WANTED— Wood sawing. Tel enza epidemic a governm ent phy­ 470-J. 63— Imo* sician noticed th a t a tribe of In­ dians in Nevada, by the use of oils from a native plant were immune from the ravages of Influenza. He used these oils among his white patients and then in a hos­ pital everflowlng with ’d eath ” cases. News of the results swept the world and for some tim e it was not possible to supply the Apply Sulphur as T o ld demand. When Y o u r Skin BALSAMEA has now been Breaks Out standardized and gives uniformly m iraculous results in four ways: Any breaking out of the skin, even fiery, itching eczema, can 1. It soothes the inflamed mem­ branes and relieves irritation, 2. he quickly overcome by applying It increases secretion of mucous a little M entho-Sulphur, declares and perm its easy expectoration, a noted skin specialist. Because 3. It stim ulates pores of the skin ; of its germ destroying properties, in throw ing off body poisons and 4 , this sulphur preparation begins I t strikes a t the cause, checking at once to soothe irritated skin germ action immediately. and heal eruptions such as rash, Do not confuse it with ordin­ pimples and ring worm. ary balsam cough syrups th a t are It seldom fails to remove the only soothing ayrups and do not torm ent and disfigurem ent, and go to the base of the trouble. you do not have to wait for relief Unlike other cough remedies from em barrassm ent. Improve­ BALSAMEA is free from coal ta r m ent quickly shows. Sufferers and other harm ful narcotics. from skin trouble should obtain P leasant to take and absolutely a small ja r of Rowles Mentho- safe to give to children. _ _ ____ from any good druggist Sulphur Be sure you get BAL-SA-ME-A . and ll3e it like cold cream with the picture of the Indian on __________________ th e package. Guaranteed to re-! lief any cough, no m atter from STOP CATARRH! OPEN w hat cause, or your money back All druggists sell BALSAMEA. In NOSTRILS AND HEAD A shland buy it from Eastside 8aya Cream Applied in Nostrils Pharm acy. Relieves Head-Colds at Once. YI£LD_TOS(JLPHUR If your nostrils are clogged and your head is stuffed and you can’t for breathe freely because of a cold CHRONIC or catarrh, just get a small bot­ tle of Ely’s Cream Balm at any COUGHS drug store. Apply a little of this fragrant, antiseptic cream into your nostrils and let it penetrate NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN through every air passage of your th a t by order of the County Court, head, soothing and healing the duly passed in open C ourt on i inflamed, swollen mucous mem­ the 17th day of December, 1924, brane and you get instant re ­ all loads to be hauled over the lief. Ah! *how good it feels. Your roads of Jackson County, Oregon, be and hereby are lim ited to 250 nostrils are open your head is pounds per inch tire w idth, and clear, no more hawking, snuffling, ( it is fu rth er ordered th a t n o 1 blowing; no more headache, dry- chains are to be allowed on any ness or struggling for breath, trucks used on said roads. Vio- Ely’s Cream Balm is ju st what lato rs of this order will be prose- : sufferers from head colds and cuted. catarrh need. I t’s a delight. Chauncey Florey, County Clerk. ---- . * 101— 2 t ( There la wisdom in reading ada. price of beautiful yellow cry-san- TH E NEW YEAR theum s for high honors at cards. H ere’s Nineteen H undred and cer Araer- : a u ,r,b „ ,0 d through ~ ~ * » - so about ¿ x p *: " Misses Bernice and M arjorie Twenty-five! the old milk runs about 7 per mou of South America. Leer delighted the group with sev­ A ren’t you g.ad th at you’re alive cent and the cow is now approach- Ten per i cieties.” eral selections on the piano. These To raise your voice and shout ing the age of ten years. girls are quite accomplished young and sing musicians and th eir music was For all the blessings th a t he’ll 50,000-Acre Preserve greatly appreciated. bring? for Hunting Club R efreshm ents of cake, coffee and sandwiches were served at W hat do you think he’s really CHICAGO, Dec. 31. — Game a table beautifully decorated with brought— birds of many species bred on the crysantheum s. At a late hour A silly boy’s new - fangled 50,000-acre hunting preserve of the group adjourned having en­ thought? the Pacific Coast Sportsm en’s joyed an exceedingly pleasant Now, th a t's ju st what we always , Club, in California, will be used evening. say Those present were Mr. and j Each time a New Year comes this to stock wild coverts in every State in the Union, according to Mrs. Long of Weed, Mr. and Mrs. ! way. announcem ent here by Frederick B. F. Storm, Mrs. Pearl K earn ey .! L. Sims, chairm an of the board C. L. Clevenger and the host How clear and bright ascends his of organization.^ and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. Leer. star! “ The preserve will breed 250.- * * * j It surely cannot bring us war. 000 wild fowl annually.” said Mr. E ntertained— i All strife and hate we know will Sims. "The variety will be ring- Dr. M attie Brown Shaw en ter­ end— tained with a most appetizing Through faith and love, prove neck pheasant, quail, wild tu r­ FRAZIER and SON key. H ungarian partridge, oscilla- Phone 214 and elaborate Christm as dinner each a friend. 3 5 8 E. Main Street i S E g - I ' of Turkey, with all the delicious accompaniment followed by the As we a “ new leaf” turn today, distribution of gifts from an L et’s tu rn it to the right, alway electrically lighted and beautiful-' Each day begins a year for you— ly decorated tree, honoring Mrs. To make it good, is “ up to you. Ellen Shaw, m other of Dr. H. M. « -*» Shaw, when she accompanied Old Nineteen Hundred and Twen­ here from N orth Bend for the ty-four holiday visit. Besides the honor­ Is passing slowly out the doQ r., ed guest, Professor and Mrs. Good-bye— You’ve been a right Henry G. Gilmore enjoyqji the de­ good friend— lightful hospitality of the Doc­ W ith this "Boy” joys perpetual tors Shaw and th e ir spn, Marvin. send. • * • — ELIZABETH YOCKEY? A n derson-P ool— Ashland, Oregon, Dec. 29, 1924. A delightful m arriage was solemnized C hristm as Day In Stockton, Calif., when Miss Norine Iowa Farmer’s Cow Pool of th a t city became the bride Earns $467 in Year' of H um phrey Anderson, son of! T. M. Anderson of the- Skyline BEDFORD, la., Dec: 31. — Mine. They were m arried a t the W hat can be done in a year’s Across from The Ford Garage home of the bride and left im ­ time from one good cow, in dol­ m ediately following the ceremony lars and cents, has been shown for Asffland, arriving here Mon­ by Dee W illman, of Bedford, who Bring the envelope and number you drew day evening. They will visit a t owns a milch cow of the Jersey the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. M. type and breeding. Anderson for a few days and then This Jersey cow in one year Phone 138 2 0 7 E . Main go to the Skyline mine where and a day made Mr. W iilman Plumbing and Heating they will make th e ir home. >467.11. Besides this am ount a » * * CALENDAR OF EV EN TS Thursday, Ja n u a ry 1. New Y ear’s Day. Thursday, Jan u a ry 1. Parent- Teachers Dance a t Odd Fellow ’s Hall. Saturday, Jan u ary 3. W. R. C. will have covered dish luncheon a t the Odd Fellow ’s Hall. * * * D inner P arty — Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McNair were gracious hosts a t a delight­ ful dinner party given a t their home on Oak street Monday even­ ing. A delicious th ree - course dinner was served and the C hrist­ mas greens and bells which decor­ ated the rooms and table added much to the enjoym ent of the evening. The evening was spent playing the intricate game of Mah Jongg until a late hour when the guests departed for th eir respective homes. Guests for the evening were Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Tomlinson Mr. and Mrs. Nate Bates and Hugh Bates of the Oregon A gricultural College who is spending the Christm as vacation at the home of his parents. * * * Parent-T eacher Dance — Committees are hard at work preparing for the Parent-T eacher dance to be given at the Odd Fellows Hall Thursday evening and a large crowd is expected to attend. Any student of the high school, member of the alum nae, teacher or parent is cordially in­ vited to be present. * « * E ntertain Friends— A very delightful party was given Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Leer when they entertained a few of their friends. The evening was spent playing cards, games, danc­ ing, singing and telling jokes and stories. Mr. Long received a iNEUMONIA Call a physician. Then begin “emergency" treatment with V ▼ I V C K R S a r o u b Over 1 7 Million Jara U tctl Y m rfy Frazier & Son May the NEW YEAR Bring you all Happiness and Prosper ity Wishing you the season’s Greetings for a Happy, Pros­ perous 1925 and as­ suring you of our appreciation of your g o o d will during 1924. Take Laxative tablets The tonic and laxative effect of Laxative BROMO QUININE Tablets will for­ tify the system against Grip, Influenza and other serious ills resulting from a Cold. Given away by T. K. Bolton Ontario Fixes Minimum Wage Scale for Women OTTAWA, Ont.. Dec. 31. — Minimum wage levels for 125,000 women w orkers of O ntario have been fixed by the Minimum Wage Board. As wage schedules are based on the cost of living, the board keeps note of the rise and fall of the item s in the w orking women’s budget and fixes its schedules to be effective a year a t a time. J. 0 . RIGG Extends Greetings and hopes that every day will bring happiness and contentment. May contentment share with pros­ perity in all your efforts through­ out the Coming Year. Leedom’s Tire House t May Happiness, Prosperity and Contentment be your share each day of 1925 New Year’s i M New this Year your happiest and may this hank have the privilege of helping vou make it so. Murphy Elec. Co. The Citizens Bank of Ashland Our Phone 82 Ashland, Oregon 1 Our New Year’s Wish is Health, Wealth and Happiness Franklin Bakery r:ii!in i:-n n n v < This comes to bring you Sincere Greetings and best wishes for a Very Happy New Year Diamond Briquets Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Back Do simply this: Order a load of Diamond Briquets from us or 7,“ one of the dealers listed below t l.lt Thin i, lo muat a d w ’ l l he ,h ',he p ro i; entirely satisfactory in >our own home and according to your own judgm ent— otherw ise the rem aining Diamond Briquets c h e e J i 'a i r r e f u n d e T ’ ° “ r “ ° a ° d ,O ur en“ re » " " * “ <> W. THE SECOND PHONOGRAPH Jerry O’Neal ARMY GOODS STORE Ta Cure aCold in One Day No. 180 W We are th u s willing to meet you a generous half way are. noi , asked t° experiment. We take the risk S ' s h o u ;d >’ou feel they are not up to your expec- ta t ons. Can you w rite a more straightforw ard plan by which Diamond Briquets, the biggest selling lump coal in the Pa- Ji0^Khw est’ can become known to those who do not use ‘« o o p e w S / “ “ ' ” e *r