i ■ ■■ iwmi1 »« ASHLAND CLIMATE Without the use of medicine cures nine cases out of ten of asthma. This is a proven fact. A shland D aily T idings The Tidings Has Been Ashland's Leading Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years I International News W ire Service) VOL. XLVIII Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Volume 43. fin MALARIA GERMS Cannot survive three months in the rich ozone at Ashland. Pure domestic water helps. ASHLAND, OREGON, WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 31,“ m i NO. 104 1 MAN DID NO________ _ O F H IS BLUSHING B R ID E » TAUNTON, Mass., Dec. » 31. — “ You had better go » N E W T E A R ’S DAY, 1925 out and get an introduct­ ion to the girl you pro­ pose to m arry,” was the advice which City Clerk Edwin A. Tetlow gave a man seeking a m arriage license. The man, accompanied Prosperous Year Just Past, With Prospects for Even» by a woman, made a visit Better Conditions During Coming Season. Much1 jj to the home of the city Building Activ‘ty Aids in Bettering Ashland. More « clerk to get a m arriage Residents for City Positive for Coming Year. « license. He answered the 8 questions put by Tetlow. 8 When the clerk asked the l Bv <}. M. GREEN « name of his proposed wife Clear the track for 1925 and growth for Ashland! 8 he scratched his head, On the eve pi the New Year conditions look better 8 8 thought a moment and he did not know. for growth, prosperity and development in southern Ore­ 8 declared L ater it was learned gon than in many years, according to those who are con­ 8 th a t the woman w ith him versant with what has been accomplished in former years. 8 was the bridesm aid and th a t he had left his bride- Incidentally, everybody agrees that 1925 will prob­ 8 to-be w aiting at the church ably be the most propitious year in the history of Ash­ 8 with the intention of re­ land; that is, it we take advantage of the opportunity to 8 turning with the docu­ bring growth and development to Ashland, we will prob­ 8 ' ment. but he failed to do 8 so. ably get better returns in 1925 than in many a year. A steady growth has come to the city during the last- 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 few years, and anyone who goes about the city and counts the new faces in business or professions and those in the laboring ranks, will realize that more changes have come, and more new citizens are in our midst than one would think. The summer anti tall ot 1924 brought a continuous stream of tourists to the city, with many of them remain­ ing with us permanently. However, reports from every source indicate conclusively that the 1925 influx of tour­ ists will he probably twice as great as in 1924. i OPTIMISM NOTE IS SOUNDED BY ALL OF ENDS L IF E BUT NOT IN WAY HE PLA N N ED 8 ------- a FOSTER FATHER! IS CLEARED IN DEATH OF BOY 8 TOKYO, Dec, 31. — $j 8 Seikichi Kato 62 years 8 old, felt a personal respon­ 8 8 sibility for the wickedness 8 : ** of Japan, so he decided to 8 I 8 starve himself to death to ♦♦ ♦♦ atone for h is . country’s 8 » sins. 8 ! 8 He shut himself up In a 8 Most of Leading Nations to ' x shed and abstained from 8 8 food for 22 days before the 8 Report of Experts Shows Start New Year With Young McClintock Died 8 police found him. There­ 8 Bright Prospects Natural 8 a fte r he was persuaded 8 ______ Cause AMERICA IS LEADING « th a t he had the wrong FALLS FLAT ! 8 idea and he decided to re­ «¡PROBE Foreign Trade A m ounting to Nine 8 sume eating. 8 Few P erfu nctory Moves R ,.„iaj„ B illion D ollars Expected for 8 Kato was well oh the 8 »W ore Investigation Is O f« , Tills Nation D uring 1925 8 way to recovery, after ab­ 8 eiaily Closed l»y s ta te --------- , » sorbing 200 gram s of li­ 8 F WASHINGTON, Dec. 31.— At,** quid food a day for several 8 A° ° ' De‘‘- 31 ’ — Wi,1,a“ least thirty out of the total of ' ** days, when he fell down 8 McClintock, dead ‘ millionaire or­ forty principal commercial nations! ** stairs and suffered con­ 8 phan’ died a typical ’ text book” of the world will tomorrow be- ** cussion of the brain. He 8 ease of typhoid fever, and from gin the year 1925, with prospects: ** died, thereby accomplish­ 8 nothing else, according to a re­ for the best business year experi- • ** ing the object of his fast, 8 port made today. This report enced since the outbreak of the i **t although by a different 8 which is expected to duplicate, in W orld W ar, according to data ** method. 8 every feature, exactly the official compiled here by the D epartm ent 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 findings of Dr. William McNally of Commerce. --------------------------- coroners chemist, was subm itted The United States, with an a n - ! here today by Dr. Jam es Simonds, ticipated foreign trade which will , expert toxicologist who has w ork­ total over nine billions of dollars , ed for and represented the in ter­ next year, Canada, with her rising ! ests of William Shepherd, McClin­ agricultural products prices, and j tock’s foster father. Dr. Simonds G reat B ritain, with a stabilized j was a co-worker at the autopsy governm ent, since the driving out j perform ed on the exhumed body of the Labor government leaders, of McClintock .during tjie past few and with a greater agricultural days. activity are among the m arked Two Cases Aguinst A lleged V io­ This report gave the official lators Are D ism issed. Three to nations in the lead. These three investigation by States A ttorney be Taken to K lam ath F alls countries give promise of being Crowe, already staggeiing on its the greatest factors and competi­ legs, a death blow. Only a few tors in the conquest and battle for JACKSONVILLE, Dec. 31. __ perfunctory gestures still remain the world m arkets. Federal complaints charging John to be closed before the probe of Very favorable business condi­ and Edwin Taylor, brothers hnd the death comes to an end. tions exist in France and Italy, The investigation was started well known residents of the Ap­ and a m arked improvement is by gossip and rum or concerning plegate. and John Doe Pate of shown in Germany and Belgium, Klam ath Falls with the alleged the “something w rong” connect­ according to the figures made sale of Intoxicating liquor were ion with the death of the last public. The conditions of the two filed late Monday afternoon by blood to the “ fa ta l” McCliutock la tte r countries is especially In­ fortune. federal prohibition authorities. teresting? particularly th a t of McClintock died following an All three defendants were In­ Germany. These two nations were attack ot typhoid fever, and the volved in the state dry raids of hardest hit by the effects of the cause of his death was clearly last week. The charges ugainst war. and their recuperation, stated in the death certificate John and Edwin Taylor were dis­ shown in activities in the m arkets made out and signed by a leading missed when called before County shows th a t the world is well on Judge Gardner. A high power­ Chicago physician. He was burl­ the way to recovery from the ef­ ed automobile, Bald to belong to ed here, but emulous rum ors and fects of the greatest conflict in Pate, is held by the county au­ gossip continued until the a tte n ­ the history of the world. tion of the States A ttorney was According to H erbert Hoover. thorities pending the filing of drawn to the case. It was rum or­ confiscatory claims on the charge Secretary of Commerce, every­ ed that the boy, had either been of transporting liquor. thing in th e United State1.! indi­ poisoned or killed in some other Bonds of $1000 each were post­ cates the most prosperous year m anner, and the name of William ed by each defendant this morn­ during the past twenty-five. With Shepherd, foster father of the ing. Henry Taylor, father of the gigantic agricultural crops, and *boy, and chief beneficiary in the two brothers, and Oscar Knox of with a ready m arket and good Jacksonville, a sawmill operator, will of the dead youth was prom- ’nent’y mentiuped when the case prices prevailing for these pro­ qualifying as bondsmen. was re-openetr ducts, the farm ers are in a good According to the county clerk, Shepherd, who was in New financial condition, while the re­ the trio will be taken to Klam­ Mexico ai the time the probe m ainder of the country is on a ath Falls for arraignm ent before opened, immediately cancelled an firm financial footing, better than (he United States commissioner extended vacation tour and h u r­ ever before. at th at place. Glen O. Taylor, the ried back to Chicago to aid in the The only dark spot on the hori- local federal official, being ab- investigation, in order to clear zon is the threatened refusal ot j sent from the city on a vacation. his name of any blame. Shep­ Great B ritain and France to pay, A young man fay the Qame Qf herd was highly incensed at the their w ar debts, owed this coun- B urnett, alleged to have been action of the States Attorney, and try. Should they persist in this the driver of the Pate car, plead­ now that the probe has fallen flat, attitude, it is stated all personal ed guilty to a charge of posses­ has not decided his future action, credits will be cut off, and this sion of intoxicating liquor this but states he may bring suit act would m aterially decrease the morning before County Judge against those responsible for the business of this country. It is G ardner, and was given a sent­ action. thought however, th a t the mere ence of three months in jail and The report shows that the ty­ th reat of .stopping of all credit fined $50, the jail* sentence be­ phus germs were contracted na­ will force these countries to rec­ ing suspended on condition th at turally, and were not inducted B urnett pay the fine which he Into the body, either through the ognize their debts. said he would do. food given McClintock, or through Federal action in Jackson coun­ hypodermic injections. ty bootlegging charges, accord- i ing to county authorities, was due to the well known proneness of Jackson county ju ries not to i convict upon the testimony of dry I sleuths. ■ ~ DRY VIOLATORS ARE KLAMATH FALLS IS TAKEN IN ASHLAND H arry Edw ards, A lia s Ben Hutu ner, W anted on ff'heft Charge, A rrested H ere During the last two weeks this I _________________ ___________ ___ H arry Edwards, alias Ben Sum­ ' section, blessed with milder i w eather than regions either to ner, of Klam ath F a lb , wanted in. the north or south, has come th at city for burglary, was a r­ to the attention of many of those rested at a local hotel last night J who will visit Oregon during the and returned to Klam ath Falls in coming year, and this will mean J custody of Constable Fred M orley th a t more will elect to live in I of th at city, who arrived here 1 Ast H lievlin-H inui Concern to Build Cabins W ashed A w ay, O thers Are Ashland. night to take charge of the pris­ Mill to Haw Tim ber R ecently Underm ined by Hevere Storm A form er Ashland citizen, whoj oner. Purchased at F alls , o f M onday N ight has been visiting here this week Edwards, it is alleged. ran M onths in Jail and F ine of! from California, reports that many sacked a tru n k in a hotel room $ 7 5 0 Handed to A lleged E agle PORTLAND, Dec. 31. — Con­ MEDFORD, Dec. 31 — The of the sm aller cities in that state Point Hoot logger i in K lam ath Falls, rem oving $150 struction of a sawmill plant with downpour of rain Monday night, are merely holding their own or which was hidden in the tru n k , a capacity of 100,000,000 feet alm ost record breaking, created losing population, and that together with a quantity of cloth­ a year will be started at K lam ath JACKSONVILLE, Dec. 31. — thousands of Californians will be Eli Dahack, well known resident ing, a cam era, and several other Falls, Ore., by the Shevlin-Hixon flood conditions in the streets of many places because of inability ready to locate in Oregon when of the Eagle Point district, was articles. He im m ediately left for interests as soon after the first of the • storm isewers to carry they visit this state in 1925. sentenced to serve six months in this city, but his movements of the new year as w eather con­ away the fast , falling rain quick The bountiful fall of snow in jail and pay a fine of $500 by were traced by th e K lam ath po­ ditions perm it, according to in­ enough; caused Bear creek and the hills and m ountains and the County Judge George A. G ardner, lice. who notified Chief of Police form ation obtained here from E. sm aller stream s throughout the welcome rains are storing up res­ on a pled of guilty to a complaint C. Shevlin, a stockholder in the country to flood th eir banks, and ervoirs of water for this city in charging sale of Intoxicating li­ MdNabb. Monday night, McNabb company. patrolled the A shland-K lam ath caused the greatest rise in the 1925, which Indicate th a t th e quor. His attorney, E. E. Kelly, This mill is to handle tim ber sum m er of 1925 will not be dry, announced his intention of filing Falls highway for several hours, cut from holdings recently ac­ Rogue river during this year. The as. unfortunately the summer of a w rit of review, which will carry aw aiting the arriv al of th e sus­ quired trib u tary to K lam ath Falls, river at Gold Ray yesterday 1924 was. T he-E m igrant creek the case to the circuit court. Da­ pect, who had left K lam ath Falls Mr. Shevlin said. It will give em­ morning was at a depth of 15 dam will enable the Talent Ir ri­ hack entered a plea of guilty last in a taxicab, in company w ith a ploym ent to about 700 merf, in­ feet and two inches, far more gation district to add a large Friday, and efTorts to w ithdraw woman companion. cluding the logging forces and than normal. A wait of several hours on the those in the mill. am ount of w ater to the supplies it were denied. On Thursday, Da- In all during the 24 hours end­ coming from the m ountains. This hack's bail of $750 on a sim ilar highway proved fruitless, and In Portland E. C. Shevlin ing yesterday morning 1.43 of an will also mean the irrigation of charge was ordered forfeited for McNabb returned to the city, be­ stated th a t no inform ation on the inch of rain had fallen, most of thousands of acres trib u tary to non-appearance. Dahack was or­ lieving the K lam ath officer’s had option held by the Shevlin-Hixon which came down Monday night. Ashland which have suffered be­ dered rem anded to the custody been m istaken in th eir assertions Lum ber company would be given It stopped ra in ’ng along, tow ards cause of a lack of w ater hereto­ of the sherifT. th a t Edw ards had started in this out until the K lam ath Falls con­ morning, a n d 'th e flooded condi­ fore. A third case of selling intoxi­ direction. Yesterday, a to u r of cern was notified directly from tion of the stream s and the A shland’s new 9-story hotel, cating liquor is still pending the hotels of th e city resulted in the Minneapolis office of the Bend streets began to fast subside. when completed will mean that against Dahack, two indictm ents the discovery th a t a inaji, who company. The rapid rise of Bear creek thousands of tourists will stop alleging violation of the liquor answered the description of the The option was taken on the caused th a t u su ally . quiet stream here who otherwise would drive laws, returned by t*he last grand suspect had arrived from Klam Shaw -Bertram company over a through the city. When the jury. A ju ry in the circuit court, ath Falls in a ren ted car, and had m onth ago and was to expfre the to overflow its banks after mid­ building is completed Ashland the first of the m onth were un­ reg stered under the nam e of Ben first of the year, providing the night and reach the dign’ty of a raging river, which flooded the will stand equal to other Pacific able to agree, at the trial of Da­ Sumner. Constable Moreley was Bend concern did not exercise the east side of the Merrick auto camp coast cities in this era of hotel hack on a sim ilar charge, and notified, and McNabb arrested option. and the city auto camp. construction. W. J. B ertram , parxt owner of were discharged after 27 hours’ Edwards, or Sum ner as he was Considerable damage was caus­ The California - Oregon Box deliberation. the Shaw -Bertram Lum ber com­ known here. Upon th e arrival of ed a t the Merrick camp, as the factory will be in operation and The sentence meted out t* Da­ Morely, Edwards was positively pany stated today th a t no defin­ flood washed away several of tlie give employment to many support­ hack is one of the heaviest ever identified as the man wanted «in ite inform ation had been receiv­ tourist cabins and undeterm ined ers of families. ed here regarding the option. adm inistered in a liquor viola­ Klam ath Falls, and late last Labor throughout the spring tion case in this county. “ Mr. J . R. Shaw left Friday others 'In th e finst row and one- night the constable started for and summer will be in demand for P ortland to confer with offic­ half along the river. Several of home with his prisoner and the In the construction of the new’ ials of the Shevlin-Hixon company the cabins a re overturned by the woman who accompanied him to hotel and other buildings which in regard to the option. I am anx flood, but did not float away, in this city a fte r the theft. will be completed within the next iously aw aiting word on w hether this flood among the cabins stands, The d riv er of the rented car eight months. th e option has been taken up or the au to of a man who was living! in which Edw ards and his com­ will not be exercised, as until 1924 has added m inor improve­ in a cabin. Two men residing In j PARENT-TEACHERS TO panion made the trip to thia city hear word I can not buy certain one of the cabins were aw aken­ m ents in the city, including the Next Monday, Jan u ary 5 th, ENTERTAIN STUDENTS stated th a t they started from equipm ent th a t we have intend­ ed some time after m idnight to Erances - B utler apartm ents, a CHICAGO, Dec. 31. — The Ralph Jennings wiil he sworn in Klam ath Falls l a t e Monday ed to purchase.” new rest room for the comfort find th eir stru ctu re flooded and as sheriff. Miss Delilah Stevens as possibility th at the Ku Klux Kian The high school Parent-T each­ will make raids on all cabarets of the tourists at the tourist camp, night, but th a t about mid, way had to wade out quickly with county clerk, and W. J. Hartzell The Men’s Glee Club of the ers association is sponsoring a antT cafes where anti-Volstead big improvements a t the Hotel between th e two cities, th e driv­ what personal effects could easily as county judge. Bible In stitu te of Los Angeles, dance to be given a t the Odd Fel- parties may he under way tonight Ashland, the completion of the ing rain blinded him, and he lost be Seized, to safety on higher Chauncey Florey, the retiring low’s Hall Thursday evening. This loomed up here today as Chicago Ashland - K lam ath Palls highway, under the direction of John Bis- the road, going off into a ditch, land. county clerk, after 14 years at dance is for any high school stu- was preparing to give a riotous connecting this city with C rater sel Trow bridge, will present a and breaking a spring on the car. The m a ji portion of the Mer­ the courthouse, will enter the in- dent, alum nus, teacher or parent Lake, the completion of the E m i­ free concert at the Presbyterian I nable to get the car back on rick camp, however, was not surance business in Medford. He who wishes to attend and is be- welcome to the infant. 1925. Ac­ g ran t Creek dam, improvement Church here tonight. The Insti­ the road, they were forced to wait touched by the swollen stream . served two years as a deputy as-; ing given a t this tim e in order cording to information here, it of p art of the road to Lake of tute organization is considered until daylight when they obtain­ Is the K ian’s intention of clean­ sessor, two years as recorder and th at the college students may a t­ ing up Chicago. the Woods, financing and build­ one of the finest organizations of ed aid from a passing m otorist. All plans for many bridges out ten yearB as county clerk. tend. Twenty-five cents will be this action have been openly a n ­ ing of the new hotel and the box its kind, presenting religious mu­ This accident explained the delay due to much rain County Judge George Gardner; charged to cover the expenses of nounced, only the “ zero hour” factory, and many other projects sic, in the country, and every­ in the arrival of Sum ner in Ash­ In a decree handed down by which make Ashland a b etter and where concerts have been pre­ land. the failure of McNabb to has no definite plans for the fu­ renting the hall and music. Ice w hen'the raiders are to be loosed C ircuit Judge C. M. Thomas Mon­ PORTLAND, Dec. 31. — Rapid-, more progressive community. tu re, but it is persistently rum- cream and cake will be served. sented, the singers have been make the arrest after his long day, in the suit of C. S. B utler ly rising rivers and heavy rains i ored in the county seat th at he Dickey’s orchestra will furnish the by the invisible empire, to visit The Ashland m erchants are greeted by capacity audiences. every meeting place in the city, wait Monday night. against the City of Ashland, and in many sections, today continued m aking Improvements in their will engage in the banking busi­ music. remains a secret. The organization opened its the Talent Irrigation district, the to take th eir toll of bridges wash­ stocks and buildings; and today present tour on December 18, in ness Jn Jacksonville. • I The dance is sim ilar to the C. Fithian, chief of staff of the pleas of the plaintiff were denied. ed out, with railroads and high­ there are a greater num ber of Charles Terrill, th e retiring! Junior-Senior prom which was Grand Dragon of this section said Bakersfield. C llf ., and since that! TO m V E S T T C A T E I ) B utler filed notice of an appeal ways flooded over in the Pacific local m erchants through consis- , time, concerts have been given N orthwest, according to many re­ sheriff, will return to his farm held at the Civic clubhouse re the complete organization for the to the state suprem e court. ten t advertising n u k in g n strong , lhroughout C entral N orthern on Lake creek after serving six cent y but is under the supervis carrying out of the raids had been The controversy was over the ports received here. WASHINGTON, Dec. 31. — The bid for the eo n tm n n ltre trade CaU[or„,a and (n Oregon years. ! ion of the parents instead of the completed at the office of the These reports show’ th a t the Federal enforcem ent of prohibi­ negotiations for the Ashland w ater than ever before, ore. which w c means o rga n i2atjon at present on jts Kian, and th at everything was Miss Delilah Stevens, the in-: Btudent3’ tion will go .