PAGE Tttft&fe AfiStAMD HAUT TEMWGS Tuesday, December 30, Í02Í Classified Column C larified Column Rates One cent the word each time. To run every inane for one month or mote, H e the word each time. PROFESSIONAL CHIEF FIGURES IN THE NEWS OF THE DAT PHYSICIANS DR. HAWLEY— Above office. Phone 91. • ______ .Miss Edith Dodge, Editor DR. C. W. HANSON Phone Items to her at 89, between Dentist 8 a. m. and 5 p. m. Special attention given to pyor­ FOR RENT rhoea. Office upstairs In Beaver CALENDAR OF EVENTS Block. Phone 178-J. 233-tf. FOR RENT: — 3-rooin fu rn ­ Thursday, Jan u ary 1. New ished apartm ent, close in. Phone DR. G. C. PHETTEPLACE Y ear’s Day. Dentistry Robinson’s Garage or 432Y. 100-tf Saturday. Jan u ary 3. W. R. C. Gas or local anesthesia for ex will have covered dish luncheon FOR RENT: — 4 partly fur-I traction and minor surgery. Dished rooms, 240 Oberlin St. | s Pecial attention given to straight- at noon at the I. O. O. F Hall. ’ I ening and care of children’s I ♦ * *. ---ot tppih t a v, t -, i C h ristm as C a n ta ta — Citizens Bank FOR RENT: — Modern fu rn ­ Phone. Above The Christm as C antata, “ The Office, 151— Res., 201-J ished apartm ent. Call 185 Pion­ __ __ Holy N ativltjk’ «by Henry W ilder- eer Ave. 98— tf DR. ERNEST A. WOODS Prac-i more was beautifully rendered at tlce limited to eye, ear. nose ano the Methodist Episcopal church FOR RENT— Furnished house. th ro at— X-ray Including teeth, j last Sunday evening to a large 478 Boulevard. 96— 1 mo. Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 tc and appreciative audience. The 6. Sweden burg Bldg., Ashland, church was filled to capacity and FOR SALE Ore. it was necessary to open up th e, FOR SALE: — W hite Leghorn Epworth League rooms. laying pullets. Mrs. W. D. Booth, DR. E. B. ANGELL— Chiropractic The edifice was beautifully and Electro-Therapy. Office Phone 257Y. 100— 2t decorated with Christm as greens, phone 48; residence 142. First bells and w reaths. The lights National Bank building. MISCELLANEOUS were turned out and the proces­ sional entering singing the beau­ WANTED— To rent from own­ THE SOUTHERN OREGON CLINIC tiful song, “ Silent N ight” . Each er, a good 40 to 80 acre, improv­ 1st National Bank Bldg. one carried an open hymnal and ed ranch, close to school. Would Medical Surgical Obstetrical lighted candles. Diagnostic X-ray consider buying later if Suited. Words cannot express how R W. Stearns, M. D. Clifford Sandy, Banks, Ore. R. E. Green, M. D. wonderfully effective this march 88— 1 mo R. W. Sleeter, M. D. was. Everyone present was very Office hours, 2-5 p. m. much impressed. FOUND: — Glasses in case. Phone 238-R The cantata was fine and show­ Owner can have same, by describ­ CONVALESCENT HOME ed a great deal of training and ing and paying for this ad. Tid­ W here the sick get well. Cot­ preparation. The special work ings Office. 100— 2t tage plan. We board and care for was very good, especially the V .2 E N . GEOiasC V N O E R 1 2 f t XAD5T*' FOR SALE: — 100 tons Alfalfa invalids and old people. M atern­ solos by Miss Jean Anderson, Mrs. . F R I T Z - ' ' » I B X n P E R ’C.fltTGH Kaj ity dept. Call 153. hay near Gold Hill, will feed It E. O. Smith and Mrs. M. W olcott. A.« Fritz Krelsler. world famous violinist, was about to begin a out on the place if desired. L. F. MONUMENTS These solos were beautifully ren ­ «on-ei- hi Vienna, he received a letter, signed by men who said they Pickett. C entral Point. 97-6* dered. w«t. . isi harged officials with starving families, telling him there ASHLAND GRANITE ■ nr an “accidental" shooting unless >700 were forth « inning No Bernice Yeo’s piano solo, FOR SALE: — Moline pitless MONUMENTS Waltz in G F la t’’ by Mosokowfki ai ri-sis were made. Rupert Hughes, novelist and motion picture wagon and hay scales, good as Blair Granite Co. writer. whose first wife committed suicide in Indo-China a year ago, was beautifully rendered and Is Siam io be married to Patterson Dial, a motion plctnrj actress of new, >40. Address F rank Randev, S. PENNISTON, Manager much appreciated by all. 3>ns Angeles. In attacking the Underwood bill to lease Muscle Shoals Jacksonville, Ore. 97— 5t* Office 175 E. Main a private corporation, U. S. Senator George W. Norris declared the The director, G. H. Yeo and the Res. Phone. 444-Y "would make Teapot Dome look Uke a pin head." A London accompanist. Mrs. Annabel Davis pap.-r declares the famous >W9,000 gem oollecUon of Lady Ludlow, od service at a re a ­ Keller. Orange la crosse team. i to cl,max the ten-year undertak- * • * sonable price. Phone 83. At the m eeting of the United ’ ing by °PeninR the station Christ- Around all day with an aching At Gold Hill— States Intercollegiate La C ro s s e 'mas Day> as a “ Santa Tlaus gift ll 4- 4 the L<~. date ilnln was FEHIGE-ROACH back, the /UtV city.” ” "D But Mrs. Lulu W ilson and daughter Association is was urged _ th at in­ t to fho Transfer — Express — Storage Can’t rest at night; Jan e t and Miss Louise Henry ternational contests take place at found to be prem ature. Hauling — Dray work of all were guests a t a delightful least every two years. This would Enough to make any one “ give kinds. Quick m otor service. Dry Christm as party a t th e home of out.” mean th a t 1925 m ust be the next wood of all kinds. Phone 410-R E arl Adams in Gold Hill last period for .the American-British Loses Young Bride in Doan’s Pills are helping thou­ 375 B. St. 112-tf week. The group made the trip engagements. sands. Far Northland. to Gold Hill W ednesday and re ­ It was first thought th a t Ox­ They are fbr kidney backache; WOOD SAWING turned Friday. They reported a ford and Cambridge might com­ And other kidney ills. WANTED— Wood sawing. Tel w onderful tim e as a Christm as bine as an Oxford team. This, Here is Ashland proof of their 470-J. 63— Imo* dinner and tree was enjoyed on however, seemed inadvisable, for m erit: Christm as Day and many other neither twelve is too strong. Mrs. Mary A. Torrence, 843 B things were planned for th e ir Stockport, however, holds the NOTICE St., says: “ I can certainly recom­ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN amusement. North England championship and mend Doan’s Pills for I know they th a t by order of the County Court, is regarded in English la crosse do what is claimed • for them. I duly passed in open Court on circles as Syracuse is in the Un­ Klam ath Falls — Malin and have used them off and on for the 17th day of December, 1924, ited States. Shasta View irrigation projects, some time. My kidneys were weak all loads to be hauled over the Should this visit of the Eng­ about 6,000 acres, to cost >200,- and I had such distressing back­ roads of Jackson County, Oregon, 000 will be carried on through lishmen be arranged by Coach aches, I could hardly keep at my be and hereby are lim ited to 250 federal reclam ation aid. Cox/ it is entirely probable th a t Syracuse will have ju st as strong work. I had severe headaches and pounds per inch tire w idth, and a team to meet the invaders as dizzy spells and the action of my it is fu rth er ordered th a t no chains are to be allowed on any th a t of last year, which again won kidneys was irregular. Doan’s trucks used on said roads. Vio­ the national title. Pills from McNair’s Bros.’ Drug lators of this order will be prose­ Not many of last year’s reg u ­ Store were ju st what I needed and cuted. lars were listed. Under the dlr a short use has always stopped , Chauncey Florey, County Clerk. ectlon of Coach Harvey J. Mac- the backache and other signs ef 101— 2t Aloney and Captain W. P. P. kidney trouble.” Townsend, the freshm en of last 60c, at all dealers. FostenMil-1 8 DEATHS CAUSED BY When Back Hurts or Blad­ year have been drilled system a­ bum Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. COLD WAVE IN CHI der Bothers, Also Take tically and have developed into No. 37 players of real calibre. The a Little Salts CHICAGO, Dec. 30. — A total coaches have been aided by var­ of eight deaths over the week sity veterans from time to time. Eating too much rich food may end have been attributed directly In the coming of the English­ Dean Wheeler, of Wichita, Kas, to the cold wave which sent the produce kidney trouble in some men cannot be achieved, Syracuse took hla bride to the Northwest therm om eter down to the low form, says à well-known au th o r­ will take steps to effect another Angle country of Minnesota to file m ark of 13 degrees below zero. ity, because the acids created ex­ trans-A tlantic voyage for the a homestead. Less than a month he took her body back to her The w eather m oderated today, but cite the kidneys. Then they be­ Orange twelve, Coach Cox said. later home for burial. She had been come overworked, get sluggish, Ease you tight, aching chest. there Is snow falling. A score subbed to death. At first it w m clog up and cause all sorts of thought death was accidental, be« Stop the pain. Break up the con­ more deaths have been reported distress, particularly backach,e investigation by the authorities ot gestion. Feel a bf^d cold loosen up from other points in the middle Warroad and Baudette, Minn., and and misery in the kidney region, west. The shipping in the Great in ju s t a short time. by an aged trapper, led to the 1» rheum atic twinges, severe head­ ■uance of a warrant for Tony “ Red Pepper Rub” is th c o l d Lakes is icebound or fighting aches, acid stomach, constipation, Reamer, a trapper, whose advance rem edy th at brings quickest re ­ through dangerous ice floes. ■be la said to have repulsed. torpid liver, sleeplessness, blad­ lief. It cannot h u rt you and it der and urinary irritation. certainly seems. to end the tight­ The moment your back hurts ness and drive the congestion and or kidneys a re n ’t acting right, soreness right out. or if bladder bothers you, begin N othing has such concentrated, drinking lots of good w ater and CHICAGO. Dec. 30. — A n e w ■ penetrating heat as red peppers, I also get about four ounces of epoch in railway term inal devei-i and when heat penetrates right Jade Salts from any good pharm - opment will m ark the opening of' down into colds, congestion, ach­ giass of w ater before breakfast the sixty-m illion-dollar Chicago- DESERVES THE BEST ing muscles and sore, stiff jo in ts j for a few days and your kidneys Union Station on or about Febru­ Bring or send it to relief comes a t once. may then act fine. This famous ary 15. The moment you apply Red salts is made from the acid of Spreading out over a larger and The Medford Veterinarian Pepper Rub you feel the tingling CURED WITHOUT OPERATION grapes and lemon juice, combined larger area, th e gray-lim estone ter heat. In three m inutes the con­ Hospital with lithia, and has been used minal has continued to grow un­ many thousands have been re> gested spot is warmetj through ' lieved of Piles by my non-surgical and through. When yd*u are suf­ treatments that it is folly to endure the for ten years to flush clogged til, in its massive style of archi­ Dr. E. C. McCULLOCH, fering from a cold, rheum atism , suffering and ill health resulting from kidneys and stim ulate them to tecture, it resembles an impos­ Graduate Veterinarian activity; also to neutralize the ing temple of antiquity. From i disorders. u a u n a t u c , stiff o iiu u it: ----------------------------— backache, neck iv O or i s sore mus- Rectal and Colon Corner F ifth & Grape Sts. acids in the system so th a t they atop the bridges spanning the cles, ju st get a ja r of Rowles Red certainty of • no longer irritate, thus often re­ Chicago River it stands out like Pepper Rub. made from red pep- tee A r e T n y T ^ o f PilS oirehmd Phone 369 lieving bladder disorders. a new city. pers, at any drug store. You will the patients reasonable fee. MEDFORD, Oregon Jad Salts can not injure any­ When the completed term inal have the quickest relief known, j or today focmyFREE book one: make a delightful efferves­ swings open under auspicious describing reflex cent lithia w ater dring which m il­ ceremonies, the ancient term inal tion» due to Rectal and I will be at The East lions of men and women take building will be quickly demol­ Colon disorders.' now and then to help keep the ished. The whole transform ation Side Pharmacy in Ash­ kidneys and urinary organs clean, including all work on the new te r­ land every Wednesday, we claim for it thus often avoiding serious kid­ minal, will have been carried out —rid your system of Catarrh or Deaf­ SEATTLE o m e t s : ney disorders. By all means w ithout interference with a sing­ 12 ;30 to 7 p. m. Call there ness caused by Catarrh. have your physician examine your le train. This Is ju st one phase i or phone 51. P. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. Ohio kidneys at least twice à year. of the unusual engineering skill, i ENGLAND WILL SEEK LA CROSSE IRLE Giving tint tcvm m QUAR1 OF M U A DA? HELPS KIDNEYS RED PEPPER HEAT ENDS K T COLDS IT FOR CHICAGO LIKE IT TEMPLE ’ Your Pet and did, consume more food at! la never edited or censored by one “sitting“' than any other six saner outsiders. A recent num ­ men in Farm ersville. In the pre-! ber of the magazine contained Volstead era he complained local some verses on the buttercup and ! spirit emporiums never kept a sociological study captioned | enough cold beer on hand to fill “Should Married Women W ork?” him up. HU recent visit to New York TREASURE OF LODGE IS as a delegate to the woodmen of EIGHTY-EIGHT YEARS OLD FORT WORTH, Tex., Dec. 30. the World convention proved a ! — Sam (Big Boy) H arris, the sensation. The emblematic ax . “w orld’s biggest constable.” is th at he carried could not h a v e ! WATERTOWN. N. Y. Dec. 30. ' dead. been lifted by the average m a n .! — W atertown Lodge No. 49, F. and A. M., boasts of the distinc­ But there survive many remin- Perhaps the most thorough idea ! isceuces that will remain legends of his enormous size can be gain- i tion of having the oldest lodge j in his home tbwn of Farm ersville ed from the m easurem ents he treasurer in point of service in Texas. once supplied a mail order house the State, if not in the country. John S. Coon, who is eighty- Fifty-two years old and weigh­ for a suit. W eight 692 pounds, eight years old, was elected treas­ ing a ’most 700 pounds— 692 to be height 6 feet two inches, waist urer of the lodge in 1875 and re ­ exact — Sam was borne to his 78 inches, chest 70 inches, hips' elected every year. He expects to grave on a motor truck, encased j 84 inches, thigh 52 inches, calf be re-elected this year to serve in the largest coffin a^er con-! 30 inches, collar 24 inches. structed. It aggregated, with his The mail order tailors were his fiftieth term in th at office. rem ains, a combined weight of convinced Sam had overestim ated Cottage Grove — J. H. Cham­ 1,518 pounds. The great casket his figure and made him a suit, bers has purchased 56,000,000 ft. could have accommodated four although big enough for two men of normal stature. average men, was yet too small government tim ber 5 miles west and will build 100,000 ft. mill. Sam was memorable for his for the constable. He sent It boast th a t “ he was as strong as back with the note th a t he had he was large.” His favorite de­ ordered a ‘ m an’s size suit and, There is wisdom in reading ads. claration was th a t he could “ lift when he wanted one for h is' anything loose on both ends.” youngest boy he would specify as In his career as city m arshall much.” his great size and strength often He was survived by eight chil­ proved a source of economy to dren, four boys whose combined ; the city. These assets precluded weight totaled 720 pounds, four the necessity of purchasing a pa­ gills aggregating 686 pounds, and trol. It was recalled th a t on one his wife, who tipped the scales BUILT FOR occasion he carried three muchly a t 190. Inebriated men a distance of over a mile to the city bastile. Then again his office duties in­ CLEVER MAGAZINE ISSUED AND cluded the task of aiding the vil­ BY MADHOUSE INMATES lage fire departm ent. When the State bank burned Sam, single LONDON, Dec. 30. — A maga­ handed, pushed the huge one-ton zine w ritten and edited by luna­ safe from the building, but it tics, has been started in England. took two horses to return it to Some cynics may say th a t there the new tem porary offices the next i3 nothing new in this, judging day. , from some of the exhibits on the He never slept in a bed. No­ newstands, but these lunatics are body ever made one th a t would actually in an asylum and are not rest his huge frame. He reclined merely literary bugs. They are on the floor. Sam had a pleasure inmates of the City Mental Hos­ car too. It was a ton truck with pital at H umberstone, Leicester. the old family couch securely The patients’ magazine, which Our Phone 82 fastened to the floor of the body. contains both prose anti poetry, W ith a canopy over his head the big constable made his trips to surrounding communities repos­ ing on the coueh while his de­ puties coaxed the truck into ac-j tion. His meals were the feature at traction of the town. Sam could. IN HIS TEXAS HOME B A T T E R IE S Fords, Chevrolets Smaller Cars $13.00 Murphy El ec. Co. Experience Plus Friendly Service FOR Your New Year’s Dinner we will have the best fowls and meats that the market affords. Phone ns for sug­ gestions and get your or­ der in earlv. Our many years of experience enables us to conduct all funeral arrangements in the most efficient way possible. We try to give more, however, by in­ corporating into our service a spirit of s^npathetie understanding. It is our consistent aim to render the kind of service that is based upon friend­ ship as well as proficiency in technic­ al requirements. J. P. Dodge & Sons Funeral Directors Eagle Market Day Phono 212— Night Phones 255-R and 282-J Mrs. Louis Dodge, Lady Assistant -¡ ------------'i Check Up On Your Printed Forms . It is a custom with many business firms and professional men to cheek up on their stationery and printed forms at the end of the year and place an order for a supply for the following year. The Tidings Print Shop lias a large and varied stock of paper and is prepared to handle any printed forrri which you may need. We will be glad to send a representative to talk with you relative to your needs in the printing line. iu u o Hall*« Catarrh Medlcihe starna The Ashland Tidings Phone 39