Tuesday, Ikvcmber 30, 1024 ASHLAND DALLY TIDINGS PAGE TWO Airplanes Frighten means of national defense is to lx? found in the heads of to the Governor in order to recover those held as piison- Japan’s Game Animals A S tlL A iW D A I L 1 l i u i u v r o departuients_ the eabinet' members. And these men— ers. At the date of this occurrence quite a number of ________________________ (SatgbU shed in 1 8 7 6 )___________________ _ ~ Hughes and Works and Wilbur, in particular—should be > miners that had been mining on Josephine Creek and Big T 0 K I0 , Dec. 29. — Unless the anim als in the game reserves of Published Every Evening Except Sunday by 'supported hv an active conscience in Congress. j Bar had taken part in the campaign. Rich Gulch had not ______ • 1 Teganuma take more kindly to THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. I Cannot we, the people of the United States, give sup-;yet been discovered and the big rush had not yet taken SOFIA, Dec. 30.— P re m a tu re 1 aviation, naval planes from the r> r't~ R Q r e e r ........................... ..................................... -..Editor port to such a reasonable activity in Congress! ¡place. This occurred later in the fall, though the fortu- inter is causing intense suffer-] nearby air station at Kasumi- i.«orge Madden Green ...............................Business M anager work8 f0T peace and the works for self defense,!nate meeting with Major Kearney, the entry of Major Al- W ing among the scores of thous-l £aura may have to quit flying O F IC IA L CITY paper ................................... v—-Teiephone^M J should go hand in hand. Neither should be permitted tojvord and his party of road viewers and General Lane on ands of refugees from Thrace and over the hunting ground. |æ (>| } ie r *>.a lered a t th e A shland, Oregon P o sto ffice as Second C lass M ail M atter his way to the mines, gave a .very respectable force to Macedonia now trying to exist in Many anim als, it was recently discovered, were leaving the pre­ Subscription P rice, D elivered in City As we human beings have advanced in civilization, we prosecute this campaign, all of which was a very fortu Southern Bulgaria. .65” l i « Month ............................................................................................ * So serious is the situation th at serves. It was found that the rea­ 1.95 have kept our bodies strong, in parallel with our minds. nate circumstance in aid of the Governor’s effort to set' ’> tre e Months ........................................................................- ............. the B ulgarian Government has son was th at they were frighten­ 3.75 t v Mohths ................ :........................ — ............................................ We have quit fighting in brawls, but we have not} if tie matters by treaty. decreed th at henceforth no alien ed away by the noise of the sea­ 7.SO The Indians promised to he good and to cease annoy­ is to be avowed to enter the coun­ planes flying over the district. we have any common sense, any the less able fists to fight By Mail and R ural R ou tes Month ............................................................................................ * ing travelers over the California trail; they promised to try w ithout the consent of the I Protests were lodged by the with, if there should be occasion. 1 hree Months ............................................................................. - ........ prefectual authorities, and, u n ­ So with the nation. We should have a national con-¡commit no more depredations against the whites and to State Departm ent. b:x Months ............................................................................................ “ 6.50 some way Is found of induc­ Dr. Vateff, who has ju st re­ t .n j Year ............................................................................................... science and a national 'understanding ready to accept any ¡remain on the north side of Rogue river. In return the turned from a tour of inspection less ing the anim als to return and peace machinery, and ready to cooperate in the building ¡Governor informally set apart a large area north of the of the refugee region, reports the stay on the reservation, orders DISPLAY ADVERTISING RATES $ .30 tm g le Insertion, per inch ............................................................. of peace ph plans. But we should be equally alive to the need river, including the Table Rocks region and promised situation as appalling. There are will be issued forbidding the Y early C ontracts ihat the whites should not encroach upon their territory. five refugees to every native Bul- planes to fly over the preserve. .27% of defense. ('•»« Insertion a week ................................................................... .25 in the district. Most of them Y i o Insertions a week ................................................................... We have to be abreast of all that the world knows, Many details were worked out and a treaty was signed gar .20 b elly insertion ..................................................................... -----..... Canyon City— State fish hatch­ have no shelter and are scantily which it was hoped would give peace to this disturbed ter­ .dressed. R ates for L egal and M iscellaneous Advertising* in warfare. ery. costing $12,000, ready for Scores are dying daily S .10 F irst insertion, per 8 point line ................ -............................... ritory. There were a great many small tribes situated else­ from exposure and lack of nour­ service. Will supply 2,000 miles We must have the means of making use of our men. .05 Fech subsequent insertion, 8 point line — ............--............ 1.00 where, on the Applegate and among the Siskiyous, on Cow ishment. of Oregon stream s with trout fry, • «rd of Thanks ......................... -..............................- ..................... .02% We must have the means of making use of our seas and Cfituarlee, per lino ........................................................................ 3,500,000 yearly. Although the refugees have crek and in the Illinois valley who were not parties to -------i of our coasts. We must have the means of making use come from adjoining Jugo-Slavia WHAT CONSTITUTES ADVERTISING of our lanes. We must have the means of employing as this treaty and who refused to take any responsibility in they comprise more than a dozen , Grand Ronde — Map, costing •‘All fu tu re events, w here an admission charge is made or a Among these there were .. dailv acts of nationalities. , „ More than . 40,000 .«««« several thousand dollars, filed much chemical intelligence as would any possible enemy. these promises t«iiiectiou taken is Advertising. *. , , „ No discount will be allowed Religious or Benevolent orders. We must have the means of employing-skilful business aggression and annoyance by small parties of Indians Russians • alDne are included in showing 50,COO-acre holdings of Oregon Coast Range Lum ber Co., DONATIONS cooperation for the mobilization of commercial and iu who could not at all times be identified. Besides all this the lot. No donations to charities or otherwise will be made in advertis­ ihere were had Indians among the Rogue Rivers who se- The press is dem anding th at the successor to Spaulding-M iam lC o. dustrial forces, in case of attack. ing or Job printing— our contributions will be in cash. Government take steps to care We have the avenues of public opinion insisting on eretely connived with the outside parties. for these refugees. Especially (To be Continued) THE PRIMARY the one extreme or the other—of national jingoism, or of I bitter opposition newspapers a t­ tack w hat they call the Govern­ It is impossible to get a perfect nominating system. supine pacifism. at each end of the village asking m ent’s “ lack of foresight” and P H IL C O 1 he primary was adopted in consequence of popular dis-; One statesman, one paper, one writer, one orator, will drivers not to proceed through “crim inal negligence.” gust with the high-geared abuses of the boss control con- ;us’,st that we, the people of the United States must be the village unless it is absolutely Diamond vention system. It can not he denied that there are oc anned and equipped, solely with a view to possible fight- necessary, and they are trying to Grill obtain legal powers to prevent the vasional futilities, sterilites and inanities in the prim ary!-ng of every other nation. No tolerance is shown for in- Ione — Morrow county Is to invasion of those known in B rit­ have first thorough oil test, by BATTERIES system. It was devised by men—very human men at that, teroational amenities. No possibility is seen of interna- ain as “ trippers.” well th a t will go 5,000 feet if for Radio or Car in most instances. tional adjustment of disputes. To them the only decent They point out th a t the Sun­ necessary, and may cost $150,000. $12.50 and up The primary works better for the republican party nation is this nation. The. only people who are capable of day services in the village church VIENNA, Dec. 30. — Eight have been absolutely desecrated. in Oregon than the democratic party. The democrats are respecting treaties is this people. No way is seen to ad- Phileo B Batteries for m urders, tw enty-three attem pted H undreds of people walk into the nut well represented as a primary party. The democrats, injt of reasonable understandings, to settle disputes by your Radio. m urders and many dynam ite ou t­ building, look around to see if register as republicans and there is the handicap to the| anything © hut war or threats of war. W. L. Douglas rages are attrib u ted to a bomb­ Princess Mary is there and then When vou buv a Phileo, system. The primary works well where the people keep Another statesman, another paper, another writer, throw ing gang of young men now stroll out again. Those who do SHOES vou buv battery reliabil­ another orator, will he for doing nothing that would ad­ standing th eir trials at Budapest. not go in chatter noisily in the themselves informed. for tlie men Styling themselves the “ Awak­ church yard and peer through the ity. It might be possible, and we offer this merely as a mit of the possibility of war. Not a drop of blood must who want quality and ening M agyars,” the gangsters windows. suggestion, to shorten the primaiy and make it apply he shed under any circumstances, except by the other fel- are said to have been led by. Josef wear Recently, when- the Princess t o offices only on which the people can easily inform low’. Not a man is to be armed, or to be trained in the use Marffly, a young bank official of was attending a communion ser­ The Ashland ihemselves. This shorter ballot, however, has never been of arms, ot a man is to be able to know his right foot tw enty-four. None of the gang is vice, the clergym an had to stop popular with the people and we doubt if the people of from his left. Both cheeks are to be turned, continuously. more than tw enty-four years old, the service and request a number Electric Shop Oregon would take to it. The shorter ballot would mean This is not the way we make ourselves self respecting and moat of its members belong of women visitors who were w alk­ 240 E ast Maia SL Shoe Shop the ranks of the “ intelligen- ing about the church to leave. more appointive offices and that is always met with sus- men and women. It is not the way we make a self res- to sia.” The villagers say: “The poor picion and open opposition. pecting nation. The police have tauten the most Princess is dlmost a prisoner in It cannot he said that the shorter ballot has risen to If we are wise, we will he as “ able,” as the other fel- elaborate precautions to protect her own home. People ought to ihe dignity of an issue in Oregon. The politicians object ¡¡Ow, in knowledge of the means of national maintenance witnesses for the prosecution have more decency than to make AT T H E C L O SE to it because it abbreviates their opportunities for under- and of defense. And in addition, we will always go a little against the efforts of the accused the place a peep show.” intim idate them. OF THE YEAR cover deals and enhances the power of the governor, farther than the other fellow, toward keeping the peace. to Among the charges form ulated Tidings Ads brings results. Where a state is liable to have a democratic governor against the gang is th a t it filled 1924 once in a while, the politician does not take kindly to mag­ A BANNED WORD IN THE ENGLISH VOCABULARY a metal box with dynam ite and ft we wish to express to our many friends our sincere nifying the patronage part of his office. The fact is that During the recent electoral campaign in England a placed it behind a rnirrow in the ihe governor of Oregon has very little power now too minister known as “ the fighting parson” was addressing hall of the Elizabeth Theatre Club appreciation of their confidence, friendship and where a banquet was to be held. little. He should make all these appointments and should a campaign meeting. In the audience was a shopkeeper, The device was so cleverly m anip­ patronage, during the year that is closing and wish The Largest Stock for each one an abundance of all goodjhings for the who was also something of a Shakespearean scholar. Tak­ ulated th a t it exploded ju st as all be held responsible for them. the guests assembled, with the Nevertheless, the people are attached to the principle ing his words from Richard III, he shouted . vear of Window Glass result th a t eight persons were of the direct primary and will resent any movement or “ Who made thee a bloody minister?” 1925 killed and tw enty three serious­ in Ashland measure that might, under the guise of “ strengthening the A free-for-all fight followed, in which the unfortu­ ly injured. * direct primary,” have the deeper purpose of destroy ing it. nate shopkeeper was not only badly pummeled by the In addition to this outrage, the Books and If the republican leaders in the state are well advis­ speaker, but also hv an army colonel who came to his men are charged with an attem pt Toilet Goods— J. O. RIGG Stationery Drug Sundries to bomb the law courts, the ed they will approach this problem with caution and man­ support / ‘ building of the Czecho-Slovakian ifest a w’illingness to take the public into consideration In a suit for personal damages, which followed, the Consulate, the palace of the and confidence. If any bill should be passed at the ap­ parson defended himself on the ground that the insult was French A m b assad o r, 'and with proaching session materially to alter the direct primary of such a gross character as to merit physical resentment. w riting letters, threatening m ur­ it should carry a referendum clause, and go to the people der, to the French Ambassador And the court upheld him in that view . for their approval or rejection. From which it may he inferred that to refer to an­ and to the H ungarian Foreign other as “ bloody” in England is as dangerous as the use Minister. The progress of the trials is THE BUSINESS OUTLOOK in America of an epithet reflecting oh one’s parentage. c a u sn g an enormous sensation Letters-and circulars sent out by eastern financial throughout the country. houses generally predict favorable business conditions for Famous last-words: “ If I wish to keep my feminine 3925. Reports from all sections of the United States are friends, th at’s my business.” _________ ___________ • the basis of these predictions. They are backed further by government reports. The department of commerce Australia punishes those who don’t vote. Here they has just issued a bulletin which makes these statements: get punished either way. “ That the commodity price index based on 200 com­ modities in general use, is the same as it was one year ago A business revival usually brings a new demand for LONDON, Dec. 30. — Although Princess Mary (Viscountess Les- shears for lamb clipping. today. celless), only daughter of the “ That the cost of living figures are the same as they English rulers, loves her country were a year ago. It pays to lie honest. Think how much annoying pub­ home, Goldsborough Hall, in It is the time of year for preparation for renewed “ That prices being received by the farmer for his licity the big grhfters get. Y orkshire, she may have to re ­ business activity- All over Oregoy men are getting move to London on account of the product are far better. ready for the new year's ivork. Continued prosperity persistent attention of picknlck- “ That the prices the farmer pays for the things he Pioneering in Southern Oregon is before us. There will be demand for tools, for sup­ ers and curiosity mongers. must use have been reduced materially, and his financial She chose Goldsborough as the by C. B. Watson plies and materials. status placed almost on a level with the man of industry.” birthplace of her second son on The National bank of commerce of New York, in a account of its quiet and restfu l­ (Contin'ued from December 29) ness. But the sightseers have circular issued December 19, says: The long distance lines of The Pacific Telephone “ The Indians have been completely whipped in every changed all th at. The Princess “ The business outlook for 1925 is good. Buying is fight. Some fifty of them have been killed, many wound­ and Telegraph Company offer a quick and easy means now stir out in the vil­ increasing all along the line from the users of raw mater­ ed and thirty taken prisoners. Major Kearney has been cannot lage w ithout being surrounded of communication between supplier and consumer. ials to the consumers of finished products and the major in the saddle for more than ten days, scouring the country by groups who have driven in Many wholesale firms are handling a large volume of industries are operating at gradually increasing rates. all over the N orth of Eng­ and pouncing on the enemy wherever he found him. Never from sales by long distance. Use of our long distance lines The year 1925 may well measure up to the activity of has an Indian country been invaded with better success land and consequently she does not stir now outside the gates. *923, which should be regarded as satisfactory. Farmers will promote the buying and selling of Oregon products. nor at a better time. The establishment of a garrison in Sunday a t Goldsborough has are paying their debts and many of them now are in a 1 ’ A recently become a pandemonium this district will be necessary for the preservation of position moderately to increase expenditures both for peace. That alone and a good agent here, and we shall to the extent th a t the people of Start the year right by laying your plans for a share their farming operations and for comforts.” the village have had to make a have no more trouble in this quarter. As for our prisoners, protest. They have posted notices of the business developed in Oregon and the west this A note of caution is sounded by this authority, in a the Major is anxious to have them turned over to the peo­ year. The use of our long distance lines will prove ad­ reference which it makes to a determined effort in somfe ple of Oregon, to be delivered to the Superintendent of vantageous to you, as it has to others. The results ob­ quarters to establish a boom psychology. The corrective, Indian affairs; but no citizen could be found who was it points out, is careful attention to facts rather than to tained are prompt and satisfactory. willing to take charge of them. Consequently he conclud­ prognostications of professional optimists. ed to take them to San Francisco with him and send thém Now, there you are. The time is ripe. The condi­ THE We want to make it possible for you to talk to any­ tions are laid. We can have a good year in business and from there to Oregon.” General Lane and Major Kearney’s command kept r* one, anywhere, anytime. Every Bell station is a long industry’. But we must keep our feet on the ground. We company until they reached the mines at Yreka, when the must keep out of the boom business. We must work in­ distance station.. A General himself concluded t-o return to Oregon, took telligently and manage well. Then there will be employ­ charge of the prisoners, and, by chance meeting Governor HOT WATER ment for all and prosperity for all throughout the com­ Gaines at the crossing of Rogue river, he delivered them BOTTLE ing year. to that officer. At that time the offices of Governor and is mounled in one piece Superintendent of Indian Affairs, were combined in the and guaranteed for two A REAL PEACE PLAN It is not fair to put the burden of promoting national one person, so that the Governor was tiie proper person, years. Price $2.50 defense upon the “ services” of the United States govern­ to have charge of them and the General was glad to be rid of them. The Qovemor at once proceeded to call the ment. Too often it seems that the only way we can get ac­ • Others as low as $1.00 tivity in the interest of the national government is to Indians in for the purpose of trying to accomplish treaty have such interested “ services” giving out propaganda. relations. Having in his charge a large number of Indian There is not sufficient activity in Congress. Each con­ prisoners, including a number of women and children ren­ gressman has his own axe to grind. There is not suffi­ dered he task of getting the Indians together easier. McNair Brothers cient activity in the White House. The President has his Some of the tribes about Cow Creek and the ‘ ‘ Sisco moun­ 7»« ß ntg M o n 4 many burdens. He must be a political juggler, balancing tain” refused to come in and thè convention was chiefly with the Rogue Rivers, who had suffered severely in the one consideration against another. i' The legitimate place for activity in promoting the campaign just closed and were ready to promise anything * q -»qr y t vn HATTY REFUGEES FREEZE I IN B U L G A R IA T T O T IV G S OF HELD IN BUDAPEST ÌY OVERLAND ELH ART’S VIRTUALLY W E The New Year’s Business TP™ T he P acific T elep h on e and T elegrap h Co.