Potit M Ü H ÀÂÊtÜû fiÁ&f tttóftfiS MKS* il&ulaj', bccciiiWi iw, it>4 a i w ■■■■ H i i n h PirBt high school basketball game of season, tomorrow evening at Armory. Ashland versus Cen­ tral Point, 7:30 p. m. 25c. 9 5 -lt The New Here— All star cast, including some of A shland’s leading citizens. Belle-' view School, Monday night, De­ cember 22nd at 8:00 o'clock. Ad­ mission 10 and 25c. 95— I t —AT— BASKETBALL , Simpson’s Hardware This will make a fine CHRISTMAS GIFT We also have the Radiola, Grebe, Magnavox, and other makes listing from Finishiiif^Todav I will certainly make a hit with Dad FREEDrElSEM ANN Model NR-6 $150 FE-50 D M e>c. 'Jeer shoun TME THEATER BEAUTIFUL' John Bock and Mr. and Mrs. R. Many Xmas gift bargains at Hopper of Seattle were in Ashland Studio Ashland. 87— tf |i yesterday registered at the Hotel Ashland. Miss K atherine P ra tt who i s ’ teaching school near G rants Passi Don’t miss the famous movie is in Ashland to spend the holi-; th riller— “ Not By a Dam Site”- days. TOOL BOXES The ASHLAND H. S. Christmas Store CENTRAL POINT H.S. Gloria Swanson in “ MANHANDLED” Tomorrow and Wednesday DWCBIFFITH .Presents' VS. a d a p te d from at ASHLAND ARMORY TUESDAY, DECEMBER 23 7:30 p. in. $35 to $500 i i b y a rva n tysm e n t w ith Kate C la xto ro With Cillian and Vorot h y ÿi-rhs A D M ISSIO N 25c Good Preliminary E V E R Y B O D Y COME Gome in and look them over Old, but too good to pass up— Regular Admission The Jordan Electric Company ftstheya In Ashland— W. W. Woodruff of Portland 3 i was an Ashland visitor yester­ day. • J F o r her a leather box of So­ ciety chocolates. See our win­ dow. The Rose. 95— 3t Tamales, best in the city, “ The R o m ” . ' 60— tf Open Evenings— McNair Bros. Store open Evenings We wrap our Christm as B o x iS Candies ready to mail, free of a charge. The Plaza. 12— tf 1 The reduced price sale is still Here Over Weekend— on at Trefrens. The **“ slau UiiUier g h ter ,n in | Jack Briscoe of K lam ath Falls Pr‘dayb".»desauX .ln Ash'an<1! public gets the m -S I benefit. TOY DEPT. ON THE BALCONY * ' ' f --------------- ~ x ^ ^ x , x. Cf of DMs' G(lines’ * Books, s Dishes, t and — — Toys every description for boys and girls Here— Chester R. H unt and family ofijg Portland spent the day in Ashland S See our window displays. Studio yesterday. Ashland. 87— tf Paulserud’s Overcoats are * V. ex­ _ ! ceptional values. Many beautiful gifts at D ar­ WINTER GARDEN DANCE XMAS (THVRaS.) NIGHT. 03-8t ling Studio. 83— tf ___ save »lo.oo, walk Three More Shopping Days and Then— Santa Claus 8:00 a. m. until 8:30 p. m. WE PLACE ON THE TABLES ALL OF EVERY LINE OF GIFT SE­ LECTIONS. HERE YOU WILL FIND THE VERY CHOISEST OF AN UNLIMITED VARIETY OF USEFUL ARTICLES THAT WILL MAKE THEM ALI HAPPY “MAMMA” DOLLS Special 69c each “¡1 Buy her a Coat or Dress for Christinas. upstairs toil Every garment going now at one-third 17— i l ° l 17— t f tf 'S Í less than the regular price Orres tailo r shop. ' y Has M u m p s- Miss Virginia W hittle is con­ Don’t miss the first high school, 1 fined to her home on B street with basketball game at Armory, t o - 13 the mumps. morrow evening, 7:30 p. m. Ash- Cliff Payne makes cedar chests. land versus C entral Point, 25c. Good prelim inary. 95— I t Everything you need for the Christm as dinner at K irby’s. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY (form erly H etricks) 94— 2 ---------- j FOUND: — Three pretty little “The Quality Store” Santa Claus has a Vlctrola for tie3» J - J - Deakin. Phone 330. you. Stop in and see about it. I 95-21 Open evenings. Easy payments. The Rose. * * * * * * * ♦ ♦ ♦ » ♦ ♦ ♦ < » ♦ > » » ♦ » > » ♦ > ♦ » ♦ » ♦ > ♦ » ! > » ♦ ♦> » ♦ » ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 95— 2t Dresses and Coats Always Appreciated “Turkish Harem” Slippers Special, pair 75c EE E. R. ISAAC & CO -«-»»« ♦ » » » To Medford— Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McNair Journeyed to Medford this m orn­ ing on business. Once a year this store is Bandle sticks, book ends, and a tatiaie ry . D arling Studio. 83— tf the shopping place Give Kodaks, 86:50, up. Mc­ N air Bros. for men WINTER GARDEN DANCE XMAS (THURS.) NIGHT. 95-8t IJthians Meet Tonight— The Lithians will m eet at the Plaza at 6:45 this evening for th eir regular meeting. Your choice of all w inter hats, 81.00 to 86.00, to close out quick­ ly. W ineland’s, Room 1, over Citizen’s Bank. 94— 2 Gifts from the Dry Goods Section ♦ ♦ Silk for Dress Bath Towel Sets Lunch Cloths T able Linens Neckwear Furs To California— E. K. Hall of Liberty street has gone to Southern California where he will visit relatives during .the C hristm as holiday. Christm as goodies at K irby’s, (form erly D etricks). And every­ thing for the Christm as dinner. - - 94- 2 Gloves $1.95 2 clasp gloves $1.45 $2.95 2 clasp gloves $1.95 $4-00 fancy gauntlet $3.75 Wool and Cliamoisette gloves for women and girls Coats Here Saturday— Peter M achenbacker and Miss DeLap of K lam ath Falls were in Ashland Saturday visiting friends. Dresses Kimonas Lux ite Glove S i l k Underwear Fairy Silk Fibre Underwear Sweaters Blouses Purses THE GIFT STORE FOR WOMEN In yardage or patterns, as you choose. Tn white, gold, blue ami orchid. Priced at $1.79 to $5.00 SILK SCARFS AU colors; good weights; fringe ends; priced at . . . $1.50 to $5.00 BABY CAPS Wool and Silk All colors and sizes; priced at 50c to $2.00 Baby ( ’apes in blue ami white; pink and white; fine wool yarns; priced at ..............$2.75 to $3.00 Baby Sweaters; all patterns; priced a t ___.98c to $2.00 each Blankets for baby; all wool; soft and w a r m ............................. $3.50 Ladies1 Furs— the Ideal Gift We have them in all kinds; both the large and small chokers at from $5.50 to $12.50 and $25.00 The collar throws at from $18.00 to $35.00 and $45.00 The fur you crave mav he here- look them ovei Hosiery for Women and Children in either silk, wool or cotton; all colors; all sizes; well made; good weights; all guaranteed hose; priced at 35c to 98c; $1.50 to $2.75 Kimonas and Path Robes for women ami children in both- corduroy and double fleece pat­ terns; all popular colors and well made; priced at $1.50 to $3.75 and $10.00 Ladies Silk Underwear ill beautiful material of crepes and voiles; daintily made; lace trimmed; all sizes ami colors; priced at $1.25 to $3.98 and $7.50 Ladies silk gloves 75c to $1.50 pr. Ladies fabric gloves, all colors 89c to $2.00 pair Ladies leather driving gloves $2.75 pair Ladies Cape stock leather gloves $2.75 Ladies Kid Gloves $2.75 to $5.00 Practical, Pretty Presents for Men and Boys ♦ Linen Towels For that Christm as gift, a Vie- troia record. The Rose. 95— 3t P atterson C rater Lake Pictures — McNair Bros. Knit Sport ties, all colors 50c ea. Special on silk hose, $1.00 pair Compacts, single and double 75c to $1.75 Rubber aprons, fancy, 59c to $1.39 Silk Vesting $1.25 to $1.50 yard They come in all colors and styles; new double rib; silk or cotton shades; priced at $1.25 to $3.75 and $7.50 Allan A Hosiery Kayser Hosiery Full Fashioned Hose $1.50, $1.89, $2.25, $2.50 Why pay more? Everything going at cost or less. T refren’s, 4 th St. Store. 94— 3 T o w e ls ...............25c to $2.00 each Bath Mats ..$1.50 to $2.98 each W ash cloths, fancy 10c to 25c ea. H an d k erch iefs........ 10c to $1.50 Boudoir C a p s ......... 25c to $2.50 G a r te rs .............. 50c to $1.25 p a ir Parasols Make Useful Gifts T refren’s sale prices are cut to the quick. Get onto the wagon »4— 8 - Ashland and C entral Point high school basketball teams will mix a t the arm ory tomorrow evening, 7:30 p. m. 25c. Good prelim in­ ary. 95— I t They are very acceptable. We have a wonderful line of both on the new models to choose from at greatly reduced prices. If you are in need of an extra dress or coat, he sure to come here and view the lines we offer. Your saving will he about “ half.” TABLE LINENS Hansen dress and driving gloves Kid and Bucksl