¿¿P* ■ S59B B M Ó ÜI ASäUstö ü iiiÿ iiötvöS SBÜ (■■> J ISS I. I ÌSÌ,.— — « asas íaiurítay, Beeeifaber &>. ilKi-/ ■VMMMSMiHHSMMlMSMae •s— At Eagle Point— sway. Miss Blumenfeld h e ld ; Goto« to Kbuhath — Delbert Mongol who is a tte n d -' practice each afternoon of the Mist Alio« Kidder h w gone to past week in the school gymnas-1 K lam ath F a lb to Visit re la tiv e ttg high school hare has gone to Eagle Point to spend the holi­ ium and will continue to do so for several weeks. during the holidays, th a t a team days. THE THEATER BEAUTIFUL These notes are w ritten for ready to uphold the standard of For her a fancy bsx of chooo- th is paper by m em bers of the I latee; for hlm a box of eigars. ; H o m o - other years may be produced. PORTLAND, Dec. 20. — Re­ TONIGHT “ THROUGH THE DARK’ journalism class at th e local Miss Mabie T rott arrived in When class games were over, fusing to play on the Multnomah The Rose. 90-t-t-s high school Ashland several days ago from the girls elected a squad of 23, Field gridiron, due to the fact A Burton B lackie m elo-dram a Tamales, heat in the city, ‘'The T refren’s sale prices are cu t to Monmouth where she la atten d ­ which num ber will later be re­ th at it was entirely covered with R ose”. 60—tf! the quick. Get onte the wagon ing normal school. duced to 18 for constant prac­ Rosina and Frances Gallatin, tice. Of the num ber selected, five ice and snow, assistant coach bow . 94— 3 students in the high school, have are Freshm en, three are Seniors, Bevan of the W aite High School Called Kteet— SUNDAY and MONDAY Moved— where while the Sophomores and Ju n ­ of Toledo, Ohio, today cancelled Mrs. J. C. Mergler left Thars- ' L eaving Today—■ F rank Voss, has moved to 219 returned from Chicago, they dem onstrated the making of iors share honors about equally. the scheduled game against the day evening for Ohio where she Miss Ethel Templin Is leaving G ranite street from the Lane Lincoln High eleven of Portland, Mas ealled by the death of her today for Stanford University house which was destroyed by fire prune bread before the 1200 dele­ These girls continue training which was to have been played ansi wux gates at the Third N ational Club untill the evening before a sched­ lather. near Palo Alto to spend the va­ yesterday. this afternoon. Congress. This trip was given uled game, when six are chosen to ALLAN DWAM cation with relatives and friends. Despite the assurance of the C ttQ Ì them for th eir superior work at represent the school. •ubeerlbe for magazine* at Boni— Lincoln high officials th a t the ■1 harts. S3— T—« — T Twin daughters were born to the Jacksou County fair and a t ! ------ o------ Why pay more? Everything field would be scraped and re ­ the International Livestock Ex-1 The Forensic Society en tertain ­ covered with sand and dust, going a t cost or less. T refren’s, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Bank of position in Portland, where th e y > ed the assembly on Friday a fte r­ Uae Mump»— 4th St. Store. 94— 3 Mountain Avenue at ten o’clock Bevan refused to allow his eleven wou first place In the m aking ofj Miss Cither Counter is eon- this morning. Birth reported by noon by presenting in the school to take the field, criticizing every­ prune bread, defeating seventeen gymnasium a one-act play, “ Upon lined te her home With the Save $10.00, walk upstairs to Dr. Mattie B. Shaw. team s from various counties of the W aters.” A Christm as tree thing connected with Portland. mumps. Orres ta Sor shop. 17— tf The W aite team left for their Oregon. F or Ban Francisco— and w reaths made the scene gay, home this afternoon. The girls were accompanied by and the characters fell into the Misses Grace Sinema and Olsen We put the chlekeu hi our j T o C alifornia— Miss Helen Cowgill, assistant state tam alee. The Plaza. 32—tí i Miss Mell C arter, teacher at the ’ are leaving today for San F ran ­ club leader, and Miss Helen Dus­ spirit of the occasion beautifully. P ostal R ates Bill Up Tuesday Adena Joy, Evelyn Taylor, Vir­ Junior High School, has gone to ' cisco to spend the holidays. tin of Portland. On the way East gil Gillette, Marion Leach, Vir­ She’s in an entirely new role. A comedienne—a New Improved Eversharp Pen­ Southern California to spend the i they were joined by delegates sile. McNair Bros. WASHINGTON, Dec. 19. — spit fire—a seriously little lady—wonderfully differ In A shland— ginia Hopper and Gordon Mac- Christm as holidays. Miss G ertrude Engle who is from W ashington and Idaho. Cracken enacted the various roles. Hearings on the Sterling bill in­ ent—gorgeous gowns and settings—all different. Boih girls praise their trip creasing postal rates will begin Home For Christm ae— C rater Lake pictures 96« to teaching school a t Richmond, Cal., highly but are perfectly satisfi­ Tuesday before the senate com­ Carl Dyrud who is attending $25.00. D arling Studio. 33— tf is in Ashland where she will visit ed with Oregon as a perm anent m ittee on postoffices and post for several weeks. O. A. C. is home for the C hrist­ residence. roads. mas vaeation. Genuine Pyralin Ivory, MeNalr Here— Bros. MU« Beatrice Miller who Is Many beautiful gifte at Dar- A most appropriate gift W ith a t least ten stellar per­ teaching school at Oakland is ia Hag Studio. 38— tf To R eno— Candy, flowers or music. The form ers among the thirty-seven Miss Alice Robertsoa, iosal Ashland for a tew days oa her way who turned out for the first few Rose. 90-t-t-s Cliff Payn« makes hat alenda. school teacher, has gone to Reno, to Eugena. nights of basketbali practice, pros­ Nevada, to spend several weeks pects for the coming hoop sea­ Here Leave Today— PORTLAND, Dec. 19. — From TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY with relatives and friends. A rthur M. Miller ef Sugane son look exceedingly bright. Yreka, Cal., to Portland is a long, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. High and W ayne Ramsey, A1 Marske, Clark Miaa Halen High left th il m orn­ To« are weleonae to compare was in Ashland for a tew days B utterfield, Barton Frulan, F rank hard drive for one day's run, but FO R SALE CHEAP: — Violin- in g for San Francisco where they my Autemoblle rates with any visiting friends. it was made by Richard W. Price, banjo and case, w orth about $100. Moore and Loren Culbertson are accompanied by Mrs. Price and Cigarette Cases will viait for a few Weeks. Wrist Watches jth e r rates in Jackson er Jose­ veterans of the previous season, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence McNary. Inquire Star Cafe, 4th St. 94-2t* From phine Counties; you can be the) Otto Michael, form er resident while Phil and Tom Bryant, No­ They left Yreka early in the FOR SALE: — German Police Victor Records, Bubble Books udge. Phone 21. Yeo, of course Cuff Links Kings—Pearls ble K atzer, C arter Wilson, Frank end Fibre needle cutters for that 39— tf of Ashland, now living in Kansas Stratton, Arnold Gosnell and Sam morning after attending the open­ Puppies. Thomas H arris. 687 is in Ashland for a few days re ­ 94-6* •h rlstm a a gift. The Rose. ing of the Yreka Inn, the new Beach St. Prescott are showing up as first newing acquaintances. Fountain Pens tourist hotel constructed by the Golf Fountain Pens 90-t-t-s K irby’s for best groceries. FOR SALE: — Christm as trees class lum inaries. W eaver B rothers of Roseburg, 9 4— tf 94-3t* Competition also promises to be Oregon, and arrived here late at and w reaths. 93 N. Main. D onation Party— The redueed price sale is still AVatcli Chains Compacts A donation party was given keen for berths or +he second and night. • a at Trefrens. The slaughter in When the motor party FOR SALE: — Seven purebred L eft R ecently— Monday evening at the parsonage third quintets, as many are really crossed the Siskiyou m ountains white leghorn laying pullets from prices ia sinful, but the buying J. H. Doran left the first of of the B aptist church. Scarf Pins Gold Pencils About good hoop men. there was a foot of snow, but a s ! Sm ith’s trap nested stock. $1.20 public gets the benefit. 94—3 the week for Corning. California, The first games for the coming the car was making the descent forty members were present re ­ each. 235 North Main. 94— tf where he will be pastor of the gardless of the inclement w eath­ season are scheduled for J a n u ­ it got through the snow and la­ Ret o r ns Home— F irst Presbyterian church. er. The evening was spent in ary 2, and 3 with Newburg, fol­ ter encountered a severe storm. WANTED: — Going to Los An­ Cleon Caldwell who is atten d ­ lowed by games with University Mr. Price says th at while he man­ geles Sunday morning. Room for musie. songs and prayer. ing the Oregon A gricultural Co* ■ A nother fire today (insured High of Eugene, Jan u ary 9 and aged to get through he doubts two or three. Phone 359J. 94-1* lege has returned to Ashland to with Billings Agency). Had your 10. The first league game is set w hether any car could have gone Across from The Ford Garage «pend the Christm as vacation with i house and contents burned would Leaving Tonight— FOR SALE— SPECIALLY R E ­ for Jan u ary 20 at Roseburg. up the grade. Almost, im m ediate­ J. H. Hardy and family are his mother, Mrs. Evelyn Caldwell they have been Insured? If not We leaving tonight for Riverside, Coach Hughes is working his pro­ ly, however, the state highway DUCED— Home Profit K nitting ► ♦ *♦ » » » » » » « > M t » ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ « » ♦ ♦ »♦♦♦■♦< would be glad to tell you how very Calif., where they will spend a teges hard, in preparation for machine, also white enamel front departm ent was getting its equip­ Candle stick«, book ends, and little It costs.— Billings Agency. Coal & Wood Range. Both as these tussles. month visiting with Mrs. H ardy’s ment ready to sta rt the snow­ stationery. Darling Studio. 93— I t relatives. Before they retu rn they good as new. make excellent plows going on the Oregon section 83— tf Xmas gifts. Will take cash or Several members of the high of the Pacific highway over the will go south to San Dlago and All w inter hats, greatly reduc probably into Mexico. trade. Apply at once at THE BA­ school faculty are leaving Ash­ Sisklyoua. ’ Christm as goodies at K irby’s, ed; choice $1.00 to $5.00, to close! ZAAR, Opposite Ford Garage. land to spend the holidays with (form erly D etricks). And every-, out quickly.' W inelands, Room 1 by helping her in her year’s work 94—1 relatives. Miss E dith Templin, in­ C om ing H om e— Tidings W ant Ads are go-getters thing for the Christm as diuner. over Citizen’s Bank. 94— 2 Paul W agner of the University stru cto r in Spanish, departed F ri­ 94— 2 of Oregon and Donald W right who day for Stanford U niversity at Gone to Chico— is attending G. A. G. arrived j Palo Alto, where she will visit From College*— Miss Edna Kennedy who last evening to spend the Christ-! her two brothers. She will also Joe Nell and Frank W alker, teaches in the Ju n io r high school spend a few days in San F ran ­ mas vacation. both freshm en a t the University has gone to her home at Chico, cisco before her return. of Oregon have returned from E u­ Calif., to spend several weeks. Miss Kidder, the commercia’ A rrive T onight— gene to spend the holidays at the teacher, left Friday evening for George Rose, Jr., and Lewis home of their parents. Gift suggestions;— Why not a McMinnville, Oregon, where she Beeson of the University of Ore­ suit or overcoat. Pbulaerud’s. gon are expected home today to will spend her vacation with her Don't miss the famous movie 89— tf parents. spend^the holidays. th riller— not by a — site! All, Miss Casad, instructor of sci­ i t B E A T S... • a s it S w eeps a s it Cleans star cast, including some of Aah-j G rants P ase V isitor — ence, returned to her home in A rrive Soon— land’s leading citizens. Belleview'! J. R. Riche of this city was a Eugene, Oregon, where she will Miss R uth Brown la expected to School, Monday night, December visitor in G rants Pass on busi­ remain throughout the holidays. arrive home Tuesday from L o s ' 22nd at o'clock. Admission nes« yesterday. — — o ------- Bonas to spend Christm as w ith ' 19« and 85a. 91— I t The students of Ashland High her relatives here. We wrap our Christm as Box School sold 496 tickets for the Your wife will especially appre- Candies ready to mail, free of W inter Fair, the final count be­ Back a t W ork— elate a dinner at The Plaza to- charge. The PlaSa. t l — tf ing as follows: Seniors 121, Ju n ­ H arry H arrison who has been asorrow, for ahe la too busy with the way you would want them cleaned—thor­ iors 148, Sophomores 112, F resh ­ confined to his horn« for the past •b rlstm a s presents to cook. 75c. oughly—you most have a Hoover! On account of num erous other men, 115. Each class received ten 94— 1 functions being on New Y eer’s ew days was able to be at Work per cent of the am ount turned in For The .Hoover BEATS . . . as it Sweeps, as yeeterday. it Cleans, ridding your rugs of the embedded dirt Eve, the Odd Fellows Benefit for tickets and, in addition, tne I .eaves T his H venlng— which, if allowed to remain, materially lessens Juniors got first prize of tea dol­ Community have changed th i their life and beauty. Mrs. Nellie Loomis expects to date ‘"of th eir Fancy Dress and Letterheads, stateaaeata, t o lars and the Senior« second prize THE HOLIDAY leave this evening for San Fran- Character Costume Ball Masque vour order at the Tiding« Office. of five dollars. Have a rug cleaned free SEASON ' «Isco where she will spend the to Tuesday evening, Dec. SOth. We have a good job printing de- ¡ ------ o------- holidays with relatives and Admission 50c each person. Re­ oartment. t f , Girls’ basketball is on in full friends. Pay by the month as you use it. freshm ents extra. 94— 1 will mean dances, Ashland Hi Notes ^anhand E PORTLAND IN A DAY LAST MINUTE SUGGESTIONS For Him For Her T. K. Bolton MAKE IIER CHRISTMAS JOYOUS A Hoover Sweeper A Bluebird Washer HOOVER T o Clean Y our R ugs receptions, parties of all kinds and everybody will be entertaining. The most oom piste line of Im proving— Christm as oandy boxes in the Mrs. J. R. Leslie who has been eity. W atch our windows. W rap­ very ill for the past three weeks ped for mailing free of charge. is very slowly improving. The Hose. 90-t-t-s This round of social affairs will require hair dressings and the guarding of your complexion. You can do no better than to let us arrange vour hair and prepare you for these social affairs. Your choice of all w inter hats, $1.00 to $5.00, to close out quick­ Mise Francis F rater, teacher ift ly. W ineland s, Room 1, over the local high school ha« gone to Citizen’» Bank. 94—-2 Rtddle to spend the vacation with her parents. Go«« H om e— R egisterin g Many Care— WINELAND’S An average of eight out of For Christm as gift suggestions state cars has been registered in wateb e a r window. The Rose. Medford dally for some tim e at 90-t-t-s the local state bureau in the Chamber of Commerce building. 1 .earin g Today— This morning, however, seven out Charles Francis Murphy, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. j . Murphy of of state cars had been registered by 9:30 the m ajority of them this eity left thia, morning for coming from California.— Med­ Montague w here he will spend ford Mail Tribune. th e Christm as vacation with his grandparents: Your wife Is busy with C hrist­ inas presents. Bring her to The Paulserud's Overcoats are ex- Plaza tomorrow for diuner. 75c. eeptioaal values. 89— tf 94— 1 le e r in g for H o m e - Mis« Aileen Shepard, superin­ tendent of musical instruction in the local public schools has gone to her home ia W ashington for several weeks. Special A ate Accident Policy for $5.09 a year. Phone 21. Yee e t eoaree. 24-tf Stud en ts A rrive— Released— ♦ The man picked up reeently by Chief of Police McLane and held for a hearing as to his mental condition was released from the county jail after It was ascertain­ ed th at an overdose of white mule had given him the impression th at he was being pursued by a ne- gress. He left for Crescent City after offering to pay for his board and. lodging in Hotel de Lewis. — Grants Pass Courier. The students from Medford and vicinity yesterday began arriving home from O. A. C. and U. of O. to spend the holidays vacation Everything you need for the period at home. A num ber arriv ­ Christm as dinner at K irby’s, ed thia forenoon and the m ajority (form erly Detricks) 94— 8 a re expected to arrive home to­ night by train or auto stage. A •otlceable feature of the girls To Corvallis— who returned up to this noon i s 1 Misses Annette Wetherford of th a t the most of them were w e a r-; the Modal Cottage, has gone to ing galoshes,— Medford Mail Tri- ■ Corvallis to spend the holiday« ______ I with relativ*« I Í 4 firlytdy. 2ft- Millinery—Hairdressing Tlie Daily Tidings A Real Christmas Present A year of anticipated joy— lead­ ing news stories, interesting features for the housewife, the children and others. You send all this good cheer to some friend Jor a whole year and they unit remember you better and oftener than most any other gift. Your “ Onto Best Bet” is a year’s sub­ scription to The DAILY TIDINGS A Hoover gets dirt after the other sweeper is through. Attachments for Overstuffed furniture cleaning.