fcAûfc TSSfclí ■ass l ll l ll l ll l I I I I — Classified Column C lassified Colum n R ates One cent the word each time To run every Issue for one m onth or more, the word each time. FOR RENT FOR RENT— 5 room furnished house. Inquire 121 Laurel St. 88— S.M.W.F.* FOR RENT— Furnished ap art­ m ent, garage, 272 Maple street. 77— tf FOR SALE TWO AND HALF ACRE tract, good six room house, barn, three chicken houses and double gar age, fru it and garden, all for >2800.00. Beaver Realty Co. 83— 1 FO R SALE or TRADE for milk cows; team of good work horses, 373-J1. 88— 3* FOR HALE or TRADE— Horse, harness, wagon, Inquire at 803 N. Main St. 88— 6* FOR SALE: — >4 500 for 160 acres on elegant Ranch; stream through the place; fine fishing; good soil; clear of encumbrances: easy term s or will exchange for a home in Jackson county, as part or full payment. J. J. Deak- in. Ashland, Oregon. 87— tf FOR SALE: — $3500 for 15 acres berry land at Hillsboro, Oregon, small house; good barn; fenced; three-fourths mile from Pacific Highway; elegant w ater: term s to suit purchaser or will exchange for Ashland or Medford home; take or assume any dif­ ference. J. J. Deakin, Ashland, Oregon. 87— tf FOR TRADE: — We have a modern 6-room dwelling in North Bend, Ore., to trade for Ashland or Medford property of near the same value; owner w ants to come to Ashland or Medford. Beaver Realty Co. 87— 3t MISCELLANEOUS WANTED— To rent from own­ er. a good 40 to 80 acre, improv­ ed ranch, close to school. Would consider buying later if suited. Clifford Sandy, Banks, Ore. 88— 1 mo See— BEAVER REALTY CO. for Bargains in Real-Es­ tate. Wo also handle In­ surance and Loans. 82-tf P N E U M O N IA USUALLY STARTS i FROM COLDS PROFESSIONAL PHYSICIANS OR. HAWLEY— Above office. Phone 91. Tidings Miss E dith Dodge, E ditor DR. C. W. HANSON Phone item s to h er at 8», between D entist S a. m. and 5 p. m. Special attention given to pyor­ rhoea. Office upstairs in Beaver CALENDAR OF EVENTS Block. Phone 178-J. 233-tf. Tuesday, December 16. Civic DR. G. C. PHETTEPLACE Club will meet at the club house. D entistry Mrs. W illiam Glenn, speaker. Gas or local anesthesia- for ex­ Wednesday, December 17. Aux­ traction and minor surgery. iliary to Trinity Guild will meet Special attention given to straig h t­ ening and care of children’s in Parish house. teeth. W ednesday, December 17. Above Citizens Bank Ladies Aid Society of the Metho­ Phone. Office, 151— Res., 201-J dist Church will m eet with Mrs. DR. ERNEST A. WOODS— Prac­ M. W. W heeler, 131 North Main tice limited to eye, ear. nose ano street a t 2:30. th ro at— X-ray Including teeth. Thursday, December 18. Elks Office hours, 10 Co 12 and 2 tc Ladies Club will meet in club 5. Swedenburg Bldg., Ashland, rooms. * * * Ore. B irthday P a rty — ’ DR. E. B. ANGELL— Chiropractic A delightful birthday party was and Electro-Therapy. Office given Thursday when Miss Maxine phone 48; residence 142. First Erickson celebrated her second N ational Bank building. birthday. H er little friends and th eir m others were present. The THE SOUTHERN OREGON children played games -and had CLINIC 1st National Bank Bldg. a delightful time and were then Medical Surgical O bstetrical taken into the dining room where D iagnostic X-ray they were greeted w ith a large R. W. Stearns, M. D. table decorated in red and white. R. E. Green, M. D. R. W. Sleeter, M. D. Place cards adorned each place. A large birthday cake and red and Office hours 2-5 p. m. Phone 238-R white jello was served to the children while the m others en­ CONVALESCENT HOME joyed a luncheon of sandwiches W here the sick get well. Cot­ tage plan. We hoard and care for and birthday cake. invalids and old people. M atern­ The following and th eir m oth­ ity dept. Call 153. ers were present, Robert Farlow, Bobbie and Joe Burdic, Shirley MONUMENTS Enders, Buddy Provost, K athleen ASHLAND GRANITE Dillard, M urray Phetteplace, MONUMENTS Jean ette H asting, Gordon Bourne, B lair G ranite Co. B arbara Shelby, Nolatie Shelby, S. PENNISTON, M anager Edm und Dews, Nancy and Billy Office 175 E. Main Briggs, Jr., Phyllis and Ju n io r Res. Phone 444-Y Powell and the little hostess, Maxine Erickson. IN ¥ GIRL IN TROUBLE— May * * * communicate with Ensign Lee Christinas P a rty — of th e Salvation Army a t the One of the Christm as parties W hlteShleld Home, 565 May- to be given this season was the fair Ave., Portland, Oregon. delightful one given Friday even­ ing by Mrs. L. S. Brown, W orthy PLANING MILL M atron and Dr. W. E. Blake, IORDONS SASH AND CABINET W orthy P atron of the Alpha WORKS, Cor. Helman and Chapter, No. 1. O. E, S. The Van Ness. 194'tf guests for the evening were the officers of the chapter and those TRANSFER AND EXPRESS W hittle T ransfer A Storage Co. NOTICE OF FINAL for SERVICE. SETTLEMENT Experienced movers and pack In County Court, Jackson era of household goods. Deal­ ers in coal and wood. Phone County, Oregon. E state of Renaldo A. Lares, 117. Deceased. Office 89 Oak St. near The undersigned A dm inistrator Hotel Ashland of the E state of Renaldo A. Lares, T. L. POWELL— General T rans­ Deceased, has filed in said Court fer— Good team and motor his Final Account as A dm inistra­ trucks. G »od service at a rea tor, and the Judge of said Court, souab2e price. Phone 83. has designated Saturday, January 3, 1925 a t 10:00 A. M. at th e FEHIGE-ROACH Court House in Jacksonville, Ore­ Transfer — Express — Storage gon as the time and place to hear Hauling — Dray work of all any objections to the approval of kinds. Quick m otor service. Dry said Account. wood of all kinds. Phone 410-R G. F. BILLINGS, A dm inistrator. 375 B. St. 112-tf 77— 5 Mon. ÂS'ÊtÀifô ftAitf M W who assisted in the Ada Addenda. Covers were laid for 25. The group assembled early iu the evening at the Brown h o m e ( and spent the evening playing Christm as games. Mesdames Hammond and Schuerman tied for first prize and Mrs. II. C Stock won the consolation The house was beautifully de­ corated with Christm as greens, m istletoe and holly Late in the evening the guests were served a two course lunch­ eon at a table adorned with a Christm as tree and greens. Fol­ lowing the luncheon each guest perform ed a stu n t much to the am usem ent of the others. A fter many happy hours the group ad­ journed wishing for more of these pleasant affairs. « Monday. heceirtiMd- 1$, ittiU » DAINTY GIFT LINGERIE A “Special Delivery” for the Old Postman Old Bill, the postman, was near ing home ?fter his day’s trudging, trudging in the snow delivering Christmas mail. So many letters for so many people—would tiiere be one for him? He brushed the snow from his mail box and held his breatli while lie looked. No— there was none; and a great lump came in his throat. Thirty, forty envelopes bearing Christmas cheer he had delivered at a single house, hut not one letter greeted him at his own door on Christinas Eve. He entered the tiny house discon­ solate. It was so lonely there since “she” had died—and their only son was far away and had not even written—no, not n single letter. Bill shuffled into the kitchen and sank into a rocker near the stove. “Not one letter,” was his only thought, “and yet I deal in let­ Portland — Oregon apple ship­ ments to October 31st, am ount- ed to 1,300,000 boxes, with 350.- 000 more being prepared to ship. Douglas county has shipped 4 00 cars of broccoli, with 400 more cars to ship. Lum ber for Oc-l tober was 38,316,000 feet and grain shipm ents were 3,240.000 bushels worth $4,692,000. W hat Have They Been? I have always found, even in youth, quite as much interest in looking back as in looking forward. It is good to plan for the future, hut there is quite as much to be gained from reviewing the past and in seeing how far we have come, how much we have accomplished, In what ways we have developed. I was talking to Foreman about the year that is so nearly at an end. He was dissatisfied witli his prog­ ress and uncertain as to whether or not the time and money he had expended had l>een worth while. He had learned little, it seemed, for all he could see, he wasn’t different than when he had left the little country town nine months ago. But I could see that he was a little more self-satisfied, a little surer of j himself, a little less crude in his I manners. He was learning to think, j learning to meet people, and de-1 veloping a little wider range of in- j terest than when he left home. As you come to the end of thej year and look back, how far have you come? It is an easy question to ask, but possibly not so easy to answer. When we were littie children nt home, mother used to teach us after we had said our prayers at night to go over in our minds for u min­ ute or two the events of the day and try to determine whether it had been a good day for. us or a bad one. Often we dropped off to sleep before we had gone far, but it was a good experience, this look­ ing our accomplishments in the face and trying honestly to esti­ mate them. It is something like this that I should like to put be­ fore you as this year is closing. What has the year meant to yon? New friends? New powers? New ideals? Have you done something worth while? Are you better, stronger, more able to fight the bat­ tles of the world than you were a year ago? Are you wiser with a wisdom that Is dean, healthy and uplifting? If so, the year is end­ ing happily for you.—Thomas A. Clark, Dean of Men, University of Illinois. FO LD S 3^$^ of head or chest cl are more aaaily treated externally exta treated w ith— V a r o R U B O ver 1 7 J a r s U e e d Y e a rly » . • •♦ ♦ ♦ ■ « For ( Jirísimas and The New Year The plants and flowers you put on your gift list are like bonds of satisfaction. Flowers always suit, because flowers al­ ways please. te r s,” Our Accomplishments— There is wisdom 111 reading ads. Tidings Ads brings results. Just then the doorbell rang, and a “special delivery” was thrust into Lis hands. With tears of joy he This dainty lingerie set is going tore it open and read. His son, to make some lucky lady happy at Ids only son would he home on tlie Christmas time—if a Lint to the “midnight” train.—H. Lucius Cook. wise is enough. A step-in and ■ (© . 1924, W eatern N ew spaper U n ion .) chemise are made of fine, light-col­ ored voile and decorated witli disks 1 Salem— Linen company organ­ of voile, the size of a silver dollar, j ized witli $150,000 capital, to in three pretty colors. They arej make linen twine. set on witli hemstitching in colored ‘breads. “ Quality without over charge” Come out and see our line of plants and flowers. ullatcher the Florist” 1070 Boulevard Open on Sundays Phone 1 1ft We deliv er REAL SANTA CLAUS Since we must liave our Christmas trees, the ciiief problem is how they are to he obtained. The cutting, shipping and selling of Christmas trees has devel­ oped into an established busi­ ness, extending over the en­ tire country. One large ship­ per of New England lias been in the business for forty years and in that time has sold many thousand carloads of trees. Some of these have been shipped as far south as Texas nnd as far west as Chi­ cago. This pioneer in the in­ dustry is now eighty-two years of age, but he is still active, and curiously enough he Is a reai Santa Claus in appearance.—Frank Herbert Sweet. I 10 to 50 Per Cent Wheel Goods Automobile^ Coasters Kiddie Cars for Children I®. 1924, W estern N ew sp ap er U nion.) GIFTS A GIRL LIKES S im p S O I l’s Hardware Winchester Store OFF on Our Entire Stock of CHRISTM AS JEW ELRY Reductions for Christmas Diamonds and Jewelry ................................... Fountain Pens and Pencils ........................... W rist Watches and C lo c k s............................. Hollow Ware and Out Glass ........................ Ivory and Silver Novelties ........................... Umbrellas ......................................................... 10% 10% 10% 20% 25% 50% TRY OUR GRAB BAG You Can’t Lose No package contains less than $1.00 in mer­ chandise and some of them as high as $25.00. Let’s see if you have red blood. SALE CLOSES JANUARY 1st Charles A. White, W. H. Hodkinscn Store (© . 1924, W estern N ew spaper U nion.) Light in the Steeple on Christmas Morning Far above the sleeping city, like a low and leading st«r, like a watchful and kindly eye,’ like a beacon of assuring hope, a prom­ ise of Christmas morning* beamed the light of the old church steeple. It shone down through one of the church windows and smiled upon the pictured shepherds who found a morning at midnight; and upon the stately wise men who knew the Joy of making gladness out of gifts. Its rays lighted up a gar­ ret, where two.very hopeful young­ sters w r e sleeping upon a very small bed, after making sure thai the light was there. In the street below a passer looking up, saw it and sm iled; another paused under the glow and spell of It and dropped a coin Into the poor bos at the church door. The Salva­ tion Army lass came out from tl»e church porch and thumped her tam­ bourine merrily because some genial influence had filled her has ket so full, almost dancing down the street as the bells saw by the gleaming light that it was time to ring. ASHLAND PAINT CO ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Dependable FOR LEASING OF COMMUNITY P h y sicia n s w arn against n eg lect­ Painting Contractors & Decorators HOSPITAL, ASHLAND. OREGON ing coughs and colrls and tell of SWENNING & GEAR NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN the serious lung ‘com plications Phone 408-J 57-1 mo.* th a t the Mayor and Common th a t niay resu lt. le a d in g physi­ WOOD SAWING Council of the City of Ashland, cian s now proscribe BALSAMEA Jackson County, Oregon, will re­ for a ll bronchial affections. BAL­ WANTED— Wood sawing. Tel ceive bids for the leasing of the SAMEA is a pure vegetab le prep­ 470-J. 63— Imo* Community Hospital, equipm ent aration m ade from a new ly dis­ covered plant... Dr. B enj. F. and grounds for the year 1925. For a smooth shave C rabtree, A nderson, Mo., w rites: Conditions of such bid may be and quick service go ’ had upon application to the un­ “ I use it exclu sively for my prac­ to the Shell Barber • dersigned officer. tic e and m y fam ily. It is quick, w ith c h e e r in g g lo r y and Shop. Ladies and , Bids will be received at any And so su re and sa fe in its action like w ith chim e children get your hair ' time prior to 8 P. M. Tuesday, Came in a n o th er happy C hristm as n oth in g e ls e .” tim e. Toward the end of the influ­ bobbed and marcel Jan u ary 6, 1925, at which time enza epidemic a governm ent phy­ led. While the old steeple, still point­ same will be opened. sician noticed th a t a tribe of In ­ ing upward, remained as a witness The conncil reserves the right to things high and splendid.—Chris­ W. A. SHELL, Prop. dians in Nevada, by the use of oils S32 A. St. Ashland, Ore i to reject any and all bids so re­ topher G. Hazard. from a native plant were immune (© , 1924, W estern N ew sp ap er U nion.) ceived. from the ravages of Influenza. GERTRUDE BIEDE, He used these oils among his SILVER HEADBANDS Recorder of the City of Ashland, white patients and then in a hos­ o * Oregon. 85— 6t pital overflowing with ‘d e ath ” « » HEAD STUFFED FROM i» CATARRH OR A COLD rases. News of the results swept i the world and for some tim e it ’ ’ Says Cream Applied in Nostrils was not possible to supply the ‘ > Opens Air Passages Right Up. demand. BALSAMEA has now been Instant relief — no waiting. standardized and gives unifo rm ly ' Your clogged nostrils open right m iraculous results in four ways; I. It soothes the inflamed mem-' up; the air passages of your head Bring* Back its Color and hranes and relieves irritation. 2. clear and you can breathe free­ Lustre with Grandma’s The most fashionable of pretty It increases secretion of mucous ly. No more hawking, snuffling, headband^ for evening wear, are Sage Tea Recipe and perm its easy expectoration, blowing, headache dryness. No those made of narrow silver rib­ 3. It stim ulates pores of the skin struggling for breath at night; ; bons, adorned with rosettes or tiny Common garden sage brewed roses of the same. in throw ing off body poisons and 4 your cold or cattarrh disappears. into a heavy tea, with sulphur and Get a small bottle of Ely’s It strikes at the cause, checking alcohol added, will tu rn gray, Classified Ads B ring Resulta germ action immediately. Cream Balm from your druggist streaked and faded hair beauti­ Do not confuse it with ordin­ now. Apply a little of this fra-, ary balsam cough syrups th a t are grant, antiseptic, healing cream fully dark and luxuriant. Mixing only soothing syrups and do not in your nostrils. It penetrates : the Sage Tea and Sulphur recipe ; go to the base of the trouble. through every air passage of t h e ! at home, though, is troublesom e.' U nlike other cough remedies head, soothes the inflamed or! An easier way is to get the ready- • BALSAMEA is free from coal ta r swollen mucous m embrane and re ­ to-use preparation improved by the addition of other ingredients and other harm ful narcotics. lief comes instantly. Pleasant to take and absolutely I t’s ju st fine. Don’t stay stu f­ a large bottle, at little cost, at for your Christmas din­ safe to give to children. fed up with a cold or nasty cat­ drug stores, known as ‘‘W yeth’s Sage and Sulphur Compound,” ner, that will delight you. Be sure you get BAL-SA-ME-A arrh. Thus avoiding a lot of muss. with the picture of the Indian on W hile gray, faded hair is not Why go to all the trouble the package. G uaranteed to re­ A fter a trial of less than a year, sinful, we all desire to retain our lief any cough, no m atter from what cause, or your money back. the people of Oregon voted to re­ youthful appearance and a ttra c ­ to make a fruit cake when All druggists sell BALSAMEA. In peal the state income tax, which tiveness. By darkening your we can supply such de­ Ashland buy it from Eastside imposed a graduated levy on in­ hair with W yeth’s Sage and Sul­ comes from incomes from $1,000 phur Compound, no one can tell Pharm acy. licious ones at a reason­ upward. The tax officials are because it does it so naturally, now trying to collect from $700,- so evenly. You ju st dampen a able price? 000 to $1,000,000 state income sponge or soft brush with it and tax which they claim is due, or draw this through your hair, ta k ­ was due, on the last q uarter of ing one small strand a t a tim e; for the year for which they collect­ by morning all gray hairs have CHRONIC ed th e first three-quarters. The disappeared. A fter another ap­ COUGHS A ttorney General holds th a t plication or two your hair be­ these unpaid taxes are collect­ comes beautifully dark, glossy, T here's a message in The able. The m atter will probably soft and luxuriant and you appear Tidings W ant Ads. be carried to the supreme court. years younger. LADIES! SECRET TO Here is a toilet set which has been made elegant by coverings of figured silk in rose color, finished with a fancy edging set with tiny flowers. Gold or silver net, or lace, are used over plain silk in any color, for this purpose. One may convert commonplace pieces Into rich and hlglily decorative gifts in this way. Higher le s t Gasoline just received Start the Day •z Witli a Smile Shell Gasoline starts easy, winter or summer. Gold­ en Shell Oils, will not gum up your motor. W. & N. Franklin Bakery Phone 199 Service Station BOULEVARD and SHERMAN Why Not Buy Your Friend a Spotlight, Trouble Light Rear View Mirror Windshield Cleaner or some other suitable au­ tomobile accessories? Headquarters for Accessories THE BEST YET T h ^ se d a y s before C h ristm a s w h e n m y w ife keeps shooing m e o u t o f th e linen c h est an d th e to p sh elf of th e p a n try a n d all o f th o se p et hiding places for C h ristm a s packages Anti-Freeze Let us put it in your radiator to prevent freezing. We test free of ebarge Dr. Oeser and Son —an d w h e n I ’ve got ta x e s — an d in su ra n ce — an d n e x t-to -last p a y m en ts on one th in g an d a n o th e r —I c a n ’t help hoping th e re ’ll be o n e box on th e C h ristm a s tree w ith a lot of w ra p p e rs a n d strin g s and w a y d o w n in th e m iddle a certificate —saying th a t I o w n ab o u t $100 w o rth o f m o re re a l m oney in good sec u rities th a n I th in k I o w n rig h t n o w —tlie w a y th in g s look. S om ebody tell h e r th a t California O regon P o w e r •’% P re fe rre d Stock a p ractical C h ristm a s p re sen t. I t p a y s 7e. 14% d ividends FLEXIBLE CEMENT OOF! NG — and th e price is ju s t H A R R IS O N Brothers, Garage Fruit Cakes The Oeser’s Ashland Service Stai ion lOCKEO/l $98! (w ith te rm s ) LT » u n H i n n n > i n » i n i m m ir m m m n n . PAZO Ointment A Guaranteed Remedy PHD r v /lx ITCHING, BLIND, BLEEDING OR PROTRUDING D l f 17Q A lluiLO I t is now put up in collapsible tubes with detachable pile pipe making it very easy to apply. D R U G G ISTS refund money if it fails to cure. Special directions enclosed w ith each package. Y our druggist will order it. (Also put up in old style Tins, 60c.) THIS is an extra heavy asphalt ready roofing with the fa­ mous Carey patent lap. Carey Flexible Ce­ ment roofs applied in the days of high wheeled bicycles are still giving good service today. The same quality that made these roofs last 30 years is being put into Carey Flexible Cement roofing to­ day. Ask us for prices and samples. Ashland Lumber Co.