fcÀoié AfflWfó Wttit Mfi»M Satu Hey, December IÄ, Ifrtl PROFESSIONAL Engle and Mrs, Lawrence Coder his parents When but a child iitid to enjoy the services and the ■ home at Satita Ana; Calif De ' showing the good of the Wo­ grew to manhood there. He re­ preaching of Mrs. McPherson. ! cember 5 in the afternoon. A in th ... e Shati­ m an’s Missionary F rien d ” the ceived . his. , education „ ., | hlS health did not la r«e company of friends Of the PHYSICIANS Cla**lfl«1 Column Rate« magazine. A lively session fol­ non schools. He was a likeable i perm it him to go about greatly, deceased from Long Beach, Los One cent the word each lowed with the “ Mystery Box” chap and a great favorite among j Mr. Stoner was instrum ental in Angeles, Pasadena. Upland, a t­ OR. IIAWLEY— Above Tidings time answ ering questions from the the young people of the commun­ placing in the hands of a large tended and paid their final re ­ W. L. DOUGLAS SHOES office. Phone 91. His ability to make and num ber of people in out-of-the magazine. Mrs. Frazier served ity. To run every Issue for one spects to the faithful religious Miss E d ith D odge, E d itor For the Holidays dainty refreshm ents and the soc- keep friends and be a friend to way places the tracts of his month or mòre, the word DR. C. W. HANSON worker. Interm ent was in the Phone item s to h er at 39, ’ between I I tai • , hour u . enjoyed . . by . was much them in time of need was an out- church. He often visited the each time. D entist mausoleum at Compton. The body « a. m. and 5 p. m. j a„ present. standing characteristic th ro u g h -' Midnight Mission in Los Angeles Special attention given to pyor­ was laid away amid a profusion of ____________________ ______________ 1 « • « out his life. and did what he could to further flowers. FOR RENT rhoea. Office upstairs In Beaver “ Visiting Day”— W hen he attained his m ajority th a t work. CALENDAR OF EVENTS Block. Phone 178-J. 283-«. | More than a hundred people he turned his face tow ard the FOR RENT— Furnished apart-, Realizing th at soon he was to | Monday, December 15. W. R. DR. G. C. PHETTKPLACE i C. Club will meet at the I. O. visited the Ju n io r High school west and engaged in farm ing in be called home, Mr. Stoner in hi m eut, garage, 272 Maple street. Shoe Shop There is wisdom in reading ads D entistry on “ Visiting Day” Friday. The "Brown county, Kansas. In 1886 77— tf last years enjoyed many hour 1 O. F. Hall. Gas or local anesthesia for ex traction and minor surgery.! Monday, December 15. Ashland reg u lar business session was call­ in th at county he was m arried to in sweet communion witli his FOR SALE Special attention given to straight-1 Study Club will meet with Mrs. ed with Mrs. E. M. Berg, presi­ Mary A. Byer, who survives him. Redeemer and was never fearful FOR SA LE:— Two well bred enjpg and care of children’s Gordon MacCracken on Harga- den t, a t the chair. The alms of Two children were born to Mr. of the eternal sleep which soon teeth. th e Parent-T eachers association and Mrs. Stoner in Brown coun­ was to come to his body. Even dine street. Poodle Pups. Both males. Oxford I Above Citizens Bank Monday, December 15. Auxil­ ! were read and reports given. One ty, Pearl B. Stoner, who later in his delerium he besought the Rooms, 219 4th street. 87— 2 i Phone. Office, 151— Res., 201-J : iary to the American Legion will I hundred members of the Junior became Mrs. B ert Spaulding, and blessing of the Master and pray FOR HALE: — $4500 for 160 OR. ERNEST A. WOODS—-Prac­ meet in the Armory. high circle were reported by Mrs. Raymond C. Stoner, a t p re s e n t! ed th at he m ight soon “ meet him acres on elegant Ranch; stream tice limited to eye, ear, nose ano in the skies.” Tuesday, December 16. Civic Brower, chairm an of the mem­ a resident of San Diego, Calif. committee. Following through the place; fine fishing; th ro at— X-ray including teeth. Club will meet at the club house. bership A fter moving with his family His final message to his fam- th e business m eeting the group good soil; clear of encumbrances; to Glendale, Arlz., in which move j ily and friends was that they Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 tc Mrs. W illiam Glenn, speaker. easy term s or will exchange for 5. Swedenburg Bldg., A shland., Wednesday, December 17. Aux­ adjourned to visit the school he was accompanied by a large might embrace in its entirety the a home in Jackson county, as Ore. iliary to Trinity Guild will m eet rooms. Every room was decorat­ num ber of relatives and friends, Word of God without reject inp p art or full payment. J. J. Deak- ed w ith C hristm as cards, posters Mr. Stoner again engaged in any part. He was firmly of the in Parish house. in, Ashland, Oregon. 87— tf DR. E. B. ANGELL— Chiropractic Thursday, December 18. Elks calendars and the w ritten les farm ing. Mr. Stoner opened the opinion “ The signs shall follow and Electro-Therapy. Office Ladies Club will meet in club sons which the children had pre­ first m ercantile store in Glendale who believe.” He expressed the FOR SALE: — $3500 for 15 phone 48; residence 142. First j rooms. pared. A beautiful display of and was th at city’s first post­ hope th at his family and friends acres berry land at Hillsboro, National Bank building. lamp shades, curtain pulls, cal­ m aster. Glendale is now a m ight be faithful unto the Lord Oregon, small house; good barn; and pray much. endars and sim ilar objects was flourishing city. THE SOUTHERN OREGON fenced; three-fourths mile from Civic Club— the object of much attention. This A lthough he was busily engag­ Funeral services were conduct CLINIC Pacific Highway; elegant w ater: “ Stories From Snowland” work is being done by the seven­ ed In bis livelihood, Mr. Stoner ed from the W inbigler funeral 1st National Bank Bldg. I term s to suit purchaser or will Medical R u rc-iea l r O a bstetrical . M r b . 1 n a rrative of actual experiences th and eighth grade grils under found time to engage in religious Surgical exchange for Ashland or Medford Diagnostic X-ray will be given at the Civic Club th e leadership of Mrs. Mitchell work, seeking seldom -frequented home; take or assume any dif­ R. W. Stearns, M. D. meeting next Tuesday by Mrs. The dresss, towels and other sew- places where be preached and ference. J. J. Deakln, Ashland, R. E. Green, M. D. W illiam Glenn who will tell of ng projects were very attractive sang. In Glendale two children R. W. Sleeter, M. D. some of the experiences encoun- and Oregon. 87— tf showed the excellent work were born to Mr. and Mrs. Ston­ Office hours 2-5 p. m. tered when she made a trip Into Phone 23S-R which is being done by the sewing er, Ezra B. Stoner, who died four FOR TRADE: — We have a Alaska. Mrs. Glenn is an ex­ girls, tau g h t by Miss Jarm on. years later, and Leah M. Stoner, modern 6-room dwelling in North CONVALESCENT HOME ceptional interesting speaker and The program followed given by who is now Mrs. Clarence Barney Bend. Ore., to trade for Ashland W here the sick get well. Cot­ Playlets, readings, of Los Angeles, Calif. or Medford property of near the tage plan. We board and care for the club is very fortunate to h a v e ' t jie students same value; owner w ants to come invalids and old people. M atern­ her as speaker. She spoke to songs and folk dances occupied A fter living in Arizona six Every dollar spend at the club last year and was en­ ity dept. Call 153. th e tim e and much credit is due years, Mr. Stoner sold out his home is an investment for to Ashland or Medford. Beaver thusiastically received by all. Not the young people and th eir teach­ R ealty Co. 87— 3t interests and moved with his fam ­ local development. It MONUMENTS only members but friends who ers. Too much praise cannot be ily to Ashland, Oregon, where comes hack to yon with FOR SALE: — Good six room are interested in hearing Mrs. given /Miss Myers and her teach an o th er daughter was born, Ila ASHLAND GRANITE house, garage and wood shed, lot Glenn are invited to be present. ers for their hearty cooperation R uth Stoner, no,w M.rs. E. M. interest in better stores, MONUMENTS 50x145 for quick sale. $2300.00 A short musical program will in p utting over one of the best Hussong of Santa 3fcna, Calif. finer buildings, more pub­ Blair G ranite Co, cash or see owner for term s, 132 be given as an introduction. m eetings ever held in P aren t - In Ashland, Mr. Stoner estab­ lic improvements’, and a S. PENNISTON, Manager 5th street. 83— 6 Hostesses for the afternoon are Teacher work in Ashland. lished a fu rn itu re business and Office 175 E. Main larger and better com­ Mesdames Louis Dodge, F ran k * * * later established his claim to a Res. Phone 444-Y FOR HALE: — Late model; munity. Dean and F ran k C. Dillard. Here Monday— hom estead. He acquired an apple Singer sewing machine nearly * * * 1NY GIRL IN TROUBLE— May Buy At Home Dean K. W. Jam eson of the orchard on which was grown new at Icenhowers New & Second communicate with Ensign Lee E ntertained a t Tea— Oregon A gricultural College will some of the finest fru it in the Hand Store, 389 E. Main. Phone Mrs. Royal , be in Ashland Monday at two o’- of the Salvation Army at the „ Complimenting „ .. „ fam ous Rogue River valley. Mr. 171. 86— 3t WhiteShield Home, 565 May- ’.van Bebb. Mrs. F. G. Sweden- ¡ clock and will meet with the p a r . Stoner was successful in all his burg entertained at an inform al ent-Teacher members at th a t time fair Ave., Portland, Oregon. Every present brings joy with it for enterprises and put into practice MISCELLANEOUS tea recently at her spacious home in the Hotel Ashland ladies p ar­ in his everyday life the princi­ Ashland, Oregon PLANING MILL on the Boulevard. someone but the Victrola brings joy ' FOUND:— Shrine pin set in lor. Anyone interested in so­ pals which he endeavored to per­ “ Banking Friendships That Pink and white were the col­ gold w reath circle. Found near JORDON’S SASH AND CABINET Encircfle This Section" for all in tbe family. It brings pleasure, cial problems is invited to come suade other to embrace. ors used in the different rooms C hautauqua building. Owner „claim to the parlors at th a t time and W ith the assistance of Mrs. WORKS, Cor. Helman and carried out with flowers and talk with her. The m eeting will Stoner, a Holiness mission was comradeship, humor, consolation, t« ,im e •» « for Bargains in Real-Es­ county, Pennsylvania, which work his family w as also in the world. It will always cheer and Swedenburg was acclaimed a Blair 117. tate. We also handle In­ March 9, 1863. He died at Santa faithfully engaged. most entertaining hostess. sympathize. It was in Ashland th a t his Office 89 Oak St. near surance and Loans. 82-tf The invited guests were Mes­ Ana, California, shortly before 9 health suffered a serious reverse Hotel Ashland dames P. K. Hammong, A. Tracy- o’clock December 3, 1924, aged and with Mrs. Stoner he moved Now is a good time to choose a Victrola, !’• L. POW ELL—General T rans­ Young, Fred W agner. Emil Plel, 61 years, 8 m onths 24 days. to Southern California. In Los He moved to Shannon, 111., with fer— Good team and motor I. D. Applegate, H enry Enders, while our stocks allow a full range of Angeles he became a devout mem­ trucks. O rod service at a r e a - i J r ” John E nders> Chas, B o»rns, ber of Angelus Temple, Almee choice. W e suggest that you come early. work-reducing gifts are always eouab.’e price. Phone 83. J - " ’ McC°y> Elwood Hedburg, Semple M cPherson, pastor-evan­ most appreciated! ' Frank Dillard, Stanley Robin­ Look! One Hundred per gelist, and gave w ithin his means ette, E. A. Woods, R. Dews, Fred FEHIGE-ROACH Modern, one-piece kitchen (.’ome in today and select the model you wish to fu rth er the work of The Cent Profit. sinks, w ater heaters, bathroom Misses! T ransfer — Express — Storage Neil, V. V. Mills the Kidneys cause backache! No! Buy one or more F u r Rabbits. i Church of the Four Square Gos- delivered on ( ’hristmas Eve. fixtures, shampoo sprays and Your backache is caused by lu m - ;^ au l*n K — Dray work of all Geòrgie Coffee, Victoria Tavener, j Price $30.00. No “ Ponzie ! pel. Mr. Stoner was especially many other articles, of moder­ bago. rheum atism or a strain and kinds. Quick motor service. Dry and the honored guest, Mrs. j Scheme.” Legitim ate industry. ate cost, await your Christm as We breed, raise, ' interested in the installation at -------. , *he quickest re lie f; WOod of all kinds. Phone 410-R Royal Bebb and the charm ing! Can’t fall. selection, here. j the Temple of a radio broadcast- r —¿N ls soothing, p e n e - |,7, R sell and send profit annually, y ) trating St. J a c o b s ;375 St. 112-tf hostess, Mrs. F. G. Swedenburg, guaranteeing 100 per cent.? j ing station and it was later from Each year Santa Claus makes Open evenings. Easy payments arranged a!l of Ashland and Mesdames C ontract sent on receipt of . ■'w oil. Rub it r i g h t '---------------------------------------— — I this same station he was able more of his deliveries through on your painful! ASHLAND PAINT CO Bromley. W ard Hammond, Paul money. Money back if not our store. Order now while V. back, and instant-j Dependable satisfied. Limited opportunity. the stock is complete. McDonald and Miss Mary Bebb ___ \ iy the soreness, j Painting Contractors & Decorators Send money today; tomorrow of Medford. stiffness and lame- j may be too ilate. Buy from SWENNING & GEAR ! » » » ness d i sap p ears,! this advertisem ent. 57-1 mo.* Missionary Society— Don’t stay crip- Pilone 408-J TULSA FUR FARM New Victor Records, Once a Week, Phone 13« Tulsa, Okla. pled! Get a 35 207 E. Main The W omen’s Foreign Mission­ Every Week—Friday WOOD HAWING cent bottle of St. ary Society of the M. E. Church Jacobs Oil from WANTED— Wood sawing. Tel held its December meeting F ri­ your druggist. A 63— Imo* day, December 5 at the home of moment after it is 470-J. a Spotlight, applied you’ill won­ Mrs. Frazier on North Main street der what became Trouble Light For a smooth shave with Mrs. Carroll P ra tt presid­ of the backache or lumbago pain. ing. Mrs. J. R. McCracken had •/ . Rear View Mirror and qu’ck service go In use for 65 years for lum ba­ go, backache, sciatica, neuralgia, to th e Shell Barber charge of the devotionals which Windshield’ were most fitting to the C hrist­ rheum atism or sprains. Absolute­ Shop. Ladles and Cleaner ly harmless. Doesn't burn the mas season. A fter a short busi­ children get your hair skin. ness session Mrs. Grace Engle bobbed and marcel Shell Gasoline starts easy, took charge of the program . led. ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS winter or summer. Gold­ or some other suitable au­ As the Christm as offering for tomobile accessories? FOR LEASING OF COMMUNITY en Shell Oils, will not W. A. SHELL. Prop missions wes to be taken at this HOSPITAL, ASHLAND, OREGON 532 A. St. Ashland, Or» time a short service was given gum up your motor. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Headquarters for entitled “ Our Gifts ’. The differ­ th a t the Mayor and Common ! Accessories There’s a message in The ent characters were taken by Council of the City of Ashland, members of the society. Mrs. Jackson County, Oregon, will re­ Tidings W ant Ads. W olcott delighted the group with ceive bids for the leasing of the several Christm as hymns. H A R R IS O N Community Hospital, equipm ent Over $10 was received in the and grounds for the year 1925. 1 offering which followed. Brothers, Garage BOULEVARD and SHERMAN Conditions of such bid may be Mrs. Engle reviewed the chap­ had upon application to the un­ ter in the text book for the year dersigned officer. followed by an exercise by Mrs. Bids will be received at any to us for quick and effi­ « »»’♦«»■»»♦'•«I tim e prior to 8 P. M. T uesday,, cient glass service. Jan u ary 6, 1925, at which time! Largest stock of glass in same will be opened. the city. The council reserves the right) to reject any and ail bids so re­ ceived. OFF on Our Entire Stock of N IV ERSA L te le p h o n e But these facilities do not ii GERTRUDE -BIEDE, service must be universal CHRISTMAS JEWELRY Recorder of the City of Ashland, themselves make A m e r ic a ’s Oregon. 85— 6t in scope— it must reach anyone, Classified Column OVERLAND Aii Investment in a Greater Ashland First National Bank OUCH! LUMBAGO We Wish Everyone a Merry Victrola Christmas Santa Claus Knows THE ROSE Why Not Buy Your Friend Jerry O’Neal Start the Dav With a Smile IV. & N. Service Station Bring Your Window Fi ames J. O. RIGG CUT THIS OUT — IT IH WORTH MONEY Send this ad and ten cents to Foley & Co., 2835 Sheffield Ave., I Chicago, 111., w riting your name and address clearly. You will re­ ceive a ten cent bottle of FOLEY’S HONEY AND TAR COMPOUND for coughs, colds and hoarseness, also free sample packages of FOLEY PILLS, a diuretic stim u­ lent for the kidneys, and FOLEY CATHARTIC TABLETS for Con­ stipation and Biliousness. These wonderful remedies have helped millions of people. Try them. Sold everywhere. H all’s Catarrh - r i d your system o f Catarrh or Deaf- ftess caused by Catarrh. Sold by dru gfu tt for over 40 yean F. J. C H E N E Y &. C O ., T oledo, Qbtp U LIKE A SHOT H AVE GOOD PERFORM ANCE Your Pet DESERVES THE BEST Bring or send it to The Medford Veterinarian Hospital Dr. E. ( ’. McCULLOCH, Graduate Veterinarian Comer Fifth & Grape Sts. Phone 369 M E DFOK1), Oregon T will he at The East Side Pharmacy in Ash­ land every Wednesday, 12:30 to 7 p. m. Call there or phone 51. Universality 10 to 50 Per Cent GET AWAY Easy S ta r tin g and E conom y Too E q u ip Y o u r C a r W it h a N ew S trö m b erg C a rb u reto r B u ilt S p ecia l for E very Car LEEDOM’S TIRE HOUSE I i " Reductions for Christmas Diamonds and Jewelry ................................... Fountain Pens and Pencils ............................ \\ rist \\ atehes and C lo c k s............................. Hollow Ware and Out Glass ........................ Ivory ami Silver Novelties ............................ Umbrellas ......................................................... 10% 10% 10% 20% 25% 50% TRY OUR GRAB BAG You Can’t Lose No package contains less than $1.00 in mer­ chandise and some of them as high as $25.00. L et’s see if you have red blood. SALE CLOSES JANUARY 1st anywhere. But it must be uni­ versal also in cost— it must be within the financial reach of everyone, everywhere. Years of research have been required to provide the tele­ phone in s tr u m e n ts , switch­ boards, wire and supplementary apparatus which afford inter­ communication between house­ wives, shopkeepers, f a rm e rs and millions of other American telephone users. telephone service a universal service. 1 elephone engineers have spent years of additional study in order to build, maintain and operate this nation-wide system so economically that the cost of service may be kept at all times well below its value to the telephone user. Upon the two fundamentals of extensiveness in scope and economy in cost the Bell System has built the most universal telephone service in the World. The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company Charles A. White, W. H. Hodkinson Store *****......... .»........................................................... ; BELL SYSTEM One Policy - One System - Universal Service