t*ÁÓ¿5 FOVÖ .. DAfii Friday, 1 letein ber 12, l(k¿4 Here Yesterday— ' At Show— ' Slightly Improved— TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY ^Woodland — Ward wood mill Best Sr. Steel Gray Flemish E. R. Grieve of H ornbrook w a s ! W. P. Marks Of G rants Pass Mrs. G. F. McConnell who is for furniture stock being estab­ Doe— E. E. Estes. FOR SALE:— Good small loti in Ashland yesterday on business journeyed to Ashland yesterday confined to th e Sacred H eart Largest Rabbit in show— Metili with sleeping porch, garage and! lished in Peterson plant && ---------- j to attend the W inter F air and hospital in Medford with a b ro k e n , Rose. Remember the bazaar a n d 1 Poultry Show. I leg is slightly improved. An X -' shop, all for 5400.00. Beaver j Best Flemish Black — W. P. GOOD SHOWING IS •cooked food sale given by the! ---------- Realty Co. No. 37 F irst St. ray of the cast was to be taken ’ Rathe. MADE HERE IN C. E. of the Christian Church,! Special Auto Accident Policy today- 84— 1 i ; CHICAGO, Dec. 10. — A de­ Best W hite Flemish Buck, Jr. WINTER FAIR Saturday 13, next to E lharts. for 55.00 a year. Phone 21. Yeo I butaute can dance FOR SA LE:— Two well bred straig h t — — W. P. Rathe. 85— 3 t ! ot course. 2 4-tf > Defeated through for nineteen hours. At Jacksonville— Poodle Pups. Both males. Oxford (Continued from page 1) Best Sr. W hite Flemish — i Rogue River was defeated by A buainess m a„ isn’t tired Rooms, 219 4th street. A rthur P eters made a trip to 87— 2 Merrill Rose. R eturns Hom Moved— Best New Zealand Red Jr. Buck 2°.,tOJ 4. l n .the basket after a fourteen-hour day. Jacksonville W ednesday afternoon Best New Zealand Buck— Mrs. A. E. Chase has moved from . Dr. B ertha Sawyer returned to i balj game with Yreka last » Fridav on business. . . . . . , iiu o j, iVU|[, besides uesuies th m a i, r reuericK i POUND:— Shrine pin s e t. in — Mrs. E. E. W ilder. “ And, t,” Frederick E. E. W ilder, Phoenix. 736 Boulevard to a home at 115 Ashland yesterday morning after evening. The town team was also ln tern n tio n .lt known a n a -' gold w reath circle. Found near Best display of made up Furs— Best Sr. Checkered Zvant Buck Bush street. vtaltlng for several days at th e : defeated by the Phoenix town , , Uc„ psychologist, fold the Ex-' C hautauqua building. Owner claim , Mrs. Knight, Phoenix. Tam ales, best in the city, “ The — W. W. Estes. | home of Drs. Carlow of Medford, j team. ernfivetf Club of Chicago, ••yon at Tidings office and pay for ad. Beat display New Zealand Reds R ose’’. 60— tf Best New Zealand Doe— Mrs. We put the chicken in o u r ( 87— 2 — Mrs. E. E. W ilder, Phoenix. ----- —- : don’t worry, and you feel better E. E. W ilder. 82— tf; Candle sticks, book ends, and Arrived Home— thftn yQU ever djd „ tamales. The Plaza. Best Sr. Checkered Doe— W. Study Club— FOR SALE: — 54500 for 160 For Best Sr. Steel Gray Doe— W. Estes. ¡statio n ery . Darling Studio | Mrs. C. M. Thayer returned! He told them how to Increase The Ashland Study Club will W. W. Estes. acres on elegant Ranch; stream New Clerk— 83— tf j yesterday from Seattle where she! th eir w orking hours and still not Best Sr. Checkered Ruck — m eet at the home of Mrs. Gordon through the place; fine fishing; Best display by novice— Dick W. W. Estes. Miss Alta Payne has taken a ; has been visiting friends and rela-j shorten th eir lives, by taking an MacCracken on H argadine street position at E n d er’s during the ' Visiting Her, Joy. good soil; -clear of encum brances; u d iw Best. American Blue— W. P. i tives. She will ___________ remain here _____, with exercise known as the De v Cubitas Monday afternoon. easy term s or will exchange for R athe, Medford. Christm as rush. ! Mrs. Laura Simmons of Spok-^her daughter, Mrs. E. B er^ Best display Rabbits Josephine a home in Jackson county, as Co.— Dr. W. P. Marks, G rants Most points won by lady — ---------- ane, W ash., is in Ashland visiting, until a fte r New Years Day and the w orkout is entirely mental Suits and Overcoats make use­ part or full payment. J. J. Deak- — Mrs. E. E. W ilder, Phoenix. Pass. Toys and games— E lharts. : at the home of Mrs. J. W. Frazier.i will then go to her home in, ‘‘The exercise is based on th e ' ful gifts. P aulserud’s. 86-tf in, Ashland, Oregon. 87— tf Best Sr. Am. — Mrs. E. E. Best display rabbits in 6how ‘ 81 12 . Michigan. complete relaxation of the auto- W ilder, Phoenix. — W. W. Estes. Photographs of Quality. Studio j ---------- • matic. or unconscious, brain cen. FOR SALE: — 53500 for 15 Returned Home— ; At New O r le a n s - Ashland on the Plaza. ~ j R eturn Today— j ter, which occupies three-fourths acres berry land a t Hillsbivro, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Kinney and W ord has been received here Mrs. H arry H arrison will retu rn of the entire m entality and con- Oregon, small house; good barn; Mrs. G. G. Eubanks have re tu rn ­ I from Johnny Gruelle stating that ' ---------- tins evening from Merced a n d ; sists of the nervous system con- fenced; three-fourths mile from ed from Oakland where they spent the family is in New Orleans and Agent Here — other California cities where she! trolling muscles, glands and all Pacific Highway; elegant w ater: | the past several weeks visiting have had a pleasant trip thus far. County Agent Long of Grants has been visiting for the past other organs,” he told them term s to suit purchaser or w ill, relatives and friends. ---------- Pass was in Ashland yesterday two months. The attention is centered on a exchange for Ashland or Medford 1 Save 510.00. walk upstairs to atten d in S the Poultry Show. ANNOUNCES special set of muscles. Hold an home; take or assume any dif-l Fine Gift Stationery— McNair Orres tailor shop. 17— tf ---------- ference. J. J. Deakin, Ashland.; Leave Soon— arm at right angles, then shift Bros. At Hospital— S7— tf Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Greer and the attention to another set of Oregon. R eturns to Business— ) J- McMasters of Hornbrook en- Mlgs E lbert Greer pJan to muscles. The first arm then drops In A shland— FOR TRADE: — We have a ' O. H. Johnson who has been tered the Community H o sp ital} th e flrgt of the weefe fw . Bur|> ¡autom atically to your side, in a on subscriptions taken now for the - - U 1 U c tiln I -------- E. R. Kruse and son of Rose­ confined to his home, with illness *’**a nmininir «ma nniiaMbant »• I _ - — modern 6-room dwelling in North ' . . and unconscious us owning and underw ent a ; California, where they will spend *1 ! state of . complete burg were in Ashland yesterday for the past few days returned minor operation Bend, Ore., to trade for Ashland ' ....................... ~ . . . . as with ... x.— — Christm their relatives, I —«— relaxation. The whole body is or Medford property of near the j to attend the W inter F air and to his business this morning. Miss Grere will enter school th e n | re3ted in thia m anner,” conclud- same value; owner w ants to come ! Poultry Show. • Improving— • - and the family will probably no? ed the 9Peaker to Ashland or Medford. B e a v e r! Mrs. S. F. Thornton who has Ashland view Calendars. Dif­ Mr. Pierce says this is an un­ Realty Co. retu rn to Ashland until June. MRS. BRA.ASCI, representative of the Butte- WHY PAY MORE 87— 3t ferent! Studio Ashland. 87-tf been confined to the Community failing rest exercise for all who Christm as and New Y ear’s cards rick Pub. Co., is at our store for a few days Hospital for some time is improv­ find they do not enjoy a sufTi-1 Rush Started— and favors for but two thirds of In Ashland — ing nicely. renewing old subscriptions and taking new what you pay at other prices. The Christm as rush has s ta rt­ cient num ber of w alking “ peppy” Mr. and Mrs. Perry W aite of hours. ones tor the Delineator at a Everything in the store marked Gold Hill were in Ashland W ed-; H ere Y esterday— ed with a large num ber of pack­ down 25 to 50 per cent. T refren’sl nesday evening to attend the! E. L. King, superintendent of J ages being shipped in and from Uses Confiscated Rum NKW SPECIAL PRICE 267, 4th street. 87— 2i W inter Fair. is vis- for the the local office. Christm as seals in C ar’s Radiator Plum e l:i<> or see her at pattern counter iting her sister, Mrs. H. H. El- E l-¡S outhern Pacific passed through and stickers should not be plac­ Here— h art for several days. Ashlaud yesterday on his way ed on the address side of the p a r­ DEFIANCE, Ohio, Dec. 10.— William E. Gould of H ilt, Cal., cels and postal employees are south. Some county and municipal of­ has moved to Ashland and rented very anxious th a t this rule be ob­ C rater Lake pictures 95c to ficials make a practice of pour­ a home on Roca street from E. E. 525.00. D arling Studio. served as It is difficult to read u r The n 83-—tf Here— ing confiscated booze into sew­ Quality Store” Phipps. the addresses when there are Mrs. W alter Jones of Rogue ers. Police Chief Karl A. W eaker, stickers on th a t side, according Changes Residence— River is in Ashland and apatient to Postm aster F. W. W agner. however, uses the alcohol in the Overcoats, 520, a t Paulserud’s. Mr?. E. R. Johnson has moved at the Convalescent Home. “ Do not open., until C hristm as” rad iato r of his speed car to pre­ 86-tf from the Lithia apartm ents to an’ vent freezing. signs may be placed on the back apartm ent in the Phipps build­ At K lam ath— of the parcel if so desired. Care­ Small automobile for the kid­ ing. R. C. Lee of this city is spend­ ful w riting or printing is also Nominate Officers— dies given away free December ing the week in K lam ath Falls on R. E. McElhose and A. J. requested. Ten new tables have 23. Disc wheels and everything. Two free goldfish given with business. been placed in the local office for Crose of Medford were nominated See our window. The Variety every 50c purchase. Saturday use during the rush. for the office of commander at Store. 8 6 -2 t! December 13. The Variety Store. the m eeting of the Medford 89 N. Main street. 86-2t Pays Costs— for Children Glendale — Oregon-California Anvericaji Legion Tuesday eve­ A man was brought before In A shland— Judge Gowdy this morning charg­ Power Company rebuilding pow­ ning. The election will take place Miss Gladys Applegate passed Move Here— er lines for heavier use. December 23. through Ashland W ednesday after E rna B. Terrill and family a r­ ed with trespassing on the South­ ern Pacific property and stealing noon from Yreka having been rived in Ashland recently from Babies’ Books—Children's Books—G irls’ Books— called to Medford by the Califor­ Tacoma, W ash., and have taken a ride. He was told to pay the Boys’ Books—Books for Everybody court costs and leave town. nia-Oregon Power Company. an apartm ent of Liberty street. 10 PROLONG LIFE Butteriek Publishing Co. OFFER EXTRAORDINARY J ' ' ” * 111 «.* DELINEATOR E. R. ISAAC & CO. Wheel Goods Automobiles Coasters Kiddie Cars BOOKS! BOOKS! BOOKS! Small automobile for the kid­ We wrap our Christm as Box dies given away free December Candies ready to mail, free of 23. Disc wheels and everything. charge. The Plaza. 82— tf See our window. The V ariety Store. 86-2t In Ashland— K. H anim erbacher attended the Perfum es in Gift Packages- w inter fair in Ashland last night, McNair Bros. reporting a good showing in ex­ hibits. Mr. H anim erbacher s in­ Still at Home— terested especially in the poultry Miss M arjorie Fifield who has division.— G rants Pass Courier. been 111 for the past week at her home is Improved but not able to be a t work. ison’s Hardware Winchester Store Visiting School— Friday of every week is set aside by the rural school teach­ ers as visiting day and at this time they visit schools and are visited by other teachers. Miss M argaret Dougherty and John Galey are visiting schools today. Galey is visiting the Lower Soda Spring school taught by Mrs. Theodore Lockhart. BIG STOCK Picture BIG ASSORTMENT Books—Paint Books—Drawing Comic Books—Fairy Stories— Mother Goose Tales, etc Books— . GAMES—TOYS—HOLIDAY GOODS FREE—A Xmas story book to every child nnder 10 tomorrow 'X , Toilet Goods— Drug Sundries « ELH ART’S Books and Stationery •- • A I J Paulserud's Suits excel in style and quality. 86-tf THE THEATER BEAUTIFUL Cliff Payne makes counters. Here— T. P. Cram er and T. P. Cram­ er, Jr., of G rants Pass were in Ashland yesterday attending the W inter F air and Poultry Show. Both received prizes in the fair. Many beautiful gifts at Dar­ ling Studio. 83— tf WHY PAY MORE Christm as and New Y ear’s cards and avors for but two thirds of what you pay at other places. Everything in the store m ark­ ed down 25 to 50 per cent. Tref- rens 267, 4th St. 87— 2 You are welcome to compare my Automobile rates with any other rates In Jackson or Jose­ phine Counties; you can be the Judge. Phone 21. Yeo, of course. 30— tf Dem onstration— A dem onstration of S. & W. products is being held at Holmes Grocery today and tomorrow so th a t patrons can see and taste the canned food. Everyone Is urged to be present. See our window displays. Studio Ashland. 87— tf A ttends F air— H. B. Norton of G rants Pass was among those who attended the W inter F air in Ashland yes­ terday. Many Xmas gift bargains at Studio Ashlaud. 87— tf F o r C alifornia— Misses Waive W ithrow and Dorothy Reid plan to leave in a short time for Stockton and Los Angeles where they will spend the C hristm as vacation with relatives and friends. Two free goldfish given with every 50c purchase. Saturday December 13. The Variety Store. 89 N. Main street. 86-2t Leaving Tomorrow— C. A. Jensen will leave tom or­ row for Sacram ento w’here lie was called by the illness of his fam­ ily. FRIDAY and SATURDAY u HERBERT BRENON pmductjon (2 Qtiramount Qicture HUS ENT COSY ADOLPH ZUKOa. JESSE L.LASKY iüe S how oF UFE" * * ERNEST TORRENCE, ANNA (¿NILSSON Throwing the spotlight on the secret, hehind- the-seene life of a circus funny man. Showing him as he really is, stripped of his grease paint and bag of tricks, playing for bigger gain in the game of hearts and happiness. “The Telephone Girl” comedy The Christmas Store Do Your Shopping Here Men’s Handkerchiefs, 6 for $1.00 Made with colored borders, blue, tan and lavender. Sold Regularly, each .............................................20c Iveritex Toilet Articles’ each 98c Hair Receivers, Powder Boxes, Manicure Sets, Shoe Horns, Perfume Bottles, Combs, and many other articles at these low price values to ...........$1.50 Men’s Knitted Ties, each 59c p o r the CCloman’s C h ristm as G ive G ifts h ik e T h e s e Luxite Undergar­ ments of Silk Jersey It seems to have occured to the m akers of Luxite gar­ m ents th a t clever designers might be employed even in the planning of Milady’s un­ dergarm ents. And the results of this idea are in evidence at our store. The most attractive gowns, pajam as, combinations, vests and step-ins. Come in a good assortment of patterns; an E xtra Value, coming at the right time. JEWELRY STORE CHANGES HANDS We wish to announce that Charles A. White has purchased the .Jewelry Store formerly belonging to W. II. Hodkinson. The entire stock of silverware, cut glass, China, jewelry, watches, clocks, pens, pencils, toilet sets and novelties will he cut in price from 10 to 50 per cent until Januarv » 1st. We intend to make this sale of real benefit to you in doing your Christmas shopping. This is go­ ing to he a jewelry Christinas—A Christmas of Gifts that Last. H A N D K E R C H IE F S The most wonderful assortment you have ever seen ror Gift Giving sheer cotton and fine linens with hand embroidery. Priced each 20c, 25c, 29c, 35c, 48c, 59c, 65c Fibre Silk Underwear for those who wish pretty underwear at less expense Vests . .$1.19 and $1.48 Step-ins ..............$2.45 Combinat ions . . . .$2.45 Silk Hose, pair $125 ‘Nevermend” pure silk hose, guaranteed to give satisfaction. Comes in the wanted colors. 6 pair for $6.75 A universally favored gift and there are all kinds of pretty styles here to choose from. 2 clasp kid $1.95 value $ 1 .4 5 2 clasp kid 52.95 value $1.1)5 54.00 gau n tlet kid on the Balcony Silk Hosiery Allan A Black Cat hosiery or Kavser hos­ iery, either line so well known, that you can make no mistake in giv­ ing them for Christmas Gifts for the Infant There are dozens of pretty things for the little one. OTHER GIFT SUGGESTIONS Umbrellas, handbags, bathrobes, petti­ coats, neckwear, sweaters, furs, blouses O.nly 10 more Shopping Days before Christmas Charles A. White, E. R. ISAAC & CO “The Quality Store” £»y goods $3 .7 5 Fancy cuff kid ........... $4.75 T 0 Y L A N D Where you will find a real collection of Gifts for the Kiddies. The prices will please you. Enders Block Gloves for Gifts