PA gè fffitíüfe fcìg.iniMTn PROFESSIONAL Classified Column PH YSICIANS Cl*«slfle4l Colum n R ates One cent the word each time. To run every laauo for one month or more, %c the word each lime. DR. HAWLEY— Above office. Phone 91. Tidings UIETS COUGHS Q C H A M B E R L A IN ’S C O U G H R E M ED Y Gift Suggestions RUB M ■ Stop drugging! Rub soothing, penetrating St. Jacobs Oil right into your sore,! stiff, aching joints, and relief comes instantly. St. J a -| cobs Oil is a harm - ; W hen you are suffering with l e s s rh eu m atism ! linim ent w h i c h rheum atism so you can hardly { never disappoints get around ju st try Red Pepper and cannot burn Rub and you will have the the skin. quickest relief known. Get a 35 cent bottle of St. Ja Nothing has such concentrated, cobs Oil at any penetrating heat as red peppers. drug store, and in Instant relief. J u st as soon a s 1 a moment you’ll you apply Red Pepper Rub you be free from pain, soreness and stiff­ feel the tingling heat. In three ness. In use for m inutes it warms the sore spot 65 years for rheum atism , sciatica, ¡ through and through. Frees t h e _____ neuralgia, lumbago, backache. blood circulation, breaks up the sprains. congestion— and the old rheum a­ tism to trtu re is gone. Rowles Red Pepper Rub, made from red peppers, costs little at » » • V W V 1 U V weclaimfori: any drug store. Get a ja r at —rid your system of Catarrh or Deaf- once. Use It for lumbago, neu- ’iCSS caused by Catarrh. ritis. backache, Stiff neck, sore SoU by ¿ n g g b tt for ortr 40 ■ muscles, colds in chest. .Almost P. J. CHENEY &. CO., T oled o, O hio in stan t relief aw aits you. Be sure Astoria — $70,000 w orth of to get the genuine, with th e 1 city 6-per cent bonds sold at a cam e Rowles on each package. premium of $1400. WITH RED PEPPERS H all’s Catarrh M edicine d°whu Ä i. No matter for whom you vu i - are seeking a Christmas present, you can find some­ thing in this list which will bring joy to them and which will prove useful and beau­ tiful for many years. Ladies’ Wrist Watch Ivory, two tone in amber and grey shell ✓ Men’s Rings in ruby, topaz, saphire Diamonds, ladies’ and men’s Men’s Chains, Waldemar Compacts in yellow ,green and white;and in fancy designs Silver ware in silver and plated Silver Flower bowls, with candles Clocks, mantle and wall Cut Glass z Brooches and Pins Lodge rings and emblems Knives in latest designs in white, green and yellow Card cases Genuine Amber beads Sheaffer’s pen and pencil sets, for ladies and men Cigarett case sets in latest style. Cuff links in all styles Candle sticks and fancy de­ signed candles Special in Ladies’ amethyst • rings Pearls in all grades of La Tossca, Richelieu, Delta and Swan Besides this wonderful array of Christ­ mas presents we have many others at our store 0. H. Johnson, Jeweler Bring Your Window Frames J. O. RIGG Christmas Will Mean More These Complete the Bathroom Thursday. December 11. 1021 HMMM m impressed on the hearts and minds ent to go to the differed! rooms Double Gladiolus of all present. and see the children a t work. Flower Produced Instrum ental music, songs and Excellent work is being done on yells enlivened the occasion. One the displays and each room will WOODSTOCK, Ont., Dec. 10. of the yells was in the n atu re of have some feature. L A perfect specimen of a double an appreciation to the hostesses, t'.— Every .. ~~~ one who »— has - a -«..U child i n I : gladiolus, the first ever seen bv as the girls were very thankful the schools is urged to come to j horticulturists here, lias been pro- for the good time which was the Ju n io r high school on this duced by A. Siple, a well known given them. i date. Woodstock am ateur. Mr SiDle * * * ! • • . - Civic Club— j Official Visit— One of the outstanding pro-1 Mrs. Mary D. Moss, P resid e n t, gram s of the year will be given; of the Rebekah Assembly of Ore-! a t the Civic Club next Tuesdays gon paid an official visit to Hope when Mrs. W illiam Glenn w ill. Rebekah Lodge, No. 14 Tuesday tell “ Stories From Snowland.” j evening. A sU o ’clock b a n q u et' This is a new lecture prepared I was served to a large num ber of to us for quick and effi­ especially for the Civic Club by members. The tables were beau­ cient glass service. Mrs. Glenn and it will consist tifully decorated and the food of stories of her experiences while was excellent. Following the Largest stock of glass in the city. in Alaska. banquet the degree work was Mrs. Glenn is an excellent exemplified and the president gave speaker and her ability is well a very interesting and helpful known here as she spoke to the talk. Civic Club last year. The club feels very fo rtu n ate in being able to secure her as a speaker and FOLEY PILLS REACH­ ED THE SORE SPOT the m eeting is being looked for­ Mrs. Ellen Reighard, South ward to with much interest. Fork, Pa., w rites: “ I had been The Club wishes to announce suffering w ith my kidneys and th a t not only members are invit­ ed but everyone interested in nothing seemed to touch the ach­ hearing this speaker Is urged to ing spot until I procured FOLEY come. In addition to the main PILLS, with wonderful resu lts.” to her if you give her elec­ address of the afternoon a short FOLLY PILLS, a diuretic stim u­ trical gifts, such as a per­ musical program has been ar­ lant for the kidneys, gently and thoroughly flush and cleanse the ranged. colator, iron, waffle iron, * • • kidneys and help to elim inate poisonous w aste m atter. Try a urn set, washing machine, Dinner Guests— toaster, electric range or Mr. and Mrs. J. H. F u ller were bottle today and you will be well pleased w ith the relief obtained. | dinner guests of Mrs. M. C. Reed other electrical articles. The use of FOLEY PILLS in-; at the Plaza Tuesday evening. * * * creases kidney activity. Sold We will be glad to everywhere. Visiting D a y - Linen glass towels, cotton huek demonstrate them guest towels, costum e slips and “ step-ins” and dresses will be on display at the Ju n io r High School on “ Visiting Day” Friday. The exhibits have been prepared by the Seven A and Seven B sew­ Bathroom convenience ing classes under the capable 240 East Main S t is not complete without supervision of Miss Beryl Jer- mon. mirrors and towels within Misses G ertrude Ahlstrom , easy reach—or when shav­ H arriet Bevington, Dorothy Crews, Mildred Elder, Lola Oil- ing outfits and toilet a r­ more, Iris Hubbard, Acie King- ticles must be placed on ery, Jean ette McNabb, Mildred lavatory, window sill or Moss, Frances W arren and Edna closet tank. Buy Mileage Also Wilson will serve tea at the sew­ Medicine cabinets, glass ing rooms a t four o’clock In th e Our Diamond Tires will mirrors, towel afternoon following the program . shelves, give you more miles per bars, tooth brash holders D uring the afternoon oppor­ dollar than you can get tunity will be given for each par- —hath room “ jew elry” in .Miss E dith Dodge, E ditor DR. C. W. HANSON Phone item s to h er a t 39, between D entist S a. in. and 5 p. ni. Special attention given to pyor­ FOB RENT rhoea. Office upstairs In Beaver CALENDAR OF EVENTS Block. Phone 178-J. 233-tf. FOR RENT: — Tw’o, warm Friday, December 12. Parent- DR. G. C. PHETTEPLACE nicely furnished apartm ents. Teachers will have “ Visiting Dent 1st r y Llthia A partm ents, 35 S. Second. Gas or local anesthesia for ex­ Day” at the Ju n io r High School. 85— 3t* traction and minor surgery. Mothers are urged to come and Special attention given to stra ig h t­ see their children at work. FOR RENT— Furnished a p a rt­ ening and care of children’s Friday, December 12. Past m ent, garage, 272 Maple street. teeth. Noble Grand Club will meet with Above Citizens Bank 77— tf Mrs. W orthington a t her home Phone, Office, 151— Res., 201-J on Laurel street. FOR SALE DR. ERNEST A. WOODS— Prac­ Saturday, December 13. Col FOR SA LE:— Yellow Newtown tice limited to eye, ear, nose ana lege Ciub m eeta'w hh *Mrr ’snedi- apples, extra fancy and fancy. th ro at— X-ray including teeth. cor> 19 Ml8tletoe atreet Medford Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 tc Also cheaper grades. Phone 11F5 Monday, December 15. W R. 5. Swedenburg Bldg., Ashland, C. Club will meet at the I O. 85— 3* Ore. O. F. Hall. FOR SALK:— Four acres in town, finest garden soil, perrnan-i DD. E. B. ANGELL— Chiropractic p. Tuesday, .U e December 16. Civic Mit fri»#* woior rtorht annrl hrtuoa : And (IMI.., ' meet Ht Club faUllS©. ent free w ater right, good house and Electro-Therapy. Office Mrs. Glenn will speak. and barn. Ju st reduced from phone 48; residence 142. First * * * $5000 to $4200 for quick sale to N ational Bank building. .Missionary Supper__ close out estate. H. C. Galey, The members of the W. F. M. THE SOUTHERN OREGON 65 E. Main. 84— 3 CLINIC S. and W. H. M. S. of the Metho- 1st National Bldg. FOR SALE:— Close to town, c t Bank . . dist Church were hostesses to the Medical Diagnostic X-ray C C 1 members of the Standard Bear- 15 acres, 12 acres in apples, peaches and berries, 4-room house, R. W. Stearns, ------ M. _ D j ers and Queen Esthers the foreign chicken house. Owner anxious and home m issionary organization R. E. Green, M. D. to leave so has cut price from R. W. Sleeter, M D. of young girls Tuesday evening. Office hours 2-5 p. m. $3500 to $2800 for immediate Plates were laid for fifty four Phone 238-R sale. H. C. Galey, 65 E. Main __ for two hours these young St. 84— 3 CONVALESCENT HOME | people were busily engaged with W here the sick get well. Cot-I the good things before them and FOR SALE:— Ju st listed, good tage plan. We board and care for no less happily interested in the 7-room house between Haw’thorne invalids and old people. M atern­ program which followed. ity dept. Call 153. and High School, lot 75x100, Mrs. Herndon, superintendent $1750, easy term s, more ground MONUMENTS of the Standard Bearers acted as if wanted. H. C. Galey, 65 E. Main f hairm an and a fte r an earnest ASHLAND GRANITE St. 84— 3 talk on work in which her girls MONUMENTS were Interested, called on Clara FOR SALE: — Good six room B lair G ranite Co. Buck who told why she was a house, garage and wood shed, lot PENNISTON, Manager Standard B earer. She also call­ 50x145 for quick sale. $2300.00 Office 173 E. Main ed on Dimple Slack who gave cash or see owner for term s, 132 Res. Phone 444-Y some very practical ideas on what 5th street. 83— 6 ANY GIRL IN TROUBLE— May she would need as equipm ent FOR SALE — W hite Leghorn communicate with Ensign Lee should she become a missionary. pullets. Phone 17F11. 82— 4 of the Salvation Army at the Annie Wells and Frances Greene W hfteShield Home, 565 May- represented the Queen Esthers FOR SALE — Good heating and talked along the same line, fair Ave., Portland. Oregon. stove. 247 Laurel St. 80-7* their subjects being “ The Kind PLANING MILL of a Missionary One Should Be” MISCELLANEOUS and “ Why I am a Queen E sth e r.” DRESSMAKING and plain sew­ JORDON’S SASH AND CABINET’ The Standard B earers are study­ WORKS, Cor. Helman and ing the foreign work and the ing. Mrs. Dale Day, 746 C. street. Van Ness. 194tf Queen Esthers the home work 60— 1 mo. and one had only to look at their TRANSFER AND EXPRESS W hittle T ransfer & Storage Co. eager faces to know they are do­ ing the work for practical ser­ Safe and reliable for cough«, for SERVICE. vice. colds, croup, bronchial, “ flu” Experienced movers and pack­ and whooping coughs and Mrs. Hunt, Superintendent of ers of household goods. Deal­ those sleep-disturbing night coughs. ers in coal and wood. Phone Queen Esthers talked on the sub­ ject “ Following the Gleam” and For more than half a century 117. out of a heart full of love for the Office 89 Oak St. near Drink Lots of Water, Also girls and the work, told of th e ir Hotel Ashland Take a Little Salts if aims, what they are doing and carefully made of the best cough- T. L. POWELL— General Trans- how deeply interested they were. relieving Back Hurts obtainable, « medicines - —■ -w «-«¿iri&biG, h has fer— Good team and motor She gave the “ Vision of Sir stopped coughs and colds of child fl en id grown persons everv everywhere. trucks. G »od service a t a rea­ L aunful” so effectually th a t the and No man or woman can make K»»P a bottle in your home all th e ttaM thought of service was ddeply sonable price. Phone 83. a m istake by flushing the kidneys No Narcotic«. Sold everywhere. occasionally, says a well-known FEHIGE-ROACH authority. Eating too much rich T ransfer — Express — Storage food creates acids, which excite Hauling — Dray work of all the kidneys. They become over­ worked from the strain, get slug­ kinds. Quick m otor service. Dry gish and fail to filter the waste wood of all kinds. Phone 410-R 112-tf and poisons from the blood. Then 375 B. St. we get sick. Rheum atism , head­ ASHLAND PAINT CO aches, liver trouble, nervousness, Dependable sleeplessness and urinary disord­ Painting Contractors & Decorators ers often come from sluggish kid­ SWENNING & GEAR neys. 57-1 mo.* The moment you feel a dull Phone 408-J ache in the kidneys, or your back WOOD SAWING hurts, or if the urine is cloudy, WANTED— Wood sawing. Tel offensive, full of sediment, irregu­ 63— lmo* lar of passage or attended by a 470-J. sensation of scalding, begin drink­ ing a quart of water each day, also For a sm ooth shave get about four ounces of Jad Salts and quick service go from any pharmacy; take a table­ to the Shell Barber spoonful in a glass of w ater be­ Shop. Ladies and fore breakfast, and in a few days children get your hair your kidneys may act fine. bobbed and marcel This famous salts is made from led. the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with llthia, and W. A. SHELL, Prop has been used for years to flush 532 A. St. Ashland, Ore and stim ulate the kidneys; also to help neutralize the acids in the system, so they no longer cause irritatio n , thus often re lie v in g ! See— bladder weaknesses. BEAVER REALTY CO. Jad Salts is inexpensive; makes for Bargains in Real-Es- a delightful effervescent llthia- i tate. We also handle In­ w ater drink which everyone surance and Loans. 82-tf should take now and then to help keep the kidneys clean and ac- j tive and the blood pure, thereby often avoiding serious kidney complications. By all means have your physician examine your kid­ neys at least twice a year. FLUSH THE KIDNEYS BEFOHEAKFAST M i grew the unique flower from seed ' has nineteen flowers, eight of m his own garden. them belng fully extended . It has a perfect inner ring of pedals, quite separate from the outer ring, and it is a ----------— ttra c tin o g : ----- Klam fire — ath ... Falls — 1924 lire much attention among the gladio- losses to Klam ath county timber, lus experts in the city. The spike at $4 per M. were $24,000. 10% O ff O il ALL SHOES DURING FAIR WEEK Dec. 9,10,11,12 Overland Shoe Shop H U N T ’S CRATERIAN FRIDAY and SATURDAY MEDFORD A dolph zukor DEC. 12-13 OREGON uesse l laskt The Ashland Electric Shop DON’T Buy Tires general make inexpen­ sive and .most acceptable and appreciated Christ­ mas gifts. See our display J erry O ’N ea l Phone 138 207 E. Main elsewhere. We guarantee them IV. & N. Service Station BOULEVARD and SHERMAN WIN A HAM FREE! December 24th, we will give away several Ar­ mour Hams to the parties guessing the number of articles in the beautiful colored cards in our win­ dow, showing the various activities and products of The Armour Plant. COSTS NOTHING to make a guess. Come and look at the exhibit in our window. Make your guess and win one of these fine hams for the Christmas dinner. EAGLE MARKET ¿Make your boy a capitalist T H IS CHRISTM AS! C h ristm a s—an o th er y e ar for th a t son o r neph­ ew . One more year to w ard m an’s responsibilities. H is fu tu re is building n o w — h e re ’s th e w a y to help h im m o st. • Start him on the Invest- m e n t W a y to W ea lth L e t him o w n a good in v est­ m en t in his o w n nam e— be a p referred stock ho ld er on th e books of a big b u sin ess co rporation— receive his own dividend check e v e ry th re e m onths. $ 7 .0 0 a year in Dividends E a c h sh a re of Copco 7 % P referred Stock 63018 Seven D ollars a y e ar in dividends. T h e dividend check m ailed to y o u r boy each q u a rte r w ill be a rem in d er from th e w orld of b u sin ess th a t m o n ey earn s m oney. I t ’s e a sy to m ake h im a stockholder. Copco 7% P re fe rre d Stock can be b o u g h t d irect from th e co m p an y a t $98 p e r sh are. T e rm s — w ith 19 m o n th s to p ay if d e sire d —an d 6% in terest also allow ed on all th e m o n th ly paym ents. M ail this Coupon T h is coupon w ill bring you full inform ation. M ail it to d ay . CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER COMPANY Offices: Offices: K lam ath Falls Y reka D unsm uir R oseb u rg M e d fo r d G ran ts PaM T H E C A L IF O R N IA O R E G O N P O W E R C O M P A N Y S to r y by J e a m e M a c p h e rso N FROM THE GLORIES OF THE. PHARAOHS. THE MIRACLE OF THE RED SEA, AND THE DESTRUCTION FROM SINAI OF THE GOLDEN CALF TO THE MAO STRUGGLE FOR LOVE, WEALTH AND PLEASURE TO DAY | Matinee Daily at 2:15 Nights at 8:15 Mail Orders Now. Seats on Sale Wednesday | Mats. 50c, 85 c, $1.10 Nights 85c, $1.10 ‘ $1.65 All Seats Reserved—Buy in Advance IMPORTANT—Company’s Own Orchestra of 15 men. Most Superb Musical Score ever heard in Medford. The Best Used Cars of Two States Being Sold at Great B argain s Many of the 100 used ears which we had for sale the first of the week have been sold, hut we still have many of the greatest used-ear bar­ gains which will ever he offered in Ashland. Gel Yours Today! They may he seen at the Park Garage any day this week; hut we advise you to get yours at once, for the first come, the first served at this great used ear sale. S p ecials for TOM ORROW MEQFORD, OREGON Please send me full information about your 7%> Preferred Stock and special partial payment plan. Name »_____________________________________ Address _______________ 1920 Chevrolet Touring - $175 Ford Touring, A-l Shape $150