XMtt.A*« AAH.» «fitftfii I fcÀtìia ttta tìiursd*}', Dx^émbcr H, IftsA «SH ASH LAND D A IL Y (Established In 1876) y T I D IN 6 S RuiM Uncovered of Buried c*t in Nevada RENO, Nev., Dec. 10.— Ruins of a buried city six miles in ex­ THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. tent have been uncovered by an exploration party. headed by lle rt R. Greer ....... ................................................................................... Editor George Madden Green ......................................................Business Manager Governor Jam es G. Scrugham, the OFFICIAL CITY PAPER ..................................................... Telephone 89 Governor announced in a tele­ Entered at the Ashland, Oregon Postoffice as Second Class Mall Matter gram from Beatty, Nev., where the exploration work is being Subscription Price, Delivered in City carried out. One Month ............................................................................................ 8 .65 i Many rock w ritings, thousands 'th re e Months ........................................................................................ 1.95 Six Months ............................................................................................ 3.75 of fragm ents of pottery and other One Year ............................................................................ 7.50 prehistoric articles have been By Mail and Rural Routes found, the Governor reported. One Month ............................................................................................ 8 .65 The city lies along the Virgin Three Months ...................................................................................... 1.95, Six Months ............................................................................................ 3.50 River, in the southern p art of One Year .................................. .............................................................. 6.50 the State. Published Every Evening Except Sunday by DISPLAY ADVERTISING RATES Single insertion, per inch ............................................................ $ .30 INCE DIED NATURAL Yearly Contracts One insertion a week ................ ........................................... ...... .27 % DEATH SAYS ATTORNEY Two insertions a week ................................................................... .25 Dally insertion ......................................................................................... 20 SAN DIEGO, Dec. 10— “A fter Rates for Legal and Miscellaneous Advertising an investigation into the death r'lrst insertion, per 8 point line ................................................. 8 .10 .05 1 of Thomas Ince, motion picture Each subsequent insertion, 8 point line .................. - ............ director, I have concluded th at Card of Thanks ................................................................................. 1.00 O bituaries, per line .................................................. ..................... 02% Ince’s death some time ago was due to heart disease,” D istrict WHAT CONSTITUTES ADVERTISING A ttorney Kempley stated today, “ All future events, where an admission charge is made or a collection taken is Advertising. folowing reports th a t Ince’s No discount will be allowed Religious or Benevolent orders. death had been due to other than DONATIONS n atu ral causes. No donations to charities or otherwise will be made in advertis UJg or job printing— our contributions will be in cash. CONSTIPATION OVERCOME DECEMBER 11 The use of FOLEY CATHAR­ TRUST AND WAVER NOT:— T rust in the Lord with all thine TIC TABLETS will bring speedy heart: and lean not unto thine own understanding.— Proverbs 3:5. PRAYER:— The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; relief from constipation if taken therefore we would seek Thee, O Lord, w ith our whole heart, know­ promptly. They are purely vege­ ing th at then we shall find Thee. table and act on the liver. Mr. John D. McComb, Lucas Co. Home, Toledo, Ohio, w rites: THE CASE OF MR. KID McCOY . Have used Foley CATHARTIC CUT THIS OLTP — Lancashire Cotton f »ong period of «repression. ( So sure are the local spinners IT IS WORTH MONEY In d u s try Booms Due to the almost certain of the boom that they have re­ Send this ad and ten cents to prospect of an adequate new crop, commended the extension of the MANCHESTER, Eng., Dec. 10. ¡o f American 'cotton, the outlook I working hours in the American SH EFFIELD , Eng., Dec. 10. — Foley & Co., 2835 Sheffield Ave., N athan Lapatnick, who died in Chicago, 111., w riting your name — The Lancashire cotton industry for the coming W inter is said to section of the mills from twenty- this city recently at the advanc- I and address clearly. You will re­ is booming again, following a be the best for the past five years.) six to thirty-tw o hours weekly. ed age of 111 years, was a staunch ceive a ten cent bottle of FOLEY’S HONEY AND TAR COMPOUND adherent to the Jew ish faith. He rigorously observed Jew ish for coughs, colds and hoarseness, customs to the last, even fast- i also free sample packages of ing for tw enty-four hours on the j FOLEY PILLS, a diuretic stimu- Day of Atonement this year. i lent for the kidneys, and FOLEY One of his daily habits was to CATHARTIC TABLETS for Con- bathe his forehead in vinegar, j stipation and Biliousness. These as he said it kept up his strength. | w onderful rem edies have helped S. millions of people. Try them. Sold everywhere. Wounded Pig Leads Observe Jewish Customs for More Than 111 Years To Rich Gold Field McMinnville — American Sav­ ings & Loan Association increases AUCKLAND, New Zealand, stock to 8500,000. Dec. 10. — A wounded pig re ­ K lam ath Falls — V oters a u ­ cently led to the discovery of a j thorize 8112,590 budget for city potential goldfield near Mount j schools. Taraw era. A man out shooting game h i t ! a pig, which fell down a small w aterfall, dislodging a piece of stone, which attracted the m an’s attention by reason of its glit­ ter. you'll find no satisfaction in On examination, the man found figuring up the am ount of in­ th a t it was a piece of gold-bear­ surance you should have had. But th e re ’s a lot of satisfaction ing quartz, which the Mines Assay in knowing th a t your property D epartm ent afterw ard conifirm- : as it stands today is fully ed. covered by dependable fire in­ It is thought probably th a t the surance. find may m ark the discovery of Our fire insurnace policies are an im portant reef. dependable. After a Fire USED CAR . Billings Agency Estab. 1883 BARGAINS Have no fears for Mr. Kid McCoy, erstwhile exponent tablets V h severe cases ot con- of the degree of the black eye and the bloody nose, b u t1 stipation to which I am subject more recently uplifter of the dramatic art as depicted in ¡ and found them beneficial.” fo - One Buick Touring Chevrolet Sedan celluloid. True, Mr. McCoy is on trial charged with mur- LE' cathartic tablets are easy to take, leave no unpleas­ Chevrolet Coupe der. But they haven’t proved it. And here is the point: an t after effects. Try them. Sold Chevrolet Touring The trial is at Los Angeles and in Los Angeles they do everywhere. Dodge Delivery not punish even proved murder when the .murderer—either Buick Touring sex—is charming. Now Mr. McCoy unquestionably is charming. There Priced for quick Sales GIVE DAD is proof positive of it. Was not Mr .McCoy husband to a for Christmas succession of eight wives, each of whom he must have won through his own splendid qualities of person and a new Dashboard Clock The Greatest Safeguard mind? And was he not cavalier-gallant to a score or so for his auto and watch in Motoring— Raybestos of other ladies, each of whom, in his own chaste language, him smile. Brake Lining Service. flopped for him? Of course he was. True there have been in history some few men of even greater demonstrated Automotive Shop success with the ladies. There, for instance, was Solomon, Leedom’s Tire who had 600 wives and a staff of 300 other lovelv young Chevrolet and Dodge House Sales and Service feminine persons who, one supposes, assisted in frying his eggs and darning his socks but who were known by a title less lovely than that of wedded helpmeet. But Solo­ mon, let us remember, was a king. He didn’t have to W hat would he a nicer Xmas for him than a win them. He just went out and took them. Mr. McCoy Tom Mix shirt, pair of Buckingham and Hecht lace had to win all of his. And who shall say that for the hoots or shoes, a Remington gun or pocket knife, a unfortunate intervention of the—or, accident—which re­ good pair of gloves, a dozen pairs socks. This is sulted in his being led away to jail, Mr. McCoy might just a few of many at the not—handicapped though he was with the lack of royal prerogative—have equaled the record of the mighty king. But we wander a little. We must get hack to Los The Army Goods Store Angeles. We had started in to reassure' the public which Biggest Little Store in Town we know has lieen lying awake nights worrying about Just received shipment of those good cotton Mr. McCoy. He will not be convicted. Or if he is he will blankets at 95c not stay convicted. Los Angeles will see to that. But he is suffering terribly. Why, the news dispatches tell us that since he has been in jail Mr. McCoy has been almost deprived of all the little comforts so necessary to one of his peculiar temperament. Strong drink has been cruelly withheld from him. Not once has he been allowed to “ make a night of it.” Only occasionally has he been served with poultry or French pastry. He has had but one or two small portions of pate de foie gras during the entire period of his confinement. He has not been allowed to beat anyone up, not even a jailer. He has even been Canned vegetables, fruit and fish deprived of the society of ladies and—still worse—they have been deprived of his society. The terrible results of all this have become apparent upon Mr. McCoy. His FRIDAY and SATURDAY eyes have almost completely lost that fashionable suffused and bleary look which is so much affected in Hollywood Over 60 varieties open for your society. Ilis equatorial circumference is so reduced that they have had to take a liberal tuck in his trousers waist- inspection hand. The patrician softness of his flesh has given way to a hardening of some of his muscles. He even sleeps regularly. He has become indeed a pitahle spectacle. Real E state & Real Insurance 41 E. Main St. Phone 211 Representing the INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA Founded 1792 What Nicer Gift _ WflVTÎK LUBRICANTS Many oils won ’t pump when the temperature drops to Zero. Zerolene winter lubricants will. They give you safe lubrication continuously all winter long, prevent crankcase dilution, save batteries, release power, protect the engine! The Zerolene Correct Lubri­ cation Chart will tell you the right oil to use in your car for w inter driving. FOR HER could you select than an electric appliance — a toaster, electric iron, 'urn set, percolator, vacuum sweeper, waffle iron, curl­ ing iron, or Head for the Zerolene sign at your dealer’s, at garages or Standard Oil Service Stations and make the change to winter lubrication today! FOR HIM than an appliance for his automobile. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) Our Phone 82 Main - Plaza Ashland A u c t io n S a le U SE D s&ca It is believed that experience in crossword puzzling prove a valuable asset when it comes to making out income tax returns,—Springfield News. ZERDLENE Murphy Elec. Co. Big Annual Demonstration WAR WEAPON FIRST THOUGHT OF HERE When the Germans first released that cloud of chlor­ ine gas against the British front in 1915 and thereby nearly turned the tide of battle, a new and deadly weapon was introduced into modern warfare. It was only a few months until the Allies were re­ plying in kind; until gas masks became as imperative and necessary a part of a soldier’s equipment as his rifle or his cartridge container. And it is certain that in the warfare of the future, the chemical service will play a major, if not a dominat­ ing, part. • n * Yet it must have been due to downright lack of im­ agination in the military mind that the use of gas did not L-ome sooner. For so long ago as 1864, Brigadier General W. N. Pendleton, chief of artillery in the Army of Northern Vir­ ginia, wrote to the chief ordinance requesting information as to the availability of stink shells to he fired from twelve-pound howitzers. In his letter he said: “ They can throw shells occasionally in or near the enemy trenches. The question is whether the explosion can he combined with the suffocating effect of smoke and gases, or whether, apart from the explosion, such gases may not be so emitted from a continuously burning composition as to render the vicinity intolerable. It seems at least worth a trial. But nothing was done about it. The letter went into the files of the war department, another idea of an American which it was left for an­ other nation many years later to make a practical reality and thereby almost change the course of the history of the world. C H A N G E TO AUTOMOBILES H a r r is o n B r o s. HOLMES’ GROCERY FORD G A R A G E The FIRST choice and the LAST choice—a sensible, appropriate gilt—Neckwear and we sure have a beautiful assortment in all the better silks and colorings 50c to $2.25 Ashland, Oregon A real hand clasp of friendliness in a pair of good lined gloves ' 35c to $5.00 Sweater Coats for warmth and Globe Union Suits for health ! We know the man’s wants and are glad to help you in your se­ lections. T I M E , 2 sO O O 'C L O C K , BUY MEN’S GIFTS AT A MAN’S STORE 1 M IT C H E L L S The Men’s Store By the Post Office T erm s o f S a le:-O n e-th ird o f B id D o w n B alance:-Sm all M o n th ly P aym en ts Friday, December 12,1924