PÀ gjè ìkiuft — i se- In KlamAth— Uvùncsda)', December 10, lOííl . „AiftUfìC « itti ìintstìi ilírtilÍHI II1.1 -— - 1 SEALS Ï0 BE SOLD IN LOBBY OF POSI OFFICE THIS WEEK Highway Fatalities Increased in 1923 Silver Gray Dorkings ■■'■> — J B -"- L, A. Salade Jr., Central Point Ore., 1 young pen. lets. 1 old drake, 1 old duck, 1 young Japanese Silky Bantam s 1 cockerel, 1, 2 pulelts. R. C. Lee, business man of Ash- ' White Cornish drake, 1 young duck. D. P. Blue, Ashland. 1 cock­ C. Dracup, Tacoma, W ash., ! J. Larkin Grubb, Ashland, 1 land, is visiting for a few days African Geese erel, 1 pullet. CHICAGO, Dec. 10.— Highway S. C. Buff Orpingtons in K lam ath Falls on business. cock, 1 hen. L. A, Salade, Jr., Central Point fatalities in the United States for E. O. Smith, Ashland, 2 cock, A ustralian Kiwi W hite Crested Black Polish 1 gander, 1 goose. 19 23 showed a decided increase hen, 1 cockerel, 1 pullet, 1 D. P. Blue, Ashland, 1 cock, Save $10.00, walk upstairs to D. P. Blue, Ashland, 1 young Canadian G eese over the year previous, Richard young pen; E. A. Kruse, Rose- Orres tailor shop. 17— tf 1 hen, 1 cockerel, 1 pullet. pen. L. A. Salade, Jr., C entral Point E. Kropf, supreme regent of the burg, 1 cock, 2 hen. Russian Orloff Irish Gaines 1 goose. ' Royal Arcanum, told an audience H ere Y esterday— D ark Cornish D. P. Blue, Ashland, 1 cock, L. A. W orden, Medford, 1 W hite Holland Turkeys All persons who have not been of safety experts here. Last Mr. and Mrs. S. A. H untington E. A. Kruse, Roseburg, 1 cock, Ashland Lodge No. 2 3 1 hen. cockerel, 1 old pen. solicited through the mail on th e' year's death rate was 20.4 per S. B. Robards, Ashland, 1 of G rants Pass visited friends in 2 hen, 1, 2, cockerels, 2 pullet; A. F. & A, M. Pekin D in k s _____ ________ Black Cochin Bantam s j) yjosmer, Sherwood, 2 cock, cockerel. ' 4 Ashland yesterday ___ and attended sale of Christm as seals, a p art of 100,000 population as against - L. A. Salade, Jr., Central Point Stated communication, Thurs-1 the opera L’Ombra at the Armory the anti-tuberculosis campaign 17.6 in 1922, or a num erical in­ 1, 3 hens, 3 cockerel, 1, 3 pul-¡ W ilbur Hosmer, Sherwood, Pigeons day evening, Dec. 11. Committee in the evening. Oregon, 1, 2 cocks, 1, 2 hens. 1 drake. L. A. Salade Jr., C entral Point i now being waged, will he given| crease of 3,418 for a total of 22,- reports due on petitions. Routine Mallard Ducks an opportunity to purchase these 621. 1 young pen; Gladys Thompson, 1 Blue Homer CQck.l Blue Hom­ ' : TOO LA T E TO CLASSIFY business and election of officers. D em onstrating— L. A. Salade Jr., Central Point er hen. 1 Blue R unt C6ck. * t -'ie seals in the lobby of the Post Of- ■---------- ---------------- Ashland, 1, 2 cockerels, 1 pullet. Visiting brethern cordially wel­ Bend —- Central Oregon Press APARTMENT FOR RENT:— 5- Bearded W hite Polish Bantam s 1 drake ?■ «A- I Runt Hen, 1 Red Carnean cock, Mrs. Mcllvain, dem onstrator fice during the rem ainder of the come. Light refreshm ents after , for Golden W est coffee is in town week, according to an announce- will issue Industrial Special num - rooms, pantry and bath, nicely 1 Red Carnean hen. Muscovy Du< ks Anna B. Smith, Sherwood, furnished and clean. 155 7 th m eeting. dem onstrating at K irby’s Groce­ ment by the committee in charge ber for December. street. 85-tf M. H. ELLIS, W. M., teria. of the sale in this city. Those persons who are m ailing, POULTRY MEN OF THIS W. H. Day, Sec’y. 85-2 FOR RENT: — Two, warm CITY TAKE PRIZES C hristm as packages this week are! Improving— nicely apartm ents. furnished Here- Mrs. G. F. McConnell who especially urged to purchase the Lithia A partm ents, 35 S. Second. Í4 W. C. Davis of D unsm uir was : broke her leg in an accidept at seals to be placed on their pack­ (Cointinued from page 1.) 85— 3t* an Ashland visitor yesterday and . her home Monday evening is re- ages when mailed. H undreds of C. R. Quinn, H ubbard, Ore., today. FOR SA LE:— Yellow Newtown ported to be getting along as people have availed themselves of 1 cock, 1 pullet; Mrs. F. H. Dres- apples, extra fancy and fancy. (he opportunity of aiding in the well as could be expected. battle against tubercnlosis a l_j sler, Medford, 2 cock, 3 pullet; Also cheaper grades. Phone 11F5 , Tamales, best in the city, “ The ready, and it is believed a great H. J. Durfee, Ashland, 1 hen, 1 R ose". 60— tf H ere Today— 85— 3* j Charles H arrison of Portland many more will purchase the young pen; Tom Johansen, Rai­ SPECIAL, two big lots well lo- • Cliff Payne makes lockers. is in Ashland today on business. seals when the opportunity is nier, Ore., 1,2 cockerel, 2 pullet; rated with a small dwelling on H enry W. Fram e, Talent, 3, 4, presented. them for the ridiculous small 5 cockerel, 4, 5 pullet, 2 pen; In Ashland— The committee members state Moved— price of $750.00. Beaver R ealty' Glen I. A rehart, Lebanon, Ore., W. R. W alters of Hornbrook Ralph Hall who has been liv- th at the mail sales recipts are Co. 82— 1 : was in Ashland today attending ¡ng On Fifth stre et has moved to coming in very nicely. They re­ 3 pen. S. C. Rhode Island Whites to business m atters. quest th a t any persons who have 138 Nob Hill. A. V. Hood, Ashland 1 hen. not already rem itted the purchase Rlaek Jersey Giants price of the seals will greatly aid Special Auto Accident Policy Elks H ard Time Banco— Theo. P. Cram er, Jr., G rants fo r $5.00 a year. Phone 21. Yeo The members of Ashland Lodge in clearing up the books by either of course. 24-tf ' No. 944 B. P. O. Elks will en­ returning the seals or the money Pass, 1 cock, 1, 2, 3 hen, 1, 2 cockerel, 1, 2 pullets. joy an old fashion hard times as soon as possible. Today—Tomorrow Orres cleans clothes clean. This is the first year th a t the S, C. Dark Brown Leghorns ! dance W ednesday, December 85— 1 j 10th., at the Elks Temple. All mail sale system has been used W. P. R athe, Medford, 1 hen; MAOT EOTUULV IN NATURAL COLUKÍ/ I Elks and th eir Ladles are invit­ in this city, and from all indica­ T. P. Cramer, G rants Pass, 1, 2, Position— ed. Admission 49 cents per each tions it has proved to be very suc­ 3 cockerels, 1, 2, 3 pullet, 1 old Miss Lucile Taylor has taken a ' person. Hard Times Supper 25 cessful. pen; 1 young pen. position in the Pacific Telephone cents per couple. Don’t miss this 8. C. Light Brown Leghorns and Telegraph office and started one. 84— 2t E. A. Kruse, Roseburg, 1 cock­ MORE PRISONERS OF work there Monday. BANDITS MADE ESCAPE erel, 1 pullet. Made of both Felt and Ixml her, with R eturned South— 8. C. Black Minorcas Many beautiful gifts at Dar- Marion Kincaid who has been cushion soles in new styles and colors. D. R. W inters. Newburg. Ore., CANTON, China, Dec. 10— ling Studio. 83— tf employed by the California Ore- 1 cock, 1 hen, 1 cockerel, 1, 2 ______ j gon Power company for some Twenty-two more of the th irty pullets; F. M. Trout, Malin, Ore, Electric Curling Irons— M cN air-tim e left yesterday for Riverside, eight Canton Christian College 2, 3 cockerels, 3 pullets. students, who were captured by Bros. Calif. 8. C. White Minorcas Chinese bandits, have escaped H. S. Melior, Ashland, "1 cock­ th eir captors and have returned On D ebating Team— Confim^d to Home— erel, 1 pullet. Lawrence De Rycke of Medford here, following a battle between O. H. Johnson is confined to White Dorkings has been elected a member of the the bandits and the troops sent his home today with grippe. C. Dracup, Tacoma, Wash., 1 Made of heavy Felt with cushion soles. debating team at Albany College, out by General Lin. bandit su- cock. 1 hen. Candle sticks, book ends, and Albany, where he is now attend­ pression leader. Dolors, red, blue and grev stationery. Darling Studio. ing school. ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS i 83— tf ENGLAND PLAN FOR Toys and games— E lharts. NAVY BASE AROUSES FOR LEASING OF COMMUNITY 81— 12 Buy your Mackerel, herring, JAPANESE FEELING HOSPITAL, ASHLAND, OREGON j NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, anchoviesand codfish at K irby’s TOKIO, Japan, Dec. 10.— The th a t the Mayor and Com m on! Groceteria. Albums— McNair 84— 2t Photograph announcem ent th at England in­ Bros. tends building a naval base at Council of the City of A shland,' Her«* Yesterday- Singapore, Siam, is causing con­ Jackson County, Oregon, will r e - ' Several styles for men in both Felt and Rev. T. D. Yarnes of K lam ath; Left Today— siderable antagonistic comment ceive bids for the leasing of the: real Leather with cushion solos. Colors, Falls was in Ashland last evening; A. C. Spencer left today for throughout Japan, eclipsing even Community Hospital, equipm ent' grey, brown and dark green and visited at the S. J C haney' Roseburg and Eugene where lie in intense feeling the thoughts and grounds for the year 1925. i home. will spend several weeks visitingI against the prop; sed American Conditions of such bid may be Thrills, romance and with W. A. Long and P eter Spen- 1925 battle maneuvers by the had upon application to the un­ thrills amid the wonders We w rap our Christm as Box cer. American Pacific Fleet at Hawaii. dersigned officer. and the horrors of “ Death Candles ready to mail, free of Bids will be received at any Observers believe if England pro­ “ The Quality Store" Valiev.” charge. The Plaza. 82— tf It is not too late to have your ceeds with the construction of time prior to 8 P. M. Tuesday, p o rtrait made for Xmas. Darling the Singapore base, Japan will Jan u ary 6, 1925, at which time There’s a little love and fo u are welcome to compare Studio. 83— tf re-open the en tire question of same will be opened. adventure, too. Ju st my Automobile rates with any The council reserves the right naval disarm am ent if another o th er rates in Jackson or Jose­ enough to make it real— Remember the bazaar and to reject any and all bids so re­ conference is convened. phine Counties; you can be the cooked food sale given by the all in life-like color. ceived. »'ndge. Phone 21. Yeo, of course. C. E. of the C hristian Church, GERTRUDE BIEDE, Springfield — McKenzie River 30— tf Saturday 13, next to E lharts. Cheese factory reopens with re ­ Recorder of the City of Ashland, 85— 3t tail store on Main street. Oregon. 85— 6t In Medford— Rev. S. J. Chaney of this city L«‘«ve Today— was a Medford visitor yesterday Mrs. Mary Dunn and Mrs. Eliz­ and attended the district confer­ abeth Van Sant left today for ence at the Methodist church. Portland where they will visit with friends and relatives during Still tim e to have your new the Christm as holidays. suit made for Christm as a t Orres P aulserud’^ for cleaning, press­ tailo r shop. 85— 1 ing and remodeling. Phone 119 Toys — Toys — Toys— E lharts. 81— 121 Soon Be Out— E. L. McNeil who is at the Community Hospital is expected Business Visitor— to he out again in about a week. C. A. McMurray of Klam ath F alls was a business visitor in Phone 130 for Pow ell’s Cider. Ashland yesterday. 63—4 m o & Che Christmas Store Comfy Slippers $1.00,'’""$1.48, $1.75, $2,18 Children’s Comfy Slippers 95c to $1.50 Men’s Comfy Slippers E. R. ISAAC & CO Turn a woman loose in our store and she will find hundreds of things she would like to have for Christmas Probably we can help you men folks with practical suggestions if you will come in. We put the chicken in our Improved— tam ales. The Plaza. 82— tf George Ross of E nder’s com­ pany is greatly improved today, Orres remodels garm ents for but still confined to his home. men and women— U pstairs over McGees. 85— 1 Kodak Albums, picture frames, i Kodak mounts and calendars To Red Bluff— make up your own gifts. Studio Mrs. C. W. Fraley and Miss Jo­ Ashland. 85— 1 sephine Barber expect to drive to Red Bluff this week to visit In Ashland— Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Fraley. Miss Mrs. W illiam McCredie of Cen­ B arber will spend Christm as at tral Point is in Ashland visiting Red Bluff and Mrs. Fraley will go at the home of her daughter, on to Berkeley and spend the hol­ Mrs. Henry Enders. idays with Mr. and Mrs. Floyd F raley of th at city. Visit iug Here— Mrs. M. C. Reed is a house For altering and repairing try guest of Mrs. J. H. Fuller. She Orres— tailors upstairs. 85— 1 was recently associated with the Sw arthm ore Chautauqua Bureau for your ; a t Swarthmore, Pennsylvania, and Be m easured today Holiday suit. P aulserud’s. 75 -tf!is now visiting friends in the valley. R eturned to Ashland— W hat a pleasant surprise for Mrs. A. M. Cherry has re tu rn ­ ed to Ashalnd from Cottage your loved ones, to find among Grove where she has been visit­ usual collection of socks, hand­ ing her sons for the past two kerchiefs and neckties, your photograph. Doesn’t this more months. nearly express your love to them C rater Lake pictures 95c to than anything else could? Studio 85— 1 $25.00. Darling Studio. 83- -tf Ashland on the Plaza. Jack H olt Coining— An attem pt will be made to persuade Jack Holt, form er Klam­ a th farm er, now a head liner on th e moving picture screen, to come to K lam ath Falls and speak a t one of th e cham ber of com- merce forum s in K lam ath Falls It has been announced. Mr. Holt will be in Medford and Ashland th e la tte r part of the month and w ill be asked to come after his visit there. Many local people rem em ber the fam ous actor who was located on a ranch south of tow n.— K lam ath Falls H erald. To Take Winter Scenes— When the snow is deep enough, according to a le tte r received by T. P rath e r of Keno, W arner Brothers of Hollywood will send a company here to take some w inter scenes. The W arner com- pany last summer filmed “ Get Your Man” here featuring Rin- Tin-Tin, the wonder dog.— Klam­ ath News. Letterheads, statements, t o your order at the Tidings Office. We have a good Job printing de­ partment. tf — ^.1 Lurtite Undergar­ ments of Silk Jersey It. seems to have occured to the m akers of Luxite g ar­ m ents th at clever designers m ight be employed even in the planning of Milady’s un­ dergarm ents. And the results of this idea are in evidence at our store. The most attractive gowns, pajam as, combinations, vests and step-ins. Gloves for Gifts A universally favored gift and there are all kinds of pretty styles here to choose from. 2 clasp kid $1.95 value $1.45 2 clasp kid $2.95 value $1.95 $4.00 gauntlet kid ..$ 3 .7 5 Fancy cuff kid ............. $4.75 Silk Hosiery Something Old or Something New W hen two people love music there is no happier way to spend an evening than playing over your favorite selections on The Brunswick. It plays them so beautifully •—every tone sweet and true. The voice — the violin — the piano—each is faithfully repro­ duced, Brunswick Records are aa musically lupcriQf as Tbs Brunswick. The latest hits, the gayest jazz—all are wonderful on The Brunswick with Bruns­ wick records. So easy to own one, too—our convenient payment plan fixes that. Come in and let us ex­ plain it—hear The Brunswick, see the beautiful models and learn its worth. Coiue in to­ day. s " « Fibre Silk Underwear Allan A Black Cat hosiery or Kayser hos­ iery, either line so well known, that you can make no mistake in giv­ ing them for Christmas ON THE FLOOR IN OFR MUSIC DEPARTMENT for those who wish pretty underwear at less expense Gifts for the Infant Buy it on Easy Terms Enjoy it as You Pay it Vests $1.19 and $1.48 Step-ins ...............$2.45 Combinations . .$2.45 There are dozens of pretty things for the little one. UPRIGHT AND CONSOLE MODELS OTHER GIFT SUGGESTIONS Umbrellas, handbags, bathrobes, petti­ coats, neckwear, siveaters, furs, blouses Coat and Dress Clearance When one woman invests in three dresses and so many are snapping up bargains in eoats, there must lie value and style that appeals. $75.00 to $560.00 Mahoganv, Oak, Walnut Cabinets BRUNSWICK RADIOLAS Phonograph and Radio Combined Let us give you a demonstration in your home any evening. Call us up Hear our big Super-Hetrodyne. No outside connec­ tions, no visible wires. Just the music, clear as a bell. Orders taken now can be delivered Xmas morning. Pianos and ers, Player C c j m f=t a n y •Where Your Dollar Haa More Cents’ Buescher Band In stru ­ ments, Violins, Man­ dolins, G uitars, Uke- lele’s, etc.