W ü í fttö «S í- A SttÀ îrti B A M îffifâBS -.¿¡¡¿¡¡is U’ 4 ■M^£lHlàÌÌHi J 2 Decem " ber Í 10, ’ ’ ' àM i ÍWM was less kindly in apportioning Ministers’ Sons Are NO SUPPORT FOR PACIFISM (ion, or 11.1 per cent, were chil­ Bad dren of preachers.” A wholesome spirit prevails at the convention of tin. her (E stab lish ed in 1 876) favor a I? f i i ! “ Men of s ' wrealtfi, w’ho want — Federal Council of Churches of America at A tlanta’when sum m er lodges and retreats, A Fourth of July CHICAGO, Dec. 9. — If your Astoria — Exports for 11 P ublished E very E ven in g Except Sunday by ¡the pacifist propaganda is positively condemned. These where they can rest and re c u p er-' father was a m inister months of 1924 were $9.112.004, your Santa Claus THE ASHLAND PRINTING GO. churchmen and men interested in and supporting earnest ate, will find many b e a u tifu l! chances of gaining eminence are double those of 1923, with 1,818 2,400 to 1 better than are those vessels entering and 1,836 clear­ R- Greer .................................................................. Editor church movements do not believe in war. But neitliei spots in Jackson County for sites By ELEANOR E. KING to build. Jesse W inburn, well George Madden Green ..................................................... Business Manager , ,■ , rni of tlie laborer’s son. The tim e­ ing the port in 10 months. do they believe in pacifism Thev 11 do not believe that tin known New York capitalist, is worn tradition that the clergy- J OFFICIAL CITY PA PER ..................................................... Telephone T WAS the great day of the m an’s son was more frequently H atercd a t th e A shland , Oregon P ostofffce a s Second C lass Mail M atter " t o «Ceoinplisll peace is by stil ling the powers or til, one of the men who love and ap­ There is wisdom in reading ads. Fourth of July, and Tommy, preciate our clim ate and scenery, —--------------- -— -------------------------------------------------inclination of self defense. the inmate of prison than a sue- j like all the other seven chil­ ASHLAND D A IL Y T ID IN G S Subscription P rice, D elivered in City Really Not $ .65 One Month ............................................................................................ rpI . . . . „. .. ... . , '¿bre® Montl19 ................................................................ l-95ithen abolishing or abating this “ whv.” one 7.50 Year ................................................................................................. o n e Month By Mail and R ural R ou tes Three Months one ^Year1*9 ................................................................... DISPLAY ADVERTISING RATES tiingle insertion, per inch ............................................................ Y early C ontracts $ ,, „ ‘they believe in finding out the ‘‘why” of war, ano And in the meantime, the means by which defenst 65 can be maintained must he maintained. The knowledgi 1*95 °f tactics and strategy, the conduct of a defense plan 3.50 tjie keeping alive of knowledge of how the other fellow may attack us, is important. It is even more important to know “ why” he might attack us, and to he sure that .30 I we are in the right about it. One insertion a week ................................................................... .27% Two Insertions a week ............................... .25 Dally insertion .........................................................................................20 R ates for L egal and M iscellaneous A dvertising THE PENMAN OUTDOES THE YEGGMAN and he has created a wonderful Lodge up the Ashland Creek Canyon, a picture of which is shown in this book. “ We have many ex-residents of California, who changed to Ore­ gon because Oregon surpasses California in climate, scenery, air, w ater and all else. You have heard much about the wonders and opportunities of California, and it surely is a great State, but Jackson County, Oregon, has a more equable clima,te, more beau­ tiful scenery, better air and w ater and ju st as many opportunities. “ Oirr population is made up of the progressive class, being almost wholly native American. It is hospitable, kindly and al­ ways extends the welcome hand. W hen new folks come here to settle down, we appreciate their presence, and try to make them feel altogether at home. “ In this pam phlet some of our n atural advantages are briefly set down. No attem pt has been made to cover any one subject thoroughly, it being impossible *.> j do so In the lim ited space. If you w’ant full inform ation on any particular subject, simply address your inquiries to any Chamber of Commerce in the cities of the county as . given later in this book.” 3 dren of the busy Allister family, cessful man has been knocked in was out bright and early. Tommy the head. had a great friend in the lady next This was the assertion of door. So Tommy had learned, and Frank E. Hand, Supreme Vice by the way, kept it a safe secret from the rest of the troop, that Chief Ranger of the Independent when his stomach growled too Order of Foresters, in an address loudly, If he were to go to next here before a child welfare con­ door, he most always could get a piece of the best bread and jam, ference. “ A recent questionnaire issued and perhaps run an errand or two for her to ease his conscience. by the editors of W ho’s W ho,” Tommy, bright nnd early, had said Mr. Hand, “ showed th at found Ills way over to Mrs. Ask- ins’, as he called her. She was 2,695 persons in the 1923 edi- busy getting ready to go to a pic­ nic. “You see. Tommy,” she explained in answer to his questions, “this man who is coming witli ills car Now is th e tim e to buy spray to take us out to ids house where pum ps, plow s and harrow s, we are to have our picnic is an bid d rills and all kinds of farm chum of Mr. Haskins. As they loaded the things into im plem ents. F en cin g in every the car Tommy trooped along and ! sty le. H arness, collars, snaps, One hears much about hank robberies and little about F irst insertion, per 8 point line ......,......................................... $ .10 Each subsequent insertion, 8 point line ................................. .05 forgeries of hank checks and other negotiable papers hut Card of Thanks ................................................................................. 1.00 O bituaries, per litae ........................................................................ .02% the Insurance Department of the Chamber of Commerci of the United States finds that the penman takes fion WHAT CONSTITUTES ADVERTISING “ All future events, where an admission charge is made or a hanks and their depositors twenty times the toll taken by collection taken is Advertising. the veggman. No discount will be allowed Religious or Benevolent orders. The loss through forgery, or alteration of checks DONATIONS No donations to charities or otherwise will be made in advertis­ notes, drafts, hills ol' exchange and trade acceptance, says ing or job printing— our contributions will be in cash. the Department in a bulletin recently issued, has beer placed by various conservative authorities somewhere DECEM BER 10 GOOD THINGS:— The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me; be­ between fifty ami one hundred million dollars a year. cause the Lord hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the) meek: he hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim “ From the business man’s viewpoint,” the hulletir liberty to the captives, and the opening of th e prison to them that continues, “ the problem of forgery has two angles,—pre are bound.— Isaiah 61:1. Wiis introduced to Mr. Miller. While vention and indemnification against the possibility of they stood there Tommy spied a balloon man coming down the loss.” SOME “ MINORITY” POPULATIONS street. As the noise of the horn There are various mechanical appliances designed to The difficulty of being reasonable in matters of im­ grew nearer. Tommy’s eyes en­ larged. migration is shown by many contradictory facts about make forgery difficult, such as prepared inks and paper “Aren’t those whoppers, though,” and check writing machines. Various rules are also sug­ Tommy sighed. “Gee!” “ minority” populations. “Wouldn’t you like one, Tommy?’’ A report in the current news reminds us of one of gested to minimize the danger of forgery. But forgery suggested Mr. Miller, digging into his pocket. “Now, I’ll tell you, these minority populations that has nearly always been insurance is comparatively new7 having been devised Home Destroyed— Tommy, If you know my name next of great benefit to the people among whom they have only about five years ago. The home of John R. Bowern, year when I come after these folks There are four different policy forms in use which are on Evans creek, was destroyed by on the Fourth, I’ll buy you another lived, and yet wdio have never wanted to he anything hut themselves. This is a report of good words spoken for explained in detail in the bulletin. Two of these, the de­ fire about m idnight Friday. Mr. balloon. It was almost Christmas now, positors’ forgery policy and the commercial forgery pol­ and Mrs. Bowern were asleep in and Tommy was once more In th e ; "Welsh colonies in South America. an upstairs bedroom and had to Haskins kitchen, watching prepa The only place where the Welsh people have been a icy, are for individuals and business concerns and tw7o are make th eir escape from a window. rations for another feast, hut of a sort. The most wonder-! nuisance to anyone has been in the one place, where sure­ for hanks, the one a limited the other a blanket forgery Mrs. Bowern in escaping from the different ful pies, cakes and puddings were ly, they have a perfect right to be, in their own ancestral policy. The first twro cover losses growing out of the for­ house stepped off the porch roof being evolved. Suddenly, Tommy was considerably bruised and burst fo rth : hills and valleys, Wales. Against the attempts of England, gery of the signature of the policyholder as drawer or ac­ and “Say, Mrs. ’Askins, do you re­ strained although not seriously. for generations, to wipe out the Welsh tongue and to bolt ceptor of cheeks, drafts, hills of exchange, trade accep­ She was in the G rants Pass hos­ member what that man said?” “No, Tommy; what are you out Welsh local customs and traditions, there has been a tance or notes. pital for several days.— G rants thinking about?” Pass Courier. “Do you suppose he will come) continuous struggle, at times hitter and resentful. buck? You know he bought me a The tree of knowledge is hard to climb.- -Moline Dis- But even along with the Welsh people have produced balloon, nnd said if I remembered CHRISTMAS PILLOWS his name lie would buy me another like the Irish and the Scotch, a conspicuous number of patcli. when lie cume back.” persons who rose into British affairs for their own re­ ‘‘Of course he will,” said Mrs. Haskins. nown and for the service of the British Isles. Indeed, if “Oh. I am so glad. M.v mother one counts the Scottish and Irish and Welsh and Canad­ she Just says I am silly when I ask her and says, T am too busy to he ian statesmen of London, there are comparatively few bothered with that. Rfln along,, names left to call English. now I’ And you know,” Tommy hastened to add, “I haven't forgot­ We are so apt to take our know ledge of maps as ex­ The first consignm ent of the they are content to do this is ten his name, either. It’s Mr. order of 10,000 booster book­ past explanation. Miller.” pressive of national fact, that we never learn that most lets which the county of Jackson “ There are laws forbidding That night Mr. Miller dropped countries of the world are as polyglot as the United States. recently ordered from The Ash­ nearly everything nowadays, but In for a minute at the Haskins’, i For instance, we know that German is not just Germany, land Tidings P rin t Shop has been th e re is as yet no law th a t denies Before his departure Mrs. Has­ kins had a moment of conversation it is a great number of political states. And there are delivered to the county commis­ us the right to move from a poor with him alone. He said, “All and the various chambers clim ate into a good climate. If right,” leaving witli the merriest nearly as many fine lines of racial and cultural distinc­ sioners the scenery where you live does of commerce of the county. kind of a twinkle In his eyes. tion. And Italy’s complexities are nearly as well known. This is everywhere pronounc­ not make you feel glad you have Christmas Eve came. Daddy and Mother Allister were doing their; But few of us think of Spain as being a diverse people ed the most excellent booklet a pair of eyes, you can go where best to keep from looking sorrow- or France. Yet Spain’s most acute political problem is ever issued by the county, both there are m ountains, forests, caused by the difference between its central ruling pop­ from the standpoint of the w rite­ rivers, canyons and valleys as fine ups and the appearance of the as the C reator ever made. ulation and its Catalons in and around Barcelona. “Jackson County, Oregon, is product as a whole. B ert R. - I v\ , While in France, Paris is one thing, Marseilles and Moses, of “ Sap and S alt” fame of considered by travelers to possess Provence is another, Britannv is another, Gasconv an- this city, prepared the copy and more n atu ral advantages in the Handsome and comfort-giving also selected the splendid illus­ way of clim ate, scenery, soil and other, Lorraine another. cushions are among tiie Christmas And even in England the failure of Wales to he in­ trations which aid in m aking the w ater than any other one spot on gifts that always delight either men booklet very attractive. Articles the maps of the world. This is or women. These cushions are very corporated by centuries of merging is almost paralleled describing the various cities and a sweeping statem ent to make, practical when made of black satin They knew only too well that by the difference between London and the various pro­ communities of the country are but it is so, and when a thing or sateen and decorated with a band ful. they could never begin to give tlie is tru e it should be emphasized. of wide figured ribbon in brilliant children the number of tilings each vinces, whether they include Yorkshire, or Cornwall, or included in the booklet. patterns. wanted. Tlie children hud ull gone “ If you are a good carpenter The cover, printed in three These black cushions are deco­ to lied. Just Daddy and Mother; Devonshire, or what. colors, picturing an idyllic com­ where you now live, you can come rated on one side, sometimes witli Allister were in tlie parlor fixing Our problem in the United States, to he sure, is a dif­ bination of valley, forests and to Jackson County, Oregon, and bow knots or other motifs made of up a little, scraggly tree when a ferent one. Ours is one that should be easier, if we let m ountain, is the work of Johnny be ju st as good a carpenter here. narrow gold ribbon and small silk knock, ever so gentle on the front attracted their attention. it be easier It is one that we control, for the people that Gruelle, local a rtist and he has If you know how to run a farm , flowers, stitched down at tlie edges. door, “I am sorry to bother you ut this are different in the United States come in w ith due notice prepared a cover design which a dairy or a truck garden in your SANTA’S NOVEL DOLLS hour, but 1 wunted to wult until I i was sure Tommy would be in lied. that they are different. They do not possess ancestral and will be certain to a ttra ct the eye present home, you can also run | Perhaps you would feel better to one here, where all N ature W ’orks whenever the book is seen. territorial rights. know my name—Miller,” lie said, 24 hours a day to make human These booklets will be distribu­ shaking hands with Mr. Allister And what is far more important, they come to us with ted through the various booster being happy. If yon are a good after depositing his load on the an “ intention” of loyalty. table. “I’ve a tree outside here,” ; organizations of the valley and doctor, a good grocer, a good and he hurried out to get it. chickenraiser, a good fruit-grow ­ will be used mainly as publicity Three-fourths or nine-tenths of the immigrants that The next morning was never er, a good day laborer or a good equaled in all the annals of the come to the United States intend to be loval. Thev may, among the tourists who come to anything else, you will find the this region, as well as being m ail­ Allister family. Such excitement, like the rest of us, possess some qualities that interfere ed to the four corners of the opportunities in Jackson County such happiness. Tommy, after his recovery from surprise and rap­ with working loyalties—those of us who are native and world to people w’ho wran t infor­ ju st as promising as they are ture over Ills toys, ran to his happy ancestral Americans are by no means free from this bias mation relative to southern Ore­ back where you are unhappily lo­ mother as she was trying to get cated now. breakfast. Tugging at her skirts, —but their intentions are a great part of the foundation gon. “ The point Is this: Why be he said: “You see, mother, that The title of the booklet is for a loyal citizenship. man I met on Fourth of July was “ W here N ature Lavished Her content with your present d issat­ Santa Claus, and ills name is Mr. If we cooperate actively to maintaining this loyal in­ Bounties” and herewith is repro- isfaction? W hy continue to live Miller.” tention, regarding all other matters as subsidiary to it, d»ced the first chapter which is where you do not have the many (© , 1924, W estern N ew sp aoer U nion.) advantages th a t Jackson Coun­ we will be helping more to reach and to maintain a homo- called “ To Begin W ith” : T here’s a message in The ty offers? You have ju st one life generously loyal American population than hv any sort of “ Two things only loom large in to Tidings Want Ads. live on earth, and if you don’t life. One is good health, and the abuse of foreigners. other is a happy home. Yet tens get out of this life all the joy And what is more important, we will get the united of thousands have poor health, and happiness th a t belong to you, support of our foreign bom population to agree to immi­ and ju st as many are dissatis­ it is your own fault. gration restrictions. Theyjust as well as the rest of us, fied with their homes. To have “Jackson County is largely good health, you must live where populated by people who have recognize the need of slowing down immigration. the clim ate is ideal, where the come here from other States. and pads. New and used Sew ­ in g M achines. A uto Holies, etc. PEIL’S CORNER See Our $55.00 STEEL RANGE Simpson’s Hardware Winchester Store Travel By Motor Stage Safely, Swiftly and Comfortably From Ashland Effective Nov. 30 th Daily to Portland..............................7:00 A. M- Daily to E u g en e...............................12.00 Noon 12:00 noon Stage connects following morning. WHY NOT BOTH? Senator Borah displays a right sense of proportion when he declares that, much as he is in favor of American participation in the proposed world court, he much pre­ fers that the Senate shall give its precious time between now’ and March 4 to measures for the improvement of farm finance and marketing. So sav we all of us. Given this definite choice, there should he no hesitation. But is it not a sad commentary on the state of organ­ ization of the Senate that it cannot attend to both mat­ ters concurrently? Not that either should be rushed. But why cannot due consideration he given to each of these subjects, by the proper committees, with subsequent action by the Senate, within the three .months available? If the time is too short for both, it should be too short for either. Is it necessary, or proper, that we should have consideration given to but one major subject of legislation at an annual session of the Senate ? It would he well for the Senate and the House of Rep­ resentatives alike to have a school of instruction on the organization for the speeding up of the machinery of legislation. Santa Cluus has been cordially Invited by millions of little girls to pay his annual visit and bring along a new doll. He lias asked their mothers to help him stock up with up-to-date dollies that are washable. Here is one of them—' Little Red Riding Hood—all of red cloth except her head, which must be bought. 10% Off on ALL SHOES DURING FAIR WEEK Dec. 9,10,11,12 Overland Shoe Shop Portland We take passengers for all way points; for further inform ation and tickets call Hotel Ashland office phone 47. FARE ASHLAND—PORTLAND $8.20 Frazier & Son Cherro Egg Mash witli Butter Milk ..............$3.35 ( ’herro Egg Builder, the best on th<- market . .$3.15 ( herro Scratch Feed, tin* best on the market . $3.25 ('herro Calf Meal, 27) lb. bags $1.35 Wheat, per 100 lb. s a c k s ............................... . $2.90 Mill Run, SO lb. s a c k s ....................................... $1.65 Bran, 70 lb. sacks ............................................... $1.50 The very best of alfalfa, bay and straw Pei feet ion Flour, 4!) lb. sacks ....................... $2.00 ( ’herro Flour, 49 lb. sacks ............................. $2.40 Ovster Shell, 100 lb. sack ............................... $1.50 FRAZIER and SON T’lione 214 353 E. Main Street Pronounced by those who have used it as a hot coal excellent for heater or range with a minimum of ash and a coal which keeps bet­ ter than the average. TRY IT AND YOU WILL LIKE IT Carson-Fowler Lbr. Co. “In the H eart o f Tow n” T oysi5to20% oft air is sw'eet and where the w ater Most of our people are actively is pure. And to have a happy employed in some useful pursuit, home, you m ust locate where the but we have among us many re­ scenery is lovely, where N ature tired men who have settled here shows her finest handiw ork, and where they can spend their last where it is a never-ending joy days amid suiToundingfe which ju st to look at the m ountains, the will keep them on earth much stately forests, the running rivers longer than living where N ature and the fertile valleys. “ But good health and a happy home go together when you lqeate where the people are glad to have you come and live among them, where there are many ways to make a good living, where ! your children can be educated in j progressive schools, and where ' the whole environm ent contrib- ; utes to the pursuit of hapiness. ! “ Everywhere in this co u n try ' are found many people who liv e , where the clim ate is a constant source of discom fort. They live where the sun parches them in ¡ summer, and where the blasts of, w inter chill the w hite m arrow of th e ir bones. Month after month they go on accum ulating b irth ­ days w ithout getting any real pleasure out of it all. Ju st why to We are closing out our entire, large stock of toys, dolls and wheel goods. 10 per cent cut on all DOLL BUGGIES a n d W IIE E L GOODS—Large stock to select from. 50 per cent cut on all other toys in the house—the largest stock in town from which to choose. WHY PAY FULL PRICE FOR TOYS WHEN WE offer such big reductions SWENSON-PEEBLER Furniture Company