A shland D aily ASHLAND CLIMATE W ithout the use o f medicine cures nine cases out of ten of asthma. This is a proven fact. The Tidings Has Been Ashland's Leading Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years ( International News W ire VOL. XLVIII. Successor to the Sem i-W eekly Tidings, Volum e 43. POULTRY MEN OF THIS CITY TAKE FR IZ E S PORTUGAL TO SELL HER SCRAPPED SHIPS » 8 8 « 8 » 8 « MALARIA GERMS Cannot survive three months in the rich ozone at Ashland. Pure domestic water helps. Service) ASHLAND, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1924 HAMMERING BY NAVY HEAD TO BRING ACTION CHIEF FIGURES IN NEWS OF THE DAY NO. 85 PART OF FURS STOLEN NEAR HERE LOCATED BAT HIKI SERMS TO BE VERY MUCH ALIVE BRITISH TO BE ANSWERED IN OFFICIAL NOTE LISBON. Dec. 10. — » . 8 LONDON, Dec. 10. — 8 The present-day fashion 8 8 “ S p i r i t ” photographs, 8 among nations possessing » j » taken during the two- 8 a navy of selling off old 8 ¡S m inute Armistice Day sil­ 8 w arships has caught on in « ence at Cenotaph, have 8 Portugal, and the Gov­ « 8 lost caste since one en­ 8 ernm ent has decided to 8 8 terprising London news­ 8 offer two of its warships $$ 8 paper attem pted to prove 8 a for sale. 8 Grants Pass Dealer Purchas- | 8 th a t the “ spirits” of sup­ 8 Ashland Fanciers Capture' 8 The Portuguese Navy »¡Congress Leaders Announce ed Part of Robbery Loot 8 posed victims of the war, 8 Hughes Will Tell English Many Blue Ribbons at « ■which consists almost en­ », Drive for Passage of » From Burglars 8 which were pictured as 8 That America is to Take a tirely of “ museum pieces,” a i » Poultry Show hovering above the Ceno­ 8 New Navy Bill Reparations a sailors term old warships, a taph, showed rem arkable 8 FURS ARE RECOVERED 8 WORK IS STILL ON * is to he deprived of the a P R O S P E C T S GOOD ------- ! 8 resemblances to the pic­ 8 FIRM STAND TAKEN ------- ! a cruisers Alm irante Reis a No Word of W hereabouts of Geo. 8 tures of well-known liv­ 8 E n tertain m en t Tom orrow E vening' ♦♦ and Sao Gabriel, which a Edw ards, W anted for T heft, 8 ing athletes. R u ilding of New Ships and O ver­ 8 B ritish B elieve I ’. S. Should Not he P resen ted by School j were built in 1889 and a is R eceived Here h au lin g o f Old Coal B urners 8 Shan* in Reparation« to he One “ spirit” was re­ 8 Children of City I jj have been dism antled for a I 8 A uthorized In B ill Paid by Germany m arkably like the features 8 ------- ¡a many months. a Although uo definite inform a-, Xt of B attling Slki and an­ 8 Ashland exhibitors showing poul- jj Any person -who wishes a tion has been received as to the X t other resembled Jimmy 8 WASHINGTON, Dec. 10— Sec- try at the W inter F air p o u ltry ! xx to tender for this scrap a Spurred into action by the con­ w hereabouts of George N. E d -( XX Wilde. X$ j retary of Slate Charles E. Hughes show captured a m ajority of th e , a iron m ust deposit a sum a: stan t dem ands made by Secre- wards, accomplice of Eugene XX 1 tary of the Navy W ilbur, for a Mrs. Dean, who took 8 will tomorrow dispatch a note prizes in the various classes o f ! a of 50.000 escudos with a O’Grady in the robbery of the 8 stronger navy to represent this the "sp irit” photograph, 8 to the Prime Minister of Eng­ the chicken exhibits, and bid a the Navy D epartm ent of a Bryce McCormack home at Keno, ; 8 adm itted some of the 8 land, in which the British gov­ country, the adm inistration lead­ fair to do equally as well in the a Portugal, or about $5,000 a several days ago, some of tlie 8 “ spirits” did resemble the 8 ernm ent wil be informed, th a t turkey and other exhibits. Al- a at the present rate of ex­ a ers in the Senate anounced to­ stolen furs which were taken at 8 features of living persons. 8 the United States regards as en­ day th a t a heavy drive for the though the judging has not been ; a change. a the time of the robbery have been 8 “ If I had wanted to pro­ 8 tirely untenable tlie British po­ completed, and will not be before a a a a a a a a a a a a a final enactm ent of the $111,- located. 8 duce a fraudulent photo­ 8 sition that America should not 00ft,000 “ new* navy bill” meas­ tomorrow noon, at the soonest, --------------------------- Word was received here ves- 8 ure, which has been tied up in graph,” she declared, “ is 8 share on a pro rata basis with the classes already judged show terday th a t a G rants Paps fur committee since the last session it likely I would bare 8 the other nations in the money the birds to be equal, if not sup­ of congress by a technicality, dealer had purchased a number used portraits of well- 8 Germany pays the allies through erior to anything shown here of furs, answ ering the descrip­ would be started immediately, in known footballers or 8 the Dawes plan aranged to meet before. The success of the Ash­ boxers?” order to bring the American tion of those stolen, and had given land district exhibitors is espec­ her reparations payments. a check in payment to a man » n n o n n a a a 8 8 » 8 navy up to the 5-5-3 ratio allot- ially gratifying for this reason. The note will be in answer to ed by the W ashington disarm a­ named Edwards. McCormick visit­ There will be no en tertain ­ a British note which is describ­ m ent conference held last year, ed the dealer in G rants Pass and m ent this evening, but tomorrow ed as a “ firm objection” on the building of eight sw’ift cruisers, identified one of the furs, the night the school children of the p a rt of the British governm ent L’Ombra Cast (Jive W onderful of the batle variety, the convert­ only one of the allotm ent which city wil stage the entertainm ent to America getting auything out Perform ance in Spite o f Very ing of six battleships into oil- had not already been shipped, as to be held in the Armory. Mu­ of the Dawes plan proceeds to Sm all A ttendance burning vesels, and the building one of those stolen from his home. sic and two playlets will feature apply on what the German na­ of six gunboats, of a small to n ­ fc GEKT- " W P r r T U The dealer paid him for the furs this entertainm ent. tion owes this country. An audience of approximately nage, to be used in China. which had been shipped and re ­ I/E O K û E O T ROCCO K A1M 30M K . Friday night will be carnival four hundred persons last night The British claim th a t the W ith the completion of these turned the lone fur to McCor­ night, with a num ber of special attended the presentation of the other allies than the United vesels, the American navy, will be mack. Leo Koretz, $2,000,000 Chicago iw lndler. upon pleading guilty there, le id Form er P ostal Em iiloyet States have a prior claim to the features to be presented at the opera L ’Ombra at the Armory. on a par in tonage with the B rit­ was sentenced to States Prison for from one to ten years Viscount At the tim e of the robbery it Should Serve Out Term for Armory. Civic organizations of This opera was the second num­ Cecil of England, will receive the Brat annual award of $25,000 of the money to be paid by Germany, ish navy, and somewhat larger Woodrow Wilson Foundation “for merito- ms service of a public char was reported that approximately Theft of P ostal Fund« the city have prepared program s ber of the Ashland Celebrity since the lands of the European than the Ja p a n e se 'n a v y . This acter tending toward the establishment ot peace through Justice.’* Gen­ $130 worth of furs had been to be presented. A dance, s ta rt­ Course to be presented here this countries were destroyed, and fact will be in spite of the des­ eral Wu Pel Fu, of the Chinese armies, la In flight from Loyang on re- taken. The dealer purchased ing at 10 p. m., wil close the year. MEDFORD, Dec. 10. __ The damage done which set the coun­ eelpt of an ultimatum from the Shensi commander, whose troops are truction of the super battleship about one third of these from recent local publication of the evening. advancing. Rocco Maimone, an alleged New York gunman, Is under Although the audience was W ashington, which was sunk off arrest in Schenectady, N. Y , following the murder of Police Captain Edwards, and now the police of­ tact th at a petition was being tries buck at least one hundred A list of the prize winers in small, and the applause not tool the A tlantic coast, according to In order Yount ana. ficials of this section are search­ quietly circulated here in hopes years, economically. the poultry competition follows: generous, the principals appar­ the term s of the disarm am ent that these countries may be al­ ing for the whereabouts of the of obtaining a parole or pardon Dark Barred Plymouth Bock ently put as much heart into conference. i rem aining loot obtained in the for Cliff Beckett who has been lowed to again get on a firm E. C. B urt, Ashland. 1 cock; their work as if they had been According to the bill, the con­ i burglary. serving since last May a two economic liasis, the British believe Mrs. V. Bursell, Medford. 2 cock; appearing before the largest struction of the new vessels, and I O'Grady was arrested in the years sentence In the McNeil is ­ the United States should not he 3 young pen: D. J. Howe, Med­ groups of music critics possible the overhauling of the old ships I Medford camp grounds by Roy- land federal penitentiary for em­ allowed to take any of the mon­ ford. 3 cock; 1 hen; 8. K. Hart- to assemble. The work of Obrad would be started immediately P arr, Deputy game warden, Joe bezzling about $8000 of postal ey to be paid through the Dawes sock. Corvallis. 2 lien; 1 pullet; D jurin, tenor, as Fabrizio was and the entire work would he McMahon, state traffic officer and funds while lie was assistant post- plan. Mrs. C. A. Patton. Ashland, 3 especially gratifying along these completed in less than one year. Hughes takes the stand that a num ber of members of the Med-j m aster, has apparently met with hen; 1, 2, 3, cockerels; 3 pullet; lines, this young man giving Leaders believe there is a splen­ America was one of tlie allies, ford police force. Al the time little encouragem ent in Med- 2 young pen; Rosa B. W’illets, ■ ! ______ everything he had at all times. did oportunity for rushing the of the arrest, O’Grady was living' fortl- and that this country suffered Medford, 2 pullet; Glen I. Are- Carl Formes, baritone, as Dr. hill through at this time, since E. P. Greer, B rother of B. R .| IHerce, W ith R epublican Body to in a cabin in the camp grounds, Careful investigation develops serious economic losses which en­ h a rt, Lebanon, 1 young pen. Greer, Dies Aboard Ship B attle, Expected to be Loser Miyouet took th e audience by most of the members of the Sen­ the fact that, so far as can be title itto a share in the repara­ together with Edwards, Edw ard’s Light Barred Plymouth Hocks W hile On Trip to H awaii in A ppointm ents Fight storm . He seemed to fairly dom­ ate and the House feel kindly wife, and a young man who had learned, there Is only one peti­ tions payments, on a pro rata Rosa B. W’illetts, Medford, 1 inate the stage whenever he made toward the strengthening of the recently joined them. Edwards, tion out and that one well known basis. According to the Secre­ cock, 1 hen. 2 cockerels: S. K. B. R. Greer, editor of The PORTLAND, Dec. 10. — Po­ citizen seems to be prime mover ta ry ’s office, the note will be so his appearance, and singing in a navy, following the outburst at the time of the arrest of H artsock, Corvallis, 2 hen; D group pf artists, he made his which went up when the W ash­ Tidings, yesterday received word litical gossip these days — and O'Grady, broke away from the in the m atter, purely on account worded as to give the British Howe Medford, 1 cockerel, of the death of his brother, E. P. there is plenty of it — centers officers and made good his es­ of friendship for Beckett. It work stand out head and should- ington was destroyed. pullett, 1 young pen; Mrs. C. A. Greer, whose death occured Mon­ on the coming session of the cape, despite an intensive search seems further, that it is the idea to understand that America will ers above the rest. In addition brook no interference in the col­ P atton. Ashland. 3 cockerel, 2 day on board the steam ship City Oregon legislature with specula­ made by the arresting officers. of this man and a few who are he is a very good actor, although WASHINGTON. Dec. 10— Up lection of these reparations. pullet. all the artists were almost perfect on the recommendation of the of Los Angeles, en route to Hono­ tion rife as to how severely the He left his wife in the camp cooperating with him, to obtain R. C. Barred Plym outh Rocks state law m akers will attack the grounds in a destitute condition. only about a dozen signatures of in th eir representation of their Couzens committee on investiga­ lulu from San Francisco. Orley E. Crews, Ashland. 1 work. OIL COMPANY GIVES Mr. Greer was for nearly fifty' Democratic adm inistration of O'Grady when brought to jail prom inent citizens. tions of the bureau of internal and 2 pullets. An application for parole or CITY HOLIDAY GARB years editor of the W infield, K an­ Governor W alter Pierce. The q uartet work of the four revenue. Internal Revenue Com- here confessed to the robbery, W hite Plym outh Rocks pardon must go thru regular le­ Overwhelmingly Republican, but stated th at Edwards had members of the cast was highly misioner Blair has agreed to re­ sas, Courier, one of the leading Ashland took on more of a holi­ J. Larkin Grubb. Ashland, 1 newspaper of Kansas. He was with practically every Democra- taken possession of the furs, gal channels in such cases to the commendable especially their open the am ortization tax cases day appearance today, when V. and 2 cock, 1, 2. 3, hens, 3 cock­ attorney general’s office and fed­ one of the ableist tic candidate swept under a bar­ stating th a t he would sell them. work during the drinking scene. against the Standifer Construc- considered D, Miller, acting for the Stand­ erel, 3 pullet. 1,2 old pens, 3 eral parole board — or at least The difficult passages of this tion Company of Seatle, and the journalists in the country at the rage of ballots at the last elec-' Since that time, O’Grady claims s ard Oil Company, journeyed into an application for parole must young pen; S. K. Hartsock. Cor­ time of his death. tion, the legislature is expected he has not seen the stolen ar- scene were extremely well h an d -’ ; N orthw estern Steel Company of the hills and returned with a go to the parole board, which has vallis, 3 cock, 1,2 cockerels, 2 Word was received here from to purge some few state organi- tides, led, especially by Ferm es and ' Portland. i power to grant it. A pardon can truck load of Christmas trees pullet, 2 young pen; A. R. Squires C. F. Greer, a brother of the dead zations of Pierce appointm ents. The young man arrested with ; only come from the president. Stella Norelli-Lamont, lyric co- j Discrepancy in the facts pre- which have been placed on the Ashland 1 pullet, 1 young pen. man, who is employed on the The P ort of Portland commission, O’Grady explained his actions to- lorature soprano, as \ espina, absented to the committee and the poles along the streets In the W hile prior to the disclosure Colum bian Plym ou th Rocks The fish commission and game com­ the satisfaction of the officers, jealous young widow. j bureau led to the com m ittee’s San Francisco Examiner. business section of the city. of his embezzlement Beckett was S. K. H artsock, Corvallis, 1 brother received a wireless mes­ mission are likely to feel the hand and although he is being held as Probably the best h a n d led , action in dem anding th a t the The trees, almost a hundred in one of the most popular men of pen, 1, 2, 3 cockerels, 1, 2 pul­ sage from the City of Los Angeles of the law m akers, with Pierce a witness, they are convinced he number, give the city a holiday scene of the opera was the scene J case be re-investigated, Senator Medford, since the publication of lets. 1 young pen. telling of. the death of the jo u r­ appointm ents being given the had no part in the robbery, and attire which is very attractive, in the third act after Fabrizio Couzens said today. the effort to obtain clemency for Silver W yandot tes nalist, and immediately notified ax. had discovered Gina near death i and which has caused much fav­ he will probably he released w ith­ him, general condemnation on all H. W. Domes, McCoy, Ore., 1, Mr. Greer of this city. O ther onslaughts are regular­ in a few days. orable comment during the day. in a storm. D jurin and Suzanne ■ sides has been heard for such a 2 cocks, 1, 2, 3 hens. 1, 2 cock­ The City of Los Angeles sail­ ly talked of and seem certain to move even from many of his The Standard Oil Company is to erels, 1, 2, 3 pullets, 1 old pen. France, lyric soprano, as G in a , ed for Honolulu on Saturday gain ground. One is tlie iuvesti- were splendid in this scene, a n d , form er closest friends. According be commended for their action 1 young pen; W. P. Rathe, Med- from San Francisco. Relatives gation of the state prohibition their closing duet was a m aster­ to general expression, while they in dressing tip the city for ord, 3 cockerel. have heard no p articulars of th e ' departm ent under George L. piece. will gladly help him when he Christmas. White Wyandottes death of Mr. Greer, the wireless Cleaver. The departm ent under serves out his sentence to re- Although the opera was sung E. E. Phipps, Ashland, 1 cock­ message simply inform ing them Cleaver has been in constant i i habilitate himself and earn a in English, very few members of LOS ANGELES, Dec. 10. — erel; Ed W hitney, Ashland. 2 of his passing. Mr. Greer w as' trouble with factions over the] : good living for himself and fam- the audience were able to under­ Kid McCoy, on trial for the m ur­ cockerel, 1 pullet, 1 young pen. sixty eight years of age at the state and appointm ent of special | i ily. they feel th a t he should stand the words of the singers. der of Theresa Mors, broke down Partridge W yandottes time of his death. serve out the light sentence of prosecutors for liquor cases in in court here today as exhibits Mrs. W. S. Eastman. Ashland, We believe it would have been ---------- two years. many districts of Oregon is said better appreciated had it been i One of the most beautiful pic- from the “ death room ” of the 1 cock, 1 hen. MEDFORD, Dec. 10. — At a The prime mover to obtain to have stirred up much hostil­ presented in the original la n g u -!tures which has been presented slain woman’s apartm ent passed S. C. Rhode Island Reds ity to the governor and Cleaver. meeting of the Jackson County clemency by the circulation of before his eyes. Albert Mors, d i­ age, since the translation into i the local th eatre in several Dame rum or also speaks out M erchants’ association held in J a petition is a former- business vorced husband of the woman English made the rythm and tim e 1 months is now being shown at (Continued on Page F o u r' ¡o f the num bers extremely diffi-1 the Vining Theatre. It is a pic- ; to ,say th a t the game commission the Hotel Medford Monday night, I man. It is known th a t no one also wept. ! may also be in for a little house­ the chief subject of discussion connected with the Medford post- : cult, ' turization of Zane Grey’s great cleaning. Governor Pierce gave was the application of ordinances office, or with the general post- The accompaniment of A rthur novel “ W anderer of the W aste- JACKSONVILLE, Dec. 10. — it a thorough “dusting off” when covering the vending of good’ office departm ent has anything j Lydell, director, was suberb, and lan(I” featuring Jack Holt and The trial of EH Dahack, a well he succeeded Governor Olcott. by itinerant peddlers. The re ­ to do with the petition, and does , it was largely due to liis work K athlyn W illiams. not approve of the move. By a newly discovered process known resident of the Eagle'. Now the legislature may see fit cent invasion of California or­ anges sold from auto trucks on ; that the opera was such a suc- the picture is shown entirely in Point district, and fath er of th e 1 to put back Mike Lynch of E ast­ well known Dahack boys of th at 1 cess.— T. R. J. ern Oregon and Bert Anderson the street corners, brought th is' natural colors, and since much subject to the front and center. of it was taken in the Grand vicinity, charged with violation of Medford. And Richard W. of the Volstead Act, is underw'ay Price of Portland is said to be Mayor Gaddis talked on the sub­ ” NEW YORK, Dec. 10.— Mad­ AUTO TH IE F SENTENCED | ^’an y°n of the Colorado, it there- in the circuit court. Monday after- quite hopelessly out of harmony ject. No definite action was TO SERVE IS MONTHS fore contains scenery unsurpass- dened by blows which were low. noon was devoted to the selection; wlth other members of the com- taken, but the committee was in­ ---------- i able for beauty of color. Tom Gibbons, claim alnt of the KLAMATH FALLS, Dec. 10— structed to confer with the city In addition to being one of the of a ju ry and the case is expect- mission whicb brings about t h e j council, and produce a remedy. PORTLAND, Dec. 9.— A rthur w orld’s light heavyweight cham ­ A perm anent injunction, “ forever ed to be concluded late this supposition th a t he may find his pictures ever pionship last night smashed Kid Henges, Vancouver, W ash., g ar­ most beautiful FORT KLAMATH, Dec. 10.— enjoining and restraining Maud Vernon II. Vawfer of the afternoon. The defense is rep­ tenure somewhat uncertain. age owner, was yesterday sent­ screened, W anderer of the W aste­ N orfolk, colored champion with Traveling on skiis and almost W heeler or her agents from us­ Jackson county hank talked on resented by A ttorney E. E. Kelly, a furious assortm ent of punches, enced to 18 months on McNeil’s land is an intensely gripping tale and the state by D istrict A ttor­ exhausted front their arduous ing or occupying or in any way the "bad check” evil, and how Island for violation of the in­ of life in the early days. trip. John Mabin and Peter Oard. interfering with the premises, and scored a technical knockout to prevent it. ney Newton W. Borden and As­ theft act. W allace Beery, usually cast in sistant District A ttorney W infield BATTERY B MEMBERS Robert H. Boyl and Seeley Hal' C rater Lake caretakers, arrived known as Rocky Point,” was over the negro In the sixth round terstate automobile ORGANIZE BOOSTERS addressed the gathering on the in Anna Springs at 8:30 o'clock granted by Judge J. M. Batcheld­ of w hat was. to have been a fif- Henges was convicted some time the role of a vlllian, in W ander­ R. Gaylord. teen ro»„d’ go.’ Critic's’ » ¡ / . h a t *«? ’ ■"> E « ' and Virgil er of the W asteland, is given the crisis in the continuance of the Mondav. covering the distance er of Lakeview Monday in the This is the third alleged boot­ A booster club which w ill. state American Automobile as- i from Fort Klnm&th since morn- Gibbons never looked beller. Hia .A lke"- Wh° “ " « " « « I to p art of an old prospector, and in­ legging trial before a ju ry at case of C. D. Willson vs. Maud two years each. Sentence on stead of im m ediately draw ing this term of court the other two boost the organization and the i sociation headquarters in this , ¡ng. Six feet o f snow was found ) W hee’er, heard here on Novem punch was powerful and light­ town was organized last evening j city. Unless 150 local members at the springs. Henges was delayed when he th a t hate, of his audience, soon resulting in acquittals. her 25. The decree settles a dis­ ning fast. Norfolk was warned when the officers of B attery B are obtained the headquarters promised to give inform ation has them in entire sym pathy with This inform ation reached here pute of long standing as to own­ three times against low punches, met at the Armory. Prelim inary would he moved, the speakers over the long distance telephone, concerning a bootlegging ring in his actions. ership rights in the personal but continued using his foul Vancouver, involving the Van Pays Election Bet arrangem ents were made and of­ said. A committee was appoint­ all lines in good order, despite property on the premises under tactics until he aroused the St. Couver Chief of Police and the . by Leading Rat ficers will be elected at the reg- ed to solicit new members as the heavy snowfall. lease from the government. The Paul m auler, with disasterous sheriff of Clarke county. Federal CANTON, Ohio, Dec. 10. — ular drill which will be held to- fon ows: Seaside — Pipe -arriving for At the south entrance the two decree also carries costs in fav­ results to the colored boy. au thorities said he failed to make city’s 10-mile w ater pipe line to Paying his election wager, night. It was decided to keep the j w K irkpatrick of the Ro- intrepid travelers found three or of Willson. In another feature bout, Tiger ¡good on his promise. Necanicum river. Charles Sharp, local barber and club rooms open every night for tavy club Loui8 Ulrich of tbe feet of snow, they telephoned. Frank L. Mars, counsel for Miss Flow ers, colored middleweight I _____________ supporter of “ La Follette for th e benefit of the company mem­ Kiwanls, Larry Mann of the Cra- Early tomorrow morning the pair W heeler, announced th at the case champion scored a technical A storia — Twenty cabinet Salem — Marion county can­ President,” led a large, vicious- bers and any visitors ters and Lawrence Pennington o f , will tackle the last leg of their would he carried to the supreme knockout over Johnny Wilson, m akers start w’ork in new fu rn i­ nery output for 1924 is 900,000 looking ra t around a city block the M erchants’ association. Forty-J journey, hoping to reach the rim court, although no formal notice ex-middle weight champion. Tidings W a n t Ads are go-getters five more members are needed, long before n ig h tfall. ture plant here. cases, or 900 carloads. here. of appeal has as yet been filed. T OF CAST OF OPERA MOVE MEEIS Ï TRIP Ï0 HONOLULU! OF LEGISLATURE A BEAUTIFUL PICTURE AT I I M THEATRE OF LOSING OFFICES L L T OVER COLORED BOXER