b 4 <1 tr. tm irü ~ ÁAÍÍ l AÑD DAI l I — f ö f ttitf ö G rading S treets — To G rants P ass— ed into headquarters, deposited rem arkable trium phs through-*of Franz Schubert, the greatest (the same time, because Schubert Street Commissioner Merrill is Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McGee his automobile d riv er’s license,' out the entire country where it's o n g composer wUo ever lived. I composed in the language of the ! doing 9ome excellent work grad- left today for G rants Pass w h e re . and asked th a t he never be allow- created a veritable furore, is th a t Thus, in one statem ent may this heart, and with the simplest and ; ing in the w estern part of the they will spend several days. ed to drive a car in Oregon again. ■ the music is alm ost entirely that operetta, or rom antic play with most understandable sense of city where it is badly needed. He adm itted he drank and said _ ______ _________________ music, be lifted high above all melody. The New York Century We put the chicken in our th at it was unfair for him to en- the light musical offerings of the T heatre organization of singers, C rater Lake pictures 9 5c to J tam ales. The Plaza. 82— tf TOO I,ATE TO CLASSIFY jllto a cjasg wholly and par- dancers, actors, etc., which first PORTLAND, Dec. 8. — The danger the lives of others. $25.00. Darling Studio. 83— tf ! ; ticularly its own,— a plane which presented the charm ing work In navy departm ent has not forgot­ Here Shopping— Eugene — U niversity of Ore-; LOST: Ladies seal skin fur can and does appeal to the most New York, will render this great- ten the old battleship Oregon, but De Molay Meeting Arrived Home— Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Dalaba it has not yet been able to spend gon installs $25,000 gift organ, j neck piece, lined with blue silk, exacting Jovers of pure music ! est of all Shubert productions R egular m eeting of Lithia Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Cooper a r­ and small child of H ilt were i n 1 enough money to place her in Phone 355J. Liberal reward. on the fine hand, and to the great during the forthcom ing engage- chapter, W ednesday evening, Dec.! rived home Saturday from Eugene Ashland today shopping. 84-86-8S* hosts of average theatregoers at , ment. condition for delivery to the state 10, a t Masonic Hall. Routine and Portland. Mr. Cooper’s health GREAT PICTURE TO BE of Oregon, according to the an ­ business. FOR SA LE:— Pure bred year­ seems slightly improved. They Toys — Toys — Toys— El harts. nual report of Admiral E. W. SHOWN AT CRATERIAN * ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ -♦ ♦ ♦ i Ralph Robison, M aster Councilor. were accompanied to Ashland by j ling Ancona hens and cockerel. 81— 12 Eberle, chief, of naval operations. Russell Overocker, Scribe. 84-1 th eir son, Oscar Cooper of Eu-| S4- “ The Ten Commandments’’, Phone 207R. The report says: “The state of which will be shown at the( gene. In Town— FOR SALE OK TRADE:— Fat | Oregon has passed a bill appro­ A t H om e— Theatre i n ' turkey gobler, weight 32 lbs. Mrs. R. King was in Ashland priating funds for the upkeep ofi H u n t’s C raterian Miss A ltadena Spencer is con­ Save $10.00, walk upstairs to today shopping and visiting with the battleship Oregon, and the I Medford. Friday and Saturday,! Henry Kerby. Rt. 1, Talent. fined to her home with mumps. Orres tailo r shop. Dec. 12-13, is the highest achieve­ 17— tf friends. 84— 1* navy departm ent has stated its ment in motion picture produc­ willingness to tu rn over the b at­ Thermos Lunch Kits, $2.75— , Fined— tion so far attained by Cecil B. FOR SA LE:— Good small lot One oi the most comforting assurances Here Today— tleship to the state for retention McNair Bros. De Mille. In this m asterly film with sleeping porch, garage and Mr. 'Bowles, of Portland was j J. G. Miller, district freight as a relic. that von can have is the knowledge that there he has contrived scenes of Or­ shop, all for $400.00. Beaver fined $15 by Judge Gowdy yester­ and passenger agent of Klam ath ‘ The departm ent has not so far- is someone upon whom you can depend to take H ere Y esterday — day charged with reckless driv­ Falls was in Ashland today visit­ been able to authorize the ex­ iental pageantry and miraculous Realty Co. No. 37 F irst St. entiie charge of all of the details connected W. H. Jenkins, traveling pas­ ing. He was arrested by Me- j ing the local Southern Pacific happenings th a t seem beyond the 84— 1 penditure of funds to effect all senger agent of Portland was in Mahon. with the burial of a loved one. reach of the possible in the a r t ---------------------------------------------- yards. the repairs th at are asked by the of the camera. • The parting of W ANTED:— To buy good auto, Ashland yesterday visiting the I state prior to the acceptance of the Red Sea, to perm it the s a fe 1 Must be fir8t class condition. Ap- local Southern Pacific offices. At H otel— Toys and games— E lharts. Think of us as your friends in whose hands the ship.’’ 84— 2* passage of the Israelites out o f . ply Tidings. Box Z. 81- -12 Among those registered at the you can entrust the task of providing the Tamales, best in the city, “ The the Land of Bondage, is a scene Hotel Ashland are F. M. Bige­ FOR SA LE:— Four acres . in means for making the final tribute to your Rose”. GO— tf U nderwent O peration— never before equalled on the town, finest garden soil, perm an-i low’ and wife, Carlton, W ash.; KING GEORGE SAYS loved one all that it is humanly possible to do. Word has been received here J. J. McAustin, Long Beach, Cal.; ACTION WAS RIGHT screen. The modern part of the ent free w ater right, good house ! t A rrived Last Night— story, dealing with present day &n(4 ham from Mrs. Charles Christensen, J. P. Shipman, H. Thomas of Ju st reduced from ''* H arry Collier who will judge form erly of this city, stating th a t Stockton; J. P. Moore, San F ran ­ LONDON, Dec. 9. — A defense life in San Francisco, is no less |5 0 0 0 tQ $4200 for quicfe sale to poultry a t the W inter F air a r­ Mr. Christensen c> Galey. underw ent an cisco, E. H. E arl, Los Angeles: of the action of the B ritish gov- thrilling than the presentm ent of close Qut e state. rived in Ashland last evening on ‘operation in a hospital at Stock- L. J. Malakoff, Jack Freem an and , em inent in Egypt, following the the ancient turm oils, perils and 65 E. Main. 84— 3 The Shasta from Tacoma, where ton about three weeks ago but Carl Rynerson, Seattle. ! assassination of Sir Lee Stack disasters. he has been judging during the is improving nicely. FOR SA LE:— Close to town, Funeral Directors was voiced here today by King show there. I 15 acres, 12 acres in apples, Day Phone 212— Night Phones 255-R and 282-J George V in his speech opening In Ashland— W INTER FA IR IS Mrs. Louis Dodge, Lady Assistant ! peaches and berries, 4-room house, Photographs Dennis Henry and son of North parliam ent. Though streets gay Studio Ashland, OFFICIALLY OPENED Special Auto Accident Policy of Quality. chicken house. Owner anxious 83— 1 Bend arrived in Ashland yester­ with flags, the King and Queen for $5.00 a year. Phone 21. Yeo to leave so has cut price from day and will spend a short time drove through lines’ of guards­ (Continued from page 1) of course. 24-tf Many Cars R egistered— $3500 to $2800 for immediate men to th eir destination. here on business. The drive was w ithout unto­ sented at that time. A dance, sale. H. C. Galey. 65 E. Main Fourteen out-of-state cars were I Golden W est Coffee demon­ 1 registered at the local reg istra­ Expected Today— 84— 3 ward incident, although special startin g at 10 p. m. will close the St. stra to r w’ill be at K irby’s Gro­ tion bureau for such cars yes­ Mrs. J. R. Lilly is expected to search Was made for fear of a evening. FOR SALE:— Ju st listed, good I ceteria W ednesday and T hurs­ terday. This is around the aver­ arrive in Ashland today from dem onstration by disgruntled The entertainm ent features of 7-room house between H aw thorne I day, Dec. 10th and l l t l i . Hot age for the month. the fair will be presented in the Gridley where she has been m ak-l Egyptian radicals. and High School, lot 75x100,! coffee will be served No charge. Armory building. ing her home. $1750, easy terms, more ground, 84— It Everybody welcome. h e have just what you will need. See our window. Phone’ 130 for Pow ell’s Cider. if wanted. H. C. Galey, 65 E. Main ' LAST MINUTE MOVE 63— Im o New Ruick— Come in and sec what we have. The prices are right. 84— 3 St. D rill W ednesday— FAILS TO STOP BILL. U W. W. Robison, local real es­ Drill will be held at the Arm­ tate dealer, has purchased a new W ednesday Club — WASHINGTON, Dec. 9— The ory W ednesday night instead of j The W ednesday Club will meet Buick sedan. interior departm ent appropriation Monday night when it is usually ! tomorrow at 2-: 30 at the Presby­ bill, carrying $238,000,000 was held. A fter this m eeting there terian church. Hostesses for the Expected Soon— Biggost Little Store in Town passed today by the House. A will be a short vacation until afternoon are Mesdames H itch­ Ex-goVernor and Mrs. F rank last m inute effort to amend the the first of the year. The outstanding thing about cock, Cary and Atkinson. Some M. Byrne of South Dakota are bill, calling for th e abolition of “ Blossom Time,” the lovely op­ ♦ •» ♦ ♦ ♦ 4 very im portant work will he dis­ expected to arrive in Ashland 39 land offices all over th e coun­ Many beautiful gifts at Dar­ e retta (now in its fourth sea­ cussed a t this m eeting and every about the middle of Jan u ary at try, was defeated on a motion of ling Studio. 83— tf which tim e Mr. Byrne’s position R epresentative Sinnot of Oregon. son), and booked for the first member is urged to attend. i " as commissioner of agriculture The bill was passed, provides for tim e in this city at the Vining Kippered Salmon at Kirby’s th eatre on Decamber 18 after Panlserud’s for cleaning, press in th a t state expires. They are th e continuation of land offices Groceteria. Fresh shipment every ing and remodeling. Phone 119 ; coming here hoping to benefit at La Grande and Burns, as well for his Christmas will Thursday. Byrne’s health. The couple have as several in W ashington and Im proving— been in Ashland before and are Idaho. bring him the greatest of R eturned Iiast N ight— E. L. McNeil who was operat­ related to Mrs. Yockey and the ! " Mr. and Mrs. W alter Leeper The BOOK OF BOOKS makes a lasting and ed on at the Community Hospital Beaver brothers. pleasure. returned last evening from Eu-j MAN ASKS POLICE TO appreciated gift recently is reported to be very gene where they spent Sunday STOP HIS DRIVING much improved. and Monday on business. Albany — Mountain States Our assortment is most complete. A new type used PORTLAND, Dec. 9 — The for your Christinas din­ Company given perm it to build in mu’ Bibles, making small Bibles easily read. It is not too late to have your Candle sticks, book ends, and lines to Scio and Stayton, to in­ strangest case on the record of p o rtrait made for Xmas. Darling Testaments ............................................20c to $2.00 stationery. Darling Studio. clude city plant recently -sold to the police station occurred here ner, that will delight you. Studio. 83— tf 83— tf Bibles ........................... .........................75c to $7.00 them by city of Scio. today when Robert Poole, walk- COMFORTING ASSURANCES J. P. Dodge & Sons Give Useful Christmas Gifts this » year BLOSSOM TIME” IS The Arniv Goods Store A Stromberg Flee- trie Windshield Wiper BIBLES FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS Fruit Cakes Leedom’s Tire House Why go to all the trouble le a v in g Today — Will Blaine who has been visiting at the Lockhart home on the Boulevard for the past week leaves this m orning for Arizona where he will visit for some time. Buy your Mackerel, herring, anchoviesand codfish at K irby’s Oroceteria. 84— 2t Elks H ard Time Dance— The members of Ashland Lodge No. 94 4 B. P. O. Elks will en­ joy an old fashion hard times dance W ednesday, December 10th., at the Elks Temple. All Elks and th eir Ladies are invit­ ed. Admission 4 9 cents peT each person. Hard Times Supper 25 cents per couple. Don’t miss this one. 84— 2t H ear K ansas Station — Be measured today for your Last Friday night while lis­ Holiday suit. P aulserud’s. 75-tf tening in on a radio concert at the home of C. A. Trumbly they tuned in on their form er home Called Conference— N. H. Franklin, president of in Kansas and after listening to the Jackson County Sunday School the concert a telegram was sent stating they had heard the p ro -, Association has called a confer­ gram very plainly. In less than j ence of all m inisters and Sunday half an hour it was announced by School superintendents to be held radio th a t the telegram had been at Phoenix Monday, December 15. The Ladies Aid will serve sup­ received. — Courier. per at 50 cents a plate. All m in­ isters and superintendents are Cliff Payne makes tables. urged to be present. K lam ath Falls — Telephone company adds new switchboard and builds new line to Pelican. D ogs Salm oned— Dog salm oners are still busy around the town as is evidenced by the death of two thorough­ bred airdales belonging to F. J. Murphy. These dogs have been tied up at the Murphy home since they were small and Murphy was planning to take them to a near­ by ranch in a short time. The salmon was evidently brought Jo* them. Several other dogs have died of this poisoning recently and about a year ago a number were killed. You are welcome to compare my Automobile rates with any other rates in Jackson or Jose­ phine Counties; you can be the • ndge. Phone 21. Yeo, of course. 30— tf CUT THIS OUT — At H om e— George Ross of Enders D epart­ ment Store is confined to his home today by illness. BARGAINS Mrs. Ellen Reighard, South Fork, Pa., w rites; “ I had been suffering with my kidneys and nothing seemed to touch the ach­ ing spot until I procured FOLEY PILLS, with wonderful resu lts.” POLLY PILLS, a diuretic stim u­ lant for the kidneys, gently and thoroughly flush and cleanse the kidneys and help to elim inate poisonous waste m atter. Try a bottle today and you will be well pleased w ith the relief obtained. The use of FOLEY PILLS in­ creases kidney activity. Sold everywhere. One Buick Touring Chevrolet Sedan IT IS WORTH MONEY Send this ad and ten cents to Foley & Co., 2835 Sheffield Ave., Chicago, 111., w riting your name and address clearly. You will re-1 ceive a ten cent bottle of FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR COMPOUND for coughs, colds and hoarseness, also free sample packages of FOLEY PILLS, a diuretic stim u­ lent for the kidneys, and FOLEY CATHARTIC TABLETS for Con­ stipation and Biliousness. These w onderful rem edies have helped millions of people. Try them . Sold everywhere. uSally Ann” is the name hundreds of bakerj’ bread users rem­ ember w h e n ordering bread. Lithia Bakery Across from the New 9-Story Hotel we can supply such de­ Toilet Goods— Drug Sundries I t ELH ART’S Rooks and Stationery licious ones at a reason­ able price ? Chevrolet Coupe Chevrolet Touring Dodge Delivery Buick Touring The Franklin Bakery Phone 199 Priced for quick Sales The Greatest Safeguard in Motoring—Raybest os Brake Lining Service. In) Automotive Shop I C hevrolet and D odge Hales and Service PROTECT ‘For Christmas Shoppers' your RADIATOR from FREEZING Denatured Alcohol is the cheapest and best Anti- Freeze. $1.25 per gallon Tidings W ant Ads are go-getters CONSTIPATION OVERCOME The use of FOLEY CATHAR­ TIC TABLETS will bring speedy relief from constipation if taken promptly. They are purely vege­ table and act on the liver. Mr. John D. McComb, Lucas Co. Home, Toledo, Ohio, w rites: “ Have used Foley CATHARTIC TABLETS in severe cases of con­ stipation to which I am subject and found them beneficial.” FO­ LEY CATHARTIC TABLETS are easy to take, leave no unpleas­ ant after effects. Try them. Sold everywhere. USED CAR FOLEY PILLS REACH­ E D TH E SORE SPOT Gone South— Ingersoll watches — McNair A fter spending a few days in Ashland J. R. Sholtz, g e n e ra l, Bros. m anager of the D inberry C orpor-, atlon has continued his jo u rn e y ! R eturn From Siskiyou— south where he has a position. Ralph Robison, Emil Plackus, Chester Smith, H arry H artley, We w’rap our Christm as Box Ed Lowe and John Oskar re tu rn ­ Candies ready to mail, free of ed to Ashland from Siskiyou charge. The Plaza. 82— tf where they have been working for some time. to make a fruit cake when McNair Brothers «R e c a ll Drag M u v ( Christmas Will Mean More to her if you give her elec­ trical gifts, such as a per­ colator, iron, waffle iron, urn set, washing machine, toaster, electric range or other electrical articles. We will be glad to demonstrate them The Ashland Electric Shop What Nicer Gift 240 E ast Main S t .When you Insure With Us The New Art Texture Embroidered Assortment for Christinas Gifts Are in You receive, first of all, a policy assuring you full and adequate indem nity for prop­ erty destroyed by fire. They come in BUFFET SETS—LINEN TOWELS— DRESSER SCARFS — TABLE RUNNERS — CARD TABLE COVERS—LUNCTIE N SETS—CONGRESS CLOTHS and BED SPREADS. In addition, we offer you the services of fire prevention engineers from the H artford Fire Insurance Company. They will point out how you can re­ duce the fire hazards on' your property and thus increase your safety. Do you want dependable, reliable protection? Talk with us today. Billings Agency Estab. 1883 Real E state & Real Insurance 41 E. Main St. Phone 211 Each item is finished in the natural colors of the flower or vine, etc. Every color used is Guaranteed “ABSOLUTELY FAST COLOR”—Boil them right along with whatever else you want to and they will not fade or run. They are all moderately priced FOR HER could you select than an electric appliance — a toaster, electric iron, 'urn set, percolator, vacuum sweeper, waffle iron, curl­ ing iron, or FOR HIM than an appliance for his automobile. 10% Off 98c and up on ALL SHOES DURING FAIR WEEK Dec. 9,10,11,12 Murphy Elec. Co. o m p a n y •W here Y our D ollar H as M ore Cents' Our Phone 82 Main - P laza A shland Overland Shoe Shop IK r wo i mil1 ‘-.•li hsj i i « il m :j j I tf?