He« tító e ÄSäURÖ BAU» «MSM Classified Column C1a**tflfd C'olntnn R ates One cent the word each tim e To run every issue for one month or mòie, H e the word each tim e. FOR RENT PROFESSIONAL PHYSICIANS DR. HAWLEY— Above office. Phone 91. Tidings M iss E dith Dodge, E d itor DR. C. W . HANSON P hon e item s to her at 30, betw een D entist S a. in. and 5 p. ni. Special attention given to pyor- i rhoea. Office upstairs in Beaver i B E A U T Y Block. Phone 178-J. 233-tf. FOR RENT: — Very nicely DR. G. C. PHKTTEPLACK furnished flat, including piano, D entistry reasonable, 446 Allison, Cor. Gas or local anesthesia for ex­ Gresham. Apply Mrs. Bergner, traction and m inor surgery. next door E lharts Drug Store, up­ I Special attention given to stra ig h t­ stairs. 82— 2* ening and care of children’s! teeth. FOR RENT—-F urnished a p art­ Above Citizens Bank m ent, garage, 272 Maple street. Phone. Office, 151— Res., 201-J 77— tf DR. E R N E ST A. WOODS— Prac­ B lan ch e I.ogan O’Neal Nelson had charge of thé Needle­ work department. About one hundred and fifty dollars was cleared on the sale. Credit is due not only to the ladles who had charge Of the bazaar but to those who so ahly assisted by th eir donation of time and m aterial. The Rebekahs also wish to thank those who patron­ ized the bazaar. The proceeds of the bazaar and the carnival dance which was given in the evening will go to­ w ards defraying expenses th a t w’ill be incurred when the Re­ bekah Assembly of Oregon meets in Ashland May 20. 1925. « * * I had one time thought th a t beauty Was merely pleasure to the eye, A splash of color in the sun, Stars sifted o'er a purple sky, The song of apple tres in spring, Surprise P arty — A humming bird on gauzy wring. A very delightful surprise party was given Saturday evening in I have found th a t noble beauty tice limited to eye, ear, nose ano Is not a rare and fleeting sight. honor of Miss Lillian Elder who FOR RENT: — 5-room fu r­ th ro at— X-ray including teeth. It lies in humble tasks well done, returned to Ashland recently nished house. Inquire. 121 Laurel Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 te In hearts th a t strive to beat from San Francisco. The group St. 79-1 wk.* journeyed to th e Elder house on aright. 6. Swedenburg Bldg., Ashland, FOR R EN T:— Lower floor of In hand shy love made willing, Almond street In cars and Miss Ore. Elder was very much surprised at my home. 5 rooms well furnished. worn, Large garage. Close in. Adults. DR. E. B. ANGELL— Chlropractic In such as these, is beauty born. th eir arrival. At her invitation and Electro-Therapy. Office — From the Portland Oregonian. to come in the party went to the Phone 481J. 78-tf house and enjoyed the evening * ♦ * phone 48; residence 142. F irst FURNISHED front room a p a rt­ with music, games and conver­ National Bank building. CALENDAR OF EVENTS _________ 1_____________ m ent. 349 E. Main St. 77— 1 wk. ___ Tuesday, December 9. Rebekah sation occupying the hours which THE SOUTHERN- OREGON Lodge will have Covered Dish passed very rapidly. FOR SALE CLINIC Light refreshm ents which were luncheon at six o’clock a t the I. 1st National Bank Bldg. brought by the young people were FOR SALE: — Good six room Medical Surgical Obstetrical O. O. F. Hall. Visiting members served late in the evening. house, garage and wood shed, lot Diagnostic X-ray welcome. Those present to enjoy the de­ 50x145 for quick sale. $2300.00 R. W. Stearns, M. D. Friday, December 12. Parent- R. E. Green, M. D. lightful affair w ere Misses Ethel cash or see owner for term s. 132 Teachers will have ‘ Ju n io r High R. W. Sleeter, M D. 5th street. 83— 6 Day at the Junior High School. Smith. Ina Farnsw orth, Alta Office hours 2-5 p. m. Phone 23S-R Mothers are to come and see their Pickett, M argaret Miller. Lolita FOR SALE — W hite Leghorn Pierson. Filvora H atch, Mildred pupils at work. pullets. Phone 17F11. 82— 4 CONVALESCENT HOWIE Elder and Lillian Elder, the Friday, December 12. Past W here the sick get well. Cot­ guest of honor, and Messrs Jim FOR SALE: — W hite Leghorn tage plan. We hoard and care for Noble Grand Club will meet with and A rth u r Roberts, Sam Pres­ laying, pullets. Mrs. W. D. Booth, invalids and old people. M atern­ Mrs. W orthington at her home cott, Hansen. Tom and Philip phone" 257Y. 81— 2 ity dept. Call 153. on Laurel street. Saturday, December 13. College Bryant, John Collings, th e Pea­ MONUMENTS Hatch, Paul FOR SALK — Good heating Club meets with Mrs. Snedicor. body brofthers, Horn and Mr. and Mrs. Elder. stove. 247 Laurel St. 80-7* 19 Mistletoe street, Medford. ASHLAND GRANITE « « a Mrs. Eva M. Carlow’ is hostess. MONUMENTS FOR SALE — Good milk goat, Elect Officers— * « ♦ B lair G ranite Co. $10. Well trained bear and coy­ The W om an’s Benefit Associa­ R ebekah Bazaar— S. PENNISTON, M anager ote dog. Half Cuban blood hound, tion of Maccabees held th eir regu­ The bazaar given by Hope Re­ Office 175 E. Main half English fox hound. Trapped lar m eeting W ednesday evening bekah Lodge last Friday w’as a R es. P h on e 444-Y with two seasons. Mrs. Josselyu, and elected officers for the ensu­ upper end of Ashland St. 80&5* VNY GIRL IN TROUBLE— May very successful affair. A com­ ing year» m ittee composed of Mesdames J. The following officers were communicate with Ensign Lee Z. W ing, F. L. Nelson and F. FOR SALE CHEAP: — Two elected: Commander, Hazel Hab- of the Salvation Army at the cows, one heifer, Jerseys. 890 E. Crouch managed all general ar­ erly; Collector, Josephine W al­ W hlteShield Home, 565 May- Main. 79—5* rangem ents. lace; Finance Keeper, Mabel fair Ave., Portland, Oregon. Mrs. F rank Jordan had charge Moor; Record Keeper, Annie MISCELLANEOUS of the candy booth and Mrs. PLANING MILL B utler W alker was the chairm an Hensley; Lieutenant Commander, FOUND: #— Bunch of keys. Florence P ra tt; Past Commander, Owner may have same b y ‘ des­ I JORDON’S SASH AND CABINET of a com m ittee that dispensed Frances Hobbs; Chaplain, Dora WORKS, Cor. Helman and home cooked food. Mrs. F. L. cribing same and paying for this Payne; Sergent, Frances H ardy; Van N ess. • 1 9 4 tf! ad. 82— 3 Lady at Arms, Elsie Crowson; Sentinel, Lillian Yates; Picket, Makes Rapid Headway Anyone wanting popcorn balls TRANSFER AND EXP/tESS Minnie P orter; Captain, Izora for parties, Christm as or church W hittle T ransfer & Storage Co. | Add This F act to Your S tore o f O skar; Musician, Ivy Sanford. entertainm ents, call 465. S2— 4* for SERVICE. K now ledge A fter the business m eeting a Experienced movers and pack­ DRESSMAKING and plain sew-! Kidney disease often advances social hour was enjoyed and ex­ ers of household goods. Deal­ ing. Mrs. Dale Day, 746 C. street. cellent refreshm ents were serv­ so rapidly th a t many a person is ers in coal and wood. Phone CO— 1 mo. firmly in its grasp before aware ed on tables beautifully decorat­ ______________ _______________ i 117. of its progress. Prom pt attention ed with carnations. DRESSMAKING and Tavlorlng Office 89 Oak St. near Assisting at the tables were should be given the slightest reasonable prices, all work guar­ Hotel Ashland symptom of kidney disorder. If Mesdames Smith, Sanford, Sams, anteed. Mrs. B. Van H arden­ there is a dull pain in the back, Shaw, Scribner, Sackett, and T. L. POWELL— General T rans­ berg, 147 C entral Ave. 55— 1 mo.* fer— Good team and motor headaches, dizzy spells or a tir­ Stevens. * « * trucks. G ,od service at a rea- ed, w orn-out feeling, or if the kidneys secretions are offensive, Junior High Day— eouab?e price. Phone 83. _____________ * _____ irregular and attended by pain, One of the outstanding pro­ procure a good kidney remedy at gram s of the year In the Parent- FEHIGE-ROACH T ransfer — Express — Storage once. Teacher calendar will be the Your townspeople recommend “ Junior High Day” which is to Hauling — Dray woTk of all kinds. Quick m otor service. Dry Doan's Pills. Read the statem ent be given at the Ju n io r High Also Take Salts Occasion­ wood of all kinds. Phone 410-R of this Ashland citizen. school Friday, December 12. At ally if Your Back Hurts 37 5 B. St. Mrs. S. A. Eddings, 259 B. St., this time -every m other who has 1 12-tf says: “ Some time age my kid­ a child in the Ju n io r High School or Bladder Bothers ASHLAND PAINT CO neys were out of order. I became is asked to go th ere and will be Dependable run down and had no energy. My conducted through the rooms and Kidney and bladder irritations Painting C ontractors & Decorators back w’as weak and lame and shown the work of the pupils. often result from acidity, says a SWENNING & GEAR ached dreadfully. The action of Students at the school are pre­ noted authority. The kidneys Phone 408-J 57-1 mo.* niv kidneys was irreg u lar also. paring exhibits to he displayed help filter this acid from the Doan’s Pills soon relieved the on th a t date and the teachers blood and pass it on to the blad­ WOOD SAWING aches and pains and put my kid­ will show the parents what the der, where it may remain to Ir­ children are doing. During the ritate and inflame, causing a WANTED— Wood sawing. Tel neys in good condition.’’ Price 60c, at all dealers. Don’t afternoon a business session will burning, scalding sensation, or 470-J. 63— lmo* simply ask for a kidney remedy be held and a program given setting up an irritation at the - — get Doan’s Pills — the same which will be annolnced later. neck of the bladder, obliging you For a smooth shave th at Mrs. Eddings had. Foster- A com m ittee is in charge of to seek relief two or three times and quick service go Milburn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. the social hour and states th at during the night. The sufferer to the Shell Barber Y. No. 44 refreshm ents will be served d u r­ is in constant dread; the w ater Shop. Ladles and ing the afternoon. passes sometimes with a scalding children get your hair « • • sensation and Is very profuse; bobbed and marcel Entertain At Dinner— again, there Is difficulty in void­ led. Mr. and Mrs. Gene H astings en­ ing it. tertained with a dinner a t their Bladder weaknesses, most folks W. A. SHELL, Prop. home on Fairview street Sunday call it because they can’t control >32 A. St. Ashland. Ore evening. A delicious dinner was urination. W hile it is extrem e­ J L . . . T / T — W1 ■■■ -■ served bv the hostess, followed ly annoying and sometimes very by a pleasant evening spent play­ painful, this is often one of the ing games. most simple ailm ents to over­ See— u s e d e a c h y e a r O Guests for the occasion were come. Begin drinking lots of soft BEAVER REALTY CO. t h a n a n y o t h e r - Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Clift and w ater, also get about four ounces fo r Bargains in Keal-Hs- Mr. and Mrs. Nate Bates. of Jad Salts from your pharm a­ tate. We also handle In­ B ecause cist and take a tablespoonful in a h ifi» you can rely surance and Loans. 82-tf glass of w ater before breakfast. Continue this for two or three on it to stop Salem — C. J. Pugh, invent­ days. This will help neutralize or, will build factory for fru it the cough the acids in the system so ♦hey handling machinery. and check no longer are a source of irrita ­ the cold tion to the bladder and urinary Salem — $133,000 already is NO NARCOTICS organs, which then act normal subscribed for $150,000 Miles again. S o ld E v e r y w h e r e Linen Company mill and business. U s e d 3 n d r e c o m m e n d e d s in c e 1R 72 Jad Salts is inexpensive, and is Red Pepper Rub takes the made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia, “ouch" from sore, stiff, aching 73-Year-Old Gland and is used by thousands of folks joints. It cannot h u rt you, and Patient Sets Up who are subject to urinary dis­ it certainly stops that old rheu­ orders caused by acid Irritation. matism at once. Running Record * ‘ a i Jad Salts causes no bad effects When your are suffering so.you i, whatever. can hardly get around, just try Onlookers were amazed to see Here you have a pleasant, ef­ Red Pepper Rub and you will a 73-year-old ru nner dash across fervescent lithia-w ater drink have the quickest relief know’n. the line w inner of a 50-yard ru n ­ which may quickly relieve your Nothing has such concentrated, ning race in the sensational time bladder irritation. By all means penetrating heat as red peppers. of 6 seconds, ju st 4-5 of a second have your physician examine your Ju st as soon as you apply Red short of the w orld's record. This Pepper Rub you will feel the kidneys at least twice a year. CURED WITHOUT OPERATION alm ost unbelievable incident oc­ tingling heat. In three m inutes many thousands have been re- curred at the annual field meet it warms the sore spot through ' lieved of Piles by my non-surgica) held at one of C alifornia’s State A R E L IA B L E GOUGH REM EDY and through. Pain and soreness treatments that it is folly to endure the Institutions. suffering and ill health .resulting from Why experim ent with unknown are gone. It was another victory for Sci­ Rectal and Colon disorders. Ask any good druggist for a remedies for th at cough or cold ence, proving again th a t youth­ To prove the certainty of relief by my when -you can secure FOLEY’S ja r of Rowles Red Pepper R u b .: methods, I unhesitatingly G UARAN­ ful vigor, stam ina, am bition and HONEY AND TAR COMPOUND? Be sure to get the genuine, with ) TEE to cure any case o f Piles or refund power may be restored by reviv­ It is a safe and reliable remedy the name Rowles on each pack-! the patients reasonable fee. ing the vital glands of the body, ! Send or call today for my FREE boob for the winner was a gland pa­ for the relief of coughs, colds, age. describing reflex condi­ tient. hoarseness.. Equally beneficial for tions doe to Rectal and young and old. Mrs. Anna C ornell.. Glandogen, the new scientific Colon disorders. Bridgeton, N. J., states: “ I bought gland tonic, prepared in tablet j -----isaCombined FOLEY’S HONEY AND TAR M S O lC lllS T r e a tm e n t, form provides a simple method COMPOUND for my cold and find 3®th local and internal, and has beer DEAN. M.DJnc of taking glandular treatm ent. It g reat.” Insist upon the genuine. successful in the treatment of Catarrh ___ x _ jtx v k a i t i x Glandogen, for men and women, Refuse substitutes. Sold every­ for ov r 40 years. Sold by all druggist ! is obtainable at E ast Side Pharm - F. J- CHENEY « CO .. T oledo. Oiv. where. , acy. Mail orders accepted. - PLENJYJF WATER J£gwg Marshfield -— Coos Bay Steam) Laundry moves into new $100,060 plant, rebuilt after fire. KANSAS PRO KLAN PAPER BLOWN UP Salem— R. C. Reese of Prairie City applies for power perm it on Straw berry Cree, Grant county to develop 1278 h. p. Portland — W ork to begin at once on $1,000,000 mausoleum in Mt. Scott Park cemetery. There is wisdom in reading ads. .1- C- Barne.,, 6 S. Central, Medford. Oregon 100 USED AUTOMOBILES IVe Have For Sale This Week at The Park Garage Which Show the Wonderful Bargains ________ in Used Cars We Are Offering M a s te r 6 B u ick, 5 Passenger Coupe - $1500 SEDANS Chevrolet Ford «PJ t o u r in g Dodge <7 __ ' ’ I ' CARS ..................... $475 ................................. Chevrolet ..................... $375 Olds 8 .................................$450 Velie .............................. $250 Chalmers ........................... $350 Buick ............................. $300 Ford ................................... $50 $225 Maxwell ...........................$ 75 Paige .................................$650 Chevrolet ......... Chevrolet ..........................$125 Chevrolet ..................... $250 Dodge Hudson Super-Six ........... $200 Hudson ..............................$250 Ford ............ m is c e l l a n e o u s PHAMBEHLAINQ Ford Roadster ................... Saw PILES Auto makes two trips to tract each week. No expense to you. There is a reason. Meridian ready made farm s is an extraordinary proposition. Come to my office and talk to those who have bought. Irrigated, level, deep silt loam soil, on paved Highway. All modern conveniences in. Cuts nine t o - t w l r e tons alfalfa per acre. No better fruit and garden V w , p l a c e . Near best m arkets. Ideal, suuuy climate. 1 HONE 784-L SEE or WRITE IVe Have Selected a Few of the Ford Bug ......... RED PEPPER HEAT FARMERS WANTED Meridian Ready Made Farms Meridian, California COFFEYVILLE, Kans., Dec. 8 — The Daily Dawn, a pro Ku Klux Kian newspaper blew up today in an explosion which is claimed to have done damage estimated at. $75,000. Police authorities of thia city say the explosion was either incendiary or due to defec­ tive gas lines. An investigation has been started to fix the cause of the accident. wny <>*= U COUGH REMEDY U Hall's Catarrh éa>b • • • • • • • • • • Ford Roadster ..................... $125 Willvs-Knisht ..................... $500 King 8 Sport ........................$1,000 Chevrolet Delivery ............... $250 Henderse») Motorcycle ami side-car .......................... $ 50 Oakland Roadster ........ $250 Ford Roadster with starter . .$ 75 Excelsior Motorcycle .......... $ JO Park Garage Ashland, Oregon