Í>A uk t UO —¿SÙi - B fe ASHLAND DAILY T ID IN G AaaiÀruì öAttf w ares I ^ » ■ ■ » ..ì» • i¿¡á ■■■■iiáikíill £ * a i« i thfetn.” American dishes, and few places where he could get them J English classes. Rising ! if h,e did thlt,k »»' Yet our grandmothers made such i The regula,^ „ °~ h t M t , sent 11 r iirii«a>niP»iiiBaWniii'ii ~~ ' the tropical development ** ' • > * * j. . fuchday, December y, iyù4 pro­ crease in commerce with Latin- from tim ekeeper over gram in both sugar and banana America, but the surface ba« (Estabibhed In 1876) a gang of blacks in the jungle of plantations -and was closely as­ merely been scratched as yet.” ------------ ------- ’turkey and pumpkin pie, such apple turnovers and out by the variou3 typew riting Costa Rica to the head of a $100,- sociated with the late A. W. C utter was m arried in 1913 to P u blished E very fevcning E xcept Sunday by ’brown betties as sent a thrill of delight around the world companies for aw ards were given 000,000 company in the short Preston, whom he succeeded. Miss Florence De Jongh, daugh­ THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. W ednesday, November 26. Thp space of tw enty years, C utter is When asked w hether or not a te r of the Dutch counsul at _________________________ land were justly famed at home and abroad. of the speed tests have the latest addition to the ranks college education is necessary for Guatemala. They have two son» **e rt R- , Giy er ..........................................................................................E ditor' Let Americans return to the foods of their fathers. results not been announced. of successful executives who success ¡11 business, C utter "re-' and a daughter. -------------------------------------------------------------------- L »Let them delight in a savory meat stew without calling started from th e bottom, with plied: OFFICIAL CITY PA PER ..................................................... Telephone 89 it by some foreign name hv which it would not recognize The Forensic Society, which out friends, money, or “ pull” and “ I do not believe a college edu-i Entered a t th e A shland, Oregon P o sto ffice as Second C lass Mall M atter itself. Let them 1 revel in deep dish puddings and brown j meets next Tuesday evening, will landed at the top through their cation is necessary for success. The Dalles — J. G. Heimrlch Subscription P rice, D elivered in City e turnovers. The palates ot of men as gi great study Roberts’ Rules of Order. own industry. His maxims for I know many men who achieved buys 253,000,000 feet national One Month ........................................................... ............„ .................. $ 65 Betties and apple Reports will be given by Virginia success are: genuine success in business who 3 hree Months .......................................................... ---------------- w i-95iR8 any we have today have been delighted with these!.. . forest tim ber, and will build mill Six Months ............................................................................................ 3 . 7 5 ', . ' , , , • , | Hopper, Lucille Boss, Lilly Land- never went to college, hut they Take your job seriously. here to cut 70,000,000 feet a year. One Year ............................................................................ .................... 7.50 things and we should preserve them as a national heritage.! ing Dorothy Stevens. Edith Pium- W ork as hard as possible. helped educate themselves by B y Mail and R ural B on tés ------------------------------ ! mer, Elizabeth Stearns, Gordon reading. Education aldne will Do not watch the clock. One Month .. I not $ .65 m ake a man. Education Is HURRY IS ON i MacCracken and Albie Beck. Learn every detail of your job. Three Months 1.95 a tool.” Six Months ............................................................................................ 3.50 Christmas shoppers beginning to lrurrv. Remaining i At Christmas t,me a PlaY win Keep your tem per and your One Year 6.50 ,. v x t i 1 x »i x ¡b e given by the society, and a smile. C utter believes th a t the great time • is short. Jerusalem cherry trees • in xi the ’ x flower stores. committpe ,s now trylng t0 select Study and read in idle mo-' potential m arkets for the United DISPLAY ADVERTISING R A TES The first poinsettias, too. All the shop windows look a suitable one. ments. dingle insertion, per inch ............................................................ $ .30 States are China and Central and Y early Contracts • ‘Christmasy.” Dolls and more dolls. Toys for little Guard your health. DESERVES THE BEST South America. He said: One insertion a week ................................................................... .27% Dorothy Reid and Waive W ith­ Never give up. boys. Tinsel and silver and gold “ rain.” Thoughtful­ “ Europe is already well devel­ Two insertions a week ................................................................... .25 Bring or send it to are g o in g ‘ to leave Ashland “ The principal rule a young oped. China is rem ote, hut Latin- Dally Insertion ................................................................................ .20 eyed men regarding windows devoted to women’s things. row the middle of December for the man should follow in starting in R a tes for L egal and M iscellaneous A dvertising This is indeed a problem of solemn portent. Here and South. Miss Reid is going to business a fte r leaving school,” America is right a t our door. We The Medford Veterinarian F irst insertion, per 8 point line ................................................. I .10 have been having a great in­ Hospital Each subsequent insertion, 8 point line .................. - ............ .05 Stockton and perhaps to Los said C utter, “ is th a t nothing is there somebody taking home a Christmas tree—cut much C-ard of Thanks ................................................................................. 1.00 A few dressed turkeys as “ teasers” in the Angeles, while Miss W ithrow accomplished w ithout hard work, Obituaries, per line ............................................. ....................................02% too soon. Dr. e c ulloch plans to spend her vacation in and often very hard work. It is market windows. No trouble now to get Johnny to carry Gradual«* Veterinarian WHAT CONSTITUTES ADVERTISING - San Francisco. The girls ex­ wise to choose a business you “ All future events, where an admission charge is made or a in wood or Susie to wipe the dishes. They have become pect to retu rn for the second se­ Corner Fifth & Grape Sts. are fond of, for your advance­ collection taken is A dvertising. self-starters. It is nearly Christmas. m ester of school. m ent is hound to he sw ifter; but, No discount will be allowed Religious or Benevolent orders. Phone 369 after all, the prom otions in busi­ DONATIONS Mrs. E lbert Farlow’e gave a ness depend entirely on the man MEDIT)RI), IIregon THE WEST IN THE POLITICAL SADDLE No donations to charities or otherw ise will be made in advertis- kitchen show for Mrs. Lloyd himself. If he is industrious, lias, tog or job printing— our contributions will be in cash. The West certainly has no cause for complaint in the Smith, form erly Miss Iona Beck- the w elfare of the employer at for Christm as with new wall paper, paint organization of Congressional affairs. With General tel of the Ashland High School, heart, does not worry about the 1 will he at The Fast DECEMBER ft or kalsomine Friday evening at her home on MAKING HASTE TO BF. RICH :— He th a t by usury and unjust Dawes of Chicago, presiding over the Senate, Mr. Borah clock, and uses his imagination i Side Pharmacy in Ash­ gain increaseth his substance he shall gather it for him th a t will Morton street. Fourteen of Mrs. and his best ability, he will go of Idaho, heading Foreign Relations; Mr. Smoot of Utah, land every Wednesday, pity the poor.— Proverbs 28:8. Sm ith’s girl friends were invited I ahead. PR A Y ER :— Enable us, O God, to lay up our treasure in heaven, chairman of Finance; Mr. Warren of Wyoming, chairman 12:30 to 7 p. m. Call there to attend, and a pleasant evening “ A nother im portant detail is to and where our treasure is there will our hearts be also. of Appropriations; Mr. Johnson of California, chairman was enjoyed. or phone 51. see th a t you understand your job of Immigration; Mr. Norris of Nebraska, chairman of Ag­ thoroughly. Too many men are DOGS ON AUTOMOBILES The Sophomores met W ednes­ plugging away at jobs they do Carrying dogs on the running-board of an automobile riculture, and Mr. Capper of Kansas, Mr. Stanfield of day at noon to decide upon a not understand, and the reason is results in many dogs being killed by falling off or being Oregon, Mr. Jones of Washington and half a dozen others suitable initiation for the F resh ­ they do not try to learn. One | thrown off, and killed or maimed, and many are lost on in important chairmanships, the western country will he men. Present plans are' th a t the m ust keep his tem per and his party will be held December 12. smile, and read and study in idlej the highways. The Oregon State Humane Society has fairly in command of Senate proceedings. m om ents.” i In the House, with Ways and Means, Agriculture, prepared and will present a law to protect dogs carried The A nniversary Play, “ The C utter was born in Dracut, ’ Appropriations, Immigration, Military Affairs, Public Charm School,” was presented December 24tli, we will give away several Ar­ in this way. Mass., anl w orkel On a farm. mour Hams to the parties guessing the number of It is called an act regulating and prohibiting carry­ Lands and Veterans’ Legislation et al. in western hands, last W ednesday evening in the while attending publlc school i n j articles in the beautiful colored cards in our win­ High School A uditorium and was order tQ make money (o go’ tQ ing dogs on automobiles and provides that it shall be un­ and Martin B. Madden of Illinois as speaker, it will be pronounced one of the best ever D artm outh College. G raduating dow, showing the various activities and pro«luets lawful to carry a dog upon the hood, fender, running board their ow’ir fault if things do not go as they want them. given by the Ashland High School. from D artm outh with the decree of The Armour Plant. or other external part of an automobile unless the same Much credit Is given Miss W heel­ of B. L., he entered the Tuck Storing up bruises for Willie: “ He is so strong er, in stru cto r in the English de- shall be protected by a frame work, carrier, or other de­ COSTS NOTHING School of A dm inistration and willed we can’t do a thing with him.” partm ent, for the able m anner PinanCe and ' ' • i T CYCOL l tëïp! \\