O8UXÎJ Kitt« ttMSö« PROFESSIONAL the needle. brtrmL-r s, i (>-24 Davies and thé succisa of it was ihe accordion by one of the men amounted to 110,575,289. The rooms Were decorated with due to her. Salem — Underwriting of Who is traveling with the Reno Production of coffee, the third chrysanthem um s a n d b u rn in g , Those present were Mr. and deieganon and a buck and w in g 'la rg e s t industry, brought in a last of $200,000 Y. M. C. A PHYSICIANS Clanaifled Column Rates candles while the small tables on Mrs. R. L. Grefcn, Mr. and Mrs. <- og dance by the Merino Trio retu rn of $744,511. building fund completed. One cent the word each which the refreshm ents were Coleman, Mrs. Bussey, Mrs. Tuny, coalt.are lraVeliUg fr° ni coast t o ! ^ P o s its in 'territorial banks DR. HAWLEY— Above Tidings 'time served were very daintily arran g ­ Mrs. W alters, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. office. Phone 91. To run every issue for one Miss Velma Clapp in gypsy! counts' ed. Jones, Mr. Briggs, Mrs Trast&n,! Miss E dith D odge, E d itor month or more, *-4c the word Apply over throat and chest Guests for the afternoon were) Mr. L. H. S uttler, Mr. and Mrs. j costume gave a solo'Jiance in 'h Z r1 1 2 ? ° , ♦ZS’Z38’36U’ DR. C. W. HANSON P hon e item s to her at 3 9 , betw een —swallow small pieces o l— each time. Mesdames Mannings, th e guest L. H. W yant, Mr. and Mrs. S a m ; usual charm ing m anner ! .h . 13 “ the hl9tory of Dentist ming manner S a. in. and 5 p. m. of honor, Toogood, E verett B ee-! Davies and Mr. and Mrs. Merle v_ . •! he lf>rritory, the report stated, Special attention given to pyor­ T,USiC by, , Dickey’s orches-f H awaii’s population was plac- sou, R. E. Robertson, Charies Dunlap. FOR RENT rhoea. Office upstairs in Beaver a was thoroughly enjoyed by all, ed at 307.100 o r an increase of V V a r o R ub Holdridge, F ran k Holdridge, J. * * * - • until a very late hour. Q p t r 17 Million J a r t U eed Yearfr CALENDAR OF EVEENTS Block. Phone 178-J. 233-tf. FOR RENT: — Very nicely The success of the evenins- was I i approximately son Pci,.,, , 51,000 since the Monday, December 8. Q uarter­ Terrill. Gowers, C. W. Glasgow, E ntertains at Bridge— furnished flat, including piano, DR. G. <’. PHETTEPLACE One of the outstanding social due largely to the entertaPnmnt i ~ __01 a censua- ly supper of M artha G illette W illiam Gleim, H. S. Gleim, E. D entist ry reasonable, 446 Allison, Cor. Adamson, F rank Holdridge, J. I affairs of the week was the p a rty , committee composed of Norma chapter, will be held at Presby­ Gas or local anesthesia for ex -1 Gresham. Apply Mrs. Bergner, S. Crawford, Thomas Phelan, F. C. | given at the home of Mrs. D. j Reeder, chairm an. Grace Ridley. terian church. There’s a message in The next door E lharts Drug Store, u p -! o X u T o t t “„" h mln ° \ ’ C arter, Misses i Perozzi on G ranite street Satur-: Dora Hubbard, Eurania Miller Tidings W ant Ads. Monday, December 8. Ladies Reimer, George ’ p Special attention given to straight- stairs. 82— 2* ening and care of children’s Art Club will meet at Civic C l u b 'Lucy Bressler, Eleanor Powers, i day evening. Sixteen guests were 1 Rowena Roberts and Taylor, "2--- ! ■ . teeth. house. all °f Talent and Mrs. A. E. I bidden to the Perozzi home to! Many expressed the desire that APARTMENT FOR RENT. — Above Citizens Bank Monday, December 8. Auxiliary Perry of Medford and Mrs. R. J. j spend the evening playing b rid g e.' these Rebekah entertainm ents be 5 rooms, pantry and bath, nicaly Phone. Office, 151— Res., 201-J to Trinity Guild will have card Luke, Mrs. S- Luke, George R o ss! Mrs. F. G. Swedenburg won high repeated during the winter. furnished and clean. 155 7th St. DR. ERNEST A. WOODS— Prac- and Mali Jongg party a t Parish and E. Judd of Ashland. honors and Mrs. Jordan was given For sweetheart, s i c k 81— tf * * * tlce limited to eye, ear, nose ana the consolation. House, eight o’clock. ------------------------------ ----------------- ! friend, mother or dad. FOR RENT— Furnished apart- j th ro at— J^-ray including teeth. D elightful refreshm ents were Tuesday. December 9. Alpha Medford Couple Wed— Let a BOUQUET do it. Buy Mileage Also m ent, garage, 272 Maple street. . Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 tc Social Circle will meet in Ma- A very pretty wedding was served on the small bridge ta b le s : —the best that we have. 5, Swedenburg Bldg., A sh la n d ,so n ic Hall. solemnized a t the Congregation­ after many hours spent playing 77— tf Our Diamond Tires will al parsonage a t eight o’clock cards. Ore. i Tuesday, December 9. Re­ x FOR RENT?" — 5-room fur- give you more miles per llow simple it is to se­ bekah Lodge will have Covered Friday evening when Miss F lor­ Those present were Mesdames; nished house. Inquire. 121 Laurel j Dlt. E. B. ANGELL—Chiropractic dollar tliau you can get lect a Bouquet with Qual­ Dish luncheon a t six o’clock at ence Mae Bradwlck and Mr. Fred Jordan, McNair, T. Sanford, Geo. St. 79-1 wk.* 1 and Electro-Therapy. Office elsewhere. v _ the I O. O. F. Hall. Visiting J. Norman were united In m ar­ Gillette, Allen, Tomlinson, Will ity Flowers. list out the phone 48; residence 142. First members welcome. riage, Reverend W. Judson Old­ Dodge, Louis Dodge, F. D. W ag­ FOR R EN T:— Lower floor of j highway. We guarantee them National Bank building. Friday, December 12. Parent- field officiating. ner, J. M. W agner, F. G. Swe­ WASHINGTON, Dec. S. — A my home. 5 rooms well furnished. Only the immediate relatives denburg, V. V. Mills, Gordon Mac- determ ined fight is to be made Teachers will -have “ Ju n io r High Large garage. Close in. Adults. THE SOUTHERN OREGON of the pair were present. Day” at the Ju n io r High School. Cracken, Emil Pell, L. N. Wood- by Japanese and other Orientals I Phone 481J. 78-tf CLINIC The bride and groom are both side, Emma Oeder and the charm ­ born in Hawaii for the right to 1st N ational Bank Bldg. Saturday, December 13. Col­ HATCHER FURNISHED front room a p a rt­ M edical Surgical O bstetrical lege Club meets with Mrs. Sne- residents of Medford and mem­ ing hostess, Mrs. Perozzi. pass, w ithout interference, to the “ The F lorist” D iagnostic X-ray ment. 34 9 E. Main St. 77— 1 wk. » « « dicor at 19 Mistletoe street. Med­ bers of the younger set. They ex­ mainland o f the United States, 1070 Boulevard R. W. Stearns, M. D. pect to make th eir hom e-in th at Rebekah Entertainment— it was revealed today in the an-i BOULEVARD and SHERMAN ford, Mrs. Eva M. Carlow, hos­ Open on Sunday— We Deliver FOR SALE R. E. Green, M. D. city. A very delightful and success­ nual report of Governor F a rrln g -' R. W. Sleeter, M. D. tess. * * * e » « FOR SALE — W hite Leghorn Office hours 2-5 p. m. ful entertainm ent was given by ton, made to the Secretary of the Phone 238-R ' E n tertain s Friends— pullets. Phone 17F11. 82— 4 K itchen Khowei*— Hope Rebekah Lodge at the Odd interior. Mrs. F. C. Dillard entertained Mrs. E lbert Farlow and Miss American citizens of Oriental I Fellow Hall Friday evening, Dec. CONVALESCENT HOME FOR SALE: — W hite Leghorn a num ber of her friends a t her Dorothy Reid charm ingly en ter­ 5, to a large and appreciative. ancestry are now subjected to W here the sick get well. Cot­ laying pullets. Mrs. W. D. Booth, tage plan. We hoard and care for home on Iowa street Friday tained a t th e house of the form er w hat appears to citizens of H a­ “ Memory Lane Revue” and “A phone 257Y. 81— 2 invalids and old people. M atern­ afternoon in honor of Mrs. O. A. with a kitchen shower Friday New Kind of Man” were danced waii as discrim ination, the r e - : ity dept. Call 153. Manning who has returned to evening honoring Mrs. Lloyd by a chorus composed of Delphine port declared. -------i ■■ ■ FOR SALE — Good heating this valley after an absence of Smith, nee Iona Bechtel. ' The Sackett, Bronough Hughes, Oma These Oriental citizens, whose Btove. 24 7 Laurel St. 80-7* MONUMENTS three years. gifts presented to Mrs. Smith were GeBauer, M argaret num ber is steady increasing, will Churchman r FOR SALE — Good milk goat, ASHLAND GRANITE The enjoyable hours were beautiful and varied. and Audrey Brown accompanied lay their claims before the Presi­ $10. Well trained bear and coy­ MONUMENTS spent playing games and playing The first p art of the eveuing by Mrs. J. Z. W ing, soloist. dent, it. is understood, in the near; ote dog. Half Cuban blood hound, Blair G ranite Co. was spent playing games and en­ An Indian Love Song was ren ­ future, in an effort to secure half English fox hound. Trapped S. PENNISTON, M anager joying music, and the group la­ dered in a m ost pleasing m anner privileges of free traveling into I NOTICE OF FINAL with two seasons. Mrs. Josselyn,! Office 17S E. Main te r journeyed- to the “ W inter by Mrs. Pearl K earney in Indian all parts of continental United SETTLEMENT upper end of Afihland St. 80&5* | Res. Phone 4 4 4 -Y G ardens” to the dance there. costume. M aster H arrison Leer States. In County Court, Jackson Dainty refreshm ents served by The report declared that gener- j then pleased the audience with a FOR SALE CHEAP: — Two %NY GIRL IN TROUBLE—May County, Oregon. th e two hostesses added to the selection entitled ‘ Barking at the al health and industrial condi­ cows, one heifer, Jerseys. 890 E. communicate with Ensign Lee E state of Renaldo A. Lares, enjoym ent of the evening. tions have been very satisfactory Moon.” Main. 79—5* of the Salvation Army at the Deceased. Those present were Misses throughout the year, with the Mrs. Leonard Lund'B reading W hiteShleld Home, 565 May- The undersigned A dm inistrator Carol Van Dyke, Pearl W ardle, two largest industries, su g ar, MISCELLANEOUS entitled “ The Court of Boyvllle” of the E state of Renaldo A. Lares, Velma Clapp, Dorothy Kellogg, fair Ave., Portland, Oregon. and pineapple, producing the ; Deceased, has filed in said Court Waive W ithrow, Genevieve Hens­ and “ Peterson on the Telephone” FOUND: — Bunch of keys. largest crops on record, which PLANING MILL his Final Account as A dm inistra­ ley, Bronaugh Hughes. E lbert by Mr. Peterson in person were Owner may have same by des­ ! have been sold at fair prices, delightfully rendered. cribing same and paying for this JORDON’S SASH AND CABINET tor, and the Judge of said Court Greer, Alice and Louise Ruger, th e ' Total trade between the Ter- ! The carnival spirit of has designated Saturday, Jan u ary ad. 82— 3 WORKS, Cor. Helman and Mesdames Dale Young, Claire dance which followed was car-! ritory and the mainland of the 3, 1925 at 10:00 A. M. at the lffinard and the hostesses, Mrs. ried out hy a dainty booth de-i United States amounted to $17S,- Van Ness. 194tf Anyone wanting popcorn balls Court House in Jacksonville. Ore­ Farlow and Miss Reid. corated in red and green. P r e - ; R16.499, Hawaii sold products to for parties, Christm as or church gon as the tim e and place to hear TRANSFER AND EXPRESS * * * siding over this were Mesdames] the m ainland valued at $109,- entertainm ents, call 4 65. 82— 4* Whittle Transfer A Storage Co. any objections to the approval of Mable Jordan- and Laura Love i 000,000, and bought from the J Engagement Announced— A home with a Victrola somehow seems said Account. for SERVICE. DRESSMAKING and plain sew­ The engagem ent of Miss Myra who sold paper caps and can d v ! m ainland centers products vain-1 a merrier place for children. Experienced njoverB and pack G. F. BILLINGS, A dm inistrator. G unter of Corvallis, to Merle P. ing. Mrs. Dale Day, 746 C. street. at $69,000,000, H awaii’s during the evening. The lights ed 77— 5 Mon. era of household goods. Deal­ 60— 1 mo. Bailey, 1924 graduate of the Ore­ were prettily decorated in harm ­ trade with foreign countries There can be no gift more welcome, in ) ers In coal and wood. Phone gon A gricultural College has been ony with the color schemes. any home in the world. DRESSMAKING and Taylorlng 117. announced. The engagem ent The bazaar table was presided reasonable prices, all work guar­ A ou do not have to study tastes; the Office 89 Oak St. near was made known a t the Thanks­ over by Mesdames Lena Nelson, anteed. Mrs. B. Van Uarden- Hotel Ashland \ ictrola pleases everyone, because there giving dinner a t the Acacia fra ­ Bessie Crouch and Alice Gowland. berg, 147 C entral Ave. 55— 1 mo.* tern ity house. Miss G unter is . A lovely quilt made by the are th o u s a n d s of V ic to r R eco rd s to I1« L. POWELL— General T rans­ teaching in the Corvallis schools R ebekah’s to be given to the Odd choose from. fer— Good team and motor this year. Mr. Bailey is engag- Fellow Home In Portland with DESERVES THE BEST track s. G tod service at a rea- Noble and serious music for grown peo­ ed in experim ental work with the other Christm as gifts was paid for Use the Old-time Sage Tea souab.’a price. Phone 83. Bring or send it to ple; jolly music for the young; and for General Electric company in by a ten cent march on the way and Sulphur and No­ Pittsfield, Mass. to a delightful supper of dough­ The Medford Veterinarian the littlest ones, the new Victor Bubble FEHIGE-ROACH body W ill know Miss G unter graduated from the nuts and coffee. Books; come in and hear these! Every­ Transfer — Express — Storage ! Hospital Ashland high school in 1916 and Special features of the evening body likes them! J ” m® ” tOr ’' _8erV,ce- ° ' k " D « ry " I | den°t<* O ra>' hai'-- »owever handsome. ! F R O M C O L D S advancing has a large num ber of friends were several selections played on Dr. E. U. M ed LI.OU11, age. We all C ome early! wood of all kinds. Phone 410-R know the advantages of a youth­ as well as relatives in this city Graduate Veterinarian who wish her every happiness. 375 B .jSt. 112-tf ful appearance. Your hair Is your « * * P h y sic ia a s warn against neglect- j Comer Fifth & Grape Sts. charm. It makes or m ars the Charavari Couple— lu g rou gh s and cold s and tell o f j ASHLAND PA IN T CO face. \\ hen it fades, tu rn s gray Thursday evening a num ber o f' th e seriou s lung ‘com plications Phone 369 D ependable and looks streaked, ju st a few friends of Mr. and Mrs. Merle! that may r e s u lt L eading physi- Paiuting C ontractors & Decorators Open Evenings. Reserve your Victrola now MEDFORD, Oregon applications of Sage Tea and Sul­ Dunlap Journey to th eir h o m e' eian s now ¡«-escribe BALSAMEA SWENNING & GEAR 145 E. Main phone 213 phur enhances its appearance a and charavaried them. The for nil bronchial affections. BAL­ PI ig . zv • ..5 7 -1 m o* often find themselves with Hundred-fold. group brought cider and cake SAMEA is a pure vegetable prep­ 1 will be at The East Don’t stay gray! Yook young! with them and the evening was; guests and without cakes WOOD SAWING aration m ade from a new ly dis-j Side Pharmacy in Ash­ E ither prepare the recipe at home spent m aking merry a t the ex-i covered plant... Dr. B enj. F. ' New Victor Records, Once a Week to top off the dessert. WANTED— Wood sawing. Tel or get from any drug store a pense of the young couple. The land every Wednesday, Every Week—Friday Crabtree, A nderson, Mo., w rites: i 470-J. 63— Imo* bottle of “ W yeth’s Sage and Sul­ affair was planned by Mrs. Sam 12:36 to 7 p. in. Call there “I u se it exclu sively for my prac- Depend upon us in phur Compound,” which is m ere­ tic® and my fam ily. It is quick, or pimu?" 51. ly the old-time recipe improved sure and sa fe in its action lik e j - I these occasions. We have by the addition of other ingred­ nothing else.” cakes of all kinds that will PUT CREAM IN NOSE ients. Thousands of folks recom­ Toward the end of the influ­ ment this ready-to-use preparation AND STOP CATARRH enza epidemic a governm ent phy-j help to make your dinner because it darkens the hair beau­ sician noticed th a t a tribe of In­ Tells How To Open Clogged more enjoyable. tifully, besides, no one can pos­ dians in Nevada, by the use of oils Noetrils and End Head-Colds. sibly tell, as it darkens so n atu r from a native pi,-flit were immune The best on the m arket ally and evenly. You moisten a from the ravages of Influenza. You feel fine in a few m inutes.! sP°n«e or soft brush with it, He used these oils among his Your cold in head or catarrh w ill: draw ing this through the hair, white patients aud then in a hos­ small strand at a time, THE ASHLAND FURNITURE pital overflowing with ‘d e ath ” be gone. Your clogged nostrils I tak in S COMPANY m orning the gray hair disap- eases. New’s of the results swept will open. The air passages of 83 N. Main the world and for some tim e it your head will clear and you pears; a fte r another application or two, its n atu ral color is resto r­ can breathe freely. No more dull­ was not possible to supply the T H E . U N IV K R 9 A L OAR ness, headache; no hawking. ed and it becomes thick, glossy demand. BALSAMEA has now been snuffling, mucous discharges or and •ostrous, and you appear standardized and gives uniformly dryness; no struggling for breath years younger. m iraculous results in four ways: at night. Tell your druggist you want a 1. It soothes the inflamed mem­ branes and relieves irritation, 2. small hottie of Ely's Cream Balm. It increases secretion of mucous Apply a little of this fragrant, and perm its easy expectoration, ] antiseptic cream in your nostrils, 3. It stim ulates pores of the akin- let Penetrate through every air in throw ing off body poisons and 4] PasRage of the head; soothe and It strikes at the cause, checking: ,ieal the swolen, inflamed muc ous membrane, and relief comes germ action immediately. E ffe c tiv e D ecem b er 2nd, the F ord M otor C om p an y an ­ Do not confuse it with ordin­ instantly. n o u n ce s n ew low p rices on all Ford ears — a red u ction o f It is just w hat every cold and ary balsam cough syrups th at are T w e n ty -liv e D ollars on th e F ordor S ed an, and lo w er prices only soothing syrups and do not catarrh sufferer needs. Don’t s ta y ' and asa go to the base of the trouble. ’ atuffed-up and miserable. on all oth er ty p e s m ake Ford C ars— even greater valu e than Unlike other cough rem edies' -■ — — M . Preventive ev e r b efo re. BALSAMEA is free from coal ta r .. . „ and other harm ful narcotics. I ° rt 1 en ^ delivery Pleasant to take and al,»..h,,e lv 7 ’ ” '" '" a " Kura“ '<1 ' ’ecomker 1, NEW P R IC E S f t . to give to children. ' I ,t>r de" ’ e r>'- Laxative Classified Column L pcißtl/' V« Fresh, Fragrant Flowers DON’T Buy Tires 1 » IN IIS W. & N. Service Station i. ., ■ — The Children Would Love a Christmas Victrola Y on r Pet P N E U M O N IA USUALLY STARTS THE ROSE Hostesses Lang Ranges The Franklin Bakery Phone 199 ALL PRICES REDUCED For Colds, Influ­ enza Take Be sure you get' BAL-SA-ME-A with the picture of the Indian on the package. G uaranteed to re­ lief any cough, no m atter from what cause, or your money back. All druggists sell BALSAMEA. In Ashland buy it from Eastside |Pharm acy. BAL-SA- m U-A for CHRONIC COUGHS P ortland — Forty-seven Jap­ anese ships docked here during ¿924, tonnage 185,205. Runabout For a smooth shave and quick service go to th e Shell Barber Shop. Ladies and children get your hair bobbed and marcel­ led. I W. A. SHELL, Prop.! >32 A. St. Ashland, Ore See— BEAVER REALTY CO for Bargains in Real-Es täte. We also handle I n - suranee and Loans. 82-tf Brom, Quinine, ROOFINGS tablets Bear Underwriters* Clan B label, — that means adequate fire protection and low rates of insurance. The First and Original Cold and Grip Tablet Proven Safe for more than a Quarter of a C en tu ry . The box bears this signature Carey Asbestos Ready Roofings not only resist all sorts of weather conditions but smoke, fumes and fire as well. Carey Asbestos Ready Roofings come in several fuusbes* “white top**,— slate surface and smooth finish 290 520 580 660 225 365 (Ail Prices F. O. B. Detroit) T h ese are the lo w est p rices ev e r o ffe r e d in th e h istory o f the F ord M otor C om pany. T h ey create a n ew standard o f v a lu e fo r m otor car tran sp ortation . Call on ps for samples and prices. **A R o o i/o r oeoty buikH nj.“ Price 30c. .......................................$2€0 T o u r in g Car ............................................ C o u p e .......................................................... T u d or S e d a n ............................................ F ord or S ed an ........................................... C h a s s i s ........................................................ T ru ck C h a s s i s ......................................... Ashland Lumber Co. SEE THE NEAR EST A U T H O R IZ E D FO R D DEALER