l’Àòp. PotH ASi&Ààij ôÀ itï finteas At GIFTS FOR EVERYONE AT Store The Operation— Gift Sets o f Toiletries Mrs. E lliott of Hilt, Calif., un­ derw ent an operation at the Com­ munity Hospital this morning. L eather Goods Bill Folds 75c to $3.00 ¡¡Coin Purses up to $1.50 I Keytainers 30c to $2.00 JU nderarm Vanities $4.00 up Tamales, best In the city, “ The Hose”. 60— tf Cliff chests. Djer Kiss $3.00 to $9.50 Safety Razors Gillette,—A u t o Strop, Three Flowers $2.25 to $7.50 Gem, Evereadv, Strop­ ping Devices. Gardenia ............. $2.25 Colgate« ..-........$1.00 up j Cara Nome ......... $10.00 : •WinsLiGle Shaving Perfumes in Gift Pack­ ages, including the best imported and domestic creations The W rite Gift Beautiful Stationery in suitable boxes. Be m easured today i Holiday suit. P aulserud’s. 75-tf Left Y esterday— Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McCallen left yesterday for San Diego where they will spend about three weeks vacation. We put the chicken tam ales. The Plaza. Toys — Toys i Eastman Kodaks $6.50 Brownies $1.00, $2.00, $2.75, $3.75 Books. New Fiction and Latest Reprints Hand Tinted Framed Mottos Toys, Games, Dolls, etc. Waterman Fountain P e n s ................. $2.50 to $5.00 Eversharp P e n c ils .............................................50c up Thermos Lunch K i t s ...........................................$2.75 Hand Painted China Gift Candles and Candle Sticks Patterson Crater"Lake Pictures cedar Mrs. S. F. Thornton who has been confined to the Community Hospital for some time is reported to be steadily improving. Military Brushes in Ivory and Ebony Beal Pyralin Ivory in sets and single pieces— A Lifetime Gift. makes Im proving— Mirrors S Vantine’.« Incense Burn­ ers in attractive taxes 50c up Payne in our 82— tf Toys— E lharts. 81— Ì 2 SATURDAY, DECEMBER, & Anyone wanting popcorn balls Narrow Escape— Miss Lydia McCall .is confined for parties, Christm as or church Luck and presence of mind to her home today with illness. entertainm ents, call 465. 82— 4* Thursday saved the life of John Inman of G rants Pass, who is cut-, Special Auto Accident Policy Leaves Tonight— ting tim ber near the city. At th e 1 for 85.00 a year. Phone 21. Y6o Miss Geòrgie Coffee and Mrs time of the accident he was cut-, if course. 24-tf Anna W illiams will leave tonight ting wood alone. His left aim for St. Joseph, Missouri, and will was caught in the buzz saw and Xmas greeting cards. — Mc- then visit in Chicago and other it was only quick thinkng and Nair Bros. ¡points in the east. Their stay is 'g r e a t effort that he was able to I indefinte. , cut jjie wj,ich prevent- | W. C. T. V. Meeting— i ed him from being dismembered. The W.C.T.U. will meet Tues­ G uests at Forum __ 1 The saw tore off his shirt and day afternoon at 2:30 at the Pub­ Percy A. ^oung of Albany who! grazed the abdomen, His left arm lic Library. is deputy Exalted R uler for the was badly mangled between the E lks’ order for Oregon south and You are assured of the biggest president of the F irst National elbow and wrist, lie was brought values on the m arket when you Bank of Albany and Ben S. Fish­ to town and given medical atte n ­ trade a t P aulserud’s. 77— tf er a prom nient lawyer of Marsh­ tion immediately.— G rants P a ss; Courier. field were among the guests at We wrap our Christm as Box the Chamber of Commerce forum Visits Friend— Candies ready to mail, free of here this noon and then left for Joe H utchinson, form er lieu­ charge. The Plaza. 82— tf Klam ath Falls to visit the lodge tenant-governor of Idaho who was there.— Mail Tribune. with the Reno caravan which stop- | To H old C erem onial— ped here today, is an old friend , At the monthly meeting of Hil- At H o t e l - of E. T. Staples of this city. Temple, Order of the Mystic Shrine last night, it was voted to! „ registered at the Staples was form erly associated hold a ceremonial here som etim e1 ° e s and are ater- in business with H utchinson who man, Spokane; C. A. Brick, Sac­ took a prom inent p art in devel­ in January. ram ento, Calif.; A. E. Owens and oping a num ber of valuable mines R. F. in southw estern Idaho. < Save 810.00, walk upstairs to wife, Batedale, B. C.; Owens, Batedale, C. C.; Wm. S. Orres tailo r shop. 17— tf Armour, New York City; Jesse Klam ath Falls — F irst car­ Home cooked chicken dinner at Roupe, Boise, Idaho; Mrs. Velma loads of turkeys shipped out from The Plaza Sunday. 75c. 82— 1 W hitney, Boise, Idaho; L. D. here for San Francisco. Swift and wife, Los Angeles; C. E. Irwin, La Porte, Indiana; T. H ere Today— Mr. Laphan of the tracto r de­ F. Kelly, Philadelphia, Pa. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY partm ent of the Ford Motor Com­ FOR SALE — W hite Leghorn j pany was in Ashland today on F o r Local Officers— R eturns H o r n e - 82— 4 j Our item a couple of weeks pullets. Phone 17F11. Mrs. Summer Parker who has business. past relative to the local police SPECIAL, two big lots well lo­ been confined to the Convales­ R eturn H om e— station was som ew hat in error cated with a small dwelling on i j cent Home w ith sickness for some Mrs. W. S. Bell and Mrs. Will in relation to its use by the State them for the ridiculous small! time Is greatly improvd and has W enner have returned home from Traffic Officers and the detention! price of $750.00. Beaver Realty returned to her home. a m onth’s visit in Em m ett, Idaho, of tourists while aw aiting the a r - '