P in i? m i t i Á im Á N n n i i L Ï i ï o a i â irida)-, December 6, iftÿ-i W inter Garden Dance— Tonight. I International and is taking a ; In Medford— augurated, it is not unreasonable' to u r of the west in the interest E. T. Staples of this city was, to believe th a t such an establish-1 2 ° rganization- — Medford visiting in Medford yesterday on! ment may ak o be successfully Im proving— Mail Tribune. business launched. The Ashland F ru it George Mathes who was throw-n I ---------- and Produce Ass’n. is interested from his horse and injured several I Eversharp Pencils, $1.00 to H ere Today— in the success of the Poultry show days ago is reported to be s te a d -’ $5.00. McNair Bros, Mrs. F." H. Johnson of Med­ and W inter Fair and will occupy ily improving. ford was an Ashland visitor this space at the show in the Chau­ S tated Seesioa Chicken tam ales th a t will de- morning, tauqua Bldg. You are assured of the biggest light you at The Plaza. H illah Tem ple C4— tf The California-Oregon Box and values on the m arket when you M asonic Hall Arrived Y esterday— Lumber Co., is Ashland newest 77— tf Stated session, Friday evening trade at P aulserud’s Why eat at home tonight when Old B uckskin’s circus which industry, ju st startin g operation Dec. 5. Im portant business. M a-! ---------- i there is a box social at the will show at the Vining today and will develop one of the great Cliff Payne makes sonic Hall, 7:30 o’clock. Re­ french Christian church a t 7:30? C o f-jan d tomorrow arrived in Ashland assets of all Southern Oregon in doôrs. freshm ents afterw ards. fee served with boxes. Good pro- i yesterday and is being housed at this particular district. Many P. B. HERMAN, Potentate. gram . 81— 1 : the F ourth street stable belong- srnall mill will find in this plant W. H. DAY, Recorder. 81-1 R etu rn s to W ork— ---------- ! jng to F. F. W hittle. The show opportunity to m arket th eir out­ J. D. Mars who has been i l l , Receives A irplane Mall— j includes a num ber of trained put and a constantly developing Rorn— at his home on Third street fo r' j g, H arer 575 B. street was! horses and dogs. payroll will be the result. While ■ ---------- To Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Hender- the past few days returned to surprised yesterday when he re- j there is not as yet finished pro­ . ceived a special delivery letter In H osp ital— non, November 31, a daughter. work this morning. duct from the newly inaugurated — ; sent from New York by airplane. E. L. McNeil of the firm of operations to make an extensive Toys — Toys Toys— E lharts. i Tijg le tte r was w ritten by Vin- Hoover & McNeil is confined to exhibit the company is contribut- Tamales, best in the city, “ The — 12 cent j Llamas, a Phllipino who the Community Hospital on ac­ ing to the idea of m aking a dis­ R ose’’. 60— tf ---------- ! visited Mr. Hare this summer. count of illness. play of A shland's Industrial de­ W inter Garden Dance— Tonight. Hl At Home— j Llamas is on his way from New velopment. 81— 1* { T. R. Jackson, editor for the York to Van Couver and will sail In A s h l a n d - The various universal resour­ --------- Tidings, was confined to his home for hia n a tive country December Frank Marks of Portland was ces of the D istrict should have Returned Home— ' on account of sickness today. in Ashland yesterday and today adequate representation thru the IL H. E lh art returned h o m e1 on business. H artm an Syndicate with the Shale last evening from Roseburg w herei Fashionable women wear short Lots of fun at the box social Oil Deposits and the Skyline Mine he spent several days on business, and narrow coats. Have yours re- at 7:30 tonight at the Christian which is entering a period of great ______ j modeled at Orres tailor shop up- church. O. H. Johnson is auction­ LOCAL INDUSTRIES activity. Thc shops are full of Xmas) stairs. 81-1* eer. Nuff sed. TO HAVE EXHIBITS The well known Mineral W aters 81— 1 (Cointlnued from page 1.) gifts th a t anyone can buy. But and the Carbonic Gas Industry th e re ’s one gift th a t only you I Like ----- the — shops ■ - our studio isi The young peoples class of the become a large and flourishing will be shown by the Pom padour can give— your photograph, D a r-.n,3bed Ju8t before Xmas. That isj C hristian Church are giving a concern. . Springs Co and dem onstrating per­ ling Studio, Phone No. 8. 76— if why we suggest th a t you sit for short program and box social at sistent effort of Mr. H arry Silver the output has not yet grown to ______ ’ your Xmas p o rtraits before Dec. 1 tlie church on Friday eve. Dec. large proportions, such an indus­ in the developm ent in scientific Toys ar^l games— McNair Bros. ' 15th. D arling Studio. Phone No. j 5 a t 7:30. Everyone cordially in- 76— tf vited to attend, Coffee will be try bids fair to make a consid­ m anner of this one of Ashland» 8. erable grow th and to become a greatest n atu ral assets. 78-4 served. Visiting H e r e - The Oregon State Fish & Game m anufacturing establishm ent of Mr. and Mrs. B rett Page and I, eaves S u n d a y - Commission will present in some considerable proportions. Jack Milton of this city ex­ Erect T i w s — son of New York City are in Ash­ The Ashland F ru it and Pro­ form the resources of the State pects to leave Sunday for Long Christm as trees were erected land visiting friends. duce Ass’n, is one of the best and in this line. Mr. Otto Jones, edu­ Beach by auto where he will along Main Street and the side most successful institutions of its cational director of the commis­ spend the w inter. He* will re- streets in the* business section in Chicken tam ales th a t rill de- kind in operation and with the sion will bring a series of films, Medford W ednesday. C ontrary to 64— tf tu rn to Ashland in March. light you at The Plaza. grow th of the poultry, fru it and to be shown at some of ihe pro­ last year when they were lash­ gardening business bids fair to grams during the Fair. ed to poles they have been plac­ Boys knicker bocker suits with Leaves Tomorrow— Ashland should havê a cold The Blair G ranite Q uarry, one I. Bailey expects to leave to­ ed in the holes used for flags extra pants at $11.75. Fine all storage plant for the successful of the resources capable of the for Oakland, Calif., during Armistice Day, present­ wool goods at Orres tailor shop morrow handling of fru its and poultry greatest development in the fu- where he will spend the winter. ing a very orderly appearance, upstairs. 81-1* products and with the many other tu re, will also have an exhibit ---------- and giving the town a truly community projects now being in- ' at the W inter F air Be m easured today for your Christm as atm osphere.— Medford In Medford— G. F. Billings was a visitor in Holiday suit. Paulserud's. 75-tf Mail Tribune. Medford and Jacksonville yes­ All kinds of good things to Buy your dinner at the Christ- terday. eat will be found in the boxes a t ’ ja n church at 7:30 tonight. Cof- Good Phone 130 for Pow ell’s Cider. the social at the Christian church fee served with boxes. program. 81— 1 63— Im o tonight at 7:30. B etter come. • 81— 1 j ---------- At Hotel— W inter Garden Dance— Tonight. Among those registered from 81— 1* Improved— Mrs. Nancy E. Applegate, who i out of the state at the Hotel has,been ill at her home on Dead Ashland are E. J. W irth, Seattle, H ere on B u sin ess— John W. Doman of San F ran ­ Indian for some tim e is consid­ P. J. DeClucy, Seattle, H. J. cisco, who has been visiting here erably improved and able to be Bemis and wife, Seattle; Lewis ODERN business is founded W. M. Duft'iel Davis, P ortland; up. for several days on busiuess left upon intelligent trust. The and wife, San Diego; Mason H. this morning for Portland and gist of trust is to find what is PaulRerud’s for cleaning, press­ Brown, F ran k fo rt, Ky.; R. T. Seattle. trustw orthy. This bank invites ing and remodeling. Phone 119 i Allen and wife. Vancouver B. C. your careful investigation. — — j H. H. Green, I. E. Green, B. A. 8pecial Auto Accident Policy Young mens suits with 2 pair! Green, K. Green and F. Green all for $5.00 a year. Phone 21. Yeo of course. 24-tf trousers of all wool, $23.75 at of Victoria B. C. and C. L. Gracy Orres tailor shop upstairs. 81-1* and wife. Seattle. Special Holiday bargains in fine To Persist— fu r coat9 for the fashionable wo­ H ere— Dr. A. J. F aucett and wife of A lbert G uthrie, E arl Snyder, men — at Orres tailor shop up­ Glendale were in Ashland y e s-. Ray sh o rtrid g e and Raymond stairs. 81-1* terday visiting old friends. D r.' Finneran made a trip to Persist, Ashland, Oregon Faucett was a form er A shland; Oregon to visit friends this morn- P a ssen g er A gent H ere— W. H. Jenkins, traveling pas­ resident and practiced here for ing and expect to retu rn this evening. senger agent for the Southern some time. Pacific, of Portland was in Ash­ fo u are welcome to compare; Born— land yesterday visiting the local To Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Obrist with n y Automobile rates w ith any S. P. yards. Mher rates In Jackson or Jose­ of K lam ath Falls, on Pine street phine Counties; you can be the December 1. a 12 lb. girl. Birth Save $10.00, walk upstairs to - udge. Phone 21. Yeo, of course. was reported by Dr. Mattie B. O rres tailor shop. 17— tf 30— tf i Shaw. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY Here to Locate— Improved— Mr. Michael who is at present) E K Hall who has beeQ APARTMENT FOR RENT. — making his home in Medford has fined to his home on Liberty 5 rooms, pantry and bath, nicely been spending a few days in Ash- stre et for the pa8t two weekg 0Q furnished and clean. 155 7th St 1 land looking for a location. account of illness is able to ba 81— tf j around again. E very ad h a s a m essage. FOR SALE: — W hite Leghorn- laying pullets. Mrs. W. D. B ooth,! phone 257Y. 81— 2 The Citizens Bank of Ashland The Gifts for The Years Toys and games— Biharts. H ere Yesterday— 81— 12 In A shland— George Vale of H ilt was in A ttorney H arry A. Newman Ashland yesterday shopping and Condition Unchanged— and Mrs. Newman of Toronto, attending to other business. Mrs. Ellen Luman who has Canada, came through Medford been seriously ill at her home on Tuesday on train fifty-three on W imer stre et Is reported to be their way to San Francisco and! R eturned Home— about the same w ith possibly a were met by D istrict A ttorney and | Mrs. A. E. Zana who has been slig h t improvement. Mrs. Borden who drove them to) visiting at the bedside of a sick p Ashland, at which point th e y ’ friend in Gold Hill for the past Solve a dozen Xmas problems again boarded their train. Mr. ! few days returned to her home w ith a gift th at only you can Newman is president of the Lions) this morning. give— your photograph Darling Studio, Phone No. 8 76— tf Special boxes prepared for those who wish to bring their families to the box social at the C hrist­ ian church at 7:30 tonight. Cof­ fee served. Good program . 81-1 THE THEATER BEAUTIFUL TODAY and TOMORROW USE YOUR CREDIT OX CHRISTMAS FURNITURE GIFTS Saturday SPECIALS Mrs, Mary Campbell Elliott, Electrical Nurse, from Doctor W. H. Davies Sanitarium in San Luis Obispo Co., Calif., has been spend­ ing her vacation in Ashland where she previously resided. For the past two years she has been'; engaged in treating many forms: of disease with the Abram’s Os-[ cilloclart. Having found her work very interesting, she will give a short talk on the subject, and answ er questions which may be asked by any one interested enough to call at 4 95 W. Main St., Ashland. 2 o’clock Tuesday, P. M., Dec. 9.— Pd. Adv. 81-1* One Day Only Ladies’ Kayser Silk Gloves—Double Tipped—All sizes Saturday Only 49c W in ter Sports— According to a bulletin received SAID BY CRITICS TO BE COOGAN’S BEST a t G rants Pass recently Mount . . . . , R anier N ational park will be ' ' lt‘l sai* tarewells to Ins pet pig and with 1ns fiddle under opened December 6th for the his arm, he’s off—and what adventures await him! You’ll w inter season, with attractive rock with laughter at his merry antics—and there will v tOr ns*11 t U ”e iHMuonts when vou’ll he proud of the tear he brings— jum p, power and passenger sleig h -1 tor ’,at*kie is the symbol ot the “ eternal kid” that some- ing and a 14-dog team of Alas- how never dies in our heart no m atter how long we live! kan huskies; snow shoeing and —AND— toboggan slides. The govern­ m ent will keep the auto road open to Longmier Springs so th a t cars EDUCATED ANIMAL CIRCUS can go direct to the National in Person P a rk Inn. Snow-shoeing trips to Watch for the parade Paradise Valley in R anier Na­ tional P ark are m aking th a t park Also—“ THE DEATH RAY” popular, and a pioneer in w inter First authentic film of the mysterious “ Death R ay” , ac- OLD BUCKSKIN’S Tidings W ant Ad« ar« SWENSON-PEEBLER Furniture Company DECORATED C R E PE — F e s to o n s —St re a m e rs— - S P A N( 1 I ,E S — M 1C A S N ( >W T re e D e co ra tio n s— W R E A T H S —E T ( ETC — See o u r well selected sto ck Toilet Goods— Drug Sundries WANTED: — To buy, in or near Ashland — Small place— m ust be reasonable and on easy term s. W hat have you. W rite box 577 Ashland. 81— 1* ELHART’S Books and Stationery ♦ ♦ ♦ » V♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ « ♦ « FOR SALE: — 3 Ladies tailor­ ed suits suitable for elderly wo­ men. Very reasonable. Sizes 36- 38 and 40.— Orres tailor shop upstairs. 81— 1* ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦■♦ Flotow’s Famous Light Opera “L’OMBRA” Arm or • v, » Tues., Dee. 9 W ith a n a ll- s ta r e a s t o f b rillia n t a r tis ts , c o n sistin g of S te lla N o re lli-E a m o n t, C o lo ro tu ra S o p ra n o ; S u ­ zan n e F r a n c e , L y ric S o p ra n o ; O b ra d D ju rin , T e n o r; G iu se p p e I n te r r a n te , B a rito n e ; A r th u r E u d ell, P ia n is t. N ow is the tim e to l a y spray pum ps, plow s and harrow s, d rills and a ll kinds of farm im p lem ents. F en cin g in every sty le . H arness, collars, snaps, and pads. New and used Sew ­ in g M achines. A u to Robes, etc. lie a Booster. Buy Your T ickets Now! Season T ickets: Adult $2 .3 0 . H igh School S i . 30 Crlklreii $1.00 PEIL’S CORNER No War Tax T ickets can l>e reserved at The R ose w ithout extra cost 44 Zbe Christmas Store DO Toy YOUR Laud SHOPPING On HERE The Balcony CHRISTMAS SALE of READY TO WEAR SATURDAY Buy yourself a Christmas Present at these low prices Coats Priced Now $19.75 $22.50 $25.50 $29.75 $34.50 $37.50 $45.00 C o a ls C o a ts C o a ts C o a ts C o a ts C o a ts C o a ts .Sale .Sale Sale .Sale .Sale .Sale .Sale Price Price Price Price Price Price Price Di ‘CSSCS Priced Now $13.75 $15.75 $17.75 $21.75 $25.75 $29.50 $33.50 $19.75 $24.50 $29.75 $32.50 $34.50 D resses—Sal«* D resses—S ale D re s s e s - S a le D resses—S ale D resses—S a le P ric e P ric e P ric e P rice P ric e $14.95 $17.95 $22.50 $24.75 $26.50 These Prices Include Both Silk and Wool Dresses Children’s Coats all Le«s Twenty-five per cent skirts REDUCED E. R. ISAAC & CO “ The Quality Store” sweaters REDUCED When making c Christ mas Gifts do not overlook the fact that E verfast Linens R eturns to W ork— Courrierm°Vement8 ‘ -Orant8 ' When you are choosing gifts for mother, father, brother, sister, sweetheart or friend, 'remember that furniture gifts are the most last­ ing and most appreciated. \\ indow Decorations LOST— Good watch fob with stirru p charm . R eturn to G. M. Frost. 240 E. Main St. 81— 2* Modern Business M1 XM AS THE BAZAAR is closing out everything in the gift line— odds I and ends in fancy dishes, baskets. ' Blen’s and women’s hem stitched: handkerchiefs, Christm as cards boxes and folders. children's books, toys, dolls, games, etc. Everything at your own price as we want to discontinue these lines. — THE BAZAAR opposite the “ FORD” . 81— 1 ™ Ktary experts as the most diabolic in- vention in the liistoiv of humanity! go-getters J Mat. Pictures only 10c & 25c—Evening full hill 25c & 50c Kiddies Kreepers—in blue and brown—all sizes— a n d C o tto n S u itin g s can lie used fo r m a n y u sefu l a n d b e a u tifu l g ilts . W h y p u t a n y te d io u s n e e d le w o rk on a n y c lo th th a t you do not know to be fa s t color. -o- HAND-MADE GIFTS ARE MOST APPRECIATED U n d e r g a r m e n t M a te r ia ls Linens for Gift Making in endless variety and color White linen for art needle work in four widths Crepe do Chine . . . $1.35 to $2.50 IS i n c h ............. 75c 3(5 inch . . . . . .$1.25 45 inch .......... $1.75 54 inch .......... $2.25 Striped C h arm eu se.................69c Colorfast Charmeuse .............89c Everfast Voiles ............65c—89c Silk finish cotton crepes . . . .35c Cotton plisse crepe, plain 25c to 35c Clearance Sale on all Coats and Dresses going strong Linen Towclings— 3 Qualities Table Linen— Everfast Colored Linens— ONE DAY ONLY 39c -o- Metal, Silk and Colton laces en­ ter largely into gift making and we have a good assortment of all these. Ribbons make so many pretty tilings for Christinas. We have a lot of fancy ribbons at special prices. Special Items for Christmas now on Display < - ¿zr m a n y •Where Your Dollar Has More Gents’ Everfast Store Allen A Store