IstítAKS #ití.í íWfiffl» tuöfc faÄks Mrs. E a ti Joflee had high scofe ahd was presented a beautiful potted cyclamen and the same? was given to Mrs. B. F. Crabbe PH YSICIANS C lassified Column R ates i of high score in five hundred. One cent the word each DR. HAWLEY— Above Tidings 1 Delicious refreshm ents were tim e : served a t a table exquisitely de- office. Phone 91. To run every Issue lor one .MHs Edith Dodge, E ditor ! corated with flowers. month or more, %c the word DR. C. W. HANSON Phone item s to her at 3«, betw ee»t Mesdames Ruger and Beving-i D en tist each time. « a. in. and 5 p. ru. ( | On were gracious hostesses Special attention given to pyor­ __________________ _____________ „ ! l'or the afternoon. rhoea. Office upstairs in Beaver FOR RENT CALENDAR OF EVENTS Block. Phone 178-J. 233-tf. O fficial V isit— FOR RENT— Furnished a p a rt­ Friday, December 5. Standard The president of the Rebekah DR. G. C. PHETTEPLACK ment, garage, 272 Maple street. Bearers meet at Mrs. H u n t’s home Assembly of Oregon, Mrs. Mary Dentist ry 77— tf at 220 Mt. Avenue, 7:30. Gas or local anesthesia for ex­ D. Moss, will pay an official visit Friday, December 5. Rebekah and minor surgery. to Hope Rebekah Lodge. No. 14, FOR RENT — 7-room house traction Bazaar. < Special attention given to straight- at th eir regular m eeting Tues­ on B street, near Armory. Part-1 and care of children’s Saturday, December 6. P. E. O. day, December 9. ly furnished. Private entrance to teeth. meeting. * ♦ * Above Citizens Bank upper floor. Hot and cold w ater Monday, December 8. Q uarterly in rooms, modern. Adults. Infor­ Phone. Office, 151— Res., 201-J Supper of M artha Gillette chap- Jones-G reen — The m arriage of Mias Ethel m ation, 344 E Main St. 80— tf DR. ERNEST A. WOODS Pyac- ter wjjj j,e a t Presbyterian Green and Mr. Fred Sherman tice limited to eye, ear, nose ana ' church. FOR RENT— E ight room house Jones was solemnized a t the th ro at— X-ray Including teeth. Tuesday. December 9. Alpha on Boulevard. Inquire Mrs. A. M ethodist Parsonage a t five o’­ Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 te j Social circle will meet in Masonic B utler, 34 Union St. 80— 2* clock Thursday evening, Rev, S. 6. Swedenburg Bldg., Ashland, i Hall, J. Chaney officiating. FOR RENT: — 2 or 3 room Ore. Tuesday, December 9. Rebekah Miss Green attended the high apartm ents. 8. D. Taylor. C3 N. Lodge will have Covered Dish „.c|OTt a , , o school In thia cily and la a »ell Mala. 79— 3 OK. E. B . ANGELI— Chiropractic ,„ nrheon „ known member of the younger ____ - » and Electro-Therapy. Office O. F. hall, V isiting ' m embers set. Mr. Jones is an employee FOR RENT: — 5-room fur­ phone 48; residence 142. First welcome. of the railroad and has many nished house. Inquire. 121 Laurel N ational Bank building. friends here. St. 79-1 wk.» R laum cnhauer P arty— THE SOUTHERN OREGON The couple expect to make their The home of Mr. and Mrs. home In Ashland. FOR R EN T:— Lower floor of CLINIC 1st N ati6nal Bank Bldg. George B lum enhauer of Pioneer my home. 5 rooms well furnished. * * * Medical Surgical O bstetrical street wras the scene of a delight­ Large garage. Close in. Adults. College Club— Diagnostic X-ray ful neighborhood party last Phone 481J. 78-tf R. W. Stearns, M. I). College Club meets at home Monday , evening. The tim e was . of Mrs. Snedicor, 19 Mistletoe R. E. Green, M. D. w FURNISHED front room ap art­ Med,„ r i . wUh D r. E , a M. R. W. Sleeter, M. D. »pent playing card», games n n d , m ent. 349 E. Maiu St. 77— 1 wk. Office hours 2-5 p. m. singing and n m erry tim e w as; , as hM S aturday Dec- Phone 238-R experienced. At the close of th e „ v FOR SALE evening dainty retreshm ents were I « * » > CONVALESCENT HOME FOR SALE — Good heating served by the hostess. j W here the sick get well. 1 Style H int— stove. 247 Laurel St. 80-7* ! Guests were Miss Geòrgie Cof- Cottage Plan, PARIS, Dec. 5. — Beads, like Emma Jenkins, Dorothy feathers, seem to have come in FOR SALE — Good milk goat, We hoard aad care for Invalids i Chappie, R uth Osmuud, Mesdames aud old people. J 10. Well trained bear and coy­ to stay. Every season the word Williams, Mosier, Ethel Chappie, M aternity Dept. ote dog. Half Cuban blood hound, goes around th a t beaded frocks Micbel>cOQ^ Holman and Bob Call 153 half English fox hound. Trapped are absolutely "o u t,” but the wo­ W agner and Mr. B arrett. with two seasons. Mrs. Josselyn. men continue to likd them ; and MONUMENTS Friday evening the same guests upper end of Ashland St. 80&5* Paris designers have nothing to gathered a t the home of Miss ASHLAND GRANITE do but continue to make them. Emma Jenkins and enjoyed the FOR SALE — 2 1-2 acres with MONUMENTS Beaded dancing dresses are very evening playing cards and games. long street frontage and ad ­ B lair G ranite Co. elaborate this season, ¿with all A num ber of these parties have joining railroad, good warehouse S. PENNISTON, Manager kinds of new tricks in beading beon given and they are eagerly or factory site, price $1300. H. Office 175 E. Main and embroidery. Francis is show- looked forward to by the guests. C. Galey, 65 E. Main. 79— 3 R es. Phone 444-Y in a m arvelous effect of raindrops * * * FOR SAI.E CHEAP: — Tw o' ANY GIRL IN TROUBLE— May with crystal and Jade, which is E lk s L adies Club— particularly beautiful when mi­ cows, one heifer, Jerseys. 890 E. communicate with Ensign Lee* The Elk Ladies Club had a Main. 79—5* of the Salvation Army at the very delightful card party in lady is dancing. The bodice of W hlteShield ’Home, 565 May- th eir clubhouse Thursday. There the foundation is in w hite satin, FOR SALE— Brick store, splen­ half way down the s k irt,in black, fair Ave., Portland. Oregon, were six tables of bridge and two did location, pays 12 per cent and the beads black and white, of five hundred, m aking the gross, price $5,000. H. C. Galey, half-and-half. Philippe et Gaston PLANING MILL afternoon pleasant for all. 65 E. Main. 79— 3 have a lovely frock, J n crepe JORDON S SASH AND CABINET georgette, in blue pastel shade FOR SALE: — Several good WORKS, Cor. Helman and and em broidered with a garland business opportunities, $1500 to Van Ness. 194tf of flowers in crystal and m ulti­ $15,000. II. C. Galey. 65 E. Main.! colored beads. Gold beads on t... 79— 3 i T R A N SF E R AND E X P R E S sT white make most attractiv e dan» FOR SALE: — Good heater.! W hittle T ransfer & Storage Co. ing dresses. A white satin model for SERVIC E. Phone 439J. 78— 4 has hands of gold heading around Experienced movers and pack- j th e skirt, and the bodice solidly MISCELLANEOUS ers of household goods. Deal­ beaded. *. ers In coal and wood. Phone Jenny makes pearl-em broider­ DRESSMAKING and plain sew­ 117. P h ysician s w arn against n eg lect­ ed gowns, very simple in effect, ing. Mrs. Dale Day, 74 6 C. street. O ffice 89 Oak St. near in g coughs and cold s and tell of for all th eir rich incrustation. 60— 1 mo. Hotel Ashland th e serion s lung ‘com plications Pearls make a stunning trim m ing WANTED:— Male Fox Terrier T. L. POWELL— Goneral T rans­ th a t m ay resu lt. Ioeailing physi­ on gold lame, and several allV puppy, nicely m arked of toy kind. fer— Good team and motor cian s now prescribe BALSAMEA w hite dresses come beaded in. Phone 479Y. 77— 4 trucks. G >od service at a re a ­ for a ll bronchial affections. BAL­ pearls and diamonds. A charm ­ SAMEA Is à pure veg eta b le prep­ ing white frock is beaded in sonable price. Phene 83. DRESSMAKING and Tayloring aration m ade from a n ew ly d is­ reasonable prices, all work guar- j covered p lan t... Dr. Itenj. F. FEHIGE-ROACH anteed. Mrs. B. Van H arden­ C rabtree, A nderson, Mo., w rites: Transfer — Express — Storage berg, 117 C entral Ave. 55— 1 mo.* Hauling — Dray work of all “I u se it exclu sively for my prac­ kinds. Quick m otor service. Dry tic e and m y fam ily. It is quick, For a smooth shave wood of all kinds. Phone 410-R sure and sa fe in its action lik e 112-tf n othing e ls e .” and quick service go 375 B., St. Toward the end of the influ­ to the Shell Barber enza epidemic a governm ent phy-| ASHLAND PAINT CO Shop. Ladles and Dependable sician noticed th a t a tribe of In- ( children get your hair Painting C ontractors & Decorators dians in Nevada, by th e use of oils ; bobbed and m arcel­ from a native plant were immune , SWENNING & GEAR led. Phone 40S-J 57-1 mo.* from the ravages of Influenza.' He used these oils among his ' W. A. SH ELL, Prop. T O WOOD SAWING white patients and then in a h o s-’ 132 A. St. Ash’and, Ore overflowing with “d eath ” ! WANTED— Wood sawing. Tel pital cases. News of the results swept : 63— Imo* 470-J. the world and for some tim e it j was not possible to supply t h e , CAN A PEACOCK DAMAGE demand. AN AUTOMOBILE? BALSAMEA has now been' standardised and gives uniform ly A A ft NEW HAVEN, Conn., Dec. 4. m iraculous results in four w ays:. w w ! — Can a peacock damage an auto? 1. It soothes the inflamed mem ' 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 ? I T C C O P d ! ______ "N o,” said New H aven's B o a rd j • branes and relieves irritation, 2. , , „ . , of Aklermen In turning down a! J u st the moment you apply i , . . „ » . « I t increases secretion of mucous ■pEW products can rise »i c. . i . . , , " claim against the city for $40 J and perm its easy expectoration, M entho-Sulphur to an itching, . , , to popularity and i • ■ , , . . presented by F. P. McLoughlin. obin burning or broken out skin, the , . ., . ,, , , 3. It stim ulates pores of the skin leadership in two years. itching stops and healing begins, . , , . , , . . 1 in throw ing oft body poisons and 4 The C-T-C tire, how­ . . . . ... 7L I tends he parked Ins car near the- „ „i^v sn « ri says a noted skin specialist. This I . ,, , T1 , , i It strikes a t the cause, checking ever,has done just that! , , , » . I City Zoo, in East Rock Park, and, . . .. . , , sulphur preparation, made into ... , • • , germ action immediately , . while he was viewing the anim als' The first C-T-G was a pleasant cold cream, gives such Do not confuse it with ordin-l a city-owned peacock pecked at manufactured less than a quick relief, even to fiery ecz-1 its reflection in the shiny car! ary balsam cough syrups th a t are ; two y6ars ago. ema, th at nothing has ever been ! until $40 worth of varnish was only soothing syrups and do not i found to take its place. Today it is the leading go to the base of the tro u b le .; removed. seller among exclusively Pa­ Because of its germ -destroving Unlike other cough re m e d ies' cific Coast made tires! properties, it quickly subdues the BALSAMEA is free ^ p m coal ta r; Oregon leads the coast states and other harm ful narcotics. We sell this rem arkable itching, cools the irritation and tire in all styles and sizes— heals the eczema right up, leav­ in percentage of building in­ Pleasant to take and absolutely including cords, balloons ing a clear, smooth skin in place crease for September, with 24 per safe to give to children. and heavy duty truck pneu­ of ugly eruptions, rash, pimples cent above 1924. W ashington matics. Ask us to show you Be sure you get BAL-SA-ME-A ' gained 7 and California 4 per the type for your car. or roughness. with the picture of the Indian on ■ You do not have to wait for cent. the package. Guaranteed to re-j Improvement. It quickly shows. lief any cough, no m atter from You can get a little ja r of Rowles w hat cause, or your money back. M entho-Rulphur at any drug store. All druggists sell BALSAMEA. In Ashland buy it from Eastside Pharmacy. 'W O T O -N IG H T w Classified Column I, IS FIERY. ITCHY 0« for loss of appetite, bad breath, coated tongue, biliousness, WGfAoaf griping or nausea BAL-SA-ME-A C H A M B E R L A I N ’S TABLETS Set you r liv e r rig h t— only 25o CURED WITHOUT OPERATION C O many thousands have been re- CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER COMPANY Aifimd StotSkyields 7.14% a&kamr member crour ogam zation Brocades, with the designs out- lined in pearls, are very lovely for these evening wrap?. F ur is j usually combined with the beads. I Even when the gown and the , wrap are bestrewn with beads, the “’grand chic" for evening wear is the string of pearls, in a long trailing bracelet on the wrist. PROFESSIONAL T T TVktay, ÌM^ehdsh lieved of Piles by my non-surgica) treatments that it is folly to endure the suffering and ill health resulting from Rectal and Colon disorders. To prove the certainty of relief by my methods, I unhesitatingly GUARAN­ TEE to cure any case of Piles or refund the patients reasonable fee. Send or call today for my FREE book describing' reflex condi­ tions due to Rectal and Colon disorders» DEAN. M D.Inc S ’ SEATTLE OFFICES; m S0S-M2 Shafer B u ild « ___ N STM A h iO P IN C for CHRONIC COUGHS ^Tr CORDS and BALLOONS (without rim or wheel chatigt) LEEDOM'S TIRE HOUSE FARMERS WANTER Meridian Ready Made Farms Meridian, California Auto makes two trips to tract each week. No expense to you. There is a reason. Meridian ready made farm s is an extraordinary proposition. Come to my office and talk to those who have bought. Irrigated, level, deep silt loam soli, on paved Highway. All modern conveniences in. Cuts nine to twelve to n s’ alfalfa per acre. No b etter fru it and garden soil any place. Near best m arkets. Ideal, sunny climate. PHONE 784-L SEE or W RITE J. C. Banic.-., G S. Central, Medford, Oregon Marshfield Private hatchery and trout farm established near here, fish I Hood River— Apple shipment? be to November 23 total 2696 cars. The Dalles — Bids on 253.- 000,000 feet tim ber near Friend are asked by forest service. Crane — Carload of rainbow trout and 200 pheasants d istrib­ uted in H arney county. V a p o R ub F o r AH C old T ro u b les SPECIAL BARGAINS! sunbursts of diam ante and has rows of pearls between the dia­ monds. Evening wraps also are exten­ sively beaded. A handsome cape noticed at the Opera last week was of white satin, beaded in pearls and lined, with ermine. IN READY TO WEAR Prîntzess Coats $39.00 Your Pet $12.5« V alues o- DESERVES THE BEST Bring or send it to -o- Fur Trimmed Coats, prieed The Medford Veterinarian Hospital $13.00 to $30.00 Dr. E. C. McCULTiOCH, Graduate Veterinarian Corner F ifth & Grape Sts. Phone 369 MEDFORD, Oregon I will be at The East Side Pharmacy in Ash­ land every Wednesday, 12:30 to 7 p. m. Call there or phone 51. Silk Dresses, prieed Wool Dresses prie­ from ed from $8.75 to $20.00 $8.75 to $30.00 E very Dress in o u r stock reduced 10 to 20 p e r cent See Special Values in Children^ Coats Our $55.00 Let us assist you in plan- STEEL RANGE niii£ O vour Xmas i «lifts J Simpson’s Hardware Winchester Store ■ 1 2 — ¿L. We have a complete stock Toys, Dolls, Doli- J day Novelties Golden Rule Store R h o n e N o. 3 ASHLAND, ORE. E lk s B ld g X- —®- • ’ .‘Z AV V1* » * * ; •, - ■ ? • ■ - “ ■.'•X . * * □□□Ge B rothers A N N O U N C E A s u b s ta n tia l re d u c - J tion in the prices of th eir Passenger C a rs 4, ltó< e ffe c tiv e D ecem ber 1, 1924.