l’Aúb lUó jilUIMluy, December I, lUifi ASitlÁífÜ ÖÄltf irßKGä or-piercing .50 calibre. i tgan, Cincinnati!, Wisconsin and TTTTTNR^! We should at the same time, he doing the rest of our and eight others, and found tools, supplies and other arm Only enty tanks of one type California during the year, but 1-1 A * 1 Christmas thinking early. ¡plunder scattered about wild evidence showing that a are being tw tested at the Fort B en-: had an attendance of only 345. (Established in 18,6) , a three ----------, x Christmas ---- ¡struggle had ensued. Among the trumpery he found a ning testing grounds. , Lack of funds also seriously hin- ------- ! ' It T is . just weeks to Reserve Officers' Training dered the training of reserve of- P ub lished E very E ven in g Except Sunday by On the day before, shall we suddenly remember that ¡diary that had been kept by one of the men, which nar camps for ordnance officers were fleers at army camps. THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. there are unfortunate ones, with whom we can share the rated the trouble of the lirst day but was notxcontiuuei bert R. Greer... ................................................... ; — Editor ! ( ’hristmas spirit? beyond that. It was thought that all had been antJ i Co“ _ Ueorge Madden G r e e n .................. .................................. Business Manager W in Christmas preparations, for the little ones, the first account published was that they had all been nell Georgia School of Technol_ Don't fail to hear this im­ official citv paper ..................................................... Telephone «9 the a<*ed and even the delinquent in institutions he dealt | massacred. This, however, was corrected about a week | Ogy, and the Universities of Mich- portant and startling lecture at Bntered at the Ashland, Oregon Poatoffice «a Second cm«» Mil Matte, hazard fashion? ’ ¡later in a letter received from Kirkpatrick, who gave the Adventist C hurch, Cor. 4th ..... h’ aph____________ , . . «n! Subscription P rice, D elivered in City and C Sts., Thursday, Dec. 4th, Now is the time for us to do our preparations for pub- account of their adventures, lie also spake of the irie n d I A RELIAR LE COUGH REMEDY at One Month ............................................................................................ $ .65 7:30. iv Indians on Coos river, which he called “ Coean” river, Why experiment with unknown 1.95 ¡lie Christmas giving. Three Months ........ ............................................................................... “ Shull St. Paul's at London he 3.75 Six Months ................ —......................- ................................................ and gave a favorable account of the country and annoue-j rem edies for th at cough or cold an The Christmas spirit is based, like all giving, on the annex to Si. Peter’s at 7.50 One Year .................................................................... ............................ ed (hat they had discovered a fine hav. (Coos Bay.) i when you can secure foleys • Rome?’’ By Mail and Rural Routes * JU««u U1 S lip illl_ . llllo v„ ov plan of sharing. Onlv in this ease the sharing is between But little attention was paid to the account of a find honey and tar compound ? By Evangelist T. L. Thuemler. Three^M onths 195 the happiness in giving, of those who have, and the hap “Wake Up You Sleeper” hay having been discovered. The founders of Port Orford for the relief of cough8> colds> Six Months ............................................................................................ 3.50 ,juess jn receiving of those who have not. were so thoroughly convinced that Port Orford was ties-' hoarseness.. Equally beneficial for W hat does the Rome-ward DISPLAY ADVERTISING RATES lined to be the port for the mines of Southern Oregon and ¡young and old. Mrs. Anna Cornell, trend mean? Free! Welcome! PITY THE POOR POSTMAN .30 single insertion, per inch ........................................................... Yearly Contracts Now comes the season of the year when we' search Northern California that tliev set about their establish- Bridgeton, N. J., states: I bought; .27% ! One insertion a week .................................................................. our failing memorv in vain for the names ol* the folks ment with vigor. Captain J ,alienor left los party there ; COMPOt,ND m). C„M and ,lnd .25 Fwo insertions a week ............................................................ .20 'who sent up those handsomely engraved greeting cards well armed and fortified, and himself went to Portland it great.” Insist upon the genuine. Dally insertion ............................................................................... Saves Climbing R ates for Legal ami Miscellaneous Advertising where he advertised to land passengers within thirty- Refuse substitutes. Sold every­ ¡last year; when we try to decide whether we should try .10 F irst insertion, per 8 point line where. Stairs Each subsequent insertion, 8 point line ................................. -t oo » ,nah’h the gift that came late last year, and when the five miles of the Rogue River mines. Returning frow Portland the Columbia again touched at Port Orford and' = card of T h a n k s ................................................................................. ¡02% poor postman looks forward to the unhappy days and O bituaries, per line Comfort and conven­ left a party of Oregonians, so that by August there were WHAT c o n s t it it k s a d v e r t is ix « i wondore if he can hold out. ience demand that there “ All future events, where an admission charge is made or a Pity the poor post mail! Give him a ehanee to get about seventy men at the Port. rtfhey were well armed he a toilet and washroom DON’T and kept guard with military regularity. Hunters were collection taken is Advertising. through tmother holiday season without becoming round- downstairs. No discount will be allowed Religious or Benevolent orders. employed to supply game, and elk being abundant in the Buy Tires shouldered and how-legged from carrying the heavy loads “"DONATIONS Climbing stairs is wast­ forest just at hand, and dams, crabs and other sea food No donations to charities or otherwise will be made in advertis­ with which we burden him just before Christmas. Buy Mileage Also ed energy. It can he saved ing or job printing— our contributions will be In cash. Mail them earlv and not any more frequently than being abundant, there was no suffering on that score. A Our Diamond Tires will when there is a toilet and DECEMBER 4 you have to. And remember, also, to wrap and pack them Whitehall boat was left with the company to he used in ■ give you more miles per T H E ONE G R E A T F R IE N D :— A man th at hath friends m ust. washroom installed on the t . um r, friendly: and there is a iriend that sticketh closer correct Iy. Then I nt le Sam will have no quarrel with fishing and exploring the coast. By this means they ex­ dollar than you can get shew m himself plored the shore from the mouth of the Coquille river to elsewhere. first floor. than a brother.— Proverbs 18:24. VOU. When shall we show Tt’s entirely proper, too, if you want to make your the California line. The hunting excursions were also ex­ We guarantee them von how economical it is OUR WINTER FAIR friends and relatives real curious, to write on the parcel, ploring trips for the purpose of finding a feasible road into Rogue River valley. to have this convenience? But six days remain before the opening of the fifth “ Please do not open until Christmas.” (To he Continued) annual Winter Fair and poultrv show which is to attract! . And above all other things, if you have the Cbrist- Williams, Chief of Ordnance. visitors to Ashland from all over the state, for a period > t s greeting card complex and want to semi everybody On account of lack of funds of four days. And in those six remaining days, much >♦♦< ♦ ♦ > building, in which the poultry show is to he held, must JERUSALEM, Dec. 4. — A to cover only infantry, the sm all­ Subtle joke: He wouldn’t let his wife get her hair search for gold that rivals some he cleaned lip, the coops put, in position, ready lor the est calibre of an ti-aircraft ma­ /obhed. of the expeditions th a t have terial, and one type of tank. Now. exhibits. sought the buried treasures of however, according to General A great deal of work has already been done along Captain Kidd, is in progress h e re ,' W illiam ’s report, it is impossible Considering what it is, nobody now has the nerve to these lines, most of it by volunteer labor. A big part of under the direction of the Pales- ■ even to carry out th a t curtailed what is left to be done must he done by volunteer labor, say he takes a little for his stomach’s sake. tine Government. program . New designs are ready in order that no money will he lost on the enterprise, for Nearly half a million dollars in ' for production, hut funds are not The day is made happier for friends and loved It seems to he a compromise victory in China, so no­ gold is alleged - to have b e e n ! available for their completion, it is not the desire ol' the organization sponsoring the fair ones by a message of cheer and heartfelt good buried in Palestine by m em b ers. Even on the routine work of to make a large profit, but to merely keep above water. body yet knows who will get the post off ices. of the Turco-German H ead q u ar-' the corps, General W illiams re­ wishes. We have gathered for your selection a In order to do this, much of the labor, of a necessity much fers staff ere they fled from i ports, the greatly reduced per- According to science, hair grows after death; hut great assortment of greeting cards (»1 many beau­ Jerusalem before the advance of sonnel takes three years for work he done by volunteers. tiful designs {tn«l lovely sentiments. General Allenby’s forces. that should be accomplished, with Therefore, if you have spare time, a day, a half day, this is darned little consolation for a bald man. “ Scatter Sunshine with Greeting Cards’’ German officers reported the a sufficient staff, in one year. A or even a couple of hotirs, visit the Chamber of Commerce burial of the treasure, according During the year two types of Pioneering in Southern Oregon office and offer your sendees. Others have been follow­ | to reports here: and the Ger­ infantry m ortars, two types of McNair Bros. by C. B. Wátson ing this practice for the past few weeks, and the re­ man Government knew th at it 75-mm guns, and one 37-mm gun, would be seized as a prize of war a 75-mm pack howitzer, 3-inch The sults that have been obtained have been splendid. A few if found, so a private German j an ti-aircraft gun and a 4.7-inch (Continued from December 2) more volunteers and the building will easily he ready be­ . A • » ♦ • ' group was formed in Rerlin, in- gun were m anufactured and test- “ While the schooner vessel remained in port, the In­ eluding fore the opening date. some of the men w h o je d . Small arm s ammunition man- !ii' But do not stop with your labor. The publicity that dians, of whom there were many in the neighborhood, helped to bury the gold, to set out ufactured during the year con-! has been given the Winter Fair is hut a small part of j appeared friendly. But on the second day after her de- and rediscover the treasu re and sisted of 3,428,090 cartridges of ! .30 calibre, 709,000 cartridges of i that which it must have to he a success. At every oppor-1 pasture, about forty of them held a war-clanee, during remove it from Palestine. The German group purchased .45 calibre, 1,453,381 cartridges tunity, “ tell the world” about the Winter Fair, about ¡which their numbers were constantly augmented from the a site in Jem in, near the m onu­ of .30 calibre tracer, and 232,710 W H IP C O R D PANTS the wonderful poultry show which is to he held in con­ heavilv wooded and hillv countrv back from the shore. m ent which has been erected to nection with it. Everyone in Ashland will feel the bene­ When it considerable force was gathered the chief or­ the fallen German soldiers, and GUARANTEED CUT THIS OUT — was about to s ta rt work when ficial effects of the Fair if it is a complete success, in dered an advance on the fortified rock held bv the set- IT IS WORTH MONE! $2.65 the pair B ritish authorities learned of the the money placed in circulation by the visitors. And on tiers, who motioned them to keep back, or receive their venture from a German inform ­ Send this ad and ten cents to the other hand, Ashland will forever have a black eye if ^ re* the savages, ignorant perhaps, of the use of ant. Foley & Co., 2835 Sheffield Ave., the affair should he a failure. So get in and boost, and cannon, continued to come nearer until it became evi­ The Palestine authorities are Chicago, 111., w riting your name dent that a hand to hand conflict would ens'ue. When understood to have detained the put the thing across. and address clearly. You will re- Biggest Little Store in Town one of them siezed a musket in the hands of a settler, searchers. . Iceive a ten cent bottle of FOLEY’S The Government has now an ! Kirkpatrick txnueli<|d a fire-brand to the cannoin, and nounced th a t it has ordered > HONEY AND TAR COMPOUND THAT WHITE HOUSE BREAKFAST discharged it into the midst of the advancing multitude, excavations in the Jem in area, in for coughs, colds and hoarseness, There is much anger in Washington, among a few at bringing several to the ground. The men then took aim search of the treasu re; but thus also free sample packages of least, over the refusal of the Republican leaders to ar­ and brought six of them to the ground at the first round. far none of the gold has been dis­ FOLEY PILLS, a diuretic stim u­ lent for the kidneys, and FOLEY range for the La Follette senators to stay in jobs where Turning upon those nearest with their guns clubbed, they covered. CATHARTIC TABLETS for Con­ they could block opposed legislation. The sacred right of were able to knock down several, and the battle was won. stipation and Biliousness. These a man to stay on a job for the purpose of doing nothing, In fifteen minutes the Indians had twenty killed and fif­ w onderful rem edies have helped millions o f people. Try them. Sold is maintained still in high quarters. teen wounded ;’of the white men four were wounded with everywhere. But there is apt to he still more anger, in those same arrows from the savage ranks that fell in showers upon circles, over the refusal of the President, or the failure,' (jlc m. The Indians were permitted to carry off their dead, rather, of Mr. Coolidge to invite to the White House Mr. and a hill followed.” WASHINGTON, Dec. 4. — In-j La Follette for breakfast. This left the settlers in a desperate situation. They sufficient funds have seriously j Which Is More Not that La Follette cares particularly for having feared to leave their fortified eamp to explore for a road hindered the development of the his coffee and rolls on a White House table. If he is to to the interior, which was their purpose and concluded Ordnance Corps of the United Economical? have a meal out, he would .just as leave have it luncheon, to await the return of the Seagull which was to bring more States Army, and a great deal When you buy from a Make il a Furniture (Jirislinas at the expense of the President. Or dinner. And break­ men in a few days from San Francisco. At the end of of valuable experim ental work has had to be abandoned or cur­ fast has a sort of intimacy that even a La Follette ex­ five days the savages appeared in a greater force, and tailed, according to the annual mail order house you may pectancy .might not include, ordinarily. Every member of the family will enjoy I’ urni- seeing the white men still in possession of their strong­ report of M ajor-General C. C. save money temporarily. When you buy at home What makes this breakfast acute, as a political issue, hold and ready to give battle, they retired down the coast ture and it will hist many years, always giving com­ von save money perma- is that the President invited the first 15 senators on a to bold a war dance and to work up their courage. The fort to the home. nently as every dollar list, an official list, to breakfast. He took the list straight beleagured party being scantily supplied with ammuni­ Gifts of Furniture typify the very spirit ot HOPE REBEKAH LODGE spent stays at home work­ down, as given him. Coolidge Republicans and Davis tion, and not willing to take the chances of defeat, they Christmas—of peace, contentment and good will. announces ing for home progress. Democrats and some who were perhaps discreet and did took advantage of the temporary absence of the savages, not say who they voted for. All got bids to White House and took to the forest carrying nothing hut their arms Carnival Dance R IJ G S doughnuts and Java. All hut La Follette. and ammunition. It was a desperate move hut they suc­ including First National Imagine the family joy on. Christmas Day to That is wind stirs the social wrath among some of ceeded in reaching the friendly cover of the timber, which NOVELTY PROGRAM find a rich warm Bug where an old shabby one had the statesmen from the North Central West. Bank is almost as difficult to traverse as. a tripieal jungle, and F riday, D ec. 5th been; beautiful ones await your choosing here at Too many of us do not really know the keen import­ by moving as rapidly as possible and keeping under cov­ .Ashland, Oregon ance of social life. Statesmen do. very low prices; our stock is the best and hirgest er for five or six miles they came out on the beach north 8 P. M. I. O. O. F. Hall “ Ashland Is Our Tow n- we have ever shown. The MacDonald eahineteers realize it, those English­ of Cape Blanco and encamped there over night. The next Let’s Boost It!” men who. for nearly a year, held down the woolsack and day they reached the Coquille river and discovered a vil­ wrote letters to Moscow and Berlin ,and lived in Fleet lage of about 200 Indians on the opposite shore. To avoid street and answered questions in the House of Commons. this village they travelled up the bank of the river several The Nation’s They did not rise, and they did not tall, on matters of miles and constructing a raft, crossed over. That they Reliable House furnishers state. They rose to power because there is a social dif­ might not encounter another band they kept to the woods .Business Fresli, Fragrant ference between the Fast and the West of London. And for two davs; living on berries and such forage as they they tel! because they wore knee breeches to court events could procure At one point they came onto a small hand has broadened and developed Flowers when they might much better have listened to the voice of of savages, which by charging them they frightened away. under the protection of insur­ the voter at home, and have worn long pants and a four Again they came upon the beach and lived upon mussels ance. For sweetheart, s ic k in hand tie when bidden by the king to a party. and other sea food which they succeeded in salvaging for We represent the oldest Amer­ fire and m arine insurance friend, -mother or dud. What speeches and picnics and radio talks are to the four davs. The onlv assistance tliev received was from ican company, to whose first forms Let a BO I Q l’ET do it. voter at home, break lasts and luncheons and dinners, and natives living on Coos river which empties into Coos Bay. of business insurance th ere has —the best that we have. receptions are to the statesmen at Washington. 1 Strangely enough these Indians were friendly and fed and now been added practically Armory, Tues., Dee. • 9 Cal. Coolidge was for once not thoughtful. He should i helped them On the eighth day they reached the Umpqua every form of commercial in­ How simple it is to se­ » • • surance and property protec­ With an all-star east of brilliant artists, consisting have invited La Follette to breakfast, and left it to the river where they were received and provided for by the lect a Bouquet with Qual­ tion. of Stella Norelli-Lamont, Colorotura Soprano; Su­ Wisconsin man’s heated judgment to stay away. settlers they found there ity Flowers. Just out. the -------------------- — Captain Tiehenor had promised to he hack with re- Billings Agency zanne France, Lyric Soprano; Ohrad Djnrin. Tenor; highway. OUR CHRISTMAS PLANNING inforcements by the twenty-third. The Seagull being de- Giuseppe Interrante, Baritone; Arthur Ludell, E3tab. 1883 We are planning, the most of us, to do our Christmas J iained at San Francisco, he obtained passage with his Real E state & Real Insurance Pianist. Phone 211 Be a B ooster. Buy Y our T ick ets Now! shopping early, rather than late. This shopping may be companions on the Columbia which was hound for the 41 E. Main St. HATCHER Representing the Reason T ickets: Adult 82 .5 0 . H igh School 8 1 .5 0 Crildi-en 8 1 .0 0 meager, or it may he generous, according to our several I north, and reached Port Orford on the day on which he “ The Florist” INSURANCE COMPANY OF No W ar Tax 1070 B oulevard opportunities and parses or inclinations. But in any ease, was due hut found his settlers gone. He had recruits to NORTH AMERICA Open on Sunday— We Deliver it will probably he more thoughtful than ever, as a result the number of forty. He was surprised at not finding T ickets can In* reserved at The B ose w ithout extra cost of our education to “ Shop early.” his people. He landed with a man by the name of Leroy j A ^W T A N Tfc B A T T Y W. & N. Service Station Jerry O’Neal C h ristm as G reeting Cards Jftww The Army Goods Store J. P. Dodge & Sons Flotow’s Famous Light Opera “L’OMBRA”