w i » gwftflâ Gone South*— W. Stonebraken ot this city left the first of the week for Edgewood, California, where he will spend the w inter. , At Hotel Ashland— Among those registered at the Hotel Ashland from W ashington are Rev. Welch and wife, H. Ewl-j son and wife of Kelso; George Dickenson and wife, Bellingham ; C. F. Cattenbrook, Seattle; C. H. Garbor and wife, Seattle, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Brunton, Seattle and D. M. Martin, Seattle. WEALTHY SWINDLER PLEADS GUILTY Utsinchday, December H, I (dii GUTTED BY BLAZE I was over a narrow trail, which ' of land, located near the hospital BUDGET FOR YEAR WILL forced many to forego the* pleas­ and owned by the city, was given CONTAIN REDUCTIONS ure of standing on top of the until May 1, to exercise this op­ LOS ANGELES. Dec. 3. __1 CHICAGO, Dec. 3. — Leo big project. (Continued from page three) tion. It was shown th at Staples Koretz, two million dollar Bay- Catching fire from her motor, the had completed improvements on the way .for fu rth er reduction In ano sw indler, today pleaded guil-i “Zeridus” one of the largest ves­ COUNCIL PASSES ORDIN­ W aterm an Fountain Pens. Me sels In the San Pedro' fishing i the land which had enhanced its' taxes. This reduction cannot be ty to four counts in the indict­ ANCE FOR LEVY OF TAXES value. N air Bros. rieet was burned to the w aters! m ent against him. Koretz will effected immediately. Before it Tamales, best in the city, “ The edge at dawn today, about tw en­ Upon the recommendation of is undertaken we should know be sentenced tomorrow. (Continued from page One) Kose“. 60— tf To C orvallis— ty miles north of the city of O. E. Easterling, city electrician, more definitely by actual opera­ — Mrs. Evelyn Caldwell, Cleon Santa Barbara, according to dis­ a Ford coupe was purchased for tion what our revenues will be LOS ANGELES MAX Mrs. C. W . N in is w a s a p p o in te d to In M edford Y’esterday— Caldwell and Raymond McGee D ecorating W indow s— patches received here. The crew ! ESTABLISHES RECORD succeed herself on the same Clyde Malone, who will take over under our present tax law. But C. A. Malone of the Jordan made a trip to Corvallis Monday abandoned the craft after a des­ hoard. The term of office of Mrs. the duties of city electrician on the knowledge of our revenue The stores are putting on their ! Electric company of this city was where Cleon Caldwell is attend holiday a ttire and many w indow s; LOS ANGELES, Dec. 3.— E s -i perate three hour fight with the Nims expired some time ago, hut January 1, Easterling lia s been under the existing law will avail a Medford visitor yesterday. ing school. Mrs. Caldwell an f are being decorated with C hrist­ tablishing what is said to be a ; flames. using his personal car during his us nothing if we embark upon was overlooked'. McGee returned home yesterday. mas trim m ings. The Christinas w orld’s record, F. Melius joined E. T. Staples, real estate deal­ term of office, and it was pointed any new large expenditure pro­ Cliff Payne makes book racks. stock is practically all here and the golfers “ Hole in One” club GRAND JU R Y i x SESSION er, who holds an option on a piece out that an automobile was ab­ gram .” M oving— FINDS SIX TRUE BILKS is being displayed in the stores by m aking a 374 yard hole in solutely essentia, to the work of H ere Yester«lay— Mr. and Mrs. Van Gorder who giving them a m arked holiday a single shot at the Los Angeles the office. Rev. D. J. Howe of Medford have moved to Ashland recently appearance. (Cointtnued from page 1.) country club course today. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY The work of the committee Don’t fail to hear this im­ was in Ashland yesterday visiting have taken the property at 4 59 which has been working on the whom indictm ents were returned portant and startling lecture at business men. Mortojj street and are moving F alls From H orse— INHERITS MUCH MONEY FOR SALE: — Several good problem of supplying w ater to the Adventist Church, Cor. 4th were arrested in Medford a few there. They are from Chehalis Miss Rowen Gale of Medford, EUGENE, Dec. 3. — Mrs. Dora weeks ago in connection with the business opportunities. $1500 to several residents of the West side and C Sts.. Thursday,' Dec. 4th, The shops are full of Xmas! W ashington. at 7:30. a student at the University of Morey of Long Beach Calif., for­ robbery of the Gold Hill drug $15,000. H. C. Galey, 65 E. Main. was commended by the hoard, up-j gifts that anyone can buy. But Oregon, sustained a minor scalp m erly Dora T urner of this city 79— 3 on the request of Homer Billings' “Shall St. P au l’s at latndon be Chicken tam ales th at will de­ wound Saturday when the horse has fallen heir to the two mil­ store. It is believed th a t Kelley th ere's one gift th a t only you an annex to St. P eter’« at who represented the petitioners. 64— tl she was riding became frighten-; lion dollar estate in W ashington and McDonald are mein hers of can give— your photograph, D ar-' light you at The Plaza. R om e?” FOR RENT: — 2 or 3 room this gang, although there is no Claims am ounting to $7,438.50,! ling Studio, Phone No. 8. 76— tfi ed and ran away. The accident j D. C. of the late Henry Turner, apartm ents. S. D. Taylor. 63 N. By E v a n g e list T. L. T lnteniler. m ittee were ordered paid. A sew- definite proof for this suspicion Main. H ave Big Cerem ony— 79__3 occurred in an orchard and Miss! m ulti-m illionaire race track man, “ W ake Up Von H leeper” authorized by the Finance com- R eturned Hoiiw— The D. O. K. K. are planning Gale, to escape being hit by and h er grand father, according excepting the stories of the four W h a t does th e R om e-w ard men are practically the same, FOR RENT: — 5-rooin fur­ er lateral, to serve two homes on Miss Hazel Hudnell who un­ a big ceremony in Medford Sat limbs of the trees, clung to the to word received here today. tre n d m ea n ? F re e! W elcom e! covering a period immediately be­ nished house. Inquire. 121 Laurel B street was ordered laid. derw ent an operation at the Com-1 urday night and a num ber of horse’s neck. She fell to the fore and immediately after the St. 79-1 wk.* m unity Hospital about a week Ashland men have signified their ground, a hoof striking her in IN D EN TITY O F INDIAN robbery in Gold Hill. intention of attending. ago was taken home Monday. the back of the head, rendering FOUND: — Ring. Owner may PR IN C E IS R E V E A LE D her unconscious and necessitat­ have same by describing proper­ EMMIGRANT DAM TO BE Chicken tam ales th a t will de-' Carnival D ance— ing the taking of three stitches. ty and paying for this ad. 79— 3 LONDON, Dec. 3. — All Lon­ Friday evening the Rebekahs A farm er living nearby rendered IN SERVICE SOON; light you at The Plaza. 64— tfi don was surprised today when will give a Carnival Dance. Novel­ first aid. Miss Gale was horse­ FOR HALE — 2 1-2 acres with ' (Continued from page One) ty program at 8 p. m. in I. O. O. back riding with a num ber of) the India office announce that F ish in g— long street frontage and ad­ the identity of the Indian prince 77-3 sorority sisters a t the time ■ joining railroad, good warehouse Bert Moses made a fishing trip F. Hall. Public invited. • \\ lien von are choosing gifts for mother, called “ Mr. A ” in England’s over th ree times the capacity of i or factory site, price $1300. H. to the Rogue River yesterday, re-1 Medford Mail Tribune. father, brother, sister, sweetheart or friend, greatest blackm ail case was Sir the reservoir, so it is assured t h a t ! H ere Today— C. Galey, 65 E. Main. 79— 3 ' turning with some fine fish. Surri Singh, R ajah of Jam m u and the dam will back up enough reinemher that furniture gifts aVe the most last­ Jim Clarke of K lam ath Falls N ew Industry— K ashm ir. FOR HALE: — Rhode Island w ater to easily fill the reservoir. ille ami most appreciated. w'as in Ashland today on his way V isitin g H e r e - A new industry, which prom­ W alker announced that the Red Pullets. Phone 14F21. East Mrs. E tta Patton is visiting to Los Angeles. Mrs. Clarke ac­ ises much for the G rants Pass 79— 2* Salem — Pacific F ru it Can­ road leading up to the dam i5 Main. relatives in Ashland. She was companied him to this city, and district is the raising of gladiola ning and Packing Company buys now* open for use, having been a form er resident hut has been will be the ^u est of Misses W heel­ bulbs. P. II. Jewell, of the “ Glad­ FOR HALE CHEAP: Two large C unningham plant in W est completed during the past few living in Portland and C anada' er and Blumenfeld during Mr. iola G ardens,” the tra c t leased cows, one heifer, Jerseys. 890 E. Salem, and organizes for big co­ days, and th a t now visitors are C larke’s absence. for the past two years. , Main. 79—5* from P. B. Herman for the grow­ operative program for 1925. able to walk up to the top of the ing of the bulbs, today shipped dam w ithout difficulty. During FOR HALE— Brick store, splen­ The young peoples class of the out 15000 of the bulbs, the ship­ Phone 130 for Powell’s Cider. Astoria — City road district the construction period, and be­ did location, pays 12 per cent C hristian Church are giving a ment going to Portland dealers. 63— Im o USE YOUR ( ’REDIT ON ( ’11RISTM \S short program and box social at Mr. Jewell is planting between votes bonds for th ree road pro­ fore the completion of the road, gross, price $5,000. H. C. Galey. FURNITURE (HETS the trip to the top of the dam 65 E. Main. 79— 3 the church on Friday eve. Dec. five and seven acres of the plants jects inside city lim its. Renovating; H ouse— E. D. Briggs is painting, lav-' 5 at 7:30. Everyone cordially in­ this w inter and expects to make ing oak floors and thoroughly! vited to attend. Coffee will be it a real industry. He has been 78-4 in the work in California and renovating his home on upper served. Almond street. already has his m arket secured. R eturned Home— The farm is located on the Red­ Mrs. A rth u r Abbott and Miss wood highway about six miles Like the shops our studio is rushed ju st before Xmas. That is E tha Abbott returned home last from G rants Pass. — G rants Pass why we suggest th a t you sit for evening from Los Angeles where Courier. your Xmas portraits before Dec. they spent several weeks on a 15th. Darling Studio. Phone No.' vacation. THROWS SON OUT OF 8 76— tf' WINDOW, KILLS SELF Special Auto Accident Policy for $5.00 a year. Phone 21. Yeo In A shland— NEW YORK. Dec. 2. — Mrs. of course. 24-tf Dr. and Mrs. R. L. Burdic made Bessie Katz, 28, early today a trip to G rants Pass Sunday re­ pitched her two sons. Jerom e H ere for F ew D ay»— tu rning with Mrs. Earnest Wick and Stanley, twins, only a few D. B. Fishcher of Copco is in and family who are visiting at the weeks old, from the third story Ashland for a few’ days on busi­ Wick and Burdic homes. window’ of an apartm ent build­ ness. ing here, and then dove from the Save $10.00, walk upstairs to window herself. You are assured of the biggest Orres tailor shop. 17— tf Jerom e was instantly killed, values on the m arket when you while his brother and Mrs. Katz 77— tf Perfum es in fancy packages. trade at P aulserud’s. suffered injuries which will like­ McNair Bros. ly cause their deaths, according In A shland— to physicians in attendance. The Clyde Van Meter of Klam ath T o A rrive Soon— young m other has been in a Falls is in Ashland on business. Mrs. J. R. Lilly, form erly of semi-hysterical condition since Ashland! hut madre recently of her release from a m aternity hos­ Buy your gifts, candy and food Gridley expects to be in Ashland pital in this city last Sunday. about the first of the week for at the Rebekah Bazaar Friday, Dec. 5th. Next door to Elharts. a short visit. 77— 3 Bags Three Squirrels The Gifts for The Years SWENSON-PEEBLER Furniture Company he CLEAN SWEEP Clearance ill Ready-To-Wear Includes Our Complete Line of Ladies’ Misses’ and Children’s FINE WINTER COATS KNOCKS ‘EM KOLD with Single Shot Re m easured today for your At Crater latke— Holiday suit. P aulserud’s. 75-tf WOODSFIELD, Ohio, Dec. 2. Colonel C. G. Thompson and — H unting season honors for Chester B arr visited the west en­ Ijocating H ere — Monroe County this year have Mr. Pope and two sons and trance of C rater Lake national been awarded to F ran k Elliott, th eir wives arrived in Ashland park yesterday in company with who bagged three squirrels with yesterday from Delta, Calif., and Jam es Grieve whom they picked a single shot. E lliott explained up at Prospect. The going was are looking for a location. good as far as Union Creek, from th a t the squirrels were caucusing on a log. where the snow depth gradually Paulserud’s for cleaning, press­ increased from a couple of in­ ing and remodeling. Phone 119 Tidings W ant Ads. ches to two feet at the west park Solve a dozen Xmas problems There’s a message in The with a gift th at only you can entrance. Colonel Thompson ran his car to within one mile of this Rive— your photograph. Darling side of the entrance and the dis­ Has N ew Siren— Studio, Phone No. 8 76— tf The city has purchased a large tance the rest of the way was siren for the G rants Pass Fire made on foot. — Medford Mail Return Home— D epartm ent. This siren is al­ Tribune. George Holling and his m oth­ ready on the way and will be in­ er, Mrs. Emma Holling who have stalled as soon as it arrives. The been in Ashland for the past two In J a c k s o n v i ll e - siren has been needed badly, ac­ Andrew McGee of this city was m onths returned to P ortland this cording to Fire Chief Cole, the morning. Holling was injured in a visitor in Jacksonville today on present bell having become a n ­ a motorcycle accident some time business. tiquated. Tlie’ bell cannot be ago. I heard in many parts of the city. Tidings W ant Ads are go-getters I ! — G rants Pass Courier. You are wrelcome to compare my Automobile rates w ith any oth er rates In Jackson or Jose­ phine Counties; you can be the Judge. Phone 21. Yeo, of coarse. 30— tf We make now, whe eryone must go. Just lie season demand for We offer you the best lines that money can buy at ROCK BOTTOM CLEAR­ ANCE PRICES. Ladies’ Coats in Lot One Include Values up to $22.50 GOING AT Lot Two—Coats, Values up to $30.00 GOING AT $14.95 $19.95 Lot Three—Coats, Val­ ues up to $40.00 GOING AT Lot Four—Coats, Val­ ues up to $50.00 GOING AT $29.95 $37.95 The V isits H ere— Mrs. Alice 8. Jay, form er or­ ganist at the Vining Theatre now’ 1 living in Willows, Calif., who is visiting friends in Medford was In Ashland yesterday and visited with Mrs. A. L. Harvey. Christmas Store Do Your Shopping Here ( .4 No More Trout F ish in g— Trout fishing for fish under 10 inches was ended on November, 30 and fisherm en are w arned that It is against the law to have fish under th a t size in th e ir posses­ sion. There is no closed season on fish over 10 Inches In Rogue River. Sale of Boxed STATIONERY Thursday One Lot of Assorted Coats in Wonderful Cloths. Priced for Quick Clearance at, Your Choice AT ABOUT 1-3 Injured— Miss Flo Thompson, post mis­ tress of Jacksonville, and her ’ sister-in-law, Mrs. Thompson were : retu rning last night from a m o -; to r trip to P ortland when th e ir , car skidded and went into t h e ' ditch about a mile north of G rants Pass. The occupants were uninjured, b u t were forced, to complete th eir journey by s ta g e ,! as the car, a Chevrolet co u p e.' suffered two broken wheels and minor bruises and la ce ra tio n s.! Mr. Thompson went up today t o ! bring the victim home. — Med­ ford Mail Tribune. Coats Values up to $70. GOING AT ' LESS REGULAR PRICES Show Room Samples of “ Hycrest” Boxed Stationery Extra Fine Quality. Priced, Box J 24cT0 $2.48 Every last one of these coats are to be sold and we have priced them accord­ ingly. E. R. ISAAC & CO “The Quality Store” This coal sale will unquestionably be the crowning sale event of the year. We absolutely reserve nothing. W here Y our D ollar H as M ore Cent«' •