Molida}, i>ecëmbér î, ÍM4 ¿ g iU if f l iSAitÿ » » G l pace w t - a TWO PAY PINES FOR I ASHLAND COUPLE NOT DIMMING LIGHTS AL PH A CH APTER No. 1 O. E . 8 . Stated communication tom or­ row (Tuesday) evening at 7:30 p. m. Initiation and election of officers. V isitors welcome. By order of W orthy Matron. LEAH M. CALDWELL, Secy. 77— 1 swp H Days 'tatti Christmas Carl B. Long of Medford and A lfred Okeson of Ashland were brought in Saturday by J. J. Mc­ Mahon to Judge Gowdy charged w ith failure to dim the lights on their cars. They were each fined ten dollars. Three tram ps were also taken ¡to Judge G o w d y yesterday charged with stealing rides on freight trains. Two of them paid part of the costs and the other one was released as he had no money. In A shland— Mrs. Haymond Park and Mrs. Harold Clarkson of Dunsmuir are in Ashland for a few days. Tamales, best in the city, “ The Rose’*. 60— tf I r . V ft Y esterday— ■* Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Dyrud left ’ Taking Vacation— V isitin g at R ock P oin t — Mrs. J. R. McQuilkin of this yesterday for Canada w here they, J. Andrew McGee of the Stan- will spend some time on a v aca-1 dard Oil Company is taking a two city left yesterday for Rock Point to visit for a few days. tion. i weeks’ vacation. The shops are full of Xmas Special Auto Accident Policy gifts th at anyone can buy. But for $5.00 a year. Phone 21. Yeo th e re ’s one gift th a t only you of course. 24-tf can give— your photograph, Dar- ---------- ling Studio, Phone No. 8. 76— tf Here on Business— ______ Mr. Smilie of Medford is spend- ing the day in Ashland on busi­ In A shland— Mr. and Mrs. Edw ard Stanley ness. and Children of Dunsmuir spent You are assured of the biggest the week-end at the home of Mrs. Stanley’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. values on the m arket when you trad e at Paulserud’s. 77— tf P ran k Bess of Allison street. H ere T his M orning— John Kelly of Rogue River was in Ashland today on his way to K lam ath Falls where he will spend several days duck hunting. To Roseburg— Mrs. C. H. Putney and son, Dick, left yesterday for Roseburg where they will spend the week with friends. R eturns to A shland— Cliff Payne makes drawers. le a v e s for P ortland— W. C. Thurlow who has been Spend Day H ere— visiting with his family during Mr. and Mrs. R. I. Sloan and Thanksgiving left for Portland son, Jr., spent yesterday in Ash­ this morning. land from their home in Klam ath Palls. Carnival Dance— Friday evening the Rebekahs Chicken tam ales th a t will de­ will give a Carnival Dance. Novel- light you at The Plaza. 64— tf| ty program a t 8 p. m. in I. O. O. P. Hall. Public invited. Miss Ethel Smith who has been spending the past year in San Francisco, returned recently to Ashland. R eturned from S to ck to n --* Hum phrey Anderson who has been spending the week a t Stock- ton, California, returned home last night. Anderson is employed at the Skyline Mine. H ere for W e e k - E n d - Buy your gifts, candy and food Prances E liott of Klam ath Palls spent the week-end in Ashland a t the Rebekah Bazaar Friday, Dec. 5th. Next door to E lharts w ith friends. 77— 3 Phone 130 for Powell’s Cider. 63— Im o At H osp ital— R. A. Laue who has been mak Orres Cleans Clothes. P h o n e ' inK his home with his sister, Mrs. 77__! • ! W. C. Thurlow of this city, is con €4. j fined to a San Francisco hospital l with Phneumonia. H ere Y esterday— Ed W alters of Dunsmuir wras Paulserud’s for cleaning, press in Ashland yesterday visiting ing and remodeling. Phone 119 with friends. Like the shops our studio is rushed Just before Xmas. That is why we suggest th a t you sit for your Xmas portraits before Dec. 15th. Darling Studio. Phohe No. 8. 76— tf Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Hale who have been speeding the Thanks­ giving vacation with friends and relatives here returned last eve­ ning to Applegate where Mr. Hale is employd as a teacher. CHICAGO, Dec. 1. — Ignor­ ance, chief cause of most of our m otor accidents, should be de­ term ined by the examiners in giving State operators’ licenses, declared Richard E. Kropf, su­ preme regent of the Royal Arca­ num, in addressing a safety con­ ference here. Careless and p er­ functory exam inations are the causes of many crashes, he m ain­ tained. Male Mannequin Makes H is D e b u t in L o n d o n ! LONDON, Dec. 2. — The male m annequin has made his debut here. W ith women m annequins, he showed off the latest fashions in m en’s w ear a t a dress show here recently. • Spectators: declared th a t he perform ed his duties much more effectively th an m annequins of the opposite sex do. He not only knew the name of the m aterial of which his suit was made, but also all about its cut, fit and w earing qualities. C ontrary to> the women’s m annerism s, he had not acquir­ ed a s '» 'ia l wa » nor the d iiib r r s ’e inar.nequ ’i i t s ’» t par a I ’d évité a t h ii cas-». WELL KNOWN WOMAN BURIED HERE TODAY Mrs. Mary C. Glenn, 77, died a t h er home on Glenn Avenue Saturday, November 29 after a long illness. Mrs. Genn was born in Indiana and had lived in Ashland for a num ber of years. F uneral services were held at two o’clock this afternoon a t the Methodist church. In term ent was in the Ashland cemetery. At R ogue Riv Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Murphy and friends spent yesterday a t Rogue River at the home of Pete Stowell. Stop H ere— Jack Pem ber and Ira Bigman of Monmouth spent several days Chester Stoakes of Klam ath in Ashland this week a t the home Palls is in Ashland visiting with of P. J. Murphy. They left this his grandm other, Mrs. Mary Cole morning for Berkeley. of A street. V isitin g H ere— Why wear hand - me - downs when you can get tailor made At C onvalescent H om e— Mrs. Sumner P arker is confin­ clothes for less at Orres tailor 77— 1* ed to the Convalescent Home on shop upstairs. G ranite street due to a nervous V isitin g H ere— breakdown. Mrs. K. Addis Carlson of Sa­ Have ju st sold the Bergner lem id* visiting at the L. J. Orres Mrs. block; but have another snap in home on Beach avenue. Carlson drove from Salem with business property. Staples R ealty Agency. 72— tf her son, Glen Addis of the Mc­ N air Drug store, who spent Thanksgiving with friends and R teurns to A shland— Miss Francis F ra te r who has relatives at Salem. been ill with scarlet fever for the Be measured today for your past two months has returned Holiday suit. P aulserud’s. 75-tf from her home in Riddle and re­ sumed her position as English teacher at the high school this H ere Sunday— Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Meservey of morning. Hilt, California, spent Sunday visiting friends in Ashland. Mr. Save $10.00, walk upstairs to O rres tailor shop. 17— tf Meservey is lum ber yard foreman for the F ru it Growers Supply Co., at H ilt. In sta ll A pparatus— Additional fire apparatus was being installed at the high school building today to relieve the fire hazard in the new building. The old equipm ent was already in­ stalled but the increased size of the building made necessary the purchase of additional hose, nozzles, etc.— G rants Pass Courier. R eturned Home— Blames Ignorance for Auto Crashes C hristm as Suit and Overcoat orders m ust be in soon. Big val­ ues at Orres Tailor shop up­ stairs. 77— 1* R eturns Hom At K irby— Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Van Valk- enburg and Mrs. J. A. Taylor of N orth Main street spent Thanks­ giving at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jam es Archibald at their home near Kerby. H ere for V acation—• Carl Dyrud who is attending th e Oregon A gricultural College spent the Thanksgiving vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Dyrud. PROMINENT YOUNG COUPLE MARRIED HERE SATURDAY Miss Iona Becktel and Mr. Lloyd Stanley Smith were m ar­ ried a t eight-thirty Saturday evening a t Presbyterian parson­ age, Rev. J. C. M ergler officiat­ ing. The wedding was a very simple one and only the bride’s m other, Mrs. P. M. Becktel and Leslie Heer were present. The couple are spending sev­ eral days in Ashland and expect to leave soon for a short trip. They will make their home in Ashland. Miss Becktel is a well known Ashland girl. She attended the local high school. Smith is em­ ployed by the Southern Pacific. MARRIED | SHEDD BANK ROBBERS SUNDAY i ARRAIGNED AT ALBANY Miss B ertha Borrall, well known young girl of Ashland and Leonard Lund of this city were quietly m arried in G rants Pass yesterday. Miss B orrall has been prom in­ ent in social and church circles and ha3 a great many friends who wish them much happiness. Lund moved to Ashland recently. NOTRE DAME TRIMS CARNEGIE WARRIORS PITTSBURG, Dec. 1. On a snowswept field, the brilliant Notre Dame team defeated the Carnegie Tech outfit, 4 0-19 Sat-] urday, before a crowd of 35,000 people. Tech battled stubborn­ ly, but Notre Dames’ four horse­ men, Layden, Crowley, Don Mil­ ler and Stuhldreher were too much for them. NOTICE OF FINAL ALBANY, Dec. 1— The four al­ leged Shedd bank robbers were a r­ raigned today, and bound over to the grand jury. They are, M. Stiter, L. Neilson, C. Replogle and TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY Clarence Boggle. They were cap-j de-camp. who engineered the plot tured following the robbery of the! by which the Indian prince, “ Mr. bank Saturday afternoon. A b o u t; A’’ was blackmailed for $750,000 $400 w’as taken from the bank.i as the result of his love affair with Mrs. Robinson, was arrest* and this has not been recovered. ed here today after a search which had extended through China and ANOTHER IS TAKEN BLACKMAIL TANGLE the United States. The police said later th at his a rre st was not PARIS, Dec. 1— Captain Chas “ form al” hut th a t he had been A rthur. 42, of London, reputed as brought to the prefecture to be having been the un-named aide- interrogated. SCHOOL GIRL LOST large red fountain pen. R eturn to Tidings office. 7 7— 3« FURNISHED front room a p art­ ment. 349 E. Main St. 77— 1 wk. WANTED:— Male Pox Terrier puppy, nicely marked of toy kind. Phone 4 79Y. 77— 4 E n joyin g th e W inter— Word has been received from Mr. and Mrs. Jam es Rudd who are located in San Diego for the w inter, th a t they are enjoying the change and th a t the w eather is as hot as it was during the sum m er in Ashland. At M e d fo rd - Mrs. A. L. Harvey and Miss Opal Harvey of this city spent Thanksgiving Day with T. G. Gifford of Medford. Prank B. Grubb who has been working as forem an on a road contract at the N atron Cut-off at Paisley, Oregon, returned home Solve a dozen Xmas problems yesterday to spend th e w inter with a gift th at only you can here. In A s h l a n d - give— your photograph. Darling Monte Briggs arrived in Ash­ Studio, Phone No. 8 76— tf land W ednesday from Los An­ See the big display of new geles and visited with relatives Holiday woolens for Suits and A t E a g le P oint— and friends for several days. He Mrs. C. O. Holman spent Overcoats in the Hotel Ashland returned to th e C alifornia city windows, shown by Orres ta il­ Thanksgiving Day and the week­ yesterday. ors. 77— 1* end with the Jones family of Eagle Point, form erly of this city. L eaves H o s p i t a l - She reported th a t Mrs. Jones is To Ix'ave Soon— Mrs. Delvin who was injured Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Gruelle very much improved but not real in an automobile accident recent­ and children expect to leave De­ well as yet. ly was able to leave the hospital cember 10 for Connecticut by way Saturday. to n are welcome to compare of Texas, New Orleans and other my Automobile rates w ith any southern places. * The G ruelle’s Operated— other rates in Jackson or Jose­ lived In Connecticut before com­ Richard Gordon, small son of phine Counties; you can be the ing to Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon of this city Judge. Phone 21. Yeo, of course. was operated on for appendicitis 3 0— tf A t McGee’s— Saturday morning but is reported Mrs. C hattin has taken a posi­ as doing well. tion in McGee’s Dry Goods store T ravel L ight— The tourist travel to and and started work there this FO RM ER ASHLAND through Medford although al­ morning. R E SID E N T DIES ways somewhat light at thia time of the year, fell down with a bang In Ashland— Mrs. Mary A Kilgore, 66, died la st week. However, it is thought L. Dart, form er resident of at Sanitarium November 27. Mrs. to be only a tem porary slump, and this city who has been for some K ilgore was a pioneer of the early th a t the usual w inter season time employed at H untington days. * travel between C alifornia and Park, Cal., returned to Ashland Funeral services will take place He still retains his from Stock’s F uneral Parlors, De­ W ashington and B ritish Colum­ yesterday. bia will soon sta rt again, Med- home here and may spend the cember 2, at 10 o’clock. w inter. ford Mail Tribune. Eugene — $77,000 to be ex­ There’s a message in The pended on P rairie road, 11 miles Chicken tam ales th a t will de­ light you at The Plaza. 64— tf Tidings W ant Ads. long, northw ard from Blair. Trade is good with us—and there’s a reas­ on. Better get acquainted with our merchandise of quality— FOR SALE CHEAP — 4 milk cows, 3 yearling heifers and 1 Jersey bull, 1 new Mellott Sep- arator. R. P. D. Box 138. 77-2* WANTED: — Board and room answer Postoffice Box 293. 77-3 FOR RENT: — Furnished In County Court, Jackson A partm ent, garage. Children wel­ County, Oregon. come. Phone 266J. 77— tf E state of Renaldo A. Lares, FOR RENT: — Nicely furnish­ Deceased. ed apartm ents or sleeping rooms. The undersigned A dm inistrator Second. of the E state of Renaldo A. Lares, Lithia A partm ents. 35 S. 77— 3* Deceased, has filed in said Court his Pinal Account as A dm inlstra- FO R SA LE: — 1922 Chevrolet tor, and the Judge of said Court touring car. F irst class condition. has designated Saturday, January Price reasonable. A. C. Meyer, 73 3, 1925 a t 10:00 A. M. a t the Pine St. 76— 4* C ourt House in Jacksonville, Ore­ FOR RENT: — A one-room gon as the tim e and place to hear any objections to the approval of furnished house, cozy for the w inter. $12.00 per month, light said Account. G. P. BILLINGS, A dm inistrator. and w ater furnished. 153 Granite. 77— 1 77— 5 Mon. PRICED W ITHIN REASON- SETTLEM ENT Men’s Wear Only MITCHELLS The Men’s Store By the Post Office THE THEATER BEAUTIFUL Tues., Wed., Thurs. —T O N I G H T — Orpheum Tlie most Vaudeville Interesting Event 5—ACTS—5 for the next Ten Days at with the feature picture This Store A romance <»i‘ the North ‘The Rejected Woman’ with Alma Rultens and Will be Conrad Nagel. a Rapid Fire Main Floor ........... 75c December Coat Clearance A brilliant, spectacular pro­ duction from the screen’s m as­ ter-director. Lavishly beauti­ ful and loaded with thrills. Regular time Printing and Newspaper Publicity The Tidings conducts both a daily newspaper and also a job printing shop the two cooperating to make printing and advertising more productive. How is this cooperation working to the advantage of those who have their printing done in the Tidings print shop? A local organization recently staged an entertainment, for which they needed both .printing and newspaper publicity. On their printing and newspaper advertising order The Tidings made a reasonable prolit, at the same time giving the organization’s entertainment profitbale publicity through the newspaper advertisement and the neatly printed forms Because of the profit The Tidings made from the printing and ad­ vertising, the newspaper was able to afford to give more cooperation in the news columns, which made the entertainment more successful, without any greater cost to the organization than the printing would have been without the cooperating-publicity in the news columns. The Tidings will be glad to cooperate with you in giving you the widest publicity to your entertain­ ments, business or profession. The Ashland Tidings Phone 39 ’il-».«'S'iIttJ Balcony ................. 50c Doors open 7:30 Curtain 8:15 sharp Regular prices ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ V isitin g H e r e - Mr. and Mrs. Dan Davis and infant daughter of K lam ath Falls are visiting a t the home of Mrs. Davis’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. E. H urst of Beach street. YES! » » •♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ » > • »♦♦♦