Ho» toton ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS Monday, December 1, 1924 PROFESSIONAL and hostess and th eir sm all s o n ,1 is really a three-in-one affair, for Thanks Class— Cascade Locks — Contract for Bobble were Mr. and Mrs. J. E ? it is built in three stages, which GIRL LOSES LIFE IN TERRIFIC FIRE Mrs. K atharine Morrison who' graveling three miles around Randles, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Ran- hook one to the other. They are has been ill a t her home on Ash-' Cape Horn. North Bank highway, PHYSICIANS Cl «««if tert Colum n Rated dies and son, Ivan, Mrs. Nellie particularly becoming to the wo- SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 29.— One cent the word each O’Donahue. Mrs. Jam es Beagle, i man with a ra th e r long neck, es- Marie Edmonds, 23. daughter of land street for some tim e wishes let for 379,122. Work begins a t OR. HAWLEY— Above Tidings time sons Melvin, Merle and Adam pecially in these days of short a prom inent Los Angeles realtor to thank the members of the ' once. Bereau class for the beautiful' office. Phone 91. To run ev er; Issue for one Beagle. locks. The Spanish señora wears i lost her life here last night when M iss E dith D odge, E ditor plant which they gave her. m onth or more, %c the word only the first section for every­ 1 fire destroyed the home of Mr. DR. C. W. HANSON I P hon e item s to her at 39, betw een Mah Jon gg Party— each lime. day. She hooks on the second and Mrs. John Sheehan Jr., of Dentist 8 a. in. and 5 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Lock­ for Sunday and the third for big this city, where she was a g u e st.! Corvallis — New 'W ashington Now ¡s th e tim e to buy spray Special attention given to pyor- i school building dedicated for h art entertained with a delight- fete days, FOR RENT pum ps, plow s and harrows, All the members of the family es­ use. rhoea. Office upstairs in Beaver ful Mah Jongg party at their CALENDAR OF EVENTS d rills and all kinds o f farm caped except Mrs. Edmunds. Block. Phone 178-J. 233-tf. Tuesday, December 2. Civic home on Alida street on Thanks­ Alice Sheehan, 20, made heroic I im plem ents. F en cin g in every FOR RENT:— 5 rooms, pantry, j DR. G. C. PHETTEPLACE giving. A delightful evening was Portland — Ground broken for efforts to rescue her gue3t, but Club meets at club house. sty le . H arness, collars, snaps, bath. Completely furnished, 1 5 5 1 D entistry spent playing the Chinese game Medical A rts office building, to the flam es swept between th e m ! W ednesday, December 3. Aux- 7th. 76— 3* i • Gas or local anesthesia for ex- and pads. New and used Hew­ It is for ex­ cutting off any chance for a res­ or headache— rub the forehead ------------------------------------------------! traction and minor surgery. iliary to the Trinity Guild m e e ts ' and dainty refreshm e“ t8 were cost 31,000,000. in g M achines. A uto Robes, etc. — melt and inhale the vapors clusive offices for physicians and cue. FOR RENT— Furnished house Special attention given to straight- j at 7:30 at the Parish House. ( served at a late hour. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hale of Ap- dentists. a t 298 H argadine St. Call at 280 ening and care of children’s i Thursday, December 4. E lksi = I plegate were guests for the even H argadine or Phone 353J. 75-2* teeth. Ladies Club meets in club rooms Above Citizens Bank ▼ V a r o R ub ing. t 7 M inion J a r, U tuJ Phono, Office, 151— Res., 201-J j at 2:30. R egular card party. • • « FOR R EN T:— 5-room furnish- F razier & S on Friday, December 5. Rebekah ed bungalow, lovely yard, front- DR. ERNEST A. WOODS— Prac-' Bazaar. — - L 'ü l At M ed fo r d - lag park on Granite street. E. T. tlce limited to eye, ear, nose ana Mrs. B. R. Grear and daugh­ * * * ► • Staples. 67— tf ter, Miss E lbert, spent T hanks­ th ro at— X-ray including teeth. Community D inner— 4 Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 tc We have a special on some FOR SALE A community dinner served by giving Day at the home of Mrs. 5. Swedenburg Bldg., Ashland, the H artm an Syndicate was the S. S. Smith of Medford. A delic­ good feed for cows. ious twelve o’clock dinner of Ore. FOR SA LE:— Chevrolet to u r­ main feature of entertainm ent at 75 lb. sack for ................. $1.60 ing car. F irst class condition. Shale City Thursday. The dinner turkey was served and d u rin g the Price reasonable. 73 Pine street. DR. E. B. ANGELL— Chiropractic was suggested by Major P e tti­ afternoon th e group witnessed the Alfalfa with molasses and Electro-Therapy. Office 76-4* ♦ grew who took charge of the af­ Ashland-Medford game a t the lo­ $1.65 sack phone 48; residence 142. F irst ♦ fair. The meal was prepared by cal ball grounds. « ALFALFA HAY for sale. Mrs. ' National Bank building. * * * Cherro Egg Mash .............$3.15 Mrs. Fairfoul and served in the M. E. Day, back of Normal cook house. About eighty peo­ Entertained— THE SOUTHERN OREGON 75— 6* school buildings. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. W alker of Oyster Shell per cwt. .. $1.50 CLINIC ple were present to enjoy the JVIODERN business is founded Liberty street entertained with a 1st N ational Bank Bldg. bounteous repast. Dinner was FOR SALE CH EA P:— Fireless ."•■upon intelligent trust. The M edical Surgical O bstetrical Hay. W heat, Oats, Barley served at three and followed by bountiful Thanksgiving dinner cooker. Inquire Miss CofTee Tid­ D iagnostic X-ray Thanksgiving dinner Thursday gist of trust is to find what is a dance in the evening. ings office. 75— 3* R W. Stearns, M. D. and Mill Run noon. Guests for the day were The children played games trust-worthy. This hank invites R. E. Green, M. D. ' FOR SALE, TRADE, or RENT R. W. Sleeter, M D. during the afternoon and the Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Greenwood of your careful investigation. — 15 3-4 aores, Sanford prop­ Office hours 2-5 p. m. men had several w restling and Ashland, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Rod LaRocque and Wra. Reynolds Phone 238-R e rty adjoining Helman Baths, Mack of Hilt, Calif., and Frank in Cecil B. DoMille’s Production boxing matches. F razier & S on •Feet ci Clayj A Pinmount Picture W alker of the University of O re­ recently owned by R. Derrick. The day was very much enjoy­ CONVALESCENT HOME* gon. Fine large city home, good barn, Phone 214— 353 E. Main St. W here the sick get w e lt* At the VINING ed by all and it is hoped to re­ • * ♦ free irrigation with one of the Cottage Plan. peat the affair next year. Tuesday, W ednesday, Thursday D inner P arty — oldest w ater rights in county. We board and care for invalids * * ♦ Mr. and Mrs. George Blaumen- There is nothing better than this and old people. E ntertains W ith D i n n e r - W ill trade for business, city or hauer entertained a t Thanksgiv­ M aternity Dept. Dr. Maude Hawley en tertain ­ ing dinner at th eir home on Pion­ country property. W. H. Lever- Ashland, Oregon Call 153 ed a num ber of her friends at eer street Thursday. Guests for ette, Medford Bldg., Medford. her home Thanksgiving Day. A MONUMENTS 74— 5 delicious dinner was served on the evening were Mrs. Sarah Mosier, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Gil­ Best Columbia Hard W heat a table beautifully decorated. ASHLAND GRANITE FOR SALE: — German Police more, Miss R uth Osmun, Bob Flour $8.95 per barrel The guests were Mr. and Mrs. MONUMENTS puppies, 687 Beach St. Thomas To be given away Xmas W agner, Clara B laum enhauer and George McAllister and s o n , Blair Granite Co. H arris. 73— 7* Eve to the hohler of the the host and hostess. Jam es of Central Point, Mrs. W. S. PENNISTON, M anager W alnuts, 25c and 35c per lb. • • • lucky ticket, (hie ticket WOOD FOR SA LE:— F ir and L. M ellinger of Chico, W alter Office 175 E. Main Style H int— Spruce, 16 inch, 38; Hard wood given with each 50c pur­ Hawley, V. V. Hawley and the Res. Phone 444-Y PARIS, Dec. 1.— Ever old and 16 inch, $12. Delivered. Mountain Cream Cheese ................. 3Oc lb. hostess, Dr. Hawley. chase of Christmas sup­ ever new, earrings seem to he Fuel Co. Siskiyou or leave order 1NY GIRL IN TROUBLE— May A factory representative is at oar store to • * * plies or sundries. an inevitable article of fashion. a t Beaver Realty Co. Ashland. communicate with Ensign Lee Game Dinner— demonstrate the Lang Features and to explain why 50— 1 mo.* of the Salvation Army at the Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Storm were They are the one form of un­ G ranges.......30c, 35c, 40c, 50c, the Lang Range will This is a splendid phono­ WhiteShield Home, 565 May- hosts a t a delicious goose din­ necessary hum an ornam ent that and 75c per dozen graph and one which will be MISCELLANEOUS fair Ave., Portland, Oregon. n er served a t th eir home last has enjoyed continuous popular­ welcomed in any home, and CUT YOUR FUEL BILL which will play any kind of Monday evening. The affair was ity since the first days of early DRESSMAKING and Tayloring PLANING MILL adornm ent and seem likely to re­ Florida Grape F ruit, 3 for 35c record. Come in and hear it 25 to 50 in the n atu re of a birthday din- reasonable prices, all work guar­ play. main in use as long as madame anteed. Mrs. B. Van H arden­ JORDON’S SASH AND CABINET j ner for Miss s ylvia Provost. Mr. nve»Ti o J « an exclusive wood-burning range. No ash pan. has ears to adorn. berg, 117 C entral Ave. 55— 1 mo.* WORKS, Cor. Helman and ; a,ld Mrs- H erm ana Krohn of Mc- (h e n _0-28, built to meet Nortiiwest conditions. The jew elers of the Rue de l a ! Van Ness. 194tf Cloud, Calif., who were week end Paix are talking about th eir e a r­ DRESSMAKING and plain sew­ -------------—______ ____________ ' guests at the Storm residence and rings in much the same m anner ing. Mrs. Dale Day, 129 G ranite TRANSFER AND EXPRESS j Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Provost and a3 the specialists of frocks and H. A. Stearns «1 n . Main streets 60— 1 mo,.* Whittle Transfer & Storage Co. daughter, Sylvia were guests. A cross fro m th e F o rd G a ra g e hats. They have them in all for SERVICE. * * * shapes and sizes, long ones and Experienced movers and pack­ Two O'clock D inner — short ones, round ones and oval For a smooth shave ers of household goods. Deal­ Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Randles — earrings to suit every face and and quick service go ers in coal and wood. Phone entertained with a sum ptuous feature. For earrings now to the Shell Barber 117. two o’clock Thanksgiving dinner. change th eir mode as often as Shop. Ladies and Office 89 Oak St. near The house was beautifully decor­ the h at which rises aboye them. children get your hair Kingson’s Special Hotel Ashland ated with m istletoe and lovely There are round pearl earrings bobbed and marcel­ bouquets of yellow and white which rest against the lobes of T. L. POWELL— General T rans­ chrysanthem um s. led. the ears, and there are pendant fer— Good team and motor Those present besides the host W. A. SHELL, Prop. spheres of pearl, gold or silver trucks. G >od service at a rea- >32 A. St. Ashland, Ore Bullet pendants, made of a kind aouab.'e price. Phone 83. of gun-metal, have been the vo­ for Fordsons FEHIGE-ROACH gue all Summer. They are worn T ransfer — Express — Storage with necklaces of the same order Hauling — Dray work of all and make a cheap ornam ent kinds. Quick motor service. Dry which is, nevertheless, very be­ We will he glad to demon­ [wood of all kinds. Phone 410-R coming to most faces. Cameos strate this attached to a 375 B ,S t. for the ears are becoming popu­ 112-tf lar, w ith the vogue for the large Fordson at our garage. Sage Tea and Sulphur Dark­ ASHLAND PAINT CO cameo brooch. Real Spanish e a r­ ens So Naturally that Dependable Physicians w arn against neglect- rings are the most adaptable, but Nobody can tell H Mti ™ ™ ? ra ?tOrS & P ecorators • ing coughs and colds and tell of they are rath er difficult to find. SWENNING & GEAR The original Spanish variety th e serious lung ‘complications 57-1 mo.* th a t may result. Leading physi* H air th at loses its color and Phone 408-J H A R R IS O N lustre, or when it fades, turns clans new prescribe BALSAMEA WOOD SAWING Brothers, Garage gray, dull and lifeless, is c a u s e d ___ ________ for all bronchial affections. BAL­ by a lack of sulphur in the hair. ; WANTED- -Wood sawing. Tel SAMEA is a pure vegetable prep­ Ford, Lincoln, Fordson Dealers Our grandm other made up a mix- 470.J 63— Imo* aration made from a newly dis­ tu re of Sage Tea and Sulphur to »■ . , covered plant... Dr. Benj. F. keep her locks dark and beauti- C rabtree, Anderson, Mo., w rites: ful, and thousands of women and “ I use it exclusively fo r my prac­ Comfort and conven­ men who value shade of hair OPEN NOSTRILS! ENO tice and my fam ily. I t Is quick, ience demand that there which is so attractive, use only A COLD OR CATARRH sure and safe in its action like be a toilet and washroom this old-time recipe. nothing else.” How To Get Relie f W hen Head Nowadays we get this famous Toward the end of the influ­ downstairs. and Hoee are Stuffed Up. m ixture improved by the addi­ enza epidemic a governm ent phy- tion of other ingredients by ask ­ Climbing stairs is wast­ sician noticed th a t a tribe of In- Buy Mileage Also ing at any drug store for a bot­ Count fifty! Your cold in head dla" 8 in Nevada’ by the use of O«8 ed energy. It can he saved Our Diamond Tires will tle of “ W yeth’s Sage and Sul­ phur Compound.” which darkens or catarrh disappears. Your clog- from a native plant were immune when there is a toilet and give you more miles per washroom installed on the the hair so naturally, so even- ged n o s trils w ill open, the air from the ravages of Influenza. dollar than you can get He used these oils among his ly, th at nobody can possibly tell Passa8es of your head will clear first floor. elsewhere. it has been applied. You ju st, nd you caa breathe freely. No white patients and then in a hos­ When shall we show pital overflowing with ‘d e ath ” dampen a sponge or soft brush more snuffling, hawking, mucous We guarantee them with it and draw this through di3Charge’ dryness or headache; cases. News of the results swept yon how economical it is O matter what the architecture of your home, if you want to protect it to the the hair, taking one small strand no struggling for breath at n ig h t' tbe woidd and tor some tim e it to have this convenience? Get a small bottle of Ely’s ' 7 as posSible to supply the utmost, you will select Carey Asbestos Slate Shingles. a t a time. By m orning the gray ' demand. Consider th a t th irty per cent of all fires are caused by outside contact, then you realize the im por­ h a ir disappears; but w hat de­ Cream Balm from your druggist BALSAMEA has now been and apply a little of this fro- tance of using asbestos shingles. Carey Asbestos Shingles bear th e Class B Label of the Under- lights the ladies with W yeth’s standardized and gives uniform ly ^ eritratoneS,rlR»C- T ^ 1S l,abel1in.d icates th a t the8e 8h^ g ’«! have successfully passed four g ran t antiseptic cream in your Sage and Sulphur Compound is very rigid tests, one of which is the placing of two 8” x 16” cedar shingles, thoroughly ignited on miraculous results in four ways: Phono 138 207 E. Main th a t, besides beautifully dark ­ nostrils. It penetrates through BOULEVARD and SHERMAN t? 3 ’5?bei’toA °- Sla tc Shingle roof (with space for air underneath) fanned by a 1. It soothes the inflamed mem­ twelve mile breeze. The Carey Asbestos Slate Shingle withstood all four tests perfectly. ening the hair after a few appli­ every air passage of the head, branes and relieves irritatio n , 2. cations. it also brings back the soothing and healing the swol­ Asbestos felt is thoroughly saturated with aspiialt and then coated with natural slate (in deep It increases secretion of mucous gloss and lustre and gives it an len or inflam ed mucous mem- n c colorings, blue-black, red and green)-- th a t is the way Carey Asbestos Slate Shingles are made.’ and perm its easy expectoration, brane, giving you instant relief appearance of abundance. Head colds and catarrh yield like) 3- R stim ulates pores of the skin They meet every possible requirement. Fire-resisting, durable, economical, attractive, practical. ’ , magic. Don’t stay stuffed-up and in throw ing off body poisons and 4 As> CSt°? ®la,te Shingles are approved by Underwriters’ Laboratories and carry the Class B It strikes a t the cause, checking miserable. Relief is sure. Underwriters label, thus meeting the requirem ents o f strict building codes. germ action immediately. Do not confuse it with ordin­ Mill City — Total of 10,000,- ary balsam cough syrups th a t are 000 salmon eggs taken on San- only soothing syrups and do not tiam river this season; 5,000,- go to the base of the trouble. 000 will b e 'h a tc h ed at Mehama Unlike other cough remedies hatchery. BALSAMEA is free from coal ta r and other harm ful narcotics Baker City — Exceptionally p ieasant to take and absolutely fine ore reported in shaft ex­ safe to give to children. tension of Baisley-Elkhorn mine Be sure you get BAL-SA-ME-A with the picture of the Indian on the package. G uaranteed to re­ DEMAND lief any cough, no m atter from what cause, or your money back. All druggists sell BALSAMEA. In Ashland buy it from Eastside Pharmacy. Classified Column N V I C K S EURALGIA PEIL’S CORNER Modern Business The Citizens Bank of Ashland Free Phonograph SEE THE LANG R ANGE Plaza Market T. K. Bolton Ttic ASHLAND FURNITURE GO. Saw P N E U M O N IA LOOK YOUNG, PRtTTY FROM COLDS Saves Climbing Stairs DON’T Buy Tires Utmost protection against weather and fire! Jerry O’Neal & N. Service Station IV. See ASHLAND LUMBER CO. Our is NOT on the Box, it is NOT STEEL RANGE Simpson’s Hardware Winchester Store N BROMfL QUININE “There is no other BROMO QUININE” Does Exactly What the Name Says The world’s greatest scientific remedy for curing a Cold. Made and recommended by manufacturers of TANLAC. the Far sale by all rood drureists for CHRONIC ¡COUGHS Proven Safe for more than a Quarter of a Century as an — effective remedy for COLDS, GRIP and INFLUENZA, and as a Preventive. Price 30 Cents. The First and Original Cold and Grip Tablet SLATE SHINGLES •