hAGE W O ASSLAM) DAILY tWOfö« Monday, December 1, 1034 A SH LA N D D A ILY T ID IN G S fact that good stories do not depend on facts. Facts are spective land Is described as f o l-} the double tracking of eleven At K lam ath Falls— lows: That portion of Lot Five, miles of the line. The maximum W. F. A rant of this city is in usually dull. Carr’s stories rarely. Royal Orchard more fully des- (Established ln 1876) gradient of the survey is but 1-2 Klam ath Falls on a combined bus- crlbed as follows: Beginning at Recently “ The Lancer” wrote earnestly for a para­ the S. E. corner of said Lot Five, j of 1 per cent — an extraordin-j iness and pleasure trip. Published Every Evening Except Sunday by graph about King Alfonso of Spain, whose philanderings ; of said Royal Orchard, running ary feat, when it is considered ' THE ASHLAND PRINTING GO. ■1 thence N. 175 feet; thence W. have helped that nation to ruin and anarchy. Then, to | i 200 th at the road will be built in the , feet; thence S 19 deg. 50’ W. L ert R. Greer '....... ..................................................................................Editor ¡relieve the strain of seriousness, he told the following I 531.4 feet; thence S. 215 feet; heart of the Rocky Mountains. George Madden Green ......................................................Business Manager I thence S. 89 deg 33’ E. 380 feet I story: “ The maximum curvature will ( ! to the point of beginning con- ---------- OFFICIAL CITY PA ^E R ......... 1 ....... ...................... ...........Telephone 89 be but ten degrees — very un-1 'Buy more flowers* “ He’s a human chap at that. taining 4.7 acres more or less. DENVER, Dec. 1. — A fter a Entered at the Ashland, Oregon Postoffice as Second Class Mail Matter (About one-half acne will be for h a,f c1N PROGRESS / '• A. - T he Franklin Bakery Phone 199 Medford Ask any member o f our organization — or mail this coupon — today! Grants Pass Klamath Falls CALIFO RNIA Dunsmuir T H Ç CALIFO RNIA OREGON P O W E R COM PANY MEDFORD. OREGON Please send m e full information about your 7% Preferred Stock and special partial payment plan. N am e. cA d d ress.